 def connect_to(self, service_id, host, port, info):
     connection = self.bus.connect(host, port, service_id,
             open_listener=partial(self.connection_opened, info),
             close_listener=partial(self.connection_closed, info),
     for name, watchers in self.object_watchers.items():
         for watcher in watchers:
             connection.watch_object(name, partial(watcher, connection, info))
     self.service_map[service_id] = connection
 def watch_object(self, name, function):
     function -> (connection, info, name, old, new) -> None
     self.object_watchers.add(name, function)
     for info, connection in self.service_map.items():
         connection.watch_object(name, partial(function, connection, info))
 def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     with self.proxy.lock:
         callback = kwargs.get("callback", autobus2.SYNC)
         timeout = kwargs.get("timeout", 30)
         safe = kwargs.get("safe", False)
         if callback is None:
             count = 0
             for connection in self.proxy.live_connections:
                 count += 1
                 connection[self.name](*args, callback=None, safe=safe)
             return count
         elif callback is not autobus2.SYNC:
             count = 0
             for connection in self.proxy.live_connections:
                 count += 1
                 connection[self.name](*args, callback=partial(callback, connection.service_id), safe=safe)
             return count
         # SYNC mode.
         # This is a bit more complicated. What we're going to do is
         # create one queue for each connection, then call the functions
         # on the connections with each queue's put method as the
         # callback.
         queues = dict((c.service_id, Queue()) for c in self.proxy.live_connections)
         for c in self.proxy.live_connections:
             c[self.name](*args, callback=queues[c.service_id].put, safe=True)
     # We drop out of self.proxy.lock so that we can block on the queues
     results = {}
     for service_id in queues:
         # FIXME: This causes the timeout to be applied once for each
         # service that we're actually contacting. What we need to do is
         # keep track of when we start blocking and then only block how much
         # time is left until the timeout would have expired.
             results[service_id] = queues[service_id].get(timeout=timeout)
         except Exception as e:
             results[service_id] = e
     # Scan through and accumulate any exceptions into a map
     exception_map = {}
     for service_id, value in results.items():
         if isinstance(value, Exception):
             exception_map[service_id] = value
     # Then, if there were any exceptions to accumulate, throw an exception
     # containing them all
     if exception_map:
         raise exceptions.CommandErrorException(exception_map)
     # No exception happened, so return the results
     return results
 def unwatch_object(self, name, function):
     self.object_watchers.remove(name, function)
     for info, connection in self.service_map.items():
         connection.unwatch_object(name, partial(function, connection, info))