# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from ais_sdk.utils import encode_to_base64 from ais_sdk.utils import decode_to_wave_file from ais_sdk.distortion_correct import distortion_correct_aksk from ais_sdk.utils import init_global_env import json if __name__ == '__main__': # # access moderation distortion correct post data by ak,sk # app_key = '*************' app_secret = '************' init_global_env(region='cn-north-1') demo_data_url = 'https://ais-sample-data.obs.cn-north-1.myhuaweicloud.com/vat-invoice.jpg' #call interface use the url correction is true means do not correction result = distortion_correct_aksk(app_key, app_secret, "", demo_data_url, True) result_obj = json.loads(result) if result_obj['result']['data'] != '': decode_to_wave_file(result_obj['result']['data'], 'data/modeation-distortion-aksk-1.png') else: print result # call interface use the file result = distortion_correct_aksk(app_key, app_secret, encode_to_base64('data/modeation-distortion.jpg'), '', True) if result_obj['result']['data'] != '': decode_to_wave_file(result_obj['result']['data'], 'data/modeation-distortion-aksk-2.png') else: print result
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from ais_sdk.utils import encode_to_base64 from ais_sdk.recapture_detect import recapture_detect_aksk if __name__ == '__main__': # # access image recapture detect ,post data by aksk # app_key = '*************' app_secret = '************' demo_data_url = 'https://ais-sample-data.obs.myhuaweicloud.com/recapture-detect.jpg' # call interface use the file result = recapture_detect_aksk( app_key, app_secret, encode_to_base64('data/recapture-detect-demo.jpg'), "", 0.75, ["recapture"]) print(result) # call interface use the url (token, image, url, threshold=0.95, scene=None) result = recapture_detect_aksk(app_key, app_secret, "", demo_data_url, 0.75, ["recapture"]) print(result)
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from ais_sdk.utils import encode_to_base64 from ais_sdk.clarity_detect import clarity_detect_aksk if __name__ == '__main__': # # access moderation detect,post data by ak,sk # app_key = '*************' app_secret = '************' demo_data_url = 'https://ais-sample-data.obs.cn-north-1.myhwclouds.com/vat-invoice.jpg' # call interface use the url result = clarity_detect_aksk(app_key, app_secret, "", demo_data_url, 0.8) print result # call interface use the file result = clarity_detect_aksk( app_key, app_secret, encode_to_base64('data/moderation-clarity-detect.jpg'), '', 0.8) print result
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from ais_sdk.gettoken import get_token from ais_sdk.utils import encode_to_base64 from ais_sdk.utils import decode_to_wave_file from ais_sdk.super_resolution import super_resolution from ais_sdk.utils import init_global_env import json if __name__ == '__main__': # # access image super resolution enhance,post data by token # user_name = '*****' password = '******' account_name = '*****' # the same as user_name in commonly use init_global_env(region='cn-north-1') token = get_token(user_name, password, account_name) # call interface use base64 file result = super_resolution( token, encode_to_base64('data/super-resolution-demo.png'), 3) result_obj = json.loads(result) decode_to_wave_file(result_obj['result'], 'data/super-resolution-demo-token.png')
from ais_sdk.utils import encode_to_base64 from ais_sdk.moderation_image import moderation_image from ais_sdk.moderation_image import moderation_image_aksk if __name__ == '__main__': # # access moderation image,post data by token # user_name = '******' password = '******' account_name = '******' # the same as user_name in commonly use demo_data_url = 'https://ais-sample-data.obs.cn-north-1.myhwclouds.com/terrorism.jpg' token = get_token(user_name, password, account_name) # call interface use the local file result = moderation_image(token, encode_to_base64('data/moderation-terrorism.jpg'), "", ['politics','terrorism'], "") print result # call interface use the url (token, image, url, threshold=0.95, scene=None) result = moderation_image(token, "", demo_data_url, ['politics','terrorism'], "") print result # # access moderation image,post data by ak,sk # app_key = "*************" app_secret = "************" # call interface use the local file result = moderation_image_aksk(app_key, app_secret, encode_to_base64('data/moderation-terrorism.jpg'), "", ['politics','terrorism'], "") print result
