def MM_E_step(x, K, opts, tmp_mu, tmp_v, tmp_PI, xpos, xneg): #PS=np.zeros([K,size(x)]) #D=np.zeros([K,size(x)]) # storages probability of samples wrt distributions PS = np.zeros([K, x.shape[0]]) D = np.zeros([K, x.shape[0] ]) # storages probability of samples wrt distributions tmp_a = np.zeros( K) #it will remain zero for non-gamma or inv gamma distributions tmp_b = np.zeros( K) #it will remain zero for non-gamma or inv gamma distributions for k in range(K): if opts['Components_Model'][k] == 'Gauss': Nobj = scipy.stats.norm(tmp_mu[k], np.power(tmp_v[k], 0.5)) PS[k, :] = Nobj.pdf(x) elif opts['Components_Model'][k] == 'Gamma': tmp_a[k] = alb.alphaGm(tmp_mu[k], tmp_v[k]) tmp_b[k] = alb.betaGm(tmp_mu[k], tmp_v[k]) PS[k, :] = alb.gam_self(x, tmp_a[k], tmp_b[k]) PS[k, xneg] = 0 elif opts['Components_Model'][k] == '-Gamma': tmp_a[k] = alb.alphaGm(-1 * tmp_mu[k], tmp_v[k]) tmp_b[k] = alb.betaGm(-1 * tmp_mu[k], tmp_v[k]) PS[k, :] = alb.gam_self(-1 * x, tmp_a[k], tmp_b[k]) PS[k, xpos] = 0 elif opts['Components_Model'][k] == 'InvGamma': tmp_a[k] = alb.alphaIG(tmp_mu[k], tmp_v[k]) tmp_b[k] = alb.betaIG(tmp_mu[k], tmp_v[k]) PS[k, :] = alb.invgam(x, tmp_a[k], tmp_b[k]) PS[k, xneg] = 0 elif opts['Components_Model'][k] == '-InvGamma': tmp_a[k] = alb.alphaIG(-1 * tmp_mu[k], tmp_v[k]) tmp_b[k] = alb.betaIG(-1 * tmp_mu[k], tmp_v[k]) PS[k, :] = alb.invgam(-1 * x, tmp_a[k], tmp_b[k]) PS[k, xpos] = 0 elif opts['Components_Model'][k] == 'Beta': tmp_a[k] = alb.a_beta_distr(tmp_mu[k], tmp_v[k]) tmp_b[k] = alb.b_beta_distr(tmp_mu[k], tmp_v[k]) PS[k, :] = scipy.stats.beta.pdf(x, tmp_a[k], tmp_b[k]) PS[np.isnan(PS)] = 0 PS[np.isinf(PS)] = 0 D = np.multiply(PS, np.matrix(tmp_PI).T) resp = np.divide(D, np.matrix(np.sum(D, 0))) N = np.sum(resp, 1) tmp_PI = np.divide(N, np.sum(resp)).T if 0: dum = np.add(np.log(PS), np.log(tmp_PI).T) dum[np.isinf(dum)] = 0 dum[np.isinf(dum)] = 0 Exp_lik = np.sum(np.multiply(resp, dum)) else: dum = np.multiply(tmp_PI.T, PS) #add(np.log(PS),np.log(tmp_PI).T) dum[np.isinf(dum)] = 1 dum[np.isinf(dum)] = 1 dum[dum == 0] = 1 Exp_lik = np.sum(np.log(dum)) return PS, resp, tmp_PI, N, Exp_lik
# Plot the resulting fit on a histogram of the data import numpy as np from alb_MM_functions import invgam from alb_MM_functions import gam from scipy.stats import norm my_range=np.linspace(0.001,10,10000) #plt0=np.multiply( Model['Mixing Prop.'][0],norm.pdf(my_range,Model['mu1'][0],np.sqrt(np.divide(1,Model['tau1s'][0])) ) ) dist_plt=np.zeros([Number_of_Components,10000]) for k in range(Number_of_Components): if Components_Model[k]=='InvGamma': dist_plt[k,:]=np.multiply( Model['Mixing Prop.'][k],invgam(my_range,Model['shapes'][k],Model['scales'][k])) elif Components_Model[k]=='Gamma': dist_plt[k,:]=np.multiply( Model['Mixing Prop.'][k],gam(my_range,Model['shapes'][k],np.divide(1,Model['rates'][k]))) #elif