class VoiceRssTTS(TTSInterface): """Uses The VoiceRss TTS service to synthesize sentences in a specific language, e.g. en-us. The main function synthesize returns a string which contain a RIFF wave file audio of the synthesized text.""" def __init__(self, cfg): """Intitialize: just remember the configuration.""" self.cfg = cfg super(VoiceRssTTS, self).__init__(cfg) self.preprocessing = TTSPreprocessing(self.cfg, self.cfg['TTS']['VoiceRss']['preprocessing']) @cache.persistent_cache(True, 'VoiceRssTTS.get_tts_mp3.') def get_tts_mp3(self, language, text): """Access the VoiceRss TTS service and get synthesized audio for a text. Returns a string with a WAV stream.""" baseurl = "" values = {'src': text.encode('utf8'), 'hl': language, 'c': 'MP3', 'f': '16khz_16bit_mono', 'key': self.cfg['TTS']['VoiceRss']['api_key']} data = urllib.urlencode(values) request = urllib2.Request(baseurl, data) request.add_header("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686) Gecko/20071127 Firefox/") try: mp3response = urllib2.urlopen(request) return except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError): raise TTSException("SpeechTech TTS error.") def synthesize(self, text): """Synthesize the text and return it in a string with audio in default format and sample rate.""" wav = b"" try: if text: text = self.preprocessing.process(text) mp3 = self.get_tts_mp3(self.cfg['TTS']['VoiceRss']['language'], text) wav = audio.convert_mp3_to_wav(self.cfg, mp3) wav = audio.change_tempo(self.cfg, self.cfg['TTS']['VoiceRss']['tempo'], wav) return wav else: return b"" except TTSException as e: m = unicode(e) + " Text: %s" % text self.cfg['Logging']['system_logger'].exception(m) return b"" return wav
class FliteTTS(TTSInterface): """Uses Flite TTS to synthesize sentences in English. The main function `synthesize' returns a string which contains a RIFF wave file audio of the synthesized text. """ def __init__(self, cfg): super(FliteTTS, self).__init__(cfg) self.preprocessing = TTSPreprocessing( self.cfg, self.cfg['TTS']['Flite']['preprocessing']) @cache.persistent_cache(True, 'FliteTTS.get_tts_wav.') def get_tts_wav(self, voice, text): """Runs flite from the command line and gets the synthesized audio. Note that the returned audio is in the re-sampled PCM audio format. """ handle, wav_file_name = mkstemp('TmpSpeechFile.wav') if voice not in ['awb', 'rms', 'slt', 'kal', 'awb_time', 'kal16']: voice = 'awb' try:"flite -voice %s -t \"%s\" -o %s 2> /dev/null" % (voice, text, wav_file_name), shell=True) wav = audio.load_wav(self.cfg, wav_file_name) except: raise TTSException("No data synthesized.") return wav def synthesize(self, text): """\ Synthesizes the text and returns it as a string with audio in default format and sample rate. """ try: text = self.preprocessing.process(text) wav = self.get_tts_wav(self.cfg['TTS']['Flite']['voice'], text) wav = audio.change_tempo(self.cfg, self.cfg['TTS']['Flite']['tempo'], wav) except TTSException: m = e + "Text: %" % text self.cfg['Logging']['system_logger'].exception(m) return b"" return wav
class FliteTTS(TTSInterface): """Uses Flite TTS to synthesize sentences in English. The main function `synthesize' returns a string which contains a RIFF wave file audio of the synthesized text. """ def __init__(self, cfg): super(FliteTTS, self).__init__(cfg) self.preprocessing = TTSPreprocessing(self.cfg, self.cfg['TTS']['Flite']['preprocessing']) @cache.persistent_cache(True, 'FliteTTS.get_tts_wav.') def get_tts_wav(self, voice, text): """Runs flite from the command line and gets the synthesized audio. Note that the returned audio is in the re-sampled PCM audio format. """ handle, wav_file_name = mkstemp('TmpSpeechFile.wav') if voice not in ['awb', 'rms', 'slt', 'kal', 'awb_time', 'kal16']: voice = 'awb' try:"flite -voice %s -t \"%s\" -o %s 2> /dev/null" % (voice, text, wav_file_name), shell=True) wav = audio.load_wav(self.cfg, wav_file_name) except: raise TTSException("No data synthesized.") return wav def synthesize(self, text): """\ Synthesizes the text and returns it as a string with audio in default format and sample rate. """ try: text = self.preprocessing.process(text) wav = self.get_tts_wav(self.cfg['TTS']['Flite']['voice'], text) wav = audio.change_tempo(self.cfg, self.cfg['TTS']['Flite']['tempo'], wav) except TTSException: m = e + "Text: %" % text self.cfg['Logging']['system_logger'].exception(m) return b"" return wav
