async def send_welcome(message: types.Message): # So... At first I want to send something like this: await message.reply("Do you want to see many pussies? Are you ready?") # Wait a little... await asyncio.sleep(3) # Good bots should send chat actions... await types.ChatActions.upload_photo() # Create media group media = types.MediaGroup() # Attach local file media.attach_photo(types.InputFile('data/cat.png'), 'Cat!') # More local files and more cats! media.attach_photo(types.InputFile('data/cats.jpg'), 'More cats!') # You can also use URL's # For example: get random puss: #media.attach_photo('', 'Image') # And you can also use file ID: # media.attach_photo('<file_id>', 'cat-cat-cat.') # Done! Send media group # await message.reply_media_group(media=media) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(bot.send_message(CHANNEL_ID, media))
async def process_styles_command(message: types.Message): args = message.get_args() styles = list(interface.examples_styles_images()) n_styles = len(styles) if args == "": return await message.reply( 'Формат команды: "/styles n", где n от 0 до {}'.format(n_styles - 1), reply=False) if args == "all" and False: await types.ChatActions.upload_photo() media = types.MediaGroup() for st, im in styles: media.attach_photo(types.InputFile(st), 'Стиль') media.attach_photo(types.InputFile(im), 'Результат') return await message.reply_media_group(media=media, reply=False) if not is_int(args): return await message.reply( 'Формат команды: "/styles n", где n от 0 до {}'.format(n_styles - 1), reply=False) s = int(args) if s < 0 or s >= n_styles: return await message.reply( 'Номер стиля может быть только от от 0 до {}'.format(n_styles - 1), reply=False) await types.ChatActions.upload_photo() media = types.MediaGroup() media.attach_photo(types.InputFile(interface.example_content()), 'Контент') media.attach_photo(types.InputFile(styles[s][0]), 'Стиль') media.attach_photo(types.InputFile(styles[s][1]), 'Результат') await message.reply_media_group(media=media, reply=False)
async def send_welcome(message: types.Message): # So... At first I want to send something like this: await message.reply("Do you want to see many pussies? Are you ready?") # And wait few seconds... await asyncio.sleep(1) # Good bots should send chat actions. Or not. await types.ChatActions.upload_photo() # Create media group media = types.MediaGroup() # Attach local file media.attach_photo(types.InputFile('data/cat.jpg'), 'Cat!') # More local files and more cats! media.attach_photo(types.InputFile('data/cats.jpg'), 'More cats!') # You can also use URL's # For example: get random puss: media.attach_photo('', 'Random cat.') # And you can also use file ID: # media.attach_photo('<file_id>', 'cat-cat-cat.') # Done! Send media group await message.reply_media_group(media=media)
async def upload_track(bot, path, thumb_path, title, performer, duration=None, tries=0): if tries > 3: shutil.rmtree(path.rsplit('/', 1)[0]) raise RuntimeError("can't upload track") try: msg = await bot.send_audio( chat_id=-1001246220493, audio=types.InputFile(path), thumb=types.InputFile(thumb_path), title=title, performer=performer, duration=duration, ) except exceptions.RetryAfter as e: print(f"flood control exceeded, sleeping for {e.timeout + 10} seconds") await sleep(e.timeout + 10) return await upload_track(bot, path, title, performer, duration, tries + 1) except exceptions.TelegramAPIError: await sleep(5) return await upload_track(bot, path, title, performer, duration, tries + 1) return msg
