def run(): tileConfig = CreateAMConfig() # fqdn = getfqdn() hostname = gethostname() machineDesc = tileConfig.getMachineDescByHostname(hostname) localRects = [] absoluteRects = [] for tile in machineDesc.tiles: localRects.append(tileConfig.getLocalDrawRect(tile.uid)) absoluteRects.append(tileConfig.getAbsoluteFullDisplayRect(tile.uid)) print hostname, machineDesc.hostname, localRects, absoluteRects # return fullRect = tileConfig.getMainDisplayRect() if mpi.rank == 0: print "FULL DISPLAY:", fullRect.width, fullRect.height #rects = [Rect(0,0,1280,1024), Rect(1280,0, 1280,1024)] #rects = [Rect(0,0,1280,1024)] os.environ["DISPLAY"] = ":0.0" os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = "0,0" imageFilename = sys.argv[1] #windowWidth = 2560 # 1280# 320 #windowWidth = 3840 # 1280# 320 windowWidth = 2560 # 1280# 320 windowHeight = 1024 # 1024 # 280 #windowWidth = 1280 # 1280# 320 #windowHeight = 1024 # 1024 # 280 app = App(windowWidth, windowHeight) renderers = [] for i in range(len(localRects)): displayRect = localRects[i] if i == 0: renderer = glRenderer2D(multipleRenderers=True, firstRenderer=True) renderer.addFrameSetupObj( ScreenClearer(color=(.0, .0, .0), clearDepth=False)) else: renderer = glRenderer2D(multipleRenderers=True) renderer.addFrameSetupObj( ScreenClearer(color=(.0, .0, .0), clearDepth=False)) renderers.append(renderer) app.addRenderer(renderer) # app.initialize(windowBorder=False) app.initialize(windowBorder=True) for i in range(len(localRects)): print "SETTING RECT:", localRects[i] renderers[i].init(app.width, app.height, viewportRect=localRects[i]) class glBox: def __init__(self): self.hasDrawFunc = True self.hasEraseDrawFunc = True self.visible = True def update(self, app, secs): pass def draw(self, renderer): #glClearColor(.4, .4, .4, 1.0) #glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP) glVertex2f(100, 200) glVertex2f(100, 100) glVertex2f(200, 200) glVertex2f(200, 100) glEnd() class glTxtrBox: def __init__(self, imageFilename, screenRect, fullRect, absRect, initialOffset=(0, 0), zoom=(4, 4), imagePos=(0, 0), imageSize=None): self.hasDrawFunc = True self.hasEraseDrawFunc = True self.visible = True self.texture = Texture(imageFilename) #self.easyTexture = EasyTexture(imageFilename, screenGeomRect=screenRect, blend=False) #self.easyTexture.width = renderer.width * 0.8 #self.easyTexture.height = renderer.height * 0.8 #self.easyTexture.width = renderer.width #self.easyTexture.height = renderer.height self.useDrawPixel = False # For comparison debugging self.xvel = 0.1 self.yvel = 0.1 self.zoom = zoom #self.easyTexture.zoom(zoom[0], zoom[1]) #self.easyTexture.setOffset(initialOffset[0], initialOffset[1]) self.autoPan = True self.imagePos = Vec2(imagePos[0], imagePos[1]) if imageSize == None: self.imageSize = self.texture.getWidth( ), self.texture.getHeight() else: self.imageSize = imageSize self.fullRect = fullRect self.absRect = absRect self.screenRect = screenRect def getPos(self): return (self.imagePos.x, self.imagePos.y) def setPos(self, x, y): self.imagePos = Vec2(x, y) def update(self, secs, app): pass #if self.autoPan: # self.easyTexture.pan(self.xvel * secs, self.yvel* secs) def pan(self, xchange, ychange): if mpi.rank == 1: print "Panning:", xchange, ychange #self.easyTexture.pan(xchange * 300, ychange * 300) def draw(self, renderer): #glClearColor(.8, .8, .8, 1.0) #glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) # glPixelStoref(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1) # self.texture.blit( Vec2(10,10), Rect(10,10, 30,30), (app.width, app.height) ) # self.texture.blit( Vec2(50,50), Rect(0,0, 64,64), (app.width, app.height) ) # self.texture.blit( Vec2(150,50), Rect(40,40, 64,64), (app.width, app.height) , blend=True) #self.texture.blit( Vec2(0.1 * renderer.width,0.1 * renderer.height), Rect(0,0, 30,30), (app.width, app.height) ) # convert to local coords localBtmLeft = Vec2(self.imagePos.x - self.absRect.x, self.imagePos.y - self.absRect.y) localTopRight = Vec2(localBtmLeft.x + self.imageSize[0], localBtmLeft.y + self.imageSize[1]) localBtmLeft = Vec2(max(localBtmLeft.x, 0), max(localBtmLeft.y, 0)) localTopRight = Vec2(min(localTopRight.x, self.screenRect.width), min(localTopRight.y, self.screenRect.height)) blitSize = Vec2(localTopRight.x - localBtmLeft.x, localTopRight.y - localBtmLeft.y) # convert clipped local coords back to global coords find the source rect