def smooth(data, Q, R, F=None, H=None, interpvals=0):

        os = data.shape[1]  # observation size
        os = 1
    ss = os * 2  # state size

    if F is None:
        if ss == 4:
            F = np.array([[1, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]], dtype=np.float)  # process update
        elif ss == 2:
            F = np.array([[1, 1], [0, 1]], dtype=np.float)  # process update

    if H is None:
        if ss == 4:
            H = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0]], dtype=np.float)  # observation matrix

        elif ss == 2:
            H = np.array([[1, 0]], dtype=np.float)  # observation matrix

    data = np.nan_to_num(data)
    interpolated_data = np.zeros_like(data)

    for c in range(os):
        interpolated_data[:, c] = pm.interpolate(data[:, c], interpvals)
    y = interpolated_data
    initx = np.array([y[0, 0], y[1, 0] - y[0, 0]], dtype=np.float)
    initV = 0 * np.eye(ss)

    xsmooth, Vsmooth = adskalman.kalman_smoother(y, F, H, Q, R, initx, initV)

    return xsmooth, Vsmooth
def ori_smooth(directions, frames_per_second=None, return_missing=False):
    """smooth orientations using an RTS smoother

    This treats orientations as XYZ positions
    dt = 1.0 / frames_per_second

    A = np.array([
        [1, 0, 0, dt, 0, 0],
        [0, 1, 0, 0, dt, 0],
        [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, dt],
        [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
    Q = 1.0 * np.eye(6)

    C = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]])
    R = 30.0 * np.eye(3)

    init_x = np.hstack((directions[0, :], np.zeros((3, ))))
    assert not np.any(
        np.isnan(init_x)), "cannot start with missing orientation"
    init_V = 2 * Q
    y = directions
    dirsmooth, V = adskalman.kalman_smoother(y, A, C, Q, R, init_x, init_V)
    dirsmooth = dirsmooth[:, :3]  # take only position information
    dirsmooth_missing = np.array(dirsmooth, copy=True)

    # remove results too distant from observations
    avlen = 5
    if len(y) >= avlen:
        good = ~np.isnan(y[:, 0])
        near_good = running_average(good, avlen)
        pad = avlen // 2
        near_good = np.hstack((np.zeros((pad, )), near_good, np.zeros(
            (pad, ))))

        good_cond = near_good > 0.2
        bad_cond = ~good_cond

        if bad_cond.shape != dirsmooth[:, 0].shape:
            print(dirsmooth[:, 0].shape)
        dirsmooth[bad_cond, :] = np.nan

    # normalize lengths to unit vectors
    np.sum(dirsmooth**2, axis=1)
    dirsmooth = (dirsmooth.T / np.sqrt(np.sum(dirsmooth**2, axis=1))).T

    if return_missing:
        return dirsmooth, dirsmooth_missing
        return dirsmooth
def kalman_smoother(data, F, H, Q, R, initx, initv, plot=False):
    os = H.shape[0]
    ss = F.shape[0]
    xsmooth,Vsmooth = adskalman.kalman_smoother(data,F,H,Q,R,initx,initv)
    if plot:
        plt.plot(data[:], '*')

    return xsmooth,Vsmooth
def kalman_smoother(data, F, H, Q, R, initx, initv, plot=False):
    os = H.shape[0]
    ss = F.shape[0]

    interpolated_data = np.zeros_like(data)

    for c in range(os):
        interpolated_data[:, c] = interpolate_nan(data[:, c])
        y = interpolated_data

    xsmooth, Vsmooth = adskalman.kalman_smoother(y, F, H, Q, R, initx, initv)

    if plot:
        plt.plot(xsmooth[:, 0])
        plt.plot(y[:, 0], '*')

    return xsmooth, Vsmooth
def kalman_smoother(data, F, H, Q, R, initx, initv, plot=False):
    os = H.shape[0]
    ss = F.shape[0]

    interpolated_data = np.zeros_like(data)

    for c in range(os):
        interpolated_data[:, c] = floris_math.interpolate_nan(data[:, c])
        y = interpolated_data

    xsmooth, Vsmooth = adskalman.kalman_smoother(y, F, H, Q, R, initx, initv)

    if plot:
        plt.plot(xsmooth[:, 0])
        plt.plot(y[:, 0], "*")

    return xsmooth, Vsmooth
def calc_obj_motion(npmovie):
    npmovie.kalmanobj = Object(npmovie)

