def test_lm2ind():
    lm2inddic = {(6, 4):25, (0, 0):0, (10, 0):55}
    for key, value in lm2inddic.items():
        yield ok_, almmod.lm2ind(key) == value
        yield ok_, almmod.ind2lm(value) == key
    #Test m-major ordering as well:
    lm2inddic = {(3, 2):10, (2, 1):6}
    for key, value in lm2inddic.items():
        yield ok_, almmod.lm2ind(key, lmmax=(4, 4), ordering='m-major') == value
        yield ok_, almmod.ind2lm(value, lmmax=(4, 4), ordering='m-major') == key
    lm2inddic = {(5, 4):23, (0, 0):0, (6, 6):27}
    for key, value in lm2inddic.items():
        yield ok_, almmod.lm2ind(key, lmmax=(6, 6), ordering='m-major') == value
        yield ok_, almmod.ind2lm(value, lmmax=(6, 6), ordering='m-major') == key
    #Test conversion of alms between m-major and l-major ordering
    lmax = 4
    mmax = 4
    nels = lmax * (lmax + 1) // 2 + mmax + 1
    alms = shaperange_cplx((nels,))
    ad = almmod.AlmData(lmax, alms=alms)
    #l2mdic = {13 : 286, 3593 : 2016, 348 : 1957}
    l2mdic = {6 : 3, 11 : 8}
    for key, value in l2mdic.items():
        yield eq_, int(ad.alms[value].real), key

    lmax = 5
    mmax = 5
    nels = lmax * (lmax + 1) // 2 + mmax + 1
    alms = shaperange_cplx((nels,))
    ad = almmod.AlmData(lmax, alms=alms)
    l2mdic = {5 : 11, 14 : 18, 20 : 20}
    for key, value in l2mdic.items():
        yield eq_, int(ad.alms[value].real), key
    ls = ()
    for l in range(lmax + 1):
        for m in range(l + 1):
            ind = almmod.lm2ind((l, m), (lmax, lmax), ordering='l-major')
            if ind in ls:
                raise AssertionError()
            ls += (ind,)
def alm2ps(ad):
    if ad.pol_axis is not None:
        if ad.pol_axis < ad.ind_axis:
            shape = list(ad.alms.shape[:ad.pol_axis] + (6,) + ad.alms.shape[ad.pol_axis+1:ad.ind_axis] + (ad.lmax + 1,) + ad.alms.shape[ad.ind_axis + 1:])
            shape = list(ad.alms.shape[:ad.ind_axis] + (ad.lmax + 1,) + ad.alms.shape[ad.ind_axis+1:ad.pol_axis] + (6,) + ad.alms.shape[ad.pol_axis + 1:])
        cd = almmod.ClData(ad.lmax, cls = np.zeros(shape), spec_axis=ad.pol_axis, spectra='all')
        shape = list(ad.alms.shape[:ad.ind_axis] + (ad.lmax + 1,) + ad.alms.shape[ad.ind_axis + 1:])
        cd = almmod.ClData(ad.lmax, cls=np.zeros(shape))
    if cd.spectra != ['TT']:
        raise NotImplementedError
    if cd.spectra == ['TT']:
        if ad.ordering == 'l-major':
            for l in range(ad.lmax + 1):
                sl = getslice(cd.cls, cd.cl_axis, l)
                ind1 = almmod.lm2ind((l, 0), lmmax=(ad.lmax, ad.mmax), \
                ind2 = almmod.lm2ind((l, min(l, ad.mmax)), \
                        lmmax=(ad.lmax, ad.mmax), ordering=ad.ordering)
                asl = list(getslice(ad.alms, ad.ind_axis, ind1))
                cd.cls[sl] += ad.alms[asl] ** 2
                asl[ad.ind_axis] = slice(ind1 + 1, ind2 + 1)
                cd.cls[sl] += 2 * np.sum((ad.alms[asl] * \
                cd.cls[sl] = cd.cls[sl] / (2 * l + 1)
            for l in range(ad.lmax + 1):
                sl = getslice(cd.cls, cd.cl_axis, l)
                for m in range(min(l, ad.mmax) + 1):
                    asl = getslice(ad.alms, ad.ind_axis, almmod.lm2ind((l, m), \
                            lmmax=(ad.lmax, ad.mmax), ordering=ad.ordering))
                    if m == 0:
                        cd.cls[sl] += ad.alms[asl] ** 2
                        cd.cls[sl] += 2 * (ad.alms[asl] * \
                cd.cls[sl] = cd.cls[sl] / (2 * l + 1)
    return cd
def test_operators():
    ad = almmod.AlmData(lmax=lmax, alms=alms)
