def sonomammo(conn, cursor, file_number):
    module_name = "sonomammo"
    check = False
    while not check:
        sonomammo = ask.ask_y_n("Sono-Mammography done?")
        if sonomammo:
            sonomammo = "Sono-Mammography done"
            sonomammo_date = input("Date of examination of Sono-mammography: ")
            sonomammo_acc = input("Accession number of Sono-Mammography: ")
            sonomammo_tissue = ask.ask_option("Tissue Composition", [
                "a. Homogeneous background echotexture – fat",
                "b. Homogeneous background echotexture – fibroglandular",
                "c. Heterogeneous background echotexture", "Other"
            mass_sonomammo = ask.ask_y_n("Is there any mass detected")
            if mass_sonomammo:
                table = "sonnomammography_multiple_mass"
                mass_number_sonomammo, mass_location, mass_quad, mass_clock, mass_depth, mass_distance, mass_pect, \
                mass_shape_sonomammo, mass_orientation_sonomammo, mass_margin_sonomammo, mass_echo_sonomammo, \
                mass_posterior_sonomammo = radio_tables_old.multiple_mass(table, conn, cursor, file_number)
                mass_number_sonomammo = "No Mass Detected"
                mass_location, mass_quad, mass_clock, mass_depth, mass_distance, mass_pect, mass_shape_sonomammo, \
                mass_orientation_sonomammo, mass_margin_sonomammo, mass_echo_sonomammo, \
                mass_posterior_sonomammo = ("NA",) * 11
            sonomammo_calc = ask.ask_option("Calcification", [
                "Right Breast", "Left Breast", "Both", "Not present", "Other"
            if sonomammo_calc == "Not present":
                sonomammo_calc_type = "NA"
                sonomammo_calc_type = ask.ask_option(
                    "Calcification location", [
                        "Calcifications in a mass",
                        "Calcifications outside of a mass",
                        "Intraductal calcifications"
            sonomammo_arch = ask.ask_option("Architectural distortion", [
                "Right Breast", "Left Breast", "Both", "Not present", "Other"
            sonomammo_duct = ask.ask_option("Duct Changes", [
                "Right Breast", "Left Breast", "Both", "Not present", "Other"
            sonomammo_skin = ask.ask_y_n("Skin Changes")
            if sonomammo_skin:
                sonomammo_skin = ask.ask_option(
                    "Type of skin changes",
                    ["Skin thickening", "Skin retraction"])
                sonomammo_skin = "No skin changes"
            sonomammo_edema = ask.ask_option("Edema", [
                "Right Breast", "Left Breast", "Both", "Not present", "Other"
            sonomammo_vasc = ask.ask_option(
                ["Absent", "Internal vascularity", "Vessels in rim", "Other"])
            sonomammo_elast = ask.ask_option(
                "Elasticity assessment",
                ["Soft", "Intermediate", "Hard", "Other"])
            sonomammo_lymph_intra = input(
                "Description of intramammary lymph nodes: ")
            sonomammo_lymph_ax = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
                "Axillary Lymph Nodes", ["Normal", "Abnormal"])
            if sonomammo_lymph_ax == "Abnormal":
                lymph_ax_cort = input("Cortical thickness: ")
                lymph_ax_hilum = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
                    "Axillary lymph node hilum",
                    ["Lost", "Thin", "Preserved", "Other"])
                lymph_ax_vasc = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
                    "Axillary lymph node vascularity",
                    ["Ventral", "Peripheral", "Other"])
                lymph_ax_cort, lymph_ax_hilum, lymph_ax_vasc = ("NA", ) * 3
            sonomammo_sol_duct = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n(
                "Is solitary dilated duct present?")
            if sonomammo_sol_duct:
                sol_duct_loc = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
                    "Location of Solitary Dilated duct",
                    ["Right Breast", "Left Breast", "Both"])
                sol_duct_diam = input(
                    "Diameter of solitary dilated duct (mm): ")
                sol_mass = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n(
                    "Is Intra-ductal solid mass present?",
                    "Intra-ductal Solid Mass Present",
                    "Intra-ductal Solid Mass Absent")
                sol_duct_loc = "Not Present"
                sol_duct_diam, sol_mass = ("NA", ) * 2
            sonomammo_shear = input(
                "Strain and shear wave velocity on elastography type/pattern: "
            sonomammo_vtq = input("Median Shear Velocity (VTQ) in m/s: ")
            other = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n("Are there any other findings?")
            if other:
                    "If more than one other finding, chose Other and enter findings separated by ; "
                sonomammo_other = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
                    "Other Findings", [
                        "Simple cyst", "Clustered microcysts",
                        "Complicated cyst", "Mass in or on skin",
                        "Foreign body including implants",
                        "Vascular abnormalities",
                        "AVMs (arteriovenous malformations/"
                        "pseudoaneurysms)", "Mondor disease",
                        "Postsurgical fluid collection", "Fat necrosis", "Other"
                sonomammo_other = "NA"
            sono_birad = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n(
                "Does the report include a BI-RAD assessment/Diagnosis?")
