 def score_burst_from_flow(self, burst, flow, patchsize, nblocks):
     if flow.ndim == 4:
         blocks = flow_to_blocks(flow, nblocks)
         blocks = rearrange(blocks, 'i p t -> i p 1 t')
     elif flow.ndim == 5:
         nimages, npix, naligns, nframes, two = flow.shape
         flow = rearrange(flow, 'i p a t two -> (i a) p t two')
         blocks = flow_to_blocks(flow, nblocks)
         blocks = rearrange(blocks, '(i a) p t -> i p a t', a=naligns)
         msg = f"Uknown ndims for flow input [{flow.ndim}]. We accept 4 or 5."
         raise ValueError(msg)
     return self.score_burst_from_blocks(burst, blocks, patchsize, nblocks)
    def score_burst_from_flow(self,burst,flow,init_block,state,patchsize,nblocks):
        # -- check shapes --
        nframes_burst = burst.shape[0]
        nimages,npix,naligns,nframes,two = flow.shape
        assert nframes == nframes_burst,"Num of frame must be equal."

        # -- compute score --
        if flow.ndim == 4:
            blocks = flow_to_blocks(flow,nblocks)
            blocks = rearrange(blocks,'i p t -> i p 1 t')
        elif flow.ndim == 5:
            flow = rearrange(flow,'i p a t two -> (i a) p t two')
            blocks = flow_to_blocks(flow,nblocks)
            blocks = rearrange(blocks,'(i a) p t -> i p a t',a=naligns)
            msg = f"Uknown ndims for flow input [{flow.ndim}]. We accept 4 or 5."
            raise ValueError(msg)
        return self.score_burst_from_blocks(burst,blocks,init_block,
def replace_flow_median(flow, clusters, H, nblocks):
    # -- unpack shape --
    nimages, hw, nframes, two = flow.shape
    blocks = flow_to_blocks(flow, nblocks, ftype="ref")
    blocks = rearrange(blocks, 'i (h w) t -> t i h w', h=H)

    # -- create blocks --
    blocks = blocks.cpu().numpy()
    clusters = clusters.cpu().numpy()
    mblocks = np.zeros_like(blocks)
    uniques = list(np.unique(clusters))
    for u in uniques:
        indices = np.where(clusters == u)
        iblocks = blocks[indices]
        median = np.median(iblocks)
        mblocks[indices] = median
    mblocks = torch.LongTensor(mblocks)

    # -- create flow --
    mblocks = rearrange(mblocks, 't i h w -> i (h w) t')
    mflow = blocks_to_flow(mblocks, nblocks)

    return mflow
文件: exp.py 项目: gauenk/cl_gen
def execute_experiment(cfg):

    # -- init exp! --
    print("RUNNING EXP.")

    # -- create results record to save --
    dims = {
        'batch_results': None,
        'batch_to_record': None,
        'record_results': {
            'default': 0
        'stack': {
            'default': 0
        'cat': {
            'default': 0
    record = cache_io.ExpRecord(dims)

    # -- set random seed --

    # -- load dataset --
    data, loaders = load_image_dataset(cfg)
    image_iter = iter(loaders.tr)

    # -- get score function --
    score_fxn_ave = get_score_function("ave")
    score_fxn_mse = get_score_function("mse")
    score_fxn_bs = get_score_function("bootstrapping")
    score_fxn_bs_cf = get_score_function("bootstrapping_cf")
    # score_fxn_bs = get_score_function("bootstrapping_mod2")
    # score_fxn_bs = get_score_function(cfg.score_fxn_name)
    score_fxn_bsl = get_score_function("bootstrapping_limitB")

    # -- some constants --
    nframes, nblocks = cfg.nframes, cfg.nblocks
    patchsize = cfg.patchsize
    ppf = cfg.dynamic_info.ppf
    check_parameters(nblocks, patchsize)

    # -- create evaluator for ave; simple --
    iterations, K = 1, 1
    subsizes = []
    block_batchsize = 256
    eval_ave_simp = EvalBlockScores(score_fxn_ave, "ave", patchsize,
                                    block_batchsize, None)

