def test_write_sources_on_file(self): test_out_dir = self.set_outputfolder("test_write_sources_on_file") ag = AGAnalysis(self.agilepyConf) sources_subset = ag.loadSourcesFromCatalog("2AGL", rangeDist=(0, 30)) self.assertRaises(SourceModelFormatNotSupported, ag.writeSourcesOnFile, "regfile", "notsupportedformat", None) #reg regfile = ag.writeSourcesOnFile("regfile", "reg", sources_subset) with open(regfile) as f: linesNum = sum(1 for line in f) assert 1 == linesNum """ ag.generateMaps() ag.mle() regfile = ag.writeSourcesOnFile("regfile", "reg", sources_subset) with open(regfile) as f: linesNum = sum(1 for line in f) self.assertEqual(len(sources_subset)+1, linesNum) """ ag.generateMaps() ag.freeSources(lambda name: name == self.VELA, "pos", True) ag.mle() regfile = ag.writeSourcesOnFile("regfile", "reg", sources_subset) with open(regfile) as f: linesNum = sum(1 for line in f) self.assertEqual(len(sources_subset)+1, linesNum)
def test_fixed_parameters(self): test_out_dir = self.set_outputfolder("test_fixed_parameters") ag = AGAnalysis(self.agilepyConf) ag.setOptions( energybins=[[100, 1000]], tmin=434279000, tmax=434289532, timetype="TT") sources = ag.loadSourcesFromCatalog("2AGL", rangeDist=(0, 25)) assert len(sources) == 9 source = ag.selectSources('name == "2AGLJ0835-4514"').pop() flux0 = source.spectrum.getVal("flux") sources = ag.freeSources( 'name == "2AGLJ0835-4514"', "flux", False, show=True) _ = ag.generateMaps() _ = ag.mle() flux1 = source.get("multiFlux")["value"] assert flux0 == flux1 ag.destroy()
def test_analysis_pipeline(self): test_out_dir = self.set_outputfolder("test_analysis_pipeline") ag = AGAnalysis(self.agilepyConf, self.sourcesConfTxt) ag.setOptions(tmin = 433857532, tmax = 434289532, timetype = "TT", glon = 263.55, glat = -2.78) maplistFilePath = ag.generateMaps() self.assertEqual(True, os.path.isfile(maplistFilePath)) sources = ag.loadSourcesFromCatalog("2AGL", rangeDist = (0, 21)) sources = ag.freeSources('name == "2AGLJ0835-4514"', "flux", True, show=True) products_1 = ag.mle() for p in products_1: self.assertEqual(True, os.path.isfile(p)) products_2 = ag.mle() for p in products_2: self.assertEqual(True, os.path.isfile(p)) ag.setOptions(tmin = 433857532, tmax = 433907532, timetype = "TT", glon = 263.55, glat = -2.78) maplistfile = ag.generateMaps() products_3 = ag.mle() for p in products_3: self.assertEqual(True, os.path.isfile(p)) ag.destroy()