def init_variables(self, info): # Here you have the information of the game (virtual init() in random_walk.cpp) # List: game_time, goal, number_of_robots, penalty_area, codewords, # robot_height, robot_radius, max_linear_velocity, field, team_info, # {rating, name}, axle_length, resolution, ball_radius # self.game_time = info['game_time'] self.field = info['field'] self.robot_size = 2 * info['robot_radius'] self.goal = info['goal'] self.max_linear_velocity = info['max_linear_velocity'] self.number_of_robots = info['number_of_robots'] self.end_of_frame = False self.cur_my_posture = [] self.cur_op_posture = [] self.cur_ball = [] self.idx = 0 self.wheels = [0 for _ in range(10)] self.state_size = 5 # the number of possible states self.action_size = 2 # the number of possible actions self.agent = DDPGAgent(self.state_size, self.action_size) self.global_step = 0 # iteration step self.inner_step = 0 self.save_every_steps = 12000 # save the model self.step = 0 # statistic step self.stats_steps = 500 # for tensorboard self.reward_sum = 0 self.score_op = False self.score_op_sum = 0 self.boal_far = True return
def init_variables(self, info): # Here you have the information of the game (virtual init() in random_walk.cpp) # List: game_time, goal, number_of_robots, penalty_area, codewords, # robot_height, robot_radius, max_linear_velocity, field, team_info, # {rating, name}, axle_length, resolution, ball_radius # self.game_time = info['game_time'] self.field = info['field'] self.robot_size = 2 * info['robot_radius'] self.goal = info['goal'] self.max_linear_velocity = info['max_linear_velocity'] self.number_of_robots = info['number_of_robots'] self.end_of_frame = False self.cur_my_posture = [] self.cur_op_posture = [] self.cur_ball = [] # self.set_seed(0) random.seed(0) np.random.seed(0) tf.set_random_seed(0) self.state_dim = 3 # 3*my robots, relative to the ball position self.history_size = 4 # frame history size self.action_dim = 2 # 2 self.agent = DDPGAgent(self.state_dim * self.history_size, self.action_dim, self.max_linear_velocity) self.wheels = np.zeros(self.number_of_robots * 2) history = np.zeros([self.state_dim, self.history_size]) self.histories = [history for _ in range(self.number_of_robots)] action = np.zeros(self.action_dim) self.actions = [action for _ in range(self.number_of_robots)] return
def init_variables(self, info): # Here you have the information of the game (virtual init() in random_walk.cpp) # List: game_time, goal, number_of_robots, penalty_area, codewords, # robot_height, robot_radius, max_linear_velocity, field, team_info, # {rating, name}, axle_length, resolution, ball_radius # self.game_time = info['game_time'] self.field = info['field'] self.robot_size = 2*info['robot_radius'] self.goal = info['goal'] self.max_linear_velocity = info['max_linear_velocity'] self.number_of_robots = info['number_of_robots'] self.end_of_frame = False self.cur_my_posture = [] self.cur_op_posture = [] self.cur_ball = [] self.pre_ball = [0, 0] self.wheels = [0 for _ in range(10)] self.state_size = 32 # 3*robot + 2*ball self.action_size = 10 # 2*my robot self.agent = DDPGAgent(self.state_size, self.action_size, self.max_linear_velocity) # self.printConsole("max velocity: " + str(self.max_linear_velocity)) self.global_step = 0 # iteration step self.save_every_steps = 12000 # save the model self.stats_steps = 6000 # for tensorboard self.reward_sum = 0 self.score_sum = 0 self.active_flag = [[False for _ in range(5)], [False for _ in range(5)]] return
def init_variables(self, info): # Here you have the information of the game (virtual init() in random_walk.cpp) # List: game_time, goal, number_of_robots, penalty_area, codewords, # robot_height, robot_radius, max_linear_velocity, field, team_info, # {rating, name}, axle_length, resolution, ball_radius # self.game_time = info['game_time'] self.field = info['field'] self.robot_size = 2*info['robot_radius'] self.goal = info['goal'] self.max_linear_velocity = info['max_linear_velocity'] self.number_of_robots = info['number_of_robots'] self.end_of_frame = False self.cur_my_posture = [] self.cur_op_posture = [] self.cur_ball = [] self.pre_ball = [0, 0] self.arglist = Argument() # Create agent trainers self.obs_shape_n = [3 for i in range(1)] self.num_adversaries = 0 self.num_good = 1 self.state_dim = 3 # 3*my robots, relative to the ball position self.history_size = 4 # frame history size self.action_dim = 2 # 2 self.trainers = get_trainers(self.num_adversaries, self.obs_shape_n, self.action_dim, self.arglist) self.agent = DDPGAgent(self.state_dim * self.history_size, self.action_dim, self.max_linear_velocity) self.global_step = 0 # iteration step self.save_every_steps = 12000 # save the model every 10 minutes self.stats_steps = 6000 # for tensorboard self.reward_sum = 0 self.score_sum = 0 self.active_flag = [[False for _ in range(5)], [False for _ in range(5)]] self.inner_step = 0 self.wheels = np.zeros(self.number_of_robots*2) self.history = np.zeros([self.state_dim, self.history_size]) self.action = np.zeros(self.action_dim) return
def init_variables(self, info): # Here you have the information of the game (virtual init() in random_walk.cpp) # List: game_time, goal, number_of_robots, penalty_area, codewords, # robot_height, robot_radius, max_linear_velocity, field, team_info, # {rating, name}, axle_length, resolution, ball_radius # self.game_time = info['game_time'] self.field = info['field'] self.robot_size = 2*info['robot_radius'] self.goal = info['goal'] self.max_linear_velocity = info['max_linear_velocity'] self.tunning_velocity = self.max_linear_velocity self.number_of_robots = info['number_of_robots'] self.end_of_frame = False self.cur_my_posture = [] self.cur_op_posture = [] self.cur_ball = [] self.pre_ball = [0, 0] # self.set_seed(0) random.seed(0) np.random.seed(0) tf.set_random_seed(0) self.state_dim = 3 # #3*my robots + 2*op robots + 2 self.action_dim = 2 # 2 self.agent = DDPGAgent(self.state_dim, self.action_dim, self.tunning_velocity, -self.tunning_velocity) # self.printConsole("max velocity: " + str(self.max_linear_velocity)) self.global_step = 0 # iteration step self.save_every_steps = 12000 # save the model every 10 minutes self.stats_steps = 6000 # for tensorboard self.reward_sum = 0 self.score_sum = 0 self.active_flag = [[False for _ in range(5)], [False for _ in range(5)]] self.inner_step = 0 self.wheels = np.zeros(self.number_of_robots*2) self.action = np.zeros(self.action_dim) return
class Component(ApplicationSession): def __init__(self, config): ApplicationSession.__init__(self, config) def printConsole(self, message): print(message) sys.__stdout__.flush() def onConnect(self): self.join(self.config.realm) @inlineCallbacks def onJoin(self, details): ############################################################################## def init_variables(self, info): # Here you have the information of the game (virtual init() in random_walk.cpp) # List: game_time, goal, number_of_robots, penalty_area, codewords, # robot_height, robot_radius, max_linear_velocity, field, team_info, # {rating, name}, axle_length, resolution, ball_radius # self.game_time = info['game_time'] self.field = info['field'] self.robot_size = 2*info['robot_radius'] self.goal = info['goal'] self.max_linear_velocity = info['max_linear_velocity'] self.tunning_velocity = self.max_linear_velocity self.number_of_robots = info['number_of_robots'] self.end_of_frame = False self.cur_my_posture = [] self.cur_op_posture = [] self.cur_ball = [] self.pre_ball = [0, 0] # self.set_seed(0) random.seed(0) np.random.seed(0) tf.set_random_seed(0) self.state_dim = 3 # #3*my robots + 2*op robots + 2 self.action_dim = 2 # 2 self.agent = DDPGAgent(self.state_dim, self.action_dim, self.tunning_velocity, -self.tunning_velocity) # self.printConsole("max velocity: " + str(self.max_linear_velocity)) self.global_step = 0 # iteration step self.save_every_steps = 12000 # save the model every 10 minutes self.stats_steps = 6000 # for tensorboard self.reward_sum = 0 self.score_sum = 0 self.active_flag = [[False for _ in range(5)], [False for _ in range(5)]] self.inner_step = 0 self.wheels = np.zeros(self.number_of_robots*2) self.action = np.zeros(self.action_dim) return ############################################################################## try: info = yield'aiwc.get_info', args.key) except Exception as e: self.printConsole("Error: {}".format(e)) else: try: self.sub = yield self.subscribe(self.on_event, args.key) except Exception as e2: self.printConsole("Error: {}".format(e2)) init_variables(self, info) try: yield'aiwc.ready', args.key) except Exception as e: self.printConsole("Error: {}".format(e)) else: self.printConsole("I am ready for the game!") def get_coord(self, received_frame): self.cur_ball = received_frame.coordinates[BALL] self.cur_my_posture = received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM] self.cur_op_posture =received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM] def get_reward(self, reset_reason): # pre_potential = helper.dipole_potential(self.pre_ball[X], self.pre_ball[Y], 2.1, 3) # cur_potential = helper.dipole_potential(self.cur_ball[X], self.cur_ball[Y], 