    # -- create evaluator for ave --
    iterations, K = 1, 1
    subsizes = []
    eval_ave = EvalBlockScores(score_fxn_ave, "ave", patchsize,
                               block_batchsize, None)
    eval_mse = EvalBlockScores(score_fxn_mse, "mse", patchsize,
                               block_batchsize, None)

    # -- create evaluator for bootstrapping --
    block_batchsize = 81
    eval_plimb = EvalBootBlockScores(score_fxn_bsl, score_fxn_bs, "bsl",
                                     patchsize, block_batchsize, None)
    eval_prop = EvalBlockScores(score_fxn_bs, "bs", patchsize, block_batchsize,
    eval_prop_cf = EvalBlockScores(score_fxn_bs_cf, "bs_cf", patchsize,
                                   block_batchsize, None)

    # -- iterate over images --
    for image_bindex in range(NUM_BATCHES):

        print("-=" * 30 + "-")
        print(f"Running image batch index: {image_bindex}")
        print("-=" * 30 + "-")

        # -- sample & unpack batch --
        sample = next(image_iter)

        dyn_noisy = sample['noisy']  # dynamics and noise
        dyn_clean = sample['burst']  # dynamics and no noise
        static_noisy = sample['snoisy']  # no dynamics and noise
        static_clean = sample['sburst']  # no dynamics and no noise
        flow_gt = sample['flow']
        image_index = sample['index']
        tl_index = sample['tl_index']
        rng_state = sample['rng_state']
        if cfg.noise_params.ntype == "pn":
            dyn_noisy = anscombe.forward(dyn_noisy)
        # dyn_nosiy = dyn_clean
        dyn_noisy = static_clean

        # -- shape info --
        T, B, C, H, W = dyn_noisy.shape
        isize = edict({'h': H, 'w': W})
        ref_t = nframes // 2
        nimages, npix, nframes = B, H * W, T

        # -- create results dict --
        flows = edict()
        aligned = edict()
        runtimes = edict()
        optimal_scores = edict()  # score function at optimal

        # -- groundtruth flow --
        flow_gt_rs = rearrange(flow_gt, 'i tm1 two -> i 1 tm1 two')
        blocks_gt = flow_to_blocks(flow_gt_rs, nblocks)
        flows.of = repeat(flow_gt, 'i tm1 two -> i p tm1 two', p=npix)
        aligned.of = align_from_flow(dyn_clean, flows.of, nblocks, isize=isize)
        runtimes.of = 0.  # given
        optimal_scores.of = np.zeros(
            (nimages, npix, nframes))  # clean target is zero
        aligned.clean = static_clean

        # -- compute nearest neighbor fields [global] --
        start_time = time.perf_counter()
        shape_str = 't b h w two -> b (h w) t two'
        nnf_vals, nnf_pix = nnf.compute_burst_nnf(dyn_clean, ref_t, patchsize)
        nnf_pix_best = torch.LongTensor(
            rearrange(nnf_pix[..., 0, :], shape_str))
        nnf_pix_best = torch.LongTensor(nnf_pix_best)
        flows.nnf = pix_to_flow(nnf_pix_best)
        aligned.nnf = align_from_pix(dyn_clean, nnf_pix_best, nblocks)
        runtimes.nnf = time.perf_counter() - start_time
        optimal_scores.nnf = np.zeros(
            (nimages, npix, nframes))  # clean target is zero

        # -- compute proposed search of nnf --
        print("[Bootstrap] loss function")
        iterations = 1
        K, subsizes = get_boot_hyperparams(cfg.nframes, cfg.nblocks)
        start_time = time.perf_counter()
        optim = AlignOptimizer("v3")
        # flows.est = optim.run(dyn_noisy,patchsize,eval_prop,
        #                      nblocks,iterations,subsizes,K)
        flows.est = flows.of.clone()
        aligned.est = align_from_flow(dyn_clean,
        runtimes.est = time.perf_counter() - start_time