globalBtmLeft = Vec2(localBtmLeft.x + self.absRect.x, localBtmLeft.y + self.absRect.y) globalTopRight = Vec2(localTopRight.x + self.absRect.x, localTopRight.y + self.absRect.y) # convert global coords to txtr coords offset = Vec2(globalBtmLeft.x - self.imagePos.x, globalBtmLeft.y - self.imagePos.y) size = (globalTopRight.x - globalBtmLeft.x, globalTopRight.y - globalBtmLeft.y) if size[0] > 0 and size[1] > 0: self.texture.blit(localBtmLeft, Rect(offset.x, offset.y, size[0], size[1]), (renderer.width, renderer.height)) #self.easyTexture.draw() #box = glBox() #app.addDynamicObject(box) glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D) boxes = [] for i in range(len(renderers)): absRect = absoluteRects[i] locRect = localRects[i] renderer = renderers[i] box = glTxtrBox(imageFilename, screenRect=Rect(0, 0, locRect.width, locRect.height), imagePos=(2000, 500), absRect=absRect, fullRect=fullRect) # to scale, change the geometry and the txtr coords: imageSize and #box.imageSize = (box.imageSize[0]*2, box.imageSize[1]*2) #box.easyTexture.zoom(5,1) #box.easyTexture.setOffset( (absRect.x % float(box.easyTexture.getWidth())) / box.easyTexture.getWidth(), # (absRect.y % float(box.easyTexture.getHeight())) / box.easyTexture.getHeight() ) # box.easyTexture.setWidth( float(locRect.width) / float(box.easyTexture.getHeight()) ) #zoom = (0.5,1) #box.easyTexture.setZoom(zoom[0], zoom[1]) #box.easyTexture.setOffset(absRect.x * zoom[0] ,absRect.y * zoom[1]) #box.easyTexture.setZoom(float(box.easyTexture.getWidth()) / localRect.width, # float(box.easyTexture.getHeight()) / localRect.height ) # scale offset back by zoom (offset is between 0 and 1) #box.easyTexture.setOffset( float(rect.x) / fullRect.width * box.easyTexture.getWidth(), # float(rect.y) / fullRect.height * box.easyTexture.getHeight()) app.addDynamicObject(box, addToRenderer=False) renderers[i].addDynamicObject(box) boxes.append(box) app.drawBounds = 0 # setup control def setupMoteControl(panningObjects, app, displayWidth, displayHeight): tileMote = TileMote(panningObjects, displayWidth, displayHeight) if mpi.rank == 0: mote = connectToMote() moteMouse = MoteMouse(mote, tileMote) else: moteMouse = None mote = None class MouseUpdater: def __init__(self, moteMouse, tileMote): self.moteMouse = moteMouse self.tileMote = tileMote def update(self, app, secs): # process data from device if mpi.rank == 0: self.moteMouse.processAndUpdateMouse() # send data to all nodes and apply self.tileMote.syncAndApply() app.addDynamicObject(MouseUpdater(moteMouse, tileMote), addToRenderer=False) return mote, moteMouse, tileMote mote = None for arg in sys.argv: if "wii" in arg.lower(): mote, moteMouse, tileMote = setupMoteControl( boxes, app, fullRect.width, fullRect.height) for box in boxes: box.autoPan = False break # break out of this loop class Syncer: def __init__(self, cursorObjectsListList=None): # list of lists: [ [a1,a2,a3], [b1,b2] ] # access: cursor[i][localcopies] # only the first object for each cursors is read, all are written if cursorObjectsListList == None: self.cursorObjects = [] else: self.cursorObjects = cursorObjectsListList self.cursors = [] for obj in self.cursorObjects: self.cursors.append((0, 0)) self.resultCursors = [] if mpi.rank == 0: self.dataLock = Lock() def update(self, app, secs): self.syncAndApply() def syncAndApply(self): if mpi.rank == 0: self.dataLock.acquire( ) # this lock probably isn't necessary yet try: for i in range(len(self.cursorObjects)): self.cursors[i] = self.cursorObjects[i][0].getPos() except: traceback.print_exc() finally: self.dataLock.release() if mpi.rank == 0: resultCursors = mpi.bcast(self.cursors) else: self.resultCursors = mpi.bcast() if mpi.rank != 0: for i in range(len(self.cursorObjects)): if len(self.resultCursors) > i: # access: cursorObjects[i][localcopies] for j in range(len(self.cursorObjects[i]) ): # set for each local copy self.cursorObjects[i][j].setPos( self.resultCursors[i][0], self.resultCursors[i][1]) #if len(resultQueue) > 0: # print "Bcasting recv:", resultQueue, mpi.rank class CursorAutoMover: def __init__(self, target, xrange=(0, 5000), yrange=(0, 3000), xvel=100, yvel=100): = target self.xvel = xvel self.yvel = yvel self.xrange = xrange self.yrange = yrange self.visible = False def draw(self): pass def update(self, secs, app): posTuple = pos = Vec2(posTuple[0], posTuple[1]) pos.x = pos.x + self.xvel * secs pos.y = pos.y + self.yvel * secs if pos.x > self.xrange[1]: self.xvel = -abs(self.xvel) if pos.y > self.yrange[1]: self.yvel = -abs(self.yvel) if pos.x < self.xrange[0]: self.xvel = abs(self.xvel) if pos.y < self.xrange[0]: self.yvel = abs(self.yvel), pos.y) # print "pos:", pos.x, pos.y #class Cursor: def CreateCursor(x=500, y=500, xvel=100, yvel=100): tmpCursors = [] for i in range(len(renderers)): absRect = absoluteRects[i] locRect = localRects[i] renderer = renderers[i] cursor = glTxtrBox("../../../../data/fl-logo-color-small.gif", screenRect=Rect(0, 0, locRect.width, locRect.height), imagePos=(x, y), absRect=absRect, fullRect=fullRect) app.addDynamicObject(cursor, addToRenderer=False) renderers[i].addDynamicObject(cursor) tmpCursors.append(cursor) # change this to only happen on master and sync if mpi.rank == 0: app.addDynamicObject(CursorAutoMover(cursor, xrange=(0, fullRect.width), yrange=(0, fullRect.height), xvel=xvel, yvel=yvel), addToRenderer=False) return tmpCursors numCursors = 3 cursorListList = [] for i in range(numCursors): nodeCursors = CreateCursor(x=randrange(0, fullRect.width), y=randrange(0, fullRect.height), xvel=randrange(200, 400), yvel=randrange(200, 400)) cursorListList.append(nodeCursors) # print mpi.rank, " cursor list:", cursorListList syncer = Syncer(cursorListList) app.addDynamicObject(syncer, addToRenderer=False) print "Running app" try: except: traceback.print_exc() finally: if mpi.rank == 0: if mote != None: mote.disconnect() if mote.readThread != None: print "Exiting, joining thread" mote.readThread.join()
def run(): tileConfig = CreateAMConfig() # fqdn = getfqdn() hostname = gethostname() machineDesc = tileConfig.getMachineDescByHostname(hostname) localRects = [] absoluteRects = [] for tile in machineDesc.tiles: localRects.append(tileConfig.getLocalDrawRect(tile.uid)) absoluteRects.append(tileConfig.getAbsoluteFullDisplayRect(tile.uid)) print hostname, machineDesc.hostname, localRects, absoluteRects # return fullRect = tileConfig.getMainDisplayRect() if mpi.rank == 0: print "FULL DISPLAY:", fullRect.width, fullRect.height #rects = [Rect(0,0,1280,1024), Rect(1280,0, 1280,1024)] #rects = [Rect(0,0,1280,1024)] os.environ["DISPLAY"] = ":0.0" os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = "0,0" imageFilename = sys.argv[1] #windowWidth = 2560 # 1280# 320 #windowWidth = 3840 # 1280# 320 windowWidth = 2560 # 1280# 320 windowHeight = 1024 # 1024 # 280 #windowWidth = 1280 # 1280# 320 #windowHeight = 1024 # 1024 # 280 app = App(windowWidth, windowHeight) renderers = [] for i in range(len(localRects)): displayRect = localRects[i] if i == 0: renderer = glRenderer2D(multipleRenderers=True, firstRenderer=True) renderer.addFrameSetupObj( ScreenClearer(color=(.9, .4, .4), clearDepth=False)) else: renderer = glRenderer2D(multipleRenderers=True) renderer.addFrameSetupObj( ScreenClearer(color=(.4, .9, .4), clearDepth=False)) renderers.append(renderer) app.addRenderer(renderer) # app.initialize(windowBorder=False) app.initialize(windowBorder=True) for i in range(len(localRects)): print "SETTING RECT:", localRects[i] renderers[i].init(app.width, app.height, viewportRect=localRects[i]) class glBox: def __init__(self): self.hasDrawFunc = True self.hasEraseDrawFunc = True self.visible = True def update(self, app, secs): pass def draw(self, renderer): #glClearColor(.4, .4, .4, 1.0) #glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP) glVertex2f(100, 200) glVertex2f(100, 100) glVertex2f(200, 200) glVertex2f(200, 100) glEnd() class glTxtrBox: def __init__(self, imageFilename, screenRect, fullRect, absRect, initialOffset=(0, 0), zoom=(4, 4), imagePos=(0, 0), imageSize=None): self.hasDrawFunc = True self.hasEraseDrawFunc = True self.visible = True self.texture = Texture(imageFilename) #self.easyTexture = EasyTexture(imageFilename, screenGeomRect=screenRect, blend=False) #self.easyTexture.width = renderer.width * 0.8 #self.easyTexture.height = renderer.height * 0.8 #self.easyTexture.width = renderer.width #self.easyTexture.height = renderer.height self.useDrawPixel = False # For comparison debugging self.xvel = 0.1 self.yvel = 0.1 self.zoom = zoom #self.easyTexture.zoom(zoom[0], zoom[1]) #self.easyTexture.setOffset(initialOffset[0], initialOffset[1]) self.autoPan = True self.imagePos = imagePos if imageSize == None: self.imageSize = self.texture.getWidth( ), self.texture.getHeight() else: self.imageSize = imageSize self.fullRect = fullRect self.absRect = absRect self.screenRect = screenRect def update(self, secs, app): pass #if self.autoPan: # self.easyTexture.pan(self.xvel * secs, self.yvel* secs) def pan(self, xchange, ychange): if mpi.rank == 1: print "Panning:", xchange, ychange #self.easyTexture.pan(xchange * 300, ychange * 300) def draw(self, renderer): #glClearColor(.8, .8, .8, 1.0) #glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) # glPixelStoref(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1) # self.texture.blit( Vec2(10,10), Rect(10,10, 30,30), (app.width, app.height) ) # self.texture.blit( Vec2(50,50), Rect(0,0, 64,64), (app.width, app.height) ) # self.texture.blit( Vec2(150,50), Rect(40,40, 64,64), (app.width, app.height) , blend=True) #self.texture.blit( Vec2(0.1 * renderer.width,0.1 * renderer.height), Rect(0,0, 30,30), (app.width, app.height) ) # convert to local coords localBtmLeft = Vec2(self.imagePos[0] - self.absRect.x, self.imagePos[1] - self.absRect.y) localTopRight = Vec2(localBtmLeft.x + self.imageSize[0], localBtmLeft.y + self.imageSize[1]) localBtmLeft = Vec2(max(localBtmLeft.x, 0), max(localBtmLeft.y, 0)) localTopRight = Vec2(min(localTopRight.x, self.screenRect.width), min(localTopRight.y, self.screenRect.height)) blitSize = Vec2(localTopRight.x - localBtmLeft.x, localTopRight.y - localBtmLeft.y) # convert clipped local coords back to global coords find the source rect globalBtmLeft = Vec2(localBtmLeft.x + self.absRect.x, localBtmLeft.y + self.absRect.y) globalTopRight = Vec2(localTopRight.x + self.absRect.x, localTopRight.y + self.absRect.y) # convert global coords to txtr coords offset = Vec2(globalBtmLeft.x - self.imagePos[0], globalBtmLeft.y - self.imagePos[1]) size = (globalTopRight.x - globalBtmLeft.x, globalTopRight.y - globalBtmLeft.y) if size[0] > 0 and size[1] > 0: self.texture.blit(localBtmLeft, Rect(offset.x, offset.y, size[0], size[1]), (renderer.width, renderer.height)) #self.easyTexture.draw() #box = glBox() #app.addDynamicObject(box) glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D) boxes = [] for i in range(len(renderers)): absRect = absoluteRects[i] locRect = localRects[i] renderer = renderers[i] box = glTxtrBox(imageFilename, screenRect=Rect(0, 0, locRect.width, locRect.height), imagePos=(2000, 500), absRect=absRect, fullRect=fullRect) # to scale, change the geometry and the txtr coords: imageSize and #box.imageSize = (box.imageSize[0]*2, box.imageSize[1]*2) #box.easyTexture.zoom(5,1) #box.easyTexture.setOffset( (absRect.x % float(box.easyTexture.getWidth())) / box.easyTexture.getWidth(), # (absRect.y % float(box.easyTexture.getHeight())) / box.easyTexture.getHeight() ) # box.easyTexture.setWidth( float(locRect.width) / float(box.easyTexture.getHeight()) ) #zoom = (0.5,1) #box.easyTexture.setZoom(zoom[0], zoom[1]) #box.easyTexture.setOffset(absRect.x * zoom[0] ,absRect.y * zoom[1]) #box.easyTexture.setZoom(float(box.easyTexture.getWidth()) / localRect.width, # float(box.easyTexture.getHeight()) / localRect.height ) # scale offset back by zoom (offset is between 0 and 1) #box.easyTexture.setOffset( float(rect.x) / fullRect.width * box.easyTexture.getWidth(), # float(rect.y) / fullRect.height * box.easyTexture.getHeight()) app.addDynamicObject(box, addToRenderer=False) renderers[i].addDynamicObject(box) boxes.append(box) app.drawBounds = 0 # setup control def setupMoteControl(panningObjects, app, displayWidth, displayHeight): tileMote = TileMote(panningObjects, displayWidth, displayHeight) if mpi.rank == 0: mote = connectToMote() moteMouse = MoteMouse(mote, tileMote) else: moteMouse = None mote = None class MouseUpdater: def __init__(self, moteMouse, tileMote): self.moteMouse = moteMouse self.tileMote = tileMote def update(self, app, secs): # process data from device if mpi.rank == 0: self.moteMouse.processAndUpdateMouse() # send data to all nodes and apply self.tileMote.syncAndApply() app.addDynamicObject(MouseUpdater(moteMouse, tileMote), addToRenderer=False) return mote, moteMouse, tileMote mote = None for arg in sys.argv: if "wii" in arg.lower(): mote, moteMouse, tileMote = setupMoteControl( boxes, app, fullRect.width, fullRect.height) for box in boxes: box.autoPan = False break # break out of this loop print "Running app" try: except: traceback.print_exc() finally: if mpi.rank == 0: if mote != None: mote.disconnect() if mote.readThread != None: print "Exiting, joining thread" mote.readThread.join()