2.1, 3) reward = helper.dipole_potential(self.cur_my_posture[4][X], self.cur_my_posture[4][Y], 2.1, 0.3) # Add dead lock penalty # if(reset_reason == SCORE_MYTEAM): # self.score_sum += 1 # reward += 24 # minimum 24 # self.printConsole("my team goal") # if(reset_reason == SCORE_OPPONENT): # self.score_sum -= 1 # reward -= 24 # maxmimum -24 # self.printConsole("op team goal") self.printConsole("reward: " + str(reward)) self.pre_ball = self.cur_ball return reward def set_wheel_velocity(self, robot_id, left_wheel, right_wheel): multiplier = 1 if(abs(left_wheel) > self.max_linear_velocity or abs(right_wheel) > self.max_linear_velocity): if (abs(left_wheel) > abs(right_wheel)): multiplier = self.max_linear_velocity / abs(left_wheel) else: multiplier = self.max_linear_velocity / abs(right_wheel) self.wheels[2*robot_id] = left_wheel*multiplier self.wheels[2*robot_id + 1] = right_wheel*multiplier def position(self, robot_id, x, y): damping = 0.35 mult_lin = 3.5 mult_ang = 0.4 ka = 0 sign = 1 dx = x - self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][X] dy = y - self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][Y] d_e = math.sqrt(math.pow(dx, 2) + math.pow(dy, 2)) desired_th = (math.pi/2) if (dx == 0 and dy == 0) else math.atan2(dy, dx) d_th = desired_th - self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][TH] while(d_th > math.pi): d_th -= 2*math.pi while(d_th < -math.pi): d_th += 2*math.pi if (d_e > 1): ka = 17/90 elif (d_e > 0.5): ka = 19/90 elif (d_e > 0.3): ka = 21/90 elif (d_e > 0.2): ka = 23/90 else: ka = 25/90 if (d_th > helper.degree2radian(95)): d_th -= math.pi sign = -1 elif (d_th < helper.degree2radian(-95)): d_th += math.pi sign = -1 if (abs(d_th) > helper.degree2radian(85)): self.set_wheel_velocity(robot_id, -mult_ang*d_th, mult_ang*d_th) else: if (d_e < 5 and abs(d_th) < helper.degree2radian(40)): ka = 0.1 ka *= 4 self.set_wheel_velocity(robot_id, sign * (mult_lin * (1 / (1 + math.exp(-3*d_e)) - damping) - mult_ang * ka * d_th), sign * (mult_lin * (1 / (1 + math.exp(-3*d_e)) - damping) + mult_ang * ka * d_th)) @inlineCallbacks def on_event(self, f): @inlineCallbacks def set_wheel(self, robot_wheels): yield'aiwc.set_speed', args.key, robot_wheels) return # initiate empty frame received_frame = Frame() if 'time' in f: received_frame.time = f['time'] if 'score' in f: received_frame.score = f['score'] if 'reset_reason' in f: received_frame.reset_reason = f['reset_reason'] if 'coordinates' in f: received_frame.coordinates = f['coordinates'] if 'EOF' in f: self.end_of_frame = f['EOF'] #self.printConsole(received_frame.time) #self.printConsole(received_frame.score) #self.printConsole(received_frame.reset_reason) #self.printConsole(self.end_of_frame) ############################################################################## if (self.end_of_frame): # How to get the robot and ball coordinates: (ROBOT_ID can be 0,1,2,3,4) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][X]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][Y]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][TH]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][ACTIVE]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][TOUCH]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][X]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][Y]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][TH]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][ACTIVE]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][TOUCH]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[BALL][X]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[BALL][Y]) self.global_step += 1 self.get_coord(received_frame) ############################################################################## # Next state next_state = [round(self.cur_my_posture[4][X]/2.05, 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[4][Y]/1.35, 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[4][TH]/(2*math.pi), 2)] next_state = np.reshape([next_state], (1, self.state_dim, 1)) next_history = np.append(next_state, self.agent.history[:, :, :3], axis=2) # Reward reward = self.get_reward(received_frame.reset_reason) # Reset if(received_frame.reset_reason != NONE): reset = True self.printConsole("reset reason: " + str(received_frame.reset_reason)) else: reset = False self.agent.train_agent(np.reshape(self.agent.history, -1), self.action, reward, np.reshape(next_history, -1), reset, self.global_step) # save the history and get action self.agent.history = next_history # fine tuning with RL self.position(4, 2.05, 0) self.printConsole(" rule-based action: " + str(self.wheels[8:10])) self.action = self.agent.get_action(np.reshape(self.agent.history, -1)) self.printConsole(" tuning action: " + str(self.action[:2])) self.wheels[8:10] += self.action self.printConsole(" fine-tuned action: " + str(self.wheels[8:10])) set_wheel(self, self.wheels.tolist()) self.reward_sum += reward ############################################################################## # for tensorboard # self.agent.avg_q_max += self.agent.critic.predict([np.reshape(self.agent.history, (1, -1)), # np.reshape(self.agent.action, (1, -1))])[0] ############################################################################## # if self.global_step % 50 == 0: # # print current status # self.printConsole("step: " + str(self.global_step) + ", Epsilon: " + str(self.agent.epsilon)) if self.global_step % self.save_every_steps == 0: # save the model, self.agent.save_file) self.printConsole("Saved model") if reset: # plot the statics self.printConsole("add data to tensorboard") stats = [self.reward_sum, self.agent.avg_q_max / float(self.stats_steps), self.agent.loss_sum / float(self.stats_steps), self.score_sum] for i in range(len(stats)):[i], feed_dict={ self.agent.summary_placeholders[i]: float(stats[i]) }) summary_str = self.agent.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, self.inner_step) self.reward_sum, self.agent.avg_q_max, self.agent.loss_sum = 0, 0, 0 self.score_sum = 0 self.inner_step += 1 ############################################################################## if(received_frame.reset_reason == GAME_END): #(virtual finish() in random_walk.cpp) #save your data with open(args.datapath + '/result.txt', 'w') as output: #output.write('yourvariables') output.close() #unsubscribe; reset or leave yield self.sub.unsubscribe() try: yield self.leave() except Exception as e: self.printConsole("Error: {}".format(e)) self.end_of_frame = False ############################################################################## def onDisconnect(self): if reactor.running: reactor.stop()
class Component(ApplicationSession): def __init__(self, config): ApplicationSession.__init__(self, config) def printConsole(self, message): print(message) sys.__stdout__.flush() def onConnect(self): self.join(self.config.realm) @inlineCallbacks def onJoin(self, details): ############################################################################## def init_variables(self, info): # Here you have the information of the game (virtual init() in random_walk.cpp) # List: game_time, goal, number_of_robots, penalty_area, codewords, # robot_height, robot_radius, max_linear_velocity, field, team_info, # {rating, name}, axle_length, resolution, ball_radius # self.game_time = info['game_time'] self.field = info['field'] self.robot_size = 2 * info['robot_radius'] self.goal = info['goal'] self.max_linear_velocity = info['max_linear_velocity'] self.number_of_robots = info['number_of_robots'] self.end_of_frame = False self.cur_my_posture = [] self.cur_op_posture = [] self.cur_ball = [] # self.set_seed(0) random.seed(0) np.random.seed(0) tf.set_random_seed(0) self.state_dim = 3 # 3*my robots, relative to the ball position self.history_size = 4 # frame history size self.action_dim = 2 # 2 self.agent = DDPGAgent(self.state_dim * self.history_size, self.action_dim, self.max_linear_velocity) self.wheels = np.zeros(self.number_of_robots * 2) history = np.zeros([self.state_dim, self.history_size]) self.histories = [history for _ in range(self.number_of_robots)] action = np.zeros(self.action_dim) self.actions = [action for _ in range(self.number_of_robots)] return ############################################################################## try: info = yield'aiwc.get_info', args.key) except Exception as e: self.printConsole("Error: {}".format(e)) else: try: self.sub = yield self.subscribe(self.on_event, args.key) except Exception as e2: self.printConsole("Error: {}".format(e2)) init_variables(self, info) try: yield'aiwc.ready', args.key) except Exception as e: self.printConsole("Error: {}".format(e)) else: self.printConsole("I am ready for the game!") def get_coord(self, received_frame): self.cur_ball = received_frame.coordinates[BALL] self.cur_my_posture = received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM] self.cur_op_posture = received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM] @inlineCallbacks def on_event(self, f): @inlineCallbacks def set_wheel(self, robot_wheels): yield'aiwc.set_speed', args.key, robot_wheels) return # initiate empty frame