def parse_words_reference(tokens, i, parent):
    if i >= len(tokens):
        return i
    node = create_node(parent, {'type': 'words-reference'})
    debug(parent, tokens, i, 'parse_words_reference')
    j = i
    i = alinea_lexer.skip_to_next_word(tokens, i)
    i = parse_position(tokens, i, node)
    # le mot
    # les mots
    # des mots
    if tokens[i].lower() in [u'le', u'les', u'des'
                             ] and tokens[i + 2].startswith(u'mot'):
        i = alinea_lexer.skip_to_quote_start(tokens, i)
        i = parse_for_each(parse_quote, tokens, i, node)
    # le nombre
    # le chiffre
    elif tokens[i].lower() in [u'le'
                               ] and tokens[i + 2] in [u'nombre', u'chiffre']:
        i = alinea_lexer.skip_to_quote_start(tokens, i)
        i = parse_quote(tokens, i, node)
    # la référence
    elif tokens[i].lower() in [u'la'] and tokens[i + 2] == u'référence':
        i = alinea_lexer.skip_to_quote_start(tokens, i)
        i = parse_quote(tokens, i, node)
        debug(parent, tokens, i, 'parse_words_reference none')
        remove_node(parent, node)
        return j
    debug(parent, tokens, i, 'parse_words_reference end')
    return i
def parse_header2_definition(tokens, i, parent):
    if i >= len(tokens):
        return i

    debug(parent, tokens, i, 'parse_header2_definition')

    # un ... ° ({articlePartRef})
    if tokens[i].lower() == u'un' and ''.join(
            tokens[i + 2:i + 5]) == u'...' and tokens[i + 6] == u'°':
        node = create_node(parent, {'type': 'header2', 'children': []})
        # FIXME: should we simply ignore the 'order' field all together?
        node['order'] = '...'
        i += 8
        i = alinea_lexer.skip_spaces(tokens, i)
        if tokens[i] == u'ainsi' and tokens[i + 2] == u'rédigé':
            i = alinea_lexer.skip_to_quote_start(tokens, i + 4)
            i = parse_quote(tokens, i, node)
    # un {order}° ({orderLetter}) ({multiplicativeAdverb}) ({articlePartRef})
    elif tokens[i].lower() == u'un' and re.compile(u'\d+°').match(
            tokens[i + 2]):
        node = create_node(parent, {'type': 'header2', 'children': []})
        node['order'] = parse_int(tokens[i + 2])
        i += 4
        if re.compile(u'[A-Z]').match(tokens[i]):
            node['subOrder'] = tokens[i]
            i += 2
        i = parse_multiplicative_adverb(tokens, i, node)
        i = parse_article_part_reference(tokens, i, node)
        i = alinea_lexer.skip_spaces(tokens, i)
        if i < len(tokens) and tokens[i] == u'ainsi' and tokens[
                i + 2] == u'rédigé':
            i = alinea_lexer.skip_to_quote_start(tokens, i + 4)
            i = parse_quote(tokens, i, node)
    # des {start}° à {end}°
    elif (tokens[i].lower() == u'des'
          and re.compile(u'\d+°').match(tokens[i + 2])
          and tokens[i + 4] == u'à'
          and re.compile(u'\d+°').match(tokens[i + 6])):
        start = parse_int(tokens[i + 2])
        end = parse_int(tokens[i + 6])
        i += 8
        # ainsi rédigés
        if (i + 2 < len(tokens) and tokens[i + 2].startswith(u'rédigé') or
            (i + 4 < len(tokens) and tokens[i + 4].startswith(u'rédigé'))):
            i = alinea_lexer.skip_to_quote_start(tokens, i + 4)
            i = parse_for_each(
                parse_quote, tokens, i,
                lambda: create_node(parent, {
                    'type': 'header2',
                    'children': []
        debug(parent, tokens, i, 'parse_header2_definition end')
        return i

    return i
def parse_title_definition(tokens, i, parent):
    if i >= len(tokens):
        return i

    node = create_node(parent, {
        'type': 'title',
        'children': [],

    debug(parent, tokens, i, 'parse_title_definition')

    # un titre {order}
    if tokens[i].lower() == u'un' and tokens[
            i + 2] == u'titre' and is_roman_number(tokens[i + 4]):
        node['order'] = parse_roman_number(tokens[i + 4])
        i += 6
        i = parse_multiplicative_adverb(tokens, i, node)
        debug(parent, tokens, i, 'parse_title_definition none')
        remove_node(parent, node)
        return i

    i = alinea_lexer.skip_spaces(tokens, i)
    if tokens[i] == u'ainsi' and tokens[i + 2] == u'rédigé':
        i = alinea_lexer.skip_to_quote_start(tokens, i)
        i = parse_for_each(parse_quote, tokens, i, node)

    debug(parent, tokens, i, 'parse_title_definition end')

    return i
def parse_alinea_definition(tokens, i, parent):
    if i >= len(tokens):
        return i

    debug(parent, tokens, i, 'parse_alinea_definition')

