 def __init__(self, portfolio, name, opendate):
     space = portfolio.space
     self.date = opendate
     self.name = name
     self.status = 'opened'
     self.mpos = 'flat'
     self.quantity = 0
     self.price = 0.0
     self.value = 0.0
     self.profit = 0.0
     self.netreturn = 0.0
     self.opened = opendate
     self.held = 0
     self.costbasis = 0.0
     self.trades = []
     self.ntrades = 0
     self.pdata = Frame.frames[frame_name(name, space)].df
     self.multiplier = MULTIPLIERS[space.subject]
def vapply(group, vname, vfuncs=None):
    r"""Apply a variable to multiple dataframes.

    group : alphapy.Group
        The input group.
    vname : str
        The variable to apply to the ``group``.
    vfuncs : dict, optional
        Dictionary of external modules and functions.

    None : None

    Other Parameters
    Frame.frames : dict
        Global dictionary of dataframes

    See Also

    # get all frame names to apply variables
    gnames = [item.lower() for item in group.members]
    # get all the precedent variables
    allv = vtree(vname)
    # apply the variables to each frame
    for g in gnames:
        fname = frame_name(g, group.space)
        if fname in Frame.frames:
            f = Frame.frames[fname].df
            if not f.empty:
                for v in allv:
                    logger.debug("Applying variable %s to %s", v, g)
                    f = vexec(f, v, vfuncs)
                logger.debug("Frame for %s is empty", g)
            logger.debug("Frame not found: %s", fname)
def vunapply(group, vname):
    r"""Remove a variable from multiple dataframes.

    group : alphapy.Group
        The input group.
    vname : str
        The variable to remove from the ``group``.

    None : None

    Other Parameters
    Frame.frames : dict
        Global dictionary of dataframes

    See Also

    # get all frame names to apply variables
    gnames = [item.lower() for item in group.all_members()]
    # apply the variables to each frame
    for g in gnames:
        fname = frame_name(g, group.space)
        if fname in Frame.frames:
            f = Frame.frames[fname].df
            logger.info("Unapplying variable %s from %s", vname, g)
            if vname not in f.columns:
                logger.info("Variable %s not in %s frame", vname, g)
                estr = "Frame.frames['%s'].df = f.df.drop('%s', axis=1)" \
                        % (fname, vname)
            logger.info("Frame not found: %s", fname)
def run_system(model, system, group, intraday=False, quantity=1):
    r"""Run a system for a given group, creating a trades frame.

    model : alphapy.Model
        The model object with specifications.
    system : alphapy.System
        The system to run.
    group : alphapy.Group
        The group of symbols to trade.
    intraday : bool, optional
        If true, this is an intraday system.
    quantity : float, optional
        The amount to trade for each symbol, e.g., number of shares

    tf : pandas.DataFrame
        All of the trades for this ``group``.


    system_name = system.name
    logger.info("Generating Trades for System %s", system_name)

    # Unpack the model data.

    directory = model.specs['directory']
    extension = model.specs['extension']
    separator = model.specs['separator']

    # Extract the group information.

    gname = group.name
    gmembers = group.members
    gspace = group.space

    # Run the system for each member of the group

    gtlist = []
    for symbol in gmembers:
        # generate the trades for this member
        tlist = trade_system(model, system, gspace, intraday, symbol, quantity)
        if tlist:
            # add trades to global trade list
            for item in tlist:
            logger.info("No trades for symbol %s", symbol)

    # Create group trades frame

    tf = None
    if gtlist:
        tspace = Space(system_name, "trades", group.space.fractal)
        gtlist = sorted(gtlist, key=lambda x: x[0])
        tf = DataFrame.from_items(gtlist, orient='index', columns=Trade.states)
        tfname = frame_name(gname, tspace)
        system_dir = SSEP.join([directory, 'systems'])
        labels = ['date']
        if intraday:
        del tspace
        logger.info("No trades were found")

    # Return trades frame
    return tf
def trade_system(model, system, space, intraday, name, quantity):
    r"""Trade the given system.

    model : alphapy.Model
        The model object with specifications.
    system : alphapy.System
        The long/short system to run.
    space : alphapy.Space
        Namespace of instrument prices.
    intraday : bool
        If True, then run an intraday system.
    name : str
        The symbol to trade.
    quantity : float
        The amount of the ``name`` to trade, e.g., number of shares

    tradelist : list
        List of trade entries and exits.