    ss = 4 # state size
    os = 2 # observation size
    F = numpy.array([[1,0,1,0], # process update
    H = numpy.array([[1,0,0,0], # observation matrix
    Q = 0.0001*numpy.eye(ss) # process noise
    R = 100*numpy.eye(os) # observation noise
    interpolated_positions_0 = interpolate(npmovie.obj.positions[:,0], 0)
    interpolated_positions_1 = interpolate(npmovie.obj.positions[:,1], 0)
    raw_x = np.nan_to_num(interpolated_positions_0)
    indices = np.nonzero(raw_x)[0].tolist()
    raw_x = raw_x[indices]
    raw_y = np.nan_to_num(interpolated_positions_1)
    raw_y = raw_y[indices]
    y = np.vstack( (raw_x, raw_y) ).T
    initx = numpy.array([y[0,0], y[0,1],0,0],dtype=numpy.float)
    initV = 0*numpy.eye(ss)

    xsmooth,Vsmooth = adskalman.kalman_smoother(y,F,H,Q,R,initx,initV)

    npmovie.kalmanobj.positions[indices] = xsmooth[:,0:2]
    npmovie.kalmanobj.velocities[indices] = xsmooth[:,2:4]
    npmovie.kalmanobj.timestamps = [copy.copy(npmovie.uframes[i].timestamp) for i in indices]
    npmovie.kalmanobj.indices = indices
    npmovie.kalmanobj.errors = Vsmooth
    npmovie.kalmanobj.speed = np.zeros([len(npmovie.uframes), 1])
    for i, v in enumerate(npmovie.kalmanobj.velocities):
        npmovie.kalmanobj.speed[i] = np.linalg.norm(v)
    # need to fix/smooth missing angles
    for i in range(len(npmovie.kalmanobj.indices)):
        frame = indices[i]
        npmovie.kalmanobj.long_axis[frame] = npmovie.obj.long_axis[frame] / np.linalg.norm(npmovie.obj.long_axis[frame])
    for i in range(1,len(npmovie.kalmanobj.indices)):
        frame = indices[i]
        if npmovie.kalmanobj.long_axis[frame][0] == 1 or npmovie.kalmanobj.long_axis[frame][1] == 0:
            future_axis = 1
            future_frame = frame
            while future_axis == 1:
                future_frame += 1
                if future_frame > npmovie.kalmanobj.indices[-1]:
                    future_frame = frame
                future_axis = npmovie.kalmanobj.long_axis[future_frame][0]
            delta_axis = (npmovie.kalmanobj.long_axis[future_frame] - npmovie.kalmanobj.long_axis[frame-1]) / float(future_frame- (frame-1) )
            npmovie.kalmanobj.long_axis[frame] = npmovie.kalmanobj.long_axis[frame-1] + delta_axis
    # fix angle orientation:
    # flies don't spin around immediately, so generally body angle should be rouhgly the same from frame to frame, at least within 180 deg
    npmovie.obj.dot_prev_ori = np.zeros(len(npmovie.kalmanobj.indices))
    npmovie.obj.dot_vel = np.zeros(len(npmovie.kalmanobj.indices))
    if 1:
        npmovie.kalmanobj.long_axis[0] = npmovie.obj.long_axis[0]
        for i in range(1,len(npmovie.kalmanobj.indices)):
            if i < 2:
                switching_threshold = 0
                switching_threshold = 0.2                
            frame = indices[i]
            dot_prev_ori = np.dot(npmovie.kalmanobj.long_axis[frame-1], npmovie.obj.long_axis[frame])
            dot_vel = np.dot(npmovie.kalmanobj.velocities[frame], npmovie.obj.long_axis[frame])
            npmovie.obj.dot_prev_ori[i] = dot_prev_ori
            npmovie.obj.dot_vel[i] = dot_vel
            direction = 1.

            if dot_vel < 0 and np.abs(dot_vel) > switching_threshold:
                direction = -1
                if dot_prev_ori < 0: # not aligned with previous frame by > 90 deg
                    direction = -1
                    if dot_vel < 0: # orientation not aligned with velocity
                        if np.abs(dot_vel) > switching_threshold:
                            direction = -1
                    if dot_vel > 0: # orientation is aligned with velocity, but not with prev ori
                        if np.abs(dot_vel) > switching_threshold:
                            direction = 1
            npmovie.kalmanobj.long_axis[frame] = npmovie.obj.long_axis[frame]*direction
    return npmovie
def fuse_obj_ids(use_obj_ids, data_file,
                 dynamic_model_name = None,
    """take multiple obj_id tracks and fuse them into one long trajectory

    Current implementation
    Load 'observations' (MLEs of fly positions) across all obj_ids,
    and then do Kalman smoothing across all this, which fills in gaps
    (but ignores single camera views).

