 def test_lisp_to_nested_expression(self):
     logical_form = u"((reverse fb:row.row.year) (fb:row.row.league fb:cell.usl_a_league))"
     expression = util.lisp_to_nested_expression(logical_form)
     assert expression == [[[u'reverse', u'fb:row.row.year'], [u'fb:row.row.league', u'fb:cell.usl_a_league']]]
     logical_form = u"(count (and (division 1) (tier (!= null))))"
     expression = util.lisp_to_nested_expression(logical_form)
     assert expression == [[u'count', [u'and', [u'division', u'1'], [u'tier', [u'!=', u'null']]]]]
 def test_lisp_to_nested_expression(self):
     logical_form = "((reverse fb:row.row.year) (fb:row.row.league fb:cell.usl_a_league))"
     expression = util.lisp_to_nested_expression(logical_form)
     assert expression == [['reverse', 'fb:row.row.year'], ['fb:row.row.league', 'fb:cell.usl_a_league']]
     logical_form = "(count (and (division 1) (tier (!= null))))"
     expression = util.lisp_to_nested_expression(logical_form)
     assert expression == ['count', ['and', ['division', '1'], ['tier', ['!=', 'null']]]]
 def test_lisp_to_nested_expression(self):
     logical_form = "((reverse fb:row.row.year) (fb:row.row.league fb:cell.usl_a_league))"
     expression = util.lisp_to_nested_expression(logical_form)
     assert expression == [
         ["reverse", "fb:row.row.year"],
         ["fb:row.row.league", "fb:cell.usl_a_league"],
     logical_form = "(count (and (division 1) (tier (!= null))))"
     expression = util.lisp_to_nested_expression(logical_form)
     assert expression == [
         "count", ["and", ["division", "1"], ["tier", ["!=", "null"]]]
    def logical_form_to_action_sequence(self, logical_form: str) -> List[str]:
        Converts a logical form into a linearization of the production rules from its abstract
        syntax tree.  The linearization is top-down, depth-first.

        Each production rule is formatted as "LHS -> RHS", where "LHS" is a single non-terminal
        type, and RHS is either a terminal or a list of non-terminals (other possible values for
        RHS in a more general context-free grammar are not produced by our grammar induction

        Non-terminals are `types` in the grammar, either basic types (like ``int``, ``str``, or
        some class that you define), or functional types, represented with angle brackets with a
        colon separating arguments from the return type.  Multi-argument functions have commas
        separating their argument types.  For example, ``<int:int>`` is a function that takes an
        integer and returns an integer, and ``<int,int:int>`` is a function that takes two integer
        arguments and returns an integer.

        As an example translation from logical form to complete action sequence, the logical form
        ``(add 2 3)`` would be translated to ``['@start@ -> int', 'int -> [<int,int:int>, int, int]',
        '<int,int:int> -> add', 'int -> 2', 'int -> 3']``.
        expression = util.lisp_to_nested_expression(logical_form)
            transitions, start_type = self._get_transitions(expression, expected_type=None)
            if self._start_types and start_type not in self._start_types:
                raise ParsingError(f"Expression had unallowed start type of {start_type}: {expression}")
        except ParsingError:
            logger.error(f'Error parsing logical form: {logical_form}')
        transitions.insert(0, f'@start@ -> {start_type}')
        return transitions
 def execute(self, logical_form: str):
     """Executes a logical form, using whatever predicates you have defined."""
     if not hasattr(self, '_functions'):
         raise RuntimeError("You must call super().__init__() in your Language constructor")
     logical_form = logical_form.replace(",", " ")
     expression = util.lisp_to_nested_expression(logical_form)
     return self._execute_expression(expression)
 def execute(self, logical_form: str):
     """Executes a logical form, using whatever predicates you have defined."""
     if not hasattr(self, '_functions'):
         raise RuntimeError("You must call super().__init__() in your Language constructor")
     logical_form = logical_form.replace(",", " ")
     expression = util.lisp_to_nested_expression(logical_form)
     return self._execute_expression(expression)
文件: world.py 项目: zwdcs/allennlp
    def parse_logical_form(self,
                           logical_form: str,
                           remove_var_function: bool = True) -> Expression:
        Takes a logical form as a string, maps its tokens using the mapping and returns a parsed expression.

