def local_rv_size_lift(fgraph, node):
    """Lift the ``size`` parameter in a ``RandomVariable``.

    In other words, this will broadcast the distribution parameters by adding
    the extra dimensions implied by the ``size`` parameter, and remove the
    ``size`` parameter in the process.

    For example, ``normal(0, 1, size=(1, 2))`` becomes
    ``normal([[0, 0]], [[1, 1]], size=())``.


    if not isinstance(node.op, RandomVariable):

    rng, size, dtype, *dist_params = node.inputs

    dist_params = broadcast_params(dist_params, node.op.ndims_params)

    if get_vector_length(size) > 0:
        dist_params = [
                         (tuple(size) +
                          tuple(p.shape)) if node.op.ndim_supp > 0 else size)
            for p in dist_params

    new_node = node.op.make_node(rng, None, dtype, *dist_params)

    if config.compute_test_value != "off":

    return new_node.outputs
def lift_rv_shapes(node):
    """Lift `RandomVariable`'s shape-related parameters.

    In other words, this will broadcast the distribution parameters and
    extra dimensions added by the `size` parameter.

    For example, ``normal([0.0, 1.0], 5.0, size=(3, 2))`` becomes
    ``normal([[0., 1.], [0., 1.], [0., 1.]], [[5., 5.], [5., 5.], [5., 5.]])``.


    if not isinstance(node.op, RandomVariable):
        return False

    rng, size, dtype, *dist_params = node.inputs

    dist_params = broadcast_params(dist_params, node.op.ndims_params)

    if get_vector_length(size) > 0:
        dist_params = [
                         (tuple(size) +
                          tuple(p.shape)) if node.op.ndim_supp > 0 else size)
            for p in dist_params

    new_node = node.op.make_node(rng, None, dtype, *dist_params)

    if config.compute_test_value != "off":

    return new_node
def numba_funcify_CategoricalRV(op, node, **kwargs):
    out_dtype = node.outputs[1].type.numpy_dtype

    ind_shape_len = node.inputs[3].type.ndim - 1
    neg_ind_shape_len = -ind_shape_len

    size_len = int(get_vector_length(node.inputs[1]))

    def categorical_rv(rng, size, dtype, p):

        size_tpl = numba_ndarray.to_fixed_tuple(size, size_len)
        ind_shape = p.shape[:-1]

        if ind_shape_len > 0:
            if size_len > 0 and size_tpl[neg_ind_shape_len:] != ind_shape:
                raise ValueError("Parameters shape and size do not match.")

            samples_shape = size_tpl[:neg_ind_shape_len] + ind_shape
            p_bcast = np.broadcast_to(p,
                                      size_tpl[:neg_ind_shape_len] + p.shape)
            samples_shape = size_tpl
            p_bcast = p

        unif_samples = np.random.uniform(0, 1, samples_shape)

        res = np.empty(samples_shape, dtype=out_dtype)
        for idx in np.ndindex(*samples_shape):
            res[idx] = np.searchsorted(np.cumsum(p_bcast[idx]),

        return (rng, res)

    return categorical_rv
    def infer_shape(self, fgraph, node, input_shapes):
        _, size, _, *dist_params = node.inputs
        _, size_shape, _, *param_shapes = input_shapes

            size_len = get_vector_length(size)
        except ValueError:
            size_len = get_scalar_constant_value(size_shape[0])

        size = tuple(size[n] for n in range(size_len))

        shape = self._infer_shape(size, dist_params, param_shapes=param_shapes)

        return [None, [s for s in shape]]
def reshape(x, newshape, ndim=None):
    if ndim is None:
        newshape = aet.as_tensor_variable(newshape)
        if newshape.ndim != 1:
            raise TypeError(
                "New shape in reshape must be a vector or a list/tuple of"
                f" scalar. Got {newshape} after conversion to a vector.")
            ndim = aet.get_vector_length(newshape)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(
                f"The length of the provided shape ({newshape}) cannot "
                "be automatically determined, so Aesara is not able "
                "to know what the number of dimensions of the reshaped "
                "variable will be. You can provide the 'ndim' keyword "
                "argument to 'reshape' to avoid this problem.")
    op = Reshape(ndim)
    rval = op(x, newshape)
    return rval
    def make_node(self, indices, dims):
        indices = aet.as_tensor_variable(indices)
        dims = aet.as_tensor_variable(dims)

        if indices.dtype not in int_dtypes:
            raise TypeError(
                f"'{indices.dtype}' object cannot be interpreted as an index"
        if dims.dtype not in int_dtypes:
            raise TypeError(f"'{dims.dtype}' object cannot be interpreted as an index")
        if dims.ndim != 1:
            raise TypeError("dims must be a 1D array")