        # -- load adjacent blocks --
        nframes, nimages, ncolor, h, w = dyn_noisy.shape
        nsegs = h * w
        brange = exh_block_range(nimages, nsegs, nframes, nblocks)
        ref_block = get_ref_block(nblocks)
        curr_blocks = init_optim_block(nimages, nsegs, nframes, nblocks)
        curr_blocks = curr_blocks[:, :, :,
                                  None]  # nimages, nsegs, nframes, naligns
        frames = np.r_[np.arange(nframes // 2),
                       np.arange(nframes // 2 + 1, nframes)]
        frames = repeat(frames, 't -> i s t', i=nimages, s=nsegs)
        search_blocks = get_search_blocks(frames, brange, curr_blocks,
        print("search_blocks.shape ", search_blocks.shape)
        init_blocks = rearrange(curr_blocks,
                                'i s t a -> i s a t').to(dyn_noisy.device)
        print("init_blocks.shape ", init_blocks.shape)
        search_blocks = search_blocks[0, 0]
        init_blocks_ = init_blocks[0, 0]
        search_blocks = eval_plimb.filter_blocks_to_1skip_neighbors(
            search_blocks, init_blocks_)
        search_blocks = repeat(search_blocks,
                               'a t -> i s a t',
        print("search_blocks.shape ", search_blocks.shape)

        # -- compute MSE for the batch --
        est = edict()
        bscf = edict()
        plimb = edict()

        print("curr_blocks.shape ", curr_blocks.shape)
        eval_prop.score_fxn_name = ""
        scores, scores_t, blocks = eval_mse.score_burst_from_blocks(
            dyn_noisy, search_blocks, patchsize, nblocks)
        est.scores = scores
        est.scores_t = scores_t
        est.blocks = blocks
        print("Done with est.")

        # -- compute bootrapping in closed form --
        scores, scores_t, blocks = eval_prop_cf.score_burst_from_blocks(
            dyn_noisy, search_blocks, patchsize, nblocks)
        bscf.scores = scores
        bscf.scores_t = scores_t
        bscf.blocks = blocks

        # -- compute bootstrapping for the batch --
        print("Get init block from original bootstrap.")
        print(init_blocks[0, 0])
        scores, scores_t, blocks = eval_prop.score_burst_from_blocks(
            dyn_noisy, init_blocks, patchsize, nblocks)

        print("Starting prop.")
        eval_prop.score_fxn_name = "bs"
        eval_prop.score_cfg.bs_type = ""
        state = edict({'scores': scores, 'blocks': blocks})
        scores, scores_t, blocks = eval_plimb.score_burst_from_blocks(
            dyn_noisy, search_blocks, state, patchsize, nblocks)
        plimb.scores = scores
        plimb.scores_t = scores_t
        plimb.blocks = blocks


        diff_plimb = plimb.scores[0] - est.scores[0]
        perc_delta = torch.abs(diff_plimb) / est.scores[0]
        diff_bscf = bscf.scores[0] - est.scores[0]
        perc_delta_cf = torch.abs(diff_bscf) / est.scores[0]

        pix_idx_list = [0, 20, 30]  #np.arange(h*w)
        for p in pix_idx_list:
            print("-" * 10 + f" @ {p}")
            print("est", est.scores[0, p].cpu().numpy())
            print("state", state.scores[0, p].cpu().numpy())
            print("bscf", bscf.scores[0, p].cpu().numpy())
            print("plimb", plimb.scores[0, p].cpu().numpy())
            print("plimb/est", plimb.scores[0, p] / est.scores[0, p])
            print("plimb - est", plimb.scores[0, p] - est.scores[0, p])
            print("plimb - bscf", plimb.scores[0, p] - bscf.scores[0, p])

            print("%Delta [plimb]", perc_delta[p])
            print("L2-Norm [plimb]", torch.sum(diff_plimb[p]**2))
            print("Nmlz L2-Norm [plimb]", torch.mean(diff_plimb[p]**2))

