 def perform(self, path, logger=None, quit_after=None, backwards=False):
     handler, output_file_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".wav")
     tfl = TextFile(get_abs_path(path), TextFileFormat.PLAIN)
     synth = Synthesizer(logger=logger)
     result = synth.synthesize(tfl, output_file_path, quit_after=quit_after, backwards=backwards)
     delete_file(handler, output_file_path)
     return result
 def test_synthesize_with_unicode(self):
     handler, output_file_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".wav")
     tfl = TextFile(get_abs_path("res/inputtext/de_utf8.txt"), TextFileFormat.PARSED)
     synth = Synthesizer()
     anchors = synth.synthesize(tfl, output_file_path)
     self.assertGreater(len(anchors), 0)
 def test_synthesize(self):
     handler, output_file_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".wav")
     tfl = TextFile(get_abs_path("res/inputtext/sonnet_plain.txt"), TextFileFormat.PLAIN)
     synth = Synthesizer()
     anchors = synth.synthesize(tfl, output_file_path)
     self.assertGreater(len(anchors), 0)
 def test_set_language(self):
     tfl = TextFile(get_abs_path("res/inputtext/sonnet_plain.txt"), TextFileFormat.PLAIN)
     self.assertEqual(len(tfl), 15)
     for fragment in tfl.fragments:
         self.assertEqual(fragment.language, Language.EN)
     for fragment in tfl.fragments:
         self.assertEqual(fragment.language, Language.IT)
 def inner(c_ext, cew_subprocess):
     handler, output_file_path = gf.tmp_file(suffix=".wav")
     tfl = TextFile(gf.absolute_path(path, __file__), TextFileFormat.PLAIN)
     synth = Synthesizer(logger=logger)
     synth.rconf[RuntimeConfiguration.C_EXTENSIONS] = c_ext
     synth.rconf[RuntimeConfiguration.CEW_SUBPROCESS_ENABLED] = cew_subprocess
     result = synth.synthesize(tfl, output_file_path, quit_after=quit_after, backwards=backwards)
     gf.delete_file(handler, output_file_path)
     self.assertEqual(len(result[0]), expected)
     if expected2 is not None:
         self.assertAlmostEqual(result[1], expected2, places=0)
 def inner(c_ext, cew_subprocess):
     handler, output_file_path = gf.tmp_file(suffix=".wav")
     tfl = TextFile(gf.absolute_path(path, __file__), TextFileFormat.PLAIN)
     synth = Synthesizer(logger=logger)
     synth.rconf[RuntimeConfiguration.C_EXTENSIONS] = c_ext
     synth.rconf[RuntimeConfiguration.CEW_SUBPROCESS_ENABLED] = cew_subprocess
     result = synth.synthesize(tfl, output_file_path, quit_after=quit_after, backwards=backwards)
     gf.delete_file(handler, output_file_path)
     self.assertEqual(len(result[0]), expected)
     if expected2 is not None:
         self.assertAlmostEqual(result[1], expected2, places=0)
 def test_set_language_on_empty(self):
     tfl = TextFile()
     self.assertEqual(len(tfl), 0)
     self.assertEqual(len(tfl), 0)
 def test_multiple_no_fragments(self):
     tfl = TextFile()
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
文件: task.py 项目: ptrwtts/aeneas
class Task(Loggable):
    A structure representing a task, that is,
    an audio file and an ordered set of text fragments
    to be synchronized.

    :param string config_string: the task configuration string
    :param rconf: a runtime configuration
    :type  rconf: :class:`~aeneas.runtimeconfiguration.RuntimeConfiguration`
    :param logger: the logger object
    :type  logger: :class:`~aeneas.logger.Logger`
    :raises: TypeError: if ``config_string`` is not ``None`` and
                        it is not a Unicode string

    TAG = u"Task"

    def __init__(self, config_string=None, rconf=None, logger=None):
        super(Task, self).__init__(rconf=rconf, logger=logger)
        self.identifier = gf.uuid_string()
        self.configuration = None
        self.audio_file_path = None # relative to input container root
        self.audio_file_path_absolute = None # concrete path, file will be read from this!
        self.audio_file = None
        self.text_file_path = None # relative to input container root
        self.text_file_path_absolute = None # concrete path, file will be read from this!
        self.text_file = None
        self.sync_map_file_path = None # relative to output container root
        self.sync_map_file_path_absolute = None # concrete path, file will be written to this!
        self.sync_map = None
        if config_string is not None:
            self.configuration = TaskConfiguration(config_string)

    def __unicode__(self):
        msg = [
            u"%s: '%s'" % (gc.RPN_TASK_IDENTIFIER, self.identifier),
            u"Configuration:\n%s" % self.configuration.__unicode__(),
            u"Audio file path: %s" % self.audio_file_path,
            u"Audio file path (absolute): %s" % self.audio_file_path_absolute,
            u"Text file path: %s" % self.text_file_path,
            u"Text file path (absolute): %s" % self.text_file_path_absolute,
            u"Sync map file path: %s" % self.sync_map_file_path,
            u"Sync map file path (absolute): %s" % self.sync_map_file_path_absolute
        return u"\n".join(msg)

    def __str__(self):
        return gf.safe_str(self.__unicode__())

    def identifier(self):
        The identifier of the task.

        :rtype: string
        return self.__identifier
    def identifier(self, value):
        self.__identifier = value

    def audio_file_path_absolute(self):
        The absolute path of the audio file.

        :rtype: string
        return self.__audio_file_path_absolute
    def audio_file_path_absolute(self, audio_file_path_absolute):
        self.__audio_file_path_absolute = audio_file_path_absolute

    def text_file_path_absolute(self):
        The absolute path of the text file.