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from ais_sdk.utils import encode_to_base64 from ais_sdk.celebrity_recognition import celebrity_recognition_aksk from ais_sdk.utils import init_global_env if __name__ == '__main__': # # access image tagging , post data by ak,sk # app_key = '*************' app_secret = '************' init_global_env(region='cn-north-1') # The OBS link needs to be consistent with the region, and the OBS resources of different regions are not shared demo_data_url = 'https://ais-sample-data.obs.cn-north-1.myhuaweicloud.com/celebrity-recognition.jpg' # call interface use the url result = celebrity_recognition_aksk(app_key, app_secret, "", demo_data_url, 0.48) print(result) # call interface use the file result = celebrity_recognition_aksk( app_key, app_secret, encode_to_base64('data/celebrity-recognition.jpg'), '', 0.48) print(result)
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from ais_sdk.utils import encode_to_base64 from ais_sdk.recapture_detect import recapture_detect_aksk if __name__ == '__main__': # # access image recapture detect ,post data by aksk # app_key = '*************' app_secret = '************' demo_data_url = 'https://ais-sample-data.obs.myhwclouds.com/recapture-detect.jpg' # call interface use the file result = recapture_detect_aksk(app_key, app_secret, encode_to_base64('data/recapture-detect-demo.jpg'), "", 0.75, ["recapture"]) print(result) # call interface use the url (token, image, url, threshold=0.95, scene=None) result = recapture_detect_aksk(app_key, app_secret, "", demo_data_url, 0.75, ["recapture"]) print(result)
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from ais_sdk.utils import encode_to_base64 from ais_sdk.clarity_detect import clarity_detect_aksk if __name__ == '__main__': # # access moderation detect,post data by ak,sk # app_key = '*************' app_secret = '************' demo_data_url = 'https://ais-sample-data.obs.cn-north-1.myhwclouds.com/vat-invoice.jpg' # call interface use the url result = clarity_detect_aksk(app_key, app_secret, "", demo_data_url, 0.8) print(result) # call interface use the file result = clarity_detect_aksk(app_key, app_secret, encode_to_base64('data/moderation-clarity-detect.jpg'), '', 0.8) print (result)
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from ais_sdk.gettoken import get_token from ais_sdk.utils import encode_to_base64 from ais_sdk.moderation_image import moderation_image if __name__ == '__main__': user_name = '******' password = '******' account_name = '******' # the same as user_name in commonly use demo_data_url = 'https://ais-sample-data.obs.myhwclouds.com/tagging-normal.jpg' token = get_token(user_name, password, account_name) # call interface use the local file result = moderation_image(token, encode_to_base64('data/moderation-demo-1.jpg'), "", ['politics', 'terrorism'], "") print result # call interface use the url (token, image, url, threshold=0.95, scene=None) result = moderation_image(token, "", demo_data_url, ['politics', 'terrorism'], "") print result
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from ais_sdk.gettoken import get_token from ais_sdk.utils import encode_to_base64 from ais_sdk.utils import decode_to_wave_file from ais_sdk.image_defog import image_defog import json if __name__ == '__main__': # # access image defog,post data by token # user_name = '*****' password = '******' account_name = '*****' # the same as user_name in commonly use token = get_token(user_name, password, account_name) # call interface use base64 file result = image_defog(token, encode_to_base64('data/defog-demo.png'), '1.5') result_obj = json.loads(result) decode_to_wave_file(result_obj['result'], 'data/defog-demo-token.png')
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from ais_sdk.utils import encode_to_base64 from ais_sdk.long_sentence import long_sentence_aksk if __name__ == '__main__': # # access asr, long_sentence,post data by token # app_key = '*************' app_secret = '************' demo_data_url = 'https://ais-sample-data.obs.myhuaweicloud.com/lsr-1.mp3' # call interface use the file result = long_sentence_aksk(app_key, app_secret, '', demo_data_url) print result # call interface use the file result = long_sentence_aksk(app_key, app_secret, encode_to_base64('data/asr-sentence.wav')) print result
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from ais_sdk.gettoken import get_token from ais_sdk.utils import encode_to_base64 from ais_sdk.moderation_clarity_detect import moderation_clarity_detect if __name__ == '__main__': user_name = '******' password = '******' account_name = '******' # the same as user_name in commonly use demo_data_url = 'https://ais-sample-data.obs.myhwclouds.com/tagging-normal.jpg' token = get_token(user_name, password, account_name) # call interface use the url result = moderation_clarity_detect(token, "", demo_data_url, 0.8) print result # call interface use the file result = moderation_clarity_detect( token, encode_to_base64('data/image-tagging-demo-1.jpg'), '', 0.8) print result