            print("%Delta [bscf]", perc_delta_cf[p])
            print("L2-Norm [bscf]", torch.sum(diff_bscf[p]**2))
            print("Nmlz L2-Norm [bscf]", torch.mean(diff_bscf[p]**2))

        print("[Overall: plimb] %Delta: ", torch.mean(perc_delta).item())
        print("[Overall: plimb] L2-Norm: ", torch.sum(diff_plimb**2).item())
        print("[Overall: plimb] Nmlz L2-Norm: ",
        print("[Overall: bscf] %Delta: ", torch.mean(perc_delta_cf).item())
        print("[Overall: bscf] L2-Norm: ", torch.sum(diff_bscf**2).item())
        print("[Overall: bscf] Nmlz L2-Norm: ",

        # -- format results --
        pad = 3  #2*(nframes-1)*ppf+4
        isize = edict({'h': H - pad, 'w': W - pad})

        # -- flows to numpy --
        is_even = cfg.frame_size % 2 == 0
        mid_pix = cfg.frame_size * cfg.frame_size // 2 + (cfg.frame_size //
                                                          2) * is_even
        mid_pix = 32 * 10 + 23
        flows_np = edict_torch_to_numpy(flows)

        # -- End-Point-Errors --
        epes_of = compute_flows_epe_wrt_ref(flows, "of")
        epes_nnf = compute_flows_epe_wrt_ref(flows, "nnf")
        epes_nnf_local = compute_flows_epe_wrt_ref(flows, "nnf_local")
        nnf_acc = compute_acc_wrt_ref(flows, "nnf")
        nnf_local_acc = compute_acc_wrt_ref(flows, "nnf_local")

        # -- PSNRs --
        aligned = remove_frame_centers(aligned)
        psnrs = compute_frames_psnr(aligned, isize)

        # -- print report ---
        print("\n" * 3)  # banner
        print("-" * 25 + " Results " + "-" * 25)
        print_dict_ndarray_0_midpix(flows_np, mid_pix)
        print_verbose_epes(epes_of, epes_nnf)
        print_summary_epes(epes_of, epes_nnf)

        # -- prepare results to be appended --
        psnrs = edict_torch_to_numpy(psnrs)
        epes_of = edict_torch_to_numpy(epes_of)
        epes_nnf = edict_torch_to_numpy(epes_nnf)
        epes_nnf_local = edict_torch_to_numpy(epes_nnf_local)
        nnf_acc = edict_torch_to_numpy(nnf_acc)
        nnf_local_acc = edict_torch_to_numpy(nnf_local_acc)
        image_index = torch_to_numpy(image_index)
        batch_results = {
            'runtimes': runtimes,
            'optimal_scores': optimal_scores,
            'psnrs': psnrs,
            'epes_of': epes_of,
            'epes_nnf': epes_nnf,
            'epes_nnf_local': epes_nnf_local,
            'nnf_acc': nnf_acc,
            'nnf_local_acc': nnf_local_acc

        # -- format results --
        batch_results = flatten_internal_dict(batch_results)
        format_fields(batch_results, image_index, rng_state)

        print("shape check.")
        for key, value in batch_results.items():
            print(key, value.shape)

    # print("\n"*3)
    # print("-"*20)
    # print(record.record)
    # print("-"*20)
    # print("\n"*3)
    # record.stack_record()
    # print("\n"*3)
    # print("-"*20)
    # print(record.record)
    # print("-"*20)
    print("\n" * 3)

    print("\n" * 3)
    print("-" * 20)
    # df = pd.DataFrame().append(record.record,ignore_index=True)
    for key, val in record.record.items():
        print(key, val.shape)
    # print(df)
    print("-" * 20)
    print("\n" * 3)

    return record.record
def test_nnf():

    # -- get config --
    cfg = config()
    print("Config for Testing.")

    # -- set random seed --

    # -- load dataset --
    data, loaders = load_image_dataset(cfg)
    image_iter = iter(loaders.tr)
    nskips = 2 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 1
    for skip in range(nskips):

    # -- get score function --
    score_fxn_ave = get_score_function("ave")
    score_fxn_bs = get_score_function(cfg.score_fxn_name)