    ca = core_analysis.get_global_CachingAnalyzer()

    frames = []
    xs = []
    ys = []
    zs = []
    for obj_id in use_obj_ids:
        #print obj_id
        kalman_rows = ca.load_dynamics_free_MLE_position( obj_id, data_file)

        if len(frames):
            tmp = kalman_rows['frame']
            #print tmp

            #(hmm, why do we care? this seems wrong, anyway...)
            #assert tmp[0] > frames[-1][-1] # ensure new frames follow last

            assert numpy.all((tmp[1:]-tmp[:-1]) > 0) # ensure new frames are ordered

        this_x = kalman_rows['x']
        full_obs_idx = ~numpy.isnan(this_x)
        if 1:
            warnings.warn('dropping last ML estimate of position in fuse_obj_ids because it is frequently noisy')
            full_obs_idx = np.nonzero(full_obs_idx)[0]
            full_obs_idx = full_obs_idx[:-1]
            if not len(full_obs_idx):
                warnings.warn('no data used for obj_id %d in fuse_obj_ids()'%obj_id)
                continue # no data
        frames.append( kalman_rows['frame'][full_obs_idx] )
        xs.append( kalman_rows['x'][full_obs_idx] )
        ys.append( kalman_rows['y'][full_obs_idx] )
        zs.append( kalman_rows['z'][full_obs_idx] )

    frames = numpy.hstack(frames)
    xs = numpy.hstack(xs)
    ys = numpy.hstack(ys)
    zs = numpy.hstack(zs)
    X = numpy.array([xs,ys,zs])

    if 0:
        import pylab
        ax = pylab.subplot(3,1,1)
        ax.plot( frames, X[:,0],'.' )
        ax = pylab.subplot(3,1,2,sharex=ax)
        ax.plot( frames, X[:,1],'.' )
        ax = pylab.subplot(3,1,3,sharex=ax)
        ax.plot( frames, X[:,2],'.' )

    # convert to a single continuous masked array
    frames_all = numpy.arange(frames[0],frames[-1]+1)

    xs_all = numpy.ma.masked_array( data=numpy.ones( frames_all.shape ),
                                    mask=numpy.ones( frames_all.shape, dtype=numpy.bool ))
    ys_all = numpy.ma.masked_array( data=numpy.ones( frames_all.shape ),
                                    mask=numpy.ones( frames_all.shape, dtype=numpy.bool ))
    zs_all = numpy.ma.masked_array( data=numpy.ones( frames_all.shape ),
                                    mask=numpy.ones( frames_all.shape, dtype=numpy.bool ))

    idxs = frames_all.searchsorted( frames )
    #idxs = find_first_idxs(frames,frames_all)
    xs_all[idxs] = xs
    ys_all[idxs] = ys
    zs_all[idxs] = zs
    orig_data_present = np.zeros( frames_all.shape, dtype=bool )
    orig_data_present[idxs] = True

    # "obs" == "observations" == ML estimates of position without dynamics
    if 0:
        # requires numpy >= r5284
        obs = numpy.ma.masked_array( [xs_all, ys_all, zs_all] ).T # Nx3 array for N frames of data
        obs = numpy.ma.hstack( [xs_all[:,numpy.newaxis], ys_all[:,numpy.newaxis], zs_all[:,numpy.newaxis]] )

    if 0:
        import pylab
        frames = frames_all
        ax = pylab.subplot(3,1,1)
        ax.plot( frames, X[:,0],'.' )
        ax = pylab.subplot(3,1,2,sharex=ax)
        ax.plot( frames, X[:,1],'.' )
        ax = pylab.subplot(3,1,3,sharex=ax)
        ax.plot( frames, X[:,2],'.' )

    if 1:
        # convert from masked array to array with nan
        obs[ obs.mask ] = numpy.nan
        obs = numpy.ma.getdata(obs)

    if 0:
        obs = obs[:100,:]
        print 'obs'
        print obs

    if 1:
        # now do kalman smoothing across all obj_ids
        model = flydra_core.kalman.dynamic_models.get_kalman_model(name=dynamic_model_name,
        # initial state guess: postion = observation, other parameters = 0
        ss = model['ss']
        init_x = numpy.zeros( (ss,) )
        init_x[:3] = obs[0,:]

        P_k1=numpy.zeros((ss,ss)) # initial state error covariance guess

        for i in range(0,3):
        for i in range(3,6):
        if ss > 6:
            for i in range(6,9):

        if not 'C' in model:
            raise ValueError('model does not have a linear observation matrix "C".')
        xsmooth, Psmooth = adskalman.kalman_smoother(obs,
    X = xsmooth[:,:3] # kalman estimates of position
    if 0:
        print 'X'
        print X
        print dynamic_model_name

    recarray = numpy.rec.fromarrays([frames_all,
    return recarray