    Other Parameters
    Frame.frames : dict
        All of the data frames containing price data.


    # Unpack the model data.

    directory = model.specs['directory']
    extension = model.specs['extension']
    separator = model.specs['separator']

    # Unpack the system parameters.

    longentry = system.longentry
    shortentry = system.shortentry
    longexit = system.longexit
    shortexit = system.shortexit
    holdperiod = system.holdperiod
    scale = system.scale

    # Determine whether or not this is a model-driven system.

    entries_and_exits = [longentry, shortentry, longexit, shortexit]
    active_signals = [x for x in entries_and_exits if x is not None]
    use_model = False
    for signal in active_signals:
        if any(x in signal for x in ['phigh', 'plow']):
            use_model = True

    # Read in the price frame
    pf = Frame.frames[frame_name(name, space)].df

    # Use model output probabilities as input to the system

    if use_model:
        # get latest probabilities file
        probs_dir = SSEP.join([directory, 'output'])
        file_path = most_recent_file(probs_dir, 'probabilities*')
        file_name = file_path.split(SSEP)[-1].split('.')[0]
        # read the probabilities frame and trim the price frame
        probs_frame = read_frame(probs_dir, file_name, extension, separator)
        pf = pf[-probs_frame.shape[0]:]
        probs_frame.index = pf.index
        probs_frame.columns = ['probability']
        # add probability column to price frame
        pf = pd.concat([pf, probs_frame], axis=1)

    # Evaluate the long and short events in the price frame

    for signal in active_signals:
        vexec(pf, signal)

    # Initialize trading state variables

    inlong = False
    inshort = False
    h = 0
    p = 0
    q = quantity
    tradelist = []

    # Loop through prices and generate trades

    for dt, row in pf.iterrows():
        # get closing price
        c = row['close']
        if intraday:
            bar_number = row['bar_number']
            end_of_day = row['end_of_day']
        # evaluate entry and exit conditions
        lerow = row[longentry] if longentry else None
        serow = row[shortentry] if shortentry else None
        lxrow = row[longexit] if longexit else None
        sxrow = row[shortexit] if shortexit else None
        # process the long and short events
        if lerow:
            if p < 0:
                # short active, so exit short
                tradelist.append((dt, [name, Orders.sx, -p, c]))
                inshort = False
                h = 0
                p = 0
            if p == 0 or scale:
                # go long (again)
                tradelist.append((dt, [name, Orders.le, q, c]))
                inlong = True
                p = p + q
        elif serow:
            if p > 0:
                # long active, so exit long
                tradelist.append((dt, [name, Orders.lx, -p, c]))
                inlong = False
                h = 0
                p = 0
            if p == 0 or scale:
                # go short (again)
                tradelist.append((dt, [name, Orders.se, -q, c]))
                inshort = True
                p = p - q
        # check exit conditions
        if inlong and h > 0 and lxrow:
            # long active, so exit long
            tradelist.append((dt, [name, Orders.lx, -p, c]))
            inlong = False
            h = 0
            p = 0
        if inshort and h > 0 and sxrow:
            # short active, so exit short
            tradelist.append((dt, [name, Orders.sx, -p, c]))
            inshort = False
            h = 0
            p = 0
        # if a holding period was given, then check for exit
        if holdperiod and h >= holdperiod:
            if inlong:
                tradelist.append((dt, [name, Orders.lh, -p, c]))
                inlong = False
            if inshort:
                tradelist.append((dt, [name, Orders.sh, -p, c]))
                inshort = False
            h = 0
            p = 0
        # increment the hold counter
        if inlong or inshort:
            h += 1
            if intraday and end_of_day:
                if inlong:
                    # long active, so exit long
                    tradelist.append((dt, [name, Orders.lx, -p, c]))
                    inlong = False
                if inshort:
                    # short active, so exit short
                    tradelist.append((dt, [name, Orders.sx, -p, c]))
                    inshort = False
                h = 0
                p = 0
    return tradelist
def run_system(model, system, group, quantity=1):
    r"""Run a system for a given group, creating a trades frame.