        logical_form : ``str``
            Logical form to parse
        remove_var_function : ``bool`` (optional)
            ``var`` is a special function that some languages use within lambda functions to
            indicate the usage of a variable. If your language uses it, and you do not want to
            include it in the parsed expression, set this flag. You may want to do this if you are
            generating an action sequence from this parsed expression, because it is easier to let
            the decoder not produce this function due to the way constrained decoding is currently
        if not logical_form.startswith("("):
            logical_form = f"({logical_form})"
        if remove_var_function:
            # Replace "(x)" with "x"
            logical_form = re.sub(r'\(([x-z])\)', r'\1', logical_form)
            # Replace "(var x)" with "(x)"
            logical_form = re.sub(r'\(var ([x-z])\)', r'(\1)', logical_form)
        parsed_lisp = semparse_util.lisp_to_nested_expression(logical_form)
        translated_string = self._process_nested_expression(parsed_lisp)
        type_signature = self.local_type_signatures.copy()
        return self._logic_parser.parse(translated_string,
    def logical_form_to_action_sequence(self, logical_form: str) -> List[str]:
        Converts a logical form into a linearization of the production rules from its abstract
        syntax tree.  The linearization is top-down, depth-first.

        Each production rule is formatted as "LHS -> RHS", where "LHS" is a single non-terminal
        type, and RHS is either a terminal or a list of non-terminals (other possible values for
        RHS in a more general context-free grammar are not produced by our grammar induction

        Non-terminals are `types` in the grammar, either basic types (like ``int``, ``str``, or
        some class that you define), or functional types, represented with angle brackets with a
        colon separating arguments from the return type.  Multi-argument functions have commas
        separating their argument types.  For example, ``<int:int>`` is a function that takes an
        integer and returns an integer, and ``<int,int:int>`` is a function that takes two integer
        arguments and returns an integer.

        As an example translation from logical form to complete action sequence, the logical form
        ``(add 2 3)`` would be translated to ``['@start@ -> int', 'int -> [<int,int:int>, int, int]',
        '<int,int:int> -> add', 'int -> 2', 'int -> 3']``.
        expression = util.lisp_to_nested_expression(logical_form)
            transitions, start_type = self._get_transitions(expression, expected_type=None)
            if self._start_types and start_type not in self._start_types:
                raise ParsingError(f"Expression had unallowed start type of {start_type}: {expression}")
        except ParsingError:
            logger.error(f'Error parsing logical form: {logical_form}')
        transitions.insert(0, f'@start@ -> {start_type}')
        return transitions
文件: world.py 项目: pyknife/allennlp
    def parse_logical_form(self,
                           logical_form: str,
                           remove_var_function: bool = True) -> Expression:
        Takes a logical form as a string, maps its tokens using the mapping and returns a parsed expression.

