    def _init_panels(self, sids):
        if self.downsample:
            self.rolling_panel = RollingPanel(self.bars_in_day,
                                              self.field_names, sids)

            self.daily_rolling_panel = RollingPanel(self.window_length,
                                                    self.field_names, sids)
            self.rolling_panel = RollingPanel(self.window_length *
                                              self.field_names, sids)
    def _init_panels(self, sids):
        if self.downsample:
            self.rolling_panel = RollingPanel(self.bars_in_day,
                                              self.field_names, sids)

            self.daily_rolling_panel = RollingPanel(self.window_length,
                                                    self.field_names, sids)
            self.rolling_panel = RollingPanel(
                self.window_length * self.bars_in_day, self.field_names, sids)
class BatchTransform(object):
    """Base class for batch transforms with a trailing window of
    variable length. As opposed to pure EventWindows that get a stream
    of events and are bound to a single SID, this class creates stream
    of pandas DataFrames with each colum representing a sid.

    There are two ways to create a new batch window:
    (i) Inherit from BatchTransform and overload get_value(data).
        class MyBatchTransform(BatchTransform):
            def get_value(self, data):
               # compute difference between the means of sid 0 and sid 1
               return data[0].mean() - data[1].mean()

    (ii) Use the batch_transform decorator.
        def my_batch_transform(data):
            return data[0].mean() - data[1].mean()


    In your algorithm you would then have to instantiate
    this in the initialize() method:
    self.my_batch_transform = MyBatchTransform()

    To then use it, inside of the algorithm handle_data(), call the
    handle_data() of the BatchTransform and pass it the current event:
    result = self.my_batch_transform(data)

    def __init__(self,
        """Instantiate new batch_transform object.

            func : python function <optional>
                If supplied will be called after each refresh_period
                with the data panel and all args and kwargs supplied
                to the handle_data() call.
            refresh_period : int
                Interval to wait between advances in the window.
            window_length : int
                How many days the trailing window should have.
            clean_nans : bool <default=True>
                Whether to (forward) fill in nans.
            sids : list <optional>
                Which sids to include in the moving window.  If not
                supplied sids will be extracted from incoming
            fields : list <optional>
                Which fields to include in the moving window
                (e.g. 'price'). If not supplied, fields will be
                extracted from incoming events.
            compute_only_full : bool <default=True>
                Only call the user-defined function once the window is
                full. Returns None if window is not full yet.
            downsample : bool <default=False>
                If true, downsample bars to daily bars. Otherwise, do nothing.
        if func is not None:
            self.compute_transform_value = func
            self.compute_transform_value = self.get_value

        self.clean_nans = clean_nans
        self.compute_only_full = compute_only_full
        # no need to down sample if the bars are already daily
        self.downsample = downsample and (bars == 'minute')

        # How many bars are in a day
        self.bars = bars
        if self.bars == 'daily':
            self.bars_in_day = 1
        elif self.bars == 'minute':
            self.bars_in_day = int(6.5 * 60)
            raise ValueError('%s bars not understood.' % self.bars)

        # The following logic is to allow pre-specified sid filters
        # to operate on the data, but to also allow new symbols to
        # enter the batch transform's window IFF a sid filter is not
        # specified.
        if sids is not None:
            if isinstance(sids, (basestring, Integral)):
                self.static_sids = set([sids])
                self.static_sids = set(sids)
            self.static_sids = None

        self.initial_field_names = fields
        if isinstance(self.initial_field_names, basestring):
            self.initial_field_names = [self.initial_field_names]
        self.field_names = set()

        self.refresh_period = refresh_period

        self.window_length = window_length

        self.trading_days_total = 0
        self.window = None

        self.full = False
        # Set to -inf essentially to cause update on first attempt.
        self.last_dt = pd.Timestamp('1900-1-1', tz='UTC')

        self.updated = False
        self.cached = None
        self.last_args = None
        self.last_kwargs = None

        # Data panel that provides bar information to fill in the window,
        # when no bar ticks are available from the data source generator
        # Used in universes that 'rollover', e.g. one that has a different
        # set of stocks per quarter
        self.supplemental_data = None

        self.rolling_panel = None
        self.daily_rolling_panel = None

    def handle_data(self, data, *args, **kwargs):
        Point of entry. Process an event frame.
        # extract dates
        dts = [event.datetime for event in data._data.itervalues()]
        # we have to provide the event with a dt. This is only for
        # checking if the event is outside the window or not so a
        # couple of seconds shouldn't matter. We don't add it to
        # the data parameter, because it would mix dt with the
        # sid keys.
        event = Event()
        event.dt = max(dts)
        event.data = {
            k: v.__dict__
            for k, v in data._data.iteritems()
            # Need to check if data has a 'length' to filter
            # out sids without trade data available.
            # TODO: expose more of 'no trade available'
            # functionality to zipline
            if len(v)

