def main(argv=sys.argv): args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) setup_logging(args.config) app_settings = get_appsettings(args.config) alembic_cfg = Config(args.config) blame = alembic_cfg.get_main_option('blame') engine = create_engine(alembic_cfg.get_main_option('sqlalchemy.url')) apps = aslist(app_settings['occams.apps']) errors = [] assert blame, 'Need to blame someone!' with engine.begin() as connection:['blame'] = blame for app in apps: try: module = import_module(app) except ImportError: errors.append('{}: Unable to import'.format(app)) continue else: if hasattr(module, 'initdb'): module.initdb(connection) else: errors.append('{}: Does not have "initdb"'.format(app)) for error in errors: print(error) alembic_cfg.attributes['connection'] = connection command.stamp(alembic_cfg, 'heads')
def alembic_cfg() -> Config: cfg = Config("alembic.ini") version_locations = cfg.get_main_option("version_locations") cfg.set_main_option( "version_locations", f"{version_locations} {orchestrator_module_location}/{migration_dir}/versions/schema" )"Version Locations", locations=cfg.get_main_option("version_locations")) return cfg
def make_alembic_config(cmd_opts: Namespace, base_path: str = BASE_PATH) -> Config: """ Create custom alembic config. :param cmd_opts: Default config :type cmd_opts: Namespace :param base_path: Path of config file :type base_path: str :return: Alembic configuration :rtype: Config """ # Make path to config absolute if not os.path.isabs(cmd_opts.config): cmd_opts.config = os.path.join(base_path, cmd_opts.config) config = Config(file_=cmd_opts.config, cmd_opts=cmd_opts) # Make path to scripts absolute alembic_location = config.get_main_option("script_location") if not os.path.isabs(alembic_location): config.set_main_option("script_location", os.path.join(base_path, alembic_location)) # Set alembic db from application config config.set_main_option("sqlalchemy.url", AppConfig().db_url) return config
def make_alembic_config(options: Namespace, base_path: str = PROJECT_PATH) -> Config: """ Создает объект конфигурации alembic на основе аргументов командной строки, и настраивает его (меняет относительные пути на абсолютные). :param options: аргументы командной строки :param base_path: путь, относительного которого формируются относительные пути :return: объект конфигурации alembic """ # Если указан относительный путь до alembic.ini, то добавляем в начало base_path # (формируем абсолютный путь) if not os.path.isabs(options.config): options.config = os.path.join(base_path, options.config) # Создаем объект конфигурации Alembic config = Config(file_=options.config,, cmd_opts=options) if options.db_url: # Меняем значение sqlalchemy.url из конфига Alembic config.set_main_option("sqlalchemy.url", options.db_url) # Подменяем путь до папки с alembic (требуется, чтобы alembic мог найти, шаблон для # генерации миграций и сами миграции) alembic_location = config.get_main_option("script_location") if not os.path.isabs(alembic_location): config.set_main_option("script_location", os.path.join(base_path, alembic_location)) return config
def start_db_migration(self) -> None: """ Runs alembic to upgrade the selected database to the current conversion head. This ensures that the database schema version matches the python ORM version. :return: Nothing """ self.close_last_session() local_dir = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile( inspect.currentframe()))) # script directory alembic_cfg = Config( os.path.abspath(os.path.join(local_dir, "alembic.ini"))) # Alembic has problems, when called inside a library, # therefore we change the current alembic folder with its absolute path alembic_cfg.set_main_option( "script_location", os.path.abspath( os.path.join( local_dir, alembic_cfg.get_main_option("script_location", "alembic")))) alembic_cfg.set_main_option("sqlalchemy.url", self.__connection) command.upgrade(alembic_cfg, "head")
