 def __init__(self, shortform, window=100):
     self.shortform = shortform
     self._internal_trie = _TrieNode(shortform=shortform)
     self._stemmer = WatchfulStemmer()
     self.window = window
     self._alignment_scores_computed = False
     self._scores_propagated = False
 def __init__(self, shortform, window=100, exclude=None):
     self.shortform = shortform
     self._internal_trie = _TrieNode()
     self._longforms = {}
     self._stemmer = WatchfulStemmer()
     self.window = window
     if exclude is None:
         self.exclude = set()
         self.exclude = exclude
def test_watchful_stemmer():
    """Test the watchful stemmer"""
    stemmer = WatchfulStemmer()
    words = (['verb'] * 3 + ['verbs'] * 5 + ['verbed'] * 2 + ['verbing'] +
             ['verbings'] * 8 + ['verbification'] * 5 +
             ['verbifications'] * 3 + ['verbize'] * 7 + ['verbization'] * 2 +
             ['verbizations'] * 4)
    for word in words:
    assert stemmer.most_frequent('verb') == 'verbings'
    assert stemmer.most_frequent('verbif') == 'verbification'
    assert stemmer.most_frequent('verbiz') == 'verbize'
    assert stemmer.most_frequent('verbize') == 'verbizations'

    assert stemmer.counts['verb']['verbs'] == 5
    assert stemmer.counts['verb']['verbing'] == 1
    assert stemmer.counts['verbize']['verbization'] == 2
    assert stemmer.counts['verbif']['verbifications'] == 3

    # raises value error if stem has not been observed
def load_adeft_miner_from_dict(dictionary):
    """Loads an AdeftMiner from dictionary serialization

    dictionary : dict
        Dictionary representation of AdeftMiner as returned by its
        dump method

    shortform = dictionary['shortform']
    out = AdeftMiner(shortform, window=dictionary['window'])
    out._internal_trie = load_trie(dictionary['internal_trie'], shortform)
    out._stemmer = WatchfulStemmer(dictionary['stemmer'])
    return out
class AdeftMiner(object):
    """Finds possible longforms corresponding to an abbreviation in a text

    Makes use of the `Acromine <http://www.chokkan.org/research/acromine/>`_
    algorithm developed by Okazaki and Ananiadou, combined with an alignment
    based longform scoring method we've developed.

    Acromine based likelihood scores are scaled to the range [0, 1] using the
    formula (likelihood_score - 1)/(M + smoothing_param - 1).  Where
    smoothing_param is a positive number and M is the maximum likelihood score
    between a candidate node and all of its ancestors and descendents
    (technically this score can be less than 0 for some poor candidate

    Scaled likelihood scores are combined with alignment based scores through
    a weighted average where the weight associated to the alignment based score
    decays exponentially with the value of M defined above. This gives more
    weight to the alignment based score for rarer longform expansions which the
    Acromine algorithm has difficulty handling.

    [Okazaki06] Naoaki Okazaki and Sophia Ananiadou. "Building an abbreviation
    dicationary using a term recognition approach".
    Bioinformatics. 2006. Oxford University Press.

    shortform : str
        Shortform to disambiguate

    window : Optional[int]
        Specifies range of characters before a defining pattern (DP)
        to consider when finding longforms. If set to 30, candidate
        longforms would be taken from the string
        "ters before a defining pattern". Default: 100

    _internal_trie : :py:class:`adeft.discover._TrieNode`
        Stores trie data-structure used to implement the algorithm

    _stemmer : :py:class:`adeft.nlp.stem.SnowCounter`
        English stemmer that keeps track of counts of the number of times a
        given word has been mapped to a given stem. Wraps the class
        EnglishStemmer from nltk.stem.snowball

    _alignment_scores_computed : bool
        Will be True if alignment scores have been computed for the current
        state of the candidate trie. It is reset to False any time the
        process_texts method is run

