def get_form_class(self): if not self.__class__.form_class: content_type_name = self.get_content_type_name() if content_type_name: # content type specific form class hook self.form_class = query_component('FormClass', name=content_type_name) if not self.form_class: # generic form class self.form_class = query_component('FormClass') if not self.form_class: if isinstance(self.content_object, Model): self.form_class = modelform_factory(self.content_object.__class__) return super(ComponentUpdateView, self).get_form_class()
def get_form_class(self): if not self.__class__.form_class: content_type_name = self.get_content_type_name() if content_type_name: # content type specific form class hook self.form_class = query_component('FormClass', name=content_type_name) if not self.form_class: # generic form class self.form_class = query_component('FormClass') if not self.form_class: model_cls = self.content_type.model_class() if issubclass(model_cls, Model): self.form_class = modelform_factory(model_cls) return super(ComponentCreateView, self).get_form_class()
def create(request, tree_context_path, *args, **kwargs): content_type_name = request.GET.get('ct') or request.POST.get('ct') if not content_type_name: #XXX invalid request?? logger.error('ct not set') raise Http404 content_type = get_content_type(*content_type_name.split('.')) if not content_type: logger.error('invalid ct: "%s"' % content_type_name) raise Http404 # when creating/adding new content, context is parent of object being added if request.tree_context.path == '/': parent_object = None else: parent_object = request.tree_context.node.content_object create_view_cls = query_component('CreateView', (parent_object, content_type), name=content_type_name) if not create_view_cls: # generic view create_view_cls = GenericCreateView logger.debug("Create View class: %s" % create_view_cls) #hacky, needed for portlets (portlet request.view_component = create_view_cls view_func = create_view_cls.as_view(parent_object=parent_object, content_type=content_type, content_type_name=content_type_name, **kwargs) return view_func(request)
def delete(self, request, *args, **kwargs): content_type_name = self.get_content_type_name() logger.debug('ct name: "%s"' % content_type_name) delete_factory = None if content_type_name: delete_factory = query_component('DeleteFactory', name=content_type_name) if not delete_factory: delete_factory = query_component('DeleteFactory') if delete_factory: logger.debug('Delete factory: %s' % str(delete_factory)) delete_factory(request, self.content_object, **kwargs) return HttpResponseRedirect(self.get_success_url()) logger.debug('No delete factory, defaulting to DeleteView delete') return super(ComponentDeleteView, self).delete(request, *args, **kwargs)
def render(self): logger.debug("..... rendering ChildrenListPortlet .....") page = self.request.GET.get('page') or 1 page_size = _page_size(self.request.tree_context.path) children_nodes = [] for node in tqm.filter_children(self.request.tree_context.path, tree_context=self.request.tree_context, page=page, page_size=page_size): children_nodes.append(node) # current node children hook here to get html snippet # if lookup fails, fallback to the default below if self.request.tree_context.node: content_object = self.request.tree_context.node.content_object html_snippet_view = query_component('NodeListHtmlSnippetView', (self.request, content_object)) if html_snippet_view: logger.debug("Found html snippet component view: %s" % html_snippet_view) return html_snippet_view() logger.debug("Returning generic nodes list html snippet") # build default html to return return_html = u'<p>\n' #XXX messy - clean up prev_content_type = None for cn in children_nodes: if not prev_content_type: return_html += str(cn.content_type) + '\n' return_html += u'<ul>\n' elif prev_content_type != cn.content_type: return_html += u'</ul>\n' return_html += str(cn.content_type) + '\n' return_html += u'<ul>\n' return_html += u'<li><a href="' + cn.absolute_path + u'">' + ( or cn.slug) + u'</a></li>\n' prev_content_type = cn.content_type return_html += u'</ul></p>\n' logger.debug("processed nodes") # Pagination query_meta = tqm.get_meta() if query_meta: pagination_meta = query_meta.get('pagination') if pagination_meta: return_html += _pagination(self.request.tree_context.path, pagination_meta) return mark_safe(return_html)
def form_valid(self, form): content_type_name = self.get_content_type_name() logger.debug('Form class: %s, ct name: "%s"' % (self.form_class, content_type_name)) create_factory = None if content_type_name: # content type specific create factory hook create_factory = query_component('CreateFactory', name=content_type_name) if not create_factory: # try generic create factory create_factory = query_component('CreateFactory') if create_factory: logger.debug('Create factory: %s' % str(create_factory)) create_factory(self.request, self.content_type, **form.cleaned_data) return HttpResponseRedirect(self.get_success_url()) logger.debug('No create factory, defaulting to CreateView form_valid') return super(ComponentCreateView, self).form_valid(form)
def form_valid(self, form): content_type_name = self.get_content_type_name() logger.debug('Form class: %s, ct name: "%s"' % (self.form_class, content_type_name)) update_factory = None if content_type_name: # content type specific update factory hook update_factory = query_component('UpdateFactory', name=content_type_name) if not update_factory: # try generic update factory update_factory = query_component('UpdateFactory') if update_factory: logger.debug('Update factory: %s' % str(update_factory)) update_factory(self.request, self.content_object, **form.cleaned_data) return HttpResponseRedirect(self.get_success_url()) logger.debug('No update factory, defaulting to UpdateView form_valid') # default Django UpdateView update return super(ComponentUpdateView, self).form_valid(form)
def _json_list_view(request, parent_content_object=None): logger.debug("looking up Json List View for (request, parent %s)" % parent_content_object) list_view = None if parent_content_object: # hook for specific list view for parent_content_object list_view = query_component("JsonListView", (request, parent_content_object)) # generic node list json view if not list_view: list_view = get_component("JsonListView", (request,)) logger.debug("Json List View found: %s" % list_view) return list_view