received_frame = Frame() if 'time' in f: received_frame.time = f['time'] if 'score' in f: received_frame.score = f['score'] if 'reset_reason' in f: received_frame.reset_reason = f['reset_reason'] if 'coordinates' in f: received_frame.coordinates = f['coordinates'] if 'EOF' in f: self.end_of_frame = f['EOF'] #self.printConsole(received_frame.time) #self.printConsole(received_frame.score) #self.printConsole(received_frame.reset_reason) #self.printConsole(self.end_of_frame) ############################################################################## if (self.end_of_frame): # How to get the robot and ball coordinates: (ROBOT_ID can be 0,1,2,3,4) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][X]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][Y]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][TH]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][ACTIVE]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][TOUCH]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][X]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][Y]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][TH]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][ACTIVE]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][TOUCH]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[BALL][X]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[BALL][Y]) self.get_coord(received_frame) ############################################################################## for i in range(self.number_of_robots): next_state = [ round(self.cur_ball[X], 2) - round(self.cur_my_posture[i][X], 2), round(self.cur_ball[Y], 2) - round(self.cur_my_posture[i][Y], 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[i][TH] / (2 * math.pi), 2) ] next_state = np.reshape([next_state], (self.state_dim, 1)) self.histories[i] = np.append( next_state, self.histories[i][:, :self.history_size - 1], axis=1) self.wheels[2 * i:2 * i + 2] = self.agent.get_action( np.reshape(self.histories[i], -1)) set_wheel(self, self.wheels.tolist()) ############################################################################## if (received_frame.reset_reason == GAME_END): #(virtual finish() in random_walk.cpp) #save your data with open(args.datapath + '/result.txt', 'w') as output: #output.write('yourvariables') output.close() #unsubscribe; reset or leave yield self.sub.unsubscribe() try: yield self.leave() except Exception as e: self.printConsole("Error: {}".format(e)) self.end_of_frame = False ############################################################################## def onDisconnect(self): if reactor.running: reactor.stop()
class Component(ApplicationSession): def __init__(self, config): ApplicationSession.__init__(self, config) def printConsole(self, message): print(message) sys.__stdout__.flush() def onConnect(self): self.join(self.config.realm) @inlineCallbacks def onJoin(self, details): ############################################################################## def init_variables(self, info): # Here you have the information of the game (virtual init() in random_walk.cpp) # List: game_time, goal, number_of_robots, penalty_area, codewords, # robot_height, robot_radius, max_linear_velocity, field, team_info, # {rating, name}, axle_length, resolution, ball_radius # self.game_time = info['game_time'] self.field = info['field'] self.robot_size = 2 * info['robot_radius'] self.goal = info['goal'] self.max_linear_velocity = info['max_linear_velocity'] self.number_of_robots = info['number_of_robots'] self.end_of_frame = False self.cur_my_posture = [] self.cur_op_posture = [] self.cur_ball = [0, 0] self.pre_ball = [0, 0] self.state_size = 32 # 3*robot + 2*ball self.action_size = 10 # 2*my robot self.agent = DDPGAgent(self.state_size, self.action_size, self.max_linear_velocity) # self.printConsole("max velocity: " + str(self.max_linear_velocity)) self.global_step = 0 # iteration step self.save_every_steps = 12000 # save the model self.stats_steps = 6000 # for tensorboard self.reward_sum = 0 self.score_sum = 0 self.active_flag = [[True for _ in range(5)], [True for _ in range(5)]] self.distances = [[i for i in range(5)], [i for i in range(5)]] # distances to the ball self.idxs = [[i for i in range(5)], [i for i in range(5)]] self.deadlock_cnt = 0 self.avoid_deadlock_cnt = 0 self.wheels = np.zeros(self.action_size) return ############################################################################## try: info = yield'aiwc.get_info', args.key) except Exception as e: self.printConsole("Error: {}".format(e)) else: try: self.sub = yield self.subscribe(self.on_event, args.key) except Exception as e2: self.printConsole("Error: {}".format(e2)) init_variables(self, info) try: yield'aiwc.ready', args.key) except Exception as e: self.printConsole("Error: {}".format(e)) else: self.printConsole("I am ready for the game!") def get_coord(self, received_frame): self.cur_ball = received_frame.coordinates[BALL] self.cur_my_posture = received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM] self.cur_op_posture = received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM] def get_reward(self, reset_reason): pre_potential = helper.dipole_potential(self.pre_ball[X], self.pre_ball[Y], 2.1, 5) cur_potential = helper.dipole_potential(self.cur_ball[X], self.cur_ball[Y], 2.1, 5) reward = cur_potential - pre_potential # if my robot become deactive, recieve penalty for i in range(self.number_of_robots): if (self.cur_my_posture[i][ACTIVE] == False) and (self.active_flag[MY_TEAM][i] is True): reward -= 1 self.printConsole("my team deactive") self.active_flag[MY_TEAM][i] = self.cur_my_posture[i][ACTIVE] # if opponent robot become deactive, recieve penalty for i in range(self.number_of_robots): if (self.cur_op_posture[i][ACTIVE] == False) and (self.active_flag[OP_TEAM][i] is True): reward += 1 self.printConsole("opponent team deactive") self.active_flag[OP_TEAM][i] = self.cur_op_posture[i][ACTIVE] if (reset_reason == SCORE_MYTEAM): self.score_sum += 1 reward += 50 # minimum 25 self.printConsole("my team goal") if (reset_reason == SCORE_OPPONENT): self.score_sum -= 1 reward -= 50 # maxmimum -25 self.printConsole("op team goal") self.printConsole("reward: " + str(reward)) self.pre_ball = self.cur_ball return reward def sort_by_distance_to_ball(self, received_frame, team): # sort according to distant to the ball for i in range(self.number_of_robots): self.distances[team][i] = helper.distance( self.cur_ball[X], received_frame.coordinates[team][i][X], self.cur_ball[Y], received_frame.coordinates[team][i][Y]) self.idxs[MY_TEAM] = sorted(range(len(self.distances[team])), key=lambda k: self.distances[team][k]) def count_deadlock(self): d_ball = helper.distance(self.cur_ball[X], self.pre_ball[X], self.cur_ball[Y], self.pre_ball[Y]) # delta of ball #self.printConsole("boal delta: " + str(d_ball)) if (abs(self.cur_ball[Y]) > 0.65) and (d_ball < 0.02): #self.printConsole("boal stop") self.deadlock_cnt += 1 else: self.deadlock_cnt = 0 self.avoid_deadlock_cnt = 0 def count_goal_area(self): count = 0 for i in range(self.number_of_robots): if (abs(self.cur_my_posture[i][X]) > 1.6) and (abs( self.cur_my_posture[i][Y]) < 0.43): count += 1 return count def count_penalty_area(self): count = 0 for i in range(self.number_of_robots): if (abs(self.cur_my_posture[i][X]) > 1.3) and (abs( self.cur_my_posture[i][Y]) < 0.7): count += 1 return count def set_wheel_velocity(self, robot_id, left_wheel, right_wheel): multiplier = 1 if (abs(left_wheel) > self.max_linear_velocity or abs(right_wheel) > self.max_linear_velocity): if (abs(left_wheel) > abs(right_wheel)): multiplier = self.max_linear_velocity / abs(left_wheel) else: multiplier = self.max_linear_velocity / abs(right_wheel) self.wheels[2 * robot_id] = left_wheel * multiplier self.wheels[2 * robot_id + 1] = right_wheel * multiplier def position(self, robot_id, x, y): damping = 0.35 mult_lin = 3.5 mult_ang = 0.4 ka = 0 sign = 1 dx = x - self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][X] dy = y - self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][Y] d_e = math.sqrt(math.pow(dx, 2) + math.pow(dy, 2)) desired_th = (math.pi / 2) if (dx == 0 and dy == 0) else math.atan2(dy, dx) d_th = desired_th - self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][TH] while (d_th > math.pi): d_th -= 2 * math.pi while (d_th < -math.pi): d_th += 2 * math.pi if (d_e > 1): ka = 17 / 90 elif (d_e > 0.5): ka = 19 / 90 elif (d_e > 0.3): ka = 21 / 90 elif (d_e > 0.2): ka = 23 / 90 else: ka = 25 / 90 if (d_th > helper.degree2radian(95)): d_th -= math.pi sign = -1 elif (d_th < helper.degree2radian(-95)): d_th += math.pi sign = -1 if (abs(d_th) > helper.degree2radian(85)): self.set_wheel_velocity(robot_id, -mult_ang * d_th, mult_ang * d_th) else: if (d_e < 5 and abs(d_th) < helper.degree2radian(40)): ka = 0.1 ka *= 4 self.set_wheel_velocity( robot_id, sign * (mult_lin * (1 / (1 + math.exp(-3 * d_e)) - damping) - mult_ang * ka * d_th), sign * (mult_lin * (1 / (1 + math.exp(-3 * d_e)) - damping) + mult_ang * ka * d_th)) @inlineCallbacks def on_event(self, f): @inlineCallbacks def set_wheel(self, robot_wheels): yield'aiwc.set_speed', args.key, robot_wheels) return