async def readme_handler(message: types.Message, state: FSMContext): user_data = await state.get_data() await message.answer( 'Я могу обработать фото таким образом, ' 'чтобы стилистически оно стало похоже на другое изображение (стиль).', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) await types.ChatActions.upload_photo() flower_id = 4 if flower_id in examples[0]: media = types.MediaGroup() media.attach_photo( types.InputFile(examples[0][flower_id][ImageTypes.CONTENT]), caption='Например, в качестве фото можно использовать цветы.') media.attach_photo( types.InputFile(examples[0][flower_id][ImageTypes.STYLE]), caption='А в качестве стиля акварельный рисунок цветов.') media.attach_photo( types.InputFile(examples[0][flower_id][ImageTypes.RESULT]), caption='В результате получатся цветы с исходного фото, ' 'но как буд-то нарисованные акварелью.') await message.answer_media_group(media) await message.answer( 'Обычно в качестве стиля используют ' 'либо картинку с содержанием похожим на исходное фото, но оформленным иначе, ' 'либо красивую текстуру.\n\n' 'Подробную информацию о моей реализации смотрите на ' f'{md.hlink("github", "")}.', reply_markup=init_main_keyboard(user_data), disable_web_page_preview=True, parse_mode=types.ParseMode.HTML)
async def cancel_payment(call: CallbackQuery, state: FSMContext): data = await state.get_data() payment: PaymentForQiwi = data.get("payment") try: payment.check_payment() except NoPaymentFound: await call.message.answer("Не найден платеж!") return except NotEnoughMoney: await call.message.answer("Не хватает средств!") return else: await call.message.answer("Все успешно оплачено!") rand_item = randint(1, 2) if rand_item == 1: await call.message.answer_document( types.InputFile("data/Rostov-na-donu.png"), caption="Вот ваша секретная покупка!") else: await call.message.answer_document( types.InputFile("data/Rostov-na-donu_1.png"), caption="Вот ваша секретная покупка!") await state.set_state("choose a product") await call.message.delete_reply_markup() await state.finish()
async def show_what_you_can(message: Message): # первое сообщение пользователю: await bot.send_message(, text="Вот, что я могу:") # Create media group media_content, media_style, media_finish = types.MediaGroup( ), types.MediaGroup(), types.MediaGroup() media_h2z, media_z2h = types.MediaGroup(), types.MediaGroup() media_content.attach_photo(types.InputFile(r"image_for_bot/karabash.jpg")) media_style.attach_photo(types.InputFile(r"image_for_bot/shanghai.jpg")) media_finish.attach_photo(types.InputFile(r"image_for_bot/result_nst.jpg")) media_h2z.attach_photo(types.InputFile(r"image_for_bot/horse2zebra.jpg")) media_z2h.attach_photo(types.InputFile(r"image_for_bot/zebra2horse.jpg")) # Wait a little... await asyncio.sleep(1) # отправляем картинку-основу await bot.send_message(, text= "Я умею переносить стиль одной картинки на другую. Приведу простой пример" "\nВот картинка-основа \nОжидайте...") # для того, чтобы ползунок вверху писал: "Отправляет фото...>>>" await types.ChatActions.upload_photo() await bot.send_media_group(, media=media_content) # отправляем картинку-стиль await asyncio.sleep(4) await bot.send_message(, text="Вот картинка-стиль \nОжидайте...") await types.ChatActions.upload_photo() await bot.send_media_group(, media=media_style) # отправляем картинку-результат await asyncio.sleep(2) await bot.send_message(, text="А вот то, что мы можем получить \n") await types.ChatActions.upload_photo() await bot.send_media_group(, media=media_finish) # отправляем преобразование лошадь-зебра await asyncio.sleep(4) await bot.send_message(, text="Также умею превращать лошадей в зебр...") await types.ChatActions.upload_photo() await bot.send_media_group(, media=media_h2z) # отправляем преобразование зебра-лошадь await asyncio.sleep(4) await bot.send_message(, text="... и зебр в лошадей...") await types.ChatActions.upload_photo() await bot.send_media_group(, media=media_z2h) await asyncio.sleep(4) await bot.send_message(, text=text_instruction)
