    def test_adv_cache(self):
        """Test default behaviour with default settings."""

        expected = "foobar"

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 test_cached_template obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache %}

        # Render a first time, should miss the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)

        # Now the rendered template should be in cache
        key = self.get_template_key('test_cached_template',
                                    vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], self.obj['updated_at']])
            key, 'template.cache.test_cached_template.0cac9a03d5330dd78ddc9a0c16f01403')

        # But it should NOT be the exact content as adv_cache_tag adds a version
        self.assertNotStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), expected)

        # It should be the version from `adv_cache_tag`
        cache_expected = b"1::\n                foobar"
        self.assertStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)

        # Render a second time, should hit the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)  # Still 1
    def test_adv_cache(self):
        """Test default behaviour with default settings."""

        expected = "foobar"

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 test_cached_template obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache %}

        # Render a first time, should miss the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)

        # Now the rendered template should be in cache
        key = self.get_template_key(
            vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], self.obj['updated_at']])

        # But it should NOT be the exact content as adv_cache_tag adds a version
        self.assertNotStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), expected)

        # It should be the version from `adv_cache_tag`
        cache_expected = b"1::\n                foobar"
        self.assertStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)

        # Render a second time, should hit the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)  # Still 1
    def test_using_argument(self):
        """Test passing the cache backend to use with the `using=` arg to the templatetag."""

        expected = "foobar"

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 test_cached_template obj.pk obj.updated_at using=foo %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache %}

        # Render a first time, should miss the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)

        # Now the rendered template should be in cache
        key = self.get_template_key('test_cached_template',
                                    vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], self.obj['updated_at']])
            key, 'template.cache.test_cached_template.0cac9a03d5330dd78ddc9a0c16f01403')

        # It should be in the cache
        cache_expected = b"1::\n                foobar"

        # But not in the ``default`` cache

        # But in the ``foo`` cache
        self.assertStripEqual(get_cache('foo').get(key), cache_expected)

        # Render a second time, should hit the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)  # Still 1
    def tearDown(self):
        """Clear caches at the end."""

        for cache_name in settings.CACHES:

        super(BasicTestCase, self).tearDown()
    def tearDown(self):
        """Clear caches at the end."""

        for cache_name in settings.CACHES:

        super(BasicTestCase, self).tearDown()
    def test_passing_fragment_name_as_string(self):
        """Test passing the fragment name as a variable."""

        # Reset CacheTag config with default value (from the ``override_settings``)

        expected = "foobar"

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 "test_cached_template" obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache %}

        # Render a first time, should miss the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)

        # Now the rendered template should be in cache
        key = self.get_template_key('test_cached_template',
                                    vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], self.obj['updated_at']])
            key, 'template.cache.test_cached_template.0cac9a03d5330dd78ddc9a0c16f01403')

        # But it should NOT be the exact content as adv_cache_tag adds a version
        self.assertNotStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), expected)

        # It should be the version from `adv_cache_tag`
        cache_expected = b"1::\n                foobar"
        self.assertStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)

        # Render a second time, should hit the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)  # Still 1
    def test_resolve_fragment_name(self):
        """Test passing the fragment name as a variable."""

        # Reset CacheTag config with default value (from the ``override_settings``)

        expected = "foobar"

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 fragment_name obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache %}

        # Render a first time, should miss the cache
            self.render(t, {'fragment_name': 'test_cached_template'}),
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)

        # Now the rendered template should be in cache
        key = self.get_template_key(
            vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], self.obj['updated_at']])

        # But it should NOT be the exact content as adv_cache_tag adds a version
        self.assertNotStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), expected)

        # It should be the version from `adv_cache_tag`
        cache_expected = b"1::\n                foobar"
        self.assertStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)

        # Render a second time, should hit the cache
            self.render(t, {'fragment_name': 'test_cached_template'}),
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)  # Still 1

        # Using an undefined variable should fail
        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 undefined_fragment_name obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache %}

        with self.assertRaises(template.VariableDoesNotExist) as raise_context:
            self.render(t, {'fragment_name': 'test_cached_template'})
        self.assertIn('undefined_fragment_name', str(raise_context.exception))
    def test_versioning(self):
        """Test with ``ADV_CACHE_VERSIONING`` set to ``True``."""

