def main(input_file, temppath, blastPath, verbose, bsrTresh, sizeTresh): #~ try: #~ input_file = sys.argv[1] #~ temppath = sys.argv[2] #~ blastPath = sys.argv[3] #~ verbose = sys.argv[4] #~ bsrTresh = sys.argv[5] if verbose == 'True': verbose = True else: verbose = False #~ except IndexError: #~ print ("Error starting the callAlleleles_protein3 script. usage: list_pickle_obj") bsrTresh = float(bsrTresh) sizeTresh = float(sizeTresh) argumentList = [] with open(input_file, 'rb') as f: argumentList = pickle.load(f) if verbose: def verboseprint(*args): for arg in args: print(arg), print else: verboseprint = lambda *a: None geneFile = argumentList[0] verboseprint("Using gene: " + str(geneFile)) shortgeneFile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(argumentList[0]), "short", os.path.basename(argumentList[0])) shortgeneFile = shortgeneFile.replace(".fasta", "_short.fasta") genomesList = argumentList[1] genesList = argumentList[2] newListgenes = [] with open(genesList, 'r') as gene_fp: for gene in gene_fp: gene = gene.rstrip('\n') gene = gene.rstrip('\r') newListgenes.append(gene) statusbar = float(newListgenes.index(str(geneFile))) / len(newListgenes) locusnumber = (newListgenes.index(str(geneFile))) totalocusnumber = len(newListgenes) basepath = os.path.join(temppath, os.path.splitext(geneFile)[0]) newDNAAlleles2Add2Fasta = '' newDNAAlleles2Add2shortFasta = '' proteinFastaString = '' print("\rProcessing " + os.path.basename(geneFile) + ". Start " + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S-%d/%m/%Y") + " Locus " + str(locusnumber) + " of " + str(totalocusnumber) + ". Done " + str(int(statusbar * 100)) + "%.", end="") if not os.path.exists(basepath): os.makedirs(basepath) #gene_fp = HTSeq.FastaReader(geneFile) fullAlleleList = [] fullAlleleNameList = [] alleleI = 0 # get full list of alleles from main gene file and last allele number id for allele in SeqIO.parse(geneFile, "fasta", generic_dna): aux ="_") if len(aux) < 2: alleleI = int(aux[0]) else: alleleI = int(aux[-1]) fullAlleleList.append(str(allele.seq.upper())) fullAlleleNameList.append( resultsList = [] i = 0 perfectMatchIdAllele = [] perfectMatchIdAllele2 = [] allelescores = [] listShortAllelesNames = [] verboseprint("Getting BSR at : " + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S-%d/%m/%Y")) geneScorePickle = os.path.abspath(shortgeneFile) + '_bsr.txt' # check if bsr as arealdy been calculated and recalculate it if necessary if os.path.isfile(geneScorePickle): allelescores, alleleList, listShortAllelesNames = getBlastScoreRatios( shortgeneFile, basepath, False, verbose, blastPath) else: allelescores, alleleList, listShortAllelesNames = getBlastScoreRatios( shortgeneFile, basepath, True, verbose, blastPath) with open( os.path.join( basepath, str(os.path.basename(shortgeneFile) + '_protein.fasta')), 'r') as myfile: proteinFastaString = proteinFastaString += "\n" verboseprint("Finished BSR at : " + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S-%d/%m/%Y")) verboseprint("starting allele call blast at: " + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S-%d/%m/%Y")) for genomeFile in genomesList: verboseprint(genomeFile) bestmatch = [ 0, 0, False, '', 0 ] # score, score ratio, perfectmatch, key name of the DNA sequence string, allele ID currentGenomeDict = {} currentCDSDict = {} # load the CDS from the genome to a dictionary filepath = os.path.join( temppath, str(os.path.basename(genomeFile)) + "_ORF_Protein.txt") with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: currentCDSDict = pickle.load(f) try: intersection = set(fullAlleleList).intersection( currentCDSDict.values()) intersection = list(intersection) if len(intersection) > 1: perfectMatchIdAllele.append('NIPHEM') perfectMatchIdAllele2.append('NIPHEM') verboseprint( os.path.basename(genomeFile) + " has " + str(len(intersection)) + " multiple exact match : " + os.path.basename(geneFile) + " MULTIPLE ALLELES as EXACT MATCH") raise ValueError("MULTIPLE ALLELES as EXACT MATCH") elif len(intersection) == 1: alleleStr = intersection[0] # it doenst return both keys with equal values # ~ elem=currentCDSDict.keys()[currentCDSDict.values().index(alleleStr)] elem = [ key for key, value in currentCDSDict.items() if value == alleleStr ] if len(elem) > 1: perfectMatchIdAllele.append('NIPHEM') perfectMatchIdAllele2.append('NIPHEM') verboseprint( os.path.basename(genomeFile) + " has " + str(len(intersection)) + " multiple exact match : " + os.path.basename(geneFile) + " MULTIPLE ALLELES as EXACT MATCH") raise ValueError("MULTIPLE ALLELES as EXACT MATCH") contigname = elem[0].split("&") matchLocation = contigname[2] # starting CDS base need to be +1 matchLocation = matchLocation.split("-") matchLocation = [ int(matchLocation[0]) + 1, int(matchLocation[1]) ] contigname = (contigname[0]).replace(">", "") alleleName = '' alleleMatchid = 0 alleleName = fullAlleleNameList[fullAlleleList.index( alleleStr)] alleleMatchid = int((alleleName.split("_"))[-1]) perfectMatchIdAllele.append(str(alleleMatchid)) if matchLocation[0] > matchLocation[1]: perfectMatchIdAllele2.append( str(contigname) + "&" + str(matchLocation[0]) + "-" + str(matchLocation[1]) + "&" + "-") else: perfectMatchIdAllele2.append( str(contigname) + "&" + str(matchLocation[0]) + "-" + str(matchLocation[1]) + "&" + "+") # check if atributed allele is contained or contains try: containedInfo = (alleleName.split("_"))[1] except: containedInfo = '' if containedInfo == "CD": resultsList.append([(os.path.basename(genomeFile)), str(alleleMatchid), containedInfo.rstrip()]) elif containedInfo == "CS": resultsList.append([(os.path.basename(genomeFile)), str(alleleMatchid), containedInfo.rstrip()]) else: pass raise ValueError("EQUAL") except Exception as e: # ~ exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() # ~ fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1] # ~ print(exc_tb.tb_lineno) # ~ print e continue else: verboseprint("Blasting alleles on genome at : " + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S-%d/%m/%Y")) blast_out_file = os.path.join( basepath, "blastdbs/" + os.path.basename(geneFile) + '_List.xml') Gene_Blast_DB_name = os.path.join( temppath, str(os.path.basename(genomeFile)) + "/" + str(os.path.basename(genomeFile)) + "_db") #~ proteinfastaPath = os.path.join(basepath, str(os.path.basename(shortgeneFile) + '_protein.fasta')) # blast the genome CDS against the translated locus # cline = NcbiblastpCommandline(query=proteinfastaPath, db=Gene_Blast_DB_name, evalue=0.001, out=blast_out_file, outfmt=5,max_target_seqs=10,max_hsps_per_subject=10) # 2.2.28 up cline = NcbiblastpCommandline(cmd=blastPath, db=Gene_Blast_DB_name, evalue=0.001, outfmt=5, max_target_seqs=10, max_hsps=10, num_threads=1) out, err = cline(stdin=proteinFastaString) #~ proteinFastaString #~ cline = NcbiblastpCommandline(cmd=blastPath, query=proteinfastaPath, db=Gene_Blast_DB_name, evalue=0.001, outfmt=5, max_target_seqs=10, max_hsps=10,num_threads=1) #~ out, err = cline() psiblast_xml = StringIO(out) blast_records = NCBIXML.parse(psiblast_xml) #~ blast_records = CommonFastaFunctions.runBlastParser(cline, blast_out_file) verboseprint("Blasted alleles on genome at : " + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S-%d/%m/%Y")) alleleSizes = [] for allele in fullAlleleList: alleleSizes.append(len(allele)) biggestSizeAllele = max(alleleSizes) # get mode allele size moda = max(set(alleleSizes), key=alleleSizes.count) contador = Counter(alleleSizes).most_common() # if most common allele size appears 1 time, get first allele size if (contador[0])[1] == 1: moda = alleleSizes[0] try: # iterate through the blast results for blast_record in blast_records: locationcontigs = [] for alignment in blast_record.alignments: # select the best match for match in alignment.hsps: # query id comes with query_id, not name of the allele alleleMatchid = int( (blast_record.query_id.split("_"))[-1]) # ~ scoreRatio=float(match.score)/float(allelescores[int(alleleMatchid)-1]) # query_id starts with 1 alleleMatchid2 = (( listShortAllelesNames[alleleMatchid - 1]).split("_"))[-1] scoreRatio = float(match.score) / float( allelescores[int(alleleMatchid2)]) cdsStrName = (alignment.title.split(" "))[1] #DNAstr = str(currentCDSDict[">" + cdsStrName]) AlleleDNAstr = alleleList[int(alleleMatchid) - 1] verboseprint(str(match)) verboseprint("BSR : " + str(scoreRatio)) if scoreRatio >= bsrTresh: locationcontigs.append(cdsStrName) # select the best match from BLAST results if scoreRatio == 1 and match.score > bestmatch[0]: bestmatch = [ match.score, scoreRatio, False, cdsStrName, int(alleleMatchid), match, len(AlleleDNAstr) ] elif (match.score > bestmatch[0] and scoreRatio >= bsrTresh and scoreRatio > bestmatch[1] and bestmatch[2] is False): bestmatch = [ match.score, scoreRatio, False, cdsStrName, int(alleleMatchid), match, len(AlleleDNAstr) ] verboseprint("Classifying the match at : " + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S-%d/%m/%Y")) # if no best match was found it's a Locus Not Found # check for ambiguious bases if not bestmatch[0] == 0: alleleStr = currentCDSDict[">" + bestmatch[3]] listFoundAmbiguities = [] listambiguousBases = [ 'K', 'M', 'R', 'Y', 'S', 'W', 'B', 'V', 'H', 'D', 'X', 'N', '-', '.' ] listFoundAmbiguities = [ e for e in listambiguousBases if e in alleleStr ] if bestmatch[0] == 0 or len(listFoundAmbiguities) > 0: ################### # LOCUS NOT FOUND # ################### if bestmatch[0] == 0: perfectMatchIdAllele.append('LNF') perfectMatchIdAllele2.append('LNF') verboseprint("Locus not found, no matches \n") else: perfectMatchIdAllele.append('LNF') perfectMatchIdAllele2.append('LNF') verboseprint("Locus has strange base \n") # if more than one BSR >0.6 in two different CDSs it's a Non Paralog Locus elif len(list(set(locationcontigs))) > 1: verboseprint("NIPH", "") perfectMatchIdAllele.append('NIPH') perfectMatchIdAllele2.append('NIPH') for elem in locationcontigs: verboseprint(elem) # if match with BSR >0.6 and not equal DNA sequences else: # load the contig info of the genome to a dictionary #g_fp = HTSeq.FastaReader(genomeFile) for contig in SeqIO.parse(genomeFile, "fasta", generic_dna): currentGenomeDict[] = len( str(contig.seq.upper())) match = bestmatch[5] geneLen = bestmatch[6] alleleStr = currentCDSDict[">" + bestmatch[3]] contigname = bestmatch[3] contigname = contigname.split("&") matchLocation = contigname[2] matchLocation = matchLocation.split("-") matchLocation = [ int(matchLocation[0]) + 1, matchLocation[1] ] contigname = contigname[0] bestMatchContigLen = currentGenomeDict[contigname] protSeq, alleleStr = translateSeq(alleleStr) # get extra space to the right and left between the allele and match and check if it's still inside the contig rightmatchAllele = geneLen - ( (int(match.query_end) + 1) * 3) leftmatchAllele = ((int(match.query_start) - 1) * 3) Reversed = False # ~ if Reversed swap left and right contig extra if int(matchLocation[1]) < int(matchLocation[0]): rightmatchContig = bestMatchContigLen - int( matchLocation[0]) leftmatchContig = int(matchLocation[1]) aux = rightmatchAllele rightmatchAllele = leftmatchAllele leftmatchAllele = aux Reversed = True else: rightmatchContig = bestMatchContigLen - int( matchLocation[1]) leftmatchContig = int(matchLocation[0]) ########################### # LOCUS ON THE CONTIG TIP # ########################### # check if contig is smaller than the matched allele if leftmatchContig < leftmatchAllele and rightmatchContig < rightmatchAllele: # ~ resultsList.append('PLOTSC:-1') perfectMatchIdAllele.append('LOTSC') perfectMatchIdAllele2.append('LOTSC') # ~ if not Reversed: # ~ perfectMatchIdAllele2.append(str(contigname)+"&"+str(matchLocation[0])+"-"+str(matchLocation[1])+"&"+"+") # ~ else: # ~ perfectMatchIdAllele2.append(str(contigname)+"&"+str(matchLocation[0])+"-"+str(matchLocation[1])+"&"+"-") verboseprint(match, contigname, geneFile, leftmatchAllele, rightmatchAllele, "Locus is bigger than the contig \n") elif leftmatchContig < leftmatchAllele: # ~ resultsList.append('PLOT3:-1') perfectMatchIdAllele.append('PLOT3') perfectMatchIdAllele2.append('PLOT3') # ~ if not Reversed: # ~ perfectMatchIdAllele2.append(str(contigname)+"&"+str(matchLocation[0])+"-"+str(matchLocation[1])+"&"+"+") # ~ else: # ~ perfectMatchIdAllele2.append(str(contigname)+"&"+str(matchLocation[0])+"-"+str(matchLocation[1])+"&"+"-") verboseprint( match, contigname, geneFile, leftmatchAllele, rightmatchAllele, "Locus is on the 3' tip of the contig \n") elif rightmatchContig < rightmatchAllele: # ~ resultsList.append('PLOT5:-1') perfectMatchIdAllele.append('PLOT5') perfectMatchIdAllele2.append('PLOT5') # ~ if not Reversed: # ~ perfectMatchIdAllele2.append(str(contigname)+"&"+str(matchLocation[0])+"-"+str(matchLocation[1])+"&"+"+") # ~ else: # ~ perfectMatchIdAllele2.append(str(contigname)+"&"+str(matchLocation[0])+"-"+str(matchLocation[1])+"&"+"-") verboseprint( match, contigname, geneFile, leftmatchAllele, rightmatchAllele, "Locus is on the 5' tip of the contig \n") elif float(len(alleleStr)) > moda + (moda * sizeTresh): verboseprint("Locus is larger than mode", moda, alleleStr) # ~ resultsList.append('ALM') perfectMatchIdAllele.append('ALM') perfectMatchIdAllele2.append('ALM') # ~ if not Reversed: # ~ perfectMatchIdAllele2.append(str(contigname)+"&"+str(matchLocation[0])+"-"+str(matchLocation[1])+"&"+"+") # ~ else: # ~ perfectMatchIdAllele2.append(str(contigname)+"&"+str(matchLocation[0])+"-"+str(matchLocation[1])+"&"+"-") elif float(len(alleleStr)) < moda - (moda * sizeTresh): verboseprint("Locus is smaller than mode", moda, alleleStr) # ~ resultsList.append('ASM') perfectMatchIdAllele.append('ASM') perfectMatchIdAllele2.append('ASM') # ~ if not Reversed: # ~ perfectMatchIdAllele2.append(str(contigname)+"&"+str(matchLocation[0])+"-"+str(matchLocation[1])+"&"+"+") # ~ else: # ~ perfectMatchIdAllele2.append(str(contigname)+"&"+str(matchLocation[0])+"-"+str(matchLocation[1])+"&"+"-") else: ####################### # ADD INFERRED ALLELE # # a new allele ####################### wasContained = False tagAuxC = 'S' for alleleaux in fullAlleleList: if alleleStr in alleleaux: alleleName = fullAlleleNameList[ fullAlleleList.index(alleleaux)] alleleMatchid = (alleleName.split("_"))[-1] tagAuxC = 'CD' + alleleMatchid.rstrip() resultsList.append([ (os.path.basename(genomeFile)), str(alleleI + 1), tagAuxC ]) break elif alleleaux in alleleStr: alleleName = fullAlleleNameList[ fullAlleleList.index(alleleaux)] alleleMatchid = (alleleName.split("_"))[-1] tagAuxC = 'CS' + alleleMatchid.rstrip() resultsList.append([ (os.path.basename(genomeFile)), str(alleleI + 1), tagAuxC ]) break if not wasContained: tagAux = 'INF' perfectMatchIdAllele.append(tagAux + "-" + str(alleleI + 1)) if not Reversed: perfectMatchIdAllele2.append( str(contigname) + "&" + str(matchLocation[0]) + "-" + str(matchLocation[1]) + "&" + "+") else: perfectMatchIdAllele2.append( str(contigname) + "&" + str(matchLocation[0]) + "-" + str(matchLocation[1]) + "&" + "-") verboseprint("New allele! Adding allele " + tagAux + str(alleleI + 1) + " to the database\n") # --- add the new allele to the gene fasta --- # alleleI += 1 appendAllele = '>' + str(( ((os.path.basename(geneFile)).split("."))[0] ).replace("_", "-")) + "_" + tagAuxC + "_" + (str( os.path.basename(genomeFile))).replace( "_", "-") + "_" + str(alleleI) + '\n' #~ fG = open(geneFile, 'a') #~ fG.write(appendAllele) #~ fG.write(alleleStr + '\n') #~ fG.close() newDNAAlleles2Add2Fasta += appendAllele + alleleStr + '\n' fullAlleleList.append(alleleStr) fullAlleleNameList.append(appendAllele) if float(bestmatch[1]) >= bsrTresh and float( bestmatch[1]) < bsrTresh + 0.1: newDNAAlleles2Add2shortFasta += appendAllele + alleleStr + '\n' geneTransalatedPath2 = os.path.join( basepath, str( os.path.basename(shortgeneFile) + '_protein2.fasta')) geneTransalatedPath = os.path.join( basepath, str( os.path.basename(shortgeneFile) + '_protein.fasta')) #~ proteinFastaString+='>' + alleleIaux + '\n' + str(protSeq) + '\n' proteinFastaString += '>' + str( alleleI) + '\n' + str(protSeq) + '\n' match = bestmatch[5] # --- remake blast DB and recalculate the BSR for the locus --- # alleleList.append(alleleStr) listShortAllelesNames.append(appendAllele) #~ sequence_2_blast='>' + alleleIaux + '\n' + str(protSeq) sequence_2_blast = '>' + str( alleleI) + '\n' + str(protSeq) Gene_Blast_DB_name2 = CommonFastaFunctions.Create_Blastdb_no_fasta( geneTransalatedPath2, 1, True, sequence_2_blast) verboseprint( "Re-calculating BSR at : " + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S-%d/%m/%Y")) allelescores, alleleList, listShortAllelesNames = reDogetBlastScoreRatios( sequence_2_blast, basepath, alleleI, allelescores, Gene_Blast_DB_name2, alleleList, geneScorePickle, verbose, blastPath, listShortAllelesNames) verboseprint( "Done Re-calculating BSR at : " + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S-%d/%m/%Y")) except Exception as e: print("some error occurred") print(e) print('Error on line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno)) perfectMatchIdAllele2.append("ERROR") perfectMatchIdAllele.append("ERROR") #add new alleles to the locus fasta file if len(newDNAAlleles2Add2Fasta) > 5: with open(geneFile, 'a') as fG: fG.write(newDNAAlleles2Add2Fasta) if len(newDNAAlleles2Add2shortFasta) > 5: with open(shortgeneFile, 'a') as fG: fG.write(newDNAAlleles2Add2shortFasta) final = (resultsList, perfectMatchIdAllele) verboseprint("Finished allele calling at : " + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S-%d/%m/%Y")) filepath = os.path.join(temppath, os.path.basename(geneFile) + "_result.txt") filepath2 = os.path.join(temppath, os.path.basename(geneFile) + "_result2.txt") with open(filepath, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(final, f) with open(filepath2, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(perfectMatchIdAllele2, f) shutil.rmtree(basepath) return True