        logical_form : ``str``
            Logical form to parse
        remove_var_function : ``bool`` (optional)
            ``var`` is a special function that some languages use within lambda founctions to
            indicate the usage of a variable. If your language uses it, and you do not want to
            include it in the parsed expression, set this flag. You may want to do this if you are
            generating an action sequence from this parsed expression, because it is easier to let
            the decoder not produce this function due to the way constrained decoding is currently
        if not logical_form.startswith("("):
            logical_form = f"({logical_form})"
        if remove_var_function:
            # Replace "(x)" with "x"
            logical_form = re.sub(r'\(([x-z])\)', r'\1', logical_form)
            # Replace "(var x)" with "(x)"
            logical_form = re.sub(r'\(var ([x-z])\)', r'(\1)', logical_form)
        parsed_lisp = semparse_util.lisp_to_nested_expression(logical_form)
        translated_string = self._process_nested_expression(parsed_lisp)
        type_signature = self.local_type_signatures.copy()
        return self._logic_parser.parse(translated_string, signature=type_signature)
 def execute(self, logical_form: str) -> Any:
     if not logical_form.startswith("("):
         logical_form = f"({logical_form})"
     logical_form = logical_form.replace(",", " ")
     expression_as_list = semparse_util.lisp_to_nested_expression(logical_form)
     result = self._handle_expression(expression_as_list)
     return result
    def execute(self, logical_form: str) -> bool:
        Execute the logical form. The top level function is an assertion function (see below). We
        just parse the string into a list and pass the whole thing to ``_execute_assertion`` and let
        the method deal with it. This is because the dataset contains sentences (instead of
        questions), and they evaluate to either true or false.

        The language we defined here contains six types of functions, five of which return sets,
        and one returns booleans.

        1) Assertion Function : These occur only at the root node of the logical form trees. They
        take a set of entities, and compare their attributes to a given value, and return true or
        false. The entities they take can be boxes or objects. If the assertion function takes
        objects, it may compare their colors or shapes with the given value; If it takes boxes,
        the attributes it compares are only the counts. The comparison operator can be any of
        equals, not equals, greater than, etc. So, the function specifies what kind of entities it
        takes, the attribute being compared and the comparison operator. For example,
        "object_count_not_equals" takes a set of objects, compares their count to the given value
        and returns true iff they are not equal. They have names like "object_*" or "box_*"

        2) Object Attribute Functions: They take sets of objects and return sets of attributes.
        `color` and `shape` are the attribute functions.

        3) Box Membership Function : This takes a box as an argument and returns the objects in it.
        This is a special kind of attribute function for two reasons. Firstly, it returns a set of
        objects instead of attributes, and secondly it occurs only within the second argument of a
        box filtering function (see below). It provides a way to query boxes based on the
        attributes of objects contained within it. The function is called ``object_in_box``, and it
        gets executed within ``_execute_box_filter``.

        4) Box Filtering Functions : These are of the form `filter(set_of_boxes,
        attribute_function, target_attribute)` The idea is that we take a set of boxes, an
        attribute function that extracts the relevant attribute from a box, and a target attribute
        that we compare against. The logic is that we execute the attribute function on `each` of
        the given boxes and return only those whose attribute value, in comparison with the target
        attribute, satisfies the filtering criterion (i.e., equal to the target, less than, greater
        than etc.). The fitering function defines the comparison operator.  All the functions in
        this class with names ``filter_*`` belong to this category.

        5) Object Filtering Functions : These are of the form ``filter(set_of_objects)``. These are
        similar to box filtering functions, but they operate on objects instead. Also, note that
        they take just one argument instead of three. This is because while box filtering functions
        typically query complex attributes, object filtering functions query the properties of the
        objects alone.  These are simple and finite in number. Thus, we essentially let the
        filtering function define the attribute function, and the target attribute as well, along
        with the comparison operator.  That is, these are functions like `black` (which takes a set
        of objects, and returns those whose "color" (attribute function) "equals" (comparison
        operator) "black" (target attribute)), or "square" (which returns objects that are

        6) Negate Object Filter : Takes an object filter and a set of objects and applies the
        negation of the object filter on the set.
        if not logical_form.startswith("("):
            logical_form = "(%s)" % logical_form
        logical_form = logical_form.replace(",", " ")
        expression_as_list = semparse_util.lisp_to_nested_expression(logical_form)
        # The whole expression has to be an assertion expression because it has to return a boolean.
        # TODO(pradeep): May want to make this more general and let the executor deal with questions.
        return self._execute_assertion(expression_as_list)
def same_logical_form(form1: str, form2: str) -> bool:
    if form1.__contains__("@@UNKNOWN@@") or form2.__contains__("@@UNKNOWN@@"):
        return False
        G1 = logical_form_to_graph(lisp_to_nested_expression(form1))
    except Exception:
        return False
        G2 = logical_form_to_graph(lisp_to_nested_expression(form2))
    except Exception:
        return False

