class VentureServiceFilterForm(forms.Form): venture = AutoCompleteField( ('ralph.ui.channels', 'VentureLookup'), required=False, label=_('Venture'), help_text='Filter by venture', ) service = AutoCompleteField( ('ralph.ui.channels', 'ServiceCatalogLookup'), required=False, label=_('Service catalog'), help_text='Filter by service', )
class SearchForm(forms.Form): q = AutoCompleteField('cliche', required=True, help_text="Autocomplete will suggest clichés about cats, but " "you can enter anything you like.", label="Favorite Cliché", attrs={'size': 100})
def make_ajax_field(model,model_fieldname,channel,**kwargs): """ makes an ajax select / multiple select / autocomplete field copying the label and help text from the model's db field optional args: help_text - note that django's ManyToMany db field will append 'Hold down "Control", or "Command" on a Mac, to select more than one.' to your db field's help text. Therefore you are better off passing it in here label - default is db field's verbose name required - default's to db field's (not) blank """ from ajax_select.fields import AutoCompleteField, \ AutoCompleteSelectMultipleField, \ AutoCompleteSelectField field = model._meta.get_field(model_fieldname) if kwargs.has_key('label'): label = kwargs.pop('label') else: label = _(capfirst(unicode(field.verbose_name))) if kwargs.has_key('help_text'): help_text = kwargs.pop('help_text') else: if isinstance(field.help_text,basestring): help_text = _(field.help_text) else: help_text = field.help_text if kwargs.has_key('required'): required = kwargs.pop('required') else: required = not field.blank if isinstance(field,ManyToManyField): f = AutoCompleteSelectMultipleField( channel, required=required, help_text=help_text, label=label, **kwargs ) elif isinstance(field,ForeignKey): f = AutoCompleteSelectField( channel, required=required, help_text=help_text, label=label, **kwargs ) else: f = AutoCompleteField( channel, required=required, help_text=help_text, label=label, **kwargs ) return f
class ItemAutoSelectForm(forms.Form): company = AutoCompleteField('company', label="公司", attrs={"size": 50}, help_text='输入公司名查找', show_help_text=False, required=True) receiver = AutoCompleteField('user', label='签收人', required=True, show_help_text=False) received_at = forms.DateField(initial=now, label='签收时间') helper = FormHelper() helper.form_tag = False helper.label_class = 'col-lg-2' helper.field_class = 'col-lg-10'
class BorrowerAutoSelectForm(forms.Form): borrower = AutoCompleteField('user', label='借用者', required=True, show_help_text=False) reason = forms.ChoiceField(label="事由", choices=(('公事', '公事'), )) helper = FormHelper()
class AdditionalsForm( with_metaclass(remove_spaces('identifiedby'), forms.ModelForm)): class Meta: model = Additionals species = AutoCompleteSelectField('species', required=True, label=_("Вид")) identifiedby = AutoCompleteField('identifiedby', required=False, label=_("Определелил(и)"), attrs={'size': CS})
class BookForm(forms.ModelForm): publisher = AutoCompleteSelectField('publisher', required=True) authors = AutoCompleteSelectMultipleField('author', required=False) author_select = AutoCompleteField('author', required=False, label=_('Simple select field')) class Meta: model = Book
class DetHistoryForm( with_metaclass(remove_spaces('identifiedby'), forms.ModelForm)): class Meta: model = DetHistory species = AutoCompleteSelectField('species', required=False, label=_("Вид")) identifiedby = AutoCompleteField('identifiedby', required=False, label=_("Переопределелил(и)"), attrs={'size': CS})
class UserAjaxPermissionForm(UserPermissionForm): """ A class for building a permission form using an ajax autocomplete field. This class mimics the functionality of UserPermissionForm in django authority application, but instead of a Charfield for user field, uses an AutoCompleteField as specified by ajax_select application. Usernames are retrieved asynchronously with ajax calls and filling of the input field occurs with an automatic way. """ user = AutoCompleteField('users', required=True, label=_('User'), help_text=_('Search for a username'))