    model : alphapy.Model
        The model object with specifications.
    system : alphapy.System or str
        The system to run, either a long/short system or a local one
        identified by function name, e.g., 'open_range_breakout'.
    group : alphapy.Group
        The group of symbols to test.
    quantity : float
        The amount to trade for each symbol, e.g., number of shares

    tf : pandas.DataFrame
        All of the trades for this ``group``.


    if system.__class__ == str:
        system_name = system
        system_name = system.name

    logger.info("Generating Trades for System %s", system_name)

    # Unpack the model data.

    directory = model.specs['directory']
    extension = model.specs['extension']
    separator = model.specs['separator']

    # Extract the group information.

    gname = group.name
    gmembers = group.members
    gspace = group.space

    # Run the system for each member of the group

    gtlist = []
    for symbol in gmembers:
        # generate the trades for this member
        if system.__class__ == str:
                tlist = globals()[system_name](symbol, gspace, quantity)
                logger.info("Could not execute system for %s", symbol)
            # call default long/short system
            tlist = long_short(system, symbol, gspace, quantity)
        if tlist:
            # create the local trades frame
            df = DataFrame.from_items(tlist,
            # add trades to global trade list
            for item in tlist:
            logger.info("No trades for symbol %s", symbol)

    # Create group trades frame

    tf = None
    if gtlist:
        tspace = Space(system_name, "trades", group.space.fractal)
        gtlist = sorted(gtlist, key=lambda x: x[0])
        tf = DataFrame.from_items(gtlist, orient='index', columns=Trade.states)
        tfname = frame_name(gname, tspace)
        system_dir = SSEP.join([directory, 'systems'])
        write_frame(tf, system_dir, tfname, extension, separator, index=True)
        del tspace
        logger.info("No trades were found")

    # Return trades frame
    return tf
def open_range_breakout(name, space, quantity):
    r"""Run an Opening Range Breakout (ORB) system.

    An ORB system is an intraday strategy that waits for price to
    "break out" in a certain direction after establishing an
    initial High-Low range. The timing of the trade is either
    time-based (e.g., 30 minutes after the Open) or price-based
    (e.g., 20% of the average daily range). Either the position
    is held until the end of the trading day, or the position is
    closed with a stop loss (e.g., the other side of the opening

    name : str
        The symbol to trade.
    space : alphapy.Space
        Namespace of instrument prices.
    quantity : float
        The amount of the ``name`` to trade, e.g., number of shares

    tradelist : list
        List of trade entries and exits.

    Other Parameters
    Frame.frames : dict
        All of the data frames containing price data.

    # system parameters
    trigger_first = 7
    trigger_last = 56
    # price frame
    pf = Frame.frames[frame_name(name, space)].df
    # initialize the trade list
    tradelist = []
    # generate trade file
    for dt, row in pf.iterrows():
        # extract data from row
        bar_number = row['bar_number']
        h = row['high']
        l = row['low']
        c = row['close']
        end_of_day = row['end_of_day']
        # open range breakout
        if bar_number == 0:
            # new day
            traded = False
            inlong = False
            inshort = False
            hh = h
            ll = l
        elif bar_number < trigger_first:
            # set opening range
            if h > hh:
                hh = h
            if l < ll:
                ll = l
            if not traded and bar_number < trigger_last:
                # trigger trade
                if h > hh:
                    # long breakout triggers
                    tradelist.append((dt, [name, Orders.le, quantity, hh]))
                    inlong = True
                    traded = True
                if l < ll and not traded:
                    # short breakout triggers
                    tradelist.append((dt, [name, Orders.se, -quantity, ll]))
                    inshort = True
                    traded = True
            # test stop loss
            if inlong and l < ll:
                tradelist.append((dt, [name, Orders.lx, -quantity, ll]))
                inlong = False
            if inshort and h > hh:
                tradelist.append((dt, [name, Orders.sx, quantity, hh]))
                inshort = False
        # exit any positions at the end of the day
        if inlong and end_of_day:
            # long active, so exit long
            tradelist.append((dt, [name, Orders.lx, -quantity, c]))
        if inshort and end_of_day:
            # short active, so exit short
            tradelist.append((dt, [name, Orders.sx, quantity, c]))
    return tradelist
def long_short(system, name, space, quantity):
    r"""Run a long/short system.