Components_Model[k]=='-InvGamma': # dist_plt[k,:]=np.multiply( Model['Mixing Prop.'][k],invgam(-my_range,Model['shapes'][k],Model['scales'][k])) #elif Components_Model[2]=='-Gamma': # dist_plt[k,:]=np.multiply( Model['Mixing Prop.'][k],gam(-my_range,Model['shapes'][k],np.divide(1,Model['rates'][k]))) #plt[:,my_range>0]=0 full_fit=np.sum(dist_plt,0) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.hist(data_vector,bins=50,density=True,alpha=1, color='g')
import numpy as np from alb_MM_functions import invgam from alb_MM_functions import gam from scipy.stats import norm my_range = np.linspace(-10, 10, 10000) plt0 = np.multiply( Model['Mixing Prop.'][0], norm.pdf(my_range, Model['mu1'][0], np.sqrt(np.divide(1, Model['tau1s'][0])))) if Components_Model[1] == 'InvGamma': plt1 = np.multiply( Model['Mixing Prop.'][1], invgam(my_range, Model['shapes'][1], Model['scales'][1])) elif Components_Model[1] == 'Gamma': plt1 = np.multiply( Model['Mixing Prop.'][1], gam(my_range, Model['shapes'][1], np.divide(1, Model['rates'][1]))) plt1[my_range < 0] = 0 if Components_Model[2] == '-InvGamma': plt2 = np.multiply( Model['Mixing Prop.'][2], invgam(-my_range, Model['shapes'][2], Model['scales'][2])) elif Components_Model[2] == '-Gamma': plt2 = np.multiply( Model['Mixing Prop.'][2], gam(-my_range, Model['shapes'][2], np.divide(1, Model['rates'][2])))
T = 10000 my_range = np.linspace(-10, 10, T) PLTS = np.zeros([Number_of_Components, T]) for k in range(Number_of_Components): if Components_Model[k] == 'Gauss': PLTS[k, :] = np.multiply( Model['Mixing Prop.'][k], norm.pdf(my_range, Model['mu1'][k], np.sqrt(np.divide(1, Model['taus1'][k])))) elif Components_Model[k] == 'InvGamma': PLTS[k, :] = np.multiply( Model['Mixing Prop.'][k], invgam(my_range, Model['shapes'][k], Model['scales'][k])) PLTS[k, my_range < 0] = 0 elif Components_Model[k] == 'Gamma': PLTS[k, :] = np.multiply( Model['Mixing Prop.'][k], gam(my_range, Model['shapes'][k], np.divide(1, Model['rates'][k]))) PLTS[k, my_range < 0] = 0 elif Components_Model[2] == '-InvGamma': PLTS[k, :] = np.multiply( Model['Mixing Prop.'][k], invgam(-my_range, Model['shapes'][k], Model['scales'][k])) PLTS[k, my_range > 0] = 0 elif Components_Model[2] == '-Gamma':
def GaussGammas_Connectome_thresholding_pFDR(input_file, toolbox_path): #Add the toolbox to path sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(toolbox_path))) from Mixture_Model_1Dim import Mixture_Model_1Dim #load input conenctivity matrix #connectivity_matrix = np.loadtxt(input_file, delimiter=',')#, skiprows=1,skipcolumns=1) connectivity_matrix = np.genfromtxt(input_file, delimiter=',') #get updiagonal terms updiag_idx = np.triu_indices_from(connectivity_matrix, k=1) orig_data_vector = connectivity_matrix[updiag_idx] orig_data_vector = orig_data_vector[ ~np.isnan(orig_data_vector )] #data_vector=orig_data_vector[orig_data_vector>0.05] #demean