    def __init__(self, node):
        super(VaspParser, self).__init__(node)

        # Initialise the 'get_quantity' delegate:
        setattr(self, 'get_quantity', Delegate())

            calc_settings = self.node.inputs.settings
        except NotExistent:
            calc_settings = None

        settings = None
        if calc_settings:
            settings = calc_settings.get_dict().get('parser_settings')

        self.settings = ParserSettings(settings, DEFAULT_OPTIONS)

        self.quantities = ParsableQuantities(vasp_parser=self)
        self.parsers = ParserManager(vasp_parser=self)

        self._output_nodes = {}

        # this list is for bookkeeping, to check whether a quantity has been requested
        # twice during the parsing cycle.
        self._requested_quantities = []
def test_settings_utils():

    settings = ParserSettings(SETTINGS)
    assert len(settings.output_nodes_dict
               ) == 1 and 'wavecar' in settings.output_nodes_dict
    settings = ParserSettings(SETTINGS, DEFAULT_OPTIONS)
    assert 'wavecar' in settings.output_nodes_dict
def outcar_parser(request):
    """Return an instance of OutcarParser for a reference OUTCAR."""
    from aiida_vasp.parsers.settings import ParserSettings
    file_name = 'OUTCAR'
    path = data_path(request.param, file_name)
    parser = OutcarParser(file_path=path, settings=ParserSettings({}))
    return parser
def stream_parser(request):
    """Return an instance of StreamParser for a reference stream capture."""
    from aiida_vasp.parsers.settings import ParserSettings
    file_name = 'vasp_output'
    path = data_path(*request.param, file_name)
    parser = StreamParser(file_path=path, settings=ParserSettings({}))
    return parser
    def __init__(self, node):
        super(VaspParser, self).__init__(node)

            calc_settings = self.node.inputs.settings
        except NotExistent:
            calc_settings = None

        parser_settings = None
        if calc_settings:
            parser_settings = calc_settings.get_dict().get('parser_settings')

        self._definitions = ParserDefinitions()
        self._settings = ParserSettings(parser_settings,
        self._parsable_quantities = ParsableQuantities(
def vasprun_parser(request):
    """Return an instance of VasprunParser for a reference vasprun.xml."""
    from aiida_vasp.parsers.settings import ParserSettings
    from aiida_vasp.calcs.vasp import VaspCalculation
    file_name = 'vasprun.xml'
    path = data_path(request.param, file_name)
    parser = VasprunParser(file_path=path, settings=ParserSettings({}))
    parser._vasp_parser = VaspCalculation
    return parser
def vasprun_parser(request):
    """Return an instance of VasprunParser for a reference vasprun.xml."""
    from aiida_vasp.parsers.settings import ParserSettings
    from aiida_vasp.calcs.vasp import VaspCalculation
    file_name = 'vasprun.xml'
    path_to_file, settings = request.param
    path = data_path(path_to_file, file_name)
    parser = VasprunParser(file_path=path,
    return parser
class VaspParser(BaseParser):
    Parses all VASP calculations.

    This particular class manages all the specific file parsers in
    aiida_vasp.parsers.file_parsers. The parser will check which quantities to parse
    and which nodes to add to the calculation based on the 'parser_settings' card in
    the 'settings' Dict of the corresponding VaspCalculation.

    Parser Settings usage:

    Parser settings can be passed through the input node `settings` as follows::

        settings = Dict(dict={
            'parser_settings': {

    Valid keys for `parser_settings` are:

    * `add_<quantity>`, where quantity is one of:

        'misc': (Default) Parameterdata node containing various quantities from OUTCAR and vasprun.xml.
        'structure':  (Default) StructureData node parsed from CONTCAR
        'bands':      Band structure node parsed from EIGENVAL.
        'dos':        ArrayData node containing the DOS parsed from DOSCAR.
        'kpoints':    KpointsData node parsed from IBZKPT.
        'wavecar':    FileData node containing the WAVECAR file.
        'chgcar':     FileData node containing the CHGCAR file.

    * `output_params`: A list of quantities, that should be added to the 'misc' node.

    * `file_parser_set`: String (DEFAULT = 'default').

        By this option the default set of FileParsers can be chosen. See settings.py
        for available options.