    # -- some constants --
    NUM_BATCHES = 10
    nframes, nblocks = cfg.nframes, cfg.nblocks
    patchsize = cfg.patchsize
    ppf = cfg.dynamic_info.ppf
    check_parameters(nblocks, patchsize)

    # -- create evaluator for ave; simple --
    iterations, K = 1, 1
    subsizes = []
    block_batchsize = 256
    eval_ave_simp = EvalBlockScores(score_fxn_ave, "ave", patchsize,
                                    block_batchsize, None)

    # -- create evaluator for ave --
    iterations, K = 1, 1
    subsizes = []
    eval_ave = EvalBlockScores(score_fxn_ave, "ave", patchsize,
                               block_batchsize, None)

    # -- create evaluator for bootstrapping --
    block_batchsize = 64
    eval_prop = EvalBlockScores(score_fxn_bs, "bs", patchsize, block_batchsize,

    # -- iterate over images --
    for image_bindex in range(NUM_BATCHES):

        print("-=" * 30 + "-")
        print(f"Running image batch index: {image_bindex}")
        print("-=" * 30 + "-")

        # -- sample & unpack batch --
        sample = next(image_iter)

        dyn_noisy = sample['noisy']  # dynamics and noise
        dyn_clean = sample['burst']  # dynamics and no noise
        static_noisy = sample['snoisy']  # no dynamics and noise
        static_clean = sample['sburst']  # no dynamics and no noise
        flow_gt = sample['ref_flow']
        # flow_gt = sample['seq_flow']
        if cfg.noise_params.ntype == "pn":
            dyn_noisy = anscombe.forward(dyn_noisy)

        # -- shape info --
        T, B, C, H, W = dyn_noisy.shape
        isize = edict({'h': H, 'w': W})
        ref_t = nframes // 2
        npix = H * W

        # -- groundtruth flow --
        # print("flow_gt",flow_gt)
        flow_gt_rs = rearrange(flow_gt, 'i tm1 two -> i 1 tm1 two')
        blocks_gt = flow_to_blocks(flow_gt_rs, nblocks)
        # print("\n\n")
        # print("flow_gt[0,0] ",flow_gt)
        # print("blocks_gt[0,0] ",blocks_gt[0,0])
        flow_gt = repeat(flow_gt, 'i tm1 two -> i p tm1 two', p=npix)
        aligned_of = align_from_flow(dyn_clean, flow_gt, nblocks, isize=isize)
        pix_gt = flow_to_pix(flow_gt.clone(), isize=isize)

        # -- compute nearest neighbor fields --
        start_time = time.perf_counter()
        shape_str = 't b h w two -> b (h w) t two'
        nnf_vals, nnf_pix = nnf.compute_burst_nnf(dyn_clean, ref_t, patchsize)
        nnf_pix_best = torch.LongTensor(
            rearrange(nnf_pix[..., 0, :], shape_str))
        nnf_pix_best = torch.LongTensor(nnf_pix_best)
        pix_nnf = nnf_pix_best.clone()
        flow_nnf = pix_to_flow(nnf_pix_best)
        aligned_nnf = align_from_pix(dyn_clean, nnf_pix_best, nblocks)
        time_nnf = time.perf_counter() - start_time

        # -- compute proposed search of nnf --
        start_time = time.perf_counter()
        # split_vals,split_pix = nnf.compute_burst_nnf(dyn_noisy,ref_t,patchsize)
        split_pix = np.copy(nnf_pix)
        split_pix_best = torch.LongTensor(
            rearrange(split_pix[..., 0, :], shape_str))
        split_pix_best = torch.LongTensor(split_pix_best)
        pix_split = split_pix_best.clone()
        flow_split = pix_to_flow(split_pix_best)
        aligned_split = align_from_pix(dyn_clean, split_pix_best, nblocks)
        time_split = time.perf_counter() - start_time