class TransactionForm(ModelForm): class Meta: model = Transaction fields = ["name", "amount", "category", "date", "notes"] category = AutoCompleteField("categories") date = forms.DateTimeField( input_formats=["%m/%d/%Y"], widget=forms.DateInput(attrs={"autocomplete": "off"}, format="%m/%d/%Y") ) notes = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={"autocomplete": "off"})) widget = forms.DateInput( attrs={"class": "datepicker form-control", "placeholder": "Select a date"}, format="%m/%d/%Y" )
def make_ajax_field(model, model_fieldname, channel, show_help_text=False, **kwargs): """ Makes a single autocomplete field for use in a Form optional args: help_text - default is the model db field's help_text. None will disable all help text label - default is the model db field's verbose name required - default is the model db field's (not) blank show_help_text - Django will show help text below the widget, but not for ManyToMany inside of admin inlines This setting will show the help text inside the widget itself. """ # will support previous arg name for several versions before deprecating if 'show_m2m_help' in kwargs: show_help_text = kwargs.pop('show_m2m_help') from ajax_select.fields import AutoCompleteField, \ AutoCompleteSelectMultipleField, \ AutoCompleteSelectField field = model._meta.get_field(model_fieldname) if not kwargs.has_key('label'): kwargs['label'] = _(capfirst(unicode(field.verbose_name))) if not kwargs.has_key('help_text') and field.help_text: kwargs['help_text'] = field.help_text if not kwargs.has_key('required'): kwargs['required'] = not field.blank kwargs['show_help_text'] = show_help_text if not hasattr(kwargs, 'plugin_options'): kwargs['plugin_options'] = {} kwargs['plugin_options'].update({ 'app_label':, 'channel': channel, 'model': model._meta.object_name }) if isinstance(field, ManyToManyField): f = AutoCompleteSelectMultipleField(channel, **kwargs) elif isinstance(field, ForeignKey): f = AutoCompleteSelectField(channel, **kwargs) else: f = AutoCompleteField(channel, **kwargs) return f
class SearchGamesForm(forms.Form): q = AutoCompleteField( 'game', required=True, #help_text="Pesquise por jogos.", label="", show_help_text=False, attrs={ 'size': 50, 'placeholder': 'Buscar por Jogos' }) class Media: css = {'all': ('css/games/game_list.css', )}
def make_ajax_form(model, fieldlist, superclass=ModelForm): """ this will create a ModelForm subclass inserting AutoCompleteSelectMultipleField (many to many), AutoCompleteSelectField (foreign key) where specified in the fieldlist: dict(fieldname='channel',...) usage: class YourModelAdmin(Admin): ... form = make_ajax_form(YourModel,dict(contacts='contact',author='contact')) where 'contacts' is a many to many field, specifying to use the lookup channel 'contact' and where 'author' is a foreign key field, specifying here to also use the lookup channel 'contact' """ from ajax_select.fields import AutoCompleteField, \ AutoCompleteSelectMultipleField, \ AutoCompleteSelectField class TheForm(superclass): class Meta: pass setattr(Meta, 'model', model) for model_fieldname, channel in fieldlist.iteritems(): field = model._meta.get_field(model_fieldname) if isinstance(field, ManyToManyField): f = AutoCompleteSelectMultipleField(channel, required=not field.blank) elif isinstance(field, ForeignKey): f = AutoCompleteSelectField(channel, required=not field.blank) else: f = AutoCompleteField(channel, required=not field.blank) # django internals are very difficult to work with. # it requires too much knowledge and is thus breakable TheForm.declared_fields[model_fieldname] = f TheForm.base_fields[model_fieldname] = f setattr(TheForm, model_fieldname, f) return TheForm
def make_ajax_field(related_model, fieldname_on_model, channel, show_help_text=False, **kwargs): """Makes an AutoComplete field for use in a Form. Args: related_model (Model): model of the related object fieldname_on_model (str): field name on the model being edited channel (str): channel name of a registered LookupChannel show_help_text (bool): show or supress help text below the widget Django admin will show help text below the widget, but not for ManyToMany inside of admin inlines This setting will show the help text inside the widget itself. kwargs: optional args - help_text: default is the model db field's help_text. None will disable all help text - label: default is the model db field's verbose name - required: default is the model db field's (not) blank Returns: (AutoCompleteField, AutoCompleteSelectField, AutoCompleteSelectMultipleField): field """ from ajax_select.fields import AutoCompleteField, \ AutoCompleteSelectMultipleField, \ AutoCompleteSelectField field = related_model._meta.get_field(fieldname_on_model) if 'label' not in kwargs: kwargs['label'] = _(capfirst(force_text(field.verbose_name))) if ('help_text' not in kwargs) and field.help_text: kwargs['help_text'] = field.help_text if 'required' not in kwargs: kwargs['required'] = not field.blank kwargs['show_help_text'] = show_help_text if isinstance(field, ManyToManyField): f = AutoCompleteSelectMultipleField( channel, **kwargs) elif isinstance(field, ForeignKey): f = AutoCompleteSelectField( channel, **kwargs) else: f = AutoCompleteField( channel, **kwargs) return f
class MessageForm(forms.ModelForm): """ The form a user fills in when creating a new message """ user_to = AutoCompleteField("usernames", required=False, help_text=None, label="To") class Meta: model = Message fields = ["title", "message"] def clean_user_to(self): try: data = self.cleaned_data["user_to"] return User.objects.get(username=data) except User.DoesNotExist: raise forms.ValidationError("Please enter an existing username")
class CourseForm(NiceErrorModelForm, DependentModelForm): """ A course form which adds a honeypot and autocompletes some fields. """ # first argument is ajax channel name, defined in models as LookupChannel. # note this AJAX field returns a field value, not a course object. name = AutoCompleteField('course_name_by_name', help_text='', label=mark_safe('Course name <span class="required-field">(required)</span>')) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Add a dynamically named field. """ super(CourseForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # insert honeypot into a random order on the form. idx = random.randint(0, len(self.fields)) self.fields.insert(idx, settings.HONEYPOT_FIELD_NAME, CharField(required=False, label=mark_safe(settings.HONEYPOT_LABEL)) ) class Meta: model = Course # order the fields fields = ('name', 'url') model_fields = { # pass department data onto DepartmentForm 'department': DepartmentForm, # pass professor data onto ProfessorForm 'professor': ProfessorForm, } def clean(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Honeypot validation. """ # Call ModelFormMixin or whoever normally cleans house. cleaned_data = super(CourseForm, self).clean(*args, **kwargs) # Check the honeypot # parts of this code borrow from # hfn = settings.HONEYPOT_FIELD_NAME formhoneypot = cleaned_data.get(hfn, None) if formhoneypot and (formhoneypot != settings.HONEYPOT_VALUE): # Highlight the failure to follow instructions. self._errors[hfn] = [settings.HONEYPOT_ERROR] del cleaned_data[hfn] return cleaned_data
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): instr = kwargs.pop("instr", None) # allow possibility to exclude fields from form exclude = kwargs.pop("exclude", None) super(InvitationForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # remove "-----" options from ForeignKey fields self.fields["group"].empty_label = None self.fields["group"].widget.choices = self.fields["group"].choices self.fields["invited_instrument"].empty_label = None self.fields["invited_instrument"].widget.choices = self.fields[ "invited_instrument"].choices # need to add the invited_user field separately as an AutoCompleteField if instr: self.fields["invited_user"] = AutoCompleteField( "user_playing_" + instr, label="User to invite", help_text=None) for field_name in exclude: try: del self.fields[field_name] except KeyError: # can't delete the invited_user field if it wasn't created - # but can just ignore this error pass