def check_current_head(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the selected database schema version matches the python source ORM schema version. If false please run start_db_migration to update the database. :return: True if both version are matching, else False """ local_dir = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile( inspect.currentframe()))) # script directory alembic_cfg = Config( os.path.abspath(os.path.join(local_dir, "alembic.ini"))) # Alembic has problems, when called inside a library, # therefore we change the current folder with its absolute path alembic_cfg.set_main_option( "script_location", os.path.abspath( os.path.join( local_dir, alembic_cfg.get_main_option("script_location", "alembic")))) directory = script.ScriptDirectory.from_config(alembic_cfg) with self.__engine.begin() as connection: context = migration.MigrationContext.configure(connection) return set(context.get_current_heads()) == set( directory.get_heads())
def migrate_to_head(): ''' Trying to update database to head revision. If alembic unable to recognize current revision (In case when database version is newer than backend) then do nothing. ''' config_file = Path(__file__).parent / 'alembic.ini' config = Config(config_file) # mindsdb can runs not from project directory script_location_abc = config_file.parent / config.get_main_option('script_location') config.set_main_option('script_location', str(script_location_abc)) script = ScriptDirectory.from_config(config) with db.engine.begin() as conn: mc = MigrationContext.configure(conn) cur_revision = mc.get_current_revision() try: script.revision_map.get_revision(cur_revision) except ResolutionError: print('!!! Database version higher than application !!!') return upgrade(config=config, revision='head')
def run_migrations_offline(config: Config, target_metadata: MetaData) -> None: """ Run migrations in 'offline' mode. This configures the context with just a URL and not an Engine, though an Engine is acceptable here as well. By skipping the Engine creation we don't even need a DBAPI to be available. Calls to context.execute() here emit the given string to the script output. """ url = config.get_main_option("sqlalchemy.url") # RNC context.configure( url=url, target_metadata=target_metadata, render_as_batch= True, # for SQLite mode; # noqa literal_binds=True, version_table=ALEMBIC_VERSION_TABLE, compare_type=custom_compare_type, # ... # noqa # ... # noqa # process_revision_directives=writer, process_revision_directives=process_revision_directives, ) with context.begin_transaction(): context.run_migrations()
def search_models(): """ running search models function in .alembic/ """ from alembic.config import Config alembic_cfg = Config("alembic.ini") main_dir = alembic_cfg.get_main_option("script_location") main_dir = _set_unix_path(main_dir) if path.exists(main_dir): import importlib.util sp_path = path.join(main_dir, "") spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("search_models", sp_path) script = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(script) # f._search_models() message = "[I] 搜索完成。" else: message = "[W] 没找到 .alembic 文件夹。" print(Fore.YELLOW + message.strip() + "\n") return
def initConn(inifile): """ Creates connection information from a config.ini file :param inifile: name of the ini file for database connection :return: connection parameters for sqlalchemy engine """ # create the alembic config object from inifile conf = Config(inifile) # create the sqlurl and ssl certs from the inifile sqlurl = conf.get_main_option('sqlurl') sslrootcert = conf.get_main_option('sslrootcert') sslcert = conf.get_main_option('sslcert') sslkey = conf.get_main_option('sslkey') # return sqlurl and ssl certs return sqlurl, sslrootcert, sslcert, sslkey
def get_alembic_config(mm, ini_file=None, ini_section='migrations', stdout=sys.stdout): appcfg = mm.cfg.get_settings() cfg = Config(file_=ini_file, ini_section=ini_section, stdout=stdout) if cfg.get_main_option('script_location') is None: cfg.set_main_option('script_location', 'netprofile:alembic') if cfg.get_main_option('sqlalchemy.url') is None: cfg.set_main_option('sqlalchemy.url', appcfg.get('sqlalchemy.url')) if cfg.get_main_option('output_encoding') is None: cfg.set_main_option('output_encoding', 'utf-8') migration_paths = [] for mod in mm.modules.values(): if mod.dist and mod.dist.location: path = os.path.join(mod.dist.location, 'migrations') if os.path.isdir(path): migration_paths.append(path) if len(migration_paths) > 0: cfg.set_main_option('version_locations', ' '.join(migration_paths)) cfg.attributes['mm'] = mm return cfg