        # -- compute simple ave --
        iterations, K = 0, 1
        subsizes = []
        print("[simple] Ave loss function")
        start_time = time.perf_counter()
        optim = AlignOptimizer("v3")
        # flow_ave_simp = optim.run(dyn_noisy,patchsize,eval_ave_simp,
        #                      nblocks,iterations,subsizes,K)
        flow_ave_simp = flow_gt.clone().cpu()
        aligned_ave_simp = align_from_flow(dyn_clean,
        time_ave_simp = time.perf_counter() - start_time

        # -- compute complex ave --
        iterations, K = 0, 1
        subsizes = []
        print("[complex] Ave loss function")
        start_time = time.perf_counter()
        optim = AlignOptimizer("v3")
        flow_ave = optim.run(dyn_noisy, patchsize, eval_ave, nblocks,
                             iterations, subsizes, K)
        # flow_ave = flow_gt.clone()
        pix_ave = flow_to_pix(flow_ave.clone(), isize=isize)
        aligned_ave = align_from_flow(dyn_clean,
        time_ave = time.perf_counter() - start_time

        # -- compute proposed search of nnf --
        # iterations,K = 50,3
        # subsizes = [2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2]
        #iterations,K = 1,nblocks**2
        # K is a function of noise level.
        # iterations,K = 1,nblocks**2
        iterations, K = 1, 2 * nblocks  #**2
        # subsizes = [3]#,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3]
        # subsizes = [3,3,3,3,3,3,3,]
        subsizes = [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3]
        # subsizes = [nframes]
        # subsizes = [nframes]
        print("[Bootstrap] loss function")
        start_time = time.perf_counter()
        optim = AlignOptimizer("v3")
        flow_est = optim.run(dyn_noisy, patchsize, eval_prop, nblocks,
                             iterations, subsizes, K)
        pix_est = flow_to_pix(flow_est.clone(), isize=isize)
        aligned_est = align_from_flow(dyn_clean,
        time_est = time.perf_counter() - start_time
        # flow_est = flow_gt.clone()
        # aligned_est = aligned_of.clone()
        # time_est = 0.

        # -- banner --
        print("\n" * 3)
        print("-" * 25 + " Results " + "-" * 25)

        # -- examples of flow --
        print("-" * 50)
        is_even = cfg.frame_size % 2 == 0
        mid_pix = cfg.frame_size * cfg.frame_size // 2 + (cfg.frame_size //
                                                          2) * is_even
        mid_pix = 32 * 10 + 23
        # mid_pix = 32*23+10
        flow_gt_np = torch_to_numpy(flow_gt)
        flow_nnf_np = torch_to_numpy(flow_nnf)
        flow_split_np = torch_to_numpy(flow_split)
        flow_ave_simp_np = torch_to_numpy(flow_ave_simp)
        flow_ave_np = torch_to_numpy(flow_ave)
        flow_est_np = torch_to_numpy(flow_est)
        print(flow_gt_np[0, mid_pix])
        print(flow_nnf_np[0, mid_pix])
        print(flow_split_np[0, mid_pix])
        print(flow_ave_simp_np[0, mid_pix])
        print(flow_ave_np[0, mid_pix])
        print(flow_est_np[0, mid_pix])
        print("-" * 50)
        pix_gt_np = torch_to_numpy(pix_gt)
        pix_nnf_np = torch_to_numpy(pix_nnf)
        pix_ave_np = torch_to_numpy(pix_ave)
        pix_est_np = torch_to_numpy(pix_est)
        print(pix_gt_np[0, mid_pix])
        print(pix_nnf_np[0, mid_pix])
        print(pix_ave_np[0, mid_pix])
        print(pix_est_np[0, mid_pix])

        # print(aligned_of[0,0,:,10,23].cpu() - static_clean[0,0,:,10,23].cpu())
        # print(aligned_ave[0,0,:,10,23].cpu() - static_clean[0,0,:,10,23].cpu())

        # print(aligned_of[0,0,:,23,10].cpu() - static_clean[0,0,:,23,10].cpu())
        # print(aligned_ave[0,0,:,23,10].cpu() - static_clean[0,0,:,23,10].cpu())

        print("-" * 50)