    def node_match(n1, n2):
        if n1['id'] == n2['id'] and n1['type'] == n2['type']:
            func1 = n1.pop('function', 'none')
            func2 = n2.pop('function', 'none')
            tc1 = n1.pop('tc', 'none')
            tc2 = n2.pop('tc', 'none')

            if func1 == func2 and tc1 == tc2:
                return True
                return False
            # if 'function' in n1 and 'function' in n2 and n1['function'] == n2['function']:
            #     return True
            # elif 'function' not in n1 and 'function' not in n2:
            #     return True
            # else:
            #     return False
            return False

    def multi_edge_match(e1, e2):
        if len(e1) != len(e2):
            return False
        values1 = []
        values2 = []
        for v in e1.values():
        for v in e2.values():
        return sorted(values1) == sorted(values2)

    return nx.is_isomorphic(G1,
 def execute(self, logical_form: str) -> Any:
     if not logical_form.startswith("("):
         logical_form = f"({logical_form})"
     logical_form = logical_form.replace(",", " ")
     expression_as_list = semparse_util.lisp_to_nested_expression(
     result = self._handle_expression(expression_as_list)
     return result
 def execute(self, logical_form: str) -> bool:
     if not logical_form.startswith("("):
         logical_form = f"({logical_form})"
     logical_form = logical_form.replace(",", " ")
     expression_as_list = semparse_util.lisp_to_nested_expression(logical_form)
     # Expression list has an additional level of
     # nesting at the top.
     result = self._handle_expression(expression_as_list)
     return result
def get_explanation(logical_form: str,
                    world_extractions: JsonDict,
                    answer_index: int,
                    world: QuarelWorld) -> List[JsonDict]:
    Create explanation (as a list of header/content entries) for an answer
    output = []
    nl_world = {}
    if world_extractions['world1'] != "N/A" and world_extractions['world1'] != ["N/A"]:
        nl_world['world1'] = nl_world_string(world_extractions['world1'])
        nl_world['world2'] = nl_world_string(world_extractions['world2'])
                "header": "Identified two worlds",
                "content": [f'''world1 = {nl_world['world1']}''',
                            f'''world2 = {nl_world['world2']}''']
        nl_world['world1'] = 'world1'
        nl_world['world2'] = 'world2'
    parse = semparse_util.lisp_to_nested_expression(logical_form)
    if parse[0][0] != "infer":
        return None
    setup = parse[0][1]
            "header": "The question is stating",
            "content": nl_arg(setup, nl_world)
    answers = parse[0][2:]
            "header": "The answer options are stating",
            "content": ["A: " + " and ".join(nl_arg(answers[0], nl_world)),
                        "B: " + " and ".join(nl_arg(answers[1], nl_world))]
    setup_core = setup
    if setup[0] == 'and':
        setup_core = setup[1]
    s_attr = setup_core[0]
    s_dir = world.qr_size[setup_core[1]]
    s_world = nl_world[setup_core[2]]
    a_attr = answers[answer_index][0]
    qr_dir = world._get_qr_coeff(strip_entity_type(s_attr), strip_entity_type(a_attr))  # pylint: disable=protected-access
    a_dir = s_dir * qr_dir
    a_world = nl_world[answers[answer_index][2]]

    content = [f'When {nl_attr(s_attr)} is {nl_dir(s_dir)} ' +
               f'then {nl_attr(a_attr)} is {nl_dir(a_dir)} (for {s_world})']
    if a_world != s_world:
        content.append(f'''Therefore {nl_attr(a_attr)} is {nl_dir(-a_dir)} for {a_world}''')
    content.append(f"Therefore {chr(65+answer_index)} is the correct answer")