    A long/short system is always in the market. At any given
    time, either a long position is active, or a short position
    is active.

    system : alphapy.System
        The long/short system to run.
    name : str
        The symbol to trade.
    space : alphapy.Space
        Namespace of instrument prices.
    quantity : float
        The amount of the ``name`` to trade, e.g., number of shares

    tradelist : list
        List of trade entries and exits.

    Other Parameters
    Frame.frames : dict
        All of the data frames containing price data.

    # extract the system parameters
    longentry = system.longentry
    shortentry = system.shortentry
    longexit = system.longexit
    shortexit = system.shortexit
    holdperiod = system.holdperiod
    scale = system.scale
    # price frame
    pf = Frame.frames[frame_name(name, space)].df
    # initialize the trade list
    tradelist = []
    # evaluate the long and short events
    if longentry:
        vexec(pf, longentry)
    if shortentry:
        vexec(pf, shortentry)
    if longexit:
        vexec(pf, longexit)
    if shortexit:
        vexec(pf, shortexit)
    # generate trade file
    inlong = False
    inshort = False
    h = 0
    p = 0
    q = quantity
    for dt, row in pf.iterrows():
        # evaluate entry and exit conditions
        lerow = None
        if longentry:
            lerow = row[longentry]
        serow = None
        if shortentry:
            serow = row[shortentry]
        lxrow = None
        if longexit:
            lxrow = row[longexit]
        sxrow = None
        if shortexit:
            sxrow = row[shortexit]
        # get closing price
        c = row['close']
        # process the long and short events
        if lerow:
            if p < 0:
                # short active, so exit short
                tradelist.append((dt, [name, Orders.sx, -p, c]))
                inshort = False
                h = 0
                p = 0
            if p == 0 or scale:
                # go long (again)
                tradelist.append((dt, [name, Orders.le, q, c]))
                inlong = True
                p = p + q
        elif serow:
            if p > 0:
                # long active, so exit long
                tradelist.append((dt, [name, Orders.lx, -p, c]))
                inlong = False
                h = 0
                p = 0
            if p == 0 or scale:
                # go short (again)
                tradelist.append((dt, [name, Orders.se, -q, c]))
                inshort = True
                p = p - q
        # check exit conditions
        if inlong and h > 0 and lxrow:
            # long active, so exit long
            tradelist.append((dt, [name, Orders.lx, -p, c]))
            inlong = False
            h = 0
            p = 0
        if inshort and h > 0 and sxrow:
            # short active, so exit short
            tradelist.append((dt, [name, Orders.sx, -p, c]))
            inshort = False
            h = 0
            p = 0
        # if a holding period was given, then check for exit
        if holdperiod > 0 and h >= holdperiod:
            if inlong:
                tradelist.append((dt, [name, Orders.lh, -p, c]))
                inlong = False
            if inshort:
                tradelist.append((dt, [name, Orders.sh, -p, c]))
                inshort = False
            h = 0
            p = 0
        # increment the hold counter
        if inlong or inshort:
            h += 1
    return tradelist
文件: data.py 项目: githubbla/AlphaPy
def get_market_data(model, group, lookback_period, resample_data):
    r"""Get data from an external feed.

    model : alphapy.Model
        The model object describing the data.
    group : alphapy.Group
        The group of symbols.
    lookback_period : int
        The number of periods of data to retrieve.

    n_periods : int
        The maximum number of periods actually retrieved.


    # Unpack model specifications

    directory = model.specs['directory']
    extension = model.specs['extension']
    separator = model.specs['separator']

    # Unpack group elements

    gspace = group.space
    schema = gspace.schema
    fractal = gspace.fractal

    # Determine the feed source

    if any(substring in fractal for substring in PD_INTRADAY_OFFSETS):
        # intraday data (date and time)
        logger.info("Getting Intraday Data [%s] from %s", fractal, schema)
        intraday_data = True
        index_column = 'datetime'
        # daily data or higher (date only)
        logger.info("Getting Daily Data [%s] from %s", fractal, schema)
        intraday_data = False
        index_column = 'date'

