def scattering_factor(elevation_angle):
    Calculates a scattering factor (a factor that gives losses due to atmospheric scattering at low elevation angles).
    Source: AeroSandbox/studies/SolarPanelScattering
    :param elevation_angle: Angle between the horizon and the sun [degrees]
    :return: Fraction of the light that is not lost to scattering.
    elevation_angle = np.clip(elevation_angle, 0, 90)
    theta = 90 - elevation_angle  # Angle between panel normal and the sun, in degrees

    # # Model 1
    # c = (
    #     0.27891510500505767300438719757949,
    #     -0.015994330894744987481281839336589,
    #     -19.707332432605799255043166340329,
    #     -0.66260979582573353852126274432521
    # )
    # scattering_factor = c[0] + c[3] * theta_rad + cas.exp(
    #     c[1] * (
    #             cas.tan(theta_rad) + c[2] * theta_rad
    #     )
    # )

    # Model 2
    c = (
    scattering_factor = np.exp(
        c[0] * (
                np.tand(theta * 0.999) + c[1] * np.radians(theta)

    # # Model 3
    # p1 = -21.74
    # p2 = 282.6
    # p3 = -1538
    # p4 = 1786
    # q1 = -923.2
    # q2 = 1456
    # x = theta_rad
    # scattering_factor = ((p1*x**3 + p2*x**2 + p3*x + p4) /
    #            (x**2 + q1*x + q2))

    # Keep this:
    # scattering_factor = cas.fmin(cas.fmax(scattering_factor, 0), 1)
    return scattering_factor
def CL_over_Cl(aspect_ratio: float,
               mach: float = 0.,
               sweep: float = 0.) -> float:
    Returns the ratio of 3D lift coefficient (with compressibility) to 2D lift coefficient (incompressible).
    :param aspect_ratio: Aspect ratio
    :param mach: Mach number
    :param sweep: Sweep angle [deg]
    beta = np.where(1 - mach**2 >= 0, np.fmax(1 - mach**2, 0)**0.5, 0)
    # return aspect_ratio / (aspect_ratio + 2) # Equivalent to equation in Drela's FVA in incompressible, 2*pi*alpha limit.
    # return aspect_ratio / (2 + cas.sqrt(4 + aspect_ratio ** 2))  # more theoretically sound at low aspect_ratio
    eta = 0.95
    return aspect_ratio / (2 + np.sqrt(4 + (aspect_ratio * beta / eta)**2 *
                                       (1 + (np.tand(sweep) / beta)**2))
                           )  # From Raymer, Sect. 12.4.1; citing DATCOM
def CL_over_Cl(
        aspect_ratio: float,
        mach: float = 0.,
        sweep: float = 0.,
        Cl_is_compressible: bool = True
) -> float:
    Returns the ratio of 3D lift coefficient (with compressibility) to the 2D lift coefficient.

    Specifically: CL_3D / CL_2D


        aspect_ratio: The aspect ratio of the wing.

        mach: The freestream Mach number.

        sweep: The sweep of the wing, in degrees. To be most accurate, this should be the sweep at the locus of
        thickest points along the wing.

        Cl_is_compressible: This flag indicates whether the 2D airfoil data already has compressibility effects

            For example:

                * If this flag is True, this function returns: CL_3D / CL_2D, where CL_2D is the sectional lift
                coefficient based on the local profile at the freestream mach number.

                * If this flag is False, this function returns: CL_3D / CL_2D_at_mach_zero, where CL_2D_... is the
                sectional lift coefficient based on the local profile at mach zero.

            For most accurate results, set this flag to True, and then model profile characteristics separately.

    prandtl_glauert_beta_squared_ideal = 1 - mach ** 2

    # beta_squared = 1 - mach ** 2
    beta_squared = np.softmax(

    ### Alternate formulations
    # CL_ratio = aspect_ratio / (aspect_ratio + 2) # Equivalent to equation in Drela's FVA in incompressible, 2*pi*alpha limit.
    # CL_ratio = aspect_ratio / (2 + np.sqrt(4 + aspect_ratio ** 2))  # more theoretically sound at low aspect_ratio

    ### Formulation from Raymer, Sect. 12.4.1; citing DATCOM.
    # Comparison to experiment suggests this is the most accurate.
    # Symbolically simplified to remove the PG singularity.
    eta = 0.95
    CL_ratio = aspect_ratio / (
            2 + (
            4 + (aspect_ratio ** 2 * beta_squared / eta ** 2) + (np.tand(sweep) * aspect_ratio / eta) ** 2
    ) ** 0.5

    if Cl_is_compressible:
        CL_ratio = CL_ratio * beta_squared ** 0.5

    return CL_ratio