    _scores_propagated : bool
        Will be True if best ancestor and best descendent likelihood scores
        have been propagated to each node for the current state of the
        candidate trie. It is reset to False any time the process_texts method
        is run.
    def __init__(self, shortform, window=100):
        self.shortform = shortform
        self._internal_trie = _TrieNode(shortform=shortform)
        self._stemmer = WatchfulStemmer()
        self.window = window
        self._alignment_scores_computed = False
        self._scores_propagated = False

    def process_texts(self, texts):
        """Update longform candidate scores from a corpus of texts

        Runs co-occurence statistics in a corpus of texts to compute
        likelihood scores for candidate longforms associated to the shortform.
        This is an online method, it can be run multiple times to process_texts
        multiple batches of text. This allows previously trained AdeftMiners to
        be updated when new content becomes available.

        texts : list of str
            A list of texts
        for text in texts:
            # lonform candidates taken from a window of text before each
            # defining pattern
            fragments = get_candidate_fragments(text, self.shortform,
            for fragment in fragments:
                if fragment:
                    candidate, _ = get_candidate(fragment)
        self._alignment_scores_computed = False
        self._scores_propagated = False

    def top(self,
        """Return top scoring candidates.

        limit : Optional[int]
            Limit for the number of candidates to return. Default: None

        smoothing_param : Optional[float]
            Smoothing parameter for the scaled likelihood score.  Likelihood
            scores are scaled using the formula
            (likelihood_score - 1)/(M + smoothing_param - 1)
            where M is the maximum likelihood score between a candidate node
            and all of its ancestors and descendents (technically this score
            can be less than 0 for some poor candidate longforms).
            Larger values of smoothing_param lead to more penalization of
            candidates with small count. Default: 4

        use_alignment_based_scoring : Optional[bool]
            If true use combined acromine/alignment scoring. Alignment
            scores will be computed with default parameters if they have
            not been computed previously using the compute_alignment_scores
            method. The combined score is a weighted average of the acromine
            score and the alignment based score, with weight for the alignment
            based score decaying exponentially with M, the maximum likelihood
            score between a candidate node and all of its ancestors and

        weight_decay_param : Optional[float]
            Adjusts rate of decay for alignment score with respect to the
            Value of M (maximum likelihood score between a candidate node and
            all of its ancestors and descendents.)

            score = weight*alignment_score + (1-weight)*likelihood_score

            where weight = e^{-weight_decay_param*max(M, 0)}

        max_length : Optional[str|int|None]
            Maximum number of tokens in an accepted longform. If None, accepted
            longforms can be arbitrarily long. If 'auto', max_length is set
            to 2*len(self.shortform)+1

        candidates : list of tuple
            List of tuples, each containing a candidate string, it's associated
            score, and it's count. Sorted first in descending order by
            likelihood score, then by count, and length from shortest
            to longest candidate measured in number of tokens, and finally by
            lexicographic order.
        if max_length == 'auto':
            max_length = 2 * len(self.shortform) + 1
        score_func = self._get_score_function(smoothing_param,
        root = self._internal_trie
        stack = [(root, 0)]
        result = []
        while stack:
            current, depth = stack.pop()
            if max_length is not None and depth + 1 > max_length:
            for child in current.children.values():
                score, count = score_func(child)
                    self._make_readable(child.longform), count, score
                stack.append((child, depth + 1))
        result.sort(key=lambda x: (-x[3], -x[2], len(x[0]), x[1]))
        return [(longform, score, count)
                for _, longform, score, count in result[:limit]]

    def get_longforms(self,
        """Return a list of extracted longforms with their scores

        Traverse the candidates trie to search for nodes with score
        greater than or equal to the scores of all children and strictly
        greater than the scores of all ancestors.

