def get_remote_data(self): if not path.exists('static'): os.mkdir('static') wiret_path = path.join('static', f'{self.__symbol}_history.csv') if(path.exists(wiret_path)): # fetch file every day if (time.time() - path.getmtime(wiret_path)) <= float(24*60*60): with open(wiret_path) as f: print(f'fetch local data = {self.__symbol}_history.csv') stock_us_df = pd.read_csv( f, index_col='date', parse_dates=True) return stock_us_df try: stock_us_df = ak.stock_us_daily(symbol=self.__symbol) stock_us_df.to_csv(wiret_path) print('fetch remote data = akshare') return stock_us_df except KeyError as e: return None
def extract_stock_records(code='sh600000', start=None, end =None,adjust = 'qfq', identifier = 'a'): #qfq:前复权, hfq:后复权 if identifier == 'a': result = ak.stock_zh_a_daily(symbol=code, adjust=adjust) elif identifier == 'hk': result = ak.stock_hk_daily(symbol=code, adjust=adjust) elif identifier == 'us': result = ak.stock_us_daily(symbol=code, adjust=adjust) result.index = result.index.tz_localize(None) result['date'] = result.index result = result[['date','open','close','high','low','volume']] result['total'] = 'NaN' result['amp'] = 'NaN' result.columns = ['date','open_price','close_price','high_price','low_price','trancaction','total','amp'] result['rate'] = pd.Series([0]).append(pd.Series((result['close_price'].iloc[1:].values-result['close_price'].iloc[0:-1].values)/result['close_price'].iloc[0:-1].values)).values*100 if start==None and end==None: pass else: result = result[(result['date']<=pd.Timestamp(end)) & (result['date']>=pd.Timestamp(start))] result['date'] = result['date'].apply(lambda x: (, 1, 1)).days) result.index = result.index.rename('') result = result.reset_index() return result[['date','open_price','close_price','low_price','high_price','trancaction','total','rate','amp']]
def save_stock_daily(symbol, save_path): info = ak.stock_us_daily(symbol) info.to_csv(osp.join(save_path, f"{symbol}.csv"))
def main(): db_conn1 = sqlite3.connect( r'D:\PythonCodes\vnpy\.vntrader\symb_list.db' ) # Connect to a database that hosts all stock symbols (i.e. corporate database) db_conn2 = sqlite3.connect( r'D:\PythonCodes\vnpy\.vntrader\database.db' ) # Connect to the main database that host all stock data (i.e. bar database) # dict_example = {'name':['Microsoft Corp.'], # 'cname': ['微软公司'], # 'symbol':['MSFT']} # dict_example = {'name':['Microsoft Corp.','Apple Company'], # 'cname': ['微软公司', '苹果公司'], # 'symbol':['MSFT', 'AAPL']} # dict_example = {'name':['Microsoft Corp.','Apple Company', 'Facebook'], # 'cname': ['微软公司', '苹果公司', '脸书'], # 'symbol':['MSFT', 'AAPL', 'FB']} # dict_example = {'name':['Microsoft Corp.','Apple Company', 'Facebook', 'Amazon'], # 'cname': ['微软公司', '苹果公司', '脸书','亚马逊'], # 'symbol':['MSFT', 'AAPL', 'FB', 'AMZN']} # df_example = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict_example) # df_example.to_csv(Path.cwd().joinpath('temp.csv'), encoding='utf_8_sig', index=False) # df_example = pd.read_csv(Path.cwd().joinpath('temp.csv'), encoding='utf_8_sig') # df_allstocks = ak.get_us_stock_name() # Download all stock symbols using AkShare service. Expect to run this line and update stock symbols periodically. # df_allstocks.to_csv(Path.cwd().joinpath('temp.csv'), encoding='utf_8_sig', index=False) # Save all stock symbols to a csv file. This is for testing purpose. df_example = pd.read_csv( Path.cwd().joinpath('temp.csv'), encoding='utf_8_sig' ) # Load all stock symbols from the csv file. This is for testing purpose. # df_example = df_example.iloc[0:2, :] # Only take a few lines for testing. This is for testing purpose. df_example.to_sql( "dbcorpdata", db_conn1, if_exists='replace') # Save all stock symbols to corporate database df_corpsdata_dl = pd.read_sql_query( "SELECT * from dbcorpdata", db_conn1) # Load all stock symbols from corporate database df_bardata_ex = pd.read_sql_query( "SELECT * from dbbardata", db_conn2) # Load all existing stock data from bardata database totalSymbol = len(df_corpsdata_dl.symbol) procSymbol = 0 forcedFullLoad = False for s in df_corpsdata_dl.symbol: # For each symbol read from the corporate database try: procSymbol += 1 progress(procSymbol, totalSymbol) bars = [] bar_latestBarOneStock_ex = database_manager.get_newest_bar_data( s, Exchange.LOCAL, Interval.DAILY ) # Find the latest bar