        # -- compare compute time --
        print("-" * 50)
        print("Compute Time [smaller is better]")
        print("-" * 50)
        print("[NNF]: %2.3e" % time_nnf)
        print("[Split]: %2.3e" % time_split)
        print("[Ave [Simple]]: %2.3e" % time_ave_simp)
        print("[Ave]: %2.3e" % time_ave)
        print("[Proposed]: %2.3e" % time_est)

        # -- compare gt v.s. nnf computations --
        nnf_of = compute_epe(flow_nnf, flow_gt)
        split_of = compute_epe(flow_split, flow_gt)
        ave_simp_of = compute_epe(flow_ave_simp, flow_gt)
        ave_of = compute_epe(flow_ave, flow_gt)
        est_of = compute_epe(flow_est, flow_gt)

        split_nnf = compute_epe(flow_split, flow_nnf)
        ave_simp_nnf = compute_epe(flow_ave_simp, flow_nnf)
        ave_nnf = compute_epe(flow_ave, flow_nnf)
        est_nnf = compute_epe(flow_est, flow_nnf)

        # -- End-Point-Errors --
        print("-" * 50)
        print("EPE Errors [smaller is better]")
        print("-" * 50)

        print("NNF v.s. Optical Flow.")
        print("Split v.s. Optical Flow.")
        print("Ave [Simple] v.s. Optical Flow.")
        print("Ave v.s. Optical Flow.")
        print("Proposed v.s. Optical Flow.")
        print("Split v.s. NNF")
        print("Ave [Simple] v.s. NNF")
        print("Ave v.s. NNF")
        print("Proposed v.s. NNF")

        # -- compare accuracy of method nnf v.s. actual nnf --
        def compute_flow_acc(guess, gt):
            both = torch.all(guess.type(torch.long) == gt.type(torch.long),
            ncorrect = torch.sum(both)
            acc = 100 * float(ncorrect) / both.numel()
            return acc

        split_nnf_acc = compute_flow_acc(flow_split, flow_nnf)
        ave_simp_nnf_acc = compute_flow_acc(flow_ave_simp, flow_nnf)
        ave_nnf_acc = compute_flow_acc(flow_ave, flow_nnf)
        est_nnf_acc = compute_flow_acc(flow_est, flow_nnf)

        # -- PSNR to Reference Image --
        pad = 2 * (nframes - 1) * ppf + 4
        isize = edict({'h': H - pad, 'w': W - pad})
        # print("isize: ",isize)
        aligned_of = remove_center_frame(aligned_of)
        aligned_nnf = remove_center_frame(aligned_nnf)
        aligned_split = remove_center_frame(aligned_split)
        aligned_ave_simp = remove_center_frame(aligned_ave_simp)
        aligned_ave = remove_center_frame(aligned_ave)
        aligned_est = remove_center_frame(aligned_est)
        static_clean = remove_center_frame(static_clean)

        psnr_of = compute_aligned_psnr(aligned_of, static_clean, isize)
        psnr_nnf = compute_aligned_psnr(aligned_nnf, static_clean, isize)
        psnr_split = compute_aligned_psnr(aligned_split, static_clean, isize)
        psnr_ave_simp = compute_aligned_psnr(aligned_ave_simp, static_clean,
        psnr_ave = compute_aligned_psnr(aligned_ave, static_clean, isize)
        psnr_est = compute_aligned_psnr(aligned_est, static_clean, isize)

        print("-" * 50)
        print("PSNR Values [bigger is better]")
        print("-" * 50)

        print("Optical Flow [groundtruth v1]")
        print("NNF [groundtruth v2]")
        print("Split [old method]")
        print("Ave [simple; old method]")
        print("Ave [old method]")
        print("Proposed [new method]")

        # -- print nnf accuracy here --

        print("-" * 50)
        print("NNF Accuracy [bigger is better]")
        print("-" * 50)

        print("Split v.s. NNF")
        print("Ave [Simple] v.s. NNF")
        print("Ave v.s. NNF")
        print("Proposed v.s. NNF")