            if sono_birad:
                sonomammo_birad, sonomammo_diag = radio_tables_old.birads()
                sonomammo_birad, sonomammo_diag = ("NA", ) * 2
            sonomammo = "Sono-Mammography not done"
            sonomammo_date, sonomammo_acc, sonomammo_tissue, mass_number_sonomammo, mass_location, mass_quad, \
            mass_clock, mass_depth, mass_distance, mass_pect, mass_shape_sonomammo, mass_orientation_sonomammo, \
            mass_margin_sonomammo, mass_echo_sonomammo, mass_posterior_sonomammo, sonomammo_calc, sonomammo_calc_type, \
            sonomammo_arch, sonomammo_duct, sonomammo_skin, sonomammo_edema, sonomammo_vasc, sonomammo_elast, \
            sonomammo_lymph_intra, sonomammo_lymph_ax, lymph_ax_cort, lymph_ax_hilum, lymph_ax_vasc, sol_duct_loc, \
            sol_duct_diam, sol_mass, sonomammo_other, sonomammo_shear, sonomammo_vtq, sonomammo_birad, \
            sonomammo_diag = ("NA",) * 36
        data_list = [
            sonomammo, sonomammo_date, sonomammo_acc, sonomammo_tissue,
            mass_number_sonomammo, mass_location, mass_quad, mass_clock,
            mass_depth, mass_distance, mass_pect, mass_shape_sonomammo,
            mass_orientation_sonomammo, mass_margin_sonomammo,
            mass_echo_sonomammo, mass_posterior_sonomammo, sonomammo_calc,
            sonomammo_calc_type, sonomammo_arch, sonomammo_duct,
            sonomammo_skin, sonomammo_edema, sonomammo_vasc, sonomammo_elast,
            sonomammo_lymph_intra, sonomammo_lymph_ax, lymph_ax_cort,
            lymph_ax_hilum, lymph_ax_vasc, sol_duct_loc, sol_duct_diam,
            sol_mass, sonomammo_shear, sonomammo_vtq, sonomammo_other,
            sonomammo_birad, sonomammo_diag
        columns_list = names(module_name)
        check = add_update_sql.review_input(file_number, columns_list,
    return (tuple(data_list))
def mri_breast(conn, cursor, file_number, user_name):
    module_name = "mri_breast"
    check = False
    while not check:
        mri_breast = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n("Has MRI-Breast been done?")
        if mri_breast:
            mri_breast = "MRI-Breast done"
            mri_breast_date = input("Date of examination of MRI: ")
            mri_breast_acc = input(
                "Accession number of MRI (Include location): ")
            fgt_mri = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
                "Ammount of Fibroglandular Tissue", [
                    "a. Almost entirely fat",
                    "b. Scattered fibroglandular tissue",
                    "c. Heterogeneous fibroglandular tissue",
                    "d. Extreme fibroglandular tissue", "Other"
            bpe_level_mri = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
                "Background parenchymal enhancement Level",
                ["Minimal", "Mild", "Moderate", "Marked", "Other"])
            bpe_symm_mri = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
                "Background parenchymal enhancement Symmetry",
                ["Symmetric", "Asymmetric", "Other"])
            focus_mri = input("Details of Focus: ")
            mass_mri = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n("Are masses detected?")