    Additional FileParsers can be added to the VaspParser by using

        VaspParser.add_file_parser(parser_name, parser_definition_dict),

    where the 'parser_definition_dict' should contain the 'parser_class' and the
    'is_critical' flag. Keep in mind adding an additional FileParser after 'parse_with_retrieved'
    is called, will only have an effect when parsing a second time.
    def __init__(self, node):
        super(VaspParser, self).__init__(node)

            calc_settings = self.node.inputs.settings
        except NotExistent:
            calc_settings = None

        parser_settings = None
        if calc_settings:
            parser_settings = calc_settings.get_dict().get('parser_settings')

        self._definitions = ParserDefinitions()
        self._settings = ParserSettings(parser_settings,
        self._parsable_quantities = ParsableQuantities(

    def add_parser_definition(self, filename, parser_dict):
        """Add the definition of a fileParser to self._definitions."""
        self._definitions.add_parser_definition(filename, parser_dict)

    def add_parsable_quantity(self, quantity_name, quantity_dict):
        """Add a single parsable quantity to the _parsable_quantities."""
            quantity_name, quantity_dict)

    def add_custom_node(self, node_name, node_dict):
        """Add a custom node to the settings."""
        self._settings.add_output_node(node_name, node_dict)

    def parse(self, **kwargs):
        """The function that triggers the parsing of a calculation."""

        exit_code = None
        error_code = self._compose_retrieved_content(kwargs)
        if error_code is not None:
            return error_code

        for file_name, value_dict in self._definitions.parser_definitions.items(
            if file_name not in self._retrieved_content.keys(
            ) and value_dict['is_critical']:
                return self.exit_codes.ERROR_CRITICAL_MISSING_FILE


        parsed_quantities = {}
        for quantity_key in self._parsable_quantities.quantity_keys_to_parse:
            file_name = self._parsable_quantities.quantity_keys_to_filenames[
            file_parser_cls = self._definitions.parser_definitions[file_name][
            parser = file_parser_cls(settings=self._settings,
            parsed_quantity = parser.get_quantity(quantity_key)
            if parsed_quantity is not None:
                parsed_quantities[quantity_key] = parsed_quantity
            exit_code = parser.exit_code

        for _, node_dict in self._settings.output_nodes_dict.items():
            equivalent_quantity_keys = self._parsable_quantities.equivalent_quantity_keys
            inputs = get_node_composer_inputs(equivalent_quantity_keys,
            aiida_node = NodeComposer.compose(node_dict['type'], inputs)
            if aiida_node is None:
                return self.exit_codes.ERROR_PARSING_FILE_FAILED
            self.out(node_dict['link_name'], aiida_node)

        if exit_code is not None:
            return exit_code

        return self.exit_codes.NO_ERROR
class VaspParser(BaseParser):
    Parses all VASP calculations.

    This particular class manages all the specific file parsers in
    aiida_vasp.parsers.file_parsers. The parser will check which quantities to parse
    and which nodes to add to the calculation based on the 'parser_settings' card in
    the 'settings' Dict of the corresponding VaspCalculation.

    Parser Settings usage:

    Parser settings can be passed through the input node `settings` as follows::

        settings = Dict(dict={
            'parser_settings': {

    Valid keys for `parser_settings` are:

    * `add_<quantity>`, where quantity is one of:

        'misc': (Default) Parameterdata node containing various quantities from OUTCAR and vasprun.xml.
        'structure':  (Default) StructureData node parsed from CONTCAR
        'bands':      Band structure node parsed from EIGENVAL.
        'dos':        ArrayData node containing the DOS parsed from DOSCAR.
        'kpoints':    KpointsData node parsed from IBZKPT.
        'wavecar':    FileData node containing the WAVECAR file.
        'chgcar':     FileData node containing the CHGCAR file.

    * `output_params`: A list of quantities, that should be added to the 'misc' node.

    * `file_parser_set`: String (DEFAULT = 'default').

        By this option the default set of FileParsers can be chosen. See parser_settings.py
        for available options.