record for that symbol from the bar database df_allBarOneStock_dl = ak.stock_us_daily( symbol=s, adjust="qfq" ).fillna(method='ffill').fillna( 0 ) # Download the history data for that symbol using AkShare service. # Fill NaN or Null fields with previous value, and then zero. if ( (bar_latestBarOneStock_ex is not None) and (~forcedFullLoad) ): # If the bar database contains this symbol, and not full load we will decide if incremental data will be needed or full history data will be saved to bar database lastDayDate_ex = bar_latestBarOneStock_ex.datetime.replace( tzinfo=None ) # VNPY datetime is aware type, but the AkShare datetime is unaware type latestDayDate_dl = df_allBarOneStock_dl.index[ -1] # Be careful of the difference between last day and latest date. dailyDataMatched = comp_bar( bar_latestBarOneStock_ex, df_allBarOneStock_dl ) # This is a simplified logic check to compare the OHLC prices and see if they are all equal. if dailyDataMatched: # If the close prices from existing and new sources match, we assume data remain correct and will only incrementally update time_range = DateTimeRange( lastDayDate_ex, latestDayDate_dl ) # Find the date range for incremental update for dt in time_range.range(timedelta(days=1)): # print(dt) if dt == latestDayDate_dl: # When last date equals latest date, there is still a day in the date range, and we need to break the loop # print('I am going to break...') break bar = BarData( symbol=s, exchange=Exchange.LOCAL, datetime=dt, # Here dt is a native datetime object interval=Interval.DAILY, volume=df_allBarOneStock_dl.loc[dt].volume, open_price=df_allBarOneStock_dl.loc[dt].open, high_price=df_allBarOneStock_dl.loc[dt].high, low_price=df_allBarOneStock_dl.loc[dt].low, close_price=df_allBarOneStock_dl.loc[dt].close, open_interest=0, gateway_name='Sim') bars.append(bar) # print('only add incremental updates for '+s) else: # If the close prices from existing and new sources do not match, we assume data are corrupted and will fully update for i, dt in enumerate(df_allBarOneStock_dl.index): bar = BarData( symbol=s, exchange=Exchange.LOCAL, datetime=dt.to_pydatetime( ), # Convert to a datetime object interval=Interval.DAILY, volume=df_allBarOneStock_dl.loc[dt].volume, open_price=df_allBarOneStock_dl.loc[dt].open, high_price=df_allBarOneStock_dl.loc[dt].high, low_price=df_allBarOneStock_dl.loc[dt].low, close_price=df_allBarOneStock_dl.loc[dt].close, open_interest=0, gateway_name='Sim') bars.append(bar) # print('correct database data for '+s) else: # If bar database does not have this symbol, or just want to force full load, we will fully update for i, dt in enumerate(df_allBarOneStock_dl.index): bar = BarData( symbol=s, exchange=Exchange.LOCAL, datetime=dt.to_pydatetime( ), # Convert to a datetime object interval=Interval.DAILY, volume=df_allBarOneStock_dl.loc[dt].volume, open_price=df_allBarOneStock_dl.loc[dt].open, high_price=df_allBarOneStock_dl.loc[dt].high, low_price=df_allBarOneStock_dl.loc[dt].low, close_price=df_allBarOneStock_dl.loc[dt].close, open_interest=0, gateway_name='Sim') bars.append(bar) # print('reload data for '+s) database_manager.save_bar_data( bars) # Push the updates to the bar database print("Saved stock data of " + s + " into database.") except: # When exceptoin occurs, assume it is because database buffer full, reconnect databases. time.sleep(5) print('Exception detected. Now reconnect to the databases.') db_conn1.close() db_conn2.close() db_conn1 = sqlite3.connect( r'D:\PythonCodes\vnpy\.vntrader\symb_list.db') db_conn2 = sqlite3.connect( r'D:\PythonCodes\vnpy\.vntrader\database.db') time.sleep(5) db_conn1.close() # When done with the database, close the connection db_conn2.close() # When done with the database, close the connection
def test(self): stock_us_df = ak.stock_us_daily(symbol='AAPL')
def get_factor_data(self): qfq_df = ak.stock_us_daily(symbol=self.__symbol, factor="qfq") print(qfq_df)
def get_stock_us_daily(self, stockcode, adjust): stock_us_daily_df = ak.stock_us_daily(symbol=stockcode, adjust=adjust) return stock_us_daily_df
def get_one_us_stock(self, symbol): stock_us_daily_df = ak.stock_us_daily(symbol) print(stock_us_daily_df)
