def MGFFileReader_DigitalParts(contents): index = [] # indes is a local list that record place of MZ & intensity MZAndIntensityContents = [] TempData = [] for i in range(0, len(contents) - 1): rule0 = re.findall(r'^\D*', contents[i]) #Match character beginning rule1 = re.findall( r'^-*([1-9]\d*\.\d*|0\.\d*[1-9]\d*|0?\.0+|0)', contents[i + 1]) #Matching Floating Points beginning rule2 = re.findall(r'^-*[1-9]\d*', contents[i + 1]) #match integer beginning if (rule0 != [] and rule1 != []) or (rule0 != [] and rule2 != []): index.append(i + 1) #print(index[0:120]) '''extrat continuous range of local list''' beginAndEndLocal = list(AID.ContinuousDigitalRange(index)) begin = beginAndEndLocal[0] end = beginAndEndLocal[1] '''extract MZ & intensity informations from all contents list based on local list''' for j in range(0, len(begin)): TempData = contents[begin[j]:end[j] + 1] MZAndIntensityContents.append(TempData) #print(MZAndIntensityContents) '''preprocessing MZ * intensity informations extracted.''' tempData1 = [] MZAndIntensityContentsList = [] for k in range(0, len(MZAndIntensityContents)): for v in range(0, len(MZAndIntensityContents[k])): tempData1.append(MZAndIntensityContents[k][v].split("\n")[0]) MZAndIntensityContentsList.append(tempData1) tempData1 = [] # clean #print(MZAndIntensityContentsList[0:200]) return MZAndIntensityContentsList #data format:[['104.3094 85.0', '107.8294 114.0', '110.0711 2221.7'...],['108.0543 154.1', '110.0710 1591.2'...]...]
def MGFFileReader_CharactersParts(contents): ZContents = [] TempData = [] index = [] for i in range(0, len(contents) - 1): rule0 = re.findall(r'^\D*', contents[i]) #Match character beginning #rule1 = re.findall(r'^-*([1-9]\d*\.\d*|0\.\d*[1-9]\d*|0?\.0+|0)',contents[i+1])#Matching Floating Points beginning rule2 = re.findall(r'^([1-9])', contents[i + 1]) #match integer beginning if rule0 != [] and rule2 == []: index.append(i) #print(index[0:30]) beginAndEndLocal = list(AID.ContinuousDigitalRange2(index)) #print(beginAndEndLocal) begin = beginAndEndLocal[0] end = beginAndEndLocal[1] '''extract informations begin with "Z" from all contents list based on local list''' for j in range(0, len(begin)): TempData = contents[begin[j]:end[j] + 1] ZContents.append(TempData) #print(MZAndIntensityContents) '''preprocessing informations extracted.''' tempData1 = [] CharactersContentsList = [] for k in range(0, len(ZContents)): for v in range(0, len(ZContents[k])): tempData1.append(ZContents[k][v].split("\n")[0]) CharactersContentsList.append(tempData1) tempData1 = [] # clean #print(CharactersContentsList) '''At the end of list,usually,is a character:['END IONS'] Originated from split mgf.This part not mapping a digital part,must be remove''' #print(CharactersContentsList) for t in range(0, len(CharactersContentsList)): if len(CharactersContentsList[t] ) == 1 and CharactersContentsList[t][0] == 'END IONS': CharactersContentsList.pop(t) elif len( CharactersContentsList[t] ) == 2 and CharactersContentsList[t][ 0] == 'END IONS' and CharactersContentsList[t][1] == '': CharactersContentsList.pop(t) elif len( CharactersContentsList[t]) == 3 and CharactersContentsList[ t][0] == 'END IONS' and CharactersContentsList[t][ 1] == '' and CharactersContentsList[t][2] == '': CharactersContentsList.pop(t) elif len( CharactersContentsList[t] ) == 4 and CharactersContentsList[t][ 0] == 'END IONS' and CharactersContentsList[t][ 1] == '' and CharactersContentsList[t][ 2] == '' and CharactersContentsList[t][3] == '': CharactersContentsList.pop(t) else: pass return CharactersContentsList '''
