def test_correct_maybe_zipped_normal_file(self, mocked_is_zipfile):
        path = '/path/to/some/file.txt'
        mocked_is_zipfile.return_value = False

        dag_folder = correct_maybe_zipped(path)

        self.assertEqual(dag_folder, path)
    def test_correct_maybe_zipped_normal_file_with_zip_in_name(self, mocked_is_zipfile):
        path = '/path/to/'
        mocked_is_zipfile.return_value = False

        dag_folder = correct_maybe_zipped(path)

        self.assertEqual(dag_folder, path)
    def get_dag(self, dag_id):
        Gets the DAG out of the dictionary, and refreshes it if expired
        from airflow.models.dag import DagModel  # Avoid circular import

        # If asking for a known subdag, we want to refresh the parent
        root_dag_id = dag_id
        if dag_id in self.dags:
            dag = self.dags[dag_id]
            if dag.is_subdag:
                root_dag_id = dag.parent_dag.dag_id

        # If the dag corresponding to root_dag_id is absent or expired
        orm_dag = DagModel.get_current(root_dag_id)
        if orm_dag and (root_dag_id not in self.dags or
                         and dag.last_loaded < orm_dag.last_expired)):
            # Reprocess source file
            found_dags = self.process_file(filepath=correct_maybe_zipped(

            # If the source file no longer exports `dag_id`, delete it from self.dags
            if found_dags and dag_id in [
                    found_dag.dag_id for found_dag in found_dags
                return self.dags[dag_id]
            elif dag_id in self.dags:
                del self.dags[dag_id]
        return self.dags.get(dag_id)
    def test_correct_maybe_zipped_normal_file_with_zip_in_name(self, mocked_is_zipfile):
        path = '/path/to/'
        mocked_is_zipfile.return_value = False

        dag_folder = correct_maybe_zipped(path)

        self.assertEqual(dag_folder, path)
    def test_correct_maybe_zipped_normal_file(self, mocked_is_zipfile):
        path = '/path/to/some/file.txt'
        mocked_is_zipfile.return_value = False

        dag_folder = correct_maybe_zipped(path)

        self.assertEqual(dag_folder, path)
    def get_dag(self, dag_id):
        Gets the DAG out of the dictionary, and refreshes it if expired

        :param dag_id: DAG Id
        :type dag_id: str
        from airflow.models.dag import DagModel  # Avoid circular import

        # Only read DAGs from DB if this dagbag is store_serialized_dags.
        if self.store_serialized_dags:
            # Import here so that serialized dag is only imported when serialization is enabled
            from airflow.models.serialized_dag import SerializedDagModel
            if dag_id not in self.dags:
                # Load from DB if not (yet) in the bag
                row = SerializedDagModel.get(dag_id)
                if not row:
                    return None

                dag = row.dag
                for subdag in dag.subdags:
                    self.dags[subdag.dag_id] = subdag
                self.dags[dag.dag_id] = dag

            return self.dags.get(dag_id)

        # If asking for a known subdag, we want to refresh the parent
        dag = None
        root_dag_id = dag_id
        if dag_id in self.dags:
            dag = self.dags[dag_id]
            if dag.is_subdag:
                root_dag_id = dag.parent_dag.dag_id

        # Needs to load from file for a store_serialized_dags dagbag.
        enforce_from_file = False
        if self.store_serialized_dags and dag is not None:
            from airflow.serialization.serialized_objects import SerializedDAG
            enforce_from_file = isinstance(dag, SerializedDAG)

        # If the dag corresponding to root_dag_id is absent or expired
        orm_dag = DagModel.get_current(root_dag_id)
        if (orm_dag and
            (root_dag_id not in self.dags or
             (orm_dag.last_expired and dag.last_loaded < orm_dag.last_expired))
            ) or enforce_from_file:
            # Reprocess source file
            found_dags = self.process_file(filepath=correct_maybe_zipped(

            # If the source file no longer exports `dag_id`, delete it from self.dags
            if found_dags and dag_id in [
                    found_dag.dag_id for found_dag in found_dags
                return self.dags[dag_id]
            elif dag_id in self.dags:
                del self.dags[dag_id]
        return self.dags.get(dag_id)
    def collect_dags(
        Given a file path or a folder, this method looks for python modules,
        imports them and adds them to the dagbag collection.

        Note that if a ``.airflowignore`` file is found while processing
        the directory, it will behave much like a ``.gitignore``,
        ignoring files that match any of the regex patterns specified
        in the file.