and divide for std to allow easy initialization mean_factor = np.mean(orig_data_vector) scaling_factor = 1. #np.std(orig_data_vector) data_vector = np.divide(orig_data_vector - mean_factor, scaling_factor) #Define options for the mixture model fit Inference = 'Variational Bayes' #'Method of moments'#'Variational Bayes' #'Variational Bayes' #'Method of moments' OR 'Maximum Likelihood' OR 'Variational Bayes' ML NOT INCLUDED YET Number_of_Components = 3 Components_Model = [ 'Gauss', 'InvGamma', '-InvGamma' ] #,'-Gamma'] #Each component can be Gauss, Gamma, InvGamma, -Gamma, -InvGamma maxits = 500 tol = 0.00001 init_params = [0, 1, 6, 2, -6, 2] init_params = [ 0, 1, np.percentile(data_vector, 99), 2, np.percentile(data_vector, 1), 2 ] opts = { 'Inference': Inference, 'Number_of_Components': Number_of_Components, 'Components_Model': Components_Model, 'init_params': init_params, 'maxits': maxits, 'tol': tol } # CALL TO FIT MIXTURE MODEL Model = Mixture_Model_1Dim(data_vector, opts) #if Model['Mixing Prop.'][0]<.95: #good_model=1 # Visualizar fit visualize_model_fit = 1 if visualize_model_fit == 1: my_range = np.linspace(-10, 10, 10000) plt0 = np.multiply( Model['Mixing Prop.'][0], norm.pdf(my_range, Model['mu1'][0], np.sqrt(np.divide(1, Model['taus1'][0])))) #plt0=np.multiply( Model['Mixing Prop.'][0],norm.pdf(my_range,Model['mu1'][0],np.sqrt(Model['taus1'][0]) ) ) #plt0=np.multiply( Model['Mixing Prop.'][0],norm.pdf(my_range,Model['mu1'][0],Model['taus1'][0]) ) if Components_Model[1] == 'InvGamma': plt1 = np.multiply( Model['Mixing Prop.'][1], invgam(my_range, Model['shapes'][1], Model['scales'][1])) elif Components_Model[1] == 'Gamma': plt1 = np.multiply( Model['Mixing Prop.'][1], gam(my_range, Model['shapes'][1], np.divide(1, Model['rates'][1]))) plt1[my_range < 0] = 0 if Components_Model[2] == '-InvGamma': plt2 = np.multiply( Model['Mixing Prop.'][2], invgam(-my_range, Model['shapes'][2], Model['scales'][2])) elif Components_Model[2] == '-Gamma': plt2 = np.multiply( Model['Mixing Prop.'][2], gam(-my_range, Model['shapes'][2], np.divide(1, Model['rates'][2]))) plt2[my_range > 0] = 0 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() #plt.plot(range(10)) plt.hist(data_vector, bins=50, density=True, alpha=1, color='g') plt.plot(my_range, plt0, 'k', linewidth=2) plt.plot(my_range, plt1, 'k', linewidth=2) plt.plot(my_range, plt2, 'k', linewidth=2) plt.plot(my_range, plt0 + plt1 + plt2, 'r', linewidth=2) fig.savefig(os.path.expanduser('~/Desktop/temp.png'), dpi=fig.dpi) # Plot the resulting fit on a histogram of the data #Compute local FDR at positive and negative tail #f0(x)=gam(x,Model['shapes'][0],np.divide(1,Model['rates'][0]))) p0 = Model['Mixing Prop.'][0] rho = data_vector.shape[0] #FDR at positive side sorted_data_vector = -np.sort(-data_vector) all_localFDR = np.ones(rho) flag = 0 k = -1 