def test_atis_from_json(self):
     line = json.loads([0])
     for utterance_idx in range(len(line['interaction'])):
         world = AtisWorld([
             for interaction in line['interaction'][:utterance_idx + 1]
         action_sequence = world.get_action_sequence(
         assert action_sequence is not None
    def test_atis_local_actions(self):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
        # Check if the triggers activate correcty
        world = AtisWorld(["show me the flights from denver at 12 o'clock"])

        assert set(world.valid_actions['number']) == \
            {'number -> ["0"]',
             'number -> ["1"]',
             'number -> ["60"]',
             'number -> ["41"]',
             'number -> ["1200"]',
             'number -> ["2400"]'}

        world = AtisWorld([
            "show me the flights from denver at 12 o'clock",
            "show me the delta or united flights in afternoon"

        assert set(world.valid_actions['number']) == \
                {'number -> ["0"]',
                 'number -> ["1"]',
                 'number -> ["60"]',
                 'number -> ["41"]',
                 'number -> ["1200"]',
                 'number -> ["2400"]'}

        world = AtisWorld([
            "i would like one coach reservation for \
                          may ninth from pittsburgh to atlanta leaving \
                          pittsburgh before 10 o'clock in morning 1991 \
                          august twenty sixth"

        assert set(world.valid_actions['number']) == \
                {'number -> ["0"]',
                 'number -> ["1"]',
                 'number -> ["60"]',
                 'number -> ["41"]',
                 'number -> ["1200"]',
                 'number -> ["2200"]',
                 'number -> ["1000"]'}

        assert set(world.valid_actions['time_range_start']) == \
                {'time_range_start -> ["0"]'}
        assert set(world.valid_actions['time_range_end']) == \
                {'time_range_end -> ["1200"]',
                 'time_range_end -> ["800"]'}
        assert set(world.valid_actions['day_number']) == \
                {'day_number -> ["26"]', 'day_number -> ["9"]'}
        assert set(world.valid_actions['month_number']) == \
                {'month_number -> ["5"]', 'month_number -> ["8"]'}
        assert set(world.valid_actions['year_number']) == \
                {'year_number -> ["1991"]'}
    def test_atis_helper_methods(self):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
        world = AtisWorld([("what is the earliest flight in morning "
                            "1993 june fourth from boston to pittsburgh")])
        assert world.dates == [datetime(1993, 6, 4, 0, 0)]
        assert world._get_numeric_database_values('time_range_end') == [
            '800', '1200'
        ]  # pylint: disable=protected-access
        assert world._get_sequence_with_spacing(world.grammar, # pylint: disable=protected-access
                                                 world.grammar['time_range_end']]) == \

        world = AtisWorld(['i plan to travel on the tenth of 1993 july'])
        assert world.dates == [datetime(1993, 7, 10, 0, 0)]
    def test_atis_helper_methods(self):
        world = AtisWorld([("what is the earliest flight in morning "
                            "1993 june fourth from boston to pittsburgh")])
        assert world.dates == [datetime(1993, 6, 4, 0, 0)]
        assert world._get_numeric_database_values("time_range_end") == [
            "800", "1200"
        assert world._get_sequence_with_spacing(
        ) == Sequence(

        world = AtisWorld(["i plan to travel on the tenth of 1993 july"])
        assert world.dates == [datetime(1993, 7, 10, 0, 0)]
    def text_to_instance(  # type: ignore
            utterances: List[str],
            sql_query_labels: List[str] = None) -> Instance:
        utterances: ``List[str]``, required.
            List of utterances in the interaction, the last element is the current utterance.
        sql_query_labels: ``List[str]``, optional
            The SQL queries that are given as labels during training or validation.
        if self._num_turns_to_concatenate:
            utterances[-1] = f" {END_OF_UTTERANCE_TOKEN} ".join(

        utterance = utterances[-1]
        action_sequence: List[str] = []

        if not utterance:
            return None

        world = AtisWorld(utterances=utterances)

        if sql_query_labels:
            # If there are multiple sql queries given as labels, we use the shortest
            # one for training.
            sql_query = min(sql_query_labels, key=len)
                action_sequence = world.get_action_sequence(sql_query)
            except ParseError:
                action_sequence = []
                logger.debug("Parsing error")

        tokenized_utterance = self._tokenizer.tokenize(utterance.lower())
        utterance_field = TextField(tokenized_utterance, self._token_indexers)

        production_rule_fields: List[Field] = []