        cutoff : Optional[int]
            Return only longforms with a score greater than the cutoff.
            Default: 0.1

        smoothing_param : Optional[float]
            Smoothing parameter for the scaled likelihood score.  Likelihood
            scores are scaled using the formula
            (likelihood_score - 1)/(M + smoothing_param - 1)
            where M is the maximum likelihood score between a candidate node
            and all of its ancestors and descendents (technically this score
            can be less than 0 for some poor candidate longforms).
            Larger values of smoothing_param lead to more penalization of
            candidates with small count. Default: 4

        use_alignment_based_scoring : Optional[bool]
            If true use combined acromine/alignment scoring. Alignment
            scores will be computed with default parameters if they have
            not been computed previously using the compute_alignment_scores
            method. The combined score is a weighted average of the acromine
            score and the alignment based score, with weight for the alignment
            based score decaying exponentially with M, the maximum likelihood
            score between a candidate node and all of its ancestors and

        weight_decay_param : Optional[float]
            Adjusts rate of decay for alignment score with respect to the
            Value of M (maximum likelihood score between a candidate node and
            all of its ancestors and descendents.)

            score = weight*alignment_score + (1-weight)*likelihood_score

            where weight = e^{-weight_decay_param*max(M, 0)}

        max_length : Optional[str|int|None]
            Maximum number of tokens in an accepted longform. If None, accepted
            longforms can be arbitrarily long. If 'auto', max_length is set
            to 2*len(self.shortform)+1

        longforms : list of tuple
            list of triples of the form (longform, count, score)
            It is sorted in descending order by count and then score.
            Ties are resolved through lexicographic order.
        if max_length == 'auto':
            max_length = 2 * len(self.shortform) + 1

        def _get_longform_helper(node, score_func, depth):
            if not node.children or (max_length is not None
                                     and depth == max_length):
                score, count = score_func(node)
                return [(node.longform, score, count)]
            result = []
            for child in node.children.values():
                child_longforms = _get_longform_helper(child, score_func,
                                                       depth + 1)
                result.extend([(longform, score, count)
                               for longform, score, count in child_longforms
                               if node.is_root() or score > score_func(node)[0]
            if not result:
                score, count = score_func(node)
                result = [(node.longform, score, count)]
            return result

        score_func = self._get_score_function(smoothing_param,
        root = self._internal_trie
        longforms = _get_longform_helper(root, score_func, 0)
        # Convert longforms as tuples in reverse order into reader strings
        # mapping stems back to the most frequent token that had been mapped
        longforms = [(longform, score, count)
                     for longform, score, count in longforms if score > cutoff]

        # Map stems to the most frequent word that had been mapped to them.
        # Convert longforms as tuples in reverse order into reader strings
        # mapping stems back to the most frequent token that had been
        # mapped to them. tuple of stemmed tokens can be recovered by
        # tokenizing, stemming, and reversing
        longforms = [(self._make_readable(longform), score, count)
                     for longform, score, count in longforms]

        # Sort in preferred order
        longforms = sorted(longforms, key=lambda x: (-x[2], -x[1], x[0]))

        return [(longform, count, score)
                for longform, score, count in longforms]

    def _propagate_scores(self):
        """Add best descendent and best ancestor likelihood scores for nodes
        root = self._internal_trie
        stack = [root]
        while stack:
            current = stack.pop()
            for _, child in current.children.items():
                if child.score > current.best_ancestor_score:
                    child.best_ancestor_score = child.score
                    child.best_ancestor_score = current.best_ancestor_score
            if not current.children:
                current.best_descendent_score = current.score
                while (current.parent is not None and
                       (current.best_descendent_score > current.parent.score
                        or not current.parent.best_descendent_score)):
                    parent = current.parent
                    if parent.score > current.best_descendent_score:
                        parent.best_descendent_score = parent.score
                        parent.best_descendent_score = \
                    current = parent

    def compute_alignment_scores(self, **params):
        """Compute and add alignment scores to candidate nodes in trie

