def centered_tree_covariance(B, nleaves, v):
    @param B: rows of this unweighted incidence matrix are edges
    @param nleaves: number of leaves
    @param v: vector of edge variances
    #TODO: track the block multiplication through the schur complement
    W = diag(reciprocal(v))
    L = dot(B.T, dot(W, B))
    #print('full laplacian matrix:')
    nvertices = v.shape[0]
    ninternal = nvertices - nleaves
    Laa = L[:nleaves, :nleaves]
    Lab = L[:nleaves, nleaves:]
    Lba = L[nleaves:, :nleaves]
    Lbb = L[nleaves:, nleaves:]
    L_schur = Laa - dot(Lab, dot(inv(Lbb), Lba))
    L_schur_pinv = restored(inv(augmented(L_schur)))
    #print('schur laplacian matrix:')
    #print('pinv of schur laplacian matrix:')
    return L_schur_pinv
def f(x):
    A = zeros((2, 2), dtype=x)
    A[0, 0] = numpy.log(x[0] * x[1])
    A[0, 1] = numpy.log(x[1]) + exp(x[0])
    A[1, 0] = sin(x[0])**2 + abs(cos(x[0]))**3.1
    A[1, 1] = x[0]**cos(x[1])
    return log(dot(x.T, dot(inv(A), x)))
def cross_entropy(A, B):
    n = A.shape[0]
    B_pinv = restored(inv(augmented(B)))
    #return 0.5 * ((n-1) * LOG2PI + trace(dot(B_pinv, A)) + log_pdet(B))
    return 0.5 * ((n-1) * LOG2PI + (B_pinv * A).sum() + log_pdet(B))
def f(x):
    A = zeros((2,2),dtype=x)
    A[0,0] = numpy.log(x[0]*x[1])
    A[0,1] = numpy.log(x[1]) + exp(x[0])
    A[1,0] = sin(x[0])**2 + abs(cos(x[0]))**3.1
    A[1,1] = x[0]**cos(x[1])
    return log( dot(x.T,  dot( inv(A), x)))
        def Cfcn(F1p_list, out=None, work=None):
            from numpy import sum, zeros
            from algopy import inv, dot, zeros

            # check input arguments
            Nex = len(F1p_list)
            Np = F1p_list[0].shape[1]

            # create temporary matrix M if not provided
            # to store M = [[J_1^T J_1, J_2^T],[J_2, 0]]
            if work is None:
                work = zeros((Np, Np), dtype=F1p_list[0])
            M = work

            # Step 1:   compute M = J_1^T J_1
            for nex in range(Nex):
                M += dot(F1p_list[nex].T, F1p_list[nex])

            # Step 2: invert M and prepare output

            if out is None:
                out = inv(M)
                out[...] = M
            return out
        def Cfcn(F1p_list, out = None, work = None):
            from numpy import sum, zeros
            from algopy import inv, dot, zeros

            # check input arguments
            Nex  = len(F1p_list)
            Np   = F1p_list[0].shape[1]

            # create temporary matrix M if not provided
            # to store M = [[J_1^T J_1, J_2^T],[J_2, 0]]
            if work is None:
                work = zeros((Np,Np), dtype=F1p_list[0])
            M = work

            # Step 1:   compute M = J_1^T J_1
            for nex in range(Nex):
                M += dot(F1p_list[nex].T, F1p_list[nex])

            # Step 2: invert M and prepare output

            if out is None:
                out = inv(M)
                out[...] = M
            return out
def eval_covariance_matrix_naive(J1, J2):
    M, N = J1.shape
    K, N = J2.shape
    tmp = zeros((N + K, N + K), dtype=J1)
    tmp[:N, :N] = dot(J1.T, J1)
    tmp[:N, N:] = J2.T
    tmp[N:, :N] = J2
    return inv(tmp)[:N, :N]
def clever_cross_entropy_trees(B, nleaves, va, vb):
    Try being a little more clever.