        return Apply(
            [indices, dims],
                TensorType(dtype="int64", broadcastable=(False,) * indices.ndim)()
                for i in range(aet.get_vector_length(dims))
def numba_funcify_DirichletRV(op, node, **kwargs):

    out_dtype = node.outputs[1].type.numpy_dtype
    alphas_ndim = node.inputs[3].type.ndim
    neg_ind_shape_len = -alphas_ndim + 1
    size_len = int(get_vector_length(node.inputs[1]))

    if alphas_ndim > 1:

        def dirichlet_rv(rng, size, dtype, alphas):

            if size_len > 0:
                size_tpl = numba_ndarray.to_fixed_tuple(size, size_len)
                if (0 < alphas.ndim - 1 <= len(size_tpl)
                        and size_tpl[neg_ind_shape_len:] != alphas.shape[:-1]):
                    raise ValueError("Parameters shape and size do not match.")
                samples_shape = size_tpl + alphas.shape[-1:]
                samples_shape = alphas.shape

            res = np.empty(samples_shape, dtype=out_dtype)
            alphas_bcast = np.broadcast_to(alphas, samples_shape)

            for index in np.ndindex(*samples_shape[:-1]):
                res[index] = np.random.dirichlet(alphas_bcast[index])

            return (rng, res)


        def dirichlet_rv(rng, size, dtype, alphas):
            size = numba_ndarray.to_fixed_tuple(size, size_len)
            return (rng, np.random.dirichlet(alphas, size))

    return dirichlet_rv
def local_dimshuffle_rv_lift(fgraph, node):
    """Lift `DimShuffle`s through `RandomVariable` `Op`s.

    For example, ``normal(mu, std).T == normal(mu.T, std.T)``.

    The basic idea behind this optimization is that we need to separate the
    `DimShuffle`ing into independent `DimShuffle`s that each occur in two
    distinct sub-spaces: the parameters and ``size`` (i.e. replications)

    If a `DimShuffle` exchanges dimensions across those two sub-spaces, then we
    don't do anything.

    Otherwise, if the `DimShuffle` only exchanges dimensions within each of
    those sub-spaces, we can break it apart and apply the parameter-space
    `DimShuffle` to the `RandomVariable`'s distribution parameters, and the
    apply the replications-space `DimShuffle` to the `RandomVariable`'s``size``
    tuple.  The latter is a particularly simple rearranging of a tuple, but the
    former requires a little more work.

    ds_op = node.op

    if not isinstance(ds_op, DimShuffle):
        return False

    base_rv = node.inputs[0]
    rv_node = base_rv.owner

    if not (
        rv_node and isinstance(rv_node.op, RandomVariable) and rv_node.op.ndim_supp == 0
        return False

    # If no one else is using the underlying `RandomVariable`, then we can
    # do this; otherwise, the graph would be internally inconsistent.
    if not all(
        (n == node or isinstance(n.op, Shape)) for n, i in fgraph.clients[base_rv]
        return False

    rv_op = rv_node.op
    rng, size, dtype, *dist_params = rv_node.inputs

    # We need to know the dimensions that were *not* added by the `size`
    # parameter (i.e. the dimensions corresponding to independent variates with
    # different parameter values)
    num_ind_dims = None
    if len(dist_params) == 1:
        num_ind_dims = dist_params[0].ndim
        # When there is more than one distribution parameter, assume that all
        # of them will broadcast to the maximum number of dimensions
        num_ind_dims = max(d.ndim for d in dist_params)

    # If the indices in `ds_new_order` are entirely within the replication
    # indices group or the independent variates indices group, then we can apply
    # this optimization.

    ds_new_order = ds_op.new_order
    # Create a map from old index order to new/`DimShuffled` index order
    dim_orders = [(n, d) for n, d in enumerate(ds_new_order) if isinstance(d, int)]

    # Find the index at which the replications/independents split occurs
    reps_ind_split_idx = len(dim_orders) - (num_ind_dims + rv_op.ndim_supp)

    ds_reps_new_dims = dim_orders[:reps_ind_split_idx]
    ds_ind_new_dims = dim_orders[reps_ind_split_idx:]
    ds_only_in_ind = ds_ind_new_dims and all(
        d >= reps_ind_split_idx for n, d in ds_ind_new_dims

    if ds_only_in_ind:

        # Update the `size` array to reflect the `DimShuffle`d dimensions,
        # since the trailing dimensions in `size` represent the independent
        # variates dimensions (for univariate distributions, at least)
        new_size = (
            [constant(1, dtype="int64") if o == "x" else size[o] for o in ds_new_order]
            if get_vector_length(size) > 0
            else size