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from ais_sdk.utils import encode_to_base64 from ais_sdk.utils import decode_to_wave_file from ais_sdk.image_defog import image_defog_aksk from ais_sdk.utils import init_global_env import json if __name__ == '__main__': # # access image defog,post data by ak,sk # app_key = '*************' app_secret = '************' init_global_env(region='cn-north-1') # call interface use base64 file result = image_defog_aksk(app_key, app_secret, encode_to_base64('data/defog-demo.png'), '1.5') result_obj = json.loads(result) decode_to_wave_file(result_obj['result'], 'data/defog-demo-aksk.png')
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from ais_sdk.utils import encode_to_base64 from ais_sdk.asr_sentence import asr_sentence_aksk if __name__ == '__main__': # # access asr, asr_sentence,post data by ak,sk # app_key = '*************' app_secret = '************' demo_data_url = 'https://ais-sample-data.obs.myhwclouds.com/asr-sentence.wav' # call interface use the url result = asr_sentence_aksk(app_key, app_secret, '', demo_data_url, 'wav', '16k') print(result) # call interface use the file result = asr_sentence_aksk(app_key, app_secret, encode_to_base64('data/asr-sentence.wav'), '', 'wav', '16k') print(result)
password = '******' account_name = '******' # the same as user_name in commonly use demo_data_url = 'https://ais-sample-data.obs.cn-north-1.myhwclouds.com/vat-invoice.jpg' token = get_token(user_name, password, account_name) #call interface use the url correction is true means do not correction result = distortion_correct(token, "", demo_data_url, True) result_obj = json.loads(result) decode_to_wave_file(result_obj['result']['data'], 'data/modeation_distortion-token-1.png') print(result) # call interface use the file result = distortion_correct( token, encode_to_base64('data/modeation_distortion.jpg'), '', True) result_obj = json.loads(result) decode_to_wave_file(result_obj['result']['data'], 'data/modeation_distortion-token-2.png') print(result) # # access moderation distortion correct.post data by ak,sk # app_key = "*************" app_secret = "************" #call interface use the url correction is true means do not correction result = distortion_correct_aksk(app_key, app_secret, "", demo_data_url, True) result_obj = json.loads(result)
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from ais_sdk.gettoken import get_token from ais_sdk.utils import encode_to_base64 from ais_sdk.long_sentence import long_sentence if __name__ == '__main__': user_name = '******' password = '******' account_name = '******' # the same as user_name in commonly use demo_data_url = 'https://ais-sample-data.obs.myhwclouds.com/lsr-1.mp3' token = get_token(user_name, password, account_name) # call interface use the url result = long_sentence(token, '', demo_data_url) print result # call interface use the file result = long_sentence(token, encode_to_base64('data/asr-sentence.wav')) print result
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from ais_sdk.gettoken import get_token from ais_sdk.utils import encode_to_base64 from ais_sdk.image_tagging import image_tagging if __name__ == '__main__': # # access image tagging , post data by token # user_name = '******' password = '******' account_name = '******' # the same as user_name in commonly use demo_data_url = 'https://ais-sample-data.obs.myhwclouds.com/tagging-normal.jpg' token = get_token(user_name, password, account_name) # call interface use the url result = image_tagging(token, "", demo_data_url, 'zh', 5, 30) print(result) # call interface use the file result = image_tagging(token, encode_to_base64('data/image-tagging-demo.jpg'), '', 'zh', 5, 60) print(result)
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from ais_sdk.utils import encode_to_base64 from ais_sdk.utils import decode_to_wave_file from ais_sdk.dark_enhance import dark_enhance_aksk from ais_sdk.utils import init_global_env import json if __name__ == '__main__': # Services currently support North China-Beijing 1 (cn-north-1), Asia Pacific-Hong Kong (ap-southeast-1) init_global_env('cn-north-1') # # access image dark enhance by ak,sk # app_key = '*************' app_secret = '************' # call interface use base64 file result = dark_enhance_aksk(app_key, app_secret, encode_to_base64('data/dark-enhance-demo.bmp'), '0.95') result_obj = json.loads(result) decode_to_wave_file(result_obj['result'], 'data/dark-enhance-demo-aksk.bmp')