            "header": "Theory used",
            "content": content

    return output
 def execute(self, logical_form: str) -> Any:
     if not logical_form.startswith("("):
         logical_form = f"({logical_form})"
     logical_form = logical_form.replace(",", " ")
     expression_as_list = semparse_util.lisp_to_nested_expression(logical_form)
     # Expression list has an additional level of
     # nesting at the top. For example, if the
     # logical form is
     # "(select all_rows fb:row.row.league)",
     # the expression list will be
     # [['select', 'all_rows', 'fb:row.row.league']].
     # Removing the top most level of nesting.
     result = self._handle_expression(expression_as_list[0])
     return result
 def execute(self, logical_form: str) -> Any:
     if not logical_form.startswith("("):
         logical_form = f"({logical_form})"
     logical_form = logical_form.replace(",", " ")
     expression_as_list = semparse_util.lisp_to_nested_expression(logical_form)
     # Expression list has an additional level of
     # nesting at the top. For example, if the
     # logical form is
     # "(select all_rows fb:row.row.league)",
     # the expression list will be
     # [['select', 'all_rows', 'fb:row.row.league']].
     # Removing the top most level of nesting.
     result = self._handle_expression(expression_as_list[0])
     return result
 def execute(self, lf_raw: str) -> int:
     Very basic model for executing friction logical forms. For now returns answer index (or
     -1 if no answer can be concluded)
     # Remove "a:" prefixes from attributes (hack)
     logical_form = re.sub(r"\(a:", r"(", lf_raw)
     parse = semparse_util.lisp_to_nested_expression(logical_form)
     if len(parse) < 1 and len(parse[0]) < 2:
         return -1
     if parse[0][0] == 'infer':
         args = [self._exec_and(arg) for arg in parse[0][1:]]
         if None in args:
             return -1
         return self._exec_infer(*args)
     return -1
 def execute(self, lf_raw: str) -> int:
     Very basic model for executing friction logical forms. For now returns answer index (or
     -1 if no answer can be concluded)
     # Remove "a:" prefixes from attributes (hack)
     logical_form = re.sub(r"\(a:", r"(", lf_raw)
     parse = semparse_util.lisp_to_nested_expression(logical_form)
     if len(parse) < 1 and len(parse[0]) < 2:
         return -1
     if parse[0][0] == 'infer':
         args = [self._exec_and(arg) for arg in parse[0][1:]]
         if None in args:
             return -1
         return self._exec_infer(*args)
     return -1
def lisp_to_sparql(lisp_program: str):
    clauses = []
    order_clauses = []
    entities = set()  # collect entites for filtering
    # identical_variables = {}   # key should be smaller than value, we will use small variable to replace large variable
    identical_variables_r = {}  # key should be larger than value
    expression = util.lisp_to_nested_expression(lisp_program)
    superlative = False
    if expression[0] in ['ARGMAX', 'ARGMIN']:
        superlative = True
        # remove all joins in relation chain of an arg function. In another word, we will not use arg function as
        # binary function here, instead, the arity depends on the number of relations in the second argument in the
        # original function
        if isinstance(expression[2], list):

            def retrieve_relations(exp: list):
                rtn = []
                for element in exp:
                    if element == 'JOIN':
                    elif isinstance(element, str):
                    elif isinstance(element, list) and element[0] == 'R':
                    elif isinstance(element, list) and element[0] == 'JOIN':
                return rtn

            relations = retrieve_relations(expression[2])
            expression = expression[:2]

    sub_programs = _linearize_lisp_expression(expression, [0])
    question_var = len(sub_programs) - 1
    count = False

    def get_root(var: int):
        while var in identical_variables_r:
            var = identical_variables_r[var]