        for production_rule in world.all_possible_actions():
            nonterminal, _ = production_rule.split(" ->")
            # The whitespaces are not semantically meaningful, so we filter them out.
            production_rule = " ".join([
                token for token in production_rule.split(" ") if token != "ws"
            field = ProductionRuleField(production_rule,

        action_field = ListField(production_rule_fields)
        action_map = {
            action.rule: i
            for i, action in enumerate(action_field.field_list)  # type: ignore
        index_fields: List[Field] = []
        world_field = MetadataField(world)
        fields = {
            "utterance": utterance_field,
            "actions": action_field,
            "world": world_field,
            "linking_scores": ArrayField(world.linking_scores),

        if sql_query_labels is not None:
            fields["sql_queries"] = MetadataField(sql_query_labels)
            if self._keep_if_unparseable or action_sequence:
                for production_rule in action_sequence:
                        IndexField(action_map[production_rule], action_field))
                if not action_sequence:
                    index_fields = [IndexField(-1, action_field)]
                action_sequence_field = ListField(index_fields)
                fields["target_action_sequence"] = action_sequence_field
                # If we are given a SQL query, but we are unable to parse it, and we do not specify explicitly
                # to keep it, then we will skip the it.
                return None

        return Instance(fields)
 def test_atis_long_action_sequence(self):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
     world = AtisWorld([("what is the earliest flight in morning "
                         "1993 june fourth from boston to pittsburgh")])
     action_sequence = world.get_action_sequence(
         "( SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id "
         "FROM flight "
         "WHERE ( flight.departure_time = ( "
         "SELECT MIN ( flight.departure_time ) "
         "FROM flight "
         "WHERE ( flight.departure_time BETWEEN 0 AND 1200 AND "
         "( flight . from_airport IN ( "
         "SELECT airport_service . airport_code "
         "FROM airport_service WHERE airport_service . city_code "
         "IN ( "
         "SELECT city . city_code "
         "FROM city WHERE city.city_name = 'BOSTON' )) "
         "AND flight . to_airport IN ( "
         "SELECT airport_service . airport_code "
         "FROM airport_service "
         "WHERE airport_service . city_code IN ( "
         "SELECT city . city_code "
         "FROM city "
         "WHERE city.city_name = 'PITTSBURGH' )) ) ) ) AND "
         "( flight.departure_time BETWEEN 0 AND 1200 AND "
         "( flight . from_airport IN ( "
         "SELECT airport_service . airport_code "
         "FROM airport_service "
         "WHERE airport_service . city_code IN ( "
         "SELECT city . city_code "
         "FROM city WHERE city.city_name = 'BOSTON' )) "
         "AND flight . to_airport IN ( "
         "SELECT airport_service . airport_code "
         "FROM airport_service WHERE airport_service . city_code IN ( "
         "SELECT city . city_code "
         "FROM city "
         "WHERE city.city_name = 'PITTSBURGH' )) ) ) )   ) ;")
     assert action_sequence == \
             ['statement -> [query, ";"]',
              'query -> ["(", "SELECT", distinct, select_results, "FROM", table_refs, '
              'where_clause, ")"]',
              'distinct -> ["DISTINCT"]',
              'select_results -> [col_refs]',
              'col_refs -> [col_ref]',
              'col_ref -> ["flight", ".", "flight_id"]',
              'table_refs -> [table_name]',
              'table_name -> ["flight"]',
              'where_clause -> ["WHERE", "(", conditions, ")"]',
              'conditions -> [condition, conj, conditions]',
              'condition -> [biexpr]',
              'biexpr -> [col_ref, binaryop, value]',
              'col_ref -> ["flight", ".", "departure_time"]',
              'binaryop -> ["="]',
              'value -> [pos_value]',
              'pos_value -> [agg_results]',
              'agg_results -> ["(", "SELECT", distinct, agg, "FROM", table_name, '
              'where_clause, ")"]',
              'distinct -> [""]',