            Parameters for py:class`AlignmentBasedScorer`
        abs_ = AlignmentBasedScorer(self.shortform, **params)
        root = self._internal_trie
        stack = [root]
        # Perform depth first search calculating scores for each candidate in
        # trie. Alignment score of best ancestor is used to decide how current
        # node is processed (No computation is performed if score cannot be
        # improved. No computation for permutations with inversion count that
        # makes improving on best score impossible.
        while stack:
            current = stack.pop()
            for token, child in current.children.items():
                data = [
                    current.alignment_score, current.encoded_tokens,
                    current.word_prizes, current.best_ancestor_align_score,
                    current.best_char_scores, current.sum_parent_word_scores,
                new_data = abs_._next_score(token, *data)
                child.alignment_score = new_data[0]
                child.encoded_tokens = new_data[1]
                child.word_prizes = new_data[2]
                child.best_ancestor_align_score = new_data[3]
                child.best_char_scores = new_data[4]
                child.sum_parent_word_scores = new_data[5]
                child.stop_count = new_data[6]
        self._abs_fit = True

    def prune(self, max_depth):
        """Prune away all nodes with depth greater than max_depth

        max_depth : int
            Positive integer. Maximum depth for nodes to keep in the candidate
            trie. Corresponds to maximum number of tokens in longforms.
        root = self._internal_trie
        stack = [(root, 0)]
        while stack:
            current, depth = stack.pop()
            if depth + 1 > max_depth:
                for child in current.children.values():
                    child = None
                current.children = {}
            for stack in current.children.values():
                stack.append((child, depth + 1))

    def _add(self, tokens):
        """Add a list of tokens to the internal trie and update likelihoods.

        tokens : str
            A list of tokens to add to the internal trie.

        # start at top of trie
        current = self._internal_trie
        # apply snowball stemmer to each token and put them in reverse order
        tokens = tuple(self._stemmer.stem(token) for token in tokens)[::-1]
        for token in tokens:
            if token not in current.children:
                # candidate longform is observed for the first time
                # add a new entry for it in the trie
                longform = current.longform + (token, )
                new = _TrieNode(longform, parent=current)
                # update likelihood of current node to account for the new
                # child unless current node is the root
                if not current.is_root():
                # set newly observed longform to be the child of current node
                current.children[token] = new
                # update current node to the newly formed node
                current = new
                # candidate longform has been observed before
                # update count for candidate longform and associated LH value
                # Update entry for candidate longform in the candidates
                # dictionary
                if not current.is_root():
                    # we are not at the top of the trie. observed candidate
                    # has a parent
                    # update likelihood of candidate's parent
                    count = current.children[token].count
                current = current.children[token]

    def _get_score_function(self, smoothing_param, use_alignment_based_scoring,
        """Returns scoring function for determining longforms

        Also computes alignment scores and propagates acromine score
        information for ancestors and descendents in the tree of candidates
        if necessary.
        if not self._scores_propagated:
            self._scores_propagated = True

        def scaled_score(node):
            numerator = node.score - 1
            denominator = max(node.best_ancestor_score,
            denominator += smoothing_param - 1
            score = 0 if denominator <= 0 else numerator / denominator
            return score

        if not use_alignment_based_scoring:

            def score_func(node):
                return scaled_score(node), node.count
            if not self._alignment_scores_computed:
                self._alignment_scores_computed = True

            def score_func(node):
                acro_score = scaled_score(node)
                phi = np.exp(-weight_decay_param *
                             max(0, node.best_ancestor_score - 1,
                                 node.best_descendent_score - 1))
                score = phi * node.alignment_score + (1 - phi) * acro_score
                return score, node.count

        return score_func

    def _make_readable(self, tokens):
        """Convert longform from internal representation to a human readable one
        return ' '.join(
            self._stemmer.most_frequent(token) for token in tokens[::-1])

