def req_copy(self, cinfo ,params): pathsrc = self.check_and_replace_path(cinfo, agent.get_prop(params,'pathsrc',None), self.OPERATION_EDIT) pathdst = self.check_and_replace_path(cinfo, agent.get_prop(params,'pathdst',None), self.OPERATION_EDIT) files = agent.get_prop(params,'files',None) replace = agent.str2bool(agent.get_prop(params, "replace", "false")) arfiles = json.loads(files) arret=[] for i in range(len(arfiles)): nm = arfiles[i] fs = pathsrc + nm fd = pathdst + nm cnt = 0 if fs==fd: while utils.path_exists(fd): cnt+=1 nm = "copy " + str(cnt) + " of " + arfiles[i]; fd = pathdst + nm b = True if not fs==fd and fd.startswith(fs + utils.path_sep): b = False else: b = self._cpmv("copy", fs, fd, replace); if b is True: self._append_to_list(arret, pathdst, nm) else: arret.append({'Name': "E:" + nm}) return json.dumps({'items' : arret})
def req_paste_text(self,cinfo,params): sret="" sid = agent.get_prop(params,"id", "") s = agent.get_prop(params,"text", "") dm=self._get_desktop_manager_check_permissions(cinfo,sid) dm.paste_text(s); return sret
def req_makedir(self, cinfo ,params): path= self.check_and_replace_path(cinfo, agent.get_prop(params,'path',None), self.OPERATION_EDIT) name = agent.get_prop(params, "name", None) arret=[] try: fd = path + name utils.path_makedir(fd) self._agent_main.get_osmodule().fix_file_permissions("CREATE_DIRECTORY",fd) self._append_to_list(arret, path, name) except Exception: arret.append({'Name': "E:" + name}) return json.dumps({'items' : arret})
def req_set_permissions(self, cinfo ,params): path= self.check_and_replace_path(cinfo, agent.get_prop(params,'path',None), self.OPERATION_EDIT) name = agent.get_prop(params, "name", None) recursive = agent.str2bool(agent.get_prop(params, "recursive", "false")) fs = path+name arret=[] try: b=self._set_permissions(fs,params,recursive) if b is True: self._append_to_list(arret, path, name) else: arret.append({'Name': "E:" + name}) except Exception: arret.append({'Name': "E:" + name}) return json.dumps({'items' : arret})
def req_read(self, cinfo ,params): path = self.check_and_replace_path(cinfo, agent.get_prop(params,'path',None), self._get_app_filesystem().OPERATION_VIEW) position = agent.get_prop(params,'position','') maxline = int(agent.get_prop(params,'position','1000')) fpos = -1l flen = utils.path_size(path) if position!="": fpos = int(position) if fpos > flen: fpos = -1 arl=[] if fpos < flen: bm = self._get_app_filesystem().detect_bom_file(path) enc=None if bm is not None: enc = bm["Name"] f = utils.file_open(path, 'r') try: if (fpos!=-1): while True: ln = f.readline() if ln=="": break if enc is None: enc="UTF-8" try: ln=ln.decode(enc) except: enc=sys.getfilesystemencoding() ln=ln.decode(enc, 'replace') else: ln=ln.decode(enc, 'replace') arl.append(ln.rstrip('\n').rstrip('\r')) if len(arl)>=maxline+1: arl.remove(arl[0]) if len(arl)>0: arl.append("") fpos = f.tell() finally: f.close() ret={} ret["text"]='\n'.join(arl) if fpos!=-1: ret["position"]=str(fpos) return json.dumps(ret)
def req_rename(self, cinfo ,params): path= self.check_and_replace_path(cinfo, agent.get_prop(params,'path',None), self.OPERATION_EDIT) name = agent.get_prop(params, "name", None) newname = agent.get_prop(params, "newname", None) fs = path+name fd = path+newname arret=[] try: if utils.path_exists(fd): raise Exception("#FILEALREADYEXISTS") utils.path_rename(fs, fd) self._append_to_list(arret, path, newname) except Exception: arret.append({'Name': "E:" + newname}) return json.dumps({'items' : arret})
def req_stopservice(self, cinfo ,params): name = agent.get_prop(params,"name", None) bok = self._osnative.service_stop(name); if (bok is True): ret = "{ok: true}" else: ret = "{ok: false}" return ret
def req_killtask(self, cinfo ,params): pid = agent.get_prop(params,"pid", None) bok = self._osnative.task_kill(int(pid)); if (bok is True): ret = "{ok: true}" else: ret = "{ok: false}" return ret
def req_upload(self, cinfo ,fupload): path=agent.get_prop(fupload.get_properties(),'path',None); try: path = self.check_and_replace_path(cinfo, path, self.OPERATION_UPLOAD, {"check_exists": False}) fupload.accept(path) except Exception as e: if path is None: path="" raise e