        :rtype: string
        return self.__text_file_path_absolute
    def text_file_path_absolute(self, text_file_path_absolute):
        self.__text_file_path_absolute = text_file_path_absolute

    def sync_map_file_path_absolute(self):
        The absolute path of the sync map file.

        :rtype: string
        return self.__sync_map_file_path_absolute
    def sync_map_file_path_absolute(self, sync_map_file_path_absolute):
        self.__sync_map_file_path_absolute = sync_map_file_path_absolute

    def output_sync_map_file(self, container_root_path=None):
        Output the sync map file for this task.

        If ``container_root_path`` is specified,
        the output sync map file will be created
        at the path obtained by joining
        the ``container_root_path`` and the relative path
        of the sync map inside the container.

        Otherwise, the sync map file will be created at the path

        Return the the path of the sync map file created,
        or ``None`` if an error occurred.

        :param string container_root_path: the path to the root directory
                                           for the output container
        :rtype: string
        if self.sync_map is None:
            self.log_exc(u"The sync_map object has not been set", None, True, TypeError)

        if (container_root_path is not None) and (self.sync_map_file_path is None):
            self.log_exc(u"The (internal) path of the sync map has been set", None, True, TypeError)

        self.log([u"container_root_path is %s", container_root_path])
        self.log([u"self.sync_map_file_path is %s", self.sync_map_file_path])
        self.log([u"self.sync_map_file_path_absolute is %s", self.sync_map_file_path_absolute])

        if (container_root_path is not None) and (self.sync_map_file_path is not None):
            path = os.path.join(container_root_path, self.sync_map_file_path)
        elif self.sync_map_file_path_absolute:
            path = self.sync_map_file_path_absolute
        self.log([u"Output sync map to %s", path])

        sync_map_format = self.configuration["o_format"]
        audio_ref = self.configuration["o_smil_audio_ref"]
        page_ref = self.configuration["o_smil_page_ref"]

        self.log([u"sync_map_format is %s", sync_map_format])
        self.log([u"page_ref is %s", page_ref])
        self.log([u"audio_ref is %s", audio_ref])

        self.log(u"Calling sync_map.write...")
        afpa = self.audio_file_path_absolute
        if afpa is not None:
            afpa = os.path.abspath(afpa)
        parameters = {
            "audio_file_path_absolute": afpa,
            gc.PPN_TASK_OS_FILE_SMIL_PAGE_REF : page_ref,
            gc.PPN_TASK_OS_FILE_SMIL_AUDIO_REF : audio_ref
        self.sync_map.write(sync_map_format, path, parameters)
        self.log(u"Calling sync_map.write... done")
        return path

    def _populate_audio_file(self):
        Create the ``self.audio_file`` object by reading
        the audio file at ``self.audio_file_path_absolute``.
        self.log(u"Populate audio file...")
        if self.audio_file_path_absolute is not None:
            self.log([u"audio_file_path_absolute is '%s'", self.audio_file_path_absolute])
            self.audio_file = AudioFile(
            self.log(u"audio_file_path_absolute is None")
        self.log(u"Populate audio file... done")

    def _populate_text_file(self):
        Create the ``self.text_file`` object by reading
        the text file at ``self.text_file_path_absolute``.
        self.log(u"Populate text file...")
        if (
                (self.text_file_path_absolute is not None) and
                (self.configuration["language"] is not None)
            # the following values might be None
            parameters = {
                gc.PPN_TASK_IS_TEXT_FILE_IGNORE_REGEX : self.configuration["i_t_ignore_regex"],
                gc.PPN_TASK_IS_TEXT_FILE_TRANSLITERATE_MAP : self.configuration["i_t_transliterate_map"],
                gc.PPN_TASK_IS_TEXT_MPLAIN_WORD_SEPARATOR : self.configuration["i_t_mplain_word_separator"],
                gc.PPN_TASK_IS_TEXT_MUNPARSED_L1_ID_REGEX : self.configuration["i_t_munparsed_l1_id_regex"],
                gc.PPN_TASK_IS_TEXT_MUNPARSED_L2_ID_REGEX : self.configuration["i_t_munparsed_l2_id_regex"],
                gc.PPN_TASK_IS_TEXT_MUNPARSED_L3_ID_REGEX : self.configuration["i_t_munparsed_l3_id_regex"],
                gc.PPN_TASK_IS_TEXT_UNPARSED_CLASS_REGEX : self.configuration["i_t_unparsed_class_regex"],
                gc.PPN_TASK_IS_TEXT_UNPARSED_ID_REGEX : self.configuration["i_t_unparsed_id_regex"],
                gc.PPN_TASK_IS_TEXT_UNPARSED_ID_SORT : self.configuration["i_t_unparsed_id_sort"],
                gc.PPN_TASK_OS_FILE_ID_REGEX : self.configuration["o_id_regex"]
            self.text_file = TextFile(
            self.log(u"text_file_path_absolute and/or language is None")
        self.log(u"Populate text file... done")
class Task(object):
    A structure representing a task, that is,
    an audio file and a list of text fragments
    to be synchronized.