def make_ajax_field(model, model_fieldname, channel, show_help_text=False, **kwargs): """ Makes a single autocomplete field for use in a Form optional args: help_text - default is the model db field's help_text. None will disable all help text label - default is the model db field's verbose name required - default is the model db field's (not) blank show_help_text - Django will show help text below the widget, but not for ManyToMany inside of admin inlines This setting will show the help text inside the widget itself. """ # will support previous arg name for several versions before deprecating if 'show_m2m_help' in kwargs: show_help_text = kwargs.pop('show_m2m_help') from ajax_select.fields import AutoCompleteField, \ AutoCompleteSelectMultipleField, \ AutoCompleteSelectField field = model._meta.get_field(model_fieldname) if kwargs.has_key('label'): label = kwargs.pop('label') else: label = _(capfirst(unicode(field.verbose_name))) if kwargs.has_key('help_text'): help_text = kwargs.pop('help_text') else: if isinstance(field.help_text, basestring) and field.help_text: help_text = _(field.help_text) else: help_text = field.help_text if kwargs.has_key('required'): required = kwargs.pop('required') else: required = not field.blank kwargs['show_help_text'] = show_help_text if isinstance(field, ManyToManyField): f = AutoCompleteSelectMultipleField(channel, required=required, help_text=help_text, label=label, **kwargs) elif isinstance(field, ForeignKey): f = AutoCompleteSelectField(channel, required=required, help_text=help_text, label=label, **kwargs) else: f = AutoCompleteField(channel, required=required, help_text=help_text, label=label, **kwargs) return f
class UserAutoSelectForm(forms.Form): user = AutoCompleteField('user', label='用户', required=True)
class SearchAssetForm(Form): """returns search asset form for DC and BO. :param mode: one of `dc` for DataCenter or `bo` for Back Office :returns Form """ model = AutoCompleteField( LOOKUPS['asset_model'], required=False, help_text=None, ) manufacturer = AutoCompleteField( LOOKUPS['asset_manufacturer'], required=False, help_text=None, ) invoice_no = CharField(required=False) order_no = CharField(required=False) provider = CharField(required=False, label='Provider') status = ChoiceField(required=False, choices=[('', '----')] + AssetStatus(), label='Status') part_info = ChoiceField(required=False, choices=[('', '----'), ('device', 'Device'), ('part', 'Part')], label='Asset type') category = TreeNodeChoiceField( required=False, queryset=AssetCategory.tree.all(), level_indicator='|---', empty_label="---", ) source = ChoiceField( required=False, choices=[('', '----')] + AssetSource(), ) niw = CharField(required=False, label='Niw') sn = CharField(required=False, label='SN') barcode = CharField(required=False, label='Barcode') ralph_device_id = IntegerField( required=False, label='Ralph device id', ) request_date_from = DateField( required=False, widget=DateWidget(attrs={ 'placeholder': 'Start YYYY-MM-DD', 'data-collapsed': True, }), label="Request date", ) request_date_to = DateField(required=False, widget=DateWidget( attrs={ 'class': 'end-date-field ', 'placeholder': 'End YYYY-MM-DD', 'data-collapsed': True, }), label='') provider_order_date_from = DateField( required=False, widget=DateWidget(attrs={ 'placeholder': 'Start YYYY-MM-DD', 'data-collapsed': True, }), label="Provider order date", ) provider_order_date_to = DateField(required=False, widget=DateWidget( attrs={ 'class': 'end-date-field ', 'placeholder': 'End YYYY-MM-DD', 'data-collapsed': True, }), label='') delivery_date_from = DateField( required=False, widget=DateWidget(attrs={ 'placeholder': 'Start YYYY-MM-DD', 'data-collapsed': True, }), label="Delivery date", ) delivery_date_to = DateField(required=False, widget=DateWidget( attrs={ 'class': 'end-date-field ', 'placeholder': 'End YYYY-MM-DD', 'data-collapsed': True, }), label='') deprecation_rate = ChoiceField(required=False, choices=[ ('', '----'), ('null', 'None'), ('48>', '48 <'), ('48', '24 < * <= 48'), ('24', '12 < * <= 24'), ('12', '6 < * <= 12'), ('6', '* <= 6'), ('deprecated', 'Deprecated'), ], label='Deprecation') invoice_date_from = DateField( required=False, widget=DateWidget(attrs={ 'placeholder': 'Start YYYY-MM-DD', 'data-collapsed': True, }), label="Invoice date", ) invoice_date_to = DateField(required=False, widget=DateWidget( attrs={ 'class': 'end-date-field ', 'placeholder': 'End YYYY-MM-DD', 'data-collapsed': True, }), label='') production_use_date_from = DateField( required=False, widget=DateWidget(attrs={ 'placeholder': 'Start YYYY-MM-DD', 'data-collapsed': True, }), label="Production use