def update_us_all_stock_point_day(self, symbol_str, oneday_str): ''' 更新每一只美股指定的某一天历史行情 :return: ''' start_time = print("update_us_all_stock_point_day 更新每一只美股指定的某一天历史行情 start_time:", start_time) # 获取所有美股代码字符串 stock_exist = self.get_us_stock_exist() stock_exist_list = stock_exist.split(',') stock_list = symbol_str.split(",") df_list_tuple = [] i = 0 for symbol in stock_exist_list: flag = True if symbol_str != "" and symbol not in stock_list: flag = False if flag: #print("symbol_str", symbol_str) #print("symbol", symbol, "flag", flag) try: stock_us_daily_df = ak.stock_us_daily(symbol=symbol) # print(stock_us_daily_df, type(stock_us_daily_df)) except Exception as e: stock_us_daily_df = None print(" stock_us_daily_df exception, reason:", e) df_list_list = stock_us_daily_df.values.__array__( ) if stock_us_daily_df is not None else [] df_date_list = stock_us_daily_df.axes[ 0].array if stock_us_daily_df is not None else [] #print(tuple(df_list_list)) #print(df_date_list) count = len(df_date_list) if count > 0: oneday_list = oneday_str.split(',') for oneday in oneday_list: # print('df_date_list', tuple(df_date_list)) # print('count', count) last_date =[count - 1]) #print('last_date', last_date) onedate = self.exchange_oneday_to_date(oneday) #print('onedate', onedate) days = self.days_reduce(last_date, onedate) #print('days', days) if days >= 0 and count > days: onedate_index = count - 1 - days #print('onedate_index', onedate_index) ondedate_lt = df_list_list[onedate_index] # print('ondedate_lt', tuple(ondedate_lt)) df_list_tuple.append( (symbol, onedate, float(ondedate_lt[0]), float(ondedate_lt[1]), float(ondedate_lt[2]), float(ondedate_lt[3]), float(ondedate_lt[4]))) print(i, symbol, onedate, float(ondedate_lt[0]), float(ondedate_lt[1]), float(ondedate_lt[2]), float(ondedate_lt[3]), float(ondedate_lt[4])) i += 1 if i % 500 == 0: df_tuple_tuple = tuple(df_list_tuple) flag = False try: flag = self.us_stock_service.insert_all_stock_daily_batch( df_tuple_tuple) df_list_tuple = [] print(oneday, flag, i) except Exception as ex: print( "us_all_stock_point_day_update exception, reason:", ex) df_tuple_tuple = tuple(df_list_tuple) flag = False try: flag = self.us_stock_service.insert_all_stock_daily_batch( df_tuple_tuple) print(oneday, flag, i) except Exception as ex: print("us_all_stock_point_day_update exception, reason:", ex) end_time = time = (end_time - start_time) print("update_us_all_stock_point_day 更新每一只美股指定的某一天历史行情 end_time:", end_time, "耗时:", time)
def get_us_all_stock_daily(self): ''' 获取每一只美股的所有历史行情,不包含今天 :return: ''' start_time = print("get_us_all_stock_daily 获取每一只美股的所有历史行情,不包含今天 start_time:", start_time) # 获取所有美股代码字符串 stock_exist = self.get_us_stock_exist() stock_exist_list = stock_exist.split(',') # 获取历史行情的所有美股代码字符串 all_stock_daily_exist = self.get_us_all_stock_daily_exist() us_all_stock_daily_str = all_stock_daily_exist us_all_stock_daily_count = 0 for symbol in stock_exist_list: # if symbol > '01858' and symbol < '02226': # flag = us_stock_service.test(symbol) # print(symbol, flag) # if symbol == 'FFR': if all_stock_daily_exist.find(symbol) < 0: # print(symbol) # 根据港股代码获取某一只美股的所有历史行情 try: stock_us_daily_df = ak.stock_us_daily(symbol=symbol) # print(stock_us_daily_df, type(stock_us_daily_df)) except Exception as e: stock_us_daily_df = None print(" stock_hk_daily_hfq_df exception, reason:", e) df_list_list = stock_us_daily_df.values.__array__( ) if stock_us_daily_df is not None else [] df_date_list = stock_us_daily_df.axes[ 0].array if stock_us_daily_df is not None else [] df_list_tuple = [] for i in range(len(df_list_list)): lt = df_list_list[i] # print(tuple(lt)) date =[i]) # print(bool(np.isnan(lt[0]))) # print(type(np.isnan(lt[0]))) if np.isnan(lt[0]) == False: df_list_tuple.append( (date, float(lt[0]), float(lt[1]), float(lt[2]), float(lt[3]), float(lt[4]))) # print(df_list_tuple) df_tuple_tuple = tuple(df_list_tuple) # print(df_tuple_tuple) flag = False try: flag = self.us_stock_service.insert_one_stock_all_daily_batch( symbol, df_tuple_tuple) print(symbol, flag) except Exception as ex: print("insert_stock_daily_batch exception, reason:", ex) if flag is True: us_all_stock_daily_count += 1 us_all_stock_daily_str += symbol + "," # 更新港股历史行情所有港股代码字符串 self.update_us_stock_daily_exist(us_all_stock_daily_str, 'us_stock_daily', us_all_stock_daily_count) end_time = time = (end_time - start_time) print("get_us_all_stock_daily 获取每一只美股的所有历史行情,不包含今天 end_time:", end_time, "耗时:", time)