def logpow(x, m):
    Calculates log(x**m) since m*log(x) will fail when m, x = 0.
    # return m * log(x)
    return aet.switch(aet.eq(x, 0), aet.switch(aet.eq(m, 0), 0.0, -np.inf),
                      m * aet.log(x))
def test_nested():
    notimpl = NotImplementedOp()
    ifelseifelseif = IfElseIfElseIf()

    x1 = tt.scalar("x1")
    x2 = tt.scalar("x2")
    c1 = tt.scalar("c1")
    c2 = tt.scalar("c2")
    t1 = ifelse(c1, x1, notimpl(x2))
    t1.name = "t1"
    t2 = t1 * 10
    t2.name = "t2"
    t3 = ifelse(c2, t2, x1 + t1)
    t3.name = "t3"
    t4 = ifelseifelseif(tt.eq(x1, x2), x1, tt.eq(x1, 5), x2, c2, t3, t3 + 0.5)
    t4.name = "t4"

    linker = aesara.gof.vm.VM_Linker(lazy=False)
    f = function([c1, c2, x1, x2],
                 mode=Mode(linker=linker, optimizer="fast_run"))
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedOpException):
        f(1, 0, np.array(10, dtype=x1.dtype), 0)

    linker = aesara.gof.vm.VM_Linker(lazy=True)
    f = function([c1, c2, x1, x2],
                 mode=Mode(linker=linker, optimizer="fast_run"))
    assert f(1, 0, np.array(10, dtype=x1.dtype), 0) == 20.5
    def __call__(self, X):
        XY = X.dot(X.T)
        x2 = at.sum(X**2, axis=1).dimshuffle(0, "x")
        X2e = at.repeat(x2, X.shape[0], axis=1)
        H = X2e + X2e.T - 2.0 * XY

        V = at.sort(H.flatten())
        length = V.shape[0]
        # median distance
        m = at.switch(
            at.eq((length % 2), 0),
            # if even vector
            at.mean(V[((length // 2) - 1):((length // 2) + 1)]),
            # if odd vector
            V[length // 2],

        h = 0.5 * m / at.log(floatX(H.shape[0]) + floatX(1))

        #  RBF
        Kxy = at.exp(-H / h / 2.0)

        # Derivative
        dxkxy = -at.dot(Kxy, X)
        sumkxy = at.sum(Kxy, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
        dxkxy = at.add(dxkxy, at.mul(X, sumkxy)) / h

        return Kxy, dxkxy
def get_steps(
    steps: Optional[Union[int, np.ndarray, TensorVariable]],
    shape: Optional[Shape] = None,
    dims: Optional[Dims] = None,
    observed: Optional[Any] = None,
    step_shape_offset: int = 0,
    """Extract number of steps from shape / dims / observed information

        User specified steps for timeseries distribution
        User specified shape for timeseries distribution
        User specified dims for timeseries distribution
        User specified observed data from timeseries distribution
        Difference between last shape dimension and number of steps in timeseries
        distribution, defaults to 0

        Steps, if specified directly by user, or inferred from the last dimension of
        shape / dims / observed. When two sources of step information are provided,
        a symbolic Assert is added to ensure they are consistent.
    inferred_steps = None
    if shape is not None:
        shape = to_tuple(shape)
        if shape[-1] is not ...:
            inferred_steps = shape[-1] - step_shape_offset

    if inferred_steps is None and dims is not None:
        dims = convert_dims(dims)
        if dims[-1] is not ...:
            model = modelcontext(None)
            inferred_steps = model.dim_lengths[dims[-1]] - step_shape_offset

    if inferred_steps is None and observed is not None:
        observed = convert_observed_data(observed)
        inferred_steps = observed.shape[-1] - step_shape_offset

    if inferred_steps is None:
        inferred_steps = steps
    # If there are two sources of information for the steps, assert they are consistent
    elif steps is not None:
        inferred_steps = Assert(msg="Steps do not match last shape dimension")(
            inferred_steps, at.eq(inferred_steps, steps)
    return inferred_steps
def moment_censored(op, rv, dist, lower, upper):
    moment = at.switch(
        at.eq(lower, -np.inf),
            # lower = -inf, upper = inf
            # lower = -inf, upper = x
            upper - 1,
            at.eq(upper, np.inf),
            # lower = x, upper = inf
            lower + 1,
            # lower = x, upper = x
            (lower + upper) / 2,
    moment = at.full_like(dist, moment)
    return moment
    def logp(self, obs):
        """Return the scalar Theano log-likelihood at a point."""