        return var

    for i, subp in enumerate(sub_programs):
        i = str(i)
        if subp[0] == 'JOIN':
            if isinstance(subp[1], list):  # R relation
                if subp[2][:2] in ["m.", "g."]:  # entity
                    clauses.append("ns:" + subp[2] + " ns:" + subp[1][1] +
                                   " ?x" + i + " .")
                elif subp[2][0] == '#':  # variable
                    clauses.append("?x" + subp[2][1:] + " ns:" + subp[1][1] +
                                   " ?x" + i + " .")
                else:  # literal   (actually I think literal can only be object)
                    if subp[2].__contains__('^^'):
                        data_type = subp[2].split("^^")[1].split("#")[1]
                        if data_type not in ['integer', 'float', 'dateTime']:
                                2] = f'"{subp[2].split("^^")[0] + "-08:00"}"^^<{subp[2].split("^^")[1]}>'
                            # subp[2] = subp[2].split("^^")[0] + '-08:00^^' + subp[2].split("^^")[1]
                                2] = f'"{subp[2].split("^^")[0]}"^^<{subp[2].split("^^")[1]}>'
                    clauses.append(subp[2] + " ns:" + subp[1][1] + " ?x" + i +
                                   " .")
                if subp[2][:2] in ["m.", "g."]:  # entity
                    clauses.append("?x" + i + " ns:" + subp[1] + " ns:" +
                                   subp[2] + " .")
                elif subp[2][0] == '#':  # variable
                    clauses.append("?x" + i + " ns:" + subp[1] + " ?x" +
                                   subp[2][1:] + " .")
                else:  # literal
                    if subp[2].__contains__('^^'):
                        data_type = subp[2].split("^^")[1].split("#")[1]
                        if data_type not in ['integer', 'float', 'dateTime']:
                                2] = f'"{subp[2].split("^^")[0] + "-08:00"}"^^<{subp[2].split("^^")[1]}>'
                                2] = f'"{subp[2].split("^^")[0]}"^^<{subp[2].split("^^")[1]}>'
                    clauses.append("?x" + i + " ns:" + subp[1] + " " +
                                   subp[2] + " .")
        elif subp[0] == 'AND':
            var1 = int(subp[2][1:])
            rooti = get_root(int(i))
            root1 = get_root(var1)
            if rooti > root1:
                identical_variables_r[rooti] = root1
                identical_variables_r[root1] = rooti
                root1 = rooti
            # identical_variables[var1] = int(i)
            if subp[1][0] == "#":
                var2 = int(subp[1][1:])
                root2 = get_root(var2)
                # identical_variables[var2] = int(i)
                if root1 > root2:
                    # identical_variables[var2] = var1
                    identical_variables_r[root1] = root2
                    # identical_variables[var1] = var2
                    identical_variables_r[root2] = root1
            else:  # 2nd argument is a class
                clauses.append("?x" + i + " ns:type.object.type ns:" +
                               subp[1] + " .")
        elif subp[0] in ['le', 'lt', 'ge',
                         'gt']:  # the 2nd can only be numerical value
            clauses.append("?x" + i + " ns:" + subp[1] + " ?y" + i + " .")
            if subp[0] == 'le':
                op = "<="
            elif subp[0] == 'lt':
                op = "<"
            elif subp[0] == 'ge':
                op = ">="
                op = ">"
            if subp[2].__contains__('^^'):
                data_type = subp[2].split("^^")[1].split("#")[1]
                if data_type not in ['integer', 'float', 'dateTime']:
                        2] = f'"{subp[2].split("^^")[0] + "-08:00"}"^^<{subp[2].split("^^")[1]}>'
                        2] = f'"{subp[2].split("^^")[0]}"^^<{subp[2].split("^^")[1]}>'
            clauses.append(f"FILTER (?y{i} {op} {subp[2]})")
        elif subp[0] == 'TC':
            var = int(subp[1][1:])
            # identical_variables[var] = int(i)
            rooti = get_root(int(i))
            root_var = get_root(var)
            if rooti > root_var:
                identical_variables_r[rooti] = root_var
                identical_variables_r[root_var] = rooti