def midfielder(self, robot_id): goal_dist = helper.distance(self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][X], self.field[X] / 2, self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][Y], 0) shoot_mul = 1 dribble_dist = 0.426 v = 5 goal_to_ball_unit = helper.unit( [self.field[X] / 2 - self.cur_ball[X], -self.cur_ball[Y]]) delta = [ self.cur_ball[X] - self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][X], self.cur_ball[Y] - self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][Y] ] if (self.distances[MY_TEAM][robot_id] < 0.5) and (delta[X] > 0): self.position(robot_id, self.cur_ball[X] + v * delta[X], self.cur_ball[Y] + v * delta[Y]) else: self.position( robot_id, self.cur_ball[X] - dribble_dist * goal_to_ball_unit[X], self.cur_ball[Y] - dribble_dist * goal_to_ball_unit[Y]) ############################################################################## # new rule def chase(self, robot_id, x, y): self.position(robot_id, x, y) def avoid_deadlock(self): self.position(0, self.cur_ball[X], 0) self.position(1, self.cur_ball[X], 0) self.position(2, self.cur_ball[X], 0) self.position(3, self.cur_ball[X], 0) self.position(4, self.cur_ball[X], 0) if (self.distances[MY_TEAM][self.idxs[MY_TEAM][0]] > 0.2) or (self.avoid_deadlock_cnt > 20): self.printConsole( " return to the ball" ) midfielder(self, self.idxs[MY_TEAM][0]) chase(self, self.idxs[MY_TEAM][1], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][0]][X], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][0]][Y]) chase(self, self.idxs[MY_TEAM][2], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][1]][X], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][1]][Y]) chase(self, self.idxs[MY_TEAM][3], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][2]][X], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][2]][Y]) chase(self, self.idxs[MY_TEAM][4], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][3]][X], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][3]][Y]) def avoid_goal_foul(self): midfielder(self, self.idxs[MY_TEAM][0]) chase(self, self.idxs[MY_TEAM][1], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][0]][X], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][0]][Y]) self.position(self.idxs[MY_TEAM][2], 0, 0) self.position(self.idxs[MY_TEAM][3], 0, 0) self.position(self.idxs[MY_TEAM][4], 0, 0) def avoid_penalty_foul(self): midfielder(self, self.idxs[MY_TEAM][0]) chase(self, self.idxs[MY_TEAM][1], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][0]][X], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][0]][Y]) chase(self, self.idxs[MY_TEAM][2], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][1]][X], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][1]][Y]) self.position(self.idxs[MY_TEAM][3], 0, 0) self.position(self.idxs[MY_TEAM][4], 0, 0) ############################################################################## # initiate empty frame received_frame = Frame() if 'time' in f: received_frame.time = f['time'] if 'score' in f: received_frame.score = f['score'] if 'reset_reason' in f: received_frame.reset_reason = f['reset_reason'] if 'coordinates' in f: received_frame.coordinates = f['coordinates'] if 'EOF' in f: self.end_of_frame = f['EOF'] #self.printConsole(received_frame.time) #self.printConsole(received_frame.score) #self.printConsole(received_frame.reset_reason) #self.printConsole(self.end_of_frame) ############################################################################## if (self.end_of_frame): # How to get the robot and ball coordinates: (ROBOT_ID can be 0,1,2,3,4) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][X]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][Y]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][TH]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][ACTIVE]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][TOUCH]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][X]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][Y]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][TH]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][ACTIVE]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][TOUCH]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[BALL][X]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[BALL][Y]) self.get_coord(received_frame) ############################################################################## self.sort_by_distance_to_ball(received_frame, MY_TEAM) self.count_deadlock() goal_area_count = self.count_goal_area() penalty_area_count = self.count_penalty_area() # Next state next_state = [ round(self.cur_my_posture[0][X] / 2.05, 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[0][Y] / 1.35, 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[0][TH] / (2 * math.pi), 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[1][X] / 2.05, 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[1][Y] / 1.35, 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[1][TH] / (2 * math.pi), 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[2][X] / 2.05, 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[2][Y] / 1.35, 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[2][TH] / (2 * math.pi), 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[3][X] / 2.05, 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[3][Y] / 1.35, 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[3][TH] / (2 * math.pi), 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[4][X] / 2.05, 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[4][Y] / 1.35, 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[4][TH] / (2 * math.pi), 2), round(self.cur_op_posture[0][X] / 2.05, 2), round(self.cur_op_posture[0][Y] / 1.35, 2), round(self.cur_op_posture[0][TH] / (2 * math.pi), 2), round(self.cur_op_posture[1][X] / 2.05, 2), round(self.cur_op_posture[1][Y] / 1.35, 2), round(self.cur_op_posture[1][TH] / (2 * math.pi), 2), round(self.cur_op_posture[2][X] / 2.05, 2), round(self.cur_op_posture[2][Y] / 1.35, 2), round(self.cur_op_posture[2][TH] / (2 * math.pi), 2), round(self.cur_op_posture[3][X] / 2.05, 2), round(self.cur_op_posture[3][Y] / 1.35, 2), round(self.cur_op_posture[3][TH] / (2 * math.pi), 2), round(self.cur_op_posture[4][X] / 2.05, 2), round(self.cur_op_posture[4][Y] / 1.35, 2), round(self.cur_op_posture[4][TH] / (2 * math.pi), 2), round(self.cur_ball[X] / 2.05, 2), round(self.cur_ball[Y] / 1.35, 2) ] next_state = np.reshape([next_state], (1, self.state_size, 1)) next_history = np.append(next_state, self.agent.history[:, :, :3], axis=2) # Reward reward = self.get_reward(received_frame.reset_reason) # Reset if (received_frame.reset_reason != NONE): reset = True self.printConsole("reset reason: " + str(received_frame.reset_reason)) else: reset = False # save the sample <s, a, r, s'> to the replay memory self.agent.replay_memory(self.agent.history, self.agent.action, reward, next_history, reset) # every time step do the training if len(self.agent.memory) >= self.agent.train_start: self.agent.train_replay() # save the history self.agent.history = next_history # exploration with rule-based exploration if np.random.rand() <= self.agent.epsilon: if goal_area_count > 2: self.printConsole( " goal foul!" ) avoid_goal_foul(self) elif penalty_area_count > 3: self.printConsole( " penalty foul!" ) avoid_penalty_foul(self) elif self.deadlock_cnt > 15: self.printConsole( " warning: deadlock") # self.printConsole("robot " + str(self.idxs[MY_TEAM][0]) + " distance: " + str(self.distances[MY_TEAM][self.idxs[MY_TEAM][0]])) avoid_deadlock(self) self.avoid_deadlock_cnt += 1 else: midfielder(self, self.idxs[MY_TEAM][0]) midfielder(self, self.idxs[MY_TEAM][1]) chase(self, self.idxs[MY_TEAM][2], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][1]][X], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][1]][Y]) chase(self, self.idxs[MY_TEAM][3], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][2]][X], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][2]][Y]) chase(self, self.idxs[MY_TEAM][4], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][3]][X], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][3]][Y]) self.agent.noise = self.agent.ou_noise(self.agent.noise, 0.0, 0.15, 0.2) self.printConsole("noise: " + str(self.agent.noise[:2])) self.wheels = self.wheels + self.agent.noise * self.agent.action_max * max( self.agent.epsilon, 0) self.wheels = np.maximum(self.wheels, -self.agent.action_max) self.wheels = np.minimum(self.wheels, self.agent.action_max) self.agent.action = self.wheels self.printConsole("rule-based action") else: self.agent.action = self.agent.get_action( np.reshape(self.agent.history, (1, -1))) self.wheels = self.agent.action self.printConsole("policy network action") self.printConsole("wheels: " + str(self.agent.action[:2])) set_wheel(self, self.wheels.tolist()) # go one step self.global_step += 1 self.reward_sum += reward ############################################################################## # for tensorboard self.agent.avg_q_max += self.agent.critic.predict([ np.reshape(self.agent.history, (1, -1)), np.reshape(self.agent.action, (1, -1)) ])[0] ############################################################################## if self.global_step % 50 == 0: # print current status self.printConsole("step: " + str(self.global_step) + ", Epsilon: " + str(self.agent.epsilon)) if self.global_step % self.save_every_steps == 0: # save the model self.agent.save_model("./save_model/simple_ddpg") self.printConsole("Saved model") if self.global_step % self.stats_steps == 0: # plot the statics self.printConsole("add data to tensorboard") stats = [ self.reward_sum, self.agent.avg_q_max / float(self.stats_steps), self.agent.loss_sum / float(self.stats_steps), self.score_sum ] for i in range(len(stats)):[i], feed_dict={ self.agent.summary_placeholders[i]: float(stats[i]) }) summary_str = self.agent.summary_writer.add_summary( summary_str, self.global_step / self.stats_steps) self.reward_sum, self.agent.avg_q_max, self.agent.loss_sum = 0, 0, 0 self.score_sum = 0 ############################################################################## if (received_frame.reset_reason == GAME_END): #(virtual finish() in random_walk.cpp) #save your data with open(args.datapath + '/result.txt', 'w') as output: #output.write('yourvariables') output.close() #unsubscribe; reset or leave yield self.sub.unsubscribe() try: yield self.leave() except Exception as e: self.printConsole("Error: {}".format(e)) self.end_of_frame = False ############################################################################## def onDisconnect(self): if reactor.running: reactor.stop()
class Component(ApplicationSession): def __init__(self, config): ApplicationSession.__init__(self, config) def printConsole(self, message): print(message) sys.__stdout__.flush() def onConnect(self): self.join(self.config.realm) @inlineCallbacks def onJoin(self, details): ############################################################################## def init_variables(self, info): # Here you have the information of the game (virtual init() in random_walk.cpp) # List: game_time, goal, number_of_robots, penalty_area, codewords, # robot_height, robot_radius, max_linear_velocity, field, team_info, # {rating, name}, axle_length, resolution, ball_radius # self.game_time = info['game_time'] self.field = info['field'] self.robot_size = 2 * info['robot_radius'] self.goal = info['goal'] self.max_linear_velocity = info['max_linear_velocity'] self.number_of_robots = info['number_of_robots'] self.end_of_frame = False self.cur_my_posture = [] self.cur_op_posture = [] self.cur_ball = [] self.prev_ball = [0, 0] # self.set_seed(0) random.seed(0) np.random.seed(0) tf.set_random_seed(0) self.state_dim = 3 # 3*my robots, relative to the ball position self.history_size = 4 # frame history size self.action_dim = 2 # 2 self.agent = DDPGAgent(self.state_dim * self.history_size, self.action_dim, self.max_linear_velocity) self.wheels = np.zeros(self.number_of_robots * 2) history = np.zeros([self.state_dim, self.history_size]) self.histories = [history for _ in range(self.number_of_robots)] action = np.zeros(self.action_dim) self.actions = [action for _ in range(self.number_of_robots)] self.distances = [[i for i in range(self.number_of_robots)], [i for i in range(self.number_of_robots)] ] # distances to the ball self.idxs = [[i for i in range(self.number_of_robots)], [i for i in range(self.number_of_robots)]] self.deadlock_cnt = 0 self.avoid_deadlock_cnt = 0 return ############################################################################## try: info = yield'aiwc.get_info', args.key) except Exception as e: self.printConsole("Error: {}".format(e)) else: try: self.sub = yield self.subscribe(self.on_event, args.key) except Exception as e2: self.printConsole("Error: {}".format(e2)) init_variables(self, info) try: yield'aiwc.ready', args.key) except Exception as e: self.printConsole("Error: {}".format(e)) else: self.printConsole("I am ready for the game!") def get_coord(self, received_frame): self.cur_ball = received_frame.coordinates[BALL] self.cur_my_posture = received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM] self.cur_op_posture = received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM] def sort_by_distance_to_ball(self, received_frame, team): # sort according to distant to the ball for i in range(self.number_of_robots): self.distances[team][i] = helper.distance( self.cur_ball[X], received_frame.coordinates[team][i][X], self.cur_ball[Y], received_frame.coordinates[team][i][Y]) self.idxs[MY_TEAM] = sorted(range(len(self.distances[team])), key=lambda k: self.distances[team][k]) def count_deadlock(self): d_ball = helper.distance(self.cur_ball[X], self.prev_ball[X], self.cur_ball[Y], self.prev_ball[Y]) # delta of ball #self.printConsole("boal delta: " + str(d_ball)) if (abs(self.cur_ball[Y]) > 0.65) and (d_ball < 0.02): #self.printConsole("boal stop") self.deadlock_cnt += 1 else: self.deadlock_cnt = 0 self.avoid_deadlock_cnt = 0 def count_goal_area(self): count = 0 for i in range(self.number_of_robots): if (abs(self.cur_my_posture[i][X]) > 1.6) and (abs( self.cur_my_posture[i][Y]) < 0.43): count += 1 return count def count_penalty_area(self): count = 0 for i in range(self.number_of_robots): if (abs(self.cur_my_posture[i][X]) > 1.3) and (abs( self.cur_my_posture[i][Y]) < 0.7): count += 1 return count def set_wheel_velocity(self, robot_id, left_wheel, right_wheel): multiplier = 1 if (abs(left_wheel) > self.max_linear_velocity or abs(right_wheel) > self.max_linear_velocity): if (abs(left_wheel) > abs(right_wheel)): multiplier = self.max_linear_velocity / abs(left_wheel) else: multiplier = self.max_linear_velocity / abs(right_wheel) self.wheels[2 * robot_id] = left_wheel * multiplier self.wheels[2 * robot_id + 1] = right_wheel * multiplier def position(self, robot_id, x, y): damping = 0.35 mult_lin = 3.5 mult_ang = 0.4 ka = 0 sign = 1 dx = x - self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][X] dy = y - self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][Y] d_e = math.sqrt(math.pow(dx, 2) + math.pow(dy, 2)) desired_th = (math.pi / 2) if (dx == 0 and dy == 0) else math.atan2(dy, dx) d_th = desired_th - self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][TH] while (d_th > math.pi): d_th -= 2 * math.pi while (d_th < -math.pi): d_th += 2 * math.pi if (d_e > 1): ka = 17 / 90 elif (d_e > 0.5): ka = 19 / 90 elif (d_e > 0.3): ka = 21 / 90 elif (d_e > 0.2): ka = 23 / 90 else: ka = 25 / 90 if (d_th > helper.degree2radian(95)): d_th -= math.pi sign = -1 elif (d_th < helper.degree2radian(-95)): d_th += math.pi sign = -1 if (abs(d_th) > helper.degree2radian(85)): self.set_wheel_velocity(robot_id, -mult_ang * d_th, mult_ang * d_th) else: if (d_e < 5 and abs(d_th) < helper.degree2radian(40)): ka = 0.1 ka *= 4 self.set_wheel_velocity( robot_id, sign * (mult_lin * (1 / (1 + math.exp(-3 * d_e)) - damping) - mult_ang * ka * d_th), sign * (mult_lin * (1 / (1 + math.exp(-3 * d_e)) - damping) + mult_ang * ka * d_th)) @inlineCallbacks def on_event(self, f): @inlineCallbacks def set_wheel(self, robot_wheels): yield'aiwc.set_speed', args.key, robot_wheels) return def midfielder(self, robot_id): goal_dist = helper.distance(self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][X], self.field[X] / 2, self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][Y], 0) shoot_mul = 1 dribble_dist = 0.426 v = 5 goal_to_ball_unit = helper.unit( [self.field[X] / 2 - self.cur_ball[X], -self.cur_ball[Y]]) delta = [ self.cur_ball[X] - self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][X], self.cur_ball[Y] - self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][Y] ] # if (self.distances[MY_TEAM][robot_id] < 0.5) and (delta[X] > 0): if self.distances[MY_TEAM][robot_id] < 0.5: # near self.wheels[2 * robot_id:2 * robot_id + 2] = self.agent.get_action( np.reshape(self.histories[robot_id], -1)) # ddpg action self.printConsole("robot id " + str(robot_id) + " distance: " + str(self.distances[MY_TEAM][robot_id])) self.printConsole("robot id " + str(robot_id) + "ddpg action") else: # far self.position( robot_id, self.cur_ball[X] - dribble_dist * goal_to_ball_unit[X], self.cur_ball[Y] - dribble_dist * goal_to_ball_unit[Y]) ############################################################################## # new rule def chase(self, robot_id, x, y): self.position(robot_id, x, y) def avoid_deadlock(self): self.position(0, self.cur_ball[X], 0) self.position(1, self.cur_ball[X], 0) self.position(2, self.cur_ball[X], 0) self.position(3, self.cur_ball[X], 0) self.position(4, self.cur_ball[X], 0) if (self.distances[MY_TEAM][self.idxs[MY_TEAM][0]] > 0.2) or (self.avoid_deadlock_cnt > 20): self.printConsole( " return to the ball" ) midfielder(self, self.idxs[MY_TEAM][0]) chase(self, self.idxs[MY_TEAM][1], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][0]][X], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][0]][Y]) chase(self, self.idxs[MY_TEAM][2], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][1]][X], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][1]][Y]) chase(self, self.idxs[MY_TEAM][3], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][2]][X], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][2]][Y]) chase(self, self.idxs[MY_TEAM][4], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][3]][X], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][3]][Y]) def