文件: agg_cmd.py 项目: efocht/aggmon
def unsubscribe(context, server, *args):
    if len(args) < 1:
        return None
    target = args[0]
    msg = {"TARGET": target}
    result = send_rpc(context, server, "unsubscribe", **msg)
    return result
文件: agg_cmd.py 项目: efocht/aggmon
def aggmon_cmd(argv):
    ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    ap.add_argument('-C', '--cmd-port', default="tcp://", action="store", help="RPC command port")
    ap.add_argument('-l', '--log', default="info", action="store", help="logging: info, debug, ...")
    ap.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', default=False, action="store_true", help="verbosity")

    sp = ap.add_subparsers(dest='cmd_group', help="Subcommand help")

    tagp = sp.add_parser('tag',  help="Tagging commands")
    tagp.add_argument('--add', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, metavar=('tagname', 'tagvalue', '[key value]'),
                      action="store", help="add a tagging condition")
    tagp.add_argument('--remove', '--del', nargs=2, metavar=('tagname', 'tagvalue'), action="store",
                      help="remove a tagging condition")
    tagp.add_argument('--show', default=False, action="store_true", help="show tags")

    subp = sp.add_parser('sub', help="Subscribe commands")
    subp.add_argument('--add', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, metavar=('target', '[key value]'),
                      action="store", help="add a subscription to target and optional key value match conditions")
    subp.add_argument('--remove', '--del', nargs=1, metavar='target', action="store",
                      help="remove a target from the subscriptions")
    subp.add_argument('--show', default=False, action="store_true", help="show subscriptions")

    rawp = sp.add_parser('raw',  help="Raw commands")
    rawp.add_argument('args', nargs='+', help="raw command and arguments, arguments coming as key value pairs. Example: test_rpc key1 val1 key2 val2")

    pargs = ap.parse_args(argv)

    log_level = eval("logging."+pargs.log.upper())
    FMT = "%(asctime)s %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s][%(threadName)s] %(message)s"
    logging.basicConfig( stream=sys.stderr, level=log_level, format=FMT )

    context = zmq.Context()
    server = pargs.cmd_port

    if pargs.cmd_group == "tag":
        if pargs.add is not None:
            result = tag_add(context, server, *pargs.add)
        elif pargs.remove is not None:
            result = tag_remove(context, server, *pargs.remove)
        elif pargs.show:
            result = tags_show(context, server)

    elif pargs.cmd_group == "sub":
        if pargs.add is not None:
            result = subscribe(context, server, *pargs.add)
        elif pargs.remove is not None:
            result = unsubscribe(context, server, *pargs.remove)
        elif pargs.show:
            result = show_subscriptions(context, server)

    elif pargs.cmd_group == "raw":
        if pargs.args is not None:
            rpc_cmd = pargs.args[0]
            rpc_args = dict_from_args(*pargs.args[1:])
            result = send_rpc(context, server, rpc_cmd, **rpc_args)

    print json.dumps(result)