def __init__(self, cfg): super(SpeechtechTTS, self).__init__(cfg) self.preprocessing = TTSPreprocessing(self.cfg, self.cfg['TTS']['SpeechTech']['preprocessing'])
class SpeechtechTTS(TTSInterface): """ Uses SpeechTech TTS service to synthesize sentences in a specific language, e.g. en, cs. The main function synthesize returns a string which contain a RIFF wave file audio of the synthesized text. """ def __init__(self, cfg): super(SpeechtechTTS, self).__init__(cfg) self.preprocessing = TTSPreprocessing(self.cfg, self.cfg['TTS']['SpeechTech']['preprocessing']) @cache.lru_cache(10000) @cache.persistent_cache(True, 'SpeechtechTTS.get_tts_mp3.') def get_tts_mp3(self, voice, text): """ Access SpeechTech TTS service and get synthesized audio. Returns a string with wav in it. """ try: TIMEOUT = 30 LOGIN = self.cfg['TTS']['SpeechTech']['login'] PASSWD = self.cfg['TTS']['SpeechTech']['password'] REALM = 'TTS-Server' ROOT_URI = '' URI = '%s/add_to_queue' % ROOT_URI if hasattr(socket, 'setdefaulttimeout'): socket.setdefaulttimeout(TIMEOUT) # Create an OpenerDirector with support for Basic HTTP Authentication... auth_handler = urllib2.HTTPDigestAuthHandler() auth_handler.add_password(realm=REALM, uri=URI, user=LOGIN, passwd=PASSWD) opener = urllib2.build_opener(auth_handler) urllib2.install_opener(opener) params = urllib.urlencode([('text', text.encode('utf8')), ('engine', voice.encode('utf8'))]) task_id = urllib2.urlopen('%s/add_to_queue' % ROOT_URI, params).read().strip() uri = None i = 20 while i: params = urllib.urlencode([('task_id', task_id)]) resp = urllib2.urlopen('%s/query_status' % ROOT_URI, params).read().splitlines() code = int(resp[0]) #print 'Status is', code if code == 3: uri = resp[1] #print 'Result available at', uri break time.sleep(0.2) i -= 1 if uri: request = urllib2.Request(uri) request.add_header("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686) Gecko/20071127 Firefox/") mp3response = urllib2.urlopen(request) return except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError): raise TTSException("SpeechTech TTS error.") raise TTSException("Time out: No data synthesized.") def synthesize(self, text): """ Synthesize the text and returns it in a string with audio in default format and sample rate. """ wav = b"" try: if text: text = self.preprocessing.process(text) mp3 = self.get_tts_mp3(self.cfg['TTS']['SpeechTech']['voice'], text) wav = audio.convert_mp3_to_wav(self.cfg, mp3) wav = audio.change_tempo(self.cfg, self.cfg['TTS']['SpeechTech']['tempo'], wav) # if self.cfg['TTS']['debug']: # m = "TTS cache hits %d and misses %d " % (self.get_tts_mp3.hits, self.get_tts_mp3.misses) # self.cfg['Logging']['system_logger'].debug(m) return wav else: return b"" except TTSException as e: m = unicode(e) + " Text: %s" % text self.cfg['Logging']['system_logger'].exception(m) return b"" return wav
def __init__(self, cfg): super(FliteTTS, self).__init__(cfg) self.preprocessing = TTSPreprocessing( self.cfg, self.cfg['TTS']['Flite']['preprocessing'])
