def mp_airfreight_schedule_runtime(feasabletime, tasksizemin, tasksizemax,
    num_cities = 100
    #tasksizemin = 2
    #tasksizemax = 20
    numloadingsystems = 10
    numofsamples = 20

    feasablecount = 0
    infeasablecount = 0

    infeasabletime = {k: [] for k in np.arange(tasksizemin, tasksizemax + 1)}

    for tasksize in np.arange(tasksizemin, tasksizemax + 1):
        samplenum = 0
        while samplenum < numofsamples:

            fleettestcase = "fleettestsize_10_num_cities_" + str(
                num_cities) + "_tasksize_" + str(tasksize) + ".inst"

                tasksize, num_cities,
                "runtimecomplexitycases/" + fleettestcase)

            L, L_tasks, L_tasks_modified, C, C_task, C_fictive, F, T, flight_time_matrix, cost = \
                server.read_random_fleet_input_instance("runtimecomplexitycases/" + fleettestcase)

            timestep = 0.0
            loadingtimeoffset = 0.0
                L_tasks, F, timestep, num_cities, loadingtimeoffset,

            starttime = time.time()
            model = af.transpt(L, L_tasks_modified, C, C_fictive, F, T, -1, -1,
            endtime = time.time()

            comptime = endtime - starttime

            # if model.getStatus() == 'infeasable' and infeasablecount <= numofsamples / 2:
            #     infeasabletime[tasksize].append(comptime / numofsamples)
            #     infeasablecount += 1
            #     samplenum += 1

            if model.getStatus(
            ) == 'optimal':  # and feasablecount <= numofsamples / 2:
                # feasabletime is dictProxy
                templist = list(feasabletime[tasksize])
                templist.append(comptime / numofsamples)

                feasabletime[tasksize] = templist

                feasablecount += 1
                samplenum += 1

            print("Optimal value:", model.getObjVal())
def solve_optimisation_problem(sharedMem):

    L = sharedMem['L']
    L_tasks_modified = sharedMem['L_tasks_modified']
    C = sharedMem['C']
    C_fictive = sharedMem['C_fictive']
    F = sharedMem['fleet']
    T = sharedMem['timeinterval']
    #optmodel = sharedMem['optmodel']
    ftm = sharedMem['flighttimematrix']
    num_cities = sharedMem['num_cities']
    timestep = sharedMem['timestep']
    schedule_x = sharedMem['schedule_x']
    schedule_y = sharedMem['schedule_y']

    x_start, y_start = read_ics(schedule_x, schedule_y, ftm.flighttime,
                                num_cities, F, C, timestep)

    model = af.transpt(L, L_tasks_modified, C, C_fictive, F, T, x_start,
                       y_start, num_cities)


    print("Optimal value:", model.getObjVal())

    EPS = 1.e-6
    x, y, z = model.data
    print('writing to shared memory...')

    x_val, y_val, z_val = af.write_opt_res_to_values(model)
    sharedMem['schedule_x'] = x_val
    sharedMem['schedule_y'] = y_val
    sharedMem['schedule_z'] = z_val

    for j in x:
        if model.getVal(x[j]) > EPS:
            print(x[j].name, "=", model.getVal(x[j]))
    count = 0
    for j in y:
        if model.getVal(y[j]) > EPS:
            print(y[j].name, "=", model.getVal(y[j]))
    for j in z:
        if model.getVal(z[j]) > EPS:
            print(z[j].name, "=", model.getVal(z[j]))

    sharedMem['optimise'] = False
def run_airfraight_optimisation_server(host, port):
    # the server is basically a parser of messages from the client. Lets say
    # the client wants to start the simulation. The server runs in a thread.
    # If the 'simulate' command was send by the client, the server writes a
    # boolean to the according place of the shared memory.

    # tasksize = 10
    # num_cities = 55
    # L, L_tasks, L_task_modified, C, F, T, ftm, cost = gen_data.make_fixed_airfraight_inst_by_tasksize(tasksize, num_cities)
    # L, C, F, cost = gen_data.make_random_airfraight_inst(fleetsize=10, flights=2, number_cities=3,
    #                                        timeinterval=timeinterval)

    ############# solving for fleet schedule ######################
    # tasksize = 5
    num_cities = 50
    # numloadingsystems = 10

    # fleettestcase1 = "fleettestsize_10_num_cities.inst"
    # fleettestcase2 = "fleetsize_10_num_cities_10_tasksize_40.inst"
    fleettestcase3 = "fleetsize_10_num_cities_50_tasksize_5.inst"
    # fleettestcase4 = "testdata.inst"

    # generate_and_pickle_fleet_test_data(tasksize, num_cities, "data/"+fleettestcase3)

    L, L_tasks, L_tasks_modified, C, C_task, C_fictive, F, T, flight_time_matrix, cost = \
        server.read_random_fleet_input_instance("data/" + fleettestcase3)