avoid_goal_foul(self): midfielder(self, self.idxs[MY_TEAM][0]) chase(self, self.idxs[MY_TEAM][1], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][0]][X], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][0]][Y]) self.position(self.idxs[MY_TEAM][2], 0, 0) self.position(self.idxs[MY_TEAM][3], 0, 0) self.position(self.idxs[MY_TEAM][4], 0, 0) def avoid_penalty_foul(self): midfielder(self, self.idxs[MY_TEAM][0]) chase(self, self.idxs[MY_TEAM][1], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][0]][X], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][0]][Y]) chase(self, self.idxs[MY_TEAM][2], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][1]][X], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][1]][Y]) self.position(self.idxs[MY_TEAM][3], 0, 0) self.position(self.idxs[MY_TEAM][4], 0, 0) ############################################################################## # initiate empty frame received_frame = Frame() if 'time' in f: received_frame.time = f['time'] if 'score' in f: received_frame.score = f['score'] if 'reset_reason' in f: received_frame.reset_reason = f['reset_reason'] if 'coordinates' in f: received_frame.coordinates = f['coordinates'] if 'EOF' in f: self.end_of_frame = f['EOF'] #self.printConsole(received_frame.time) #self.printConsole(received_frame.score) #self.printConsole(received_frame.reset_reason) #self.printConsole(self.end_of_frame) ############################################################################## if (self.end_of_frame): # How to get the robot and ball coordinates: (ROBOT_ID can be 0,1,2,3,4) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][X]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][Y]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][TH]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][ACTIVE]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][TOUCH]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][X]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][Y]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][TH]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][ACTIVE]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][TOUCH]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[BALL][X]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[BALL][Y]) self.get_coord(received_frame) ############################################################################## self.sort_by_distance_to_ball(received_frame, MY_TEAM) self.count_deadlock() goal_area_count = self.count_goal_area() penalty_area_count = self.count_penalty_area() # update state for i in range(self.number_of_robots): next_state = [ round(self.cur_ball[X], 2) - round(self.cur_my_posture[i][X], 2), round(self.cur_ball[Y], 2) - round(self.cur_my_posture[i][Y], 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[i][TH] / (2 * math.pi), 2) ] next_state = np.reshape([next_state], (self.state_dim, 1)) self.histories[i] = np.append( next_state, self.histories[i][:, :self.history_size - 1], axis=1) if goal_area_count > 2: # self.printConsole(" goal foul!") avoid_goal_foul(self) elif penalty_area_count > 3: # self.printConsole(" penalty foul!") avoid_penalty_foul(self) elif self.deadlock_cnt > 15: # self.printConsole(" warning: deadlock") # self.printConsole("robot " + str(self.idxs[MY_TEAM][0]) + " distance: " + str(self.distances[MY_TEAM][self.idxs[MY_TEAM][0]])) avoid_deadlock(self) self.avoid_deadlock_cnt += 1 else: midfielder(self, self.idxs[MY_TEAM][0]) midfielder(self, self.idxs[MY_TEAM][1]) chase(self, self.idxs[MY_TEAM][2], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][1]][X], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][1]][Y]) chase(self, self.idxs[MY_TEAM][3], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][2]][X], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][2]][Y]) chase(self, self.idxs[MY_TEAM][4], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][3]][X], self.cur_my_posture[self.idxs[MY_TEAM][3]][Y]) self.prev_ball = self.cur_ball set_wheel(self, self.wheels.tolist()) ############################################################################## if (received_frame.reset_reason == GAME_END): #(virtual finish() in random_walk.cpp) #save your data with open(args.datapath + '/result.txt', 'w') as output: #output.write('yourvariables') output.close() #unsubscribe; reset or leave yield self.sub.unsubscribe() try: yield self.leave() except Exception as e: self.printConsole("Error: {}".format(e)) self.end_of_frame = False ############################################################################## def onDisconnect(self): if reactor.running: reactor.stop()
class Component(ApplicationSession): """ AI Base + Skeleton """ def __init__(self, config): ApplicationSession.__init__(self, config) def printConsole(self, message): print(message) sys.__stdout__.flush() def onConnect(self): self.join(self.config.realm) @inlineCallbacks def onJoin(self, details): ############################################################################## def init_variables(self, info): # Here you have the information of the game (virtual init() in random_walk.cpp) # List: game_time, goal, number_of_robots, penalty_area, codewords, # robot_height, robot_radius, max_linear_velocity, field, team_info, # {rating, name}, axle_length, resolution, ball_radius # self.game_time = info['game_time'] self.field = info['field'] self.robot_size = 2 * info['robot_radius'] self.goal = info['goal'] self.max_linear_velocity = info['max_linear_velocity'] self.number_of_robots = info['number_of_robots'] self.end_of_frame = False self.cur_my_posture = [] self.cur_op_posture = [] self.cur_ball = [] self.idx = 0 self.wheels = [0 for _ in range(10)] self.state_size = 5 # the number of possible states self.action_size = 2 # the number of possible actions self.agent = DDPGAgent(self.state_size, self.action_size) self.global_step = 0 # iteration step self.inner_step = 0 self.save_every_steps = 12000 # save the model self.step = 0 # statistic step self.stats_steps = 500 # for tensorboard self.reward_sum = 0 self.score_op = False self.score_op_sum = 0 self.boal_far = True return ############################################################################## try: info = yield'aiwc.get_info', args.key) except Exception as e: self.printConsole("Error: {}".format(e)) else: try: self.sub = yield self.subscribe(self.on_event, args.key) except Exception as e2: self.printConsole("Error: {}".format(e2)) init_variables(self, info) try: yield'aiwc.ready', args.key) except Exception as e: self.printConsole("Error: {}".format(e)) else: self.printConsole("I am ready for the game!") def get_coord(self, received_frame): self.cur_ball = received_frame.coordinates[BALL] self.cur_my_posture = received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM] self.cur_op_posture = received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM] def find_closest_robot(self): min_idx = 0 min_distance = 9999.99 for i in range(self.number_of_robots - 1): measured_distance = helper.distance(self.cur_ball[X], self.cur_my_posture[i][X], self.cur_ball[Y], self.cur_my_posture[i][Y]) if (measured_distance < min_distance): min_distance = measured_distance min_idx = i self.idx = min_idx def set_wheel_velocity(self, robot_id, left_wheel, right_wheel): multiplier = 1 if (abs(left_wheel) > self.max_linear_velocity or abs(right_wheel) > self.max_linear_velocity): if (abs(left_wheel) > abs(right_wheel)): multiplier = self.max_linear_velocity / abs(left_wheel) else: multiplier = self.max_linear_velocity / abs(right_wheel) self.wheels[2 * robot_id] = left_wheel * multiplier self.wheels[2 * robot_id + 1] = right_wheel * multiplier def position(self, robot_id, x, y): damping = 0.35 mult_lin = 3.5 mult_ang = 0.4 ka = 0 sign = 1 dx = x - self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][X] dy = y - self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][Y] d_e = math.sqrt(math.pow(dx, 2) + math.pow(dy, 2)) desired_th = (math.pi / 2) if (dx == 0 and dy == 0) else math.atan2(dy, dx) d_th = desired_th - self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][TH] while (d_th > math.pi): d_th -= 2 * math.pi while (d_th < -math.pi): d_th += 2 * math.pi if (d_e > 1): ka = 17 / 90 elif (d_e > 0.5): ka = 19 / 90 elif (d_e > 0.3): ka = 21 / 90 elif (d_e > 0.2): ka = 23 / 90 else: ka = 25 / 90 if (d_th > helper.degree2radian(95)): d_th -= math.pi sign = -1 elif (d_th < helper.degree2radian(-95)): d_th += math.pi sign = -1 if (abs(d_th) > helper.degree2radian(85)): self.set_wheel_velocity(robot_id, -mult_ang * d_th, mult_ang * d_th) else: if (d_e < 5 and abs(d_th) < helper.degree2radian(40)): ka = 0.1 ka *= 4 self.set_wheel_velocity( robot_id, sign * (mult_lin * (1 / (1 + math.exp(-3 * d_e)) - damping) - mult_ang * ka * d_th), sign * (mult_lin * (1 / (1 + math.exp(-3 * d_e)) - damping) + mult_ang * ka * d_th)) @inlineCallbacks def on_event(self, f): @inlineCallbacks