def solve(r): """ Solve the tracer transport problem for a given source radius. """ tp = AdaptiveSteadyProblem(op, print_progress=False) tp.set_initial_condition() tp.fields[0].tracer_source_2d = set_tracer_source(r) tp.setup_solver_forward_step(0) tp.solve_forward_step(0) return tp.fwd_solution_tracer
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'outputs', 'fixed_mesh', 'hdf5')) qois = {'aligned': [], 'offset': []} num_cells = [] dofs = [] qois_exact = {'aligned': [], 'offset': []} # Loop over mesh hierarchy for level in range(num_levels): # Solve PDE op = PointDischarge2dOptions(level=level, aligned=True) op.tracer_family = stabilisation = args.stabilisation or 'supg' op.stabilisation_tracer = None if stabilisation == 'none' else stabilisation op.anisotropic_stabilisation = False if args.anisotropic_stabilisation == '0' else True tp = AdaptiveSteadyProblem(op) tp.solve_forward() # Print element count num_cells.append(tp.mesh.num_cells()) dofs.append(tp.mesh.num_vertices()) print_output("\nMesh {:d} in the hierarchy".format(level + 1)) print_output(" Number of elements : {:d}".format(num_cells[-1])) # Evaluate QoI in aligned case qois['aligned'].append(tp.quantity_of_interest()) print_output(" Aligned QoI: {:.5f}".format(qois['aligned'][-1])) qois_exact['aligned'].append(op.analytical_qoi()) print_output(" (Exact : {:.5f})".format(qois_exact['aligned'][-1])) # Evaluate QoI in offset case
args = parser.parse_args() # Set parameters family = or 'cg' assert family in ('cg', 'dg') kwargs = { 'level': int(args.level or 0), 'plot_pvd': False, 'debug': bool(args.debug or False), } op = PointDischarge2dOptions(approach='fixed_mesh', **kwargs) op.tracer_family = family op.stabilisation_tracer = args.stabilisation op.anisotropic_stabilisation = bool(args.anisotropic_stabilisation or False) op.di = os.path.join(op.di, args.stabilisation or # Get analytical solution tp = AdaptiveSteadyProblem(op) analytical = op.analytical_solution(tp.Q[0]) # Plot fig, axes = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 3)) levels = np.linspace(0, 3, 50) tc = tricontourf(analytical, axes=axes, levels=levels, cmap='coolwarm') cbar = fig.colorbar(tc, ax=axes, orientation="horizontal", pad=0.1) cbar.set_ticks(np.linspace(0, 3, 7)) axes.set_xticks(np.linspace(0, 50, 6)) axes.xaxis.tick_top() axes.set_yticks(np.linspace(0, 10, 3)) savefig("analytical_solution", op.di, extensions=["jpg"])
from firedrake import * from time import perf_counter from adapt_utils.steady.solver import AdaptiveSteadyProblem from adapt_utils.steady.test_cases.point_discharge2d.options import PointDischarge2dOptions # Solve forward problem op = PointDischarge2dOptions(approach='dwr', level=2) op.tracer_family = 'cg' # TODO: 'dg' op.stabilisation_tracer = 'supg' # TODO: 'lax_friedrichs' op.anisotropic_stabilisation = True # TODO: False tp = AdaptiveSteadyProblem(op) tp.solve_forward() # Compute error c = op.analytical_solution(tp.Q[0]) c_h = tp.fwd_solution_tracer e = c.copy(deepcopy=True) e -= c_h # Evaluate QoI and create effectivity index function Je = assemble(op.set_qoi_kernel(op.default_mesh) * e * dx(degree=12)) I_eff = lambda eta: abs(eta / Je) # TODO: Global enrichment using hp-refinement # tic = perf_counter() # GE_hp_indicator = tp.dwr_indicator('tracer', mode='GE_hp') # GE_hp = tp.estimators['dwr'][0] # GE_hp_time = perf_counter() - tic
'level': int(args.level or 1), 'aligned': not offset, 'plot_pvd': False, 'debug': bool(args.debug or 0), } methods = ('GE_hp', 'GE_h', 'GE_p', 'DQ') assert args.enrichment_method in methods plot_dir = create_directory('plots') op = PointDischarge2dOptions(**kwargs) op.tracer_family = 'cg' op.stabilisation_tracer = 'supg' op.anisotropic_stabilisation = True op.enrichment_method = args.enrichment_method # Evaluate error indicator field tp = AdaptiveSteadyProblem(op, print_progress=False) tp.solve_forward() tp.solve_adjoint() tp.indicate_error('tracer') minpower = -15 maxpower = -3 minvalue = 1.0001*10**minpower maxvalue = 0.9999*10**maxpower indicator = interpolate(min_value(max_value(tp.indicator[op.enrichment_method], minvalue), maxvalue), tp.P0[0])[:] = np.log10( powers = np.linspace(minpower, maxpower, 50) # Plot indicator field fig, axes = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 2.5)) tc = tricontourf(indicator, axes=axes, levels=powers, cmap='coolwarm') axes.set_xticks([])
'debug': bool(args.debug or False), } op = PointDischarge2dOptions(approach='fixed_mesh', **kwargs) op.tracer_family = family stabilisation = args.stabilisation or 'supg' op.stabilisation_tracer = None if stabilisation == 'none' else stabilisation op.anisotropic_stabilisation = False if args.anisotropic_stabilisation == '0' else True alignment = 'offset' if offset else 'aligned' op.di = create_directory(os.path.join(op.di, op.stabilisation_tracer or family, alignment)) # TODO: Limiters? # --- Solve forward tp = AdaptiveSteadyProblem(op, print_progress=False) n = FacetNormal(tp.mesh) D = tp.fields[0].horizontal_diffusivity h = D.copy(deepcopy=True) h.assign(0.1) timestamp = perf_counter() tp.solve_forward() myprint("{:.4f}".format(perf_counter() - timestamp), time) J = tp.quantity_of_interest() def reduced_functional(m): """
# --- Set parameters family = or 'cg' assert family in ('cg', 'dg') kwargs = { 'level': int(args.level or 0), 'anisotropic_stabilisation': bool(args.anisotropic_stabilisation or False), 'plot_pvd': True, 'debug': bool(args.debug or False), } op = PointDischarge2dOptions(approach=args.load_mesh or 'fixed_mesh', **kwargs) op.tracer_family = family stabilisation = args.stabilisation or 'supg' op.stabilisation_tracer = None if stabilisation == 'none' else stabilisation op.anisotropic_stabilisation = False if args.anisotropic_stabilisation == '0' else True op.di = os.path.join(op.di, op.stabilisation_tracer or family) if args.load_mesh is not None: op.default_mesh = load_mesh("mesh", fpath=op.di) # TODO: Limiters? # --- Solve tp = AdaptiveSteadyProblem(op) tp.solve_forward() # Export to HDF5 op.plot_pvd = False export_field(tp.fwd_solution_tracer, "Tracer", "finite_element", fpath=op.di, op=op)