    :param config_string: the task configuration string
    :type  config_string: string

    TAG = "Task"

    def __init__(self, config_string=None):
        # task properties
        self.identifier = str(uuid.uuid4()).lower()
        self.configuration = None
        self.audio_file_path = None # relative to input container root
        self.audio_file_path_absolute = None # concrete path, file will be read from this!
        self.audio_file = None
        self.text_file_path = None # relative to input container root
        self.text_file_path_absolute = None # concrete path, file will be read from this!
        self.text_file = None
        self.sync_map_file_path = None # relative to output container root
        self.sync_map_file_path_absolute = None # concrete path, file will be written to this!
        self.sync_map = None
        if config_string is not None:
            self.configuration = TaskConfiguration(config_string)

    def __str__(self):
        accumulator = ""
        accumulator += "%s: '%s'\n" % (gc.RPN_TASK_IDENTIFIER, self.identifier)
        accumulator += "Configuration:\n%s\n" % str(self.configuration)
        accumulator += "Audio file path: %s\n" % self.audio_file_path
        accumulator += "Audio file path (absolute): %s\n" % self.audio_file_path_absolute
        accumulator += "Text file path: %s\n" % self.text_file_path
        accumulator += "Text file path (absolute): %s\n" % self.text_file_path_absolute
        accumulator += "Sync map file path: %s\n" % self.sync_map_file_path
        accumulator += "Sync map file path (absolute): %s\n" % self.sync_map_file_path_absolute
        return accumulator

    def identifier(self):
        The identifier of the task.

        :rtype: string
        return self.__identifier
    def identifier(self, value):
        self.__identifier = value

    def audio_file_path_absolute(self):
        The absolute path of the audio file.

        :rtype: string (path)
        return self.__audio_file_path_absolute
    def audio_file_path_absolute(self, audio_file_path_absolute):
        self.__audio_file_path_absolute = audio_file_path_absolute

    def text_file_path_absolute(self):
        The absolute path of the text file.

        :rtype: string (path)
        return self.__text_file_path_absolute
    def text_file_path_absolute(self, text_file_path_absolute):
        self.__text_file_path_absolute = text_file_path_absolute

    def sync_map_file_path_absolute(self):
        The absolute path of the sync map file.

        :rtype: string (path)
        return self.__sync_map_file_path_absolute
    def sync_map_file_path_absolute(self, sync_map_file_path_absolute):
        self.__sync_map_file_path_absolute = sync_map_file_path_absolute

    def _populate_audio_file(self):
        Create the ``self.audio_file`` object by reading
        the audio file at ``self.audio_file_path_absolute``.
        if self.audio_file_path_absolute is not None:
            self.audio_file = AudioFile(

    def _populate_text_file(self):
        Create the ``self.text_file`` object by reading
        the text file at ``self.text_file_path_absolute``.
        if ((self.text_file_path_absolute is not None) and
                (self.configuration.language is not None)):
            parameters = dict()
            parameters[gc.PPN_TASK_IS_TEXT_UNPARSED_CLASS_REGEX] = self.configuration.is_text_unparsed_class_regex
            parameters[gc.PPN_TASK_IS_TEXT_UNPARSED_ID_REGEX] = self.configuration.is_text_unparsed_id_regex
            parameters[gc.PPN_TASK_IS_TEXT_UNPARSED_ID_SORT] = self.configuration.is_text_unparsed_id_sort
            self.text_file = TextFile(

    def output_sync_map_file(self, container_root_path=None):
        Output the sync map file for this task.

        If ``container_root_path`` is specified,
        the output sync map file will be created
        at the path obtained by joining
        the ``container_root_path`` and the relative path
        of the sync map inside the container.

        Otherwise, the sync map file will be created at the path

        Return the the path of the sync map file created,
        or ``None`` if an error occurred.

        :param container_root_path: the path to the root directory
                                    for the output container
        :type  container_root_path: string (path)
        :rtype: return the path of the sync map file created
        if self.sync_map is None:
            return None

        if (container_root_path is not None) and (self.sync_map_file_path is None):
            return None

        if (container_root_path is not None) and (self.sync_map_file_path is not None):
            path = os.path.join(container_root_path, self.sync_map_file_path)
        elif self.sync_map_file_path_absolute:
            path = self.sync_map_file_path_absolute

        sync_map_format = self.configuration.os_file_format
        parameters = dict()
        parameters[gc.PPN_TASK_OS_FILE_SMIL_PAGE_REF] = self.configuration.os_file_smil_page_ref
        parameters[gc.PPN_TASK_OS_FILE_SMIL_AUDIO_REF] = self.configuration.os_file_smil_audio_ref
        result = self.sync_map.write(sync_map_format, path, parameters)
        if not result:
            return None
        return path
class Task(object):
    A structure representing a task, that is,
    an audio file and a list of text fragments
    to be synchronized.

    :param config_string: the task configuration string
    :type  config_string: string

    TAG = "Task"

    def __init__(self, config_string=None):
        # task properties
        self.identifier = str(uuid.uuid4()).lower()
        self.configuration = None
        self.audio_file_path = None  # relative to input container root
        self.audio_file_path_absolute = None  # concrete path, file will be read from this!
        self.audio_file = None
        self.text_file_path = None  # relative to input container root
        self.text_file_path_absolute = None  # concrete path, file will be read from this!
        self.text_file = None
        self.sync_map_file_path = None  # relative to output container root
        self.sync_map_file_path_absolute = None  # concrete path, file will be written to this!
        self.sync_map = None
        if config_string is not None:
            self.configuration = TaskConfiguration(config_string)

    def __str__(self):
        accumulator = ""
        accumulator += "%s: '%s'\n" % (gc.RPN_TASK_IDENTIFIER, self.identifier)
        accumulator += "Configuration:\n%s\n" % str(self.configuration)
        accumulator += "Audio file path: %s\n" % self.audio_file_path
        accumulator += "Audio file path (absolute): %s\n" % self.audio_file_path_absolute
        accumulator += "Text file path: %s\n" % self.text_file_path
        accumulator += "Text file path (absolute): %s\n" % self.text_file_path_absolute
        accumulator += "Sync map file path: %s\n" % self.sync_map_file_path
        accumulator += "Sync map file path (absolute): %s\n" % self.sync_map_file_path_absolute
        return accumulator

    def identifier(self):
        The identifier of the task.