        # Compute the new axes parameter(s) for the `DimShuffle` that will be
        # applied to the `RandomVariable` parameters (they need to be offset)
        rv_params_new_order = [
            d - reps_ind_split_idx if isinstance(d, int) else d
            for d in ds_new_order[ds_ind_new_dims[0][0] :]

        # Lift the `DimShuffle`s into the parameters
        # NOTE: The parameters might not be broadcasted against each other, so
        # we can only apply the parts of the `DimShuffle` that are relevant.
        new_dist_params = []
        for d in dist_params:
            if d.ndim < len(ds_ind_new_dims):
                _rv_params_new_order = [
                    for o in rv_params_new_order
                    if (isinstance(o, int) and o < d.ndim) or o == "x"
                _rv_params_new_order = rv_params_new_order

                type(ds_op)(d.type.broadcastable, _rv_params_new_order)(d)
        new_node = rv_op.make_node(rng, new_size, dtype, *new_dist_params)

        if config.compute_test_value != "off":

        return [new_node.outputs[1]]

    ds_only_in_reps = ds_reps_new_dims and all(
        d < reps_ind_split_idx for n, d in ds_reps_new_dims

    if ds_only_in_reps:
        # Update the `size` array to reflect the `DimShuffle`d dimensions.
        # There should be no need to `DimShuffle` now.
        new_size = [
            constant(1, dtype="int64") if o == "x" else size[o] for o in ds_new_order

        new_node = rv_op.make_node(rng, new_size, dtype, *dist_params)

        if config.compute_test_value != "off":

        return [new_node.outputs[1]]

    return False
    def _infer_shape(
        size: Tuple[TensorVariable],
        dist_params: List[TensorVariable],
        param_shapes: Optional[List[Tuple[TensorVariable]]] = None,
    ) -> Tuple[ScalarVariable]:
        """Compute the output shape given the size and distribution parameters.

            The size parameter specified for this `RandomVariable`.
            The symbolic parameter for this `RandomVariable`'s distribution.
            The shapes of the `dist_params` as given by `ShapeFeature`'s
            via `Op.infer_shape`'s `input_shapes` argument.  This parameter's
            values are essentially more accurate versions of ``[d.shape for d
            in dist_params]``.


        size_len = get_vector_length(size)

        if self.ndim_supp == 0 and size_len > 0:
            # In this case, we have a univariate distribution with a non-empty
            # `size` parameter, which means that the `size` parameter
            # completely determines the shape of the random variable.  More
            # importantly, the `size` parameter may be the only correct source
            # of information for the output shape, in that we would be misled
            # by the `dist_params` if we tried to infer the relevant parts of
            # the output shape from those.
            return size

        # Broadcast the parameters
        param_shapes = params_broadcast_shapes(
            param_shapes or [shape_tuple(p) for p in dist_params],

        def slice_ind_dims(p, ps, n):
            shape = tuple(ps)

            if n == 0:
                return (p, shape)

            ind_slice = (slice(None), ) * (p.ndim - n) + (0, ) * n
            ind_shape = [
                s if b is False else constant(1, "int64")
                for s, b in zip(shape[:-n], p.broadcastable[:-n])
            return (

        # These are versions of our actual parameters with the anticipated
        # dimensions (i.e. support dimensions) removed so that only the
        # independent variate dimensions are left.
        params_ind_slice = tuple(
            slice_ind_dims(p, ps, n)
            for p, ps, n in zip(dist_params, param_shapes, self.ndims_params))

        if len(params_ind_slice) == 1:
            ind_param, ind_shape = params_ind_slice[0]
            ndim_ind = len(ind_shape)
            shape_ind = ind_shape
        elif len(params_ind_slice) > 1:
            # If there are multiple parameters, the dimensions of their
            # independent variates should broadcast together.
            p_slices, p_shapes = zip(*params_ind_slice)

            shape_ind = aesara.tensor.extra_ops.broadcast_shape_iter(
                p_shapes, arrays_are_shapes=True)

            ndim_ind = len(shape_ind)
            ndim_ind = 0

        if self.ndim_supp == 0:
            shape_supp = tuple()
            shape_reps = tuple(size)

            if ndim_ind > 0:
                shape_reps = shape_reps[:-ndim_ind]

            ndim_reps = len(shape_reps)
            shape_supp = self._shape_from_params(

            ndim_reps = size_len
            shape_reps = size

        ndim_shape = self.ndim_supp + ndim_ind + ndim_reps

        if ndim_shape == 0:
            shape = constant([], dtype="int64")
            shape = tuple(shape_reps) + tuple(shape_ind) + tuple(shape_supp)

        # if shape is None:
        #     raise ShapeError()

        return shape
def make_numba_random_fn(node, np_random_func):
    """Create Numba implementations for existing Numba-supported ``np.random`` functions.