'author': 'J. R. R. Tolkien', 'qty': 10, 'how much is': 43.50 }, { 'title': 'Harry Potter', 'author': 'J. K. Roling', 'qty': 10, 'how much is': 31.70 }, { 'title': 'Game of Thrones', 'author': 'A. M. M. Martin', 'qty': 10, 'how much is': 53.80 }] bookStoresInfo = [(AID(name='Cultura'), bookslist_Cultura), (AID(name='Saraiva'), booksList_Saraiva)] order = { 'title': 'The Lord of the Rings', 'author': 'J. R. R. Tolkien', 'qty': 5 } #set_ams('localhost', 8000) agents = [] #saraiva = BookstoreAgent(AID(name='[email protected]:2002'), booksList_Saraiva) saraiva = BookstoreAgent(AID(name='Saraiva'), booksList_Saraiva) saraiva.set_ams() agents.append(saraiva)
from time import sleep class Teste(Agent): def __init__(self, aid): Agent.__init__(self, aid) def on_start on_start(self): Agent.on_start on_start(self) display_message(, "Hello World") if 'Bob' in message = ACLMessage(ACLMessage.INFORM) message.add_receiver(AID('Alice')) message.set_content('Hello Alice!') self.send(message) def react(self, message): Agent.react(self, message) display_message(, message.get_message()) if __name__ == '__main__': set_ams('localhost', 8000) agente = Teste(AID('Alice')) agente.set_ams('localhost', 8000) agente.start() agente = Teste(AID('Bob'))
self.addBehaviour(behaviour_1) def on_start on_start(self): Agent.on_start on_start(self) class Agent_Participant(Agent): def __init__(self, aid): Agent.__init__(self, aid) behaviour_1 = RequestParticipant(self) self.addBehaviour(behaviour_1) def on_start on_start(self): Agent.on_start on_start(self) if __name__ == '__main__': set_ams(8000) agent_participant_1 = Agent_Participant(AID('agent_participant_1')) agent_participant_1.set_ams('localhost', 8000) agent_participant_1.start() agent_initiator = Agent_Initiator(AID('agent_initiator')) agent_initiator.set_ams('localhost', 8000) agent_initiator.start() start_loop()
display_message(, 'Proposal Rejected') class BookstoreAgent(Agent): def __init__(self, aid, booksList): Agent.__init__(self, aid) self.booksList = booksList behav_ = BookstoreAgentBehaviour(self) self.addBehaviour(behav_) if __name__ == '__main__': bookslist_Nobel = [{'title' : 'The Lord of the Rings', 'author' : 'J. R. R. Tolkien', 'qty' : 10, 'how much is' : 63.50}, {'title' : 'Harry Potter', 'author' : 'J. K. Roling', 'qty' : 10, 'how much is' : 35.70}, {'title' : 'Game of Thrones', 'author' : 'A. M. M. Martin', 'qty' : 10, 'how much is' : 33.80} ] bookStoresInfo = [(AID(name='[email protected]:2001'), bookslist_Nobel)] order = {'title' : 'The Lord of the Rings', 'author' : 'J. R. R. Tolkien', 'qty' : 5} agents = [] nobel = BookstoreAgent(AID(name='Nobel'), bookslist_Nobel) nobel.set_ams('', 8000) agents.append(nobel) start_loop(agents)
'author': 'J. R. R. Tolkien', 'qtd': 10, 'how much is': 63.50 }, { 'title': 'Harry Potter', 'author': 'J. K. Roling', 'qtd': 10, 'how much is': 35.70 }, { 'title': 'Game of Thrones', 'author': 'A. M. M. Martin', 'qtd': 10, 'how much is': 33.80 }] bookStoresInfo = [(AID(name='Cultura'), bookslist_Cultura), (AID(name='Saraiva'), booksList_Saraiva), (AID(name='Nobel'), bookslist_Nobel)] pedido = { 'title': 'The Lord of the Rings', 'author': 'J. R. R. Tolkien', 'qtd': 5 } set_ams('localhost', 8000) agents = [] saraiva = AgenteLivraria(AID(name='Saraiva'), booksList_Saraiva) agents.append(saraiva)
