def EM(img_data, K, iteration, path, snapshot_interval=5, reg=False, use_voronoi=True):

    X = get_image_db(img_data['db_path'])
    dj = img_data['dj']

    N = len(dj)
    n_x, n_y, n_z = X[dj[0]['v']].shape

    theta = dict()
    theta['N'] = N
    theta['J'] = n_x * n_y * n_z
    theta['n'] = n_x
    theta['K'] = K
    theta['xi'] = theta['n']  # Proportional to the radius of the image
    theta['A'] = np.zeros([K, n_x, n_y, n_z], dtype=np.complex128)    # We need to initialize this later
    theta['alpha'] = np.ones([K], dtype=np.float_) / K
    theta['trans_list'] = None
    theta['predictions'] = np.zeros([N])

    # Print relavent information
    print("Running model based alignment: N=%d, K=%d, dimensions=(%d,%d,%d)" % (N, K, n_x, n_y, n_z))
    if reg:
        print("With regularization")
        print("Without regularization")
    if use_voronoi:
        print("With voronoi weights")
        print("Without voronoi weights")

    # Regularization
    reg_step = (float(N) / K ** 2) / 2
    theta['theta_reg'] = 5 * reg_step if reg else 0

    # Sample K random data points from the set to initialize A
    indices = np.random.permutation(N)
    num_models = [0 for _ in range(K)]
    k = 0
    for i in range(N):
        theta['A'][k] += X[dj[indices[i]]['v']] * X[dj[indices[i]]['m']]
        num_models[k] += 1
        k = (k+1) % K

    for k in range(K):
        theta['A'][k] /= num_models[k]

    # Get a random A_k and a random X_i
    # And calculate sum_j to get sigma_sq
    k = np.random.randint(K)
    i = np.random.randint(N)
    sum_j = np.sum(np.square(np.absolute(theta['A'][k] - X[dj[i]['v']]) * X[dj[i]['m']]))
    theta['sigma_sq'] = sum_j / theta['J']
    print("Sigma_sq initialized to %d" % theta['sigma_sq'])

    checkpoint_dir = os.path.join(path, 'checkpoints')
    if not os.path.exists(checkpoint_dir):

    interval = snapshot_interval
    for i in range(iteration):
        checkpoint_file = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, '%08d.pickle'%(i))
        if os.path.exists(checkpoint_file):
            checkpoint_data = TIF.pickle_load(checkpoint_file)
            theta = checkpoint_data['theta']

        if (i % interval == 0):
            output_images(theta, i, path=path)

        print("Running iteration %d" % (i+1))
        # Update alpha before updating A
        compute_trans_list(theta=theta, img_data=img_data, use_voronoi=use_voronoi)

        alpha = update_alpha(img_data=img_data, theta=theta, use_voronoi=use_voronoi)
        print("Alpha updated! Alpha = ", end=' ')

        sigma_sq = update_sigma(img_data=img_data, theta=theta, reg=reg, use_voronoi=use_voronoi)
        print("Sigma updated! Sigma^2 = ", end=' ')

        xi = update_xi(img_data=img_data, theta=theta, use_voronoi=use_voronoi)
        print("Xi updated! Xi = ", end=' ')

        A = update_a(img_data = img_data, theta=theta, alpha=alpha, reg=reg, use_voronoi=use_voronoi)
        print("A updated! Average intensity of A = ", end=' ')
        print(np.average(A, (1, 2, 3)))

        theta['alpha'] = alpha
        theta['sigma_sq'] = sigma_sq
        theta['xi'] = xi
        theta['A'] = A
        # Since we changed the models A, the list of optimal transforms
        # needs to be re-calculated
        theta['trans_list'] = None
        theta['pred'] = None

        # Decrease the regularization coefficient
        if reg and theta['theta_reg'] > 0:
            theta['theta_reg'] -= reg_step
            theta['theta_reg'] = max(0, theta['theta_reg'])

            assert not os.path.exists(checkpoint_file)
            raise Exception("Checkpoint file already exists!")
        TIF.pickle_dump({'theta':theta}, checkpoint_file)

    print_prediction_results(theta, img_data)
    output_images(theta, iteration, path=path)
    print("Prediction from model: ", end=' ')
    return theta

spacing_s: is the voxel spacing in Anstron
resolution_s: the image resolution in Anstron
pdb_dir: the directory that contains pdb files. Could be your own directory or /shared/shared/data/pdb or /shared/data/pdb
out_file: the output file that contains converted density maps
op = {
    'spacing_s': [10.0],
    'resolution_s': [10.0],
    'pdb_dir': '/shared/data/pdb',
    'out_file': 'situs_maps.pickle'

# convert to density maps, save to situs_maps.pickle
import aitom.tomominer.structure.pdb.situs_pdb2vol__batch as TSPS
The density maps in situs_maps.pickle have different sizes for different structures,
use resize_center_batch_dict() to change them into same size
import aitom.tomominer.io.file as TIF
ms = TIF.pickle_load('situs_maps.pickle')

ms = {_: ms[_][10.0][10.0]['map'] for _ in ms}
import aitom.tomominer.image.vol.util as TIVU
ms = TIVU.resize_center_batch_dict(vs=ms, cval=0.0)