        # Reset CacheTag config with default value (from the ``override_settings``)

        expected = "foobar"

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 test_cached_template obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache %}

        # Render a first time, should miss the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)

        # Now the rendered template should be in cache

        # ``obj.updated_at`` is not in the key anymore, serving as the object version
        key = self.get_template_key('test_cached_template',

        # It should be in the cache, with the ``updated_at`` in the version
        cache_expected = b"1::2015-10-27 00:00:00::\n                foobar"
        self.assertStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)

        # Render a second time, should hit the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)  # Still 1

        # We can update the date
        self.obj['updated_at'] = datetime(2015, 10, 28, 0, 0, 0)

        # Render with the new date, we should miss the cache because of the new "version
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 2)  # One more

        # It should be in the cache, with the new ``updated_at`` in the version
        cache_expected = b"1::2015-10-28 00:00:00::\n                foobar"
        self.assertStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)

        # Render a second time, should hit the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 2)  # Still 2
    def test_compression(self):
        """Test with ``ADV_CACHE_COMPRESS`` set to ``True``."""

        # Reset CacheTag config with default value (from the ``override_settings``)

        expected = "foobar"

        # We don't use new lines here because too complicated to set empty lines with only
        # spaces in a docstring with we'll have to compute the compressed version
        t = "{% load adv_cache %}{% cache 1 test_cached_template obj.pk obj.updated_at %}" \
            "  {{ obj.get_name }}  {% endcache %}"

        # Render a first time, should miss the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)

        # Now the rendered template should be in cache
        key = self.get_template_key(
            vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], self.obj['updated_at']])

        # It should be in the cache, compressed
        # We use ``SafeText`` as django does in templates
        compressed = zlib.compress(pickle.dumps(SafeText("  foobar  ")), -1)
        cache_expected = b'1::' + compressed
        # Test with ``assertEqual``, not ``assertStripEqual``
        self.assertEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)

        # Render a second time, should hit the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)  # Still 1

        # Changing the compression level should not invalidate the cache
        CacheTag.options.compress_level = 9
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)  # Still 1

        # But if the cache is invalidated, the new one will use this new level
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 2)  # One more
        compressed = zlib.compress(pickle.dumps(SafeText("  foobar  ")), 9)
        cache_expected = b'1::' + compressed
        self.assertEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)
    def test_new_class(self):
        """Test a new class based on ``CacheTag``."""

        expected = "foobar  foo 1  !!"

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache_test %}
            {% cache_test 1 multiplicator test_cached_template obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
                {% nocache_test %}
                    {{ obj.get_foo }}
                {% endnocache_test %}
            {% endcache_test %}

        # Render a first time, should miss the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t, {'multiplicator': 10}), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_foo_called, 1)

        # Now the rendered template should be in cache
        key = self.get_template_key(
            vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], self.obj['updated_at']],

        # It should be in the cache, with the RAW part
        cache_expected = b"1:: foobar {%endRAW_38a11088962625eb8c913e791931e2bc2e3c7228%} " \
                         b"{{obj.get_foo}} {%RAW_38a11088962625eb8c913e791931e2bc2e3c7228%} !! "
        self.assertStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)

        # We'll check that our multiplicator was really applied
        cache = get_cache('default')
        expire_at = cache._expire_info[cache.make_key(key, version=None)]
        now = time.time()
        # In more that one second (default expiry we set) and less than ten
        self.assertTrue(now + 1 < expire_at < now + 10)

        # Render a second time, should hit the cache but not for ``get_foo``
        expected = "foobar  foo 2  !!"
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t, {'multiplicator': 10}), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)  # Still 1
                         2)  # One more call to the non-cached part
    def test_versioning(self):
        """Test with ``ADV_CACHE_VERSIONING`` set to ``True``."""

