print "FILE PATH IS " + str(cur_filepath)+"."
splitted = cur_filepath.split('/')
cur_dir = ''.join((dir+'/') for dir in splitted[:n-1])
# RTruby, 2014.09.10 - Code below commented out during Experiment C-95:
#importFileDir = cur_dir+"mecode\\automation_values.json"
# Code below added when previous code was commented out:
importFileDir = cur_dir+"automation_values.json"
print "Importing nozzle offsets from file " + str(importFileDir)

automator = AerotechAutomator()

Ax_groove, Ay_groove, zA_granite = automator.home_positions['A']
Bx_groove, By_groove, zB_granite = automator.home_positions['B']

x_grooves = [Ax_groove, Bx_groove]
y_grooves = [Ay_groove, By_groove]
z_granites = [zA_granite, zB_granite]

print "Nozzle A home at (" + str(Ax_groove) + ", " + str(Ay_groove) + ", " + str(zA_granite) + ")"
print "Nozzle B home at (" + str(Bx_groove) + ", " + str(By_groove) + ", " + str(zB_granite) + ")"

tool_axis = (["A","B","C","D"] )#if e3De3DPGlobals.Aerotech else ["z","z","z","z"])
line_pressures = [85,33,87,88]
com_ports = [1, 4, 9, 9] 
        g.abs_move(**{ref:(automator.substrate_origins['slide1'][ref][2]+ 0.2)})
        g.direct_write = False

################ Full Setup Run
reference_nozzle = 'A' 

#setup(ref = reference_nozzle, move_to_ref = True)


################Rezero some nozzles but use the rest of the old info ###
automator.load_state(r"C:\Users\Lewis Group\Desktop\Calibration\alignment_data.txt")
automator.save_state(r"C:\Users\Lewis Group\Desktop\Calibration\alignment_data.txt")
g.direct_write = True
g.abs_move(x=automator.substrate_origins['slide1'][reference_nozzle][0], y=automator.substrate_origins['slide1'][reference_nozzle][1] + 5)
#g.abs_move(**{reference_nozzle:(automator.substrate_origins['slide1'][reference_nozzle][2]+ 0.2)})
g.direct_write = False

##automator.load_state(r"C:\Users\Lewis Group\Desktop\Calibration\alignment_data.txt")
#automator.rezero_nozzles(['A','B','C'], alignment_path=r"C:\Users\Lewis Group\Desktop\Calibration\alignment_data.txt", cal_file=True)

## Reset zeros ############