            if mass_mri:
                mass_mri = "Mass Detected"
                table = "mri_multiple_mass"
                mri_mass_number, mass_location, mass_quad, mass_shape, mass_margin, mass_internal = \
                    radio_tables_old.multiple_mass(table, conn, cursor, file_number)
                mass_mri = "No Mass Detected"
                mri_mass_number, mass_location, mass_quad, mass_shape, mass_margin, mass_internal = (
                    "NA", ) * 6
            asso_feat = [
                "Nipple Retraction", "Nipple Invasion", "Skin Retraction",
                "Skin Thickening", "Axillary adenopathy",
                "Pectoralis muscle invasion", "Chest wall invasion",
                "Architectural Distortion"
            asso_feat_data = []
            for index in (asso_feat):
                print("Associated feature: " + index)
                print("Detailed description can be added by choosing 'Other'")
                var = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(index, [
                    "Right Breast", "Left Breast", "Both", "Not Present",
            asso_feat_9 = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
                "Associated Feature: Skin Invasion",
                ["Direct invasion", "Inflammatory cancer", "Other"])
            asso_feat_1, asso_feat_2, asso_feat_3, asso_feat_4, asso_feat_5, asso_feat_6, asso_feat_7, \
            asso_feat_8 = asso_feat_data
            fat_lesions = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
                "Fat Containing Lesions", [
                    "Lymph nodes: Normal", "Lymph nodes: Abnormal",
                    "Fat necrosis", "Hamartoma", "Postoperative seroma",
                    "hematoma with fat"
            mri_breast_kinetics_initial = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
                "Kinetic curve assessment Signal intensity "
                "(SI)/time curve description (Initial Phase)",
                ["Slow", "Medium", "Fast", "Other"])
            mri_breast_kinetics_delayed = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
                "Kinetic curve assessment Signal intensity "
                "(SI)/time curve description (Delayed Phase)",
                ["Persistent", "Plateau", "Washout", "Other"])
            mri_breast_non_enhance = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
                "Non-enhancing findings", [
                    "Ductal precontrast high signal on T1W", "Cyst",
                    "Postoperative collections (hematoma/seroma)",
                    "Post-therapy skin thickening and trabecular "
                    "thickening", "Signal void from foreign bodies, "
                    "clips, etc.", "Other"
            mri_breast_implant = input("Implant related findings: ")
            mri_breast_lesion = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
                "Location of lesion",
                ["Right Breast", "Left Breast", "Both", "Not present"])
            if mri_breast_lesion in {"Right Breast", "Left Breast", "Both"}:
                mri_breast_lesion_location = radio_tables_old.lesion_location(
                mri_breast_lesion_depth = input("Lesion depth: ")
                mri_breast_lesion_location, mri_breast_lesion_depth = (
                    "NA", ) * 2
            mri_breast_size = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
                "Size of lesion", ["<2 cm", "2-5 cm", ">5 cm", "Other"])
            mri_breast_dist = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option(
                "Distance from Skin (cm)", ["<0.5 cm", ">0.5 cm", "Other"])
            mri_breast_pect = input("Distance from Pectoralis Major (cm): ")
            mri_breast_birad = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n(
                "Does the report include a BI-RAD assessment/Diagnosis?")
            if mri_breast_birad:
                mri_breast_birad, mri_breast_birad_diag = radio_tables_old.birads(
                mri_breast_birad, mri_breast_birad_diag = ("NA", ) * 2
            mri_breast = "MRI-Breast not done"
            mri_breast_date, mri_breast_acc, fgt_mri, bpe_level_mri, bpe_symm_mri, focus_mri, mass_mri, mri_mass_number, \
            mass_location, mass_quad, mass_shape, mass_margin, mass_internal, asso_feat_1, asso_feat_2, asso_feat_3, \
            asso_feat_4, asso_feat_5, asso_feat_6, asso_feat_7, asso_feat_8, asso_feat_9, fat_lesions, \
            mri_breast_lesion, mri_breast_lesion_location, mri_breast_lesion_depth, mri_breast_kinetics_initial, \
            mri_breast_kinetics_delayed, mri_breast_non_enhance, mri_breast_implant, mri_breast_size, mri_breast_dist, \
            mri_breast_pect, mri_breast_birad, mri_breast_birad_diag = ("NA",) * 35
        data_list = [
            mri_breast, mri_breast_date, mri_breast_acc, fgt_mri,
            bpe_level_mri, bpe_symm_mri, focus_mri, mass_mri, mri_mass_number,
            mass_location, mass_quad, mass_shape, mass_margin, mass_internal,
            asso_feat_1, asso_feat_2, asso_feat_3, asso_feat_4, asso_feat_5,
            asso_feat_6, asso_feat_7, asso_feat_8, asso_feat_9, fat_lesions,
            mri_breast_kinetics_initial, mri_breast_kinetics_delayed,
            mri_breast_non_enhance, mri_breast_implant, mri_breast_lesion,
            mri_breast_lesion_location, mri_breast_lesion_depth,
            mri_breast_size, mri_breast_dist, mri_breast_pect,
            mri_breast_birad, mri_breast_birad_diag, user_name,
        columns_list = names(module_name)
        check = add_update_sql.review_input(file_number, columns_list,
    return (tuple(data_list))
def mammography(conn, cursor, file_number):
    module_name = "mammography"
    check = False
    while not check:
        mammo_loc = ask.ask_option("Mammography Diagnosis at",
                                   ["PCCM", "Outside", "Other"])
        mammo_details = ask.ask_y_n("First Mammography?")
