def __json_to_callable(self, clusterName, hostName, json_definition): """ converts the json that represents all aspects of a definition and makes an object that extends BaseAlert that is used for individual """ alert = None try: source = json_definition['source'] source_type = source.get('type', '') if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug("[AlertScheduler] Creating job type {0} with {1}".format(source_type, str(json_definition))) if source_type == AlertSchedulerHandler.TYPE_METRIC: alert = MetricAlert(json_definition, source, self.config) elif source_type == AlertSchedulerHandler.TYPE_PORT: alert = PortAlert(json_definition, source) elif source_type == AlertSchedulerHandler.TYPE_SCRIPT: source['stacks_directory'] = self.stacks_dir source['common_services_directory'] = self.common_services_dir source['host_scripts_directory'] = self.host_scripts_dir alert = ScriptAlert(json_definition, source, self.config) elif source_type == AlertSchedulerHandler.TYPE_WEB: alert = WebAlert(json_definition, source, self.config) elif source_type == AlertSchedulerHandler.TYPE_RECOVERY: alert = RecoveryAlert(json_definition, source, self.recovery_manger) if alert is not None: alert.set_cluster(clusterName, hostName) except Exception,exception: logger.exception("[AlertScheduler] Unable to load an invalid alert definition. It will be skipped.")
def test_collect(self, urllib): alert_meta = { 'name': 'alert1', 'label': 'label1', 'serviceName': 'service1', 'componentName': 'component1', 'uuid': '123', 'enabled': 'true' } alert_source_meta = { 'jmx': { 'property_list': [ 'x/y' ] }, 'uri': { 'http': '', 'https_property': '{{hdfs-site/dfs.http.policy}}', 'https_property_value': 'HTTPS_ONLY' }, "reporting": { "ok": { "text": "OK: {0}" }, "warning": { "text": "Warn: {0}", "value": 2 }, "critical": { "text": "Crit: {0}", "value": 5 } } } cluster = 'c1' host = 'host1' expected_text = 'Warn: 4' def collector_side_effect(clus, data): self.assertEquals(data['name'], alert_meta['name']) self.assertEquals(data['label'], alert_meta['label']) self.assertEquals(data['text'], expected_text) self.assertEquals(data['service'], alert_meta['serviceName']) self.assertEquals(data['component'], alert_meta['componentName']) self.assertEquals(data['uuid'], alert_meta['uuid']) self.assertEquals(data['enabled'], alert_meta['enabled']) self.assertEquals(data['cluster'], cluster) self.assertEquals(clus, cluster) response = Mock() urllib.return_value = response = Mock(return_value='{"beans": [{"y": 4}]}') mock_collector = MagicMock() mock_collector.put = Mock(side_effect=collector_side_effect) alert = MetricAlert(alert_meta, alert_source_meta) alert.set_helpers(mock_collector, {'foo-site/bar': 12, 'foo-site/baz': 'asd'}) alert.set_cluster(cluster, host) alert.collect()
def __json_to_callable(self, clusterName, hostName, json_definition): ''' converts the json that represents all aspects of a definition and makes an object that extends BaseAlert that is used for individual ''' source = json_definition['source'] source_type = source.get('type', '') if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug("Creating job type {0} with {1}".format( source_type, str(json_definition))) alert = None if source_type == AlertSchedulerHandler.TYPE_METRIC: alert = MetricAlert(json_definition, source) elif source_type == AlertSchedulerHandler.TYPE_PORT: alert = PortAlert(json_definition, source) elif source_type == AlertSchedulerHandler.TYPE_SCRIPT: source['stacks_dir'] = self.stacks_dir alert = ScriptAlert(json_definition, source) if alert is not None: alert.set_cluster(clusterName, hostName) return alert