    # Get the data from the relevant feed

    data_dir = SSEP.join([directory, 'data'])
    pandas_data = any(substring in schema for substring in PD_WEB_DATA_FEEDS)
    n_periods = 0

    for item in group.members:
        logger.info("Getting %s data for last %d days", item, lookback_period)
        # Locate the data source
        if schema == 'data':
            fname = frame_name(item.lower(), gspace)
            df = read_frame(data_dir, fname, extension, separator)
            if not intraday_data:
        elif schema == 'google' and intraday_data:
            df = get_google_data(item, lookback_period, fractal)
        elif pandas_data:
            df = get_pandas_data(schema, item, lookback_period)
            logger.error("Unsupported Data Source: %s", schema)
        # Now that we have content, standardize the data
        if df is not None and not df.empty:
            logger.info("Rows: %d", len(df))
            # standardize column names
            df = df.rename(columns=lambda x: x.lower().replace(' ', ''))
            # add intraday columns if necessary
            if intraday_data:
                df = enhance_intraday_data(df)
            # order by increasing date if necessary
            df = df.sort_index()
            # resample data
            if resample_data:
                df = df.resample(fractal).agg({
                    'open': 'first',
                    'high': 'max',
                    'low': 'min',
                    'close': 'last',
                    'volume': 'sum'
                logger.info("Rows after Resampling at %s: %d", fractal,
            # allocate global Frame
            newf = Frame(item.lower(), gspace, df)
            if newf is None:
                logger.error("Could not allocate Frame for: %s", item)
            # calculate maximum number of periods
            df_len = len(df)
            if df_len > n_periods:
                n_periods = df_len
            logger.info("No DataFrame for %s", item)

    # The number of periods actually retrieved
    return n_periods
def exec_trade(p, name, order, quantity, price, tdate):
    r"""Execute a trade for a portfolio.

    p : alphapy.Portfolio
        Portfolio in which to trade.
    name : str
        The symbol to trade.
    order : alphapy.Orders
        Long or short trade for entry or exit.
    quantity : int
        The quantity for the order.
    price : str
        The execution price of the trade.
    tdate : datetime
        The date and time of the trade.

    tsize : float
        The executed trade size.

    Other Parameters
    Frame.frames : dict
        Dataframe for the price data.

    # see if the position already exists
    if name in p.positions:
        pos = p.positions[name]
        newpos = False
        pos = Position(p, name, tdate)
        newpos = True
    # check the dynamic position sizing variable
    if not p.posby:
        tsize = quantity
        if order == Orders.le or order == Orders.se:
            pf = Frame.frames[frame_name(name, p.space)].df
            cv = float(pf.ix[tdate][p.posby])
            tsize = math.trunc((p.value * p.fixedfrac) / cv)
            if quantity < 0:
                tsize = -tsize
            tsize = -pos.quantity
    # instantiate and allocate the trade
    newtrade = Trade(name, order, tsize, price, tdate)
    allocation = allocate_trade(p, pos, newtrade)
    if allocation != 0:
        # create a new position if necessary
        if newpos:
            p = add_position(p, name, pos)
            p.npos += 1
        # update the portfolio
        p = update_portfolio(p, pos, newtrade)
        # if net position is zero, then close the position
        pflat = pos.quantity == 0
        if pflat:
            p = close_position(p, pos, tdate)
            p.npos -= 1
        logger.info("Trade Allocation for %s is 0", name)
    # return trade size
    return tsize
def gen_portfolio(model,
    r"""Create a portfolio from a trades frame.

    model : alphapy.Model
        The model with specifications.
    system : str
        Name of the system.
    group : alphapy.Group
        The group of instruments in the portfolio.
    tframe : pandas.DataFrame
        The input trade list from running the system.
    startcap : float
        Starting capital.
    posby : str
        The position sizing column in the price dataframe.

    p : alphapy.Portfolio
        The generated portfolio.

        Could not allocate Portfolio.


    This function also generates the files required for analysis
    by the *pyfolio* package:

    * Returns File
    * Positions File
    * Transactions File


    logger.info("Creating Portfolio for System %s", system)

    # Unpack the model data.

    directory = model.specs['directory']
    extension = model.specs['extension']
    separator = model.specs['separator']

    # Create the portfolio.

    gname = group.name
    gspace = group.space
    gmembers = group.members
    ff = 1.0 / len(gmembers)

    p = Portfolio(gname,
    if not p:
        raise MemoryError("Could not allocate Portfolio")