async def message_for_all(msg: types.Message): # получаем имена колонок get_column_names = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM game_team_3 LIMIT 1") col_name = [i[0] for i in get_column_names.description] cur.execute( """SELECT team_name, {}, {}, {}, win_point, wpoint_duel FROM game_team_3 ORDER BY win_point DESC, wpoint_duel DESC, sum_point DESC, sum_wpoint DESC, sum_time ASC;""" .format(col_name[8], col_name[9], col_name[10])) res_tab = cur.fetchall() rows = [1, 2, 3] cols = [ 'Команда', col_name[8], col_name[9], col_name[10], 'Победные очки', 'Разница в счёте' ] colors = [[("Linen" if c in [0, 4] else "white") for c in range(len(cols))] for r in range(len(rows))] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(len(cols), len(rows) * 0.25), dpi=120) ax = plt.subplot() ax.set_axis_off() table_state = ax.table(cellText=res_tab, rowLabels=rows, colLabels=cols, cellLoc='center', loc='center', rowLoc='center', cellColours=colors, rowColours=["Wheat"] * len(rows), colColours=["Wheat"] * len(cols)) table_state.auto_set_font_size(False) table_state.set_fontsize(7) plt.tight_layout(pad=0.2) plt.savefig('table_result.jpg') for i in all_players: await bot.send_photo(i, types.InputFile('table_result.jpg')) await bot.send_photo(id_chat, types.InputFile('table_result.jpg')) cur.execute( "SELECT team_name FROM game_team_3 ORDER BY win_point DESC, wpoint_duel DESC, sum_point DESC, sum_wpoint DESC, sum_time ASC " ) res = cur.fetchall() cur.execute( "SELECT team_name, sum_time FROM game_team_1 ORDER BY sum_time ASC LIMIT 1" ) speedy = cur.fetchone() speedy_name, speedy_time = speedy[0], speedy[1] mes = emojize( ':trophy:Внимание!!!:trophy:\n Итоги игры\n' ':Santa_Claus:Новогодний:evergreen_tree:Онлайн:evergreen_tree:Квиз:Santa_Claus::\n\n' ':1st_place_medal:Первое место - :party_popper:команда "{}":party_popper:\n' ':2nd_place_medal:Второе место - :confetti_ball:команда "{}":confetti_ball:\n' ':3rd_place_medal:Третье место - :balloon:команда "{}":balloon:\n\nP.S.\n' ':high_voltage:В номинации "Самый быстрый" побежает:\n:racing_car:команда "{}":racing_car:\n' 'На 35 вопросов команда потратила всего лишь {} мин. {} сек., это в среднем по {} сек. на вопрос!' .format(res[0][0], res[1][0], res[2][0], speedy_name, str(int(speedy_time // 60)), str(int(speedy_time % 60)), str(int(speedy_time // 35)))) await send_for_list(all_players, mes, 'text', False, False)
def anime_media_gen(result_1, result_2): media = types.MediaGroup() media.attach_photo( types.InputFile(save_image(result_1[0][1], result_1[0][3])), result_1[0][1]) media.attach_photo( types.InputFile(save_image(result_2[0][1], result_2[0][3])), result_2[0][1]) return media
async def websocket_conn(session, ws_url): async with session.ws_connect(ws_url) as ws:"Client connected to {ws_url}") async for msg in ws: if msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.TEXT: if == 'close cmd': await ws.close() break else: await ws.send_str( elif msg.type in (aiohttp.WSMsgType.CLOSED, aiohttp.WSMsgType.ERROR): break"Message received: {}") if != 'Done!!': try:'!=Done###{}###') params = json.loads( message_id = params["message_id"] predit_video = params["predit_video"] chat_id = params["chat_id"] cam = params["cam"] cam_video = params["cam_video"] f'message_id:{message_id}, predit_video:{predit_video}' ) except Exception as e: else: t = time.time() f"detected during {t - ws_post[types.User.get_current().id]['start_time']:.2f} seconds." ) try: await bot.send_message( chat_id, f"detected during {t - ws_post[types.User.get_current().id]['start_time']:.2f} seconds.", reply_to_message_id=message_id) await bot.send_document(chat_id, types.InputFile(predit_video), reply_to_message_id=message_id) if cam: try: await bot.send_document( chat_id, types.InputFile(cam_video), reply_to_message_id=message_id) except Exception as e: logger.error(f'cam video: {e}') await ws.close() ws_post.pop(types.User.get_current().id) except Exception as e: logger.error(e)
def create_media(paths: Tuple[str, str, str, str]) -> types.MediaGroup: media = types.MediaGroup() media.attach_photo(types.InputFile(paths[3]), caption='Average histogram') media.attach_photo(types.InputFile(paths[0]), caption='R channel histogram') media.attach_photo(types.InputFile(paths[1]), caption='B channel histogram') media.attach_photo(types.InputFile(paths[2]), caption='G channel histogram') return media
