 def tearDown(self) -> None:
     We save the logs to a separate directory so that we can see them later.
     date_str = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S")
     logs_folder = resolve_logs_folder()
     print(f"Saving all log files to {logs_folder}/previous_runs/{date_str}")
     target_dir = os.path.join(logs_folder, "previous_runs", date_str)
     mkdirs(target_dir, 0o755)
     files = os.listdir(logs_folder)
     for file in files:
         if file != "previous_runs":
             file_path = os.path.join(logs_folder, file)
             shutil.move(file_path, target_dir)
    def _init_file(self, ti):
        Create log directory and give it correct permissions.
        :param ti: task instance object
        :return relative log path of the given task instance
        # To handle log writing when tasks are impersonated, the log files need to
        # be writable by the user that runs the Airflow command and the user
        # that is impersonated. This is mainly to handle corner cases with the
        # SubDagOperator. When the SubDagOperator is run, all of the operators
        # run under the impersonated user and create appropriate log files
        # as the impersonated user. However, if the user manually runs tasks
        # of the SubDagOperator through the UI, then the log files are created
        # by the user that runs the Airflow command. For example, the Airflow
        # run command may be run by the `airflow_sudoable` user, but the Airflow
        # tasks may be run by the `airflow` user. If the log files are not
        # writable by both users, then it's possible that re-running a task
        # via the UI (or vice versa) results in a permission error as the task
        # tries to write to a log file created by the other user.
        relative_path = self.filename_template.format(
            try_number=ti.try_number + 1)
        full_path = os.path.join(self.local_base, relative_path)
        directory = os.path.dirname(full_path)
        # Create the log file and give it group writable permissions
        # TODO(aoen): Make log dirs and logs globally readable for now since the SubDag
        # operator is not compatible with impersonation (e.g. if a Celery executor is used
        # for a SubDag operator and the SubDag operator has a different owner than the
        # parent DAG)
        if not os.path.exists(directory):
            # Create the directory as globally writable using custom mkdirs
            # as os.makedirs doesn't set mode properly.
            mkdirs(directory, 0o775)

        if not os.path.exists(full_path):
            open(full_path, "a").close()
            # TODO: Investigate using 444 instead of 666.
            os.chmod(full_path, 0o666)

        return full_path
    def _init_file(self, ti):
        Create log directory and give it correct permissions.
        :param ti: task instance object
        :return: relative log path of the given task instance
        # To handle log writing when tasks are impersonated, the log files need to
        # be writable by the user that runs the Airflow command and the user
        # that is impersonated. This is mainly to handle corner cases with the
        # SubDagOperator. When the SubDagOperator is run, all of the operators
        # run under the impersonated user and create appropriate log files
        # as the impersonated user. However, if the user manually runs tasks
        # of the SubDagOperator through the UI, then the log files are created
        # by the user that runs the Airflow command. For example, the Airflow
        # run command may be run by the `airflow_sudoable` user, but the Airflow
        # tasks may be run by the `airflow` user. If the log files are not
        # writable by both users, then it's possible that re-running a task
        # via the UI (or vice versa) results in a permission error as the task
        # tries to write to a log file created by the other user.
        relative_path = self._render_filename(ti, ti.try_number)
        full_path = os.path.join(self.local_base, relative_path)
        directory = os.path.dirname(full_path)
        # Create the log file and give it group writable permissions
        # TODO(aoen): Make log dirs and logs globally readable for now since the SubDag
        # operator is not compatible with impersonation (e.g. if a Celery executor is used
        # for a SubDag operator and the SubDag operator has a different owner than the
        # parent DAG)
        if not os.path.exists(directory):
            # Create the directory as globally writable using custom mkdirs
            # as os.makedirs doesn't set mode properly.
            mkdirs(directory, 0o777)

        if not os.path.exists(full_path):
            open(full_path, "a").close()
            # TODO: Investigate using 444 instead of 666.
            os.chmod(full_path, 0o666)

        return full_path
# Only update the handlers and loggers when CONFIG_PROCESSOR_MANAGER_LOGGER is set.
# This is to avoid exceptions when initializing RotatingFileHandler multiple times
# in multiple processes.
if os.environ.get('CONFIG_PROCESSOR_MANAGER_LOGGER') == 'True':
    DEFAULT_LOGGING_CONFIG['handlers'] \

    # Manually create log directory for processor_manager handler as RotatingFileHandler
    # will only create file but not the directory.
    processor_manager_handler_config: Dict[str, Any] = \
    directory: str = os.path.dirname(
    mkdirs(directory, 0o755)

# Remote logging #

REMOTE_LOGGING: bool = conf.getboolean('logging', 'remote_logging')


    ELASTICSEARCH_HOST: str = conf.get('elasticsearch', 'HOST')

    # Storage bucket URL for remote logging
    # S3 buckets should start with "s3://"
    # Cloudwatch log groups should start with "cloudwatch://"
    # GCS buckets should start with "gs://"

REMOTE_LOGGING = conf.get('core', 'remote_logging')

# Only update the handlers and loggers when CONFIG_PROCESSOR_MANAGER_LOGGER is set.
# This is to avoid exceptions when initializing RotatingFileHandler multiple times
# in multiple processes.
if os.environ.get('CONFIG_PROCESSOR_MANAGER_LOGGER') == 'True':
    DEFAULT_LOGGING_CONFIG['handlers'] \

    # Manually create log directory for processor_manager handler as RotatingFileHandler
    # will only create file but not the directory.
    processor_manager_handler_config = DEFAULT_DAG_PARSING_LOGGING_CONFIG['handlers'][
    directory = os.path.dirname(processor_manager_handler_config['filename'])
    mkdirs(directory, 0o755)

if REMOTE_LOGGING and REMOTE_BASE_LOG_FOLDER.startswith('s3://'):
elif REMOTE_LOGGING and REMOTE_BASE_LOG_FOLDER.startswith('gs://'):
elif REMOTE_LOGGING and REMOTE_BASE_LOG_FOLDER.startswith('wasb'):