def get_serializer_cls(model_cls=None, content_type_name=None, fields=None, **kwargs): if not content_type_name: if issubclass(model_cls, models.Model): # app hook to provide custom serializer class for this content type content_type_name = model_cls._meta.app_label + '.' + model_cls._meta.object_name.lower() if content_type_name: if not model_cls: model_cls = get_model(*content_type_name.split('.')) serializer_cls = query_component('SerializerClass', name=content_type_name) if serializer_cls: return serializer_cls # generic serializer class return serializer_class_factory(model_cls, fields=fields, **kwargs)
def _json_list_view(request, parent_content_object=None): logger.debug("looking up Json List View for (request, parent %s)" % parent_content_object) list_view = None if parent_content_object: # hook for specific list view for parent_content_object list_view = query_component('JsonListView', (request, parent_content_object)) # generic node list json view if not list_view: list_view = get_component('JsonListView', (request, )) logger.debug("Json List View found: %s" % list_view) return list_view
def get_create_content_types(tree_context): if not tree_context.authenticated_user: # anonymous user return [] if tree_context.node: context_content_type_name = tree_context.node.content_type.app_label + '.' + tree_context.node.content_type.model else: # at site root context node is None context_content_type_name = '<root>' allowed_children_types = get_children_constraints(context_content_type_name) logger.debug('"%s" children constraint types: %s' % (context_content_type_name, str(allowed_children_types))) content_types = [] for child_constraint in allowed_children_types: content_type_name = child_constraint['content_type_name'] quantifier = child_constraint.get('quantifier') or -1 if quantifier >= 0: obj_count = count_children(tree_context.path, ct=content_type_name) if not obj_count < quantifier: # reached max num of objects, cannot create more logger.warning('max num (%s) of "%s" objects reached' % (obj_count, content_type_name)) continue # Model constraints specify valid children types, but this could vary further # depending on tree context. Provide app hook to provide valid types per context. context_types_util = query_component('ContextTypesUtil', name=content_type_name) if context_types_util: content_types_names = context_types_util(tree_context.path) else: content_types_names = [] content_model_class = get_model(*content_type_name.split('.')) if issubclass(content_model_class, TreeContent): content_types_names.append(content_type_name) else: # could be a generic parent class with concrete TreeContent subclasses for sc in content_model_class.__subclasses__(): if issubclass(sc, TreeContent): sc_type_name = sc._meta.app_label + '.' + sc._meta.object_name.lower() content_types_names.append(sc_type_name) for ct_name in content_types_names: logger.debug('processing create link for type: "%s"' % (ct_name)) (ct_app_label, ct_model_name) = ct_name.split('.') if not tree_context.authenticated_user.is_superuser and not 'tree.add_content' in tree_context.user_permission_names: # not a superuser nor does user have the generic `add_content` permission # (user with `add_content` perm can create content of any type) # check for specific permission required_create_permission = ct_app_label + '.add_' + ct_model_name if not required_create_permission in tree_context.user_permission_names: # user missing create permission for this content type # skip creating create link for this type logger.debug('user not allowed to create content of type: "%s"' % ct_name) continue content_types.append(ct_name) logger.debug('create types for user "%s", context_path "%s": %s' % (tree_context.authenticated_user.username, tree_context.path, content_types)) return content_types
def get_create_content_types(tree_context): if not tree_context.authenticated_user: # anonymous user return [] if tree_context.node: context_content_type_name = tree_context.node.content_type.app_label + '.' + tree_context.node.content_type.model else: # at site root context node is None context_content_type_name = '<root>' allowed_children_types = get_children_constraints( context_content_type_name) logger.debug('"%s" children constraint types: %s' % (context_content_type_name, str(allowed_children_types))) content_types = [] for child_constraint in allowed_children_types: content_type_name = child_constraint['content_type_name'] quantifier = child_constraint.get('quantifier') or -1 if quantifier >= 0: obj_count = count_children(tree_context.path, ct=content_type_name) if not obj_count < quantifier: # reached max num of objects, cannot create more logger.warning('max num (%s) of "%s" objects reached' % (obj_count, content_type_name)) continue # Model constraints specify valid children types, but this could vary further # depending on tree context. Provide app hook to provide valid types per context. context_types_util = query_component('ContextTypesUtil', name=content_type_name) if context_types_util: content_types_names = context_types_util(tree_context.path) else: content_types_names = [] content_model_class = get_model(*content_type_name.split('.')) if issubclass(content_model_class, TreeContent): content_types_names.append(content_type_name) else: # could be a generic parent class with concrete TreeContent subclasses for sc in content_model_class.__subclasses__(): if issubclass(sc, TreeContent): sc_type_name = sc._meta.app_label + '.' + sc._meta.object_name.lower( ) content_types_names.append(sc_type_name) for ct_name in content_types_names: logger.debug('processing create link for type: "%s"' % (ct_name)) (ct_app_label, ct_model_name) = ct_name.split('.') if not tree_context.authenticated_user.is_superuser and not 'tree.add_content' in tree_context.user_permission_names: # not a superuser nor does user have the generic `add_content` permission # (user with `add_content` perm can create content of any type) # check for specific permission required_create_permission = ct_app_label + '.add_' + ct_model_name if not required_create_permission in tree_context.user_permission_names: # user missing create permission for this content type # skip creating create link for this type logger.debug( 'user not allowed to create content of type: "%s"' % ct_name) continue content_types.append(ct_name) logger.debug('create types for user "%s", context_path "%s": %s' % (tree_context.authenticated_user.username, tree_context.path, content_types)) return content_types