        :rtype: string
        return self.__identifier

    def identifier(self, value):
        self.__identifier = value

    def audio_file_path_absolute(self):
        The absolute path of the audio file.

        :rtype: string (path)
        return self.__audio_file_path_absolute

    def audio_file_path_absolute(self, audio_file_path_absolute):
        self.__audio_file_path_absolute = audio_file_path_absolute

    def text_file_path_absolute(self):
        The absolute path of the text file.

        :rtype: string (path)
        return self.__text_file_path_absolute

    def text_file_path_absolute(self, text_file_path_absolute):
        self.__text_file_path_absolute = text_file_path_absolute

    def sync_map_file_path_absolute(self):
        The absolute path of the sync map file.

        :rtype: string (path)
        return self.__sync_map_file_path_absolute

    def sync_map_file_path_absolute(self, sync_map_file_path_absolute):
        self.__sync_map_file_path_absolute = sync_map_file_path_absolute

    def _populate_audio_file(self):
        Create the ``self.audio_file`` object by reading
        the audio file at ``self.audio_file_path_absolute``.
        if self.audio_file_path_absolute is not None:
            self.audio_file = AudioFile(
                file_path=self.audio_file_path_absolute, logger=None)

    def _populate_text_file(self):
        Create the ``self.text_file`` object by reading
        the text file at ``self.text_file_path_absolute``.
        if ((self.text_file_path_absolute is not None)
                and (self.configuration.language is not None)):
            parameters = dict()
                PPN_TASK_IS_TEXT_UNPARSED_CLASS_REGEX] = self.configuration.is_text_unparsed_class_regex
                PPN_TASK_IS_TEXT_UNPARSED_ID_REGEX] = self.configuration.is_text_unparsed_id_regex
                PPN_TASK_IS_TEXT_UNPARSED_ID_SORT] = self.configuration.is_text_unparsed_id_sort
            self.text_file = TextFile(

    def output_sync_map_file(self, container_root_path=None):
        Output the sync map file for this task.

        If ``container_root_path`` is specified,
        the output sync map file will be created
        at the path obtained by joining
        the ``container_root_path`` and the relative path
        of the sync map inside the container.

        Otherwise, the sync map file will be created at the path

        Return the the path of the sync map file created,
        or ``None`` if an error occurred.

        :param container_root_path: the path to the root directory
                                    for the output container
        :type  container_root_path: string (path)
        :rtype: return the path of the sync map file created
        if self.sync_map is None:
            return None

        if (container_root_path
                is not None) and (self.sync_map_file_path is None):
            return None

        if (container_root_path is not None) and (self.sync_map_file_path
                                                  is not None):
            path = os.path.join(container_root_path, self.sync_map_file_path)
        elif self.sync_map_file_path_absolute:
            path = self.sync_map_file_path_absolute

        sync_map_format = self.configuration.os_file_format
        parameters = dict()
            PPN_TASK_OS_FILE_SMIL_PAGE_REF] = self.configuration.os_file_smil_page_ref
            PPN_TASK_OS_FILE_SMIL_AUDIO_REF] = self.configuration.os_file_smil_audio_ref
        result = self.sync_map.write(sync_map_format, path, parameters)
        if not result:
            return None
        return path
文件: run_sd.py 项目: fduch2k/aeneas
def main():
    """ Entry point """
    if len(sys.argv) < 5:
    language = sys.argv[1]
    text_file_path = sys.argv[2]
    text_format = sys.argv[3]
    audio_file_path = sys.argv[-1]
    verbose = False
    parameters = {}

    for i in range(4, len(sys.argv)-1):
        args = sys.argv[i].split("=")
        if len(args) == 1:
            verbose = (args[0] in ["v", "-v", "verbose", "--verbose"])
        if len(args) == 2:
            key, value = args
            if key == "id_regex":
                parameters[gc.PPN_JOB_IS_TEXT_UNPARSED_ID_REGEX] = value
            if key == "class_regex":
                parameters[gc.PPN_JOB_IS_TEXT_UNPARSED_CLASS_REGEX] = value
            if key == "sort":
                parameters[gc.PPN_JOB_IS_TEXT_UNPARSED_ID_SORT] = value
            if key == "min_head_length":
                parameters["min_head_length"] = float(value)
            if key == "max_head_length":
                parameters["max_head_length"] = float(value)
            if key == "min_tail_length":
                parameters["min_head_length"] = float(value)
            if key == "max_tail_length":
                parameters["max_tail_length"] = float(value)

    if not gf.can_run_c_extension():
        print "[WARN] Unable to load Python C Extensions"
        print "[WARN] Running the slower pure Python code"
        print "[WARN] See the README file for directions to compile the Python C Extensions"

    logger = Logger(tee=verbose)

    print "[INFO] Reading audio..."
    tmp_handler, tmp_file_path = tempfile.mkstemp(
    converter = FFMPEGWrapper(logger=logger)
    converter.convert(audio_file_path, tmp_file_path)
    audio_file = AudioFile(tmp_file_path)
    print "[INFO] Reading audio... done"

    print "[INFO] Reading text..."
    if text_format == "list":
        text_file = TextFile()
        text_file = TextFile(text_file_path, text_format, parameters)
    print "[INFO] Reading text... done"