def temp_db() -> Generator[None, None, None]: """Create new test db for testing session.""" create_engine(TEST_DB) db_exists = database_exists(TEST_DB) if db_exists: drop_database(TEST_DB) create_database(TEST_DB) # Create the test database. config = Config('alembic.ini') # Run the migrations. config.set_main_option('sqlalchemy.url', TEST_DB) assert config.get_main_option('sqlalchemy.url') == TEST_DB command.upgrade(config, 'head') yield # Run the tests. drop_database(TEST_DB)
def show(args): '''Show the current schema information.''' alembic_cfg = Config(args.config) sa_url = alembic_cfg.get_main_option('sqlalchemy.url') engine = sa.create_engine(sa_url) with engine.begin() as connection: context = MigrationContext.configure(connection) current_rev = context.get_current_revision() script = ScriptDirectory.from_config(alembic_cfg) heads = script.get_heads() head_rev = heads[0] if len(heads) > 0 else None print(f'Current database revision: {current_rev}') print(f'The head revision of available migrations: {head_rev}')
def main(argv=sys.argv): args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) setup_logging(args.config) alembic_cfg = Config(args.config) blame = alembic_cfg.get_main_option('blame') engine = create_engine(alembic_cfg.get_main_option('sqlalchemy.url')) assert blame, 'Need to blame someone!' with engine.begin() as connection: connection.execute( sa.text('SET LOCAL "" = :param'), param='occams' ) connection.execute( sa.text('SET LOCAL "application.user" = :param'), param=blame ) Base.metadata.create_all(connection) alembic_cfg.attributes['connection'] = connection command.stamp(alembic_cfg, 'heads')
def configure(self, options, config): super(AlembicAttrib, self).configure(options, config) ini = options.ini if options.ini else "alembic.ini" echo = True if options.echo else False config = Config(ini) url = config.get_main_option("sqlalchemy.url") engine = create_engine(url, echo=echo) connection = engine.connect() context = MigrationContext.configure(connection) script = ScriptDirectory.from_config(config) self.current_revision = context.get_current_revision() self.revisions = [script.revision for script in script.iterate_revisions(self.current_revision, None)]
def main(argv=sys.argv): args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) setup_logging(args.config) alembic_cfg = Config(args.config) engine = create_engine(alembic_cfg.get_main_option('sqlalchemy.url')) blame = models.get_blame_from_url(engine.url) with engine.begin() as connection: models.set_pg_locals(connection, 'initdb', blame) Base.metadata.create_all(connection) alembic_cfg.attributes['connection'] = connection command.stamp(alembic_cfg, 'heads')
def make_alembic_config(cmd_opts: Union[Namespace, SimpleNamespace], base_path: str = PROJECT_PATH) -> Config: if not os.path.isabs(cmd_opts.config): cmd_opts.config = os.path.join(base_path, cmd_opts.config) config = Config(file_=cmd_opts.config,, cmd_opts=cmd_opts) alembic_location = config.get_main_option("script_location") if not os.path.isabs(alembic_location): config.set_main_option("script_location", os.path.join(base_path, alembic_location)) if cmd_opts.pg_url: config.set_main_option("sqlalchemy.url", cmd_opts.pg_url) return config
def make_alembic_config(cmd_opts: Union[Namespace, SimpleNamespace], base_path: Path = PROJECT_PATH) -> Config: if not os.path.isabs(cmd_opts.config): cmd_opts.config = str(base_path / cmd_opts.config) config = Config(file_=cmd_opts.config,, cmd_opts=cmd_opts) # Подменяем путь alembic на абсолютный alembic_location = config.get_main_option('script_location') if not os.path.isabs(alembic_location): config.set_main_option('script_location', str(base_path / alembic_location)) if cmd_opts.pg_url: config.set_main_option('sqlalchemy.url', cmd_opts.pg_url) return config