def run(): tileConfig = CreateAMConfig() # fqdn = getfqdn() hostname = gethostname() machineDesc = tileConfig.getMachineDescByHostname(hostname) localRects = [] absoluteRects = [] for tile in machineDesc.tiles: localRects.append(tileConfig.getLocalDrawRect(tile.uid)) absoluteRects.append(tileConfig.getAbsoluteFullDisplayRect(tile.uid)) print hostname, machineDesc.hostname, localRects, absoluteRects # return fullRect = tileConfig.getMainDisplayRect() if mpi.rank == 0: print "FULL DISPLAY:", fullRect.width, fullRect.height #rects = [Rect(0,0,1280,1024), Rect(1280,0, 1280,1024)] #rects = [Rect(0,0,1280,1024)] os.environ["DISPLAY"] = ":0.0" os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = "0,0" imageFilename = sys.argv[1] #windowWidth = 2560 # 1280# 320 #windowWidth = 3840 # 1280# 320 windowWidth = 2560 # 1280# 320 windowHeight = 1024 # 1024 # 280 #windowWidth = 1280 # 1280# 320 #windowHeight = 1024 # 1024 # 280 app = App(windowWidth, windowHeight) renderers = [] for i in range(len(localRects)): displayRect = localRects[i] if i == 0: renderer = glRenderer2D(multipleRenderers=True, firstRenderer=True) renderer.addFrameSetupObj(ScreenClearer(color=(.0, .0, .0), clearDepth=False)) else: renderer = glRenderer2D(multipleRenderers=True) renderer.addFrameSetupObj(ScreenClearer(color=(.0, .0, .0), clearDepth=False)) renderers.append(renderer) app.addRenderer(renderer) # app.initialize(windowBorder=False) app.initialize(windowBorder=True) for i in range(len(localRects)): print "SETTING RECT:", localRects[i] renderers[i].init(app.width, app.height, viewportRect=localRects[i]) class glBox: def __init__(self): self.hasDrawFunc=True self.hasEraseDrawFunc=True self.visible = True def update(self, app, secs): pass def draw(self, renderer): #glClearColor(.4, .4, .4, 1.0) #glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP) glVertex2f(100, 200) glVertex2f(100, 100) glVertex2f(200, 200) glVertex2f(200, 100) glEnd() class glTxtrBox: def __init__(self, imageFilename, screenRect, fullRect, absRect, initialOffset=(0,0), zoom=(4,4), imagePos=(0,0), imageSize=None ): self.hasDrawFunc=True self.hasEraseDrawFunc=True self.visible = True self.texture = Texture( imageFilename) #self.easyTexture = EasyTexture(imageFilename, screenGeomRect=screenRect, blend=False) #self.easyTexture.width = renderer.width * 0.8 #self.easyTexture.height = renderer.height * 0.8 #self.easyTexture.width = renderer.width #self.easyTexture.height = renderer.height self.useDrawPixel = False # For comparison debugging self.xvel = 0.1 self.yvel = 0.1 self.zoom = zoom #self.easyTexture.zoom(zoom[0], zoom[1]) #self.easyTexture.setOffset(initialOffset[0], initialOffset[1]) self.autoPan = True self.imagePos = Vec2(imagePos[0], imagePos[1]) if imageSize == None: self.imageSize = self.texture.getWidth(), self.texture.getHeight() else: self.imageSize = imageSize self.fullRect = fullRect self.absRect = absRect self.screenRect = screenRect def getPos(self): return (self.imagePos.x, self.imagePos.y) def setPos(self, x, y): self.imagePos = Vec2(x,y) def update(self, secs, app): pass #if self.autoPan: # self.easyTexture.pan(self.xvel * secs, self.yvel* secs) def pan(self, xchange, ychange): if mpi.rank == 1: print "Panning:", xchange, ychange #self.easyTexture.pan(xchange * 300, ychange * 300) def draw(self, renderer): #glClearColor(.8, .8, .8, 1.0) #glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) # glPixelStoref(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1) # self.texture.blit( Vec2(10,10), Rect(10,10, 30,30), (app.width, app.height) ) # self.texture.blit( Vec2(50,50), Rect(0,0, 64,64), (app.width, app.height) ) # self.texture.blit( Vec2(150,50), Rect(40,40, 64,64), (app.width, app.height) , blend=True) #self.texture.blit( Vec2(0.1 * renderer.width,0.1 * renderer.height), Rect(0,0, 30,30), (app.width, app.height) ) # convert to local coords localBtmLeft = Vec2(self.imagePos.x - self.absRect.x, self.imagePos.y - self.absRect.y) localTopRight = Vec2(localBtmLeft.x + self.imageSize[0], localBtmLeft.y + self.imageSize[1]) localBtmLeft = Vec2(max(localBtmLeft.x, 0), max(localBtmLeft.y, 0)) localTopRight = Vec2(min(localTopRight.x, self.screenRect.width), min(localTopRight.y, self.screenRect.height)) blitSize = Vec2(localTopRight.x - localBtmLeft.x, localTopRight.y - localBtmLeft.y) # convert clipped local coords back to global coords find the source