async def end_session(message: types.Message): """ This handler will be called when user sends /example command """ # send result to the user:in await types.ChatActions.upload_photo() media = types.MediaGroup() media.attach_photo(types.InputFile('example_content_img.jpg'), 'Content Image') media.attach_photo(types.InputFile('example_style_img.jpg'), 'Style Image') media.attach_photo(types.InputFile('example_output_img.jpg'), 'Output Image') await message.answer(messages['example']) await message.answer_media_group(media=media)
async def fix_size(pictures): resulting_list = [] for picture in pictures: if not isinstance(picture, types.InputFile): print('Жопа в говне size', picture) continue try: if picture.get_file().closed: if isinstance(picture.get_file(), types.input_file._WebPipe): fileo = types.InputFile.from_url( picture.get_file().url).get_file() print(1, fileo) else: fileo = open(picture.get_file().name, 'rb') print(fileo, 2) else: fileo = picture.get_file() if isinstance(fileo, types.input_file._WebPipe): fileo = io.BytesIO(await ( img_obj = except UnidentifiedImageError: resulting_list.append(open(picture.get_file().name, 'rb')) continue ext = picture.filename.split('.')[-1] length = io.BytesIO(), ext) length = length.tell() if length < 1024**2 * 10: resulting_list.append(open(picture.get_file().name, 'rb')) else: res = io.BytesIO() img_obj.reduce(1 - (1024**2 * 10 / length)).save(res, ext, optimize=True) print(res.tell() / 1024**2) resulting_list.append(res) if len(resulting_list) == 1: return types.InputFile(resulting_list[0]) elif len(resulting_list) > 1: return types.MediaGroup([ types.InputMedia(types.InputFile(x)) for x in resulting_list ]) else: print('achko') return
async def get_prev(call: types.CallbackQuery, state: FSMContext): await bot.answer_callback_query( try: async with state.proxy() as data: if data['page'] > 1: data['page'] -= 1 product_id = list(data['products'].keys())[data['page'] - 1] values = list(data['products'].values())[data['page'] - 1] product = await Botbakuadmin_product.filter(id=product_id) totals_sum = await total_sum(data['products']) cb_page_text = f'{data["page"]}/{len(data["products"])}' await types.ChatActions.upload_photo() photo = types.InputFile(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, product[0].img)) media = types.InputMediaPhoto( media=photo, caption=f'<b>{product[0].name}</b>', parse_mode='HTML') await call.message.edit_media(media=media, reply_markup=get_cart_kb( cb_page_text, values, totals_sum)) else: pass except KeyError: await call.answer(text='OPS. Похоже корзина пуста')
async def send_act(message: types.Message, state: FSMContext): user = Datafunc.get_user( if (user.is_payed) == False and (( in ADMINS_ID) == False): await message.answer(TEXTS["pay_please"]) return data = await state.get_data() if ('dict_user_pictures' in data.keys()) == False: #Проверка, что хранилище создано await state.update_data(dict_user_pictures={}) data = await state.get_data() if (str( in data['dict_user_pictures'].keys()) == False: #Проверка, что ID пользователя, который написал нет в хранилище data['dict_user_pictures'][f'{}'] = {'truth' : [], 'actions' : []} await state.update_data(dict_user_pictures=data['dict_user_pictures']) acts = [ for pic in Datafunc.get_acts()] #Генератор листов. Создаем лист только из ID полученных картинок sends_acts = list(set(acts) - set(data['dict_user_pictures'][f'{}']['actions'])) if (len(sends_acts) == 0): #Обнуляем лист, если кончились картинки sends_acts = acts data['dict_user_pictures'][f'{}']['actions'].clear() await state.update_data(dict_user_pictures=data['dict_user_pictures']) randomik = random.randint(0, len(sends_acts)-1) #Отправляем случайную картинку, из тех, что не было pic = Datafunc.get_pic_act(sends_acts[randomik]) await message.answer_photo(types.InputFile(pic.filename)) data['dict_user_pictures'][f'{}']['actions'].append(sends_acts[randomik]) # Обновляем список отправленных картинок await state.update_data(dict_user_pictures=data['dict_user_pictures'])
async def send_city_map(c: types.CallbackQuery, button: kbd.Button, manager: DialogManager): city_name ="city") city_img_path = FILES_PATH / "img" / (city_name + ".png") await c.message.answer_photo( types.InputFile(city_img_path), caption=f"Save this image, crop the area that you need and {markdown.hbold('send cropped image back')}" )