    @param B: augmented incidence matrix
    @param nleaves: number of leaves
    @param va: augmented reference point edge variances
    @param vb: augmented test point edge variances

    # deduce some quantities assuming an unrooted bifurcating tree
    ninternal = nleaves - 2
    nvertices = nleaves + ninternal
    nedges = nvertices - 1

    # define an index for taking schur complements
    n = nvertices
    k = nleaves + 1

    # Construct the full Laplacian matrix plus J/n.
    # Take a block of the diagonal, corresponding to the inverse
    # of a schur complement.
    Wa = diag(reciprocal(va))
    La_plus = dot(B.T, dot(Wa, B))
    Laa = La_plus[:k, :k]
    Lab = La_plus[:k, k:]
    Lba = La_plus[k:, :k]
    Lbb = La_plus[k:, k:]
    L_schur_plus = Laa - dot(Lab, dot(inv(Lbb), Lba))
    assert_allclose(inv(L_schur_plus), inv(La_plus)[:k, :k])
    A = inv(La_plus)[:k, :k]

    # Construct the Schur complement of the test point matrix.
    Wb = diag(reciprocal(vb))
    L_plus = dot(B.T, dot(Wb, B))
    Laa = L_plus[:k, :k]
    Lab = L_plus[:k, k:]
    Lba = L_plus[k:, :k]
    Lbb = L_plus[k:, k:]
    L_schur_plus = Laa - dot(Lab, dot(inv(Lbb), Lba))
    B_inv = L_schur_plus
    #return 0.5 * ((n-1) * LOG2PI + trace(dot(B_inv, A)) - log(det(B_inv)))
    return 0.5 * (n * LOG2PI + trace(dot(B_inv, A) - 1) - log(det(B_inv)))
def eval_covariance_matrix_naive(J1, J2):
    M,N = J1.shape
    K,N = J2.shape
    tmp = zeros((N+K, N+K), dtype=J1)
    tmp[:N,:N] = dot(J1.T,J1)
    tmp[:N,N:] = J2.T
    tmp[N:,:N] = J2
    return inv(tmp)[:N,:N]
def cross_entropy(A, B):
    # return differential_entropy(A) + kl_divergence(A, B)
    # Note that trace(dot(A, B)) == sum(A * B)
    n = A.shape[0]
    B_pinv = restored(inv(augmented(B)))
    #return 0.5 * ((n-1) * LOG2PI + trace(dot(B_pinv, A)) + log_pdet(B))
    return 0.5 * ((n-1) * LOG2PI + (B_pinv * A).sum() + log_pdet(B))
def demo_covariances():

    # define the dimensionality
    n = 4
    H = centering(n)

    # sample a random symmetric matrix
    A_raw = np.random.rand(n, n)
    A = np.dot(A_raw, A_raw.T)
    assert_allclose(H, centering_like(A))

    # check the matrix centering code
    HAH_slow = np.dot(H, np.dot(A, H))
    HAH_fast = doubly_centered(A)
    assert_allclose(HAH_slow, HAH_fast)

    # check the pseudoinversion
    HAH = HAH_slow
    HAH_pinv_direct = scipy.linalg.pinvh(HAH)
    HAH_pinv_clever = restored(inv(augmented(HAH)))
    assert_allclose(HAH_pinv_direct, HAH_pinv_clever)

    # check the logarithm of the pseudo determinant
    logpdet_direct = np.log(scipy.linalg.eigvalsh(HAH)[1:]).sum()
    logpdet_clever = log_pdet(HAH)
    assert_allclose(logpdet_direct, logpdet_clever)

    # check the log likelihood
    print('average log likelihoods:')
    for nsamples in (100, 1000, 10000, 100000):
        X = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(n), HAH, size=nsamples)
        ll = log_likelihoods(HAH, X).mean()

    # check differential entropy
    print('differential entropy:')

    # make another covariance matrix
    B_raw = A_raw + 0.5 * np.random.rand(n, n)
    B = np.dot(B_raw, B_raw.T)
    HBH = doubly_centered(B)

    # check another expected log likelihood
    print('average log likelihoods:')
    for nsamples in (100, 1000, 10000, 100000):
        X = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(n), HAH, size=nsamples)
        ll = log_likelihoods(HBH, X).mean()

    # check cross entropy
    print('cross entropy from A to B:')
    print(cross_entropy(HAH, HBH))
def log_likelihoods(A, xs):
    @param A: doubly centered symmetric nxn matrix of rank n-1
    @param xs: vectors of data
    #NOTE: this formula is wrong on wikipedia
    n = A.shape[0]
    A_pinv = restored(inv(augmented(A)))
    a = (n-1) * LOG2PI + log_pdet(A)
    bs = np.array([dot(x, dot(A_pinv, x)) for x in xs])
    return -0.5 * (a + bs)
def kl_divergence(A, B):
    @param A: doubly centered symmetric nxn matrix of rank n-1
    @param B: doubly centered symmetric nxn matrix of rank n-1
    n = A.shape[0]
    B_pinv = restored(inv(augmented(B)))
    stein_loss = (
            trace(dot(B_pinv, A)) -
            (log_pdet(B_pinv) + log_pdet(A)) - (n-1))
    return 0.5 * stein_loss
    def test_pullback_solve_inv_comparison(self):
        """simple check that the reverse mode of solve(A,Id) computes the same solution
        as inv(A)
        (D,P,N) = 3,7,10
        A_data = numpy.random.rand(D,P,N,N)