        # Reset CacheTag config with default value (from the ``override_settings``)

        expected = "foobar"

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 test_cached_template obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache %}

        # Render a first time, should miss the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)

        # Now the rendered template should be in cache

        # ``obj.updated_at`` is not in the key anymore, serving as the object version
        key = self.get_template_key('test_cached_template', vary_on=[self.obj['pk']])
            key, 'template.cache.test_cached_template.a1d0c6e83f027327d8461063f4ac58a6')

        # It should be in the cache, with the ``updated_at`` in the version
        cache_expected = b"1::2015-10-27 00:00:00::\n                foobar"
        self.assertStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)

        # Render a second time, should hit the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)  # Still 1

        # We can update the date
        self.obj['updated_at'] = datetime(2015, 10, 28, 0, 0, 0)

        # Render with the new date, we should miss the cache because of the new "version
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 2)  # One more

        # It should be in the cache, with the new ``updated_at`` in the version
        cache_expected = b"1::2015-10-28 00:00:00::\n                foobar"
        self.assertStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)

        # Render a second time, should hit the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 2)  # Still 2
    def test_compression(self):
        """Test with ``ADV_CACHE_COMPRESS`` set to ``True``."""

        # Reset CacheTag config with default value (from the ``override_settings``)

        expected = "foobar"

        # We don't use new lines here because too complicated to set empty lines with only
        # spaces in a docstring with we'll have to compute the compressed version
        t = "{% load adv_cache %}{% cache 1 test_cached_template obj.pk obj.updated_at %}" \
            "  {{ obj.get_name }}  {% endcache %}"

        # Render a first time, should miss the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)

        # Now the rendered template should be in cache
        key = self.get_template_key('test_cached_template',
                                    vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], self.obj['updated_at']])
            key, 'template.cache.test_cached_template.0cac9a03d5330dd78ddc9a0c16f01403')

        # It should be in the cache, compressed
        # We use ``SafeText`` as django does in templates
        compressed = zlib.compress(pickle.dumps(SafeText("  foobar  ")))
        cache_expected = b'1::' + compressed
        # Test with ``assertEqual``, not ``assertStripEqual``
        self.assertEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)

        # Render a second time, should hit the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)  # Still 1
    def test_space_compression(self):
        """Test with ``ADV_CACHE_COMPRESS_SPACES`` set to ``True``."""

        # Reset CacheTag config with default value (from the ``override_settings``)

        expected = "foobar"

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 test_cached_template obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache %}

        # Render a first time, should miss the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)

        # Now the rendered template should be in cache
        key = self.get_template_key('test_cached_template',
                                    vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], self.obj['updated_at']])
            key, 'template.cache.test_cached_template.0cac9a03d5330dd78ddc9a0c16f01403')

        # It should be in the cache, with only one space instead of many white spaces
        cache_expected = b"1:: foobar "
        # Test with ``assertEqual``, not ``assertStripEqual``
        self.assertEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)

        # Render a second time, should hit the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)  # Still 1
    def test_default_cache(self):
        """This test is only to validate the testing procedure."""

        expected = "foobar"

        t = """
            {% load cache %}
            {% cache 1 test_cached_template obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache %}

        # Render a first time, should miss the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)

        # Now the rendered template should be in cache
        key = self.get_template_key('test_cached_template',
                                    vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], self.obj['updated_at']])
            key, 'template.cache.test_cached_template.0cac9a03d5330dd78ddc9a0c16f01403')

        self.assertStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), expected)

        # Render a second time, should hit the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)  # Still 1
        def setUp(self):
            super(TestCase, self).setUp()

            # Override default cache in django < 1.7 because it is initialized before our
            # `override_settings`
            from django.core import cache
            cache.cache = get_cache('default')
    def test_primary_key(self):
        """Test with ``ADV_CACHE_INCLUDE_PK`` set to ``True``."""

