def execute():
    """Execute the learning algorithm"""
    s = lp.s
    a = lp.a
    alpha = lp.alpha
    q = lp.q
    v = lp.v
    policy = lp.policy


    sp = agent.observe_state()
    r = agent.obtain_reward(s, a, sp)

    ap = agent.select_action(sp)

    # update Q
    delta = r + exp.GAMMA * q[sp, ap] - q[s, a]  # TD error (SARSA)
    q[s, a] = q[s, a] + alpha * delta  # update rule

    # Update V and Policy
    v[s] = np.max(q[s])
    policy[s] = np.argmax(q[s])

    lp.s = s
    lp.a = a
    lp.sp = sp
    lp.ap = ap
    lp.r = r
    lp.alpha = alpha
    lp.q = q
    lp.v = v
    lp.policy = policy
    lp.delta = delta
def execute():
    """ Execute Learning Algorithm """

    global eligibility, q_old

    assert initiated, "TOSL not initiated! setup() must be previously called"

    s = lp.s
    a = lp.a
    alpha = lp.alpha
    q = lp.q
    v = lp.v
    policy = lp.policy

    # Specific Learning Algorithm
    # robot.stop()
    # time.sleep(TASK.STEP_TIME/2)
    sp = agent.observe_state()
    r = agent.obtain_reward(s, a, sp)

    ap = agent.select_action(sp)  # Exploration strategy

    diff_q = q[s, a] - q_old
    q_old = q[sp, ap]

    delta = r + exp.GAMMA * q[sp, ap] - q[s, a]  # TD error

    eligibility[s, a] = (1.0 - alpha) * eligibility[s, a] + 1

    if eli_queue.count(s) > 0:
    assert eli_queue.count(s) == 0, ("duplicated states found in ET ", str(s))

    for i in eli_queue:  # no all states updated, just those in eli_queue
        # replace eli_queue by range(task.n_states) for non-reduced ET
        for j in range(task.n_actions):
            if eligibility[i, j] > 0.01:
                q[i, j] = q[i, j] + alpha * (delta + diff_q) * eligibility[i, j]
                eligibility[i, j] *= exp.GAMMA * exp.LAMBDA
                eligibility[i, j] = 0

            if i == s and j == a:
                q[i, j] = q[i, j] - alpha * diff_q

        # update v and policy
        v[i] = np.max(q[i])
        policy[i] = np.argmax(q[i])

    lp.s, lp.a = s, a
    lp.sp, lp.ap = sp, ap
    lp.r = r
    lp.alpha = alpha
    lp.q = q
    lp.v = v
    lp.policy = policy
    lp.delta = delta
def setup():
    """ Create module variables """
    global step_time, step, s, sp, a, ap, r, alpha, delta, q, v, policy, q_count
    global t_sas, r_sas, elapsed_time, actual_step_time
    global final_average_reward, ave_v_step, ave_r_step, sasr_step, q_limit, s0
    global initiated, initial_step_time


    step_time = task.STEP_TIME / exp.SPEED_RATE
    initial_step_time = step_time
    # only used in case we want to modify step_time from a task module
    # to speed up the experiment when the robot reaches the goal
    step = 0
    # Get initial state:
    if exp.LEARN_FROM_MODEL:
        import model
        s = int(model.s0)
        s = agent.observe_state()
    s0 = s

    sp = -1
    a = task.INITIAL_POLICY
    ap = -1
    r = 0
    alpha = exp.ALPHA
    delta = 0

    q = np.zeros((task.n_states, task.n_actions), dtype=np.float32)
    v = np.zeros(task.n_states, dtype=np.float64)
    policy = np.full(task.n_states, task.INITIAL_POLICY, dtype=np.uint32)
    q_count = np.zeros((task.n_states, task.n_actions), dtype=np.uint64)

    if exp.USE_T_SAS_AND_R_SAS:
        t_sas = np.zeros((task.n_states, task.n_actions, task.n_states))
        r_sas = np.zeros((task.n_states, task.n_actions, task.n_states))

    elapsed_time = 0
    actual_step_time = 0
    final_average_reward = 0

    ave_v_step = np.zeros(exp.N_STEPS)
    ave_r_step = np.zeros(exp.N_STEPS)
    sasr_step = np.zeros((exp.N_STEPS, 4))


    q_limit = round(max(task.REWARDS) / (1 - exp.GAMMA))
    #  q_limit = max(TASK.REWARDS)/(1-EXP.GAMMA)

    if q_limit != 100:
        print("q_limit = ",
              ". Softmax regression will be normalized as q_limit = 100")

    initiated = True
def execute():
    """ Execute the learning algorithm """

    global eligibility

    assert initiated, " SL not initiated! setup() must be previously called"

    s = lp.s
    a = lp.a
    alpha = lp.alpha
    q = lp.q
    v = lp.v
    policy = lp.policy

    # Specific Learning Algorithm
    sp = agent.observe_state()
    r = agent.obtain_reward(s, a, sp)

    ap = agent.select_action(sp)  # Exploration strategy

    delta = r + exp.GAMMA * q[sp, ap] - q[s, a]  # TD error

    eligibility[s, a] = 1.0  # replace trace

    if eli_queue.count(s) > 0:
    assert eli_queue.count(s) == 0, ("duplicated states found in ET: ", str(s))

    # only the states in eli_queue are updated:
    for i in eli_queue:  # no all states updated, just those in eli_queue
        # replace eli_queue by range(task.n_states) for non-reduced ET
        for j in range(task.n_actions):
            if eligibility[i, j] > 0.01:
                q[i, j] = q[i, j] + alpha * delta * eligibility[i, j]
                eligibility[i, j] *= exp.GAMMA * exp.LAMBDA
                eligibility[i, j] = 0

        # update v and policy
        v[i] = np.max(q[i])
        policy[i] = np.argmax(q[i])

    lp.s = s
    lp.a = a
    lp.sp = sp
    lp.ap = ap
    lp.r = r
    lp.alpha = alpha
    lp.q = q
    lp.v = v
    lp.policy = policy
    lp.delta = delta