              'agg -> [agg_func, "(", col_ref, ")"]',
              'agg_func -> ["MIN"]',
              'col_ref -> ["flight", ".", "departure_time"]',
              'table_name -> ["flight"]',
              'where_clause -> ["WHERE", "(", conditions, ")"]',
              'conditions -> [condition, conj, conditions]',
              'condition -> [ternaryexpr]',
              'ternaryexpr -> [col_ref, "BETWEEN", time_range_start, "AND", time_range_end]',
              'col_ref -> ["flight", ".", "departure_time"]',
              'time_range_start -> ["0"]',
              'time_range_end -> ["1200"]',
              'conj -> ["AND"]',
              'conditions -> ["(", conditions, ")"]',
              'conditions -> [condition, conj, conditions]',
              'condition -> [in_clause]',
              'in_clause -> [col_ref, "IN", query]',
              'col_ref -> ["flight", ".", "from_airport"]',
              'query -> ["(", "SELECT", distinct, select_results, "FROM", table_refs, '
              'where_clause, ")"]',
              'distinct -> [""]',
              'select_results -> [col_refs]',
              'col_refs -> [col_ref]',
              'col_ref -> ["airport_service", ".", "airport_code"]',
              'table_refs -> [table_name]',
              'table_name -> ["airport_service"]',
              'where_clause -> ["WHERE", conditions]',
              'conditions -> [condition]',
              'condition -> [in_clause]',
              'in_clause -> [col_ref, "IN", query]',
              'col_ref -> ["airport_service", ".", "city_code"]',
              'query -> ["(", "SELECT", distinct, select_results, "FROM", table_refs, '
              'where_clause, ")"]',
              'distinct -> [""]',
              'select_results -> [col_refs]',
              'col_refs -> [col_ref]',
              'col_ref -> ["city", ".", "city_code"]',
              'table_refs -> [table_name]',
              'table_name -> ["city"]',
              'where_clause -> ["WHERE", conditions]',
              'conditions -> [condition]',
              'condition -> [biexpr]',
              'biexpr -> ["city", ".", "city_name", binaryop, city_city_name_string]',
              'binaryop -> ["="]',
              'city_city_name_string -> ["\'BOSTON\'"]',
              'conj -> ["AND"]',
              'conditions -> [condition]',
              'condition -> [in_clause]',
              'in_clause -> [col_ref, "IN", query]',
              'col_ref -> ["flight", ".", "to_airport"]',
              'query -> ["(", "SELECT", distinct, select_results, "FROM", table_refs, '
              'where_clause, ")"]',
              'distinct -> [""]',
              'select_results -> [col_refs]',
              'col_refs -> [col_ref]',
              'col_ref -> ["airport_service", ".", "airport_code"]',
              'table_refs -> [table_name]',
              'table_name -> ["airport_service"]',
              'where_clause -> ["WHERE", conditions]',
              'conditions -> [condition]',
              'condition -> [in_clause]',
              'in_clause -> [col_ref, "IN", query]',
              'col_ref -> ["airport_service", ".", "city_code"]',
              'query -> ["(", "SELECT", distinct, select_results, "FROM", table_refs, '
              'where_clause, ")"]',
              'distinct -> [""]',
              'select_results -> [col_refs]',
              'col_refs -> [col_ref]',
              'col_ref -> ["city", ".", "city_code"]',
              'table_refs -> [table_name]',
              'table_name -> ["city"]',
              'where_clause -> ["WHERE", conditions]',
              'conditions -> [condition]',
              'condition -> [biexpr]',
              'biexpr -> ["city", ".", "city_name", binaryop, city_city_name_string]',
              'binaryop -> ["="]',
              'city_city_name_string -> ["\'PITTSBURGH\'"]',
              'conj -> ["AND"]',
              'conditions -> ["(", conditions, ")"]',
              'conditions -> [condition, conj, conditions]',
              'condition -> [ternaryexpr]',
              'ternaryexpr -> [col_ref, "BETWEEN", time_range_start, "AND", time_range_end]',
              'col_ref -> ["flight", ".", "departure_time"]',
              'time_range_start -> ["0"]',
              'time_range_end -> ["1200"]',
              'conj -> ["AND"]',
              'conditions -> ["(", conditions, ")"]',