    # {count} alinéa(s)
    if is_number_word(tokens[i]) and tokens[i + 2].startswith(u'alinéa'):
        count = word_to_number(tokens[i])
        i += 4
        # ainsi rédigé
        # est rédigé
        # est ainsi rédigé
        if (i + 2 < len(tokens) and tokens[i + 2].startswith(u'rédigé') or
            (i + 4 < len(tokens) and tokens[i + 4].startswith(u'rédigé'))):
            # we expect {count} definitions => {count} quotes
            # but they don't always match, so for now we parse all of the available contents
            # FIXME: issue a warning because the expected count doesn't match?
            i = alinea_lexer.skip_spaces(tokens, i)
            i = alinea_lexer.skip_to_quote_start(tokens, i)
            i = parse_for_each(
                parse_quote, tokens, i,
                lambda: create_node(parent, {
                    'type': 'alinea',
                    'children': []
            node = create_node(parent, {'type': 'alinea', 'count': count})
        debug(parent, tokens, i, 'parse_alinea_definition none')
        return i

    debug(parent, tokens, i, 'parse_alinea_definition end')

    return i
def parse_article_definition(tokens, i, parent):
    if i >= len(tokens):
        return i

    node = create_node(parent, {
        'type': 'article',
        'children': [],
    debug(parent, tokens, i, 'parse_article_definition')

    # un article
    if tokens[i] == u'un' and tokens[i + 2] == u'article':
        i += 4
    # l'article
    elif tokens[i] == u'l' and tokens[i + 2] == u'article':
        i += 4
        debug(parent, tokens, i, 'parse_article_definition none')
        remove_node(parent, node)
        return i

    i = parse_article_id(tokens, i, node)

    i = alinea_lexer.skip_spaces(tokens, i)
    if i < len(tokens) and tokens[i] == u'ainsi' and tokens[i +
                                                            2] == u'rédigé':
        i = alinea_lexer.skip_to_quote_start(tokens, i)
        i = parse_for_each(parse_quote, tokens, i, node)

    debug(parent, tokens, i, 'parse_article_definition end')

    return i
def parse_definition_list(tokens, i, parent):
    if i >= len(tokens):
        return i

    i = parse_definition(tokens, i, parent)
    i = alinea_lexer.skip_spaces(tokens, i)
    if ((i + 2 < len(tokens) and tokens[i] == u','
         and tokens[i + 2] in [u'à', u'au'])
            or (i + 2 < len(tokens) and tokens[i] == u'et')):
        i = parse_definition_list(tokens, i + 2, parent)
    i = alinea_lexer.skip_spaces(tokens, i)

    # est rédigé(es)
    # ainsi rédigé(es)
    # est ainsi rédigé(es)
    if (i + 2 < len(tokens) and tokens[i + 2].startswith(u'rédigé')
            or (i + 4 < len(tokens) and tokens[i + 4].startswith(u'rédigé'))):
        i += 6
        def_nodes = filter_nodes(
            parent, lambda x: 'type' in x and x['type'] in def_types)
        for def_node in def_nodes:
            i = alinea_lexer.skip_to_quote_start(tokens, i)
            i = parse_quote(tokens, i, def_node)

    return i
def parse_words_definition(tokens, i, parent):
    if i >= len(tokens):
        return i

    node = create_node(parent, {'type': 'words', 'children': []})
    debug(parent, tokens, i, 'parse_words_definition')

    j = i
    i = parse_position(tokens, i, node)
    # le mot
    # les mots
    # des mots
    if tokens[i].lower() in [u'le', u'les', u'des'
                             ] and tokens[i + 2].startswith(u'mot'):
        i = alinea_lexer.skip_to_quote_start(tokens, i)
        i = parse_for_each(parse_quote, tokens, i, node)
        # i = alinea_lexer.skip_spaces(tokens, i)
    # le nombre
    # le chiffre
    elif tokens[i].lower() in [u'le'
                               ] and tokens[i + 2] in [u'nombre', u'chiffre']:
        i = alinea_lexer.skip_to_quote_start(tokens, i)
        i = parse_quote(tokens, i, node)
    # "
    elif tokens[i] == alinea_lexer.TOKEN_DOUBLE_QUOTE_OPEN:
        i = parse_for_each(parse_quote, tokens, i, node)
        i = alinea_lexer.skip_spaces(tokens, i)
    # la référence
    elif tokens[i] == u'la' and tokens[i + 2] == u'référence':
        i = alinea_lexer.skip_to_quote_start(tokens, i)
        i = parse_quote(tokens, i, node)
        debug(parent, tokens, i, 'parse_words_definition none')
        remove_node(parent, node)
        return j
    debug(parent, tokens, i, 'parse_words_definition end')
    return i
def parse_header1_definition(tokens, i, parent):
    if i >= len(tokens):
        return i
    node = create_node(parent, {'type': 'header1', 'children': []})
    debug(parent, tokens, i, 'parse_header1_definition')
    # un {romanPartNumber}
    if tokens[i].lower() == u'un' and is_roman_number(tokens[i + 2]):
        node['order'] = parse_roman_number(tokens[i + 2])
        i += 4
        i = alinea_lexer.skip_spaces(tokens, i)
        if i + 2 < len(tokens) and tokens[i] == u'ainsi' and tokens[
                i + 2] == u'rédigé':
            i = alinea_lexer.skip_to_quote_start(tokens, i)
            i = parse_quote(tokens, i, node)
        debug(parent, tokens, i, 'parse_header1_definition end')
        remove_node(parent, node)
        return i

    return i
def parse_mention_definition(tokens, i, parent):
    if i >= len(tokens):
        return i
    node = create_node(parent, {'type': 'mention', 'children': []})
    debug(parent, tokens, i, 'parse_mention_definition')
    # la mention
    if tokens[i].lower() == u'la' and tokens[i + 2] == u'mention':
        i += 4
        debug(parent, tokens, i, 'parse_mention_definition none')
        remove_node(parent, node)
        return i
    # :
    if tokens[i] == ':':
        i = alinea_lexer.skip_to_quote_start(tokens, i)
        i = parse_for_each(parse_quote, tokens, i, node)

    debug(parent, tokens, i, 'parse_mention_definition end')

    return i