        # -- location of PSNR errors --
        csize = 30
        # aligned_of = torch_to_numpy(tvF.center_crop(aligned_of,(csize,csize)))
        # aligned_ave = torch_to_numpy(tvF.center_crop(aligned_ave,(csize,csize)))
        # static_clean = torch_to_numpy(tvF.center_crop(static_clean,(csize,csize)))
        flow_gt = torch_to_numpy(flow_gt)
        flow_ave = torch_to_numpy(flow_ave)
        aligned_of = torch_to_numpy(aligned_of)
        aligned_ave = torch_to_numpy(aligned_ave)
        static_clean = torch_to_numpy(static_clean)

        # print("WHERE?")
        # print("OF")
        # print(aligned_of.shape)
        # for row in range(30):
        #     print(np.abs(aligned_of[0,0,0,row]- static_clean[0,0,0,row]))
        # print(np.where(~np.isclose(aligned_of,aligned_of)))
        # print(np.where(~np.isclose(flow_gt,flow_ave)))
        # print(np.where(~np.isclose(aligned_of,aligned_of)))
        # print(np.where(~np.isclose(aligned_of,static_clean)))
        # print("Ave")
        # indices = np.where(~np.isclose(aligned_ave,static_clean))
        # row,col = indices[-2:]
        # for elem in range(len(row)):
        #     print(np.c_[row,col][elem])
        # print(np.where(~np.isclose(aligned_ave,static_clean)))

        # -- Summary of End-Point-Errors --
        print("-" * 50)
        print("Summary of EPE Errors [smaller is better]")
        print("-" * 50)

        print("[NNF v.s. Optical Flow]: %2.3f" % nnf_of.mean().item())
        print("[Split v.s. Optical Flow]: %2.3f" % split_of.mean().item())
        print("[Ave [Simple] v.s. Optical Flow]: %2.3f" %
        print("[Ave v.s. Optical Flow]: %2.3f" % ave_of.mean().item())
        print("[Proposed v.s. Optical Flow]: %2.3f" % est_of.mean().item())
        print("[Split v.s. NNF]: %2.3f" % split_nnf.mean().item())
        print("[Ave [Simple] v.s. NNF]: %2.3f" % ave_simp_nnf.mean().item())
        print("[Ave v.s. NNF]: %2.3f" % ave_nnf.mean().item())
        print("[Proposed v.s. NNF]: %2.3f" % est_nnf.mean().item())

        # -- Summary of PSNR to Reference Image --

        print("-" * 50)
        print("Summary PSNR Values [bigger is better]")
        print("-" * 50)

        print("[Optical Flow]: %2.3f" % psnr_of.mean().item())
        print("[NNF]: %2.3f" % psnr_nnf.mean().item())
        print("[Split]: %2.3f" % psnr_split.mean().item())
        print("[Ave [Simple]]: %2.3f" % psnr_ave_simp.mean().item())
        print("[Ave]: %2.3f" % psnr_ave.mean().item())
        print("[Proposed]: %2.3f" % psnr_est.mean().item())

        print("-" * 50)
        print("PSNR Comparisons [smaller is better]")
        print("-" * 50)
        delta_split = psnr_nnf - psnr_split
        delta_ave_simp = psnr_nnf - psnr_ave_simp
        delta_ave = psnr_nnf - psnr_ave
        delta_est = psnr_nnf - psnr_est
        print("ave([NNF] - [Split]): %2.3f" % delta_split.mean().item())
        print("ave([NNF] - [Ave [Simple]]): %2.3f" %
        print("ave([NNF] - [Ave]): %2.3f" % delta_ave.mean().item())
        print("ave([NNF] - [Proposed]): %2.3f" % delta_est.mean().item())
 def run_check(flow, blocks, nblocks):
     est_blocks = flow_to_blocks(flow, nblocks)
     delta = torch.sum(torch.abs(est_blocks - blocks)).item()
     assert np.isclose(delta, 0), f"No error {est_blocks} vs {blocks}"