rect globalBtmLeft = Vec2(localBtmLeft.x + self.absRect.x, localBtmLeft.y + self.absRect.y) globalTopRight = Vec2(localTopRight.x + self.absRect.x, localTopRight.y + self.absRect.y) # convert global coords to txtr coords offset = Vec2(globalBtmLeft.x - self.imagePos.x , globalBtmLeft.y - self.imagePos.y) size = (globalTopRight.x - globalBtmLeft.x, globalTopRight.y - globalBtmLeft.y) if size[0] > 0 and size[1] > 0: self.texture.blit( localBtmLeft, Rect(offset.x,offset.y, size[0], size[1]), (renderer.width, renderer.height) ) #self.easyTexture.draw() #box = glBox() #app.addDynamicObject(box) glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D) boxes = [] for i in range(len(renderers)): absRect = absoluteRects[i] locRect = localRects[i] renderer = renderers[i] box = glTxtrBox(imageFilename, screenRect=Rect(0,0,locRect.width, locRect.height), imagePos=(2000,500), absRect= absRect, fullRect=fullRect) # to scale, change the geometry and the txtr coords: imageSize and #box.imageSize = (box.imageSize[0]*2, box.imageSize[1]*2) #box.easyTexture.zoom(5,1) #box.easyTexture.setOffset( (absRect.x % float(box.easyTexture.getWidth())) / box.easyTexture.getWidth(), # (absRect.y % float(box.easyTexture.getHeight())) / box.easyTexture.getHeight() ) # box.easyTexture.setWidth( float(locRect.width) / float(box.easyTexture.getHeight()) ) #zoom = (0.5,1) #box.easyTexture.setZoom(zoom[0], zoom[1]) #box.easyTexture.setOffset(absRect.x * zoom[0] ,absRect.y * zoom[1]) #box.easyTexture.setZoom(float(box.easyTexture.getWidth()) / localRect.width, # float(box.easyTexture.getHeight()) / localRect.height ) # scale offset back by zoom (offset is between 0 and 1) #box.easyTexture.setOffset( float(rect.x) / fullRect.width * box.easyTexture.getWidth(), # float(rect.y) / fullRect.height * box.easyTexture.getHeight()) app.addDynamicObject(box, addToRenderer=False) renderers[i].addDynamicObject(box) boxes.append(box) app.drawBounds = 0 # setup control def setupMoteControl(panningObjects, app, displayWidth, displayHeight): tileMote = TileMote(panningObjects, displayWidth, displayHeight) if mpi.rank == 0: mote = connectToMote() moteMouse = MoteMouse(mote,tileMote) else: moteMouse = None mote = None class MouseUpdater: def __init__(self, moteMouse, tileMote): self.moteMouse = moteMouse self.tileMote = tileMote def update(self, app, secs): # process data from device if mpi.rank == 0: self.moteMouse.processAndUpdateMouse() # send data to all nodes and apply self.tileMote.syncAndApply() app.addDynamicObject(MouseUpdater(moteMouse, tileMote), addToRenderer=False) return mote, moteMouse, tileMote mote = None for arg in sys.argv: if "wii" in arg.lower(): mote, moteMouse, tileMote = setupMoteControl(boxes, app, fullRect.width, fullRect.height) for box in boxes: box.autoPan=False break # break out of this loop class Syncer: def __init__(self, cursorObjectsListList=None): # list of lists: [ [a1,a2,a3], [b1,b2] ] # access: cursor[i][localcopies] # only the first object for each cursors is read, all are written if cursorObjectsListList == None: self.cursorObjects = [] else: self.cursorObjects = cursorObjectsListList self.cursors = [] for obj in self.cursorObjects: self.cursors.append( (0,0) ) self.resultCursors = [] if mpi.rank == 0: self.dataLock = Lock() def update(self, app, secs): self.syncAndApply() def syncAndApply(self): if mpi.rank == 0: self.dataLock.acquire() # this lock probably isn't necessary yet try: for i in range(len(self.cursorObjects)): self.cursors[i] = self.cursorObjects[i][0].getPos() except: traceback.print_exc() finally: self.dataLock.release() if mpi.rank == 0: resultCursors = mpi.bcast(self.cursors) else: self.resultCursors = mpi.bcast() if mpi.rank != 0: for i in range(len(self.cursorObjects)): if len(self.resultCursors) > i: # access: cursorObjects[i][localcopies] for j in range(len(self.cursorObjects[i])): # set for each local copy self.cursorObjects[i][j].setPos( self.resultCursors[i][0], self.resultCursors[i][1]) #if len(resultQueue) > 0: # print "Bcasting recv:", resultQueue, mpi.rank class CursorAutoMover: def __init__(self, target, xrange=(0,5000), yrange=(0,3000), xvel=100, yvel=100): = target self.xvel = xvel self.yvel = yvel self.xrange = xrange self.yrange = yrange self.visible = False def draw(self): pass def update(self, secs, app): posTuple = pos = Vec2(posTuple[0], posTuple[1]) pos.x = pos.x + self.xvel * secs pos.y = pos.y + self.yvel * secs if pos.x > self.xrange[1]: self.xvel = -abs(self.xvel) if pos.y > self.yrange[1]: self.yvel = -abs(self.yvel) if pos.x < self.xrange[0]: self.xvel = abs(self.xvel) if pos.y < self.xrange[0]: self.yvel = abs(self.yvel), pos.y) # print "pos:", pos.x, pos.y #class Cursor: def CreateCursor(x=500,y=500, xvel=100, yvel=100): tmpCursors = [] for i in range(len(renderers)): absRect = absoluteRects[i] locRect = localRects[i] renderer = renderers[i] cursor = glTxtrBox("../../../../data/fl-logo-color-small.gif", screenRect=Rect(0,0,locRect.width, locRect.height), imagePos=(x,y), absRect= absRect, fullRect=fullRect) app.addDynamicObject(cursor, addToRenderer=False) renderers[i].addDynamicObject(cursor) tmpCursors.append(cursor) # change this to only happen on master and sync if mpi.rank == 0: app.addDynamicObject(CursorAutoMover(cursor, xrange=(0, fullRect.width), yrange=(0, fullRect.height), xvel=xvel, yvel=yvel), addToRenderer=False) return tmpCursors numCursors = 3 cursorListList = [] for i in range(numCursors): nodeCursors = CreateCursor(x=randrange(0,fullRect.width), y=randrange(0,fullRect.height), xvel=randrange(200,400), yvel=randrange(200,400)) cursorListList.append(nodeCursors) # print mpi.rank, " cursor list:", cursorListList syncer = Syncer(cursorListList) app.addDynamicObject(syncer, addToRenderer=False) print "Running app" try: except: traceback.print_exc() finally: if mpi.rank == 0: if mote != None: mote.disconnect() if mote.readThread != None: print "Exiting, joining thread" mote.readThread.join()
def run(): tileConfig = CreateAMConfig() # fqdn = getfqdn() hostname = gethostname() machineDesc = tileConfig.getMachineDescByHostname(hostname) localRects = [] absoluteRects = [] for tile in machineDesc.tiles: localRects.append(tileConfig.getLocalDrawRect(tile.uid)) absoluteRects.append(tileConfig.getAbsoluteFullDisplayRect(tile.uid)) print hostname, machineDesc.hostname, localRects, absoluteRects # return fullRect = tileConfig.getMainDisplayRect() if mpi.rank == 0: print "FULL DISPLAY:", fullRect.width, fullRect.height #rects = [Rect(0,0,1280,1024), Rect(1280,0, 1280,1024)] #rects = [Rect(0,0,1280,1024)] os.environ["DISPLAY"] = ":0.0" os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = "0,0" imageFilename = sys.argv[1] #windowWidth = 2560 # 1280# 320 #windowWidth = 3840 # 1280# 320 windowWidth = 2560 # 1280# 320 windowHeight = 1024 # 1024 # 280 #windowWidth = 1280 # 1280# 320 #windowHeight = 1024 # 1024 # 280 app = App(windowWidth, windowHeight) renderers = [] for i in range(len(localRects)): displayRect = localRects[i] if i == 0: renderer = glRenderer2D(multipleRenderers=True, firstRenderer=True) renderer.addFrameSetupObj(ScreenClearer(color=(.9, .4, .4), clearDepth=False)) else: renderer = glRenderer2D(multipleRenderers=True) renderer.addFrameSetupObj(ScreenClearer(color=(.4, .9, .4), clearDepth=False)) renderers.append(renderer) app.addRenderer(renderer) # app.initialize(windowBorder=False) app.initialize(windowBorder=True) for i in range(len(localRects)): print "SETTING RECT:", localRects[i] renderers[i].init(app.width, app.height, viewportRect=localRects[i]) class glBox: def __init__(self): self.hasDrawFunc=True self.hasEraseDrawFunc=True self.visible = True def update(self, app, secs): pass def draw(self, renderer): #glClearColor(.4, .4, .4, 1.0) #glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP) glVertex2f(100, 200) glVertex2f(100, 100) glVertex2f(200, 200) glVertex2f(200, 100) glEnd() class glTxtrBox: def __init__(self, imageFilename, screenRect, fullRect, absRect, initialOffset=(0,0), zoom=(4,4), imagePos=(0,0), imageSize=None ): self.hasDrawFunc=True self.hasEraseDrawFunc=True self.visible = True self.texture = Texture( imageFilename) #self.easyTexture = EasyTexture(imageFilename, screenGeomRect=screenRect, blend=False) #self.easyTexture.width = renderer.width * 0.8 #self.easyTexture.height = renderer.height * 0.8 #self.easyTexture.width = renderer.width #self.easyTexture.height = renderer.height self.useDrawPixel = False # For comparison debugging self.xvel = 0.1 self.yvel = 0.1 self.zoom = zoom #self.easyTexture.zoom(zoom[0], zoom[1]) #self.easyTexture.setOffset(initialOffset[0], initialOffset[1]) self.autoPan = True self.imagePos = imagePos if imageSize == None: self.imageSize = self.texture.getWidth(), self.texture.getHeight() else: self.imageSize = imageSize self.fullRect = fullRect