    def test_param_allow_downcast_int(self):
        a = wvector("a")  # int16
        b = bvector("b")  # int8
        c = bscalar("c")  # int8
        f = pfunc(
                In(a, allow_downcast=True),
                In(b, allow_downcast=False),
                In(c, allow_downcast=None),
            (a + b + c),

        # Both values are in range. Since they're not ndarrays (but lists),
        # they will be converted, and their value checked.
        assert np.all(f([3], [6], 1) == 10)

        # Values are in range, but a dtype too large has explicitly been given
        # For performance reasons, no check of the data is explicitly performed
        # (It might be OK to change this in the future.)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            f([3], np.array([6], dtype="int16"), 1)

        # Value too big for a, silently ignored
        assert np.all(f([2 ** 20], np.ones(1, dtype="int8"), 1) == 2)

        # Value too big for b, raises TypeError
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            f([3], [312], 1)

        # Value too big for c, raises TypeError
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            f([3], [6], 806)
    def test_allow_input_downcast_int(self):
        a = wvector("a")  # int16
        b = bvector("b")  # int8
        c = bscalar("c")  # int8

        f = pfunc([a, b, c], (a + b + c), allow_input_downcast=True)
        # Value too big for a, b, or c, silently ignored
        assert f([2 ** 20], [1], 0) == 1
        assert f([3], [312], 0) == 59
        assert f([3], [1], 806) == 42

        g = pfunc([a, b, c], (a + b + c), allow_input_downcast=False)
        # All values are in range. Since they're not ndarrays (but lists
        # or scalars), they will be converted, and their value checked.
        assert np.all(g([3], [6], 0) == 9)

        # Values are in range, but a dtype too large has explicitly been given
        # For performance reasons, no check of the data is explicitly performed
        # (It might be OK to change this in the future.)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            g([3], np.array([6], dtype="int16"), 0)

        # Value too big for b, raises TypeError
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            g([3], [312], 0)

        h = pfunc([a, b, c], (a + b + c))  # Default: allow_input_downcast=None
        # Everything here should behave like with False
        assert np.all(h([3], [6], 0) == 9)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            h([3], np.array([6], dtype="int16"), 0)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            h([3], [312], 0)
 def test_elemwise_grad_bool(self):
     x = scalar(dtype="bool")
     y = bscalar()
     z = x * y
     dx, dy = aesara.grad(z, [x, y])