async def area_image_handler(m: types.Message, dialog: Dialog, manager: DialogManager): city_select: kbd.Select = manager.dialog().find("city_select") city_name = city_select.get_checked(manager) if not geojson_path = get_city_gjs_path(city_name) manager.context.set_data("geojson", geojson_path) await m.reply("There's no photo in your message.\nSkipping.") await return area_img = BytesIO() await[-1].download(area_img, seek=True) try: geojson_path, selected_image_bytes = await run_blocking(area_to_geojson, city_name, area_img) manager.context.set_data("is_area_specified", True) await m.reply_photo(types.InputFile(selected_image_bytes), caption="Defined area") except ValueError as e: logger.exception(e) geojson_path = get_city_gjs_path(city_name) manager.context.set_data("is_area_specified", False) await m.reply("Can't define area, error occured. Using full map") manager.context.set_data("geojson", geojson_path) await
async def edit_house(message: types.Message, state: FSMContext): poi = (await state.get_data())['poi'] houses = await db.get_houses() houses.sort(key=lambda h: poi.location.distance(h.location)) houses = houses[:3] # Prepare the map map_file = get_map([h.location for h in houses], ref=poi.location) # Prepare the keyboard kbd = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=1) for i, house in enumerate(houses, 1): prefix = '✅ ' if house == else '' kbd.add( types.InlineKeyboardButton( f'{prefix} {i} {}', kbd.add( types.InlineKeyboardButton(tr(('editor', 'cancel')), callback_data='cancel_attr')) # Finally send the reply await delete_msg(message, state) if map_file: await message.answer_photo(types.InputFile(, caption=tr(('editor', 'house')), reply_markup=kbd) map_file.close() else: await message.answer(tr(('editor', 'house')), reply_markup=kbd)
async def patched_func(*args, **kwargs): new_args = list(args) try: new_args[1] = types.InputFile(args[1]) if os.path.exists(args[1]) else args[1] except TypeError: # file argument already InputFile type pass return await initial_method(*new_args, **kwargs)
async def report_error(event, telethon=False): if telethon is True: msg = event chat_id = msg.chat_id lib = 'Telethon' else: msg = event.message chat_id = lib = 'Aiogram' date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) logger.error("Error: " + date) logger.error("Lib: " + lib) if telethon is True: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) if DEBUG_MODE is True: await msg.reply(str(sys.exc_info()[1])) return new = {'error': str(sys.exc_info()[1]), 'date':} mongodb.errors.insert_one(new) text = "<b>Sorry, I encountered a error!</b>\n" link = "<a href=\"\">Sophie support chat</a>" text += f"If you wanna you can report it - just forward this file to {link}.\n" text += "I won't log anything except the fact of error and date\n" ftext = "Sophie error log file." ftext += "\n______________________\n" ftext += "\nNotice:\nThis file uploaded ONLY here, we logged only fact of error and date, " ftext += "we respect your privacy, you may not report this error if you've " ftext += "any confidential data here, noone will see your data\n\n" ftext += "\nDate: " + date ftext += "\nLib: " + lib ftext += "\nGroup ID: " + str(chat_id) ftext += "\nSender ID: " + str( if lib == "Aiogram" else msg.from_id) ftext += "\n\nRaw update text:\n" ftext += str(event) ftext += "\n\nFormatted update text:\n" ftext += str(ujson.dumps(msg, indent=2)) ftext += "\n\nTraceback info:\n" ftext += str(traceback.format_exc()) ftext += "\n\nError text:\n" ftext += str(sys.exc_info()[1]) command = "git log --pretty=format:\"%an: %s\" -5" ftext += "\n\n\nLast 5 commits:\n" ftext += await term(command) await bot.send_document(chat_id, types.InputFile(io.StringIO(ftext), filename="Error.txt"), caption=text, reply_to_message_id=msg.message_id if lib == "Aiogram" else return