    print "[INFO] Detecting audio interval..."
    sd = SD(audio_file, text_file, logger=logger)
    min_head_length = gc.SD_MIN_HEAD_LENGTH
    if "min_head_length" in parameters:
        min_head_length = parameters["min_head_length"]
    max_head_length = gc.SD_MAX_HEAD_LENGTH
    if "max_head_length" in parameters:
        max_head_length = parameters["max_head_length"]
    min_tail_length = gc.SD_MIN_TAIL_LENGTH
    if "min_tail_length" in parameters:
        min_tail_length = parameters["min_tail_length"]
    max_tail_length = gc.SD_MAX_TAIL_LENGTH
    if "max_tail_length" in parameters:
        max_tail_length = parameters["max_tail_length"]
    start, end = sd.detect_interval(
    zero = 0
    audio_len = audio_file.audio_length
    head_len = start
    text_len = end - start
    tail_len = audio_len - end
    print "[INFO] Detecting audio interval... done"
    print "[INFO] "
    print "[INFO] Head: %.3f %.3f (%.3f)" % (zero, start, head_len)
    print "[INFO] Text: %.3f %.3f (%.3f)" % (start, end, text_len)
    print "[INFO] Tail: %.3f %.3f (%.3f)" % (end, audio_len, tail_len)
    print "[INFO] "
    zero_h = gf.time_to_hhmmssmmm(0)
    start_h = gf.time_to_hhmmssmmm(start)
    end_h = gf.time_to_hhmmssmmm(end)
    audio_len_h = gf.time_to_hhmmssmmm(audio_len)
    head_len_h = gf.time_to_hhmmssmmm(head_len)
    text_len_h = gf.time_to_hhmmssmmm(text_len)
    tail_len_h = gf.time_to_hhmmssmmm(tail_len)
    print "[INFO] Head: %s %s (%s)" % (zero_h, start_h, head_len_h)
    print "[INFO] Text: %s %s (%s)" % (start_h, end_h, text_len_h)
    print "[INFO] Tail: %s %s (%s)" % (end_h, audio_len_h, tail_len_h)

    #print "[INFO]   Cleaning up..."
    cleanup(tmp_handler, tmp_file_path)
文件: task.py 项目: shivupoojar/DeFog
class Task(Loggable):
    A structure representing a task, that is,
    an audio file and an ordered set of text fragments
    to be synchronized.

    :param string config_string: the task configuration string
    :param rconf: a runtime configuration
    :type  rconf: :class:`~aeneas.runtimeconfiguration.RuntimeConfiguration`
    :param logger: the logger object
    :type  logger: :class:`~aeneas.logger.Logger`
    :raises: TypeError: if ``config_string`` is not ``None`` and
                        it is not a Unicode string

    TAG = u"Task"

    def __init__(self, config_string=None, rconf=None, logger=None):
        super(Task, self).__init__(rconf=rconf, logger=logger)
        self.identifier = gf.uuid_string()
        self.configuration = None
        self.audio_file_path = None  # relative to input container root
        self.audio_file_path_absolute = None  # concrete path, file will be read from this!
        self.audio_file = None
        self.text_file_path = None  # relative to input container root
        self.text_file_path_absolute = None  # concrete path, file will be read from this!
        self.text_file = None
        self.sync_map_file_path = None  # relative to output container root
        self.sync_map_file_path_absolute = None  # concrete path, file will be written to this!
        self.sync_map = None
        if config_string is not None:
            self.configuration = TaskConfiguration(config_string)

    def __unicode__(self):
        msg = [
            u"%s: '%s'" % (gc.RPN_TASK_IDENTIFIER, self.identifier),
            u"Configuration:\n%s" % self.configuration.__unicode__(),
            u"Audio file path: %s" % self.audio_file_path,
            u"Audio file path (absolute): %s" % self.audio_file_path_absolute,
            u"Text file path: %s" % self.text_file_path,
            u"Text file path (absolute): %s" % self.text_file_path_absolute,
            u"Sync map file path: %s" % self.sync_map_file_path,
            u"Sync map file path (absolute): %s" %
        return u"\n".join(msg)

    def __str__(self):
        return gf.safe_str(self.__unicode__())

    def identifier(self):
        The identifier of the task.

        :rtype: string
        return self.__identifier

    def identifier(self, value):
        self.__identifier = value

    def audio_file_path_absolute(self):
        The absolute path of the audio file.

        :rtype: string
        return self.__audio_file_path_absolute

    def audio_file_path_absolute(self, audio_file_path_absolute):
        self.__audio_file_path_absolute = audio_file_path_absolute

    def text_file_path_absolute(self):
        The absolute path of the text file.

        :rtype: string
        return self.__text_file_path_absolute

    def text_file_path_absolute(self, text_file_path_absolute):
        self.__text_file_path_absolute = text_file_path_absolute

    def sync_map_file_path_absolute(self):
        The absolute path of the sync map file.

        :rtype: string
        return self.__sync_map_file_path_absolute

    def sync_map_file_path_absolute(self, sync_map_file_path_absolute):
        self.__sync_map_file_path_absolute = sync_map_file_path_absolute

    def sync_map_leaves(self, fragment_type=None):
        Return the list of non-empty leaves
        in the sync map associated with the task.

        If ``fragment_type`` has been specified,
        return only leaves of that fragment type.

        :param int fragment_type: type of fragment to return
        :rtype: list

        .. versionadded:: 1.7.0
        if (self.sync_map is None) or (self.sync_map.fragments_tree is None):
            return []
        return [f for f in self.sync_map.leaves(fragment_type)]

    def output_sync_map_file(self, container_root_path=None):
        Output the sync map file for this task.

        If ``container_root_path`` is specified,
        the output sync map file will be created
        at the path obtained by joining
        the ``container_root_path`` and the relative path
        of the sync map inside the container.