def make_alembic_config(cmd_opts: Union[Namespace, SimpleNamespace], base_path: str = PROJECT_PATH) -> Config: # Replace path to alembic.ini file to absolute if not os.path.isabs(cmd_opts.config): cmd_opts.config = os.path.join(base_path, cmd_opts.config) config = Config(file_=cmd_opts.config,, cmd_opts=cmd_opts) # Replace path to alembic folder to absolute alembic_location = config.get_main_option('script_location') if not os.path.isabs(alembic_location): config.set_main_option('script_location', os.path.join(base_path, alembic_location)) if cmd_opts.pg_url: config.set_main_option('sqlalchemy.url', cmd_opts.pg_url) return config
def get_alembic_config(): """ Возвращает alembic.config.Config, который отличается от оригинального только заменённым именем БД, чтобы все манипуляции с данными происходили в БД для тестов. :return: alembic.config.Config """ config = Config('alembic.ini') sqlalchemy_url = config.get_main_option('sqlalchemy.url') # Подменяем db_url для тестовой БД. # Подразумевается, что тестовая БД от продуктовой отличается только названием, # находится на том же сервере и доступна для того же пользователя, что и продуктовая. last_slash_index = sqlalchemy_url.rfind('/') new_db_url = sqlalchemy_url[:last_slash_index + 1] + app.config.DB_SETTINGS['database'] config.set_main_option('sqlalchemy.url', new_db_url) return config
def initialize_db(dbconnection): alembic_cfg = Config(DEFAULT_ALEMBIC_INI_PATH) db = alembic_cfg.get_main_option("sqlalchemy.url", dbconnection) alembic_cfg.set_main_option("sqlalchemy.url", db) engine = sa.engine_from_config( alembic_cfg.get_section(alembic_cfg.config_ini_section), prefix='sqlalchemy.') node.create_tables(engine) groups.create_tables(engine) public.create_tables(engine) xfeatures.create_tables(engine) quotaholder_serials.create_tables(engine) # then, load the Alembic configuration and generate the # version table, "stamping" it with the most recent rev: command.stamp(alembic_cfg, "head")
def initialize_db(): alembic_cfg = Config(DEFAULT_ALEMBIC_INI_PATH) db = alembic_cfg.get_main_option("sqlalchemy.url", PITHOS_BACKEND_DB_CONNECTION) alembic_cfg.set_main_option("sqlalchemy.url", db) engine = sa.engine_from_config(alembic_cfg.get_section( alembic_cfg.config_ini_section), prefix='sqlalchemy.') node.create_tables(engine) groups.create_tables(engine) public.create_tables(engine) xfeatures.create_tables(engine) # then, load the Alembic configuration and generate the # version table, "stamping" it with the most recent rev: command.stamp(alembic_cfg, "head")
def patch_env(): from alembic.config import Config from alembic.script.base import ScriptDirectory alembic_cfg = Config("alembic.ini") main_dir = alembic_cfg.get_main_option("script_location") main_dir = _set_unix_path(main_dir) env_path = path.join(main_dir, "") with open(env_path, "r") as rf: _origin_f = with open(env_path, "w") as wf: _new_f = _origin_f.replace(_origin_line, _new_line) wf.write(_new_f) script = ScriptDirectory(main_dir) script._copy_file(path.join(_package_dir, sp_search_models), path.join(main_dir, ""))
def oneshot(cli_ctx, alembic_config): ''' Set up your database with one-shot schema migration instead of iterating over multiple revisions if there is no existing database. It uses alembic.ini to configure database connection. Reference: #building-an-up-to-date-database-from-scratch ''' with cli_ctx.logger: alembic_cfg = Config(alembic_config) sa_url = alembic_cfg.get_main_option('sqlalchemy.url') engine = sa.create_engine(sa_url) engine.execute('CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp";') with engine.begin() as connection: context = MigrationContext.configure(connection) current_rev = context.get_current_revision() if current_rev is None: # For a fresh clean database, create all from scratch. # (it will raise error if tables already exist.)'Detected a fresh new database.')'Creating tables...') with engine.begin() as connection: alembic_cfg.attributes['connection'] = connection metadata.create_all(engine, checkfirst=False)'Stamping alembic version to head...') command.stamp(alembic_cfg, 'head') else: # If alembic version info is already available, perform incremental upgrade.'Detected an existing database.')'Performing schema upgrade to head...') with engine.begin() as connection: alembic_cfg.attributes['connection'] = connection command.upgrade(alembic_cfg, 'head') "If you don't need old migrations, delete them and set " "\"down_revision\" value in the earliest migration to \"None\".")
