    def test_parse_failed_squeue_output(self):
        Test that _parse_joblist_output reacts as expected to failures.
        scheduler = SlurmScheduler()

        # non-zero return value should raise
        with pytest.raises(SchedulerError, match='squeue returned exit code 1'):
            scheduler._parse_joblist_output(1, TEXT_SQUEUE_TO_TEST, '')  # pylint: disable=protected-access

        # non-empty stderr should be logged
        with self.assertLogs(scheduler.logger, logging.WARNING):
            scheduler._parse_joblist_output(0, TEXT_SQUEUE_TO_TEST, 'error message')  # pylint: disable=protected-access
    def test_parse_common_joblist_output(self):
        Test whether _parse_joblist_output can parse the squeue output
        scheduler = SlurmScheduler()

        retval = 0
        stdout = TEXT_SQUEUE_TO_TEST
        stderr = ''

        job_list = scheduler._parse_joblist_output(retval, stdout, stderr)  # pylint: disable=protected-access
        job_dict = {j.job_id: j for j in job_list}

        # The parameters are hard coded in the text to parse
        job_parsed = len(job_list)
        assert job_parsed == JOBS_ON_CLUSTER

        job_running_parsed = len([j for j in job_list if j.job_state \
                                  and j.job_state == JobState.RUNNING])
        assert len(JOBS_RUNNING) == job_running_parsed

        job_held_parsed = len([j for j in job_list if j.job_state and j.job_state == JobState.QUEUED_HELD])
        assert JOBS_HELD == job_held_parsed

        job_queued_parsed = len([j for j in job_list if j.job_state and j.job_state == JobState.QUEUED])
        assert JOBS_QUEUED == job_queued_parsed

        parsed_running_users = [j.job_owner for j in job_list if j.job_state and j.job_state == JobState.RUNNING]
        assert set(USERS_RUNNING) == set(parsed_running_users)

        parsed_running_jobs = [j.job_id for j in job_list if j.job_state and j.job_state == JobState.RUNNING]
        assert set(JOBS_RUNNING) == set(parsed_running_jobs)

        assert job_dict['863553'].requested_wallclock_time_seconds, 30 * 60  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        assert job_dict['863553'].wallclock_time_seconds, 29 * 60 + 29
        assert job_dict['863553'].dispatch_time, datetime.datetime(2013, 5, 23, 11, 44, 11)
        assert job_dict['863553'].submission_time, datetime.datetime(2013, 5, 23, 10, 42, 11)

        assert job_dict['863100'].annotation == 'Resources'
        assert job_dict['863100'].num_machines == 32
        assert job_dict['863100'].num_mpiprocs == 1024
        assert job_dict['863100'].queue_name == 'normal'

        assert job_dict['861352'].title == 'Pressure_PBEsol_0'

        assert job_dict['863554'].requested_wallclock_time_seconds is None  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    def test_parse_common_joblist_output(self):
        Test whether _parse_joblist can parse the qstat -f output
        scheduler = SlurmScheduler()

        retval = 0
        stdout = TEXT_SQUEUE_TO_TEST
        stderr = ''

        job_list = scheduler._parse_joblist_output(retval, stdout, stderr)  # pylint: disable=protected-access
        job_dict = {j.job_id: j for j in job_list}

        # The parameters are hard coded in the text to parse
        job_parsed = len(job_list)
        self.assertEqual(job_parsed, JOBS_ON_CLUSTER)

        job_running_parsed = len([j for j in job_list if j.job_state \
                                  and j.job_state == JobState.RUNNING])
        self.assertEqual(len(JOBS_RUNNING), job_running_parsed)

        job_held_parsed = len([
            j for j in job_list
            if j.job_state and j.job_state == JobState.QUEUED_HELD
        self.assertEqual(JOBS_HELD, job_held_parsed)

        job_queued_parsed = len([
            j for j in job_list
            if j.job_state and j.job_state == JobState.QUEUED
        self.assertEqual(JOBS_QUEUED, job_queued_parsed)

        parsed_running_users = [
            j.job_owner for j in job_list
            if j.job_state and j.job_state == JobState.RUNNING
        self.assertEqual(set(USERS_RUNNING), set(parsed_running_users))

        parsed_running_jobs = [
            j.job_id for j in job_list
            if j.job_state and j.job_state == JobState.RUNNING
        self.assertEqual(set(JOBS_RUNNING), set(parsed_running_jobs))

                         30 * 60)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
                         29 * 60 + 29)
                         datetime.datetime(2013, 5, 23, 11, 44, 11))
                         datetime.datetime(2013, 5, 23, 10, 42, 11))

        self.assertEqual(job_dict['863100'].annotation, 'Resources')
        self.assertEqual(job_dict['863100'].num_machines, 32)
        self.assertEqual(job_dict['863100'].num_mpiprocs, 1024)
        self.assertEqual(job_dict['863100'].queue_name, 'normal')

        self.assertEqual(job_dict['861352'].title, 'Pressure_PBEsol_0')

                         None)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name