文件: agg_cmd.py 项目: efocht/aggmon
def tag_remove(context, server, *args):
    if len(args) < 2:
        return None
    tag_key = args[0]
    tag_val = args[1]
    msg = {"TAG_KEY": tag_key, "TAG_VALUE": tag_val}
    result = send_rpc(context, server, "remove_tag", **msg)
    return result
文件: agg_cmd.py 项目: efocht/aggmon
def subscribe(context, server, *args):
    if len(args) < 1:
        return None
    target = args[0]
    rest = args[1:]
    msg = dict_from_args(*rest)
    msg["TARGET"] = target
    result = send_rpc(context, server, "subscribe", **msg)
    return result
文件: agg_cmd.py 项目: efocht/aggmon
def tag_add(context, server, *args):
    if len(args) < 2:
        return None
    tag_name = args[0]
    tag_value = args[1]
    rest = args[2:]
    msg = dict_from_args(*rest)
    msg["TAG_KEY"] = tag_name
    msg["TAG_VALUE"] = tag_value
    result = send_rpc(context, server, "add_tag", **msg)
    return result
 def request_resend(self, state):
     res = False
     if "cmd_port" in state:
         # send "quit" cmd over RPC
         log.info("requesting resend_state from %s" % state["cmd_port"])
         reply = send_rpc(self.zmq_context, state["cmd_port"], "resend_state")
         if reply is not None:
             res = True
     elif "listen" in state:
         # send "quit" cmd over PULL port
         send_agg_command(self.zmq_context, state["listen"], "resend_state")
         res = True
     return res
 def send_state_update(self):
         send_rpc(self.zmq_context, self.dispatcher, "set_component_state", **self.state)
     except RPCNoReplyError as e:
         log.warning("Server did not reply, ignoring... %r" % e)
    def kill_component(self, service, group_path, __CALLBACK=None, __CALLBACK_ARGS=[], **kwds):
        Kill a component. First attempt is by sending it a "quit" command.
        This sets the "soft-fill" flag in the component state. When this flag is found at
        a subsequent kill attempt, the kill will attempt to kill the process of the
        component (hard kill).
        msg = {"component": service, "group": group_path}
        res = False

        group = group_name(group_path)
        state = self.get_state(msg)
        if state is None:
            log.warning("component '%s' state not found. Don't know how to kill it." % service)
            return False
        # register callback
        if __CALLBACK is not None:
            key = service + ":" + component_key(self.config["services"][service]["component_key"], kwds)
            self.component_kill_cb[key] = {"cb": __CALLBACK, "args": __CALLBACK_ARGS}
        if "cmd_port" not in state:
            log.error("cmd_port not found in state: %r" % state)
            return False

        # is the process running? check with "ps"
        status = self.process_status(state)
        if status == "not found":
            res = self.del_state(msg)
            log.debug("kill_component deleting state %r" % res)
            return True
        elif status == "unknown":
            log.error("process status found as '%s'. Aborting kill." % status)
            return False

        # send "quit" cmd over RPC
            reply = send_rpc(self.zmq_context, state["cmd_port"], "quit")
            res = True
        except RPCNoReplyError as e:
            log.warning("Component did not reply, maybe it is dead already? %r" % e)
            reply = None

        # wait ... seconds and check if process has disappeared
        start_wait = time.time()
        while time.time() - start_wait < KILL_WAIT_TIMEOUT:
            status = self.process_status(state)
            # This wait loop is disabled right now (by the -1000).
            # It took too long for the processes to die.
            if status == "running":
            elif status == "not found":
                log.info("status changed to 'not found'")
            elif status == "unknown":
                return False
        log.info("status for pid=%d is '%s'" % (state["pid"], status))
        if status == "running":
            # kill process using the remembered pid. This could be dangerous as we could kill another process.
            res = True
                log.info("attempting hard-kill of pid %d" % state["pid"])
                exec_cmd = self.config["global"]["remote_kill"] % state
                out = subprocess.check_output(exec_cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
                # send_rpc(self.zmq_context, self.dispatcher, "del_component_state", **msg)
                log.debug("kill_component (kill) res=%r" % res)
            except Exception as e:
                log.error("subprocess error when running '%s' : '%r'" % (exec_cmd, e))
        if res:
            res = self.del_state(msg)
            log.debug("kill_component deleting state %r" % res)
        return res
文件: agg_cmd.py 项目: efocht/aggmon
def tags_show(context, server):
    result = send_rpc(context, server, "show_tags")
    return result
文件: agg_cmd.py 项目: efocht/aggmon
def tags_reset(context, server):
    result = send_rpc(context, server, "reset_tags")
    return result
文件: agg_cmd.py 项目: efocht/aggmon
def show_subscriptions(context, server):
    result = send_rpc(context, server, "show_subs")
    return result