while flag == 0: k = k + 1 point = sorted_data_vector[k] cdf = norm.cdf(point, Model['mu1'][0], np.sqrt(np.divide(1, Model['taus1'][0]))) numerator = np.multiply(float(p0), 1 - cdf) denominator = np.divide(float(k + 1), float(rho)) all_localFDR[k] = np.divide(numerator, denominator) pFDR = all_localFDR[k] if pFDR > 0.001: if k == 0: threshold1 = sorted_data_vector[k] else: threshold1 = sorted_data_vector[k - 1] # np.multiply(sorted_data_vector[k-1],scaling_factor) flag = 1 #print threshold1 #FDR at negative side sorted_data_vector = -np.sort(data_vector) all_localFDR = np.ones(rho) flag = 0 k = -1 while flag == 0: k = k + 1 point = sorted_data_vector[k] cdf = norm.cdf(-point, Model['mu1'][0], np.sqrt(np.divide(1, Model['taus1'][0]))) numerator = np.multiply(float(p0), 1 - cdf) denominator = np.divide(float(k + 1), float(rho)) all_localFDR[k] = np.divide(numerator, denominator) pFDR = all_localFDR[k] if pFDR > 0.001: if k == 0: threshold2 = -sorted_data_vector[k] else: threshold2 = -sorted_data_vector[k - 1] # np.multiply(sorted_data_vector[k-1],scaling_factor) flag = 1 #Rescale the thresholds using the data mean and std threshold1 = np.multiply(threshold1, scaling_factor) + mean_factor threshold2 = np.multiply(threshold2, scaling_factor) + mean_factor print threshold1 print threshold2 return threshold1, threshold2, Model
def mmfit2(x, maxiters, tol, MM): print MM all_params = [0, 1, 2, 1] init_mu1 = all_params[0] init_v1 = all_params[1] init_mu2 = all_params[2] init_v2 = all_params[3] init_PI = np.zeros(2) init_PI[0] = 0.5 init_PI[1] = 0.5 #First estimation initial parameters for inv gammas: alphas y betas #if MM==1: # 1#fix for gmm #el if MM == 2: init_a1 = alb.alphaGm(init_mu2, init_v2) init_b1 = alb.betaGm(init_mu2, init_v2) elif MM == 3: init_a1 = alb.alphaIG(init_mu2, init_v2) init_b1 = alb.betaIG(init_mu2, init_v2) #rename parameters for iteration tmp_mu1 = init_mu1 tmp_v1 = init_v1 tmp_mu2 = init_mu2 tmp_v2 = init_v2 tmp_a1 = init_a1 tmp_b1 = init_b1 tmp_PI = init_PI #make structures to save the parameters estimates at each iteration mu1 = np.zeros(maxiters + 2) v1 = np.zeros(maxiters + 2) mu2 = np.zeros(maxiters + 2) v2 = np.zeros(maxiters + 2) a1 = np.zeros(maxiters + 2) b1 = np.zeros(maxiters + 2) tmp_lik = np.zeros(maxiters + 2) real_lik = np.zeros(maxiters + 2) PI = np.zeros(2 * (maxiters + 2)) #3 because we fit 2 components PI = np.reshape(PI, [maxiters + 2, 2]) #save first values of this structures as the initialized values mu1[0] = tmp_mu1 v1[0] = tmp_v1 mu2[0] = tmp_mu2 v2[0] = tmp_v2 a1[0] = tmp_a1 b1[0] = tmp_b1 PI[0, 0] = tmp_PI[0] PI[0, 1] = tmp_PI[1] flag = 0 it = -1 #indexes of samples to assign 0 prob wrt non-gauss components xneg = find(x < pow(10, -14)) while flag == 0: it = it + 1 #print it #for it in range (0,maxiters): #print 'it1',it Nobj = sc.stats.norm(tmp_mu1, pow(tmp_v1, (1 / 2))) pGa = Nobj.pdf(x) pGa[pGa == 0] = pow(10, -14) if MM == 1: 1 elif MM == 2: dum2 = alb.gam(x, tmp_a1, tmp_b1) elif MM == 3: dum2 = alb.invgam(x, tmp_a1, tmp_b1) dum2[xneg] = 0 dum2[np.isnan(dum2)] = 0 dum2[np.isinf(dum2)] = 0 dum2[dum2 == 0] = pow(10, -14) D1 = np.multiply(np.ones(size(x)) * tmp_PI[0], pGa) D2 = np.multiply(np.ones(size(x)) * tmp_PI[1], dum2) D2[xneg] = 0 D = D1 + D2 R1 = np.divide(D1, np.ones(size(x)) * D) R2 = np.divide(D2, np.ones(size(x)) * D) resp = sc.column_stack([R1, R2]) #tmp_lik[it]=sum( np.multiply(resp[:,0],(log(tmp_PI[0])+log(pGa))) + np.multiply(resp[:,1],(log(tmp_PI[1])+log(dum2))));#bishop real_lik[it] = sum( log(np.multiply(tmp_PI[0], pGa) + np.multiply(tmp_PI[1], dum2))) #N=np.ones(2) #N[0]=sum(R1) #N[1]=sum(R2) #PI[0,0]=N[0]/sum(N) #PI[0,1]=N[1]/sum(N) #if it < maxiters-1: #M step N = np.ones(2) N[0] = sum(R1) N[1] = sum(R2) tmp_PI[0] = N[0] / sum(N) tmp_PI[1] = N[1] / sum(N) #print tmp_PI #print tmp_lik[it] #update gaussian mean and variance tmp_mu1 = [] tmp_mu1 = sum(np.multiply(resp[:, 0], x)) / N[0] tmp_v1 = [] tmp_v1 = sum(np.multiply(resp[:, 0], pow(x - tmp_mu1, 2))) / N[0] #if tmp_v <= 0.5: # tmp_v=0.5 #UPDATE EACH INVERSE GAMMA. tmp_mu2 = [] tmp_mu2 = sum(np.multiply(resp[:, 1], x)) / N[1] tmp_v2 = [] tmp_v2 = sum(np.multiply(resp[:, 1], pow(x - tmp_mu2, 2))) / N[1] if tmp_v2 < 0.2: tmp_v2 = 0.2 if MM == 2: tmp_a1 = alb.alphaGm(tmp_mu2, tmp_v2) tmp_b1 = alb.betaGm(tmp_mu2, tmp_v2) elif MM == 3: tmp_a1 = alb.alphaIG(tmp_mu2, tmp_v2) tmp_b1 = alb.betaIG(tmp_mu2, tmp_v2) if it > 20: if abs(real_lik[it] - real_lik[it - 1]) < tol: flag = 1 print it if it > (maxiters - 1): flag = 1 #print it if flag == 0: mu1[it + 1] = tmp_mu1 v1[it + 1] = tmp_v1 mu2[it + 1] = tmp_mu2 v2[it + 1] = tmp_v2 a1[it + 1] = alphaIG(tmp_mu2, tmp_v2) b1[it + 1] = betaIG(tmp_mu2, tmp_v2) PI[it + 1, :] = tmp_PI stmu1 = mu1[it] stv1 = v1[it] stmu2 = mu2[it] stv2 = v2[it] stPI = PI[it, :] lik = tmp_lik[it] stPI = PI[it, :] return stmu1, stv1, stmu2, stv2, stPI, lik, it, resp
def mmfit3(x, maxiters, tol, MM): import copy import numpy as np all_params = [0, 1, 3, 1, -3, 1] init_mu1 = all_params[0] init_v1 = all_params[1] init_mu2 = all_params[2] init_v2 = all_params[3] init_mu3 = all_params[4] init_v3 = all_params[5] init_PI = np.zeros(3) init_PI[0] = np.true_divide(1, 3) init_PI[1] = np.true_divide(1, 3) init_PI[2] = np.true_divide(1, 3) #First estimation initial parameters for inv gammas: alphas y betas #if MM==1: # 1#fix for gmm #el if MM == 2: init_a1 = alb.alphaGm(init_mu2, init_v2) init_b1 = alb.betaGm(init_mu2, init_v2) init_a2 = alb.alphaGm(-1 * init_mu3, init_v3) init_b2 = alb.betaGm(-1 * init_mu3, init_v3) elif MM == 3: init_a1 = alb.alphaIG(init_mu2, init_v2) init_b1 = alb.betaIG(init_mu2, init_v2) init_a2 = alb.alphaIG(-1 * init_mu3, init_v3) init_b2 = alb.betaIG(-1 * init_mu3, init_v3) #rename