        **Note**: The patterns in .airflowignore are treated as
        un-anchored regexes, not shell-like glob patterns.
        start_dttm = timezone.utcnow()
        dag_folder = dag_folder or self.dag_folder

        # Used to store stats around DagBag processing
        stats = []
        FileLoadStat = namedtuple('FileLoadStat',
                                  "file duration dag_num task_num dags")

        dag_folder = correct_maybe_zipped(dag_folder)

        for filepath in list_py_file_paths(dag_folder,
                ts = timezone.utcnow()
                found_dags = self.process_file(filepath,

                td = timezone.utcnow() - ts
                td = td.total_seconds() + (float(td.microseconds) / 1000000)
                        filepath.replace(dag_folder, ''),
                        sum([len(dag.tasks) for dag in found_dags]),
                        str([dag.dag_id for dag in found_dags]),
            except Exception as e:
                    (timezone.utcnow() - start_dttm).total_seconds(), 1)
        Stats.gauge('dagbag_size', len(self.dags), 1)
        Stats.gauge('dagbag_import_errors', len(self.import_errors), 1)
        self.dagbag_stats = sorted(stats,
                                   key=lambda x: x.duration,
    def collect_dags(self,
                     include_examples=conf.getboolean('core', 'LOAD_EXAMPLES'),
        Given a file path or a folder, this method looks for python modules,
        imports them and adds them to the dagbag collection.

        Note that if a ``.airflowignore`` file is found while processing
        the directory, it will behave much like a ``.gitignore``,
        ignoring files that match any of the regex patterns specified
        in the file.

        **Note**: The patterns in .airflowignore are treated as
        un-anchored regexes, not shell-like glob patterns.
        dag_folder = dag_folder or self.dag_folder
        # Used to store stats around DagBag processing
        stats = []
        FileLoadStat = namedtuple('FileLoadStat',
                                  "file duration dag_num task_num dags")

        dag_folder = correct_maybe_zipped(dag_folder)

        for filepath in list_py_file_paths(dag_folder,
                ts = timezone.utcnow()
                found_dags = self.process_file(filepath,
                dag_ids = [dag.dag_id for dag in found_dags]
                dag_id_names = str(dag_ids)

                td = timezone.utcnow() - ts
                td = td.total_seconds() + (float(td.microseconds) / 1000000)
                        filepath.replace(settings.DAGS_FOLDER, ''),
                        sum([len(dag.tasks) for dag in found_dags]),
            except Exception as e:
        self.dagbag_stats = sorted(stats,
                                   key=lambda x: x.duration,
        for file_stat in self.dagbag_stats:
            # file_stat.file similar format: /subdir/
            # TODO: Remove for Airflow 2.0
            filename = file_stat.file.split('/')[-1].replace('.py', '')
    def test_correct_maybe_zipped_archive(self, mocked_is_zipfile):
        path = '/path/to/'
        mocked_is_zipfile.return_value = True

        dag_folder = correct_maybe_zipped(path)

        assert mocked_is_zipfile.call_count == 1
        (args, kwargs) = mocked_is_zipfile.call_args_list[0]
        self.assertEqual('/path/to/', args[0])

        self.assertEqual(dag_folder, '/path/to/')
    def test_correct_maybe_zipped_archive(self, mocked_is_zipfile):
        path = '/path/to/'
        mocked_is_zipfile.return_value = True

        dag_folder = correct_maybe_zipped(path)

        assert mocked_is_zipfile.call_count == 1
        (args, kwargs) = mocked_is_zipfile.call_args_list[0]
        self.assertEqual('/path/to/', args[0])

        self.assertEqual(dag_folder, '/path/to/')
    def get_dag(self, dag_id, from_file_only=False):
        Gets the DAG out of the dictionary, and refreshes it if expired

        :param dag_id: DAG Id
        :type dag_id: str
        :param from_file_only: returns a DAG loaded from file.
        :type from_file_only: bool
        # Avoid circular import
        from airflow.models.dag import DagModel