        # Reset CacheTag config with default value (from the ``override_settings``)

        expected = "foobar"

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 test_cached_template obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache %}

        # Render a first time, should miss the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)

        # Now the rendered template should be in cache

        # We add the pk as a part to the fragment name
        key = self.get_template_key('test_cached_template.%s' % self.obj['pk'],
                                    vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], self.obj['updated_at']])
            key, 'template.cache.test_cached_template.42.0cac9a03d5330dd78ddc9a0c16f01403')

        # It should be in the cache
        cache_expected = b"1::\n                foobar"
        self.assertStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)

        # Render a second time, should hit the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)  # Still 1
    def test_failure_when_getting_cache(self):
        """Test that the template is correctly rendered even if the cache cannot be read."""

        expected = "foobar"

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache_test %}
            {% cache_get_fail 1 test_cached_template obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache_get_fail %}

        # Render a first time, should still be rendered
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)

        # Now the rendered template should be in cache
        key = self.get_template_key('test_cached_template',
                                    vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], self.obj['updated_at']],
            key, 'template.cache_get_fail.test_cached_template.0cac9a03d5330dd78ddc9a0c16f01403')

        # It should be in the cache
        cache_expected = b"1::\n                foobar"
        self.assertStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)

        # It should raise if ``TEMPLATE_DEBUG`` is ``True``
        with override_settings(TEMPLATE_DEBUG=True):
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raise_context:
            self.assertIn('boom get', str(raise_context.exception))
    def test_failure_when_getting_cache(self):
        """Test that the template is correctly rendered even if the cache cannot be read."""

        expected = "foobar"

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache_test %}
            {% cache_get_fail 1 test_cached_template obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache_get_fail %}

        # Render a first time, should still be rendered
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)

        # Now the rendered template should be in cache
        key = self.get_template_key(
            vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], self.obj['updated_at']],

        # It should be in the cache
        cache_expected = b"1::\n                foobar"
        self.assertStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)

        # It should raise if templates debug mode is activated
        with self.set_template_debug_true():
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raise_context:
            self.assertIn('boom get', str(raise_context.exception))
    def test_default_cache(self):
        """This test is only to validate the testing procedure."""

        expected = "foobar"

        t = """
            {% load cache %}
            {% cache 1 test_cached_template obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache %}

        # Render a first time, should miss the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)

        # Now the rendered template should be in cache
        key = self.get_template_key(
            vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], self.obj['updated_at']])

        self.assertStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), expected)

        # Render a second time, should hit the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)  # Still 1
        def setUp(self):
            super(TestCase, self).setUp()

            # Override default cache in django < 1.7 because it is initialized before our
            # `override_settings`
            from django.core import cache
            cache.cache = get_cache('default')
    def test_failure_when_setting_cache(self):
        """Test that the template is correctly rendered even if the cache cannot be filled."""

        expected = "foobar"

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache_test %}
            {% cache_set_fail 1 test_cached_template obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache_set_fail %}

        # Render a first time, should still be rendered
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)

        # Now the rendered template should NOT be in cache
        key = self.get_template_key('test_cached_template',
                                    vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], self.obj['updated_at']],
            key, 'template.cache_set_fail.test_cached_template.0cac9a03d5330dd78ddc9a0c16f01403')

        # But not in the ``default`` cache

        # It should raise if templates debug mode is activated
        with self.set_template_debug_true():
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raise_context:
            self.assertIn('boom set', str(raise_context.exception))
    def test_resolve_fragment_name(self):
        """Test passing the fragment name as a variable."""