    # loadingtestcase1 = "tasksize_10_num_cities 20.inst"
    loadingtestcase2 = "task_size_5_num_cities_50.inst"
    # loadingtestcase3 = "testdata.inst"
    # loadingtestcase4 = "testdata.inst"

    # generate_and_pickle_loading_test_data(numloadingsystems, C_task, "data/"+ loadingtestcase2)
    timestep = 0.0
    loadingsystems, LS_start = server.read_random_loading_input_instance("data/" + loadingtestcase2)
    orig_flight_time_matrix = flight_time_matrix
    for loadingtimeoffset in np.arange(0, 100, 80):
        # here we  adjust the loadingtimeoffset with the tasks. What we need to do
        # is simply to add the loading timeoffset to the flight time... since we
        # agreed on the flightime matrix object. the adjustment should be only
        # there.
        fleet_gen_data.adjust_airfraight_inst_with_loadingtime_offset(L_tasks, F, timestep, num_cities,
                                                                      loadingtimeoffset, flight_time_matrix.flighttime)

        model = af.transpt(L, L_tasks_modified, C, C_fictive, F, T, -1, -1, num_cities)

        print("Optimal value:", model.getObjVal())

        EPS = 1.e-6
        x, y, z = model.data
        for j in x:
            if model.getVal(x[j]) > EPS:
                print(x[j].name, "=", model.getVal(x[j]))
        for j in y:
            if model.getVal(y[j]) > EPS:
                print(y[j].name, "=", model.getVal(y[j]))
        for j in z:
            if model.getVal(z[j]) > EPS:
                print(z[j].name, "=", model.getVal(z[j]))

        flighttime_matrix = {}

        ################### solving for loading system schedule ########################

        timestep = 0

        flight_variables, loading_L_tasks = input.gen_loading_data_input(model, L_tasks_modified, loadingtimeoffset)

        loading_T = fleet_gen_data.construct_airfraight_timeinterval_from_modified_tasks(loading_L_tasks, timestep)
        loading_C, loading_C_task, loading_C_ficitve = loading_gen_data.construct_airfraight_cities(L_tasks, num_cities,

        transp_time_ls = loading_gen_data.construct_airfraight_transp_loadingsystems(L)

        loading_cost = loading_gen_data.construct_loadingsystem_costs(transp_time_ls, loadingsystems, loading_T)

        loadingmodel = ldm.transp_loadingsystems(loadingsystems, flight_variables, loading_L_tasks, loading_T,
                                                 transp_time_ls, LS_start, loading_cost)
        if loadingmodel == True:
            # solution was found

    print("Optimal value:", model.getObjVal())

    EPS = 1.e-6
    a, b = loadingmodel.data

    # for j in a:
    #   if loadingmodel.getVal(a[j]) > EPS:
    #       print(a[j].name, "=", model.getVal(a[j]))

    # for j in b:
    #    if loadingmodel.getVal(b[j]) > EPS:
    #        print(b[j].name, "=", model.getVal(b[j]))

    print("Optimal value:", loadingmodel.getObjVal())

    # get the values out of the expressions
    x_val, y_val, z_val = af.write_opt_res_to_values(model)

    control = {'terminate': False,
               'optimise': False,
               'simulate': False,
               'timestep': 0.0,
               'timeinterval': T,
               'L': L,
               'L_tasks': L_tasks,
               'L_tasks_modified': L_tasks_modified,
               'L_done': dict(),
               'fleet': F,
               'C': C,
               'C_task': C_task,
               'C_fictive': C_fictive,
               'costgraph': cost,
               'num_cities': num_cities,
               'flighttimematrix': flight_time_matrix,
               'schedule_x': x_val,
               'schedule_y': y_val,
               'schedule_z': z_val,
               'loadingsystems': loadingsystems,
               'LS_start': LS_start}

    # shared memeory
    manager = mp.Manager()
    sharedMem = manager.dict(control)
    jobs = []

    # server thread is this thread....
    # server_program(sharedMem, host, port)
    ##### initialize server process ############
    # get the hostname
    # host = socket.gethostname()
    # port = 5000# initiate port no above 1024
    serverprocess = mp.Process(target=server.server_program, args=(sharedMem, host, port))
    print('server started...')