        # Only read DAGs from DB if this dagbag is store_serialized_dags.
        # from_file_only is an exception, currently it is for renderring templates
        # in UI only. Because functions are gone in serialized DAGs, DAGs must be
        # imported from files.
        # FIXME: this exception should be removed in future, then webserver can be
        # decoupled from DAG files.
        if self.store_serialized_dags and not from_file_only:
            # Import here so that serialized dag is only imported when serialization is enabled
            from airflow.models.serialized_dag import SerializedDagModel
            if dag_id not in self.dags:
                # Load from DB if not (yet) in the bag
                row = SerializedDagModel.get(dag_id)
                if not row:
                    return None

                dag = row.dag
                for subdag in dag.subdags:
                    self.dags[subdag.dag_id] = subdag
                self.dags[dag.dag_id] = dag

            return self.dags.get(dag_id)

        # If asking for a known subdag, we want to refresh the parent
        dag = None
        root_dag_id = dag_id
        if dag_id in self.dags:
            dag = self.dags[dag_id]
            if dag.is_subdag:
                root_dag_id = dag.parent_dag.dag_id

        # Needs to load from file for a store_serialized_dags dagbag.
        enforce_from_file = False
        if self.store_serialized_dags and dag is not None:
            from airflow.serialization.serialized_dag import SerializedDAG
            enforce_from_file = isinstance(dag, SerializedDAG)

        # If the dag corresponding to root_dag_id is absent or expired
        orm_dag = DagModel.get_current(root_dag_id)
        if (orm_dag and (
                root_dag_id not in self.dags or
                    orm_dag.last_expired and
                    dag.last_loaded < orm_dag.last_expired
        )) or enforce_from_file:
            # Reprocess source file
            found_dags = self.process_file(
                filepath=correct_maybe_zipped(orm_dag.fileloc), only_if_updated=False)

            # If the source file no longer exports `dag_id`, delete it from self.dags
            if found_dags and dag_id in [found_dag.dag_id for found_dag in found_dags]:
                return self.dags[dag_id]
            elif dag_id in self.dags:
                del self.dags[dag_id]
        return self.dags.get(dag_id)
    def get_dag(self, dag_id):
        Gets the DAG out of the dictionary, and refreshes it if expired

        :param dag_id: DAG Id
        :type dag_id: str
        from airflow.models.dag import DagModel  # Avoid circular import

        if self.store_serialized_dags:
            # Import here so that serialized dag is only imported when serialization is enabled
            from airflow.models.serialized_dag import SerializedDagModel
            if dag_id not in self.dags:
                # Load from DB if not (yet) in the bag
                return self.dags.get(dag_id)

            # If DAG is in the DagBag, check the following
            # 1. if time has come to check if DAG is updated (controlled by min_serialized_dag_fetch_secs)
            # 2. check the last_updated column in SerializedDag table to see if Serialized DAG is updated
            # 3. if (2) is yes, fetch the Serialized DAG.
            min_serialized_dag_fetch_secs = timedelta(seconds=settings.MIN_SERIALIZED_DAG_FETCH_INTERVAL)
            if (
                dag_id in self.dags_last_fetched and
                timezone.utcnow() > self.dags_last_fetched[dag_id] + min_serialized_dag_fetch_secs
                sd_last_updated_datetime = SerializedDagModel.get_last_updated_datetime(dag_id=dag_id)
                if sd_last_updated_datetime > self.dags_last_fetched[dag_id]:

            return self.dags.get(dag_id)

        # If asking for a known subdag, we want to refresh the parent
        dag = None
        root_dag_id = dag_id
        if dag_id in self.dags:
            dag = self.dags[dag_id]
            if dag.is_subdag:
                root_dag_id = dag.parent_dag.dag_id

        # Needs to load from file for a store_serialized_dags dagbag.
        enforce_from_file = False
        if self.store_serialized_dags and dag is not None:
            from airflow.serialization.serialized_objects import SerializedDAG
            enforce_from_file = isinstance(dag, SerializedDAG)

        # If the dag corresponding to root_dag_id is absent or expired
        orm_dag = DagModel.get_current(root_dag_id)
        if (orm_dag and (
                root_dag_id not in self.dags or
                    orm_dag.last_expired and
                    dag.last_loaded < orm_dag.last_expired
        )) or enforce_from_file:
            # Reprocess source file
            found_dags = self.process_file(
                filepath=correct_maybe_zipped(orm_dag.fileloc), only_if_updated=False)

            # If the source file no longer exports `dag_id`, delete it from self.dags
            if found_dags and dag_id in [found_dag.dag_id for found_dag in found_dags]:
                return self.dags[dag_id]
            elif dag_id in self.dags:
                del self.dags[dag_id]
        return self.dags.get(dag_id)