    Additional FileParsers can be added to the VaspParser by using

        VaspParser.add_file_parser(parser_name, parser_definition_dict),

    where the 'parser_definition_dict' should contain the 'parser_class' and the
    'is_critical' flag. Keep in mind adding an additional FileParser after 'parse_with_retrieved'
    is called, will only have an effect when parsing a second time.
    def __init__(self, node):
        super(VaspParser, self).__init__(node)

        # Initialise the 'get_quantity' delegate:
        setattr(self, 'get_quantity', Delegate())

            calc_settings = self.node.inputs.settings
        except NotExistent:
            calc_settings = None

        settings = None
        if calc_settings:
            settings = calc_settings.get_dict().get('parser_settings')

        self.settings = ParserSettings(settings, DEFAULT_OPTIONS)

        self.quantities = ParsableQuantities(vasp_parser=self)
        self.parsers = ParserManager(vasp_parser=self)

        self._output_nodes = {}

        # this list is for bookkeeping, to check whether a quantity has been requested
        # twice during the parsing cycle.
        self._requested_quantities = []

    def add_file_parser(self, parser_name, parser_dict):
        """Add the definition of a fileParser to self.settings and self.parsers."""

        self.settings.parser_definitions[parser_name] = parser_dict
        self.parsers.add_file_parser(parser_name, parser_dict)

    def add_parsable_quantity(self, quantity_name, quantity_dict):
        """Add a single parsable quantity to the _parsable_quantities."""
        self.quantities.additional_quantities[quantity_name] = quantity_dict

    def add_custom_node(self, node_name, node_dict):
        """Add a custom node to the settings."""
        self.settings.add_node(node_name, node_dict)

    def parse(self, **kwargs):
        """The function that triggers the parsing of a calculation."""
        def missing_critical_file():
            for file_name, value_dict in self.settings.parser_definitions.items(
                if file_name not in self.retrieved_content.keys(
                ) and value_dict['is_critical']:
                    return True
            return False

        error_code = self.check_folders(kwargs)
        if error_code is not None:
            return error_code
        if missing_critical_file():
            # A critical file is missing. Abort parsing
            # in case we do not find this or other files marked with is_critical
            return self.exit_codes.ERROR_CRITICAL_MISSING_FILE

        # Get the _quantities from the FileParsers.

        # Set the quantities to parse list. Warnings will be issued if a quantity should be parsed and
        # the corresponding files do not exist.
        quantities_to_parse = self.parsers.get_quantities_to_parse()

        # Parse all implemented quantities in the quantities_to_parse list.
        while quantities_to_parse:
            quantity = quantities_to_parse.pop(0)

        node_assembler = NodeComposer(vasp_parser=self)

        # Assemble the nodes associated with the quantities
        for node_name, node_dict in self.settings.nodes.items():
            node = node_assembler.compose(node_dict.type, node_dict.quantities)
            success = self._set_node(node_name, node)
            if not success:
                return self.exit_codes.ERROR_PARSING_FILE_FAILED

        # Reset the 'get_quantity' delegate

            return self.exit_status
        except AttributeError:

        return self.exit_codes.NO_ERROR

    def get_inputs(self, quantity):
        Return a quantity required as input for another quantity.

        This method will be called by the FileParsers in order to get a required input quantity
        from self._output_nodes. If the quantity is not in the dictionary the VaspParser will
        try to parse it. If a quantiy has been requested this way two times, parsing will be
        aborted because there is a cyclic dependency of the parsable items.
        if quantity in self._requested_quantities:
            raise RuntimeError(
                '{quantity} has been requested for parsing a second time. '
                'There is probably a cycle in the prerequisites of the '
                'parsable_items in the single FileParsers.'.format(

        # This is the first time this quantity has been requested, keep track of it.
        if quantity not in self._output_nodes:
            # Did we parse an alternative
            for item in self.quantities.get_equivalent_quantities(quantity):
                if item.original_name in self._output_nodes:
                    return {
                        quantity: self._output_nodes.get(item.original_name)
            # The quantity is not in the output_nodes. Try to parse it

        # parsing the quantity without requesting it a second time was successful, remove it from requested_quantities.

        # since the quantity has already been parsed now as an input, we don't have to parse it a second time later.

        return {quantity: self._output_nodes.get(quantity)}

    def _set_node(self, node_name, node):
        """Wrapper for self.add_node, checking whether the Node is None and using the correct linkname."""

        if node is None:
            return False
        self.out(self.settings.nodes[node_name].link_name, node)
        return True