def req_download(self, cinfo, fdownload): path=agent.get_prop(fdownload.get_properties(),'path',None); try: path = self.check_and_replace_path(cinfo, path, self.OPERATION_DOWNLOAD) fdownload.accept(path) except Exception as e: if path is None: path="" raise e
def req_remove(self, cinfo ,params): path = self.check_and_replace_path(cinfo, agent.get_prop(params,'path',None), self.OPERATION_EDIT) files = agent.get_prop(params,'files',None) arfiles = json.loads(files) arret=[] for i in range(len(arfiles)): fp = path + arfiles[i] b = True try: utils.path_remove(fp) except Exception: b=False tp = None if b is True: tp="K" else: tp="E" arret.append({'Name': tp + ":" + arfiles[i]}) return json.dumps({'items' : arret})
def req_copy_text(self,cinfo,params): sid = agent.get_prop(params,"id", "") dm=self._get_desktop_manager_check_permissions(cinfo,sid) sret={} sret["text"]=dm.copy_text(); return json.dumps(sret)
def req_list(self, cinfo ,params): path = agent.get_prop(params,'path',None) only_dir = agent.str2bool(agent.get_prop(params, "onlyDir", "false")) only_file = agent.str2bool(agent.get_prop(params, "onlyFile", "false")) app_name=agent.get_prop(params, "app") #image_info = agent.str2bool(agent.get_prop(params, "imageInfo", "false")) ptfilter = agent.get_prop(params, "filter", None) ptfilter_ignorecase = agent.str2bool(agent.get_prop(params, "filterIgnoreCase", "false")) ptfilterList= agent.get_prop(params, "filterList", None) refilter = None if ptfilter is not None: if ptfilter_ignorecase: refilter = re.compile(ptfilter) else: refilter = re.compile(ptfilter,re.IGNORECASE) arfilterList = None if ptfilterList is not None: arfilterList = json.loads(ptfilterList) arret=[] if path=="$": if app_name is None: prms=self.get_permission(cinfo); else: prms=self.get_permission(cinfo,app_name); if prms["fullAccess"]: ar = self._osnative.get_resource_path() for i in range(len(ar)): itm={} app=ar[i] itm["Name"]=u"D:" + app["Name"]; if "Size" in app: itm["Length"]=app["Size"]; arret.append(itm) else: for permpt in prms["paths"]: arret.append({'Name': 'D:' + permpt["name"]}) else: lst=None options={} if app_name is not None: options["app"]=app_name pdir =self.check_and_replace_path(cinfo, path, self.OPERATION_VIEW,options) if not utils.path_isdir(pdir): raise Exception("Permission denied or read error."); try: lst=utils.path_list(pdir) except Exception: raise Exception("Permission denied or read error."); #Carica la lista for fname in lst: #DA GESTIRE COSI EVITA GLI ERRORI MA PER FILENAME NON UTF8 NON RECUPERA ALTRE INFO TIPO LA DIMENSIONE E DATAMODIFICA if not isinstance(fname, unicode): fname=fname.decode("utf8","replace") if pdir==utils.path_sep: fp = pdir + fname else: fp = pdir + utils.path_sep + fname if (self._osnative.is_file_valid(fp)) and ((not only_dir and not only_file) or (only_dir and utils.path_isdir(fp)) or (only_file and not utils.path_isdir(fp))): bok = True if refilter is not None: bok = refilter.match(fname); if bok and arfilterList is not None: for appnm in arfilterList: bok = False if ptfilter_ignorecase: bok = (fname.lower()==appnm.lower()) else: bok = (fname==appnm) if bok: break if bok is True: self._append_to_list(arret, pdir, fname) # if (image_info==True): DA GESTIRE Width e Height se file di tipo Immagini #ORDINA PER NOME arret = sorted(arret, key=lambda k: k['Name'].lower()) jsret = {'items' : arret, 'permissions': {"apps":{}}} if path!="$" and app_name is None: a = jsret["permissions"]["apps"] paths = self.get_permission_path(cinfo, u"#FILESYSTEM://" + path, {"app":"texteditor" ,"check_exists": False}) if len(paths)>0: a["texteditor"]={} paths = self.get_permission_path(cinfo, u"#FILESYSTEM://" + path, {"app":"logwatch" ,"check_exists": False}) if len(paths)>0: a["logwatch"]={} None return json.dumps(jsret)
def req_save(self, cinfo, params): path = self.check_and_replace_path( cinfo, agent.get_prop(params, 'path', None), self._get_app_filesystem().OPERATION_EDIT, {"check_exists": False}) self._write(path, params) return None
def req_load(self, cinfo, params): path = self.check_and_replace_path( cinfo, agent.get_prop(params, 'path', None), self._get_app_filesystem().OPERATION_VIEW) ret = self._read(path) return json.dumps(ret)