class GoogleTTS(TTSInterface): """ Uses Google TTS service to synthesize sentences in a specific language, e.g. en, cs. The main function synthesize returns a string which contain a RIFF wave file audio of the synthesized text. """ def __init__(self, cfg): super(GoogleTTS, self).__init__(cfg) self.preprocessing = TTSPreprocessing( self.cfg, self.cfg['TTS']['Google']['preprocessing']) @cache.persistent_cache(True, 'GoogleTTS.get_tts_mp3.') def get_tts_mp3(self, language, text, rate=1.0): """ Access Google TTS service and get synthesized audio. Note that the returned audio is in the MP3 format. Returns a string with MP3 in it. """ baseurl = "" values = {'q': text.encode('utf8'), 'tl': language, 'rate': rate} if self.cfg['TTS']['Google']['debug']: print values data = urllib.urlencode(values) request = urllib2.Request(baseurl, data) request.add_header( "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_3) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/18.0.1025.163 Safari/535.19" ) request.add_header( 'Referer', '') mp3response = urllib2.urlopen(request) return def synthesize(self, text): """ Synthesize the text and returns it in a string with audio in default format and sample rate. """ try: if text: text = self.preprocessing.process(text) mp3 = self.get_tts_mp3( self.cfg['TTS']['Google']['language'], text, self.cfg['TTS']['Google'].get('tempo', 1.0)) wav = audio.convert_mp3_to_wav(self.cfg, mp3) wav = audio.change_tempo(self.cfg, self.cfg['TTS']['Google']['tempo'], wav) return wav else: return b"" except TTSException as e: m = unicode(e) + " Text: %s" % text self.cfg['Logging']['system_logger'].exception(m) return b""
def __init__(self, cfg): super(GoogleTTS, self).__init__(cfg) self.preprocessing = TTSPreprocessing( self.cfg, self.cfg['TTS']['Google']['preprocessing'])
class GoogleTTS(TTSInterface): """ Uses Google TTS service to synthesize sentences in a specific language, e.g. en, cs. The main function synthesize returns a string which contain a RIFF wave file audio of the synthesized text. """ def __init__(self, cfg): super(GoogleTTS, self).__init__(cfg) self.preprocessing = TTSPreprocessing( self.cfg, self.cfg['TTS']['Google']['preprocessing']) @cache.persistent_cache(True, 'GoogleTTS.get_tts_mp3.') def get_tts_mp3(self, language, text, rate=1.0): """ Access Google TTS service and get synthesized audio. Note that the returned audio is in the MP3 format. Returns a string with MP3 in it. """ baseurl = "" values = {'q': text.encode('utf8'), 'tl': language, 'rate': rate} if self.cfg['ASR']['Google']['debug']: print values data = urllib.urlencode(values) request = urllib2.Request(baseurl, data) request.add_header("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_3) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/18.0.1025.163 Safari/535.19") request.add_header('Referer', '') mp3response = urllib2.urlopen(request) return def synthesize(self, text): """ Synthesize the text and returns it in a string with audio in default format and sample rate. """ wav = b"" try: if text: text = self.preprocessing.process(text) mp3 = self.get_tts_mp3(self.cfg['TTS']['Google']['language'], text, self.cfg['TTS']['Google'].get('tempo', 1.0)) wav = audio.convert_mp3_to_wav(self.cfg, mp3) wav = audio.change_tempo(self.cfg, self.cfg['TTS']['Google']['tempo'], wav) return wav else: return b"" except TTSException as e: m = unicode(e) + " Text: %s" % text self.cfg['Logging']['system_logger'].exception(m) return b"" return wav
def __init__(self, cfg): super(SpeechtechTTS, self).__init__(cfg) self.preprocessing = TTSPreprocessing( self.cfg, self.cfg['TTS']['SpeechTech']['preprocessing'])
class SpeechtechTTS(TTSInterface): """ Uses SpeechTech TTS service to synthesize sentences in a specific language, e.g. en, cs. The main function synthesize returns a string which contain a RIFF wave file audio of the synthesized text. """ def __init__(self, cfg): super(SpeechtechTTS, self).