async def get_logs(message: types.Message): check_id(message.from_user)"{message.from_user.username} do getlog command") if == ADMIN_ID: try: int(message.text[9:]) except ValueError: await await message.reply_document(types.InputFile(f"logs/current.log"), caption="The logs file", reply_markup=key) else: await logs = (open(f"logs/current.log", "r").readlines())[-int(message.text[9:]):] log = str() for i in logs: log += i msg = markdown.text(markdown.italic("logs:"), markdown.code(log), sep="\n") try: await message.reply(msg, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN, reply_markup=key) except MessageIsTooLong: await message.reply(markdown.bold("Too much logs ! ❌"), reply_markup=key)
async def state_go(message: types.Message): state = dp.current_state( if len( == 0: if is_int(message.text): s = int(message.text) styles = interface.style_images() n_styles = len(styles) if s < 0 or s >= n_styles: return await message.reply( 'Номер стиля может быть только от 0 до {}.'.format( n_styles - 1), reply=False) dstyle = 'data/{}_style.jpg'.format( shutil.copy(styles[s], dstyle) await types.ChatActions.upload_photo() media = types.MediaGroup() media.attach_photo(types.InputFile(dstyle), 'Вы выбрали такой стиль.') await message.reply_media_group(media=media, reply=False) else: return await message.reply( 'Вы не загрузили стилевую картинку... Загрузите, пожалуйста.', reply=False) else: await[-1].download('data/{}_style.jpg'.format( await state.set_state(AppStates.STATE_LOAD_CONTENT[0]) await message.reply('Загрузи контентную картинку.', reply=False)
async def state_style(message: types.Message): state = dp.current_state( if len( == 0: return await message.reply( 'Вы не загрузили контентную картинку... Загрузите, пожалуйста.', reply=False) path_content = 'data/{}_content.jpg'.format( path_style = 'data/{}_style.jpg'.format( path_output = 'data/{}_output.jpg'.format( await[-1].download(path_content) await do_style(path_style, path_content, path_output) await types.ChatActions.upload_photo() media = types.MediaGroup() media.attach_photo(types.InputFile(path_output), 'Вот результат!') await message.reply_media_group(media=media, reply=False) await state.reset_state() await message.reply("Набери /go или /gan, чтобы начать снова.", reply=False) await gccollect()
async def send_db_to_admin(): path_and_name = "data/main.db" date_and_time = time.ctime(os.path.getctime(path_and_name)) await bot.send_document(chat_id=ADMINS[0], document=types.InputFile(path_and_name), caption=f"Время создания:\n{date_and_time}")
async def tutorial_1(message: types.Message): if isinstance(message, types.CallbackQuery): response = await render_template(, "tutorial_part_1") await tutorial_callback_query( message, response, media=os.path.join(config.BASE_DIR, "data/i17obot-1.mp4"), keyboards=[("Próximo >>", "tutorial_2")], ) return await types.ChatActions.upload_video() keyboard_markup = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup() keyboard_markup.row( types.InlineKeyboardButton("Próximo >>", callback_data="tutorial_2"), ) response = await render_template(, "tutorial_part_1") await bot.send_animation(, animation=types.InputFile(os.path.join(config.BASE_DIR, "data/i17obot-2.mp4")), caption=response, parse_mode="markdown", reply_markup=keyboard_markup, )
async def calc_stat(num_list): point_list = [] for i in num_list.split(','): point_list.append('point_' + i) point_str = ', '.join(point_list) cur.execute("""SELECT team_name, {}, sum_point, sum_wpoint FROM game_team_1 ORDER BY sum_point DESC, sum_wpoint DESC, sum_time ASC;""" .format(point_str)) res = cur.fetchall() rows = range(1, len(res) + 1) cols = ['name'] + point_list + ['sum_point', 'sum_wpoint'] colors = [[("Linen" if c == 0 or c == len(cols) - 1 or c == len(cols) - 2 else "white") for c in range(len(cols))] for r in range(len(rows))] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(len(cols) * 0.8, len(rows) * 0.24), dpi=120) ax = plt.subplot() ax.set_axis_off() ax.table(cellText=res, rowLabels=rows, colLabels=cols, cellLoc='center', loc='center', rowLoc='center', cellColours=colors, rowColours=["Wheat"] * len(rows), colColours=["Wheat"] * len(cols)) plt.tight_layout(pad=0.2) plt.savefig('table_stat.jpg') for i in players: await bot.send_photo(i, types.InputFile('table_stat.jpg'))