if __name__ == '__main__': # Services currently support North China-Beijing 1 (cn-north-1), Asia Pacific-Hong Kong (ap-southeast-1) init_global_env('cn-north-1') # # access moderation distortion correct post data by ak,sk # app_key = '*************' app_secret = '************' demo_data_url = 'https://ais-sample-data.obs.cn-north-1.myhuaweicloud.com/vat-invoice.jpg' #call interface use the url correction is true means do not correction result = distortion_correct_aksk(app_key, app_secret, "", demo_data_url, True) result_obj = json.loads(result) if result_obj['result']['data'] != '': decode_to_wave_file(result_obj['result']['data'], 'data/modeation-distortion-aksk-1.png') else: print(result) # call interface use the file result = distortion_correct_aksk( app_key, app_secret, encode_to_base64('data/modeation-distortion.jpg'), '', True) if result_obj['result']['data'] != '': decode_to_wave_file(result_obj['result']['data'], 'data/modeation-distortion-aksk-2.png') else: print(result)
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from ais_sdk.utils import encode_to_base64, download_url_base64 from ais_sdk.image_antiporn import image_antiporn_aksk if __name__ == '__main__': # # access moderation, image anti-p**n,post data by ak,sk # app_key = '*************' app_secret = '************' demo_data_url = 'https://ais-sample-data.obs.cn-north-1.myhwclouds.com/antiporn.jpg' # call interface use the url download image_antiporn_aksk( app_key, app_secret, download_url_base64( 'http://moderation-demo.ei.huaweicloud.com/theme/images/imagga/image_tagging_04.jpg' )) # call interface use the url image_antiporn_aksk(app_key, app_secret, '', demo_data_url) # call interface use the file image_antiporn_aksk(app_key, app_secret, encode_to_base64('data/moderation-antiporn.jpg'))
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from ais_sdk.gettoken import get_token from ais_sdk.utils import encode_to_base64 from ais_sdk.celebrity_recognition import celebrity_recognition from ais_sdk.utils import init_global_env if __name__ == '__main__': # Services currently support North China-Beijing 1 (cn-north-1), Asia Pacific-Hong Kong (ap-southeast-1) init_global_env('cn-north-1') # # access image tagging , post data by token # user_name = '******' password = '******' account_name = '******' # the same as user_name in commonly use # The OBS link should match the region, and the OBS resources of different regions are not shared demo_data_url = 'https://ais-sample-data.obs.cn-north-1.myhuaweicloud.com/celebrity-recognition.jpg' token = get_token(user_name, password, account_name) # call interface use the url result = celebrity_recognition(token, "", demo_data_url, 0.48) print(result) # call interface use the file result = celebrity_recognition(token, encode_to_base64('data/celebrity-recognition.jpg'), '', 0.48) print(result)
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from ais_sdk.utils import encode_to_base64 from ais_sdk.image_tagging import image_tagging_aksk if __name__ == '__main__': # # access image tagging , post data by ak,sk # app_key = '*************' app_secret = '************' demo_data_url = 'https://ais-sample-data.obs.myhuaweicloud.com/tagging-normal.jpg' # call interface use the url result = image_tagging_aksk(app_key, app_secret, "", demo_data_url, 'zh', 5, 30) print(result) # call interface use the file result = image_tagging_aksk( app_key, app_secret, encode_to_base64('data/image-tagging-demo.jpg'), '', 'zh', 5, 60) print(result)
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from ais_sdk.gettoken import get_token from ais_sdk.utils import encode_to_base64, download_url_base64 from ais_sdk.image_antiporn import image_antiporn if __name__ == '__main__': # # access moderation, image anti-p**n,post data by token # user_name = '*******' password = '******' account_name = '*******' # the same as user_name in commonly use demo_data_url = 'https://ais-sample-data.obs.cn-north-1.myhwclouds.com/antiporn.jpg' token = get_token(user_name, password, account_name) # call interface use the url download image_antiporn( token, download_url_base64( 'http://moderation-demo.ei.huaweicloud.com/theme/images/imagga/image_tagging_04.jpg' )) # call interface use the url image_antiporn(token, '', demo_data_url) # call interface use the file image_antiporn(token, encode_to_base64('data/moderation-antiporn.jpg'))