    The functions generated here add parameter broadcasting and the ``size``
    argument to the Numba-supported scalar ``np.random`` functions.

    tuple_size = int(get_vector_length(node.inputs[1]))
    size_dims = tuple_size - max(i.ndim for i in node.inputs[3:])

    # Make a broadcast-capable version of the Numba supported scalar sampling
    # function
    bcast_fn_name = f"aesara_random_{get_name_for_object(np_random_func)}"

    sized_fn_name = "sized_random_variable"

    unique_names = unique_name_generator(

    bcast_fn_input_names = ", ".join(
        [unique_names(i, force_unique=True) for i in node.inputs[3:]])
    bcast_fn_global_env = {
        "np_random_func": np_random_func,
        "numba_vectorize": numba.vectorize,

    bcast_fn_src = f"""
def {bcast_fn_name}({bcast_fn_input_names}):
    return np_random_func({bcast_fn_input_names})
    bcast_fn = compile_function_src(bcast_fn_src, bcast_fn_name,

    random_fn_input_names = ", ".join(
        ["rng", "size", "dtype"] + [unique_names(i) for i in node.inputs[3:]])

    # Now, create a Numba JITable function that implements the `size` parameter
    out_dtype = node.outputs[1].type.numpy_dtype
    random_fn_global_env = {
        bcast_fn_name: bcast_fn,
        "out_dtype": out_dtype,

    if tuple_size > 0:
        random_fn_body = dedent(f"""
        size = to_fixed_tuple(size, tuple_size)

        data = np.empty(size, dtype=out_dtype)
        for i in np.ndindex(size[:size_dims]):
            data[i] = {bcast_fn_name}({bcast_fn_input_names})

            "np": np,
            "to_fixed_tuple": numba_ndarray.to_fixed_tuple,
            "tuple_size": tuple_size,
            "size_dims": size_dims,
        random_fn_body = f"""data = {bcast_fn_name}({bcast_fn_input_names})"""

    sized_fn_src = dedent(f"""
def {sized_fn_name}({random_fn_input_names}):
{indent(random_fn_body, " " * 4)}
    return (rng, data)
    random_fn = compile_function_src(sized_fn_src, sized_fn_name,
    random_fn = numba.njit(random_fn)

    return random_fn
文件: op.py 项目: mgorny/aesara
    def _infer_shape(
        size: TensorVariable,
        dist_params: Sequence[TensorVariable],
        param_shapes: Optional[Sequence[Tuple[Variable, ...]]] = None,
    ) -> Union[TensorVariable, Tuple[ScalarVariable, ...]]:
        """Compute the output shape given the size and distribution parameters.

            The size parameter specified for this `RandomVariable`.
            The symbolic parameter for this `RandomVariable`'s distribution.
            The shapes of the `dist_params` as given by `ShapeFeature`'s
            via `Op.infer_shape`'s `input_shapes` argument.  This parameter's
            values are essentially more accurate versions of ``[d.shape for d
            in dist_params]``.


        size_len = get_vector_length(size)

        if size_len > 0:
            if self.ndim_supp == 0:
                return size
                supp_shape = self._supp_shape_from_params(
                    dist_params, param_shapes=param_shapes)
                return tuple(size) + tuple(supp_shape)

        # Broadcast the parameters
        param_shapes = params_broadcast_shapes(
            param_shapes or [shape_tuple(p) for p in dist_params],

        def slice_ind_dims(p, ps, n):
            shape = tuple(ps)

            if n == 0:
                return (p, shape)

            ind_slice = (slice(None), ) * (p.ndim - n) + (0, ) * n
            ind_shape = [
                s if b is False else constant(1, "int64")
                for s, b in zip(shape[:-n], p.broadcastable[:-n])
            return (

        # These are versions of our actual parameters with the anticipated
        # dimensions (i.e. support dimensions) removed so that only the
        # independent variate dimensions are left.
        params_ind_slice = tuple(
            slice_ind_dims(p, ps, n)
            for p, ps, n in zip(dist_params, param_shapes, self.ndims_params))

        if len(params_ind_slice) == 1:
            _, shape_ind = params_ind_slice[0]
        elif len(params_ind_slice) > 1:
            # If there are multiple parameters, the dimensions of their
            # independent variates should broadcast together.
            p_slices, p_shapes = zip(*params_ind_slice)

            shape_ind = aesara.tensor.extra_ops.broadcast_shape_iter(
                p_shapes, arrays_are_shapes=True)

            # Distribution has no parameters
            shape_ind = ()

        if self.ndim_supp == 0:
            shape_supp = ()
            shape_supp = self._supp_shape_from_params(

        shape = tuple(shape_ind) + tuple(shape_supp)
        if not shape:
            shape = constant([], dtype="int64")

        return shape