def migrate_infer_calculation_entry_point(apps, schema_editor):
    """Set the process type for calculation nodes by inferring it from their type string."""
    from aiida.manage.database.integrity import write_database_integrity_violation
    from aiida.manage.database.integrity.plugins import infer_calculation_entry_point
    from aiida.plugins.entry_point import ENTRY_POINT_STRING_SEPARATOR

    fallback_cases = []
    DbNode = apps.get_model('db', 'DbNode')

    type_strings = DbNode.objects.filter(type__startswith='calculation.').values_list('type', flat=True)
    mapping_node_type_to_entry_point = infer_calculation_entry_point(type_strings=type_strings)

    for type_string, entry_point_string in mapping_node_type_to_entry_point.items():

        # If the entry point string does not contain the entry point string separator, the mapping function was not able
        # to map the type string onto a known entry point string. As a fallback it uses the modified type string itself.
        # All affected entries should be logged to file that the user can consult.
        if ENTRY_POINT_STRING_SEPARATOR not in entry_point_string:
            query_set = DbNode.objects.filter(type=type_string).values_list('uuid')
            uuids = [str(entry[0]) for entry in query_set]
            for uuid in uuids:
                fallback_cases.append([uuid, type_string, entry_point_string])


    if fallback_cases:
        headers = ['UUID', 'type (old)', 'process_type (fallback)']
        warning_message = 'found calculation nodes with a type string that could not be mapped onto a known entry point'
        action_message = 'inferred `process_type` for all calculation nodes, using fallback for unknown entry points'
        write_database_integrity_violation(fallback_cases, headers, warning_message, action_message)
 def delete_wrong_links(node_uuids, link_type, headers, warning_message, action_message):
     """delete links that are matching link_type and are going from nodes listed in node_uuids"""
     violations = []
     new_links_list = []
     for link in data['links_uuid']:
         if link['input'] in node_uuids and link['type'] == link_type:
             violations.append([link['input'], link['output'], link['type'], link['label']])
     data['links_uuid'] = new_links_list
     if violations:
         write_database_integrity_violation(violations, headers, warning_message, action_message)
def detect_unexpected_links(connection):
    """Scan the database for any links that are unexpected.

    The checks will verify that there are no outgoing `call` or `return` links from calculation nodes and that if a
    workflow node has a `create` link, it has at least an accompanying return link to the same data node, or it has a
    `call` link to a calculation node that takes the created data node as input.
    from aiida.backends.general.migrations.provenance_redesign import INVALID_LINK_SELECT_STATEMENTS
    from aiida.manage.database.integrity import write_database_integrity_violation

    for sql, warning_message in INVALID_LINK_SELECT_STATEMENTS:
        results = list(connection.execute(text(sql)))
        if results:
            headers = ['UUID source', 'UUID target', 'link type', 'link label']
            write_database_integrity_violation(results, headers,
def migrate_infer_calculation_entry_point(connection):
    """Set the process type for calculation nodes by inferring it from their type string."""
    from aiida.manage.database.integrity import write_database_integrity_violation
    from aiida.manage.database.integrity.plugins import infer_calculation_entry_point
    from aiida.plugins.entry_point import ENTRY_POINT_STRING_SEPARATOR

    DbNode = table('db_dbnode', column('id', Integer), column('uuid', UUID),
                   column('type', String), column('process_type', String))

    query_set = connection.execute(
    type_strings = set(entry[0] for entry in query_set)
    mapping_node_type_to_entry_point = infer_calculation_entry_point(

    fallback_cases = []

    for type_string, entry_point_string in mapping_node_type_to_entry_point.items(

        # If the entry point string does not contain the entry point string separator, the mapping function was not able
        # to map the type string onto a known entry point string. As a fallback it uses the modified type string itself.
        # All affected entries should be logged to file that the user can consult.
        if ENTRY_POINT_STRING_SEPARATOR not in entry_point_string:
            query_set = connection.execute(
                        ]).where(DbNode.c.type == op.inline_literal(

            uuids = [str(entry.uuid) for entry in query_set]
            for uuid in uuids:
                fallback_cases.append([uuid, type_string, entry_point_string])

            DbNode.c.type == op.inline_literal(type_string)).values(

    if fallback_cases:
        headers = ['UUID', 'type (old)', 'process_type (fallback)']
        warning_message = 'found calculation nodes with a type string that could not be mapped onto a known entry point'
        action_message = 'inferred `process_type` for all calculation nodes, using fallback for unknown entry points'
        write_database_integrity_violation(fallback_cases, headers,
                                           warning_message, action_message)
def data_migration_legacy_process_attributes(data):
    """Apply migration 0040 - REV. 1.0.40
    Data migration for some legacy process attributes.