def getBlastScoreRatios(genefile, basepath, doAll, verbose, blastPath): if verbose: def verboseprint(*args): for arg in args: print(arg), print else: verboseprint = lambda *a: None # do-nothing function #gene_fp = HTSeq.FastaReader(genefile) allelescores = [] alleleProt = '' alleleAllProt = '' alleleList = [] alleleI = 0 alleleIlist = [] listAllelesNames = [] # calculate bsr for each allele for allele in SeqIO.parse(genefile, "fasta", generic_dna): # usually first allele name is just >1 and after that it has >gene_id_genome aux ="_") if len(aux) < 2: alleleI = int(aux[0]) else: alleleI = int(aux[-1]) # try to translate the allele alleleIlist.append(alleleI) alleleList.append(str(allele.seq.upper())) listAllelesNames.append( translatedSequence, x = translateSeq(str(allele.seq.upper())) if translatedSequence == '': print("cannot translate allele on bsr calculation") pass # calculate BSR for the allele else: alleleProt = ">" + str(alleleI) + "\n" + str(translatedSequence + "\n") alleleAllProt += ">" + str(alleleI) + "\n" + str( translatedSequence + "\n") proteinfastaPath = os.path.join( basepath, str(os.path.basename(genefile) + '_protein2.fasta')) # new db for each allele to blast it against himself Gene_Blast_DB_name = CommonFastaFunctions.Create_Blastdb_no_fasta( proteinfastaPath, 1, True, alleleProt) # if bsr hasn't been calculated, do the BLAST if doAll: #~ blast_out_file = os.path.join(basepath, 'blastdbs/temp.xml') verboseprint("Starting Blast alleles at : " + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S-%d/%m/%Y")) # --- get BLAST score ratio --- # #~ cline = NcbiblastpCommandline(cmd=blastPath, query=proteinfastaPath, db=Gene_Blast_DB_name, #~ evalue=0.001, out=blast_out_file, outfmt=5, num_threads=1) cline = NcbiblastpCommandline(cmd=blastPath, db=Gene_Blast_DB_name, evalue=0.001, outfmt=5, num_threads=1) out, err = cline(stdin=alleleProt) psiblast_xml = StringIO(out) blast_records = NCBIXML.parse(psiblast_xml) allelescore = 0 #~ blast_records = CommonFastaFunctions.runBlastParser(cline, blast_out_file) verboseprint("Blasted alleles at : " + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S-%d/%m/%Y")) for blast_record in blast_records: for alignment in blast_record.alignments: for match in alignment.hsps: allelescores.append(int(match.score)) geneScorePickle = os.path.abspath(genefile) + '_bsr.txt' verboseprint("________") # ~ var=[alleleI,allelescores] var = dict(zip(alleleIlist, allelescores)) with open(geneScorePickle, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(var, f) # bsr had already been calculated, load it to memory else: geneScorePickle = os.path.abspath(genefile) + '_bsr.txt' with open(geneScorePickle, 'rb') as f: var = pickle.load(f) # ~ allelescores=var[1] proteinfastaPath = os.path.join( basepath, str(os.path.basename(genefile) + '_protein.fasta')) with open(proteinfastaPath, "w") as f: f.write(alleleAllProt) # returning all allele BSR scores and list of alleles for this gene return var, alleleList, listAllelesNames