        Otherwise, the sync map file will be created at the path

        Return the the path of the sync map file created,
        or ``None`` if an error occurred.

        :param string container_root_path: the path to the root directory
                                           for the output container
        :rtype: string
        if self.sync_map is None:
            self.log_exc(u"The sync_map object has not been set", None, True,

        if (container_root_path
                is not None) and (self.sync_map_file_path is None):
            self.log_exc(u"The (internal) path of the sync map has been set",
                         None, True, TypeError)

        self.log([u"container_root_path is %s", container_root_path])
        self.log([u"self.sync_map_file_path is %s", self.sync_map_file_path])
            u"self.sync_map_file_path_absolute is %s",

        if (container_root_path is not None) and (self.sync_map_file_path
                                                  is not None):
            path = os.path.join(container_root_path, self.sync_map_file_path)
        elif self.sync_map_file_path_absolute:
            path = self.sync_map_file_path_absolute
        self.log([u"Output sync map to %s", path])

        eaf_audio_ref = self.configuration["o_eaf_audio_ref"]
        head_tail_format = self.configuration["o_h_t_format"]
        levels = self.configuration["o_levels"]
        smil_audio_ref = self.configuration["o_smil_audio_ref"]
        smil_page_ref = self.configuration["o_smil_page_ref"]
        sync_map_format = self.configuration["o_format"]

        self.log([u"eaf_audio_ref is %s", eaf_audio_ref])
        self.log([u"head_tail_format is %s", head_tail_format])
        self.log([u"levels is %s", levels])
        self.log([u"smil_audio_ref is %s", smil_audio_ref])
        self.log([u"smil_page_ref is %s", smil_page_ref])
        self.log([u"sync_map_format is %s", sync_map_format])

        self.log(u"Calling sync_map.write...")
        parameters = {
            gc.PPN_TASK_OS_FILE_EAF_AUDIO_REF: eaf_audio_ref,
            gc.PPN_TASK_OS_FILE_HEAD_TAIL_FORMAT: head_tail_format,
            gc.PPN_TASK_OS_FILE_LEVELS: levels,
            gc.PPN_TASK_OS_FILE_SMIL_AUDIO_REF: smil_audio_ref,
            gc.PPN_TASK_OS_FILE_SMIL_PAGE_REF: smil_page_ref,
        self.sync_map.write(sync_map_format, path, parameters)
        self.log(u"Calling sync_map.write... done")
        return path

    def _populate_audio_file(self):
        Create the ``self.audio_file`` object by reading
        the audio file at ``self.audio_file_path_absolute``.
        self.log(u"Populate audio file...")
        if self.audio_file_path_absolute is not None:
                u"audio_file_path_absolute is '%s'",
            self.audio_file = AudioFile(
                file_path=self.audio_file_path_absolute, logger=self.logger)
            self.log(u"audio_file_path_absolute is None")
        self.log(u"Populate audio file... done")

    def _populate_text_file(self):
        Create the ``self.text_file`` object by reading
        the text file at ``self.text_file_path_absolute``.
        self.log(u"Populate text file...")
        if ((self.text_file_path_absolute is not None)
                and (self.configuration["language"] is not None)):
            # the following values might be None
            parameters = {
            self.text_file = TextFile(
            self.log(u"text_file_path_absolute and/or language is None")
        self.log(u"Populate text file... done")
 def test_no_fragments(self):
     tfl = TextFile()
     self.synthesize(tfl, expected_exc=ValueError)
 def load(self):
     audio_file_mfcc = AudioFileMFCC(self.AUDIO_FILE)
     text_file = TextFile(self.TEXT_FILE, file_format=TextFileFormat.PLAIN)
     return SD(audio_file_mfcc, text_file)
 def test_multiple_no_fragments(self):
     tfl = TextFile()
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
def main():
    """ Entry point """
    if len(sys.argv) < 5:
    language = sys.argv[1]
    text_file_path = sys.argv[2]
    text_format = sys.argv[3]
    audio_file_path = sys.argv[-1]
    backwards = False
    quit_after = None
    parameters = {}

    for i in range(4, len(sys.argv) - 1):
        args = sys.argv[i].split("=")
        if len(args) == 1:
            backwards = (args[0] in ["b", "-b", "backwards", "--backwards"])
        if len(args) == 2:
            key, value = args
            if key == "id_regex":
                parameters[gc.PPN_JOB_IS_TEXT_UNPARSED_ID_REGEX] = value
            if key == "class_regex":
                parameters[gc.PPN_JOB_IS_TEXT_UNPARSED_CLASS_REGEX] = value
            if key == "sort":
                parameters[gc.PPN_JOB_IS_TEXT_UNPARSED_ID_SORT] = value
            if (key == "start") or (key == "end"):
                    parameters[key] = int(value)
            if key == "quit_after":
                quit_after = float(value)

    if text_format == "list":
        text_file = TextFile()
        text_file = TextFile(text_file_path, text_format, parameters)

    start_fragment = None
    if "start" in parameters:
        start_fragment = parameters["start"]

    end_fragment = None
    if "end" in parameters:
        end_fragment = parameters["end"]

    print "[INFO] Read input text file with %d fragments" % (len(text_file))
    if start_fragment is not None:
        print "[INFO] Slicing from index %d" % (start_fragment)
    if end_fragment is not None:
        print "[INFO] Slicing to index %d" % (end_fragment)
    text_slice = text_file.get_slice(start_fragment, end_fragment)
    print "[INFO] Synthesizing %d fragments" % (len(text_slice))
    if quit_after is not None:
        print "[INFO] Stop synthesizing after reaching %.3f seconds" % (
    if backwards:
        print "[INFO] Synthesizing backwards"
    synt = Synthesizer()
    synt.synthesize(text_slice, audio_file_path, quit_after, backwards)
    print "[INFO] Created file '%s'" % audio_file_path
def main():
    """ Entry point """
    if len(sys.argv) < 5:
    language = sys.argv[1]
    text_file_path = sys.argv[2]
    text_format = sys.argv[3]
    audio_file_path = sys.argv[-1]
    verbose = False
    parameters = {}