def set_wheel(self, robot_wheels): yield'aiwc.set_speed', args.key, robot_wheels) return def goalie(self, robot_id): # Goalie just track the ball[Y] position at a fixed position on the X axis x = (-self.field[X] / 2) + (self.robot_size / 2) + 0.05 y = max( min(self.cur_ball[Y], (self.goal[Y] / 2 - self.robot_size / 2)), -self.goal[Y] / 2 + self.robot_size / 2) self.position(robot_id, x, y) def defender(self, robot_id, idx, offset_y): ox = 0.1 oy = 0.075 min_x = (-self.field[X] / 2) + (self.robot_size / 2) + 0.05 # If ball is on offense if (self.cur_ball[X] > 0): # If ball is in the upper part of the field (y>0) if (self.cur_ball[Y] > 0): self.position( robot_id, (self.cur_ball[X] - self.field[X] / 2) / 2, (min(self.cur_ball[Y], self.field[Y] / 3)) + offset_y) # If ball is in the lower part of the field (y<0) else: self.position( robot_id, (self.cur_ball[X] - self.field[X] / 2) / 2, (max(self.cur_ball[Y], -self.field[Y] / 3)) + offset_y) # If ball is on defense else: # If robot is in front of the ball if (self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][X] > self.cur_ball[X] - ox): # If this defender is the nearest defender from the ball if (robot_id == idx): self.position( robot_id, (self.cur_ball[X] - ox), ((self.cur_ball[Y] + oy) if (self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][Y] < 0) else (self.cur_ball[Y] - oy))) else: self.position( robot_id, (max(self.cur_ball[X] - 0.03, min_x)), ((self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][Y] + 0.03) if (self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][Y] < 0) else (self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][Y] - 0.03))) # If robot is behind the ball else: if (robot_id == idx): self.position(robot_id, self.cur_ball[X], self.cur_ball[Y]) else: self.position( robot_id, (max(self.cur_ball[X] - 0.03, min_x)), ((self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][Y] + 0.03) if (self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][Y] < 0) else (self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][Y] - 0.03))) def midfielder(self, robot_id, idx, offset_y): ox = 0.1 oy = 0.075 ball_dist = helper.distance(self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][X], self.cur_ball[X], self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][Y], self.cur_ball[Y]) goal_dist = helper.distance(self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][X], self.field[X] / 2, self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][Y], 0) if (robot_id == idx): if (ball_dist < 0.04): # if near the ball and near the opposite team goal if (goal_dist < 1.0): self.position(robot_id, self.field[X] / 2, 0) else: # if near and in front of the ball if (self.cur_ball[X] < self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][X] - 0.044): x_suggest = self.cur_ball[X] - 0.044 self.position(robot_id, x_suggest, self.cur_ball[Y]) # if near and behind the ball else: self.position(robot_id, self.field[X] + self.goal[X], -self.goal[Y] / 2) else: if (self.cur_ball[X] < self.cur_my_posture[robot_id][X]): if (self.cur_ball[Y] > 0): self.position( robot_id, self.cur_ball[X] - ox, min(self.cur_ball[Y] - oy, 0.45 * self.field[Y])) else: self.position( robot_id, self.cur_ball[X] - ox, min(self.cur_ball[Y] + oy, -0.45 * self.field[Y])) else: self.position(robot_id, self.cur_ball[X], self.cur_ball[Y]) else: self.position(robot_id, self.cur_ball[X] - 0.1, self.cur_ball[Y] + offset_y) # initiate empty frame received_frame = Frame() if 'time' in f: received_frame.time = f['time'] if 'score' in f: received_frame.score = f['score'] if 'reset_reason' in f: received_frame.reset_reason = f['reset_reason'] if 'coordinates' in f: received_frame.coordinates = f['coordinates'] if 'EOF' in f: self.end_of_frame = f['EOF'] #self.printConsole(received_frame.time) #self.printConsole(received_frame.score) #self.printConsole(received_frame.reset_reason) #self.printConsole(self.end_of_frame) ############################################################################## if (self.end_of_frame): # How to get the robot and ball coordinates: (ROBOT_ID can be 0,1,2,3,4) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][X]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][Y]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][TH]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][ACTIVE]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][TOUCH]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][X]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][Y]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][TH]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][ACTIVE]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][TOUCH]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[BALL][X]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[BALL][Y]) self.get_coord(received_frame) ############################################################################## reward = 0 if (received_frame.reset_reason == SCORE_OPPONENT): self.score_op = True # if ball is near my goal post and goalie is active, start memory and train if (self.cur_ball[X] < -1.3) and (abs(self.cur_ball[Y]) < 0.75) and self.cur_my_posture[4][ACTIVE]: # next state self.find_closest_robot() next_state = [ round(self.cur_my_posture[4][X] / 2.05, 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[4][Y] / 1.35, 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[4][TH] / (2 * math.pi), 2), round(self.cur_ball[X] / 2.05, 2), round(self.cur_ball[Y] / 1.35, 2) ] next_state = np.reshape([next_state], (1, self.state_size, 1)) next_history = np.append(next_state, self.agent.history[:, :, :3], axis=2) # Reward # reward = 0 if (self.cur_ball[X] < -1.4) and (-0.65 < self.cur_ball[Y] < 0.65): # if the ball is near my goal post -> penalty reward += (self.cur_ball[X] + 1.4) + (abs(self.cur_ball[Y]) - 0.65) if self.score_op: # if oppenent goal -> penalty reward -= 100 self.score_op_sum += 1 self.printConsole("score opponet") self.score_op = False if reward != 0: self.printConsole("step reward: " + str(reward)) # Reset self.printConsole("boal far: " + str(self.boal_far)) # save the sample <s, a, r, s'> to the replay memory self.agent.replay_memory(self.agent.history, self.agent.action, reward, next_history, self.boal_far) # every time step do the training if len(self.agent.memory) >= self.agent.train_start: self.agent.train_replay() # save the history and get action self.agent.history = next_history self.agent.action = self.agent.get_action( np.reshape(self.agent.history, (1, -1))) #self.printConsole("agent action: " + str(self.agent.action)) # Set goalkeeper wheels self.wheels[ 2 * 4] = self.agent.action[0] * self.max_linear_velocity self.wheels[ 2 * 4 + 1] = self.agent.action[1] * self.max_linear_velocity self.boal_far = False self.inner_step += 1 self.step += 1 else: # self.printConsole("stay at goal post") goalie(self, 4) self.boal_far = True # other robot Functions #goalie(self, 4) #defender(self, 3, self.idx, 0.2) #defender(self, 2, self.idx, -0.2) #midfielder(self, 1, self.idx, 0.15) #midfielder(self, 0, self.idx, -0.15) # self.printConsole("left wheel: " + str(self.wheels[8]) + "right wheel: " +str(self.wheels[9])) set_wheel(self, self.wheels) # go one step self.global_step += 1 self.reward_sum += reward ############################################################################## # for tensorboard self.agent.avg_q_max += self.agent.critic.predict([ np.reshape(self.agent.history, (1, -1)), np.reshape(self.agent.action, (1, -1)) ])[0] ############################################################################## if self.global_step % 50 == 0: # print current status self.printConsole("step: " + str(self.global_step) + ", Epsilon: " + str(self.agent.epsilon)) self.printConsole("update step: " + str(self.inner_step)) if self.global_step % self.save_every_steps == 0: # save the model self.agent.save_model("./save_model/goalie_ddpg") self.printConsole("Saved model") if (self.global_step % self.stats_steps == 0) and (self.step != 0): # plot the statics self.printConsole("add data to tensorboard") stats = [ self.reward_sum, self.agent.avg_q_max / float(self.step), self.agent.loss_sum / float(self.step), self.score_op_sum ] for i in range(len(stats)):[i], feed_dict={ self.agent.summary_placeholders[i]: float(stats[i]) }) summary_str = self.agent.summary_writer.add_summary( summary_str, self.global_step / self.stats_steps) self.reward_sum, self.agent.avg_q_max, self.agent.loss_sum = 0, 0, 0 self.score_op_sum, self.step = 0, 0 ############################################################################## if (received_frame.reset_reason == GAME_END): #(virtual finish() in random_walk.cpp) #save your data with open(args.datapath + '/result.txt', 'w') as output: #output.write('yourvariables') output.close() #unsubscribe; reset or leave yield self.sub.unsubscribe() try: yield self.leave() except Exception as e: self.printConsole("Error: {}".format(e)) self.end_of_frame = False ############################################################################## def onDisconnect(self): if reactor.running: reactor.stop()
