def rescore_model(source_file, nbest_file, saveto, models, options, b, normalize, verbose, alignweights): trng = RandomStreams(1234) fs_log_probs = [] for model, option in zip(models, options): # load model parameters and set theano shared variables params = numpy.load(model) tparams = init_theano_params(params) trng, use_noise, \ x, x_mask, y, y_mask, \ opt_ret, \ cost = \ build_model(tparams, option) inps = [x, x_mask, y, y_mask] use_noise.set_value(0.) if alignweights: sys.stderr.write("\t*** Save weight mode ON, alignment matrix will be saved.\n") outputs = [cost, opt_ret['dec_alphas']] f_log_probs = theano.function(inps, outputs) else: f_log_probs = theano.function(inps, cost) fs_log_probs.append(f_log_probs) def _score(pairs, alignweights=False): # sample given an input sequence and obtain scores scores = [] alignments = [] for i, f_log_probs in enumerate(fs_log_probs): score, alignment = pred_probs(f_log_probs, prepare_data, options[i], pairs, normalize=normalize, alignweights = alignweights) scores.append(score) alignments.append(alignment) return scores, alignments lines = source_file.readlines() nbest_lines = nbest_file.readlines() if alignweights: # opening the temporary file. temp_name = + ".json" align_OUT = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=temp_name, dir=TEMP_DIR) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='rescore-tmpin', dir=TEMP_DIR) as tmp_in, \ tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='rescore-tmpout', dir=TEMP_DIR) as tmp_out: for line in nbest_lines: linesplit = line.split(' ||| ') idx = int(linesplit[0]) # index from the source file. Starting from 0. tmp_in.write(lines[idx]) tmp_out.write(linesplit[1] + '\n') pairs = TextIterator(,, options[0]['dictionaries'][:-1], options[0]['dictionaries'][1], n_words_source=options[0]['n_words_src'], n_words_target=options[0]['n_words'], batch_size=b, maxlen=float('inf'), sort_by_length=False) #TODO: sorting by length could be more efficient, but we'd have to synchronize scores with n-best list after scores, alignments = _score(pairs, alignweights) for i, line in enumerate(nbest_lines): score_str = ' '.join(map(str,[s[i] for s in scores])) saveto.write('{0} {1}\n'.format(line.strip(), score_str)) ### optional save weights mode. if alignweights: for line in alignments: align_OUT.write(line + "\n") if alignweights: combine_source_target_text(source_file, nbest_file,, align_OUT) align_OUT.close()
def rescore_model(source_file, nbest_file, saveto, models, options, b, normalization_alpha, verbose, alignweights): trng = RandomStreams(1234) def _score(pairs, alignweights=False): # sample given an input sequence and obtain scores scores = [] alignments = [] for i, model in enumerate(models): f_log_probs = load_scorer.load(model, options[i], alignweights=alignweights) score, alignment = pred_probs( f_log_probs, prepare_data, options[i], pairs, normalization_alpha=normalization_alpha, alignweights=alignweights) scores.append(score) alignments.append(alignment) return scores, alignments lines = source_file.readlines() nbest_lines = nbest_file.readlines() if alignweights: ### opening the temporary file. temp_name = + ".json" align_OUT = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=temp_name) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( prefix='rescore-tmpin') as tmp_in, tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( prefix='rescore-tmpout') as tmp_out: for line in nbest_lines: linesplit = line.split(' ||| ') idx = int( linesplit[0]) ##index from the source file. Starting from 0. tmp_in.write(lines[idx]) tmp_out.write(linesplit[1] + '\n') pairs = TextIterator(,, options[0]['dictionaries'][:-1], options[0]['dictionaries'][1], n_words_source=options[0]['n_words_src'], n_words_target=options[0]['n_words'], batch_size=b, maxlen=float('inf'), sort_by_length=False ) #TODO: sorting by length could be more efficient, but we'd have to synchronize scores with n-best list after scores, alignments = _score(pairs, alignweights) for i, line in enumerate(nbest_lines): score_str = ' '.join(map(str, [s[i] for s in scores])) saveto.write('{0} {1}\n'.format(line.strip(), score_str)) ### optional save weights mode. if alignweights: for line in alignments: align_OUT.write(line + "\n") if alignweights: combine_source_target_text(source_file, nbest_file,, align_OUT) align_OUT.close()