        # make A_data sufficiently regular
        for p in range(P):
            for n in range(N):
                A_data[0,p,n,n] += (N + 1)

        A = UTPM(A_data)

        # method 1: computation of the inverse matrix by solving an extended linear system
        # tracing
        cg1 = CGraph()
        A = Function(A)
        Id = numpy.eye(N)
        Ainv1 = solve(A,Id)
        cg1.independentFunctionList = [A]
        cg1.dependentFunctionList = [Ainv1]

        # reverse
        Ainvbar = UTPM(numpy.random.rand(*(D,P,N,N)))

        # method 2: direct inversion
        # tracing
        cg2 = CGraph()
        A = Function(A.x)
        Ainv2 = inv(A)
        cg2.independentFunctionList = [A]
        cg2.dependentFunctionList = [Ainv2]

        # reverse

        Abar1 = cg1.independentFunctionList[0].xbar
        Abar2 = cg2.independentFunctionList[0].xbar

        assert_array_almost_equal(Abar1.data, Abar2.data)
    def test_pullback_gradient2(self):
        (D,P,M,N) = 3,9,3,3
        A = UTPM(numpy.zeros((D,P,M,M)))

        A0 = numpy.random.rand(M,N)
        for m in range(M):
            for n in range(N):
                p = m*N + n
                A.data[0,p,:M,:N] = A0
                A.data[1,p,m,n] = 1.

        cg = CGraph()
        A = Function(A)
        B = inv(A)
        y = trace(B)

        cg.independentFunctionList = [A]
        cg.dependentFunctionList = [y]

        ybar = y.x.zeros_like()
        ybar.data[0,:] = 1.

        g1  =  y.x.data[1]
        g2 = A.xbar.data[0,0].ravel()

        assert_array_almost_equal(g1, g2)

        tmp = []
        for m in range(M):
            for n in range(N):
                p = m*N + n
                tmp.append( A.xbar.data[1,p,m,n])

        h1 = y.x.data[2]
        h2 = numpy.array(tmp)
        assert_array_almost_equal(2*h1, h2)
def check_multivariate_normal_log_likelihood():

    # sample a full rank covariance matrix and some data
    n = 5
    x = np.random.randn(n)
    X = np.random.randn(n, n)
    A = dot(X.T, X)

    # get the log likelihood directly
    a = n * LOG2PI + np.linalg.slogdet(A)[1]
    b = dot(x, dot(inv(A), x))
    ll_direct = -0.5 * (a + b)

    # get the log likelihood using scipy multivariate distributions
    ll_scipy = scipy.stats.multivariate_normal.logpdf(
            x, mean=np.zeros(n), cov=A)

    print('log likelihood computed directly:')

    print('log likelihood computed using scipy:')
cg1.dependentFunctionList = [C]

print('covariance matrix: C =\n',C)
print('check that Q2.T spans the nullspace of J2:\n', dot(J2,Q2.T))

# METHOD 2: image space method (potentially numerically unstable)
cg2 = CGraph()

J1 = Function(J1.x)
J2 = Function(J2.x)

M = Function(UTPM(numpy.zeros((D,P,N+K,N+K))))
M[:N,:N] = dot(J1.T,J1)
M[:N,N:] = J2.T
M[N:,:N] = J2
C2 = inv(M)[:N,:N]

cg2.independentFunctionList = [J1, J2]
cg2.dependentFunctionList = [C2]

print('covariance matrix: C =\n',C2)
print('difference between image and nullspace method:\n',C - C2)

Cbar = UTPM(numpy.random.rand(D,P,N,N))


print('J1\n',cg2.independentFunctionList[0].xbar - cg1.independentFunctionList[0].xbar)
print('J2\n',cg2.independentFunctionList[1].xbar - cg1.independentFunctionList[1].xbar)
y = UTPM(numpy.zeros((D,P,M,1)))

x.data[0,0,:,0] = [1,1,1,1,1]
x.data[1,0,:,0] = [1,1,1,1,1]

y.data[0,0,:,0] = [1,2,1,2,1]
y.data[1,0,:,0] = [1,2,1,2,1]

alpha = 10**-5
A = dot(x,x.T) + alpha*dot(y,y.T)