        # only modify the trailing window if this is
        # a new event. This is intended to make handle_data
        # idempotent.
        if self.last_dt < event.dt:
            self.updated = True
            self.updated = False

        # return newly computed or cached value
        return self.get_transform_value(*args, **kwargs)

    def _init_panels(self, sids):
        if self.downsample:
            self.rolling_panel = RollingPanel(self.bars_in_day,
                                              self.field_names, sids)

            self.daily_rolling_panel = RollingPanel(self.window_length,
                                                    self.field_names, sids)
            self.rolling_panel = RollingPanel(
                self.window_length * self.bars_in_day, self.field_names, sids)

    def _append_to_window(self, event):
        self.field_names = self._get_field_names(event)

        if self.static_sids is None:
            sids = set(event.data.keys())
            sids = self.static_sids

        # the panel sent to the transform code will have
        # columns masked with this set of sids. This is how
        # we guarantee that all (and only) the sids sent to the
        # algorithm's handle_data and passed to the batch
        # transform. See the get_data method to see it applied.
        # N.B. that the underlying panel grows monotonically
        # if the set of sids changes over time.
        self.latest_sids = sids
        # Create rolling panel if not existant
        if self.rolling_panel is None:

        # Store event in rolling frame
            pd.DataFrame(event.data, index=self.field_names, columns=sids))

        # update trading day counters
        # we may get events from non-trading sources which occurr on
        # non-trading days. The book-keeping for market close and
        # trading day counting should only consider trading days.
        if trading.environment.is_trading_day(event.dt):
            _, mkt_close = trading.environment.get_open_and_close(event.dt)
            if self.bars == 'daily':
                # Daily bars have their dt set to midnight.
                mkt_close = trading.environment.normalize_date(mkt_close)
            if event.dt == mkt_close:
                if self.downsample:
                                     self.daily_rolling_panel, mkt_close)
                self.trading_days_total += 1
            self.mkt_close = mkt_close

        self.last_dt = event.dt

        if self.trading_days_total >= self.window_length:
            self.full = True

    def get_transform_value(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Call user-defined batch-transform function passing all

        Note that this will only call the transform if the datapanel
        has actually been updated. Otherwise, the previously, cached
        value will be returned.
        if self.compute_only_full and not self.full:
            return None

        # Determine whether we should call the transform
        # 0. Support historical/legacy usage of '0' signaling,
        #    'update on every bar'
        if self.refresh_period == 0:
            period_signals_update = True
            # 1. Is the refresh period over?
            period_signals_update = (self.trading_days_total %
                                     self.refresh_period == 0)
        # 2. Have the args or kwargs been changed since last time?
        args_updated = args != self.last_args or kwargs != self.last_kwargs
        # 3. Is this a downsampled batch, and is the last event mkt close?
        downsample_ready = not self.downsample or \
            self.last_dt == self.mkt_close

        recalculate_needed = downsample_ready and \
            (args_updated or (period_signals_update and self.updated))

        if recalculate_needed:
            self.cached = self.compute_transform_value(self.get_data(), *args,

        self.last_args = args
        self.last_kwargs = kwargs
        return self.cached

    def get_data(self):
        """Create a pandas.Panel (i.e. 3d DataFrame) from the
        events in the current window.

        The resulting panel looks like this:
        index : field_name (e.g. price)
        major axis/rows : dt
        minor axis/colums : sid
        if self.downsample:
            data = self.daily_rolling_panel.get_current()
            data = self.rolling_panel.get_current()

        if self.supplemental_data:
            for item in data.items:
                if item not in self.supplemental_data.items:
                for dt in data.major_axis:
                        supplemental_for_dt = self.supplemental_data.ix[item,
                                                                        dt, :]
                    except KeyError:
                        # Only filling in data available in supplemental data.
                        supplemental_for_dt = None

                    if supplemental_for_dt is not None:
                        data[item].ix[dt] = \

        # screen out sids no longer in the multiverse
        data = data.ix[:, :, self.latest_sids]
        if self.clean_nans:
            # Fills in gaps of missing data during transform
            # of multiple stocks. E.g. we may be missing
            # minute data because of illiquidity of one stock
            data = data.fillna(method='ffill')

        # Hold on to a reference to the data,
        # so that it's easier to find the current data when stepping
        # through with a debugger
        self._curr_data = data

        return data

    def get_value(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Either overwrite get_value or provide a func argument.")

    def __call__(self, f):
        self.compute_transform_value = f
        return self.handle_data

    def _extract_field_names(self, event):
        # extract field names from sids (price, volume etc), make sure
        # every sid has the same fields.
        sid_keys = []
        for sid in event.data.itervalues():
            keys = set([
                name for name, value in sid.items()
                if isinstance(value, (int, float, numpy.integer, numpy.float,

        # with CUSTOM data events, there may be different fields
        # per sid. So the allowable keys are the union of all events.
        union = set.union(*sid_keys)
        unwanted_fields = set(
            ['portfolio', 'sid', 'dt', 'type', 'datetime', 'source_id'])
        return union - unwanted_fields

    def _get_field_names(self, event):
        if self.initial_field_names is not None:
            return self.initial_field_names
            self.latest_names = self._extract_field_names(event)
            return set.union(self.field_names, self.latest_names)
class BatchTransform(object):
    """Base class for batch transforms with a trailing window of
    variable length. As opposed to pure EventWindows that get a stream
    of events and are bound to a single SID, this class creates stream
    of pandas DataFrames with each colum representing a sid.