__init__(cfg) self.preprocessing = TTSPreprocessing( self.cfg, self.cfg['TTS']['SpeechTech']['preprocessing']) @cache.lru_cache(10000) @cache.persistent_cache(True, 'SpeechtechTTS.get_tts_mp3.') def get_tts_mp3(self, voice, text): """ Access SpeechTech TTS service and get synthesized audio. Returns a string with wav in it. """ try: TIMEOUT = 30 LOGIN = self.cfg['TTS']['SpeechTech']['login'] PASSWD = self.cfg['TTS']['SpeechTech']['password'] REALM = 'TTS-Server' ROOT_URI = '' URI = '%s/add_to_queue' % ROOT_URI if hasattr(socket, 'setdefaulttimeout'): socket.setdefaulttimeout(TIMEOUT) # Create an OpenerDirector with support for Basic HTTP Authentication... auth_handler = urllib2.HTTPDigestAuthHandler() auth_handler.add_password(realm=REALM, uri=URI, user=LOGIN, passwd=PASSWD) opener = urllib2.build_opener(auth_handler) urllib2.install_opener(opener) params = urllib.urlencode([('text', text.encode('utf8')), ('engine', voice.encode('utf8'))]) task_id = urllib2.urlopen('%s/add_to_queue' % ROOT_URI, params).read().strip() uri = None i = 20 while i: params = urllib.urlencode([('task_id', task_id)]) resp = urllib2.urlopen('%s/query_status' % ROOT_URI, params).read().splitlines() code = int(resp[0]) #print 'Status is', code if code == 3: uri = resp[1] #print 'Result available at', uri break time.sleep(0.2) i -= 1 if uri: request = urllib2.Request(uri) request.add_header( "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686) Gecko/20071127 Firefox/" ) mp3response = urllib2.urlopen(request) return except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError): raise TTSException("SpeechTech TTS error.") raise TTSException("Time out: No data synthesized.") def synthesize(self, text): """ Synthesize the text and returns it in a string with audio in default format and sample rate. """ wav = b"" try: if text: text = self.preprocessing.process(text) mp3 = self.get_tts_mp3(self.cfg['TTS']['SpeechTech']['voice'], text) wav = audio.convert_mp3_to_wav(self.cfg, mp3) wav = audio.change_tempo( self.cfg, self.cfg['TTS']['SpeechTech']['tempo'], wav) # if self.cfg['TTS']['debug']: # m = "TTS cache hits %d and misses %d " % (self.get_tts_mp3.hits, self.get_tts_mp3.misses) # self.cfg['Logging']['system_logger'].debug(m) return wav else: return b"" except TTSException as e: m = unicode(e) + " Text: %s" % text self.cfg['Logging']['system_logger'].exception(m) return b"" return wav
class GoogleTTS(TTSInterface): """ Uses Google TTS service to synthesize sentences in a specific language, e.g. en, cs. The main function synthesize returns a string which contain a RIFF wave file audio of the synthesized text. """ def __init__(self, cfg): super(GoogleTTS, self).__init__(cfg) self.preprocessing = TTSPreprocessing( self.cfg, self.cfg['TTS']['Google']['preprocessing']) @cache.persistent_cache(True, 'GoogleTTS.get_tts_mp3.') def get_tts_mp3(self, language, text, rate=1.0): """ Access Google TTS service and get synthesized audio. Note that the returned audio is in the MP3 format. Returns a string with MP3 in it. """ baseurl = "" values = { 'q': text.encode('utf8'), 'tl': language, 'rate': rate, 'ie': 'UTF-8', 'total': 1, 'idx': 0, 'client': 't' } if self.cfg['TTS']['Google']['debug']: print values data = urllib.urlencode(values) # not using the "data" parameter of urllib2.Request => GET method will be used request = urllib2.Request(baseurl + '?' + str(data)) request.add_header( "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0" ) request.add_header("Accept", "*/*") mp3response = urllib2.urlopen(request) return def synthesize(self, text): """ Synthesize the text and returns it in a string with audio in default format and sample rate. """ try: if text: text = self.preprocessing.process(text) mp3 = self.get_tts_mp3( self.cfg['TTS']['Google']['language'], text, self.cfg['TTS']['Google'].get('tempo', 1.0)) wav = audio.convert_mp3_to_wav(self.cfg, mp3) wav = audio.change_tempo(self.cfg, self.cfg['TTS']['Google']['tempo'], wav) return wav else: return b"" except TTSException as e: m = unicode(e) + " Text: %s" % text self.cfg['Logging']['system_logger'].exception(m) return b""