    # Build pyfolio data from the trades frame.

    start = tframe.index[0]
    end = tframe.index[-1]
    trange = np.unique(
        tframe.index.map(lambda x: x.date().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))).tolist()
    drange = date_range(start,
                        end).map(lambda x: x.date().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))

    # Initialize return, position, and transaction data.

    rs = []
    pcols = list(gmembers)
    pf = DataFrame(index=drange, columns=pcols).fillna(0.0)
    ts = []

    # Iterate through the date range, updating the portfolio.
    for d in drange:
        # process today's trades
        if d in trange:
            trades = tframe.ix[d]
            if isinstance(trades, Series):
                trades = DataFrame(trades).transpose()
            for t in trades.iterrows():
                tdate = t[0]
                row = t[1]
                tsize = exec_trade(p, row['name'], row['order'],
                                   row['quantity'], row['price'], tdate)
                if tsize != 0:
                    ts.append((d, [tsize, row['price'], row['name']]))
                    logger.info("Trade could not be executed for %s",
        # iterate through current positions
        positions = p.positions
        pfrow = pf.ix[d]
        for key in positions:
            pos = positions[key]
            if pos.quantity > 0:
                value = pos.value
                value = -pos.value
            pfrow[pos.name] = value
        pfrow['cash'] = p.cash
        # update the portfolio returns
        p = valuate_portfolio(p, d)
        rs.append((d, [p.netreturn]))

    # Create systems directory path

    system_dir = SSEP.join([directory, 'systems'])

    # Create and record the returns frame for this system.

    logger.info("Recording Returns Frame")
    rspace = Space(system, 'returns', gspace.fractal)
    rf = DataFrame.from_items(rs, orient='index', columns=['return'])
    rfname = frame_name(gname, rspace)
    del rspace

    # Record the positions frame for this system.

    logger.info("Recording Positions Frame")
    pspace = Space(system, 'positions', gspace.fractal)
    pfname = frame_name(gname, pspace)
    del pspace

    # Create and record the transactions frame for this system.

    logger.info("Recording Transactions Frame")
    tspace = Space(system, 'transactions', gspace.fractal)
    tf = DataFrame.from_items(ts,
                              columns=['amount', 'price', 'symbol'])
    tfname = frame_name(gname, tspace)
    del tspace

    # Return the portfolio.
    return p
def get_market_data(model, group, lookback_period,
                    data_fractal, intraday_data=False):
    r"""Get data from an external feed.

    model : alphapy.Model
        The model object describing the data.
    group : alphapy.Group
        The group of symbols.
    lookback_period : int
        The number of periods of data to retrieve.
    data_fractal : str
        Pandas offset alias.
    intraday_data : bool
        If True, then get intraday data.

    n_periods : int
        The maximum number of periods actually retrieved.


    # Unpack model specifications

    directory = model.specs['directory']
    extension = model.specs['extension']
    separator = model.specs['separator']

    # Unpack group elements

    gspace = group.space
    schema = gspace.schema
    fractal = gspace.fractal

    # Determine the feed source

    if intraday_data:
        # intraday data (date and time)
        logger.info("Getting Intraday Data [%s] from %s", data_fractal, schema)
        index_column = 'datetime'
        # daily data or higher (date only)
        logger.info("Getting Daily Data [%s] from %s", data_fractal, schema)
        index_column = 'date'

    # Get the data from the relevant feed

    data_dir = SSEP.join([directory, 'data'])
    pandas_data = any(substring in schema for substring in PD_WEB_DATA_FEEDS)
    n_periods = 0
    resample_data = True if fractal != data_fractal else False
    df = None
    to_date = pd.to_datetime('today')
    from_date = to_date - pd.to_timedelta(lookback_period, unit='d')