    There are two ways to create a new batch window:
    (i) Inherit from BatchTransform and overload get_value(data).
        class MyBatchTransform(BatchTransform):
            def get_value(self, data):
               # compute difference between the means of sid 0 and sid 1
               return data[0].mean() - data[1].mean()

    (ii) Use the batch_transform decorator.
        def my_batch_transform(data):
            return data[0].mean() - data[1].mean()


    In your algorithm you would then have to instantiate
    this in the initialize() method:
    self.my_batch_transform = MyBatchTransform()

    To then use it, inside of the algorithm handle_data(), call the
    handle_data() of the BatchTransform and pass it the current event:
    result = self.my_batch_transform(data)


    def __init__(self,

        """Instantiate new batch_transform object.

            func : python function <optional>
                If supplied will be called after each refresh_period
                with the data panel and all args and kwargs supplied
                to the handle_data() call.
            refresh_period : int
                Interval to wait between advances in the window.
            window_length : int
                How many days the trailing window should have.
            clean_nans : bool <default=True>
                Whether to (forward) fill in nans.
            sids : list <optional>
                Which sids to include in the moving window.  If not
                supplied sids will be extracted from incoming
            fields : list <optional>
                Which fields to include in the moving window
                (e.g. 'price'). If not supplied, fields will be
                extracted from incoming events.
            compute_only_full : bool <default=True>
                Only call the user-defined function once the window is
                full. Returns None if window is not full yet.
            downsample : bool <default=False>
                If true, downsample bars to daily bars. Otherwise, do nothing.
        if func is not None:
            self.compute_transform_value = func
            self.compute_transform_value = self.get_value

        self.clean_nans = clean_nans
        self.compute_only_full = compute_only_full
        # no need to down sample if the bars are already daily
        self.downsample = downsample and (bars == 'minute')

        # How many bars are in a day
        self.bars = bars
        if self.bars == 'daily':
            self.bars_in_day = 1
        elif self.bars == 'minute':
            self.bars_in_day = int(6.5 * 60)
            raise ValueError('%s bars not understood.' % self.bars)

        # The following logic is to allow pre-specified sid filters
        # to operate on the data, but to also allow new symbols to
        # enter the batch transform's window IFF a sid filter is not
        # specified.
        if sids is not None:
            if isinstance(sids, (basestring, Integral)):
                self.static_sids = set([sids])
                self.static_sids = set(sids)
            self.static_sids = None

        self.initial_field_names = fields
        if isinstance(self.initial_field_names, basestring):
            self.initial_field_names = [self.initial_field_names]
        self.field_names = set()

        self.refresh_period = refresh_period

        self.window_length = window_length

        self.trading_days_total = 0
        self.window = None

        self.full = False
        # Set to -inf essentially to cause update on first attempt.
        self.last_dt = pd.Timestamp('1900-1-1', tz='UTC')

        self.updated = False
        self.cached = None
        self.last_args = None
        self.last_kwargs = None

        # Data panel that provides bar information to fill in the window,
        # when no bar ticks are available from the data source generator
        # Used in universes that 'rollover', e.g. one that has a different
        # set of stocks per quarter
        self.supplemental_data = None

        self.rolling_panel = None
        self.daily_rolling_panel = None

    def handle_data(self, data, *args, **kwargs):
        Point of entry. Process an event frame.
        # extract dates
        dts = [event.datetime for event in data._data.itervalues()]
        # we have to provide the event with a dt. This is only for
        # checking if the event is outside the window or not so a
        # couple of seconds shouldn't matter. We don't add it to
        # the data parameter, because it would mix dt with the
        # sid keys.
        event = Event()
        event.dt = max(dts)
        event.data = {k: v.__dict__ for k, v in data._data.iteritems()
                      # Need to check if data has a 'length' to filter
                      # out sids without trade data available.
                      # TODO: expose more of 'no trade available'
                      # functionality to zipline
                      if len(v)}

        # only modify the trailing window if this is
        # a new event. This is intended to make handle_data
        # idempotent.
        if self.last_dt < event.dt:
            self.updated = True
            self.updated = False

