   def make_labels(self, ilines):
      """parse a list of the form
                LABEL   : VALUES ...
         and return a LABEL list (with no trailing separator (':'))
         initialize maxcounts, subjcounts here

      llist = []
      for lind, lstr in enumerate(ilines):
         # get label and value list
         rv, label, vals = self.get_label_vals(lstr)
         if rv < 1: continue

         nvals = len(vals)

         # label = self.find_parent_label(label)

         if self.verb > 2: print '++ label: %s, %d val(s)' % (label, nvals)

         self.maxcounts[label] = nvals
         self.subjcounts[label] = 0

      if not UTIL.vals_are_unique(llist):
         print '** warning: labels are not unique, will use only last values'
         llist = UTIL.get_unique_sublist(llist)

      return 0, llist
   def make_labels(self, ilines):
      """parse a list of the form
                LABEL   : VALUES ...
         and return a LABEL list (with no trailing separator (':'))
         initialize maxcounts, subjcounts here

      llist = []
      for lind, lstr in enumerate(ilines):
         # get label and value list
         rv, label, vals = self.get_label_vals(lstr)
         if rv < 1: continue

         nvals = len(vals)

         # label = self.find_parent_label(label)

         if self.verb > 2: print '++ label: %s, %d val(s)' % (label, nvals)

         self.maxcounts[label] = nvals
         self.subjcounts[label] = 0

      if not UTIL.vals_are_unique(llist):
         print '** warning: labels are not unique, will use only last values'
         llist = UTIL.get_unique_sublist(llist)

      return 0, llist
    def partition(self, part_file, prefix):
        """partition timing based on part_file labels, write each part to

        if not self.ready:
            print('** Timing element not ready for partitioning')
            return 1

        labels = read_value_file(part_file)
        if labels == None:
            print("** failed to read partition label file '%s'" % part_file)
            return 1

        nlabr = len(labels)

        if self.verb > 3:
            print('-- partition: %d labels: %s' % (nlabr, labels))

        # first test nrows, then test lengths per row
        if self.nrows != nlabr:
            print('** Timing nrows differs from partition nrows (%d, %d)' % \
            return 1
        for ind in range(self.nrows):
            if len(self.data[ind]) != len(labels[ind]):
                print("** timing and label row lengths differ at line %d" %
                      (ind + 1))
                print("   (%d != %d)" %
                      (len(self.data[ind]), len(labels[ind])))
                return 1

        # make unique label list
        ulabs = []
        for line in labels:
        ulabs = UTIL.get_unique_sublist(ulabs)
        if self.verb > 2: print('-- partition: unique label list: %s' % ulabs)
        if ulabs.count('0'): ulabs.remove('0')

        if self.verb > 1: print('++ Timing: partitioning with %s' % part_file)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------
        # do the work, starting with copy:
        # for each label, extract those times and write out as timing file
        dupe = self.copy()  # keep results in new class instance
        for lab in ulabs:
            # extract timing for this label 'lab'
            mdata = []
            for r in range(nlabr):
                drow = []  # make one row of times for this label
                for c in range(len(labels[r])):
                    if labels[r][c] == lab: drow.append(self.mdata[r][c])
                mdata.append(drow)  # and append the new row
            del (dupe.mdata)  # out with the old,
            dupe.mdata = mdata  # and in with the new
            dupe.write_times('%s_%s.1D' % (prefix, lab))  # and write, yay

        del (dupe)  # nuke the temporary instance

        return 0
    def show_data_info(self, header=1):
        """checks that are specific to data
            - class data existence and tree root
               - assume $HOME if not found
            - disk space under data root
               - maybe check for mounted file system
            - atlases (maybe just @Find TT_N27+tlrc?)

        if header: print(UTIL.section_divider('data checks', hchar='-'))

        # locate various data trees, and possibly show recent history
        rv = 0
        rv += self.show_data_dir_info('AFNI_data6', 'history.txt')
        rv += self.show_data_dir_info('AFNI_demos', 'history.txt')
        rv += self.show_data_dir_info('suma_demo', 'README.archive_creation')
        rv += self.show_data_dir_info('afni_handouts')

        if rv: self.comments.append('insufficient data for AFNI bootcamp')

        evar = 'AFNI_ATLAS_DIR'
        tryenv = 0  # might suggest setting evar
        haveenv = evar in os.environ
        if haveenv: edir = os.environ[evar]
        else: edir = ''

        # look for atlases in multiple directories
        atlas = 'TT_N27+tlrc'
        if os.path.isfile('%s/%s.HEAD' % (edir, atlas)): glist = [edir]
        else: glist = []

        cmd = '@FindAfniDsetPath %s' % atlas
        s, so, se = UTIL.limited_shell_exec(cmd, nlines=1)
        if s: tryenv = 1  # failed
        elif len(so) > 0: glist.append(so[0])

        for ddir in ['/usr/share/afni/atlases', '/usr/local/afni/atlases']:
            if os.path.isfile('%s/%s.HEAD' % (ddir, atlas)):
                if tryenv:
                    self.comments.append('consider setting %s to %s' %
                                         (evar, ddir))