    for item in group.members:
        logger.info("Getting %s data for last %d days", item, lookback_period)
        # Locate the data source
        if schema == 'data':
            # local intraday or daily
            dspace = Space(gspace.subject, gspace.schema, data_fractal)
            fname = frame_name(item.lower(), dspace)
            df = read_frame(data_dir, fname, extension, separator)
        elif schema == 'google' and intraday_data:
            # intraday only
            df = get_google_data(item, lookback_period, data_fractal)
        elif pandas_data:
            # daily only
            df = get_pandas_data(schema, item, lookback_period)
            logger.error("Unsupported Data Source: %s", schema)
        # Now that we have content, standardize the data
        if df is not None and not df.empty:
            logger.info("%d data points from %s to %s", len(df), from_date, to_date)
            # convert data to canonical form
            df = convert_data(df, index_column, intraday_data)
            # resample data and forward fill any NA values
            if resample_data:
                df = df.resample(fractal).agg({'open'   : 'first',
                                               'high'   : 'max',
                                               'low'    : 'min',
                                               'close'  : 'last',
                                               'volume' : 'sum'})
                df.dropna(axis=0, how='any', inplace=True)
                logger.info("Rows after Resampling at %s: %d",
                            fractal, len(df))
            # add intraday columns if necessary
            if intraday_data:
                df = enhance_intraday_data(df)
            # allocate global Frame
            newf = Frame(item.lower(), gspace, df)
            if newf is None:
                logger.error("Could not allocate Frame for: %s", item)
            # calculate maximum number of periods
            df_len = len(df)
            if df_len > n_periods:
                n_periods = df_len
            logger.info("No DataFrame for %s", item)

    # The number of periods actually retrieved
    return n_periods
文件: data.py 项目: xr3i444/AlphaPy
def get_market_data(model,
    r"""Get data from an external feed.

    model : alphapy.Model
        The model object describing the data.
    market_specs : dict
        The specifications for controlling the MarketFlow pipeline.
    group : alphapy.Group
        The group of symbols.
    lookback_period : int
        The number of periods of data to retrieve.
    intraday_data : bool
        If True, then get intraday data.

    n_periods : int
        The maximum number of periods actually retrieved.


    # Unpack market specifications

    data_fractal = market_specs['data_fractal']
    subschema = market_specs['subschema']

    # Unpack model specifications

    directory = model.specs['directory']
    extension = model.specs['extension']
    separator = model.specs['separator']

    # Unpack group elements

    gspace = group.space
    schema = gspace.schema
    fractal = gspace.fractal

    # Determine the feed source

    if intraday_data:
        # intraday data (date and time)
        logger.info("%s Intraday Data [%s] for %d periods", schema,
                    data_fractal, lookback_period)
        index_column = 'datetime'
        # daily data or higher (date only)
        logger.info("%s Daily Data [%s] for %d periods", schema, data_fractal,
        index_column = 'date'

    # Get the data from the relevant feed

    data_dir = SSEP.join([directory, 'data'])
    n_periods = 0
    resample_data = True if fractal != data_fractal else False

    # Date Arithmetic

    to_date = pd.to_datetime('today')
    from_date = to_date - pd.to_timedelta(lookback_period, unit='d')
    to_date = to_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    from_date = from_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

    # Get the data from the specified data feed

    df = pd.DataFrame()
    for symbol in group.members:
        logger.info("Getting %s data from %s to %s", symbol.upper(), from_date,
        # Locate the data source
        if schema == 'data':
            # local intraday or daily
            dspace = Space(gspace.subject, gspace.schema, data_fractal)
            fname = frame_name(symbol.lower(), dspace)
            df = read_frame(data_dir, fname, extension, separator)
        elif schema in data_dispatch_table.keys():
            df = data_dispatch_table[schema](schema, subschema, symbol,
                                             intraday_data, data_fractal,
                                             from_date, to_date,
            logger.error("Unsupported Data Source: %s", schema)
        # Now that we have content, standardize the data
        if not df.empty:
            logger.info("Rows: %d [%s]", len(df), data_fractal)
            # convert data to canonical form
            df = convert_data(df, index_column, intraday_data)
            # resample data and forward fill any NA values
            if resample_data:
                df = df.resample(fractal).agg({
                    'open': 'first',
                    'high': 'max',
                    'low': 'min',
                    'close': 'last',
                    'volume': 'sum'
                df.dropna(axis=0, how='any', inplace=True)
                logger.info("Rows after Resampling at %s: %d", fractal,
            # add intraday columns if necessary
            if intraday_data:
                df = enhance_intraday_data(df)
            # allocate global Frame
            newf = Frame(symbol.lower(), gspace, df)
            if newf is None:
                logger.error("Could not allocate Frame for: %s",
            # calculate maximum number of periods
            df_len = len(df)
            if df_len > n_periods:
                n_periods = df_len
            logger.info("No DataFrame for %s", symbol.upper())

    # The number of periods actually retrieved
    return n_periods