            year = subp[3]
            if year == 'NOW':
                from_para = '"2015-08-10"^^xsd:dateTime'
                to_para = '"2015-08-10"^^xsd:dateTime'
                from_para = f'"{year}-12-31"^^xsd:dateTime'
                to_para = f'"{year}-01-01"^^xsd:dateTime'

                f'FILTER(NOT EXISTS {{?x{i} ns:{subp[2]} ?sk0}} || ')
            clauses.append(f'EXISTS {{?x{i} ns:{subp[2]} ?sk1 . ')
            clauses.append(f'FILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= {from_para}) }})')
            if subp[2][-4:] == "from":
                    f'FILTER(NOT EXISTS {{?x{i} ns:{subp[2][:-4] + "to"} ?sk2}} || '
                    f'EXISTS {{?x{i} ns:{subp[2][:-4] + "to"} ?sk3 . ')
            else:  # from_date -> to_date
                    f'FILTER(NOT EXISTS {{?x{i} ns:{subp[2][:-9] + "to_date"} ?sk2}} || '
                    f'EXISTS {{?x{i} ns:{subp[2][:-9] + "to_date"} ?sk3 . ')
            clauses.append(f'FILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= {to_para}) }})')

        elif subp[0] in ["ARGMIN", "ARGMAX"]:
            superlative = True
            if subp[1][0] == '#':
                var = int(subp[1][1:])
                rooti = get_root(int(i))
                root_var = get_root(var)
                # identical_variables[var] = int(i)
                if rooti > root_var:
                    identical_variables_r[rooti] = root_var
                    identical_variables_r[root_var] = rooti
            else:  # arg1 is class
                clauses.append(f'?x{i} ns:type.object.type ns:{subp[1]} .')

            if len(subp) == 3:
                clauses.append(f'?x{i} ns:{subp[2]} ?sk0 .')
            elif len(subp) > 3:
                for j, relation in enumerate(subp[2:-1]):
                    if j == 0:
                        var0 = f'x{i}'
                        var0 = f'c{j - 1}'
                    var1 = f'c{j}'
                    if isinstance(relation, list) and relation[0] == 'R':
                        clauses.append(f'?{var1} ns:{relation[1]} ?{var0} .')
                        clauses.append(f'?{var0} ns:{relation} ?{var1} .')

                clauses.append(f'?c{j} ns:{subp[-1]} ?sk0 .')

            if subp[0] == 'ARGMIN':
                order_clauses.append("ORDER BY ?sk0")
            elif subp[0] == 'ARGMAX':
                order_clauses.append("ORDER BY DESC(?sk0)")
            order_clauses.append("LIMIT 1")

        elif subp[
                0] == 'COUNT':  # this is easy, since it can only be applied to the quesiton node
            var = int(subp[1][1:])
            root_var = get_root(var)
                i)] = root_var  # COUNT can only be the outtermost
            count = True
    #  Merge identical variables
    for i in range(len(clauses)):
        for k in identical_variables_r:
            clauses[i] = clauses[i].replace(f'?x{k} ', f'?x{get_root(k)} ')

    question_var = get_root(question_var)

    for i in range(len(clauses)):
        clauses[i] = clauses[i].replace(f'?x{question_var} ', f'?x ')

    if superlative:
        arg_clauses = clauses[:]

    for entity in entities:
        clauses.append(f'FILTER (?x != ns:{entity})')
        f"FILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))"
    clauses.insert(0, "WHERE {")
    if count:
        clauses.insert(0, f"SELECT COUNT DISTINCT ?x")
    elif superlative:
        clauses.insert(0, "{SELECT ?sk0")
        clauses = arg_clauses + clauses
        clauses.insert(0, "WHERE {")
        clauses.insert(0, f"SELECT DISTINCT ?x")
        clauses.insert(0, f"SELECT DISTINCT ?x")
    clauses.insert(0, "PREFIX ns: <http://rdf.freebase.com/ns/>")

    if superlative:

    # for clause in clauses:
    #     print(clause)

    return '\n'.join(clauses)