class Component(ApplicationSession): def __init__(self, config): ApplicationSession.__init__(self, config) def printConsole(self, message): print(message) sys.__stdout__.flush() def onConnect(self): self.join(self.config.realm) @inlineCallbacks def onJoin(self, details): ############################################################################## def init_variables(self, info): # Here you have the information of the game (virtual init() in random_walk.cpp) # List: game_time, goal, number_of_robots, penalty_area, codewords, # robot_height, robot_radius, max_linear_velocity, field, team_info, # {rating, name}, axle_length, resolution, ball_radius # self.game_time = info['game_time'] self.field = info['field'] self.robot_size = 2 * info['robot_radius'] self.goal = info['goal'] self.max_linear_velocity = info['max_linear_velocity'] self.number_of_robots = info['number_of_robots'] self.end_of_frame = False self.cur_my_posture = [] self.cur_op_posture = [] self.cur_ball = [] self.pre_ball = [0, 0] self.wheels = [0 for _ in range(10)] self.state_size = 32 # 3*robot + 2*ball self.action_size = 10 # 2*my robot self.agent = DDPGAgent(self.state_size, self.action_size) self.global_step = 0 # iteration step self.save_every_steps = 12000 # save the model self.stats_steps = 6000 # for tensorboard self.reward_sum = 0 # self.score_op = False self.score_sum = 0 self.deadlock_flag = [[False for _ in range(5)], [False for _ in range(5)]] return ############################################################################## try: info = yield'aiwc.get_info', args.key) except Exception as e: self.printConsole("Error: {}".format(e)) else: try: self.sub = yield self.subscribe(self.on_event, args.key) except Exception as e2: self.printConsole("Error: {}".format(e2)) init_variables(self, info) try: yield'aiwc.ready', args.key) except Exception as e: self.printConsole("Error: {}".format(e)) else: self.printConsole("I am ready for the game!") def get_coord(self, received_frame): self.cur_ball = received_frame.coordinates[BALL] self.cur_my_posture = received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM] self.cur_op_posture = received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM] def get_reward(self, reset_reason): pre_potential = helper.dipole_potential(self.pre_ball[X], self.pre_ball[Y], 2.1, 3) cur_potential = helper.dipole_potential(self.cur_ball[X], self.cur_ball[Y], 2.1, 3) reward = cur_potential - pre_potential # Add dead lock penalty if (reset_reason == SCORE_MYTEAM): self.score_sum += 1 reward += 10 self.printConsole("my team goal") if (reset_reason == SCORE_OPPONENT): self.score_sum -= 1 reward -= 10 self.printConsole("op team goal") self.printConsole("reward: " + str(reward)) self.pre_ball = self.cur_ball return reward @inlineCallbacks def on_event(self, f): @inlineCallbacks def set_wheel(self, robot_wheels): yield'aiwc.set_speed', args.key, robot_wheels) return # initiate empty frame received_frame = Frame() if 'time' in f: received_frame.time = f['time'] if 'score' in f: received_frame.score = f['score'] if 'reset_reason' in f: received_frame.reset_reason = f['reset_reason'] if 'coordinates' in f: received_frame.coordinates = f['coordinates'] if 'EOF' in f: self.end_of_frame = f['EOF'] #self.printConsole(received_frame.time) #self.printConsole(received_frame.score) #self.printConsole(received_frame.reset_reason) #self.printConsole(self.end_of_frame) ############################################################################## if (self.end_of_frame): # How to get the robot and ball coordinates: (ROBOT_ID can be 0,1,2,3,4) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][X]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][Y]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][TH]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][ACTIVE]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[MY_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][TOUCH]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][X]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][Y]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][TH]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][ACTIVE]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[OP_TEAM][ROBOT_ID][TOUCH]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[BALL][X]) #self.printConsole(received_frame.coordinates[BALL][Y]) self.get_coord(received_frame) ############################################################################## # Next state next_state = [ round(self.cur_my_posture[0][X] / 2.05, 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[0][Y] / 1.35, 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[0][TH] / (2 * math.pi), 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[1][X] / 2.05, 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[1][Y] / 1.35, 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[1][TH] / (2 * math.pi), 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[2][X] / 2.05, 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[2][Y] / 1.35, 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[2][TH] / (2 * math.pi), 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[3][X] / 2.05, 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[3][Y] / 1.35, 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[3][TH] / (2 * math.pi), 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[4][X] / 2.05, 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[4][Y] / 1.35, 2), round(self.cur_my_posture[4][TH] / (2 * math.pi), 2), round(self.cur_op_posture[0][X] / 2.05, 2), round(self.cur_op_posture[0][Y] / 1.35, 2), round(self.cur_op_posture[0][TH] / (2 * math.pi), 2), round(self.cur_op_posture[1][X] / 2.05, 2), round(self.cur_op_posture[1][Y] / 1.35, 2), round(self.cur_op_posture[1][TH] / (2 * math.pi), 2), round(self.cur_op_posture[2][X] / 2.05, 2), round(self.cur_op_posture[2][Y] / 1.35, 2), round(self.cur_op_posture[2][TH] / (2 * math.pi), 2), round(self.cur_op_posture[3][X] / 2.05, 2), round(self.cur_op_posture[3][Y] / 1.35, 2), round(self.cur_op_posture[3][TH] / (2 * math.pi), 2), round(self.cur_op_posture[4][X] / 2.05, 2), round(self.cur_op_posture[4][Y] / 1.35, 2), round(self.cur_op_posture[4][TH] / (2 * math.pi), 2), round(self.cur_ball[X] / 2.05, 2), round(self.cur_ball[Y] / 1.35, 2) ] next_state = np.reshape([next_state], (1, self.state_size, 1)) next_history = np.append(next_state, self.agent.history[:, :, :3], axis=2) # Reward reward = self.get_reward(received_frame.reset_reason) # Reset if (received_frame.reset_reason != NONE): reset = True self.printConsole("reset reason: " + str(received_frame.reset_reason)) else: reset = False # save the sample <s, a, r, s'> to the replay memory self.agent.replay_memory(self.agent.history, self.agent.action, reward, next_history, reset) # every time step do the training if len(self.agent.memory) >= self.agent.train_start: self.agent.train_replay() # save the history and get action self.agent.history = next_history self.agent.action = self.agent.get_action( np.reshape(self.agent.history, (1, -1))) # Set wheels for i in range(10): self.wheels[ i] = self.agent.action[i] * self.max_linear_velocity # self.printConsole("left wheel: " + str(self.wheels[8]) + "right wheel: " +str(self.wheels[9])) self.printConsole("wheels: " + str(self.wheels[:2])) set_wheel(self, self.wheels) # go one step self.global_step += 1 self.reward_sum += reward ############################################################################## # for tensorboard self.agent.avg_q_max += self.agent.critic.predict([ np.reshape(self.agent.history, (1, -1)), np.reshape(self.agent.action, (1, -1)) ])[0] ############################################################################## if self.global_step % 50 == 0: # print current status self.printConsole("step: " + str(self.global_step) + ", Epsilon: " + str(self.agent.epsilon)) if self.global_step % self.save_every_steps == 0: # save the model self.agent.save_model("./save_model/simple_ddpg") self.printConsole("Saved model") if self.global_step % self.stats_steps == 0: # plot the statics self.printConsole("add data to tensorboard") stats = [ self.reward_sum, self.agent.avg_q_max / float(self.stats_steps), self.agent.loss_sum / float(self.stats_steps), self.score_sum ] for i in range(len(stats)):[i], feed_dict={ self.agent.summary_placeholders[i]: float(stats[i]) }) summary_str = self.agent.summary_writer.add_summary( summary_str, self.global_step / self.stats_steps) self.reward_sum, self.agent.avg_q_max, self.agent.loss_sum = 0, 0, 0 self.score_sum = 0 ############################################################################## if (received_frame.reset_reason == GAME_END): #(virtual finish() in random_walk.cpp) #save your data with open(args.datapath + '/result.txt', 'w') as output: #output.write('yourvariables') output.close() #unsubscribe; reset or leave yield self.sub.unsubscribe() try: yield self.leave() except Exception as e: self.printConsole("Error: {}".format(e)) self.end_of_frame = False ############################################################################## def onDisconnect(self): if reactor.running: reactor.stop()