A = A[:,:2]

# Method 1: Naive approach
Apinv = dot(inv(dot(A.T,A)),A.T)

print('naive approach: A Apinv A - A = 0 \n', dot(dot(A, Apinv),A) - A)
print('naive approach: Apinv A Apinv - Apinv = 0 \n', dot(dot(Apinv, A),Apinv) - Apinv)
print('naive approach: (Apinv A)^T - Apinv A = 0 \n', dot(Apinv, A).T  - dot(Apinv, A))
print('naive approach: (A Apinv)^T - A Apinv = 0 \n', dot(A, Apinv).T  - dot(A, Apinv))

# Method 2: Using the differentiated QR decomposition
Q,R = qr(A)
tmp1 = solve(R.T, A.T)
tmp2 = solve(R, tmp1)
Apinv = tmp2

print('QR approach: A Apinv A - A = 0 \n',  dot(dot(A, Apinv),A) - A)
print('QR approach: Apinv A Apinv - Apinv = 0 \n', dot(dot(Apinv, A),Apinv) - Apinv)
x = UTPM(numpy.zeros((D, P, M, 1)))
y = UTPM(numpy.zeros((D, P, M, 1)))

x.data[0, 0, :, 0] = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
x.data[1, 0, :, 0] = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

y.data[0, 0, :, 0] = [1, 2, 1, 2, 1]
y.data[1, 0, :, 0] = [1, 2, 1, 2, 1]

alpha = 10**-5
A = dot(x, x.T) + alpha * dot(y, y.T)

A = A[:, :2]

# Method 1: Naive approach
Apinv = dot(inv(dot(A.T, A)), A.T)

print('naive approach: A Apinv A - A = 0 \n', dot(dot(A, Apinv), A) - A)
print('naive approach: Apinv A Apinv - Apinv = 0 \n',
      dot(dot(Apinv, A), Apinv) - Apinv)
print('naive approach: (Apinv A)^T - Apinv A = 0 \n',
      dot(Apinv, A).T - dot(Apinv, A))
print('naive approach: (A Apinv)^T - A Apinv = 0 \n',
      dot(A, Apinv).T - dot(A, Apinv))

# Method 2: Using the differentiated QR decomposition
Q, R = qr(A)
tmp1 = solve(R.T, A.T)
tmp2 = solve(R, tmp1)
Apinv = tmp2
D, M, N = 2, 3, 3
P = M * N

# generate badly conditioned matrix A

A = UTPM(numpy.zeros((D, P, M, N)))
A.data[0, :] = numpy.random.rand(*(M, N))

for m in range(M):
    for n in range(N):
        p = m * N + n
        A.data[1, p, m, n] = 1.

cg = CGraph()
A = Function(A)
y = trace(inv(A))

cg.independentFunctionList = [A]
cg.dependentFunctionList = [y]

ybar = y.x.zeros_like()
ybar.data[0, :] = 1.

# check gradient
g_forward = numpy.zeros(N * N)
g_reverse = numpy.zeros(N * N)

for m in range(M):
    for n in range(N):
cg1.dependentFunctionList = [C]

print('covariance matrix: C =\n', C)
print('check that Q2.T spans the nullspace of J2:\n', dot(J2, Q2.T))

# METHOD 2: image space method (potentially numerically unstable)
cg2 = CGraph()

J1 = Function(J1.x)
J2 = Function(J2.x)

M = Function(UTPM(numpy.zeros((D, P, N + K, N + K))))
M[:N, :N] = dot(J1.T, J1)
M[:N, N:] = J2.T
M[N:, :N] = J2
C2 = inv(M)[:N, :N]

cg2.independentFunctionList = [J1, J2]
cg2.dependentFunctionList = [C2]

print('covariance matrix: C =\n', C2)
print('difference between image and nullspace method:\n', C - C2)

Cbar = UTPM(numpy.random.rand(D, P, N, N))


P = M*N

# generate badly conditioned matrix A

A = UTPM(numpy.zeros((D,P,M,N)))
A.data[0,:] = numpy.random.rand(*(M,N))

for m in range(M):
    for n in range(N):
        p = m*N + n
        A.data[1,p,m,n] = 1.

cg = CGraph()
A = Function(A)
y = trace(inv(A))

cg.independentFunctionList = [A]
cg.dependentFunctionList = [y]
ybar = y.x.zeros_like()
ybar.data[0,:] = 1.

# check gradient
g_forward = numpy.zeros(N*N)
g_reverse = numpy.zeros(N*N)

for m in range(M):
    for n in range(N):