date", ) production_use_date_to = DateField(required=False, widget=DateWidget( attrs={ 'class': 'end-date-field ', 'placeholder': 'End YYYY-MM-DD', 'data-collapsed': True, }), label='') unlinked = BooleanField(required=False, label="Is unlinked") deleted = BooleanField(required=False, label="Include deleted") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Ajax sources are different for DC/BO, use mode for distinguish mode = kwargs.get('mode') if mode: del kwargs['mode'] super(SearchAssetForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) category = self.fields['category'].queryset if mode == 'dc': self.fields['category'].queryset = category.filter( type=AssetCategoryType.data_center) elif mode == 'back_office': self.fields['category'].queryset = category.filter( type=AssetCategoryType.back_office)
class HerbItemForm( with_metaclass( remove_spaces('collectedby', 'identifiedby', 'region', 'district'), forms.ModelForm)): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.request = kwargs.pop('request', None) super(HerbItemForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def clean_itemcode(self): data = self.cleaned_data['itemcode'] data = data.strip() if data: mainquery = HerbItem.objects.filter(itemcode=data) if self.instance: mainquery = mainquery.exclude( if self.request: query = HerbAcronym.objects.filter( allowed_users__icontains=self.request.user.username) else: query = None if query: if mainquery.filter(acronym=query[0]).exists(): raise forms.ValidationError( _("запись с таким кодом уже существует")) if not itemcode_pat.match(data): raise forms.ValidationError( _("уникальный код должен либо отсутствовать, либо быть числовым" )) return data def _verify_dates(self, data): if data: if data > ( + timedelta(days=2)).date(): raise forms.ValidationError( _("Дата не может быть больше текущей календарной даты")) if data < date(year=1700, month=1, day=1): raise forms.ValidationError( _("Не ошибка ли это? Слишком древний образец.")) def clean_identified_s(self): data = self.cleaned_data['identified_s'] self._verify_dates(data) return data def clean_identified_e(self): data = self.cleaned_data['identified_e'] self._verify_dates(data) return data def clean_collected_s(self): data = self.cleaned_data['collected_s'] self._verify_dates(data) return data def clean_collected_e(self): data = self.cleaned_data['collected_e'] self._verify_dates(data) return data def clean(self): '''Checking consistency for dates ''' formdata = self.cleaned_data d1 = formdata.get('identified_s') d2 = formdata.get('identified_e') if d1 and d2: if d2 < d1: self._errors.setdefault('identified_e', ErrorList()) self._errors['identified_e'].append( _('дата окончания определения должна быть не раньше даты начала' )) dc1 = formdata.get('collected_s') dc2 = formdata.get('collected_e') if d1 and d2: if d2 < d1: self._errors.setdefault('collected_e', ErrorList()) self._errors['collected_e'].append( _('дата окончания определения должна быть не раньше даты начала' )) if dc1 and d1: if d1 < dc1: self._errors.setdefault('identified_s', ErrorList()) self._errors['identified_s'].append( _('дата определения не может быть раньше даты сбора')) if dc1 and dc2: if dc2 < dc1: self._errors.setdefault('collected_e', ErrorList()) self._errors['collected_e'].append( _('дата окончания сбора должна быть не раньше даты начала') ) ispub = formdata.get('public') icode = formdata.get('itemcode') sp = formdata.get('species') if icode: icode = icode.strip() if ispub: if not icode: forms.ValidationError( _('публиковать можно только при непустом уникальном коде образца' )) if sp: if sp.status not in ['A', 'P']: raise forms.ValidationError( _('вид не одобрен куратором; опубликовать можно только одобренные виды' )) return formdata class Meta: model = HerbItem species = AutoCompleteSelectField('species', required=True, help_text=None, label=_("Вид")) if TinyMCE: note = forms.CharField(widget=TinyMCE(mce_attrs=tinymce_fieldset), required=False, label=_('Заметки')) detailed = forms.CharField(widget=TinyMCE(mce_attrs=tinymce_fieldset), required=False, label=_('Место сбора')) else: note = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea, required=False, label=_('Заметки')) detailed = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea, required=False, label=_('Место сбора')) detailed.help_text = _("локализация, экоусловия") country = AutoCompleteSelectField('country', required=False, help_text=None, label=_("Страна")) region = AutoCompleteField('region', required=False, help_text=None, label=_("Регион"), attrs={'size': CS}) district = AutoCompleteField('district', required=False, help_text=None, label=_("Район"), attrs={'size': CS}) collectedby = AutoCompleteField('collectedby', required=False, help_text=None, label=_("Собрали"), attrs={'size': CS}) identifiedby = AutoCompleteField('identifiedby', required=False, help_text=None, label=_("Определили"), attrs={'size': CS})
class AutoCompanyForm(forms.Form): """公司搜索表单""" q = AutoCompleteField('company', show_help_text=False)
def make_ajax_field(model, model_fieldname, channel, show_m2m_help=False, **kwargs): """ Makes a single autocomplete field for use in a Form optional args: help_text - default is the model field's help_text label - default is the model field's verbose name required - default is the model field's (not) blank show_m2m_help - Django will show help text in the Admin for ManyToMany fields, in which case the help text should not be shown in side the widget itself or it appears twice. ForeignKey fields do not behave like this. ManyToMany inside of admin inlines do not do this. [so set show_m2m_help=True] But if used outside of the Admin or in an ManyToMany admin inline then you need the help text. """ from ajax_select.fields import AutoCompleteField, \ AutoCompleteSelectMultipleField, \ AutoCompleteSelectField field = model._meta.get_field(model_fieldname) if kwargs.has_key('label'): label = kwargs.pop('label') else: label = _(capfirst(unicode(field.verbose_name))) if kwargs.has_key('help_text'): help_text = kwargs.pop('help_text') else: if isinstance(field.help_text, basestring) and field.help_text: help_text = _(field.help_text) else: help_text = field.help_text if kwargs.has_key('required'): required = kwargs.pop('required') else: required = not field.blank if isinstance(field, ManyToManyField): kwargs['show_help_text'] = show_m2m_help f = AutoCompleteSelectMultipleField(channel, required=required, help_text=help_text, label=label, **kwargs) elif isinstance(field, ForeignKey): f = AutoCompleteSelectField(channel, required=required, help_text=help_text, label=label, **kwargs) else: f = AutoCompleteField(channel, required=required, help_text=help_text, label=label, **kwargs) return f
class ResourceSearchForm(SearchForm): """ Main search form. Ordering of results is computed according to the following: """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['auto_id'] = True kwargs['label_suffix'] = '' super(ResourceSearchForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) #q = forms.CharField(label=__(u'Quoi?'), initial='',required=True) q = AutoCompleteField('resource', help_text='', label=__(u'Quoi?'), initial='', required=True) a = AutoCompleteField('location', help_text='', label=__(u'Où?'), initial='', required=False) t = RecurrenceField(label=__(u'Quand?'), initial='', required=False, max_rdates=0, max_exdates=0) d = forms.CharField(label=__(u'Quand?'), initial='', required=False) def search(self): # First, store the SearchQuerySet received from other processing. sqs = super(ResourceSearchForm, self).search() address = self.cleaned_data.get('a') if (address): g = geocoders.Nominatim( ) # this should be changed to openstreetmap try: place, (lat, lng) = g.geocode(address) print "address: %s, lat : %g, lng : %g" % (address, lat, lng) loc = Point(lng, lat) max_dist = D(km=10) #sqs = sqs.dwithin('location',loc,max_dist).distance('location',loc) except geopy.exc.GeocoderServiceError: pass time = self.cleaned_data.get('t') if (time): # extract serialized events from search query set index events = sqs.exclude(event='toto') excluded = list() for e in events: if e.event: # we only check if we can go to the next upcoming occurrence # checking all occurrences would be too costly ev = deserialize(e.event).after( if not ev in time.occurrences(dtstart=ev): excluded.append( if (excluded): sqs = sqs.exclude(id__in=excluded) return sqs def no_query_found(self): return self.searchqueryset.all()