        # Reset CacheTag config with default value (from the ``override_settings``)

        expected = "foobar"

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 fragment_name obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache %}

        # Render a first time, should miss the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t, {'fragment_name': 'test_cached_template'}), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)

        # Now the rendered template should be in cache
        key = self.get_template_key('test_cached_template',
                                    vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], self.obj['updated_at']])
            key, 'template.cache.test_cached_template.0cac9a03d5330dd78ddc9a0c16f01403')

        # But it should NOT be the exact content as adv_cache_tag adds a version
        self.assertNotStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), expected)

        # It should be the version from `adv_cache_tag`
        cache_expected = b"1::\n                foobar"
        self.assertStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)

        # Render a second time, should hit the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t, {'fragment_name': 'test_cached_template'}), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)  # Still 1

        # Using an undefined variable should fail
        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 undefined_fragment_name obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache %}

        with self.assertRaises(template.VariableDoesNotExist) as raise_context:
            self.render(t, {'fragment_name': 'test_cached_template'})
        self.assertIn('undefined_fragment_name', str(raise_context.exception))
    def test_new_class(self):
        """Test a new class based on ``CacheTag``."""

        expected = "foobar  foo 1  !!"

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache_test %}
            {% cache_test 1 multiplicator test_cached_template obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
                {% nocache_test %}
                    {{ obj.get_foo }}
                {% endnocache_test %}
            {% endcache_test %}

        # Render a first time, should miss the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t, {'multiplicator': 10}), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_foo_called, 1)

        # Now the rendered template should be in cache
        key = self.get_template_key('test_cached_template',
                                    vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], self.obj['updated_at']],
            key, 'template.cache_test.test_cached_template.0cac9a03d5330dd78ddc9a0c16f01403')

        # It should be in the cache, with the RAW part
        cache_expected = b"1:: foobar {%endRAW_38a11088962625eb8c913e791931e2bc2e3c7228%} " \
                         b"{{obj.get_foo}} {%RAW_38a11088962625eb8c913e791931e2bc2e3c7228%} !! "
        self.assertStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)

        # We'll check that our multiplicator was really applied
        cache = get_cache('default')
        expire_at = cache._expire_info[cache.make_key(key, version=None)]
        now = time.time()
        # In more that one second (default expiry we set) and less than ten
        self.assertTrue(now + 1 < expire_at < now + 10)

        # Render a second time, should hit the cache but not for ``get_foo``
        expected = "foobar  foo 2  !!"
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t, {'multiplicator': 10}), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)  # Still 1
        self.assertEqual(self.get_foo_called, 2)  # One more call to the non-cached part
    def test_cache_backend(self):
        """Test with ``ADV_CACHE_BACKEND`` to another value than ``default``."""

        # Reset CacheTag config with default value (from the ``override_settings``)

        expected = "foobar"

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 test_cached_template obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache %}

        # Render a first time, should miss the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)

        # Now the rendered template should be in cache
        key = self.get_template_key(
            vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], self.obj['updated_at']])

        # It should be in the cache
        cache_expected = b"1::\n                foobar"

        # But not in the ``default`` cache

        # But in the ``foo`` cache
        self.assertStripEqual(get_cache('foo').get(key), cache_expected)

        # Render a second time, should hit the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)  # Still 1
    def test_internal_version(self):
        """Test a cache with `Meta.internal_version` set."""

        # Reset CacheTag config with default value (from the ``override_settings``)

        expected = "foobar"

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache_test %}
            {% cache_with_version 1 test_cache_with_version obj.pk %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache_with_version %}

        # Render a first time, should miss the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)

        # It should be in the cache, with the ``internal_version`` in the version
        key = 'template.cache_with_version.test_cache_with_version.a1d0c6e83f027327d8461063f4ac58a6'
        cache_expected = b"1|v1::\n                foobar"
        self.assertStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)

        self.get_name_called = 0
        # Calling it a new time should hit the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 0)

        # Changing the interval version should miss the cache
        from .testproject.adv_cache_test_app.templatetags.adv_cache_test import InternalVersionTag
        InternalVersionTag.options.internal_version = 'v2'
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)

        # It should be in the cache, with the new ``internal_version`` in the version
        key = 'template.cache_with_version.test_cache_with_version.a1d0c6e83f027327d8461063f4ac58a6'
        cache_expected = b"1|v2::\n                foobar"
        self.assertStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)
    def test_passing_fragment_name_as_string(self):
        """Test passing the fragment name as a variable."""