self.absRect = absRect self.screenRect = screenRect def update(self, secs, app): pass #if self.autoPan: # self.easyTexture.pan(self.xvel * secs, self.yvel* secs) def pan(self, xchange, ychange): if mpi.rank == 1: print "Panning:", xchange, ychange #self.easyTexture.pan(xchange * 300, ychange * 300) def draw(self, renderer): #glClearColor(.8, .8, .8, 1.0) #glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) # glPixelStoref(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1) # self.texture.blit( Vec2(10,10), Rect(10,10, 30,30), (app.width, app.height) ) # self.texture.blit( Vec2(50,50), Rect(0,0, 64,64), (app.width, app.height) ) # self.texture.blit( Vec2(150,50), Rect(40,40, 64,64), (app.width, app.height) , blend=True) #self.texture.blit( Vec2(0.1 * renderer.width,0.1 * renderer.height), Rect(0,0, 30,30), (app.width, app.height) ) # convert to local coords localBtmLeft = Vec2(self.imagePos[0] - self.absRect.x, self.imagePos[1] - self.absRect.y) localTopRight = Vec2(localBtmLeft.x + self.imageSize[0], localBtmLeft.y + self.imageSize[1]) localBtmLeft = Vec2(max(localBtmLeft.x, 0), max(localBtmLeft.y, 0)) localTopRight = Vec2(min(localTopRight.x, self.screenRect.width), min(localTopRight.y, self.screenRect.height)) blitSize = Vec2(localTopRight.x - localBtmLeft.x, localTopRight.y - localBtmLeft.y) # convert clipped local coords back to global coords find the source rect globalBtmLeft = Vec2(localBtmLeft.x + self.absRect.x, localBtmLeft.y + self.absRect.y) globalTopRight = Vec2(localTopRight.x + self.absRect.x, localTopRight.y + self.absRect.y) # convert global coords to txtr coords offset = Vec2(globalBtmLeft.x - self.imagePos[0] , globalBtmLeft.y - self.imagePos[1]) size = (globalTopRight.x - globalBtmLeft.x, globalTopRight.y - globalBtmLeft.y) if size[0] > 0 and size[1] > 0: self.texture.blit( localBtmLeft, Rect(offset.x,offset.y, size[0], size[1]), (renderer.width, renderer.height) ) #self.easyTexture.draw() #box = glBox() #app.addDynamicObject(box) glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D) boxes = [] for i in range(len(renderers)): absRect = absoluteRects[i] locRect = localRects[i] renderer = renderers[i] box = glTxtrBox(imageFilename, screenRect=Rect(0,0,locRect.width, locRect.height), imagePos=(2000,500), absRect= absRect, fullRect=fullRect) # to scale, change the geometry and the txtr coords: imageSize and #box.imageSize = (box.imageSize[0]*2, box.imageSize[1]*2) #box.easyTexture.zoom(5,1) #box.easyTexture.setOffset( (absRect.x % float(box.easyTexture.getWidth())) / box.easyTexture.getWidth(), # (absRect.y % float(box.easyTexture.getHeight())) / box.easyTexture.getHeight() ) # box.easyTexture.setWidth( float(locRect.width) / float(box.easyTexture.getHeight()) ) #zoom = (0.5,1) #box.easyTexture.setZoom(zoom[0], zoom[1]) #box.easyTexture.setOffset(absRect.x * zoom[0] ,absRect.y * zoom[1]) #box.easyTexture.setZoom(float(box.easyTexture.getWidth()) / localRect.width, # float(box.easyTexture.getHeight()) / localRect.height ) # scale offset back by zoom (offset is between 0 and 1) #box.easyTexture.setOffset( float(rect.x) / fullRect.width * box.easyTexture.getWidth(), # float(rect.y) / fullRect.height * box.easyTexture.getHeight()) app.addDynamicObject(box, addToRenderer=False) renderers[i].addDynamicObject(box) boxes.append(box) app.drawBounds = 0 # setup control def setupMoteControl(panningObjects, app, displayWidth, displayHeight): tileMote = TileMote(panningObjects, displayWidth, displayHeight) if mpi.rank == 0: mote = connectToMote() moteMouse = MoteMouse(mote,tileMote) else: moteMouse = None mote = None class MouseUpdater: def __init__(self, moteMouse, tileMote): self.moteMouse = moteMouse self.tileMote = tileMote def update(self, app, secs): # process data from device if mpi.rank == 0: self.moteMouse.processAndUpdateMouse() # send data to all nodes and apply self.tileMote.syncAndApply() app.addDynamicObject(MouseUpdater(moteMouse, tileMote), addToRenderer=False) return mote, moteMouse, tileMote mote = None for arg in sys.argv: if "wii" in arg.lower(): mote, moteMouse, tileMote = setupMoteControl(boxes, app, fullRect.width, fullRect.height) for box in boxes: box.autoPan=False break # break out of this loop print "Running app" try: except: traceback.print_exc() finally: if mpi.rank == 0: if mote != None: mote.disconnect() if mote.readThread != None: print "Exiting, joining thread" mote.readThread.join()