        obs_tt = at.as_tensor_variable(obs)

        logp_val = at.alloc(-np.inf, *obs.shape)

        for i, dist in enumerate(self.comp_dists):
            i_mask = at.eq(self.states, i)
            obs_i = obs_tt[i_mask]
            subset_dist = dist.dist(*distribution_subset_args(dist, obs.shape, i_mask))
            logp_val = at.set_subtensor(logp_val[i_mask], subset_dist.logp(obs_i))

        return logp_val
    def _step(i, pkm1, pkm2, qkm1, qkm2, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8, r):
        xk = -(x * k1 * k2) / (k3 * k4)
        pk = pkm1 + pkm2 * xk
        qk = qkm1 + qkm2 * xk
        pkm2 = pkm1
        pkm1 = pk
        qkm2 = qkm1
        qkm1 = qk

        xk = (x * k5 * k6) / (k7 * k8)
        pk = pkm1 + pkm2 * xk
        qk = qkm1 + qkm2 * xk
        pkm2 = pkm1
        pkm1 = pk
        qkm2 = qkm1
        qkm1 = qk

        old_r = r
        r = aet.switch(aet.eq(qk, zero), r, pk / qk)

        k1 += one
        k2 += k26update
        k3 += two
        k4 += two
        k5 += one
        k6 -= k26update
        k7 += two
        k8 += two

        big_cond = aet.gt(aet.abs_(qk) + aet.abs_(pk), BIG)
        biginv_cond = aet.or_(aet.lt(aet.abs_(qk), BIGINV),
                              aet.lt(aet.abs_(pk), BIGINV))

        pkm2 = aet.switch(big_cond, pkm2 * BIGINV, pkm2)
        pkm1 = aet.switch(big_cond, pkm1 * BIGINV, pkm1)
        qkm2 = aet.switch(big_cond, qkm2 * BIGINV, qkm2)
        qkm1 = aet.switch(big_cond, qkm1 * BIGINV, qkm1)

        pkm2 = aet.switch(biginv_cond, pkm2 * BIG, pkm2)
        pkm1 = aet.switch(biginv_cond, pkm1 * BIG, pkm1)
        qkm2 = aet.switch(biginv_cond, qkm2 * BIG, qkm2)
        qkm1 = aet.switch(biginv_cond, qkm1 * BIG, qkm1)

        return (
            (pkm1, pkm2, qkm1, qkm2, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8, r),
            until(aet.abs_(old_r - r) < (THRESH * aet.abs_(r))),
 def logp(self, value):
     return at.switch(at.eq(value, self.c), 0.0, -np.inf)
    def logp(self, states):
        r"""Create a Theano graph that computes the log-likelihood for a discrete Markov chain.

        This is the log-likelihood for the joint distribution of states, :math:`S_t`, conditional
        on state samples, :math:`s_t`, given by the following:

        .. math::

            \int_{S_0} P(S_1 = s_1 \mid S_0) dP(S_0) \prod^{T}_{t=2} P(S_t = s_t \mid S_{t-1} = s_{t-1})

        The first term (i.e. the integral) simply computes the marginal :math:`P(S_1 = s_1)`, so
        another way to express this result is as follows:

        .. math::

            P(S_1 = s_1) \prod^{T}_{t=2} P(S_t = s_t \mid S_{t-1} = s_{t-1})

        """  # noqa: E501

        Gammas = at.shape_padleft(self.Gammas, states.ndim - (self.Gammas.ndim - 2))

        # Multiply the initial state probabilities by the first transition
        # matrix by to get the marginal probability for state `S_1`.
        # The integral that produces the marginal is essentially
        # `gamma_0.dot(Gammas[0])`
        Gamma_1 = Gammas[..., 0:1, :, :]
        gamma_0 = tt_expand_dims(self.gamma_0, (-3, -1))
        P_S_1 = at.sum(gamma_0 * Gamma_1, axis=-2)

        # The `tt.switch`s allow us to broadcast the indexing operation when
        # the replication dimensions of `states` and `Gammas` don't match
        # (e.g. `states.shape[0] > Gammas.shape[0]`)
        S_1_slices = tuple(
                at.switch(at.eq(P_S_1.shape[i], 1), 0, 0),
                at.switch(at.eq(P_S_1.shape[i], 1), 1, d),
            for i, d in enumerate(states.shape)
        S_1_slices = (tuple(at.ogrid[S_1_slices]) if S_1_slices else tuple()) + (
            states[..., 0:1],
        logp_S_1 = at.log(P_S_1[S_1_slices]).sum(axis=-1)

        # These are slices for the extra dimensions--including the state
        # sequence dimension (e.g. "time")--along which which we need to index
        # the transition matrix rows using the "observed" `states`.
        trans_slices = tuple(
                    at.eq(Gammas.shape[i], 1), 0, 1 if i == states.ndim - 1 else 0
                at.switch(at.eq(Gammas.shape[i], 1), 1, d),
            for i, d in enumerate(states.shape)
        trans_slices = (tuple(at.ogrid[trans_slices]) if trans_slices else tuple()) + (
            states[..., :-1],

        # Select the transition matrix row of each observed state; this yields
        # `P(S_t | S_{t-1} = s_{t-1})`
        P_S_2T = Gammas[trans_slices]

        obs_slices = tuple(slice(None, d) for d in P_S_2T.shape[:-1])
        obs_slices = (tuple(at.ogrid[obs_slices]) if obs_slices else tuple()) + (
            states[..., 1:],
        logp_S_1T = at.log(P_S_2T[obs_slices])

        res = logp_S_1 + at.sum(logp_S_1T, axis=-1)
        res.name = "DiscreteMarkovChain_logp"

        return res