              'conditions -> [condition, conj, conditions]',
              'condition -> [in_clause]',
              'in_clause -> [col_ref, "IN", query]',
              'col_ref -> ["flight", ".", "from_airport"]',
              'query -> ["(", "SELECT", distinct, select_results, "FROM", table_refs, '
              'where_clause, ")"]',
              'distinct -> [""]',
              'select_results -> [col_refs]',
              'col_refs -> [col_ref]',
              'col_ref -> ["airport_service", ".", "airport_code"]',
              'table_refs -> [table_name]',
              'table_name -> ["airport_service"]',
              'where_clause -> ["WHERE", conditions]',
              'conditions -> [condition]',
              'condition -> [in_clause]',
              'in_clause -> [col_ref, "IN", query]',
              'col_ref -> ["airport_service", ".", "city_code"]',
              'query -> ["(", "SELECT", distinct, select_results, "FROM", table_refs, '
              'where_clause, ")"]',
              'distinct -> [""]',
              'select_results -> [col_refs]',
              'col_refs -> [col_ref]',
              'col_ref -> ["city", ".", "city_code"]',
              'table_refs -> [table_name]',
              'table_name -> ["city"]',
              'where_clause -> ["WHERE", conditions]',
              'conditions -> [condition]',
              'condition -> [biexpr]',
              'biexpr -> ["city", ".", "city_name", binaryop, city_city_name_string]',
              'binaryop -> ["="]',
              'city_city_name_string -> ["\'BOSTON\'"]',
              'conj -> ["AND"]',
              'conditions -> [condition]',
              'condition -> [in_clause]',
              'in_clause -> [col_ref, "IN", query]',
              'col_ref -> ["flight", ".", "to_airport"]',
              'query -> ["(", "SELECT", distinct, select_results, "FROM", table_refs, '
              'where_clause, ")"]',
              'distinct -> [""]',
              'select_results -> [col_refs]',
              'col_refs -> [col_ref]',
              'col_ref -> ["airport_service", ".", "airport_code"]',
              'table_refs -> [table_name]',
              'table_name -> ["airport_service"]',
              'where_clause -> ["WHERE", conditions]',
              'conditions -> [condition]',
              'condition -> [in_clause]',
              'in_clause -> [col_ref, "IN", query]',
              'col_ref -> ["airport_service", ".", "city_code"]',
              'query -> ["(", "SELECT", distinct, select_results, "FROM", table_refs, '
              'where_clause, ")"]',
              'distinct -> [""]',
              'select_results -> [col_refs]',
              'col_refs -> [col_ref]',
              'col_ref -> ["city", ".", "city_code"]',
              'table_refs -> [table_name]',
              'table_name -> ["city"]',
              'where_clause -> ["WHERE", conditions]',
              'conditions -> [condition]',
              'condition -> [biexpr]',
              'biexpr -> ["city", ".", "city_name", binaryop, city_city_name_string]',
              'binaryop -> ["="]',
              'city_city_name_string -> ["\'PITTSBURGH\'"]']
    def test_atis_simple_action_sequence(self):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
        world = AtisWorld([("give me all flights from boston to "
                            "philadelphia next week arriving after lunch")])
        action_sequence = world.get_action_sequence(
            ("(SELECT DISTINCT city . city_code , city . city_name "
             "FROM city WHERE ( city.city_name = 'BOSTON' ) );"))
        assert action_sequence == [
            'statement -> [query, ";"]',
            'query -> ["(", "SELECT", distinct, select_results, "FROM", table_refs, '
            'where_clause, ")"]', 'distinct -> ["DISTINCT"]',
            'select_results -> [col_refs]',
            'col_refs -> [col_ref, ",", col_refs]',
            'col_ref -> ["city", ".", "city_code"]', 'col_refs -> [col_ref]',
            'col_ref -> ["city", ".", "city_name"]',
            'table_refs -> [table_name]', 'table_name -> ["city"]',
            'where_clause -> ["WHERE", "(", conditions, ")"]',
            'conditions -> [condition]', 'condition -> [biexpr]',
            'biexpr -> ["city", ".", "city_name", binaryop, city_city_name_string]',
            'binaryop -> ["="]', 'city_city_name_string -> ["\'BOSTON\'"]'