self.bookStores = bookStores self.pedido = pedido cfp_message = ACLMessage(ACLMessage.CFP) cfp_message.set_protocol(ACLMessage.FIPA_CONTRACT_NET_PROTOCOL) for i in self.bookStores: cfp_message.add_receiver(i) cfp_message.set_content(dumps(self.pedido)) comportamento = ComportamentoAgenteConsumidor(self, cfp_message) self.addBehaviour(comportamento) if __name__ == '__main__': agents = [] pedido = { 'title': 'The Lord of the Rings', 'author': 'J. R. R. Tolkien', 'qtd': 5 } #consumidor = AgenteConsumidor(AID('[email protected]:2004'), ['Saraiva', 'Cultura', 'Nobel'], pedido) consumidor = AgenteConsumidor(AID('Lucas'), ['Saraiva', 'Cultura', 'Nobel'], pedido) consumidor.set_ams() agents.append(consumidor) start_loop(agents)
booksList_Saraiva = [{'title' : 'The Lord of the Rings', 'author' : 'J. R. R. Tolkien', 'qty' : 10, 'how much is' : 53.50}, {'title' : 'Harry Potter', 'author' : 'J. K. Roling', 'qty' : 10, 'how much is' : 33.70}, {'title' : 'Game of Thrones', 'author' : 'A. M. M. Martin', 'qty' : 10,'how much is' : 23.80} ] bookslist_Cultura = [{'title' : 'The Lord of the Rings', 'author' : 'J. R. R. Tolkien', 'qty' : 10, 'how much is' : 43.50}, {'title' : 'Harry Potter', 'author' : 'J. K. Roling', 'qty' : 10, 'how much is' : 31.70}, {'title' : 'Game of Thrones', 'author' : 'A. M. M. Martin', 'qty' : 10, 'how much is' : 53.80} ] bookslist_Nobel = [{'title' : 'The Lord of the Rings', 'author' : 'J. R. R. Tolkien', 'qty' : 10, 'how much is' : 63.50}, {'title' : 'Harry Potter', 'author' : 'J. K. Roling', 'qty' : 10, 'how much is' : 35.70}, {'title' : 'Game of Thrones', 'author' : 'A. M. M. Martin', 'qty' : 10, 'how much is' : 33.80} ] bookStoresInfo = [(AID(name='Saraiva'), booksList_Saraiva), (AID(name='Cultura'), bookslist_Cultura), (AID(name='Nobel'), bookslist_Nobel)] set_ams('localhost', 8000) for bookStore in bookStoresInfo: agent = BookStore(bookStore[0], bookStore[1]) agent.set_ams('localhost', 8000) agent.start() consumidor = Consumer(AID('Lucas'), ['Saraiva', 'Cultura', 'Nobel']) consumidor.set_ams('localhost', 8000) consumidor.start() start_loop()
'author': 'J. R. R. Tolkien', 'qtd': 10, 'how much is': 43.50 }, { 'title': 'Harry Potter', 'author': 'J. K. Roling', 'qtd': 10, 'how much is': 31.70 }, { 'title': 'Game of Thrones', 'author': 'A. M. M. Martin', 'qtd': 10, 'how much is': 53.80 }] bookStoresInfo = [(AID(name='Cultura'), bookslist_Cultura), (AID(name='Saraiva'), booksList_Saraiva)] pedido = { 'title': 'The Lord of the Rings', 'author': 'J. R. R. Tolkien', 'qtd': 5 } #set_ams('localhost', 8000) agents = [] #saraiva = AgenteLivraria(AID(name='[email protected]:2002'), booksList_Saraiva) saraiva = AgenteLivraria(AID(name='Saraiva'), booksList_Saraiva) saraiva.set_ams() agents.append(saraiva)
message.add_receiver('participant_agent_2') behaviour = InitiatorProtocol(self, message) self.addBehaviour(behaviour) class ParticipantAgent(Agent): def __init__(self, aid, power_values): Agent.__init__(self, aid) behaviour = ParticipantProtocol(self, power_values) self.addBehaviour(behaviour) if __name__ == '__main__': set_ams('localhost', 8000) agent_participant_1 = ParticipantAgent(AID('participant_agent_1'), {'value': 100.0}) agent_participant_1.set_ams('localhost', 8000) agent_participant_1.start() agent_participant_2 = ParticipantAgent(AID('participant_agent_2'), {'value': 200.0}) agent_participant_2.set_ams('localhost', 8000) agent_participant_2.start() agent_initiator = InitiatorAgent(AID('initiator_agent')) agent_initiator.set_ams('localhost', 8000) agent_initiator.start() start_loop()