        # Reset CacheTag config with default value (from the ``override_settings``)

        expected = "foobar"

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 "test_cached_template" obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache %}

        # Render a first time, should miss the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)

        # Now the rendered template should be in cache
        key = self.get_template_key(
            vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], self.obj['updated_at']])

        # But it should NOT be the exact content as adv_cache_tag adds a version
        self.assertNotStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), expected)

        # It should be the version from `adv_cache_tag`
        cache_expected = b"1::\n                foobar"
        self.assertStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)

        # Render a second time, should hit the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)  # Still 1
    def setUp(self):
        """Clean stuff and create an object to use in templates, and some counters."""
        super(BasicTestCase, self).setUp()

        # Clear the cache
        for cache_name in settings.CACHES:

        # Reset CacheTag config with default value (from the ``override_settings``)

        # And an object to cache in template
        self.obj = {
            'pk': 42,
            'name': 'foobar',
            'get_name': self.get_name,
            'get_foo': self.get_foo,
            'updated_at': datetime(2015, 10, 27, 0, 0, 0),

        # To count the number of calls of ``get_name`` and ``get_foo``.
        self.get_name_called = 0
        self.get_foo_called = 0
    def setUp(self):
        """Clean stuff and create an object to use in templates, and some counters."""
        super(BasicTestCase, self).setUp()

        # Clear the cache
        for cache_name in settings.CACHES:

        # Reset CacheTag config with default value (from the ``override_settings``)

        # And an object to cache in template
        self.obj = {
            'pk': 42,
            'name': 'foobar',
            'get_name': self.get_name,
            'get_foo': self.get_foo,
            'updated_at': datetime(2015, 10, 27, 0, 0, 0),

        # To count the number of calls of ``get_name`` and ``get_foo``.
        self.get_name_called = 0
        self.get_foo_called = 0
    def test_cache_backend(self):
        """Test with ``ADV_CACHE_BACKEND`` to another value than ``default``."""

        # Reset CacheTag config with default value (from the ``override_settings``)

        expected = "foobar"

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 test_cached_template obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache %}

        # Render a first time, should miss the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)

        # Now the rendered template should be in cache
        key = self.get_template_key('test_cached_template',
                                    vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], self.obj['updated_at']])
            key, 'template.cache.test_cached_template.0cac9a03d5330dd78ddc9a0c16f01403')

        # It should be in the cache
        cache_expected = b"1::\n                foobar"

        # But not in the ``default`` cache

        # But in the ``foo`` cache
        self.assertStripEqual(get_cache('foo').get(key), cache_expected)

        # Render a second time, should hit the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)  # Still 1
    def test_using_argument(self):
        """Test passing the cache backend to use with the `using=` arg to the templatetag."""

        expected = "foobar"

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 test_cached_template obj.pk obj.updated_at using=foo %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache %}

        # Render a first time, should miss the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)

        # Now the rendered template should be in cache
        key = self.get_template_key(
            vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], self.obj['updated_at']])

        # It should be in the cache
        cache_expected = b"1::\n                foobar"

        # But not in the ``default`` cache

        # But in the ``foo`` cache
        self.assertStripEqual(get_cache('foo').get(key), cache_expected)

        # Render a second time, should hit the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)  # Still 1
    def test_partial_cache(self):
        """Test the ``nocache`` templatetag."""

        # Reset CacheTag config with default value (from the ``override_settings``)

        expected = "foobar  foo 1  !!"