from ais_sdk.utils import init_global_env import json if __name__ == '__main__': # # access moderation distortion correct post data by token # user_name = '******' password = '******' account_name = '******' # the same as user_name in commonly use init_global_env(region='cn-north-1') demo_data_url = 'https://ais-sample-data.obs.cn-north-1.myhuaweicloud.com/vat-invoice.jpg' token = get_token(user_name, password, account_name) #call interface use the url correction is true means do not correction result = distortion_correct(token, "", demo_data_url, True) result_obj = json.loads(result) if result_obj['result']['data'] !='': decode_to_wave_file(result_obj['result']['data'], 'data/modeation-distortion-token-1.png') else: print result # call interface use the file result = distortion_correct(token, encode_to_base64('data/modeation-distortion.jpg'), '', True) result_obj = json.loads(result) if result_obj['result']['data'] != '': decode_to_wave_file(result_obj['result']['data'], 'data/modeation-distortion-token-2.png') else: print result
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from ais_sdk.utils import encode_to_base64 from ais_sdk.utils import decode_to_wave_file from ais_sdk.dark_enhance import dark_enhance_aksk import json if __name__ == '__main__': # # access image dark enhance by ak,sk # app_key = '*************' app_secret = '************' # call interface use base64 file result = dark_enhance_aksk(app_key,app_secret, encode_to_base64('data/dark-enhance-demo.bmp'), '0.95') result_obj = json.loads(result) decode_to_wave_file(result_obj['result'], 'data/dark-enhance-demo-aksk.bmp')
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from ais_sdk.gettoken import get_token from ais_sdk.utils import encode_to_base64 from ais_sdk.asr_sentence import asr_sentence from ais_sdk.utils import init_global_env if __name__ == '__main__': # Services currently support North China-Beijing 1 (cn-north-1) init_global_env('cn-north-1') # # access asr, asr_sentence,post data by token # user_name = '******' password = '******' account_name = '******' # the same as user_name in commonly use demo_data_url = 'https://obs-ch-sdk-sample.obs.cn-north-1.myhwclouds.com/asr-sentence.wav' token = get_token(user_name, password, account_name) # call interface use the url result = asr_sentence(token, '', demo_data_url, 'wav', '16k') print(result) # call interface use the file result = asr_sentence(token, encode_to_base64('data/asr-sentence.wav'), '', 'wav', '16k') print(result)
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from ais_sdk.gettoken import get_token from ais_sdk.utils import encode_to_base64 from ais_sdk.utils import decode_to_wave_file from ais_sdk.dark_enhance import dark_enhance from ais_sdk.utils import init_global_env import json if __name__ == '__main__': # # access image dark enhance by token # user_name = '*****' password = '******' account_name = '*****' # the same as user_name in commonly use init_global_env(region='cn-north-1') token = get_token(user_name, password, account_name) # call interface use base64 file result = dark_enhance(token, encode_to_base64('data/dark-enhance-demo.bmp'), '0.95') result_obj = json.loads(result) decode_to_wave_file(result_obj['result'], 'data/dark-enhance-demo-token.bmp')
if __name__ == '__main__': # # access moderation distortion correct post data by token # user_name = '******' password = '******' account_name = '******' # the same as user_name in commonly use demo_data_url = 'https://ais-sample-data.obs.cn-north-1.myhwclouds.com/vat-invoice.jpg' token = get_token(user_name, password, account_name) #call interface use the url correction is true means do not correction result = distortion_correct(token, "", demo_data_url, True) result_obj = json.loads(result) if result_obj['result']['data'] != '': decode_to_wave_file(result_obj['result']['data'], 'data/modeation-distortion-token-1.png') else: print result # call interface use the file result = distortion_correct( token, encode_to_base64('data/modeation-distortion.jpg'), '', True) result_obj = json.loads(result) if result_obj['result']['data'] != '': decode_to_wave_file(result_obj['result']['data'], 'data/modeation-distortion-token-2.png') else: print result
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from ais_sdk.gettoken import get_token from ais_sdk.utils import encode_to_base64 from ais_sdk.image_tagging import image_tagging from ais_sdk.utils import init_global_env if __name__ == '__main__': # # access image tagging , post data by token # user_name = '******' password = '******' account_name = '******' # the same as user_name in commonly use init_global_env(region='cn-north-1') # The OBS link needs to be consistent with the region, and the OBS resources of different regions are not shared demo_data_url = 'https://ais-sample-data.obs.myhuaweicloud.com/tagging-normal.jpg' token = get_token(user_name, password, account_name) # call interface use the url result = image_tagging(token, "", demo_data_url, 'zh', 5, 30) print(result) # call interface use the file result = image_tagging(token, encode_to_base64('data/image-tagging-demo.jpg'), '', 'zh', 5, 60) print(result)