        action_sequence = world.get_action_sequence(
            ("( SELECT airport_service . airport_code "
             "FROM airport_service "
             "WHERE airport_service . city_code IN ( "
             "SELECT city . city_code FROM city "
             "WHERE city.city_name = 'BOSTON' ) ) ;"))
        assert action_sequence == \
                ['statement -> [query, ";"]',
                 'query -> ["(", "SELECT", distinct, select_results, "FROM", table_refs, '
                 'where_clause, ")"]',
                 'distinct -> [""]',
                 'select_results -> [col_refs]',
                 'col_refs -> [col_ref]',
                 'col_ref -> ["airport_service", ".", "airport_code"]',
                 'table_refs -> [table_name]',
                 'table_name -> ["airport_service"]',
                 'where_clause -> ["WHERE", conditions]',
                 'conditions -> [condition]',
                 'condition -> [in_clause]',
                 'in_clause -> [col_ref, "IN", query]',
                 'col_ref -> ["airport_service", ".", "city_code"]',
                 'query -> ["(", "SELECT", distinct, select_results, "FROM", table_refs, '
                 'where_clause, ")"]',
                 'distinct -> [""]',
                 'select_results -> [col_refs]',
                 'col_refs -> [col_ref]',
                 'col_ref -> ["city", ".", "city_code"]',
                 'table_refs -> [table_name]',
                 'table_name -> ["city"]',
                 'where_clause -> ["WHERE", conditions]',
                 'conditions -> [condition]',
                 'condition -> [biexpr]',
                 'biexpr -> ["city", ".", "city_name", binaryop, city_city_name_string]',
                 'binaryop -> ["="]',
                 'city_city_name_string -> ["\'BOSTON\'"]']
        action_sequence = world.get_action_sequence(
            ("( SELECT airport_service . airport_code "
             "FROM airport_service WHERE airport_service . city_code IN "
             "( SELECT city . city_code FROM city "
             "WHERE city.city_name = 'BOSTON' ) AND 1 = 1) ;"))
        assert action_sequence == \
                ['statement -> [query, ";"]',
                 'query -> ["(", "SELECT", distinct, select_results, "FROM", table_refs, '
                 'where_clause, ")"]',
                 'distinct -> [""]',
                 'select_results -> [col_refs]',
                 'col_refs -> [col_ref]',
                 'col_ref -> ["airport_service", ".", "airport_code"]',
                 'table_refs -> [table_name]',
                 'table_name -> ["airport_service"]',
                 'where_clause -> ["WHERE", conditions]',
                 'conditions -> [condition, conj, conditions]',
                 'condition -> [in_clause]',
                 'in_clause -> [col_ref, "IN", query]',
                 'col_ref -> ["airport_service", ".", "city_code"]',
                 'query -> ["(", "SELECT", distinct, select_results, "FROM", table_refs, '
                 'where_clause, ")"]',
                 'distinct -> [""]',
                 'select_results -> [col_refs]',
                 'col_refs -> [col_ref]',
                 'col_ref -> ["city", ".", "city_code"]',
                 'table_refs -> [table_name]',
                 'table_name -> ["city"]',
                 'where_clause -> ["WHERE", conditions]',
                 'conditions -> [condition]',
                 'condition -> [biexpr]',
                 'biexpr -> ["city", ".", "city_name", binaryop, city_city_name_string]',
                 'binaryop -> ["="]',
                 'city_city_name_string -> ["\'BOSTON\'"]',
                 'conj -> ["AND"]',
                 'conditions -> [condition]',
                 'condition -> [biexpr]',
                 'biexpr -> [value, binaryop, value]',
                 'value -> [pos_value]',
                 'pos_value -> [number]',
                 'number -> ["1"]',
                 'binaryop -> ["="]',
                 'value -> [pos_value]',
                 'pos_value -> [number]',
                 'number -> ["1"]']
        world = AtisWorld([("give me all flights from boston to "
                            "philadelphia next week arriving after lunch")])