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 test_cached_template obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
                {% nocache %}
                    {{ obj.get_foo }}
                {% endnocache %}
            {% endcache %}

        # Render a first time, should miss the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_foo_called, 1)

        # Now the rendered template should be in cache
        key = self.get_template_key(
            vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], self.obj['updated_at']])

        # It should be in the cache, with the RAW part
        cache_expected = b"1:: foobar {%endRAW_38a11088962625eb8c913e791931e2bc2e3c7228%} " \
                         b"{{obj.get_foo}} {%RAW_38a11088962625eb8c913e791931e2bc2e3c7228%} !! "
        self.assertStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)

        # Render a second time, should hit the cache but not for ``get_foo``
        expected = "foobar  foo 2  !!"
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)  # Still 1
                         2)  # One more call to the non-cached part
    def test_partial_cache(self):
        """Test the ``nocache`` templatetag."""

        # Reset CacheTag config with default value (from the ``override_settings``)

        expected = "foobar  foo 1  !!"

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 test_cached_template obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
                {% nocache %}
                    {{ obj.get_foo }}
                {% endnocache %}
            {% endcache %}

        # Render a first time, should miss the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_foo_called, 1)

        # Now the rendered template should be in cache
        key = self.get_template_key('test_cached_template',
                                    vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], self.obj['updated_at']])
            key, 'template.cache.test_cached_template.0cac9a03d5330dd78ddc9a0c16f01403')

        # It should be in the cache, with the RAW part
        cache_expected = b"1:: foobar {%endRAW_38a11088962625eb8c913e791931e2bc2e3c7228%} " \
                         b"{{obj.get_foo}} {%RAW_38a11088962625eb8c913e791931e2bc2e3c7228%} !! "
        self.assertStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)

        # Render a second time, should hit the cache but not for ``get_foo``
        expected = "foobar  foo 2  !!"
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)  # Still 1
        self.assertEqual(self.get_foo_called, 2)  # One more call to the non-cached part
    def test_full_compression(self):
        """Test with ``ADV_CACHE_COMPRESS`` and ``ADV_CACHE_COMPRESS_SPACES`` set to ``True``."""

        # Reset CacheTag config with default value (from the ``override_settings``)

        expected = "foobar"

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 test_cached_template obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache %}

        # Render a first time, should miss the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)

        # Now the rendered template should be in cache
        key = self.get_template_key(
            vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], self.obj['updated_at']])

        # It should be in the cache, compressed
        # We DON'T use ``SafeText`` as in ``test_compression`` because with was converted back
        # to a real string when removing spaces
        compressed = zlib.compress(pickle.dumps(" foobar "))
        cache_expected = b'1::' + compressed
        # Test with ``assertEqual``, not ``assertStripEqual``
        self.assertEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)

        # Render a second time, should hit the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)  # Still 1
    def test_primary_key(self):
        """Test with ``ADV_CACHE_INCLUDE_PK`` set to ``True``."""

        # Reset CacheTag config with default value (from the ``override_settings``)

        expected = "foobar"

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 test_cached_template obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache %}

        # Render a first time, should miss the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)

        # Now the rendered template should be in cache

        # We add the pk as a part to the fragment name
        key = self.get_template_key(
            'test_cached_template.%s' % self.obj['pk'],
            vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], self.obj['updated_at']])

        # It should be in the cache
        cache_expected = b"1::\n                foobar"
        self.assertStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)

        # Render a second time, should hit the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)  # Still 1
    def test_full_compression(self):
        """Test with ``ADV_CACHE_COMPRESS`` and ``ADV_CACHE_COMPRESS_SPACES`` set to ``True``."""

        # Reset CacheTag config with default value (from the ``override_settings``)

        expected = "foobar"

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 test_cached_template obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache %}

        # Render a first time, should miss the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)

        # Now the rendered template should be in cache
        key = self.get_template_key('test_cached_template',
                                    vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], self.obj['updated_at']])
            key, 'template.cache.test_cached_template.0cac9a03d5330dd78ddc9a0c16f01403')

        # It should be in the cache, compressed
        # We DON'T use ``SafeText`` as in ``test_compression`` because with was converted back
        # to a real string when removing spaces
        compressed = zlib.compress(pickle.dumps(" foobar "))
        cache_expected = b'1::' + compressed
        # Test with ``assertEqual``, not ``assertStripEqual``
        self.assertEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)

        # Render a second time, should hit the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)  # Still 1
    def test_space_compression(self):
        """Test with ``ADV_CACHE_COMPRESS_SPACES`` set to ``True``."""