        # return newly computed or cached value
        return self.get_transform_value(*args, **kwargs)

    def _init_panels(self, sids):
        if self.downsample:
            self.rolling_panel = RollingPanel(self.bars_in_day,
                                              self.field_names, sids)

            self.daily_rolling_panel = RollingPanel(self.window_length,
                                                    self.field_names, sids)
            self.rolling_panel = RollingPanel(self.window_length *
                                              self.field_names, sids)

    def _append_to_window(self, event):
        self.field_names = self._get_field_names(event)

        if self.static_sids is None:
            sids = set(event.data.keys())
            sids = self.static_sids

        # the panel sent to the transform code will have
        # columns masked with this set of sids. This is how
        # we guarantee that all (and only) the sids sent to the
        # algorithm's handle_data and passed to the batch
        # transform. See the get_data method to see it applied.
        # N.B. that the underlying panel grows monotonically
        # if the set of sids changes over time.
        self.latest_sids = sids
        # Create rolling panel if not existant
        if self.rolling_panel is None:

        # Store event in rolling frame

        # update trading day counters
        # we may get events from non-trading sources which occurr on
        # non-trading days. The book-keeping for market close and
        # trading day counting should only consider trading days.
        if trading.environment.is_trading_day(event.dt):
            _, mkt_close = trading.environment.get_open_and_close(event.dt)
            if self.bars == 'daily':
                # Daily bars have their dt set to midnight.
                mkt_close = trading.environment.normalize_date(mkt_close)
            if event.dt == mkt_close:
                if self.downsample:
                self.trading_days_total += 1
            self.mkt_close = mkt_close

        self.last_dt = event.dt

        if self.trading_days_total >= self.window_length:
            self.full = True

    def get_transform_value(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Call user-defined batch-transform function passing all

        Note that this will only call the transform if the datapanel
        has actually been updated. Otherwise, the previously, cached
        value will be returned.
        if self.compute_only_full and not self.full:
            return None

        # Determine whether we should call the transform
        # 0. Support historical/legacy usage of '0' signaling,
        #    'update on every bar'
        if self.refresh_period == 0:
            period_signals_update = True
        # 1. Is the refresh period over?
            period_signals_update = (
                self.trading_days_total % self.refresh_period == 0)
        # 2. Have the args or kwargs been changed since last time?
        args_updated = args != self.last_args or kwargs != self.last_kwargs
        # 3. Is this a downsampled batch, and is the last event mkt close?
        downsample_ready = not self.downsample or \
            self.last_dt == self.mkt_close

        recalculate_needed = downsample_ready and \
            (args_updated or (period_signals_update and self.updated))

        if recalculate_needed:
            self.cached = self.compute_transform_value(

        self.last_args = args
        self.last_kwargs = kwargs
        return self.cached

    def get_data(self):
        """Create a pandas.Panel (i.e. 3d DataFrame) from the
        events in the current window.

        The resulting panel looks like this:
        index : field_name (e.g. price)
        major axis/rows : dt
        minor axis/colums : sid
        if self.downsample:
            data = self.daily_rolling_panel.get_current()
            data = self.rolling_panel.get_current()

        if self.supplemental_data:
            for item in data.items:
                if item not in self.supplemental_data.items:
                for dt in data.major_axis:
                        supplemental_for_dt = self.supplemental_data.ix[
                            item, dt, :]
                    except KeyError:
                        # Only filling in data available in supplemental data.
                        supplemental_for_dt = None

                    if supplemental_for_dt is not None:
                        data[item].ix[dt] = \

        # screen out sids no longer in the multiverse
        data = data.ix[:, :, self.latest_sids]
        if self.clean_nans:
            # Fills in gaps of missing data during transform
            # of multiple stocks. E.g. we may be missing
            # minute data because of illiquidity of one stock
            data = data.fillna(method='ffill')

        # Hold on to a reference to the data,
        # so that it's easier to find the current data when stepping
        # through with a debugger
        self._curr_data = data

        return data

    def get_value(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Either overwrite get_value or provide a func argument.")

    def __call__(self, f):
        self.compute_transform_value = f
        return self.handle_data

    def _extract_field_names(self, event):
        # extract field names from sids (price, volume etc), make sure
        # every sid has the same fields.
        sid_keys = []
        for sid in event.data.itervalues():
            keys = set([name for name, value in sid.items()
                        if isinstance(value,

        # with CUSTOM data events, there may be different fields
        # per sid. So the allowable keys are the union of all events.
        union = set.union(*sid_keys)
        unwanted_fields = set(['portfolio', 'sid', 'dt', 'type',
                               'datetime', 'source_id'])
        return union - unwanted_fields

    def _get_field_names(self, event):
        if self.initial_field_names is not None:
            return self.initial_field_names
            self.latest_names = self._extract_field_names(event)
            return set.union(self.field_names, self.latest_names)