def main(): alembic = CommandLine() options = alembic.parser.parse_args() # Если указан относительный путь (alembic.ini), добавляем в начало # абсолютный путь до приложения if not os.path.isabs(options.config): options.config = os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, options.config) # Создаем объект конфигурации Alembic config = Config(file_=options.config,, cmd_opts=options) # Подменяем путь до папки с alembic на абсолютный (требуется, чтобы alembic # мог найти, шаблон для генерации миграций и сами миграции) alembic_location = config.get_main_option('script_location') if not os.path.isabs(alembic_location): config.set_main_option('script_location', os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, alembic_location)) # Запускаем команду alembic exit(alembic.run_cmd(config, options))
def make_alembic_config(cmd_opts: Union[Namespace, SimpleNamespace], base_path: str = PROJECT_PATH) -> Config: """ Creates alembic configuration object based on command line arguments, replaces relatives pathes with absolute ones. """ # Replace relative path to alembic.ini with absolute one if not os.path.isabs(cmd_opts.config): cmd_opts.config = os.path.join(base_path, cmd_opts.config) config = Config(file_=cmd_opts.config,, cmd_opts=cmd_opts) # Replace relative path to directory with alembic with absolute one alembic_location = config.get_main_option('script_location') if not os.path.isabs(alembic_location): config.set_main_option('script_location', os.path.join(base_path, alembic_location)) if cmd_opts.pg_url: config.set_main_option('sqlalchemy.url', cmd_opts.pg_url) return config
def make_alembic_config(cmd_opts: Union[Namespace, SimpleNamespace], base_path: str = PROJECT_PATH) -> Config: """ Создает объект конфигурации alembic на основе аргументов командной строки, подменяет относительные пути на абсолютные. """ # Подменяем путь до файла alembic.ini на абсолютный if not os.path.isabs(cmd_opts.config): cmd_opts.config = os.path.join(base_path, cmd_opts.config) config = Config(file_=cmd_opts.config,, cmd_opts=cmd_opts) # Подменяем путь до папки с alembic на абсолютный alembic_location = config.get_main_option('script_location') if not os.path.isabs(alembic_location): config.set_main_option('script_location', os.path.join(base_path, alembic_location)) if cmd_opts.pg_url: config.set_main_option('sqlalchemy.url', cmd_opts.pg_url) return config
class Database(): def __init__(self, config, database_url, before_rev, after_rev): self.before_rev = before_rev self.after_rev = after_rev self.alembic_cfg = Config(config) self.alembic_cfg.set_main_option("sqlalchemy.url", database_url) command.upgrade(self.alembic_cfg, before_rev) self.engine = create_engine( self.alembic_cfg.get_main_option("sqlalchemy.url")) self.metadata = MetaData() self.metadata.reflect(bind=self.engine) def insert(self, data): connection = self.engine.connect() for table_name, table_data in data.items(): table = self.metadata.tables[table_name] for entry in table_data: for column in table.c: if not column.nullable and not in entry: entry[".")[-1]] = generate_fake_data( column.type) print(entry) connection.execute(table.insert().values(**entry)) connection.close() def migrate(self): command.upgrade(self.alembic_cfg, self.after_rev) self.metadata = MetaData() self.metadata.reflect(bind=self.engine) def get_table(self, table_name): return self.metadata.tables[table_name] def connection(self): return self.engine.connect()
def oneshot(args): '''Set up your database with one-shot schema migration instead of iterating over multiple revisions. It uses alembic.ini to configure database connection. Reference: #building-an-up-to-date-database-from-scratch ''' from alembic.config import Config from alembic import command alembic_cfg = Config(args.config) sa_url = alembic_cfg.get_main_option('sqlalchemy.url')'Creating tables...') engine = sa.create_engine(sa_url) engine.execute('CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp";') # it will raise error if tables already exist. metadata.create_all(engine, checkfirst=False)'Stamping alembic version to {args.schema_version}...') command.stamp(alembic_cfg, args.schema_version)"If you don't need old migrations, delete them and set " "\"down_revision\" value in the earliest migration to \"None\".")