        # Reset CacheTag config with default value (from the ``override_settings``)

        expected = "foobar"

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 test_cached_template obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache %}

        # Render a first time, should miss the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)

        # Now the rendered template should be in cache
        key = self.get_template_key(
            vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], self.obj['updated_at']])

        # It should be in the cache, with only one space instead of many white spaces
        cache_expected = b"1:: foobar "
        # Test with ``assertEqual``, not ``assertStripEqual``
        self.assertEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)

        # Render a second time, should hit the cache
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        self.assertEqual(self.get_name_called, 1)  # Still 1
    def test_quoted_fragment_name(self):
        """Test quotes behaviour around the fragment name."""

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 "test_cached_template obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache %}

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raise_context:
        self.assertIn('incoherent', str(raise_context.exception))

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 test_cached_template" obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache %}

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raise_context:
        self.assertIn('incoherent', str(raise_context.exception))

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 'test_cached_template obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache %}

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raise_context:
        self.assertIn('incoherent', str(raise_context.exception))

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 test_cached_template" obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache %}

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raise_context:
        self.assertIn('incoherent', str(raise_context.exception))

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 "test_cached_template" obj.pk "foo" obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }} foo
            {% endcache %}
        expected = "foobar foo"
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        key = self.get_template_key(
            vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], 'foo', self.obj['updated_at']])
        self.assertEqual(  # no quotes arround `test_cached_template`
        cache_expected = b"1::\n                foobar foo"
        self.assertStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 'test_cached_template' obj.pk "bar" obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }} bar
            {% endcache %}
        expected = "foobar bar"
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        key = self.get_template_key(
            vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], 'bar', self.obj['updated_at']])
        self.assertEqual(  # no quotes arround `test_cached_template`
        cache_expected = b"1::\n                foobar bar"
        self.assertStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)
    def test_quoted_fragment_name(self):
        """Test quotes behaviour around the fragment name."""

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 "test_cached_template obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache %}

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raise_context:
        self.assertIn('incoherent', str(raise_context.exception))

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 test_cached_template" obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache %}

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raise_context:
        self.assertIn('incoherent', str(raise_context.exception))

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 'test_cached_template obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache %}

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raise_context:
        self.assertIn('incoherent', str(raise_context.exception))

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 test_cached_template" obj.pk obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }}
            {% endcache %}

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raise_context:
        self.assertIn('incoherent', str(raise_context.exception))

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 "test_cached_template" obj.pk "foo" obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }} foo
            {% endcache %}
        expected = "foobar foo"
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        key = self.get_template_key('test_cached_template',
                                    vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], 'foo', self.obj['updated_at']])
        self.assertEqual(  # no quotes arround `test_cached_template`
            key, 'template.cache.test_cached_template.f2f294788f4c38512d3b544ce07befd0')
        cache_expected = b"1::\n                foobar foo"
        self.assertStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)

        t = """
            {% load adv_cache %}
            {% cache 1 'test_cached_template' obj.pk "bar" obj.updated_at %}
                {{ obj.get_name }} bar
            {% endcache %}
        expected = "foobar bar"
        self.assertStripEqual(self.render(t), expected)
        key = self.get_template_key('test_cached_template',
                                    vary_on=[self.obj['pk'], 'bar', self.obj['updated_at']])
        self.assertEqual(  # no quotes arround `test_cached_template`
            key, 'template.cache.test_cached_template.8bccdefc91dc857fc02f6938bf69b816')
        cache_expected = b"1::\n                foobar bar"
        self.assertStripEqual(get_cache('default').get(key), cache_expected)