    for i in range(4, len(sys.argv) - 1):
        args = sys.argv[i].split("=")
        if len(args) == 1:
            verbose = (args[0] in ["v", "-v", "verbose", "--verbose"])
        if len(args) == 2:
            key, value = args
            if key == "id_regex":
                parameters[gc.PPN_JOB_IS_TEXT_UNPARSED_ID_REGEX] = value
            if key == "class_regex":
                parameters[gc.PPN_JOB_IS_TEXT_UNPARSED_CLASS_REGEX] = value
            if key == "sort":
                parameters[gc.PPN_JOB_IS_TEXT_UNPARSED_ID_SORT] = value
            if key == "min_head_length":
                parameters["min_head_length"] = float(value)
            if key == "max_head_length":
                parameters["max_head_length"] = float(value)
            if key == "min_tail_length":
                parameters["min_head_length"] = float(value)
            if key == "max_tail_length":
                parameters["max_tail_length"] = float(value)

    if not gf.can_run_c_extension():
        print "[WARN] Unable to load Python C Extensions"
        print "[WARN] Running the slower pure Python code"
        print "[WARN] See the README file for directions to compile the Python C Extensions"

    logger = Logger(tee=verbose)

    print "[INFO] Reading audio..."
    tmp_handler, tmp_file_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".wav",
    converter = FFMPEGWrapper(logger=logger)
    converter.convert(audio_file_path, tmp_file_path)
    audio_file = AudioFile(tmp_file_path)
    print "[INFO] Reading audio... done"

    print "[INFO] Reading text..."
    if text_format == "list":
        text_file = TextFile()
        text_file = TextFile(text_file_path, text_format, parameters)
    print "[INFO] Reading text... done"

    print "[INFO] Detecting audio interval..."
    sd = SD(audio_file, text_file, logger=logger)
    min_head_length = gc.SD_MIN_HEAD_LENGTH
    if "min_head_length" in parameters:
        min_head_length = parameters["min_head_length"]
    max_head_length = gc.SD_MAX_HEAD_LENGTH
    if "max_head_length" in parameters:
        max_head_length = parameters["max_head_length"]
    min_tail_length = gc.SD_MIN_TAIL_LENGTH
    if "min_tail_length" in parameters:
        min_tail_length = parameters["min_tail_length"]
    max_tail_length = gc.SD_MAX_TAIL_LENGTH
    if "max_tail_length" in parameters:
        max_tail_length = parameters["max_tail_length"]
    start, end = sd.detect_interval(min_head_length, max_head_length,
                                    min_tail_length, max_tail_length)
    zero = 0
    audio_len = audio_file.audio_length
    head_len = start
    text_len = end - start
    tail_len = audio_len - end
    print "[INFO] Detecting audio interval... done"
    print "[INFO] "
    print "[INFO] Head: %.3f %.3f (%.3f)" % (zero, start, head_len)
    print "[INFO] Text: %.3f %.3f (%.3f)" % (start, end, text_len)
    print "[INFO] Tail: %.3f %.3f (%.3f)" % (end, audio_len, tail_len)
    print "[INFO] "
    zero_h = gf.time_to_hhmmssmmm(0)
    start_h = gf.time_to_hhmmssmmm(start)
    end_h = gf.time_to_hhmmssmmm(end)
    audio_len_h = gf.time_to_hhmmssmmm(audio_len)
    head_len_h = gf.time_to_hhmmssmmm(head_len)
    text_len_h = gf.time_to_hhmmssmmm(text_len)
    tail_len_h = gf.time_to_hhmmssmmm(tail_len)
    print "[INFO] Head: %s %s (%s)" % (zero_h, start_h, head_len_h)
    print "[INFO] Text: %s %s (%s)" % (start_h, end_h, text_len_h)
    print "[INFO] Tail: %s %s (%s)" % (end_h, audio_len_h, tail_len_h)

    #print "[INFO]   Cleaning up..."
    cleanup(tmp_handler, tmp_file_path)
def build_sync_map(
    text_paths, audio_paths, tmp_dir,
    sync_map_text_path_prefix, sync_map_audio_path_prefix,
    skip_penalty, radius
    This is an algorithm for building a sync map.
    It synthesizes text and then aligns synthesized audio with the recorded audio
    using a variation of the DTW (Dynamic Time Warping) algorithm.
    The main features of this algorithm are:
    1) It can handle structural differences in the beginning and in the end of files.
    2) It finds an approximation to an optimal warping path in linear time and space using FastDTW approach.

    Note that while the algorithm does not require one-to-one correspondance
    between text and audio files (i.e. the splitting can be done differently),
    the quality of the result is sensitive to the choice of skip_penalty and radius parameters,
    so it is recommended to have such a correspondance.