class SpeechtechTTS(TTSInterface): """ Uses SpeechTech TTS service to synthesize sentences in a specific language, e.g. en, cs. The main function synthesize returns a string which contain a RIFF wave file audio of the synthesized text. """ def __init__(self, cfg): super(SpeechtechTTS, self).__init__(cfg) self.preprocessing = TTSPreprocessing(self.cfg, self.cfg['TTS']['SpeechTech']['preprocessing']) @cache.lru_cache(10000) @cache.persistent_cache(True, 'SpeechtechTTS.get_tts_mp3.') def get_tts_mp3(self, voice, text): """ Access SpeechTech TTS service and get synthesized audio. Returns a string with wav in it. """ try: TIMEOUT = 30 LOGIN = self.cfg['TTS']['SpeechTech']['login'] PASSWD = self.cfg['TTS']['SpeechTech']['password'] ROOT_URI = '' if hasattr(socket, 'setdefaulttimeout'): socket.setdefaulttimeout(TIMEOUT) mgr = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() mgr.add_password(None, ROOT_URI, LOGIN, PASSWD) auth = urllib2.HTTPDigestAuthHandler(mgr) opener = urllib2.build_opener(auth) mp3data ='/synth', data=json.dumps({'text': text, 'engine': voice})).read() return mp3data except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError) as e: raise TTSException("SpeechTech TTS error: " + unicode(e)) raise TTSException("Time out: No data synthesized.") def synthesize(self, text): """ Synthesize the text and returns it in a string with audio in default format and sample rate. """ wav = b"" try: if text: text = self.preprocessing.process(text) mp3 = self.get_tts_mp3(self.cfg['TTS']['SpeechTech']['voice'], text) wav = audio.convert_mp3_to_wav(self.cfg, mp3) wav = audio.change_tempo(self.cfg, self.cfg['TTS']['SpeechTech']['tempo'], wav) # if self.cfg['TTS']['debug']: # m = "TTS cache hits %d and misses %d " % (self.get_tts_mp3.hits, self.get_tts_mp3.misses) # self.cfg['Logging']['system_logger'].debug(m) return wav else: return b"" except TTSException as e: m = unicode(e) + " Text: %s" % text self.cfg['Logging']['system_logger'].exception(m) return b"" return wav
class GoogleTTS(TTSInterface): """ Uses Google TTS service to synthesize sentences in a specific language, e.g. en, cs. The main function synthesize returns a string which contain a RIFF wave file audio of the synthesized text. """ def __init__(self, cfg): super(GoogleTTS, self).__init__(cfg) self.preprocessing = TTSPreprocessing( self.cfg, self.cfg['TTS']['Google']['preprocessing']) @cache.persistent_cache(True, 'GoogleTTS.get_tts_mp3.') def get_tts_mp3(self, language, text, rate=1.0): """ Access Google TTS service and get synthesized audio. Note that the returned audio is in the MP3 format. Returns a string with MP3 in it. """ baseurl = "" values = {'q': text.encode('utf8'), 'tl': language, 'rate': rate, 'ie': 'UTF-8', 'total': 1, 'idx': 0, 'client': 't'} if self.cfg['TTS']['Google']['debug']: print values data = urllib.urlencode(values) # not using the "data" parameter of urllib2.Request => GET method will be used request = urllib2.Request(baseurl + '?' + str(data)) request.add_header("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0") request.add_header("Accept", "*/*") mp3response = urllib2.urlopen(request) return def synthesize(self, text): """ Synthesize the text and returns it in a string with audio in default format and sample rate. """ try: if text: text = self.preprocessing.process(text) mp3 = self.get_tts_mp3(self.cfg['TTS']['Google']['language'], text, self.cfg['TTS']['Google'].get('tempo', 1.0)) wav = audio.convert_mp3_to_wav(self.cfg, mp3) wav = audio.change_tempo(self.cfg, self.cfg['TTS']['Google']['tempo'], wav) return wav else: return b"" except TTSException as e: m = unicode(e) + " Text: %s" % text self.cfg['Logging']['system_logger'].exception(m) return b""
def __init__(self, cfg): """Intitialize: just remember the configuration.""" self.cfg = cfg super(VoiceRssTTS, self).__init__(cfg) self.preprocessing = TTSPreprocessing(self.cfg, self.cfg['TTS']['VoiceRss']['preprocessing'])