    ad2 = almmod.AlmData(lmax=lmax, alms=alms)
    yield ok_, np.all(ad.alms + ad2.alms == (ad + ad2).alms)
    yield ok_, np.all(ad.alms + ad.alms == (ad + ad).alms)
    yield ok_, np.all(ad.alms * ad2.alms == (ad * ad2).alms)
    yield ok_, np.all(ad.alms - ad2.alms == (ad - ad2).alms)
    ad.alms = ad.alms + 1
    ad2.alms = ad.alms + 1
    yield ok_, np.all(ad.alms / ad2.alms == (ad / ad2).alms)

    nalms = shaperange_cplx((nels, 2))
    ad = almmod.AlmData(lmax=lmax, alms=nalms)
    for i in range(2):
        yield ok_, np.all(ad[:, i].alms == ad.alms[:, i])
    yield eq_, ad[:, 0].alms.shape, (nels,)
#    yield eq_, ad.alms[67], ad[67]
#    ad[87] = 245.23
#    yield eq_, ad[87], 245.23
    beam = cls
    bd = beammod.BeamData(lmax=lmax, beam=beam)
    ad = almmod.AlmData(lmax=lmax, alms=alms)
    res = np.zeros(alms.shape, dtype=np.complex)
    for l in range(lmax + 1):
        for m in range(l + 1):
            ind = almmod.lm2ind((l, m), (lmax, lmax), ordering='l-major')
            res[ind] = alms[ind] * beam[l]
    yield ok_, np.all((ad * bd).alms == res)
    nalms = shaperange_cplx((nels, 3))
    beam = shaperange((lmax + 1, 3))
    ad = almmod.AlmData(lmax=lmax, alms=nalms, pol_axis=1)
    bd = beammod.BeamData(lmax=lmax, beam=beam, pol_axis=1)
    res = np.zeros(nalms.shape, dtype=np.complex)
    for l in range(lmax + 1):
        for m in range(l + 1):
            ind = almmod.lm2ind((l, m), (lmax, lmax), ordering='l-major')
            res[ind, :] = nalms[ind, :] * beam[l, :]
    yield ok_, np.all((ad * bd).alms == res)
    nalms = shaperange_cplx((3, nels))
    beam = shaperange((3, lmax + 1))
    ad = almmod.AlmData(lmax=lmax, alms=nalms, pol_axis=0)
    bd = beammod.BeamData(lmax=lmax, beam=beam, pol_axis=0)
    res = np.zeros(nalms.shape, dtype=np.complex)
    for l in range(lmax + 1):
        for m in range(l + 1):
            ind = almmod.lm2ind((l, m), (lmax, lmax), ordering='l-major')
            res[:, ind] = nalms[:, ind] * beam[:, l]
    yield ok_, np.all((ad * bd).alms == res)
    nalms = shaperange_cplx((nels,))
    beam = shaperange((lmax + 1,)) + 50
    bd = beammod.BeamData(lmax=lmax, beam=beam)
    ad = almmod.AlmData(lmax=lmax, alms=nalms)
    res = np.zeros(nalms.shape, dtype=np.complex)
    for l in range(lmax + 1):
        for m in range(l + 1):
            ind = almmod.lm2ind((l, m), (lmax, lmax), ordering='l-major')
            res[ind] = nalms[ind] / beam[l]
#    There seem to be some numerical inconsistencies here, so omitting this test for now
#    yield ok_, np.all((ad / bd).alms == res)
    nalms = shaperange_cplx((nels, 3))
    beam = shaperange((lmax + 1, 3)) + 50
    ad = almmod.AlmData(lmax=lmax, alms=nalms, pol_axis=1)
    bd = beammod.BeamData(lmax=lmax, beam=beam, pol_axis=1)
    res = np.zeros(nalms.shape, dtype=np.complex)
    for l in range(lmax + 1):
        for m in range(l + 1):
            ind = almmod.lm2ind((l, m), (lmax, lmax), ordering='l-major')
            res[ind, :] = nalms[ind, :] / beam[l, :]
    yield ok_, np.all((ad / bd).alms == res)
    nalms = shaperange_cplx((3, nels))
    beam = shaperange((3, lmax + 1)) + 50
    ad = almmod.AlmData(lmax=lmax, alms=nalms, pol_axis=0)
    bd = beammod.BeamData(lmax=lmax, beam=beam, pol_axis=0)
    res = np.zeros(nalms.shape, dtype=np.complex)
    for l in range(lmax + 1):
        for m in range(l + 1):
            ind = almmod.lm2ind((l, m), (lmax, lmax), ordering='l-major')
            res[:, ind] = nalms[:, ind] / beam[:, l]
    yield ok_, np.all((ad / bd).alms == res)