def PackForSoappy(obj, xmlns, type_name, soappy_service, wrap_lists,
  """Packs a given object into SOAPpy.Type objects for transport.

    obj: mixed The python object to pack for SOAPpy transport. May be a string,
         list, or dictionary depending on what it represents.
    xmlns: string The namespace that the given object's type belongs to.
    type_name: string The name of the SOAP type this object represents.
    soappy_service: SOAPpy.WSDL.Proxy The SOAPpy service object encapsulating
                    this service/WSDL.
    wrap_lists: boolean Whether or not to wrap lists in an additional layer.
    prefix_function: callable Takes in an xml namespace and returns the prefix
                     to use to represent it.

    mixed The given object ready for SOAPpy transport. Depending on the input,
    this will be either a list, a SOAPpy.Types.structType, or a
  if isinstance(obj, dict):
    return _PackDictForSoappy(obj, xmlns, type_name, soappy_service, wrap_lists,
  elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
    return _PackListForSoappy(obj, xmlns, type_name, soappy_service, wrap_lists,
  elif isinstance(obj, str):
    return SOAPpy.Types.untypedType(Utils.HtmlEscape(obj).decode('utf-8'))
  elif isinstance(obj, unicode):
    return SOAPpy.Types.untypedType(Utils.HtmlEscape(obj))
  elif isinstance(obj, SOAPpy.Types.anyType) or obj is None:
    return obj
    return SOAPpy.Types.untypedType(obj)
def _PackStringAsXml(obj, xml_tag_name):
    """Pack a Python string into an XML string.

    obj: str Python string to pack.
    xml_tag_name: str The name of the XML tag that will house this string.

    str An XML element representing the given string.
    if obj is None:
        return '<%s xsi3:nil="true" />' % (xml_tag_name)
        obj = Utils.HtmlEscape(obj)
        if xml_tag_name:
            return '<%s>%s</%s>' % (xml_tag_name, obj, xml_tag_name)
            return obj
def ValidateCreative(creative):
    """Validate Creative object.

    creative: dict Creative object.

    dict Creative instance.
    SanityCheck.ValidateTypes(((creative, dict), ))
    if ('type' not in creative and 'creativeType' not in creative
            and 'Creative_Type' not in creative):
        msg = ('The \'creativeType\' or \'Creative_Type\' or \'type\' of the '
               'creative is missing.')
        raise ValidationError(msg)
    for key in creative:
        if creative[key] == 'None': continue
        if key in ('size', 'flashAssetSize', 'fallbackAssetSize', 'assetSize'):
        elif key in ('previewUrl', ):
            creative[key] = Utils.HtmlEscape(creative[key])
            SanityCheck.ValidateTypes(((creative[key], (str, unicode)), ))
    return creative
def PackDictAsXml(obj, key='', key_map=[], order=[], wrap_list=False):
    """Pack a Python dictionary object into an XML string.

  DEPRECATED. As of version 2.0.0, use PackVarAsXml instead.

  For example, an input in a form of "dct = {'ids': [12345, 67890]}", where
  "dct" is key and "{'ids': ['12345', '67890']}" is obj, the output will be

    obj: dict Python dictionary to pack.
    key: str Key that maps to this Python dictionary.
    key_map: dict Object key order map.
    order: list Order of sub keys for this Python dictionary.
    wrap_list: bool If True, wraps list into an extra layer (e.g.,
               "'ids': ['12345']"  becomes "<ids><ids>12345</ids></ids>"). If
               False, "'ids': ['12345']" becomes "<ids>12345</ids>".

