def helical2( ref_data ):
	from utilities      import print_msg
	from filter	    import fit_tanh, filt_tanl
	from morphology     import threshold
	#  Prepare the reference in helical refinement, i.e., low-pass filter.
	#  Input: list ref_data
	#  2 - raw volume
	#  Output: filtered, and masked reference image

	global  ref_ali2d_counter
	ref_ali2d_counter += 1
	print_msg("helical2   #%6d\n"%(ref_ali2d_counter))
	stat = Util.infomask(ref_data[2], None, True)
	volf = ref_data[2] - stat[0]
	volf = threshold(volf)
	fl = 0.25#0.17
	aa = 0.1
	msg = "Tangent filter:  cut-off frequency = %10.3f	  fall-off = %10.3f\n"%(fl, aa)
	volf = filt_tanl(volf, fl, aa)
	from utilities import read_text_file
	#here pixel size, fract, rmax and rmin will have to be read from external text file
	from alignment import helios
	volf, dp, dphi = helios(volf, 2.175, dipr[0][-1], dipr[1][-1], 0.7, 30,3) 
	print_msg("New delta z and delta phi	  : %s,    %s\n\n"%(dp,dphi))
	fofo = open('symdoc.txt','a')
	fofo.write('  %12.4f   %12.4f\n'%(dp,dphi))
	return  volf,[0.0,0.0,0.0]
def findHsym(vol,hfile,apix,isearch,osearch,vert=None):
	use helical search program to find helical symmetry
	import sys,shutil,subprocess
	from alignment  import helios

	rot,rise,vrot,vrise = readHsym(hfile)
	savepar = "%.6f\t%.6f"%(newrot,newrise)
	# if applying vertical symmetry, determine here
	if vert is not None:
		savepar += "\t%.6f\t%.6f"%(newvrot,newvrise)

	# store helical parameters

	return newrot,newrise,newvrot,newvrise
def findHsym(vol, hfile, apix, isearch, osearch, vert=None):
	use helical search program to find helical symmetry
    import sys, shutil, subprocess
    from alignment import helios

    rot, rise, vrot, vrise = readHsym(hfile)
    orad = osearch / apix
    irad = isearch / apix
    v, newrise, newrot = helios(vol, apix, rise, rot, 0.5, orad, irad)
    savepar = "%.6f\t%.6f" % (newrot, newrise)
    newvrise, newvrot = None, None
    # if applying vertical symmetry, determine here
    if vert is not None:
        v, newvrise, newvrot = helios(vol, apix, vrise, vrot, 0.5, orad, irad)
        savepar += "\t%.6f\t%.6f" % (newvrot, newvrise)

    # store helical parameters
    f = open(hfile, 'a')
    f.write(savepar + "\n")

    return newrot, newrise, newvrot, newvrise