    def to_dict(self):
        """Returns dictionary serialization of AdeftMiner
        out = {}
        out['shortform'] = self.shortform
        out['internal_trie'] = self._internal_trie.to_dict()
        out['stemmer'] = self._stemmer.dump()
        out['window'] = self.window
        return out

    def dump(self, f):
        """Serialize AdeftMiner to json into file f"""
        json.dump(self.to_dict(), f)

    def update(self, adeft_miner):
        """Compose two adeft miners trained on separate texts"""
        stack = [(self._internal_trie, deepcopy(adeft_miner._internal_trie))]
        while stack:
            left, right = stack.pop()
            for token, child in right.children.items():
                if token not in left.children:
                    left.children[token] = child
                    if not left.is_root():
                        left.update_likelihood(child.count, child.count)
                    current = left.children[token]
                    if not left.is_root():
                        count1, count2 = current.count, child.count
                        left.update_likelihood(count1, count2)
                    stack.append((current, child))
class AdeftMiner(object):
    """Finds possible longforms corresponding to an abbreviation in a text

    Makes use of the `Acromine <http://www.chokkan.org/research/acromine/>`_
    algorithm developed by Okazaki and Ananiadou.

    [Okazaki06] Naoaki Okazaki and Sophia Ananiadou. "Building an
    abbreviation dicationary using a term recognition approach".
    Bioinformatics. 2006. Oxford University Press.

    shortform : str
        Shortform to disambiguate

    window : Optional[int]
        Specifies range of characters before a defining pattern (DP)
        to consider when finding longforms. If set to 30, candidate
        longforms would be taken from the string
        "ters before a defining pattern". Default: 100

    exclude : Optional[set of str]
        Terms that are to be excluded from candidate longforms.
        Default: None

    _internal_trie : :py:class:`adeft.discover._TrieNode`
        Stores trie data-structure used to implement the algorithm

    _longforms : dict
        Dictionary mapping candidate longforms to their likelihoods as
        produced by the acromine algorithm

    _stemmer : :py:class:`adeft.nlp.stem.SnowCounter`
        English stemmer that keeps track of counts of the number of times a
        given word has been mapped to a given stem. Wraps the class
        EnglishStemmer from nltk.stem.snowball
    def __init__(self, shortform, window=100, exclude=None):
        self.shortform = shortform
        self._internal_trie = _TrieNode()
        self._longforms = {}
        self._stemmer = WatchfulStemmer()
        self.window = window
        if exclude is None:
            self.exclude = set()
            self.exclude = exclude

    def process_texts(self, texts):
        """Update longform candidate scores from a corpus of texts

        Runs co-occurence statistics in a corpus of texts to compute
        scores for candidate longforms associated to the shortform. This
        is an online method, additional texts can be processed after training
        has taken place.

        texts : list of str
            A list of texts
        for text in texts:
            # lonform candidates taken from a window of text before each
            # defining pattern
            fragments = get_candidate_fragments(text, self.shortform,
            for fragment in fragments:
                if fragment:
                    candidate = get_candidate(fragment, self.exclude)

    def top(self, limit=None):
        """Return top scoring candidates.

        limit : Optional[int]
            Limit for the number of candidates to return. Default: None

        candidates : list of tuple
            List of tuples, each containing a candidate string and its
            likelihood score. Sorted first in descending order by
            likelihood score, then by length from shortest to longest, and
            finally by lexicographic order.
        if not self._longforms:
            return []

        candidates = sorted(self._longforms.items(),
                            key=lambda x: (-x[1], len(x[0]), x[0]))
        if limit is not None and limit < len(candidates):
            candidates = candidates[0:limit]
        # Map stems back to the most frequent word that had been mapped to them
        # and convert longforms in tuple format into readable strings.
        candidates = [(' '.join(
            self._stemmer.most_frequent(token) for token in longform), score)
                      for longform, score in candidates]
        return candidates

    def get_longforms(self, cutoff=1):
        """Return a list of extracted longforms with their scores