    Alignment details:
    Synthesized and recorded audio are represented as sequences of MFCC frames.
    These sequences are aligned using variation of the DTW algorithm.
    In contrast to the classic DTW, this algorithms can be used
    to align sequences with structural differences in the beginning or in the end.
    Steps to build a sync map:
    1) Synthesize text file and produce a list of anchors.
    Each anchor represents the start of the corresponding text fragment in a synthesized audio.
    2) Get sequences of MFCC frames of synthesized and recorded audio.
    3) Get their warping path by calling the alignment algorithm.
    4) Check whether the extra content is found, calculate mapping boundaries.
    5) Map anchors inside the boundaries to the recorded MFCC sequence using warping path from step 3.
    6) Start all over again considering:
    If there is an extra content in the end of synthesized sequence, align it with the next audio file.
    If there is an extra content in the end of recorded sequence, align it with the next text file.
    If both sequences have extra content in the end, align text tail with the next audio file.
    If none of the above, align next text and audio files.

    synthesizer = Synthesizer()
    parse_parameters = {'is_text_unparsed_id_regex': 'f[0-9]+'}
    sync_map = {}
    process_next_text = True
    process_next_audio = True

    while True:
        if process_next_text:
                text_path = next(text_paths)
            except StopIteration:

            text_name = get_name_from_path(text_path)
            output_text_name = os.path.join(sync_map_text_path_prefix, text_name)
            textfile = TextFile(text_path, file_format=TextFileFormat.UNPARSED, parameters=parse_parameters)
            text_wav_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, f'{drop_extension(text_name)}_text.wav')
            sync_map[output_text_name] = {}

            # Produce synthesized audio, get anchors
            anchors,_,_ = synthesizer.synthesize(textfile, text_wav_path)
            # Get fragments, convert anchors timings to the frames indicies
            fragments = [a[1] for a in anchors]
            anchors = np.array([int(a[0] / TimeValue('0.040')) for a in anchors])

            # MFCC frames sequence memory layout is a n x l 2D array,
            # where n - number of frames and l - number of MFFCs
            # i.e it is c-contiguous, but after dropping the first coefficient it siezes to be c-contiguous.
            # Should decide whether to make a copy or to work around the first coefficient.
            text_mfcc_sequence = np.ascontiguousarray(
                AudioFileMFCC(text_wav_path).all_mfcc.T[:, 1:]
        if process_next_audio:
                audio_path = next(audio_paths)
            except StopIteration:

            audio_name = get_name_from_path(audio_path)
            output_audio_name = os.path.join(sync_map_audio_path_prefix, audio_name)
            audio_wav_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, f'{drop_extension(audio_name)}_audio.wav')
            subprocess.run(['ffmpeg', '-n', '-i', audio_path, audio_wav_path])

            audio_mfcc_sequence = np.ascontiguousarray(
                AudioFileMFCC(audio_wav_path).all_mfcc.T[:, 1:]
            # Keep track to calculate frames timings
            audio_start_frame = 0
        n = len(text_mfcc_sequence)
        m = len(audio_mfcc_sequence)

        _, path = c_FastDTWBD(text_mfcc_sequence, audio_mfcc_sequence, skip_penalty, radius=radius)
        if len(path) == 0:
                f'No match between {text_name} and {audio_name}. '
                f'Alignment is terminated. '
                f'Adjust skip_penalty or input files.'
            return {}
        # Project path to the text and audio sequences
        text_path_frames = path[:,0]
        audio_path_frames = path[:,1]
        last_matched_audio_frame = audio_path_frames[-1]

        # Find first and last matched frames
        first_matched_text_frame = text_path_frames[0]
        last_matched_text_frame = text_path_frames[-1]

        # Map only those fragments that intersect matched frames
        anchors_boundary_indices = np.searchsorted(
            anchors, [first_matched_text_frame, last_matched_text_frame]
        map_anchors_from = max(anchors_boundary_indices[0] - 1, 0)
        map_anchors_to = anchors_boundary_indices[1]
        anchors_to_map = anchors[map_anchors_from:map_anchors_to]
        fragments_to_map = fragments[map_anchors_from:map_anchors_to]

        # Get anchors indicies in the path projection to the text sequence
        text_path_anchor_indices = np.searchsorted(text_path_frames, anchors_to_map)
        # Get anchors' frames in audio sequence, calculate their timings
        anchors_matched_frames = audio_path_frames[text_path_anchor_indices]
        timings = (np.append(anchors_matched_frames, audio_path_frames[-1]) + audio_start_frame) * 0.040
        # Map fragment_ids to timings, update mapping of the current text file
        fragment_map = {
            f: {
                'audio_file': output_audio_name,
                'begin_time': time_to_str(bt),
                'end_time': time_to_str(et)
            for f, bt, et in zip(fragments_to_map, timings[:-1], timings[1:])

        # Decide whether to process next file or to align the tail of the current one

        if map_anchors_to == len(anchors):
            # Process next text if no fragments are left
            process_next_text = True
            # Otherwise align tail of the current text
            process_next_text = False
            text_mfcc_sequence = text_mfcc_sequence[last_matched_text_frame:]
            fragments = fragments[map_anchors_to:]
            anchors = anchors[map_anchors_to:] - last_matched_text_frame
        if last_matched_audio_frame == m - 1 or not process_next_text:
            # Process next audio if there are no unmatched audio frames in the tail
            # or there are more text fragments to map, i.e.
            # we choose to process next audio if we cannot decide.
            # This strategy is correct if there are no extra fragments in the end.
            process_next_audio = True
            # Otherwise align tail of the current audio
            process_next_audio = False
            audio_mfcc_sequence = audio_mfcc_sequence[last_matched_audio_frame:]
            audio_start_frame += last_matched_audio_frame
    return sync_map
 def test_no_fragments(self):
     tfl = TextFile()
     self.synthesize(tfl, expected_exc=ValueError)
 def test_set_language_on_empty(self):
     tfl = TextFile()
     self.assertEqual(len(tfl), 0)
     self.assertEqual(len(tfl), 0)