        action_sequence = world.get_action_sequence(
            ("( SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id "
             "FROM flight WHERE "
             "( flight . from_airport IN "
             "( SELECT airport_service . airport_code "
             "FROM airport_service WHERE airport_service . city_code IN "
             "( SELECT city . city_code "
             "FROM city "
             "WHERE city.city_name = 'BOSTON' )))) ;"))
        assert action_sequence == \
            ['statement -> [query, ";"]',
             'query -> ["(", "SELECT", distinct, select_results, "FROM", table_refs, '
             'where_clause, ")"]',
             'distinct -> ["DISTINCT"]',
             'select_results -> [col_refs]',
             'col_refs -> [col_ref]',
             'col_ref -> ["flight", ".", "flight_id"]',
             'table_refs -> [table_name]',
             'table_name -> ["flight"]',
             'where_clause -> ["WHERE", "(", conditions, ")"]',
             'conditions -> [condition]',
             'condition -> [in_clause]',
             'in_clause -> [col_ref, "IN", query]',
             'col_ref -> ["flight", ".", "from_airport"]',
             'query -> ["(", "SELECT", distinct, select_results, "FROM", table_refs, '
             'where_clause, ")"]',
             'distinct -> [""]',
             'select_results -> [col_refs]',
             'col_refs -> [col_ref]',
             'col_ref -> ["airport_service", ".", "airport_code"]',
             'table_refs -> [table_name]',
             'table_name -> ["airport_service"]',
             'where_clause -> ["WHERE", conditions]',
             'conditions -> [condition]',
             'condition -> [in_clause]',
             'in_clause -> [col_ref, "IN", query]',
             'col_ref -> ["airport_service", ".", "city_code"]',
             'query -> ["(", "SELECT", distinct, select_results, "FROM", table_refs, '
             'where_clause, ")"]',
             'distinct -> [""]',
             'select_results -> [col_refs]',
             'col_refs -> [col_ref]',
             'col_ref -> ["city", ".", "city_code"]',
             'table_refs -> [table_name]',
             'table_name -> ["city"]',
             'where_clause -> ["WHERE", conditions]',
             'conditions -> [condition]',
             'condition -> [biexpr]',
             'biexpr -> ["city", ".", "city_name", binaryop, city_city_name_string]',
             'binaryop -> ["="]',
             'city_city_name_string -> ["\'BOSTON\'"]']
    def test_atis_global_actions(self):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
        world = AtisWorld(utterances=[])
        valid_actions = world.valid_actions
        assert set(valid_actions.keys()) == \
        assert set(valid_actions['statement']) == {'statement -> [query, ";"]'}
        assert set(valid_actions['query']) == \
                {'query -> ["(", "SELECT", distinct, select_results, "FROM", table_refs, '
                 'where_clause, ")"]',
                 'query -> ["(", "SELECT", distinct, select_results, "FROM", table_refs, '
                 'where_clause, group_by_clause, ")"]',
                 'query -> ["SELECT", distinct, select_results, "FROM", table_refs, '
        assert set(valid_actions['select_results']) == \
                {'select_results -> [agg]', 'select_results -> [col_refs]'}
        assert set(valid_actions['agg']) == \
                {'agg -> [agg_func, "(", col, ")"]', 'agg -> [agg_func, "(", col_ref, ")"]'}
        assert set(valid_actions['agg_func']) == \
                {'agg_func -> ["COUNT"]',
                 'agg_func -> ["MAX"]',
                 'agg_func -> ["MIN"]'}
        assert set(valid_actions['col_refs']) == \
                {'col_refs -> [col_ref]', 'col_refs -> [col_ref, ",", col_refs]'}
        assert set(valid_actions['table_refs']) == \
                {'table_refs -> [table_name]', 'table_refs -> [table_name, ",", table_refs]'}
        assert set(valid_actions['where_clause']) == \
                {'where_clause -> ["WHERE", "(", conditions, ")"]',
                 'where_clause -> ["WHERE", conditions]'}
        assert set(valid_actions['conditions']) == \
                {'conditions -> ["(", conditions, ")", conj, conditions]',
                 'conditions -> ["(", conditions, ")"]',
                 'conditions -> ["NOT", conditions]',
                 'conditions -> [condition, conj, "(", conditions, ")"]',
                 'conditions -> [condition, conj, conditions]',
                 'conditions -> [condition]'}
        assert set(valid_actions['condition']) == \
                {'condition -> [biexpr]',
                 'condition -> [in_clause]',
                 'condition -> [ternaryexpr]'}
        assert set(valid_actions['in_clause']) == \
                {'in_clause -> [col_ref, "IN", query]'}
        assert set(valid_actions['biexpr']) == \
                {'biexpr -> ["aircraft", ".", "aircraft_code", binaryop, '
                 'biexpr -> ["aircraft", ".", "basic_type", binaryop, '
                 'biexpr -> ["aircraft", ".", "manufacturer", binaryop, '
                 'biexpr -> ["aircraft", ".", "propulsion", binaryop, '
                 'biexpr -> ["airline", ".", "airline_code", binaryop, '
                 'biexpr -> ["airline", ".", "airline_name", binaryop, '
                 'biexpr -> ["airport", ".", "airport_code", binaryop, '
                 'biexpr -> ["airport", ".", "airport_name", binaryop, '
                 'biexpr -> ["city", ".", "city_code", binaryop, city_city_code_string]',
                 'biexpr -> ["city", ".", "city_name", binaryop, city_city_name_string]',
                 'biexpr -> ["city", ".", "state_code", binaryop, city_state_code_string]',
                 'biexpr -> ["class_of_service", ".", "booking_class", binaryop, '
                 'biexpr -> ["class_of_service", ".", "class_description", binaryop, '
                 'biexpr -> ["days", ".", "day_name", binaryop, days_day_name_string]',
                 'biexpr -> ["days", ".", "days_code", binaryop, days_days_code_string]',
                 'biexpr -> ["fare", ".", "fare_basis_code", binaryop, '
                 'biexpr -> ["fare", ".", "one_direction_cost", binaryop, '
                 'biexpr -> ["fare", ".", "restriction_code", binaryop, '
                 'biexpr -> ["fare", ".", "round_trip_cost", binaryop, fare_round_trip_cost]',
                 'biexpr -> ["fare", ".", "round_trip_required", binaryop, '
                 'biexpr -> ["fare_basis", ".", "booking_class", binaryop, '