        Runs a breadth first search to search for nodes with score
        greater than or equal to the scores of all children and strictly less
        than the scores of all ancestors.

        cutoff : Optional[int]
            Return only longforms with a score greater than the cutoff.
            Default: 1

        longforms : list of tuple
            list of longforms along with their scores. It is sorted first in
            descending order by score, then by the length of the longform from
            shortest to longest, and finally by lexicographic order.
        # Forward pass
        longforms = set()
        # The root contains no longform. Initialize queue with all of its
        # children
        queue = deque(self._internal_trie.children.values())
        while queue:
            node = queue.popleft()
            # if a node has a better score than its parent's best
            # ancestor it becomes its own best ancestor
            if node.score > node.parent.best_ancestor_score:
                node.best_ancestor_score = node.score
                node.best_ancestor = node
            # otherwise set its best ancestor to its parents best ancestor
                node.best_ancestor_score = node.parent.best_ancestor_score
                node.best_ancestor = node.parent.best_ancestor
            # a nodes score cannot exceed the count of its expected longform.
            # if the count for a child is less or equal to the best ancestor
            # score, the node is not added to the queue. track how many
            # children are added to the queue
            worthy = 0
            for child in node.children.values():
                if child.count > node.best_ancestor_score:
                    worthy += 1
            # if no children are added, the becomes a leaf. the optimal
            # longforms are given by the best ancestors of the leaves.
            if worthy == 0:
                    (node.best_ancestor.longform, node.best_ancestor.score))

        # Convert longforms as tuples in reverse order into reader strings
        # mapping stems back to the most frequent token that had been mapped
        longforms = [(longform, score) for longform, score in longforms
                     if score > cutoff]

        # Map stems to the most frequent word that had been mapped to them.
        # Convert longforms as tuples in reverse order into reader strings
        # mapping stems back to the most frequent token that had been
        # mapped to them. tuple of stemmed tokens can be recovered by
        # tokenizing, stemming, and reversing
        longforms = [(self._make_readable(longform), score)
                     for longform, score in longforms]

        # Sort in preferred order
        longforms = sorted(longforms, key=lambda x: (-x[1], len(x[0]), x[0]))

        # Reset best ancestor and best_ancestor score values for all children
        # of the root. This is required for the algorithm to be able to run
        # successfully in subsequent calls to this method
        return longforms

    def _add(self, tokens):
        """Add a list of tokens to the internal trie and update likelihoods.

        tokens : str
            A list of tokens to add to the internal trie.

        # start at top of trie
        current = self._internal_trie
        # apply snowball stemmer to each token and put them in reverse order
        tokens = tuple(self._stemmer.stem(token) for token in tokens)[::-1]
        for token in tokens:
            if token not in current.children:
                # candidate longform is observed for the first time
                # add a new entry for it in the trie
                longform = current.longform + (token, )
                new = _TrieNode(longform, parent=current)
                # update likelihood of current node to account for the new
                # child unless current node is the root
                if not current.is_root():
                    self._longforms[current.longform[::-1]] = current.score
                # Add newly observed longform to the dictionary of candidates
                self._longforms[new.longform[::-1]] = new.score
                # set newly observed longform to be the child of current node
                current.children[token] = new
                # update current node to the newly formed node
                current = new
                # candidate longform has been observed before
                # update count for candidate longform and associated LH value
                # Update entry for candidate longform in the candidates
                # dictionary
                self._longforms[current.children[token].longform[::-1]] = \
                if not current.is_root():
                    # we are not at the top of the trie. observed candidate
                    # has a parent

                    # update likelihood of candidate's parent
                    count = current.children[token].count
                    # Update candidates dictionary
                    self._longforms[current.longform[::-1]] = current.score
                current = current.children[token]

    def _make_readable(self, tokens):
        """Convert longform from internal representation to a human readable one
        return ' '.join(
            self._stemmer.most_frequent(token) for token in tokens[::-1])