parameters for iteration tmp_mu1 = copy.deepcopy(init_mu1) tmp_v1 = copy.deepcopy(init_v1) tmp_mu2 = copy.deepcopy(init_mu2) tmp_v2 = copy.deepcopy(init_v2) tmp_mu3 = copy.deepcopy(init_mu3) tmp_v3 = copy.deepcopy(init_v3) tmp_a1 = copy.deepcopy(init_a1) tmp_b1 = copy.deepcopy(init_b1) tmp_a2 = copy.deepcopy(init_a2) tmp_b2 = copy.deepcopy(init_b2) tmp_PI = copy.deepcopy(init_PI) #make structures to save the parameters estimates at each iteration mu1 = np.zeros(maxiters + 2) v1 = np.zeros(maxiters + 2) mu2 = np.zeros(maxiters + 2) v2 = np.zeros(maxiters + 2) mu3 = np.zeros(maxiters + 2) v3 = np.zeros(maxiters + 2) a1 = np.zeros(maxiters + 2) b1 = np.zeros(maxiters + 2) a2 = np.zeros(maxiters + 2) b2 = np.zeros(maxiters + 2) tmp_lik = np.zeros(maxiters + 2) real_lik = np.zeros(maxiters + 2) PI = np.zeros(3 * (maxiters + 2)) #3 because we fit 3 components PI = np.reshape(PI, [maxiters + 2, 3]) #save first values of this structures as the initialized values mu1[0] = tmp_mu1 v1[0] = tmp_v1 mu2[0] = tmp_mu2 v2[0] = tmp_v2 mu3[0] = tmp_mu2 v3[0] = tmp_v2 a1[0] = tmp_a1 b1[0] = tmp_b1 a2[0] = tmp_a2 b2[0] = tmp_b2 #indexes of samples to assign 0 prob wrt each inv gammas xneg = find(x < pow(10, -14)) xpos = find(x > -pow(10, -14)) eps = np.finfo(float).eps #First Expectation step to evaluate initilization it=0 it = 0 Nobj = sc.stats.norm(tmp_mu1, np.power(tmp_v1, 0.5)) pGa = Nobj.pdf(x) pGa[pGa == 0] = 10**-14 if MM == 1: 1 elif MM == 2: dum2 = alb.gam(x, tmp_a1, tmp_b1) dum3 = alb.gam(-1 * x, tmp_a2, tmp_b2) elif MM == 3: dum2 = alb.invgam(x, tmp_a1, tmp_b1) dum3 = alb.invgam(-1 * x, tmp_a2, tmp_b2) dum2[xneg] = 0 dum3[xpos] = 0 D1 = np.multiply(np.ones(size(x)) * tmp_PI[0], pGa) D1[np.where(D1 < 10**-14)] = eps D2 = np.multiply(np.ones(size(x)) * tmp_PI[1], dum2) D2[np.where(D2 < 10**-14)] = eps D3 = np.multiply(np.ones(size(x)) * tmp_PI[2], dum3) D3[np.where(D3 < 10**-14)] = eps D = D1 + D2 + D3 R1 = np.divide(D1, np.ones(size(x)) * D) R2 = np.divide(D2, np.ones(size(x)) * D) R3 = np.divide(D3, np.ones(size(x)) * D) resp = sc.column_stack([R1, R2, R3]) #M step N = np.ones(3) N[0] = sum(R1) N[1] = sum(R2) N[2] = sum(R3) tmp_PI[0] = N[0] / sum(N) tmp_PI[1] = N[1] / sum(N) tmp_PI[2] = N[2] / sum(N) #tmp_lik[it]=sum( np.multiply(resp[:,0],(log(tmp_PI[0])+log(pGa))) + np.multiply(resp[:,1],(log(tmp_PI[1])+log(dum2))) + np.multiply(resp[:,2],(log(tmp_PI[2])+log(dum3))) );#bishop real_lik[it] = sum( log( np.multiply(tmp_PI[0], pGa) + np.multiply(tmp_PI[1], dum2) + np.multiply(tmp_PI[2], dum3))) trol = np.zeros([3, x.shape[0]]) trol[0, :] = np.multiply(D1, tmp_PI[0]) trol[1, :] = np.multiply(D2, tmp_PI[1]) trol[2, :] = np.multiply(D3, tmp_PI[2]) real_lik[it] = np.sum(np.log(trol.sum(0))) #ITERATE flag = 0 while flag == 0: it = it + 1 #update gaussian mean and variance tmp_mu1 = [] tmp_mu1 = sum(np.multiply(resp[:, 