    def search(self, problem):
        self.failure = True
        self.last_state = None
        # current <- MAKE-NODE(problem.INITIAL-STATE)
        current_node = Node(problem.get_initial_state())
        # for t = 1 to INFINITY do
        time_step = 0
        while True:
            # temperature <- schedule(t)
            temperature = self.scheduler.get_temp(time_step)
            time_step += 1
            # if temperature = 0 then return current
            if temperature == 0:
                if search.utils.is_goal_state(problem, current_node):
                    self.failure = False
                self.last_state = current_node.get_state()
                return search.utils.actions_from_nodes(current_node.get_path_from_root())

            children = self.expand_node(current_node, problem)

            number_of_children = len(children)
            if number_of_children != 0:
                # next <- a randomly selected successor of current
                next = children[randint(0, number_of_children - 1)]
                # /\E <- next.VALUE - current.value
                delta_e = self._get_value(current_node) - self._get_value(next)

                if self._should_accept(temperature, delta_e):
                    current_node = next
    def search(self, problem):

        self.failure = True
        self.last_state = None
        # current <- MAKE-NODE(problem.INITIAL-STATE)
        current_node = Node(problem.get_initial_state())

        while True:
            children = self.expand_node(current_node, problem)
            # neighbor <- a highest-valued successor of current
            neighbor = self._get_lowest_valued_node(children)

            # if neighbor.VALUE <= current.VALUE then return current.STATE
            if neighbor == None or self._get_value(current_node) <= self._get_value(neighbor):
                if search.utils.is_goal_state(problem, current_node):
                    self.failure = False
                self.last_state = current_node.get_state()
                return search.utils.actions_from_nodes(current_node.get_path_from_root())

            # current <- neighbor
            current_node = neighbor
    def search(self, problem):

        self.failure = True
        self.last_state = None
        # current <- MAKE-NODE(problem.INITIAL-STATE)
        current_node = Node(problem.get_initial_state())

        while True:
            children = self.expand_node(current_node, problem)
            # neighbor <- a highest-valued successor of current
            neighbor = self._get_lowest_valued_node(children)

            # if neighbor.VALUE <= current.VALUE then return current.STATE
            if neighbor == None or self._get_value(
                    current_node) <= self._get_value(neighbor):
                if search.utils.is_goal_state(problem, current_node):
                    self.failure = False
                self.last_state = current_node.get_state()
                return search.utils.actions_from_nodes(

            # current <- neighbor
            current_node = neighbor