booksList_Saraiva = [{'title' : 'The Lord of the Rings', 'author' : 'J. R. R. Tolkien', 'qty' : 10, 'how much is' : 53.50}, {'title' : 'Harry Potter', 'author' : 'J. K. Roling', 'qty' : 10, 'how much is' : 33.70}, {'title' : 'Game of Thrones', 'author' : 'A. M. M. Martin', 'qty' : 10,'how much is' : 23.80} ] bookslist_Cultura = [{'title' : 'The Lord of the Rings', 'author' : 'J. R. R. Tolkien', 'qty' : 10, 'how much is' : 43.50}, {'title' : 'Harry Potter', 'author' : 'J. K. Roling', 'qty' : 10, 'how much is' : 31.70}, {'title' : 'Game of Thrones', 'author' : 'A. M. M. Martin', 'qty' : 10, 'how much is' : 53.80} ] bookslist_Nobel = [{'title' : 'The Lord of the Rings', 'author' : 'J. R. R. Tolkien', 'qty' : 10, 'how much is' : 63.50}, {'title' : 'Harry Potter', 'author' : 'J. K. Roling', 'qty' : 10, 'how much is' : 35.70}, {'title' : 'Game of Thrones', 'author' : 'A. M. M. Martin', 'qty' : 10, 'how much is' : 33.80} ] bookStoresInfo = [(AID(name='Cultura'), bookslist_Cultura), (AID(name='Saraiva'), booksList_Saraiva), (AID(name='Nobel'), bookslist_Nobel)] order = {'title' : 'The Lord of the Rings', 'author' : 'J. R. R. Tolkien', 'qty' : 5} set_ams('localhost', 8000) agents = [] saraiva = BookstoreAgent(AID(name='Saraiva'), booksList_Saraiva) agents.append(saraiva) cultura = BookstoreAgent(AID(name='Cultura'), bookslist_Cultura) agents.append(cultura) nobel = BookstoreAgent(AID(name='Nobel'), bookslist_Nobel)
self.bookStores = bookStores self.order = order cfp_message = ACLMessage(ACLMessage.CFP) cfp_message.set_protocol(ACLMessage.FIPA_CONTRACT_NET_PROTOCOL) for i in self.bookStores: cfp_message.add_receiver(i) cfp_message.set_content(dumps(self.order)) behav_ = ConsumerAgentBehaviour(self, cfp_message) self.addBehaviour(behav_) if __name__ == '__main__': agents = [] order = { 'title': 'The Lord of the Rings', 'author': 'J. R. R. Tolkien', 'qty': 5 } #consumidor = ConsumerAgent(AID('[email protected]:2004'), ['Saraiva', 'Cultura', 'Nobel'], order) consumidor = ConsumerAgent(AID('Lucas'), ['Saraiva', 'Cultura', 'Nobel'], order) consumidor.set_ams() agents.append(consumidor) start_loop(agents)
message.set_content('Ola Agente!') self.send(message) display_message(, 'Enviando mensagem...') def react(self, message): Agent.react(self, message) display_message(, 'Uma mensagem recebida') if 'agente_teste_participante' in resposta = message.create_reply() resposta.set_content('Ola tambem agente!') self.send(resposta) if __name__ == '__main__': set_ams('localhost', 8000) agente_teste_iniciante = Teste(AID('agente_teste_iniciante')) agente_teste_participante = Teste(AID('agente_teste_participante')) agentes = list() print id(agente_teste_iniciante) print id(agente_teste_participante) agentes.append(agente_teste_participante) agentes.append(agente_teste_iniciante) start_loop(agentes)
message.set_content('Hello Agent!') self.send(message) display_message(, 'Sending Message...') def react(self, message): Agent.react(self, message) display_message(, 'One message received') if 'test_agent_participant' in resposta = message.create_reply() resposta.set_content('Hello to you too, Agent!') self.send(resposta) if __name__ == '__main__': set_ams('localhost', 8000) test_agent_initiator = Teste(AID('test_agent_initiator')) test_agent_participant = Teste(AID('test_agent_participant')) agents = list() print id(test_agent_initiator) print id(test_agent_participant) agents.append(test_agent_participant) agents.append(test_agent_initiator) start_loop(agents)