    Attribute keys that are renamed:

    * `_sealed` -> `sealed`

    Attribute keys that are removed entirely:

    * `_finished`
    * `_failed`
    * `_aborted`
    * `_do_abort`

    Finally, after these first migrations, any remaining process nodes are screened for the existence of the
    `process_state` attribute. If they have it, it is checked whether the state is active or not, if not, the `sealed`
    attribute is created and set to `True`.

    :raises `~aiida.tools.importexport.common.exceptions.CorruptArchive`: if a Node, found to have attributes,
        cannot be found in the list of exported entities.
    :raises `~aiida.tools.importexport.common.exceptions.CorruptArchive`: if the 'sealed' attribute does not exist and
        the ProcessNode is in an active state, i.e. `process_state` is one of ('created', 'running', 'waiting').
        A log-file, listing all illegal ProcessNodes, will be produced in the current directory.
    from aiida.tools.importexport.common.exceptions import CorruptArchive
    from aiida.manage.database.integrity import write_database_integrity_violation

    attrs_to_remove = [
        '_sealed', '_finished', '_failed', '_aborted', '_do_abort'
    active_states = {'created', 'running', 'waiting'}
    illegal_cases = []

    for node_pk, content in data['node_attributes'].items():
            if data['export_data']['Node'][node_pk]['node_type'].startswith(
                # Check if the ProcessNode has a 'process_state' attribute, and if it's non-active.
                # Raise if the ProcessNode is in an active state, otherwise set `'sealed' = True`
                process_state = content.get('process_state', '')
                if process_state in active_states:
                    # The ProcessNode is in an active state, and should therefore never have been allowed
                    # to be exported. The Node will be added to a log that is saved in the working directory,
                    # then a CorruptArchive will be raised, since the archive needs to be migrated manually.
                    uuid_pk = data['export_data']['Node'][node_pk].get(
                        'uuid', node_pk)
                    illegal_cases.append([uuid_pk, process_state])
                    continue  # No reason to do more now

                # Either the ProcessNode is in a non-active state or its 'process_state' hasn't been set.
                # In both cases we claim the ProcessNode 'sealed' and make it importable.
                content['sealed'] = True

                # Remove attributes
                for attr in attrs_to_remove:
                    content.pop(attr, None)
        except KeyError as exc:
            raise CorruptArchive(
                f'Your export archive is corrupt! Org. exception: {exc}')

    if illegal_cases:
        headers = ['UUID/PK', 'process_state']
        warning_message = 'Found ProcessNodes with active process states ' \
                          'that should never have been allowed to be exported.'
        write_database_integrity_violation(illegal_cases, headers,

        raise CorruptArchive(
            'Your export archive is corrupt! '
            'Please see the log-file in your current directory for more details.'
def migration_provenance_redesign(data):  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches,too-many-statements
    """Apply migration: 0020 - REV. 1.0.20
    Provenance redesign
    from aiida.manage.database.integrity.plugins import infer_calculation_entry_point
    from aiida.manage.database.integrity import write_database_integrity_violation
    from aiida.plugins.entry_point import ENTRY_POINT_STRING_SEPARATOR

    fallback_cases = []
    calcjobs_to_migrate = {}

    for key, value in data['export_data'].get('Node', {}).items():
        if value.get('type', '').startswith('calculation.job.'):
            calcjobs_to_migrate[key] = value

    if calcjobs_to_migrate:
        # step1: rename the type column of process nodes
        mapping_node_entry = infer_calculation_entry_point(
            type_strings=[e['type'] for e in calcjobs_to_migrate.values()])
        for uuid, content in calcjobs_to_migrate.items():
            type_string = content['type']
            entry_point_string = mapping_node_entry[type_string]

            # If the entry point string does not contain the entry point string separator,
            # the mapping function was not able to map the type string onto a known entry point string.
            # As a fallback it uses the modified type string itself.
            # All affected entries should be logged to file that the user can consult.
            if ENTRY_POINT_STRING_SEPARATOR not in entry_point_string:
                fallback_cases.append([uuid, type_string, entry_point_string])

            content['process_type'] = entry_point_string

        if fallback_cases:
            headers = ['UUID', 'type (old)', 'process_type (fallback)']
            warning_message = 'found calculation nodes with a type string ' \
                              'that could not be mapped onto a known entry point'
            action_message = 'inferred `process_type` for all calculation nodes, ' \
                             'using fallback for unknown entry points'
            write_database_integrity_violation(fallback_cases, headers,
                                               warning_message, action_message)