                 'biexpr -> ["fare_basis", ".", "class_type", binaryop, '
                 'biexpr -> ["fare_basis", ".", "economy", binaryop, '
                 'biexpr -> ["fare_basis", ".", "fare_basis_code", binaryop, '
                 'biexpr -> ["flight", ".", "airline_code", binaryop, '
                 'biexpr -> ["flight", ".", "flight_days", binaryop, '
                 'biexpr -> ["flight", ".", "flight_number", binaryop, flight_number]',
                 'biexpr -> ["flight_stop", ".", "stop_airport", binaryop, '
                 'biexpr -> ["food_service", ".", "compartment", binaryop, '
                 'biexpr -> ["food_service", ".", "meal_description", binaryop, '
                 'biexpr -> ["ground_service", ".", "transport_type", binaryop, '
                 'biexpr -> ["restriction", ".", "restriction_code", binaryop, '
                 'biexpr -> ["state", ".", "state_code", binaryop, state_state_code_string]',
                 'biexpr -> ["state", ".", "state_name", binaryop, state_state_name_string]',
                 'biexpr -> [col_ref, binaryop, value]',
                 'biexpr -> [value, binaryop, value]'}
        assert set(valid_actions['binaryop']) == \
                {'binaryop -> ["*"]',
                 'binaryop -> ["+"]',
                 'binaryop -> ["-"]',
                 'binaryop -> ["/"]',
                 'binaryop -> ["<"]',
                 'binaryop -> ["<="]',
                 'binaryop -> ["="]',
                 'binaryop -> [">"]',
                 'binaryop -> [">="]',
                 'binaryop -> ["IS"]'}
        assert set(valid_actions['ternaryexpr']) == \
                {'ternaryexpr -> [col_ref, "BETWEEN", time_range_start, "AND", time_range_end]',
                 'ternaryexpr -> [col_ref, "NOT", "BETWEEN", time_range_start, "AND", '
        assert set(valid_actions['value']) == \
                {'value -> ["NOT", pos_value]',
                 'value -> [pos_value]'}
        assert set(valid_actions['pos_value']) == \
                {'pos_value -> ["ALL", query]',
                 'pos_value -> ["ANY", query]',
                 'pos_value -> ["NULL"]',
                 'pos_value -> [agg_results]',
                 'pos_value -> [boolean]',
                 'pos_value -> [col_ref]',
                 'pos_value -> [number]'}
        assert set(valid_actions['agg_results']) == \
                {('agg_results -> ["(", "SELECT", distinct, agg, "FROM", table_name, '
                  'where_clause, ")"]'),
                 'agg_results -> ["SELECT", distinct, agg, "FROM", table_name, where_clause]'}
        assert set(valid_actions['boolean']) == \
                {'boolean -> ["true"]', 'boolean -> ["false"]'}
        assert set(valid_actions['conj']) == \
                {'conj -> ["OR"]', 'conj -> ["AND"]'}
        assert set(valid_actions['distinct']) == \
                {'distinct -> [""]', 'distinct -> ["DISTINCT"]'}
        assert set(valid_actions['number']) == \
                {'number -> ["0"]',
                 'number -> ["1"]',
                 'number -> ["60"]',
                 'number -> ["41"]'}
        assert set(valid_actions['col_ref']) == \
                {'col_ref -> ["*"]',
                 'col_ref -> [agg]',
                 'col_ref -> ["aircraft", ".", "aircraft_code"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["aircraft", ".", "aircraft_description"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["aircraft", ".", "basic_type"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["aircraft", ".", "capacity"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["aircraft", ".", "manufacturer"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["aircraft", ".", "pressurized"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["aircraft", ".", "propulsion"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["aircraft", ".", "wide_body"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["airline", ".", "airline_code"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["airline", ".", "airline_name"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["airport", ".", "airport_code"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["airport", ".", "airport_location"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["airport", ".", "airport_name"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["airport", ".", "country_name"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["airport", ".", "minimum_connect_time"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["airport", ".", "state_code"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["airport", ".", "time_zone_code"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["airport_service", ".", "airport_code"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["airport_service", ".", "city_code"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["airport_service", ".", "direction"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["airport_service", ".", "miles_distant"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["airport_service", ".", "minutes_distant"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["city", ".", "city_code"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["city", ".", "city_name"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["city", ".", "country_name"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["city", ".", "state_code"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["city", ".", "time_zone_code"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["class_of_service", ".", "booking_class"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["class_of_service", ".", "class_description"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["class_of_service", ".", "rank"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["date_day", ".", "day_name"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["days", ".", "day_name"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["days", ".", "days_code"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["equipment_sequence", ".", "aircraft_code"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["equipment_sequence", ".", "aircraft_code_sequence"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["fare", ".", "fare_airline"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["fare", ".", "fare_basis_code"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["fare", ".", "fare_id"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["fare", ".", "