        if mammo_details:
            mammo_date = input("Date when mammography done: ")
            mammo_details = "First Mammography"
            mammo_number, mammo_rep_previous = ("NA", ) * 2
            mammo_date = input("Date of last mammography done: ")
            mammo_details = "More than one Mammography"
            mammo_number = input("Number of mammographies undergone: ")
            mammo_rep_previous = input("Report of previous mammography: ")
        mammo = ask.ask_y_n("Mammography diagnosis done")
        if mammo:
            mammo = "Mammography diagnosis done"
            mammo_diag_date = input("Date of mammography diagnosis: ")
            mammo_diag_acc = input(
                "Accession number of mammography diagnosis: ")
            breast_density = ask.ask_option("Density of breast", [
                "a. The breasts are almost entirely fatty",
                "b. There are scattered areas of fibroglandular density",
                "c. The breasts are heterogeneously dense, which may obscure"
                " small masses", "d. The breasts are extremely "
                "dense which lowers the sensitivity of "
            mammo_mass_location = ask.ask_y_n("Is there any mass detected")
            if mammo_mass_location:
                table = "mammography_multiple_mass"
                mass_number, mammo_mass_location, mammo_mass_location_quad, mammo_mass_depth, mammo_mass_dist, \
                mammo_mass_pect, mammo_mass_shape, mammo_mass_margin, mammo_mass_density = radio_tables_old.multiple_mass(
                    table, conn, cursor, file_number)
                mass_number = "No mass detected"
                mammo_mass_location, mammo_mass_location_quad, mammo_mass_depth, mammo_mass_dist, mammo_mass_pect, \
                mammo_mass_shape, mammo_mass_margin, mammo_mass_density = ("NA",) * 8
            calc = ask.ask_y_n("Is Calcification present?")
            if calc:
                calc_number, calc_location, location_quad, calc_depth, calc_dist, calc_pect, calc_name, calc_type, \
                calc_distribution = radio_tables_old.cal_table(file_number, conn, cursor)
                calc_number = "No Calcification detected"
                calc_location, location_quad, calc_depth, calc_dist, calc_pect, calc_name, calc_type, calc_distribution = \
                    ("NA",) * 8
            mammo_arch, arch_loc, arch_quad, arch_depth, arch_dist, arch_pect = radio_tables_old.mammo_arch(
            asym_loc, asym_quad, asym_depth, asym_dist, asym_pect, mammo_asymm = radio_tables_old.mammo_asym(
            intra_lymph = ask.ask_y_n("Are intra-mammary lymph nodes present?")
            if intra_lymph:
                mammo_intra = input(
                    "Description of intra-mammary lymph nodes: ")
                mammo_intra = "Intra-mammary lymph nodes not present"
            lesion = ask.ask_y_n("Skin Lesion present?")
            if lesion:
                mammo_lesion = ask.ask_option(
                    "Location of lesion",
                    ["Right Breast", "Left Breast", "Both"])
                mammo_lesion = "NA"
            asso_feat_1, asso_feat_2, asso_feat_3, asso_feat_4, asso_feat_5, asso_feat_6, \
            asso_feat_7 = radio_tables_old.mammo_asso_feat()
            mammo_birad = ask.ask_y_n(
                "Does the report include a BI-RAD assessment/diagnosis?")
            if mammo_birad:
                mammo_birad, mammo_diag = radio_tables_old.birads()
                mammo_birad, mammo_diag = ("NA", ) * 2
            mammo = "Mammography diagnosis not done"
            mammo_diag_date, mammo_diag_acc, breast_density, mass_number, mammo_mass_location, mammo_mass_location_quad, \
            mammo_mass_depth, mammo_mass_dist, mammo_mass_pect, mammo_mass_shape, mammo_mass_margin, mammo_mass_density, \
            calc_number, calc_location, location_quad, calc_depth, calc_dist, calc_pect, calc_name, calc_type, \
            calc_distribution, mammo_arch, arch_loc, arch_quad, arch_depth, arch_dist, arch_pect, asym_loc, asym_quad, asym_depth, asym_dist, \
            asym_pect, mammo_asymm, mammo_intra, mammo_lesion, asso_feat_1, asso_feat_2, asso_feat_3, asso_feat_4, \
            asso_feat_5, asso_feat_6, asso_feat_7, mammo_birad, mammo_diag = ("NA",) * 42
        data_list = [
            mammo_loc, mammo_details, mammo_date, mammo_number,
            mammo_rep_previous, mammo, mammo_diag_date, mammo_diag_acc,
            str(mass_number), mammo_mass_location, mammo_mass_location_quad,
            mammo_mass_depth, mammo_mass_dist, mammo_mass_pect,
            mammo_mass_shape, mammo_mass_margin, mammo_mass_density,
            calc_number, calc_location, location_quad, calc_depth, calc_dist,
            calc_pect, calc_name, calc_type, calc_distribution, mammo_arch,
            arch_loc, arch_quad, arch_depth, arch_dist, arch_pect, asym_loc,
            asym_quad, asym_depth, asym_dist, asym_pect, mammo_asymm,
            mammo_intra, mammo_lesion, asso_feat_1, asso_feat_2, asso_feat_3,
            asso_feat_4, asso_feat_5, asso_feat_6, asso_feat_7, mammo_birad,
        columns_list = names(module_name)
        check = add_update_sql.review_input(file_number, columns_list,
    return (tuple(data_list))