async def screenshot(message: types.Message): if message.text.startswith('http://') or message.text.startswith( 'https://'): await bot.send_message(, text="Wait a second...") url = message.text picture_path = "image.png" try: driver.get(url) except: return SendMessage(, text="Incorrect link") window_size = driver.get_window_size() width = driver.execute_script( 'return document.body.parentNode.scrollWidth') height = driver.execute_script( 'return document.body.parentNode.scrollHeight') driver.set_window_size(width, height) await message.reply(text="taking a website screenshot...") driver.find_element_by_tag_name('body').screenshot(picture_path) driver.set_window_size(window_size['width'], window_size['height']) await message.reply(text="Done") return SendDocument(, document=types.InputFile(picture_path), caption=url) return SendMessage(, text="Incorrect link")
async def show_styles_handler(message: types.Message, state: FSMContext): user_data = await state.get_data() await types.ChatActions.upload_photo() media = types.MediaGroup() # Флаг указывающий, следует ли расставить картинки стилей в определённом здесь порядке. CUSTOM_ORDER = True if CUSTOM_ORDER: def attach(indexes): for idx in indexes: media.attach_photo(types.InputFile( default_styles[idx]['file']), caption=default_styles[idx]['name']) attach([2, 3]) await message.answer_media_group(media) media = types.MediaGroup() attach([13, 4, 1, 7, 8, 10, 12, 9, 11]) await message.answer_media_group(media) else: counter = 0 for style_id, style in default_styles.items(): # 9 картинок красиво собираются в квадрат. if counter == 9: await message.answer_media_group(media) media = types.MediaGroup() counter = 0 media.attach_photo(types.InputFile(style['file']), caption=style['name']) counter += 1 await message.answer_media_group(media) await message.answer( 'Это только список стандартных стилей. ' 'Перед обработкой вы можете выбрать в качестве стиля любое понравившееся изображение в вашем телефоне.', reply_markup=init_main_keyboard(user_data))
async def fbanned_list(message, strings, status, chat_id, chat_title, fed, *args, **kwargs): fbanned = mongodb.fbanned_users.find({'fed_id': fed['fed_id']}) if not fbanned or fbanned.count() == 0: await message.reply( strings['no_fbanned_in_fed'].format(fed_name=fed['fed_name'])) return text = strings['fbanned_list_header'].format(fed_name=fed['fed_name'], fed_id=fed['fed_id']) for user_id in fbanned: user_id = user_id['user'] user = mongodb.user_list.find_one({'user_id': user_id}) fbanned = mongodb.fbanned_users.find_one({ 'fed_id': fed['fed_id'], 'user_id': user_id }) if user: text += f"\n {user['first_name']} " if 'last_name' in user and user['last_name']: text += user['last_name'] text += f" ({user_id})" else: text += f'\n ({user_id})' if fbanned and 'reason' in fbanned: text += ': ' + fbanned['reason'] await message.answer_document(types.InputFile(io.StringIO(text), filename="fbanned_list.txt"), strings['fbanned_list_header'].format( fed_name=fed['fed_name'], fed_id=fed['fed_id']), reply=message.message_id)
async def message_handler(message: types.Message, state: FSMContext): lang = language( await state.finish() code = message.text if not os.path.exists(f'export/text/{code}.txt'): await message.answer(lang['warning_chat_not_exist']) return try: await bot.send_document(, types.InputFile(f'export/text/{code}.txt', f'{code} text messages.txt')) except FileNotFoundError: await message.answer(lang['warning_chat_has_not_text']) await sleep(.05) try: with open(f'export/media/{code}.txt', 'r') as f: data = f.readlines() for file in data: filetype, fileid = file[:-1].split('/') try: if filetype == 'photo': await bot.send_photo(, fileid) elif filetype == 'video': await bot.send_video(, fileid) elif filetype == 'document': await bot.send_document(, fileid) except Exception as e: await message.answer(str(e)) await sleep(.05) except FileNotFoundError: await message.answer(lang['warning_chat_has_not_media'])