    str XML snippet.
    buf = xsi_type = ''
    has_native_type = False
    tmp_xsi_type, local_order, tmp_key_type_obj = ('', [], {})
    if isinstance(obj, dict):
        # Determine if the object is typed.
        for item in obj:
            if (item == 'xsi_type' or item == 'type' or item.find('.Type') > -1
                    or item.find('_Type') > -1):
                xsi_type = obj[item]
                if key not in key_map: continue
                for key_map_item in key_map[key]:
                    if key_map_item[
                            'type'] != xsi_type and 'native_type' in key_map_item:
                        xsi_type = key_map_item['type']
                        has_native_type = True
        if key == 'operations' and xsi_type.find('Operation') < 0:
            xsi_type = ''
        # Step through each key/value pair in the dictionary and pack it.
        for sub_key in obj:
            if (not has_native_type and
                (sub_key == 'xsi_type' or sub_key == 'type'
                 or sub_key.find('.Type') > -1 or sub_key.find('_Type') > -1)
                    and not (sub_key == 'type' and 'xsi_type' in obj)):
            tmp_xsi_type, local_order, tmp_key_type_obj = ('', [], {})
            if key in key_map:
                if 'xsi_type' not in obj and 'type' not in obj:
                    if not has_native_type:
                        for key_type_obj in key_map[key]:
                            if not key_type_obj['type']:
                                tmp_xsi_type = ''
                                local_order = key_type_obj['order']
                    for key_type_obj in key_map[key]:
                        if key_type_obj['type'] and xsi_type == key_type_obj[
                            tmp_xsi_type = key_type_obj['type']
                            local_order = key_type_obj['order']
                        elif not key_type_obj['type']:
                            tmp_key_type_obj = key_type_obj
                if tmp_key_type_obj:
                    if tmp_key_type_obj['type'] is None:
                        tmp_xsi_type = xsi_type
                        tmp_xsi_type = tmp_key_type_obj['type']
                    local_order = tmp_key_type_obj['order']
                    if len(key_map[key]) == 1:
                        tmp_xsi_type = key_map[key][0]['type']
                        local_order = key_map[key][0]['order']
                local_order = ()
            buf += PackDictAsXml(obj[sub_key], sub_key, key_map, local_order,
            if local_order and buf:
                pre_tags = re.split('(<.*?>)', buf)[1:-1]
                if not pre_tags: return '<%s/>' % key
                tag_name = pre_tags[0][1:-1]
                post_tags = []
                tag_buf = ''
                counter = 0
                for pre_tag in pre_tags:
                    if not pre_tag: continue
                    tag = ''
                    if pre_tag[0] == '<' and pre_tag[-1] == '>':
                        tag = re.findall('<(?:/|)(\w+).*(?:/|)>', pre_tag)
                        if tag: tag = tag[0]
                    if counter == 0: tag_name = tag
                    tag_buf += pre_tag
                    if tag and tag_name == tag:
                        counter += 1
                        if counter == 2 or pre_tag[-2] == '/':
                            tag_buf = ''
                            counter = 0
                xml_elems = post_tags
                if (len(xml_elems) > 1 and len(local_order) > 1
                        and xml_elems[0][1:] != xml_elems[-1][1:-1]):
                    tmp_buf = ''
                    pre_tags = []
                    for pre_tag in xml_elems:
                        tags = re.findall('<(?:/|)(\w+).*(?:/|)>', pre_tag)
                        if tags: pre_tags.append(tags[0])
                    sub_local_order = []
                    for tag_name in local_order:
                        if tag_name in pre_tags:
                    for tag_name in sub_local_order:
                        for xml_elem in xml_elems:
                            if xml_elem[0] != '<': xml_elem = '<%s' % xml_elem
                            if xml_elem[-1] != '>': xml_elem = '%s>' % xml_elem
                            if (xml_elem.find(tag_name, 1,
                                              len(tag_name) + 1) > -1 and
                                (xml_elem[len(tag_name) + 1] == ' '
                                 or xml_elem[len(tag_name) + 1] == '>')):
                                tmp_buf += xml_elem
                    if tmp_buf and len(tmp_buf) >= len(buf): buf = tmp_buf
        if xsi_type and len(obj.keys()) == 1:
            data = '<%s xsi3:type="%s"/>' % (key, xsi_type)
        elif xsi_type:
            data = '<%s xsi3:type="%s">%s</%s>' % (key, xsi_type, buf, key)
            if tmp_xsi_type: tmp_xsi_type = ' xsi3:type="%s"' % (tmp_xsi_type)
            if key:
                data = '<%s%s>%s</%s>' % (key, tmp_xsi_type, buf, key)
                data = buf
    elif isinstance(obj, list):
        for item in obj:
            buf += PackDictAsXml(item, key, key_map, order, wrap_list)
        if wrap_list:
            data = '<%s>%s</%s>' % (key, buf, key)
            data = buf
        if obj is None:
            data = '<%s xsi3:nil="true" />' % (key)
            obj = Utils.HtmlEscape(obj)
            if key:
                data = '<%s>%s</%s>' % (key, obj, key)
                data = obj
    return data