class MakeMigrations(DataBaseCommands): def create_model_branch(self, apps: typing.List[typing.Union[str]]) -> None: for app in apps: os.environ["CRAX_CURRENT"] = app version_path = self.create_version_dir(app) try: self.config.set_main_option("version_locations", version_path) revision( self.config, branch_label=f"{self.db_name}/{app}", autogenerate=True, version_path=version_path, message=self.args.message, ) except CommandError as e: sys.stderr.write( f"Failed to create initial migrations: {e} \n") break def get_revisions(self) -> dict: revisions = {} for app in self.applications: alembic_script = ScriptDirectory.from_config(self.config) try: rev = alembic_script.get_revisions( f"{self.db_name}/{app}@head") if rev: label = list(rev[0].branch_labels)[0] revisions.update( {label: [rev[0].revision, rev[0].down_revision]}) except (CommandError, KeyError): pass return revisions def wipe_existing_versions(self) -> None: engine = create_engine(self.default_connection, echo=False) session = sessionmaker() _session = session(bind=engine) try: _session.execute("delete from alembic_version") _session.commit() except (ProgrammingError, OperationalError): sys.stdout.write( "Failed to delete alembic versions. If you had an errors, please check it out. \n" ) def check_migrations_exist(self, app: str) -> Optional[bool]: if app != "crax.auth": app_dir = f"{self.project_url}/{app}" else: module = "crax.auth" spl_module = module.split(".") auth_path = __import__(module, fromlist=spl_module) app_dir = auth_path.__path__[0] if "" in os.listdir(app_dir): if len(self.databases) > 1: try: app_content = os.listdir( f"{app_dir}/{self.migrations_dir}") check_path = self.db_name except FileNotFoundError: return False else: try: app_content = os.listdir(app_dir) check_path = self.migrations_dir except FileNotFoundError: # pragma: no cover return False if check_path in app_content: return True else: return False def delete_crax_migrations(self, module: str) -> None: spl_module = module.split(".") auth_path = __import__(module, fromlist=spl_module) path = f"{auth_path.__path__[0]}/{self.migrations_dir}" if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) def check_deleted(self) -> None: dir_exists = os.path.exists(f"{self.project_url}/{self.alembic_dir}") if self.config is not None and dir_exists: if len(self.databases) > 1: migration_dirs = [ f"{self.project_url}/{app}/{self.migrations_dir}/{self.db_name}" for app in self.applications if app != "crax.auth" ] else: migration_dirs = [ f"{self.project_url}/{app}/{self.migrations_dir}" for app in self.applications if app != "crax.auth" ] engine = create_engine(self.default_connection, echo=False) session = sessionmaker() _session = session(bind=engine) try: existing_versions = [ x for x in _session.execute("select * from alembic_version") ] not_existing_dirs = any( [not os.path.exists(x) for x in migration_dirs]) if existing_versions and not_existing_dirs: self.delete_crax_migrations("crax.auth") if os.path.isfile(f"{self.project_url}/alembic.ini"): self.write_config("alembic", "crax_migrated", "migrated") self.wipe_existing_versions() except (ProgrammingError, OperationalError): sys.stdout.write( "Failed to get alembic versions. If you had an errors, please check it out. \n" ) def make_migrations(self) -> None: os.environ["CRAX_ONLINE"] = "true" dir_exists = os.path.exists(f"{self.project_url}/{self.alembic_dir}") if self.config is None or not dir_exists: if os.path.isfile(f"{self.project_url}/alembic.ini"): os.remove(f"{self.project_url}/alembic.ini") if os.path.exists(f"{self.project_url}/{self.alembic_dir}"): shutil.rmtree(f"{self.project_url}/{self.alembic_dir}") self.delete_crax_migrations("crax.auth") self.wipe_existing_versions() self.config = Config("alembic.ini") init(self.config, self.alembic_dir, package=True) shutil.copy(env.__file__, f"{self.project_url}/{self.alembic_dir}/") self.create_model_branch(self.applications) self.create_db_map() else: self.check_deleted() migrated = self.config.get_main_option("crax_migrated") if migrated == "not migrated": sys.stderr.write( "You have unapplied migrations. Please run migrate command first. \n" ) sys.exit(1) db_map = self.config.get_main_option("crax_db_map") if db_map: try: map_dict = json.loads( self.config.get_main_option("crax_db_map")) current_db_map = map_dict[self.db_name] if isinstance(current_db_map, dict): os.environ["CRAX_DB_TABLES"] = json.dumps( current_db_map) except KeyError: pass for app in self.applications: os.environ["CRAX_CURRENT"] = app version_dir = self.create_version_dir(app) exists = self.check_migrations_exist(app) message = self.get_option("message") if exists is not None: if exists is False: revision( self.config, branch_label=f"{self.db_name}/{app}", head="base", version_path=version_dir, autogenerate=True, message=message, ) if self.check_branch_exists(f"{self.db_name}/{app}"): revisions = self.get_revisions() if revisions: try: stamp( self.config, revisions[f"{self.db_name}/{app}"][0], ) except (KeyError, IndexError): stamp(self.config, f"{self.db_name}/{app}@head") else: revision( self.config, head=f"{self.db_name}/{app}@head", version_path=version_dir, autogenerate=True, message=message, ) if self.check_branch_exists(f"{self.db_name}/{app}"): revisions = self.get_revisions() if revisions: try: stamp( self.config, revisions[f"{self.db_name}/{app}"][0], ) except (KeyError, IndexError): stamp(self.config, f"{self.db_name}/{app}@head") else: sys.stdout.write( f"No models found in application {app}. Skipping. \n") revisions = self.get_revisions() for app in self.applications: if revisions: if self.check_branch_exists(f"{self.db_name}/{app}"): try: conf_latest = self.config.get_main_option( "crax_latest_revisions", None) if conf_latest: latest = json.loads(conf_latest) app_latest = latest[f"{self.db_name}/{app}"] if revisions[f"{self.db_name}/{app}"][ 0] != app_latest: if (revisions[f"{self.db_name}/{app}"][1] is not None): stamp( self.config, revisions[f"{self.db_name}/{app}"] [1], ) else: stamp(self.config, f"{self.db_name}/{app}@base") except (KeyError, IndexError, CommandError) as e: branch = f"{self.db_name}/{app}" if branch in revisions: stamp(self.config, f"{self.db_name}/{app}@base") else: sys.stderr.write( f"Failed to stamp: {e}. Please check it out. \n" ) self.write_config("alembic", "crax_migrated", "not migrated")
from com.app_utils import load_config_secrets LOCALDEV_PORT = 8080 NAME = 'Sitemap' ROOT_URL_PROD = '' ROOT_URL_DEV = 'http://localhost:%d' % LOCALDEV_PORT IS_REAL_PROD = os.environ.get('COMMIT') is not None IS_LIKE_PROD = (IS_REAL_PROD or (os.environ.get('PRODUCTION') == '1') or (len(sys.argv) >= 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'prod')) ALEMBIC_CONFIG_FILE = 'alembic_prod.ini' if IS_LIKE_PROD else 'alembic.ini' ALEMBIC_CONFIG = Config(ALEMBIC_CONFIG_FILE) DB_URL = ALEMBIC_CONFIG.get_main_option('sqlalchemy.url') VERSION = os.environ.get('COMMIT') or str(int( time.time() * 1000)) # cache-busts Angular templates CONFIG = { 'SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI': DB_URL, 'ROOT_URL_WITH_SLASH': (ROOT_URL_PROD if IS_LIKE_PROD else ROOT_URL_DEV) + '/', # for auto_context # render 'RENDER_URL': 'http://localhost:%s' % (os.environ.get('RENDER_PORT') or 3000), #'RENDER_PROD_ONLY': True, #'LOG_SQL': True,
def create_db(params): params = process_connection_values(params) db_name = params["database"] username = params["username"] params["username"] = MASTER_USER params["password"] = MASTER_PASSWORD master_params = params.copy() master_params["database"] = MASTER_DB engine = connect(master_params) engine.execute('COMMIT') sql = 'CREATE DATABASE "{}";'.format(db_name) try: engine.execute(sql) except Exception as e: print sql, e # TODO: This will only run for the first time and fail in all other cases. # Maybe test before instead? sql = 'CREATE ROLE {user} LOGIN PASSWORD "{user}" VALID UNTIL "infinity";'.format( user=username) try: engine.execute(sql) except Exception as e: pass engine = connect(params) # TODO: Alembic (and sqlalchemy for that matter) don't like schemas. We should # figure out a way to add these later config = load_flask_config() models = config.get("models", []) if not models: raise Exception("This app has no models defined in config") for model_module_name in models:"Building models from %s", model_module_name) models = importlib.import_module(model_module_name) models.ModelBase.metadata.create_all(engine) # stamp the db with the latest alembic upgrade version from drift.flaskfactory import _find_app_root approot = _find_app_root() ini_path = os.path.join(approot, "alembic.ini") alembic_cfg = Config(ini_path) script_path = os.path.join( os.path.split(os.path.abspath(ini_path))[0], "alembic") alembic_cfg.set_main_option("script_location", script_path) db_names = alembic_cfg.get_main_option('databases') connection_string = format_connection_string(params) alembic_cfg.set_section_option(db_names, "sqlalchemy.url", connection_string) command.stamp(alembic_cfg, "head") for schema in SCHEMAS: # Note that this does not automatically grant on tables added later sql = ''' GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA "{schema}" TO {user}; GRANT USAGE, SELECT, UPDATE ON ALL SEQUENCES IN SCHEMA "{schema}" TO {user}; GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA "{schema}" TO {user};'''.format( schema=schema, user=username) try: engine.execute(sql) except Exception as e: print sql, e return db_name
def parse_config(): alembic_cfg = Config(alembic_ini_file_path) app_ini_file_name = alembic_cfg.get_main_option('pylons_config_file') app_ini_file_dir = os.path.dirname(alembic_cfg.config_file_name) app_config_uri = 'config:%s' % app_ini_file_name return appconfig(app_config_uri, 'thelma', relative_to=app_ini_file_dir)