from_airport"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["fare", ".", "one_direction_cost"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["fare", ".", "restriction_code"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["fare", ".", "round_trip_cost"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["fare", ".", "round_trip_required"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["fare", ".", "to_airport"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["fare_basis", ".", "basis_days"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["fare_basis", ".", "booking_class"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["fare_basis", ".", "class_type"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["fare_basis", ".", "discounted"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["fare_basis", ".", "economy"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["fare_basis", ".", "fare_basis_code"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["fare_basis", ".", "night"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["fare_basis", ".", "premium"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["fare_basis", ".", "season"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight", ".", "aircraft_code_sequence"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight", ".", "airline_code"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight", ".", "airline_flight"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight", ".", "arrival_time"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight", ".", "connections"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight", ".", "departure_time"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight", ".", "dual_carrier"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight", ".", "flight_days"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight", ".", "flight_id"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight", ".", "flight_number"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight", ".", "from_airport"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight", ".", "meal_code"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight", ".", "stops"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight", ".", "time_elapsed"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight", ".", "to_airport"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight_fare", ".", "fare_id"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight_fare", ".", "flight_id"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight_leg", ".", "flight_id"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight_leg", ".", "leg_flight"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight_leg", ".", "leg_number"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight_stop", ".", "arrival_airline"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight_stop", ".", "arrival_flight_number"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight_stop", ".", "arrival_time"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight_stop", ".", "departure_airline"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight_stop", ".", "departure_flight_number"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight_stop", ".", "departure_time"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight_stop", ".", "flight_id"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight_stop", ".", "stop_airport"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight_stop", ".", "stop_days"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight_stop", ".", "stop_number"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["flight_stop", ".", "stop_time"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["food_service", ".", "compartment"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["food_service", ".", "meal_code"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["food_service", ".", "meal_description"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["food_service", ".", "meal_number"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["ground_service", ".", "airport_code"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["ground_service", ".", "city_code"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["ground_service", ".", "ground_fare"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["ground_service", ".", "transport_type"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["month", ".", "month_name"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["month", ".", "month_number"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["restriction", ".", "advance_purchase"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["restriction", ".", "application"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["restriction", ".", "maximum_stay"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["restriction", ".", "minimum_stay"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["restriction", ".", "no_discounts"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["restriction", ".", "restriction_code"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["restriction", ".", "saturday_stay_required"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["restriction", ".", "stopovers"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["state", ".", "country_name"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["state", ".", "state_code"]',
                 'col_ref -> ["state", ".", "state_name"]'}

        assert set(valid_actions['table_name']) == \
                {'table_name -> ["aircraft"]',
                 'table_name -> ["airline"]',
                 'table_name -> ["airport"]',
                 'table_name -> ["airport_service"]',
                 'table_name -> ["city"]',
                 'table_name -> ["class_of_service"]',
                 'table_name -> ["date_day"]',
                 'table_name -> ["days"]',
                 'table_name -> ["equipment_sequence"]',
                 'table_name -> ["fare"]',
                 'table_name -> ["fare_basis"]',
                 'table_name -> ["flight"]',
                 'table_name -> ["flight_fare"]',
                 'table_name -> ["flight_leg"]',
                 'table_name -> ["flight_stop"]',
                 'table_name -> ["food_service"]',
                 'table_name -> ["ground_service"]',
                 'table_name -> ["month"]',
                 'table_name -> ["restriction"]',
                 'table_name -> ["state"]'}