0], x)) / N[0] tmp_v1 = [] tmp_v1 = sum(np.multiply(resp[:, 0], pow(x - tmp_mu1, 2))) / N[0] #if tmp_v <= 0.5: # tmp_v=0.5 #UPDATE EACH INVERSE GAMMA. tmp_mu2 = [] tmp_mu2 = sum(np.multiply(resp[:, 1], x)) / N[1] tmp_v2 = [] tmp_v2 = sum(np.multiply(resp[:, 1], pow(x - tmp_mu2, 2))) / N[1] #if tmp_v2< 0.1:#pow(10,-1): #tmp_v2=0.1 tmp_mu3 = [] tmp_mu3 = sum(np.multiply(resp[:, 2], x)) / N[2] tmp_v3 = [] tmp_v3 = sum(np.multiply(resp[:, 2], pow(x - tmp_mu3, 2))) / N[2] #if tmp_v3< 0.1: #tmp_v3=0.1 if MM == 2: tmp_a1 = alb.alphaGm(tmp_mu2, tmp_v2) tmp_b1 = alb.betaGm(tmp_mu2, tmp_v2) tmp_a2 = alb.alphaGm(-1 * tmp_mu3, tmp_v3) tmp_b2 = alb.betaGm(-1 * tmp_mu3, tmp_v3) elif MM == 3: tmp_a1 = alb.alphaIG(tmp_mu2, tmp_v2) tmp_b1 = alb.betaIG(tmp_mu2, tmp_v2) tmp_a2 = alb.alphaIG(-1 * tmp_mu3, tmp_v3) tmp_b2 = alb.betaIG(-1 * tmp_mu3, tmp_v3) #print 'it_num',it Nobj = sc.stats.norm(tmp_mu1, np.power(tmp_v1, 0.5)) pGa = Nobj.pdf(x) pGa[pGa == 0] = 10**-14 if MM == 1: 1 elif MM == 2: dum2 = alb.gam(x, tmp_a1, tmp_b1) dum3 = alb.gam(-1 * x, tmp_a2, tmp_b2) elif MM == 3: dum2 = alb.invgam(x, tmp_a1, tmp_b1) dum3 = alb.invgam(-1 * x, tmp_a2, tmp_b2) dum2[xneg] = 0 dum3[xpos] = 0 dum2[np.isnan(dum2)] = 0 dum2[np.isinf(dum2)] = 0 dum2[dum2 == 0] = 10**-14 dum3[np.isnan(dum3)] = 0 dum3[np.isinf(dum3)] = 0 dum3[dum3 == 0] = 10**-14 D1 = np.multiply(np.ones(size(x)) * tmp_PI[0], pGa) D1[np.where(D1 < 10**-14)] = eps D2 = np.multiply(np.ones(size(x)) * tmp_PI[1], dum2) D2[np.where(D2 < 10**-14)] = eps D3 = np.multiply(np.ones(size(x)) * tmp_PI[2], dum3) D3[np.where(D3 < 10**-14)] = eps #D3[xpos]=0; #D2[xneg]=0; D = D1 + D2 + D3 R1 = np.divide(D1, np.ones(size(x)) * D) R2 = np.divide(D2, np.ones(size(x)) * D) R3 = np.divide(D3, np.ones(size(x)) * D) resp = sc.column_stack([R1, R2, R3]) #M step N = np.ones(3) N[0] = sum(R1) N[1] = sum(R2) N[2] = sum(R3) tmp_PI[0] = N[0] / sum(N) tmp_PI[1] = N[1] / sum(N) tmp_PI[2] = N[2] / sum(N) tmp_PI[np.where(tmp_PI < 10**-14)] = eps #tmp_lik[it]=sum( np.multiply(resp[:,0],(log(tmp_PI[0])+log(pGa))) + np.multiply(resp[:,1],(log(tmp_PI[1])+log(dum2))) + np.multiply(resp[:,2],(log(tmp_PI[2])+log(dum3))) );#bishop real_lik[it] = sum( log( np.multiply(tmp_PI[0], pGa) + np.multiply(tmp_PI[1], dum2) + np.multiply(tmp_PI[2], dum3))) trol = np.zeros([3, x.shape[0]]) trol[0, :] = np.multiply(D1, tmp_PI[0]) trol[1, :] = np.multiply(D2, tmp_PI[1]) trol[2, :] = np.multiply(D3, tmp_PI[2]) real_lik[it] = np.sum(np.log(trol.sum(0))) if (abs((real_lik[it] - real_lik[it - 1]) / real_lik[it - 1]) < tol) | (it > maxiters): flag = 1 stmu1 = tmp_mu1 #mu1[it]; stv1 = tmp_v1 #v1[it]; stmu2 = tmp_mu2 #mu2[it]; stv2 = tmp_v2 #v2[it]; stmu3 = tmp_mu3 #mu3[it]; stv3 = tmp_v3 #v3[it]; stPI = tmp_PI #PI[it,:]; lik = real_lik[0:it] #tmp_lik[it]; return stmu1, stv1, stmu2, stv2, stmu3, stv3, stPI, lik, it, resp