    # step2: detect and delete unexpected links
    action_message = 'the link was deleted'
    headers = ['UUID source', 'UUID target', 'link type', 'link label']

    def delete_wrong_links(node_uuids, link_type, headers, warning_message,
        """delete links that are matching link_type and are going from nodes listed in node_uuids"""
        violations = []
        new_links_list = []
        for link in data['links_uuid']:
            if link['input'] in node_uuids and link['type'] == link_type:
                    link['input'], link['output'], link['type'], link['label']
        data['links_uuid'] = new_links_list
        if violations:
            write_database_integrity_violation(violations, headers,
                                               warning_message, action_message)

    # calculations with outgoing CALL links
    calculation_uuids = {
        for value in data['export_data'].get('Node', {}).values()
        if (value.get('type', '').startswith('calculation.job.')
            or value.get('type', '').startswith('calculation.inline.'))
    warning_message = 'detected calculation nodes with outgoing `call` links.'
    delete_wrong_links(calculation_uuids, 'calllink', headers, warning_message,

    # calculations with outgoing RETURN links
    warning_message = 'detected calculation nodes with outgoing `return` links.'
    delete_wrong_links(calculation_uuids, 'returnlink', headers,
                       warning_message, action_message)

    # outgoing CREATE links from FunctionCalculation and WorkCalculation nodes
    warning_message = 'detected outgoing `create` links from FunctionCalculation and/or WorkCalculation nodes.'
    work_uuids = {
        for value in data['export_data'].get('Node', {}).values()
        if (value.get('type', '').startswith('calculation.function')
            or value.get('type', '').startswith('calculation.work'))
    delete_wrong_links(work_uuids, 'createlink', headers, warning_message,

    for node_id, node in data['export_data'].get('Node', {}).items():
        # migrate very old `ProcessCalculation` to `WorkCalculation`
        if node.get('type', '') == 'calculation.process.ProcessCalculation.':
            node['type'] = 'calculation.work.WorkCalculation.'

        #  WorkCalculations that have a `function_name` attribute are FunctionCalculations
        if node.get('type', '') == 'calculation.work.WorkCalculation.':
            if ('function_name' in data['node_attributes'][node_id]
                    and data['node_attributes'][node_id]['function_name']
                    is not None):
                # for some reason for the workchains the 'function_name' attribute is present but has None value
                    'type'] = 'node.process.workflow.workfunction.WorkFunctionNode.'
                node['type'] = 'node.process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode.'

        # update type for JobCalculation nodes
        if node.get('type', '').startswith('calculation.job.'):
            node['type'] = 'node.process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode.'

        # update type for InlineCalculation nodes
        if node.get('type', '') == 'calculation.inline.InlineCalculation.':
                'type'] = 'node.process.calculation.calcfunction.CalcFunctionNode.'

        # update type for FunctionCalculation nodes
        if node.get('type', '') == 'calculation.function.FunctionCalculation.':
                'type'] = 'node.process.workflow.workfunction.WorkFunctionNode.'

    uuid_node_type_mapping = {
        node['uuid']: node['type']
        for node in data['export_data'].get('Node', {}).values()
        if 'type' in node
    for link in data['links_uuid']:
        inp_uuid = link['output']
        # rename `createlink` to `create`
        if link['type'] == 'createlink':
            link['type'] = 'create'
        # rename `returnlink` to `return`
        elif link['type'] == 'returnlink':
            link['type'] = 'return'

        elif link['type'] == 'inputlink':
            # rename `inputlink` to `input_calc` if the target node is a calculation type node
            if uuid_node_type_mapping[inp_uuid].startswith(
                link['type'] = 'input_calc'
            # rename `inputlink` to `input_work` if the target node is a workflow type node
            elif uuid_node_type_mapping[inp_uuid].startswith(
                link['type'] = 'input_work'

        elif link['type'] == 'calllink':
            # rename `calllink` to `call_calc` if the target node is a calculation type node
            if uuid_node_type_mapping[inp_uuid].startswith(
                link['type'] = 'call_calc'
            # rename `calllink` to `call_work` if the target node is a workflow type node
            elif uuid_node_type_mapping[inp_uuid].startswith(
                link['type'] = 'call_work'