        # fix to work with found after the fact
        glist = UTIL.get_unique_sublist(glist)

        if len(glist) == 0:
            print('atlas    : did not find %s' % atlas)
            self.comments.append('possibly missing atlases')
            for ddir in glist:
                print('atlas    : found %-12s under %s' % (atlas, ddir))

        if haveenv: print("\natlas var: %s = %s" % (evar, edir))

   def partition(self, part_file, prefix):
      """partition timing based on part_file labels, write each part to

      if not self.ready:
         print '** Timing element not ready for partitioning'
         return 1

      labels = read_value_file(part_file)
      if labels == None:
         print "** failed to read partition label file '%s'" % part_file
         return 1

      nlabr = len(labels)

      if self.verb > 3: print '-- partition: %d labels: %s' % (nlabr, labels)

      # first test nrows, then test lengths per row
      if self.nrows != nlabr:
         print '** Timing nrows differs from partition nrows (%d, %d)' % \
         return 1
      for ind in range(self.nrows):
         if len(self.data[ind]) != len(labels[ind]):
            print "** timing and label row lengths differ at line %d"%(ind+1)
            return 1

      # make unique label list
      ulabs = []
      for line in labels:
      ulabs = UTIL.get_unique_sublist(ulabs)
      if self.verb > 2: print '-- partition: unique label list: %s' % ulabs
      if ulabs.count('0'): ulabs.remove('0')

      if self.verb > 1: print '++ Timing: partitioning with %s' % part_file

      # ------------------------------------------------------------
      # do the work, starting with copy:
      # for each label, extract those times and write out as timing file
      dupe = self.copy()        # keep results in new class instance
      for lab in ulabs:
         # extract timing for this label 'lab'
         mdata = []
         for r in range(nlabr):
            drow = []           # make one row of times for this label
            for c in range(len(labels[r])):
               if labels[r][c] == lab: drow.append(self.mdata[r][c])
            mdata.append(drow)  # and append the new row
         del(dupe.mdata)        # out with the old,
         dupe.mdata = mdata     # and in with the new
         dupe.write_times('%s_%s.1D' % (prefix,lab))    # and write, yay

      del(dupe)                 # nuke the temporary instance

      return 0
   def show_data_info(self, header=1):
      """checks that are specific to data
            - class data existence and tree root
               - assume $HOME if not found
            - disk space under data root
               - maybe check for mounted file system
            - atlases (maybe just @Find TT_N27+tlrc?)

      if header: print UTIL.section_divider('data checks', hchar='-')

      # locate various data trees, and possibly show recent history
      rv = 0
      rv += self.show_data_dir_info('AFNI_data6', 'history.txt')
      rv += self.show_data_dir_info('suma_demo', 'README.archive_creation')
      rv += self.show_data_dir_info('FATCAT_DEMO', 'README.timestamp')
      rv += self.show_data_dir_info('afni_handouts')

      if rv: self.comments.append('insufficient data for AFNI bootcamp')

      evar = 'AFNI_ATLAS_DIR'
      tryenv = 0                        # might suggest setting evar
      haveenv = os.environ.has_key(evar)
      if haveenv: edir = os.environ[evar]
      else:       edir = ''

      # look for atlases in multiple directories
      atlas = 'TT_N27+tlrc'
      if os.path.isfile('%s/%s.HEAD'%(edir,atlas)): glist = [edir]
      else: glist = []

      cmd = '@FindAfniDsetPath %s' % atlas
      s, so, se = UTIL.limited_shell_exec(cmd, nlines=1)
      if s: tryenv = 1  # failed
      elif len(so) > 0: glist.append(so[0])

      for ddir in ['/usr/share/afni/atlases', '/usr/local/afni/atlases']:
         if os.path.isfile('%s/%s.HEAD'%(ddir,atlas)):
            if tryenv:
               self.comments.append('consider setting %s to %s' % (evar,ddir))

      # fix to work with found after the fact
      glist = UTIL.get_unique_sublist(glist)

      if len(glist) == 0:
         print 'atlas    : did not find %s' % atlas
         self.comments.append('possibly missing atlases')
         for ddir in glist:
            print 'atlas    : found %-12s under %s' % (atlas, ddir)

      if haveenv: print "\natlas var: %s = %s" % (evar, edir)

    def find_data_dir(self, ddir, gdirs=[], depth=2):
        """search under a list of glob directories for the given ddir"""
        if ddir == '' or len(gdirs) == 0: return None

        dlist = []
        for pdir in gdirs:
            droot = pdir
            for d in range(depth + 1):
                dlist.extend(glob.glob('%s/%s' % (droot, ddir)))
                droot += '/*'
        if self.verb > 3: print('-- found %s dirs %s' % (ddir, dlist))
        dlist = UTIL.get_unique_sublist(dlist)
        if self.verb > 2: print('-- found trimmed %s dirs %s' % (ddir, dlist))

        if len(dlist) == 0: return None
        dlen = len(ddir) + 1
        return dlist[0][0:-dlen]
   def find_data_dir(self, ddir, gdirs=[], depth=2):
      """search under a list of glob directories for the given ddir"""
      if ddir == '' or len(gdirs) == 0: return None

      dlist = []
      for pdir in gdirs:
         droot = pdir
         for d in range(depth+1):
            dlist.extend(glob.glob('%s/%s' % (droot, ddir)))
            droot += '/*'
      if self.verb > 3: print '-- found %s dirs %s' % (ddir, dlist)
      dlist = UTIL.get_unique_sublist(dlist)
      if self.verb > 2: print '-- found trimmed %s dirs %s' % (ddir, dlist)
      if len(dlist) == 0: return None
      dlen = len(ddir)+1
      return dlist[0][0:-dlen]