    # simulation thead is also this thread...

    # sim.simulation(sharedMem)
    ##### initialize simulation process ########
    simulationprocess = mp.Process(target=sim.simulation, args=(sharedMem,))
    print('simulation started...')
    # jobs.append(simulationprocess)

    # join the thread
    for j in jobs:

    while True:
        # check if shutdown is issued
        if sharedMem['terminate']:
            # terminate all process
            print('shutting down...')
            for j in jobs:
def run_fleet_loading_optimisation(sharedMem):

    L = sharedMem['L']
    L_tasks = sharedMem['L_tasks']
    L_tasks_modified = sharedMem['L_tasks_modified']
    C = sharedMem['C']
    C_fictive = sharedMem['C_fictive']
    F = sharedMem['fleet']
    T = sharedMem['timeinterval']
    cost = sharedMem['costgraph']
    ftm = sharedMem['flighttimematrix']
    num_cities = sharedMem['num_citites']
    timestep = sharedMem['timestep']
    schedule_x = sharedMem['schedule_x']
    schedule_y = sharedMem['schedule_y']
    loadingsystems = sharedMem['loadingsystems']
    LS_start = sharedMem['LS_start']

    model = af.transpt(L, L_tasks_modified, C, C_fictive, F, T, -1, -1, cost)

    print("Optimal value:", model.getObjVal())

    EPS = 1.e-6
    x, y, z = model.data
    for j in x:
        if model.getVal(
        ) > EPS:  # and (x[j].name[2] == "9" or x[j].name[2] == "4" ):
            print(x[j].name, "=", model.getVal(x[j]))
    for j in y:
        if model.getVal(
        ) > EPS:  # and (y[j].name[2] == "9" or y[j].name[2] == "4" ):
            print(y[j].name, "=", model.getVal(y[j]))
    for j in z:
        if model.getVal(
        ) > EPS:  # and (z[j].name[2] == "9" or z[j].name[2] == "4" ):
            print(z[j].name, "=", model.getVal(z[j]))

    flighttime_matrix = {}

    ################### solving for loading system schedule ########################

    # at this point we have a lot of the data structures at hand that we produced for the
    # optimisation run before

    timestep = 0
    # we need to construct the "flight_variables" according to the solution of the fleet_scheduling
    # problem. Then according Tasks are build. For the beginning we specifiy the loadingtimeoffset
    # and try to find a solution. If no solution is found wie increase the offset until we find
    # a solution
    #flight_variables, L_loading_tasks = input.gen_data_input()
    for loadingtimeoffset in range(20):
        flight_variables, loading_L_tasks = input.gen_loading_data_input(
            model, L_tasks_modified, loadingtimeoffset)

        # flighttime = loading_gen_data.construct_matrix_flighttime(100)
        # TODO can be taken from composition.gen_data_fix --> DO IT!... Done?
        loading_T = fleet_gen_data.construct_airfraight_timeinterval_from_modified_tasks(
            loading_L_tasks, timestep)
        # TODO can be taken from composition.gen_data_fix --> DO IT!... Done?
        loading_C_task = loading_gen_data.construct_airfraight_cities(
        # TODO can be taken from composition.gen_data_fix --> DO IT!... Done?
        loading_C_fictive = loading_gen_data.construct_airfraight_cities_fictive(
        loading_C = loading_C_task + loading_C_fictive
        #LS_start = input.construct_airfraight_LS_start(loadingsystems, loading_C_task)
        # TODO here we mean the fligth_time_matrix.... get it from the appropriate place... do we need this? It is
        # TODO all ready there...
        #flighttime_case = loading_gen_data.construct_airfraight_flighttime(loading_C, loading_C_task, loading_C_fictive,
        #                                                                   flight_time_matrix.flighttime, loading_L_tasks)

        # enter the method for better overview. The input for C_fictive is the full city list with fictive cities
        # task cities and all the cities in beteween. This is because we are accessing the flighttime(-matrix) by indizes
        # contained in this full list
        C_full = [i for i in range(0, num_cities + 1)]
        transp_time_ls = loading_gen_data.construct_airfraight_transp_loadingsystems(
            C_full, loading_C_task, loading_C, ftm.flighttime)
        # TODO attention the traversing time for cities that do not have task is zero...does this cause problems?
        loading_cost = loading_gen_data.construct_loadingsystem_costs(
            transp_time_ls, loadingsystems, loading_T)


        loadingmodel = ldm.transp_loadingsystems(loadingsystems,
                                                 loading_L_tasks, loading_T,
                                                 loading_C, transp_time_ls,
                                                 LS_start, loading_cost)
        if loadingmodel == True:
            # solution was found

    print("Optimal value:", model.getObjVal())

    EPS = 1.e-6
    a, b = loadingmodel.data

    for j in a:
        if loadingmodel.getVal(a[j]) > EPS:
            print(a[j].name, "=", model.getVal(a[j]))

    for j in b:
        if loadingmodel.getVal(b[j]) > EPS:
            print(b[j].name, "=", model.getVal(b[j]))

    return loadingmodel, L, L_tasks_modified, C, F, cost, flighttime_matrix