def getConsent(self, survey_id): conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler() with conn_handler.get_postgres_cursor() as cur: cur.execute("""SELECT agc.participant_name, agc.participant_email, agc.parent_1_name, agc.parent_2_name, agc.is_juvenile, agc.deceased_parent, agc.ag_login_id, agc.date_signed, agc.assent_obtainer, agc.age_range, agl.survey_id FROM ag_consent agc JOIN ag_login_surveys agl USING (ag_login_id, participant_name) WHERE agl.survey_id=%s""", [survey_id]) colnames = [x[0] for x in cur.description] result = cur.fetchone() if result: result = {k: v for k, v in zip(colnames, result)} if 'date_signed' in result: result['date_signed'] = str(result['date_signed']) return result
def deleteAGParticipantSurvey(self, ag_login_id, participant_name): # Remove user using old stype DB Schema self.get_cursor().callproc("ag_delete_participant", [ag_login_id, participant_name]) self.connection.commit() # Remove user from new schema conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler() sql = "SELECT survey_id FROM ag_login_surveys WHERE ag_login_id = " "%s AND participant_name = %s" survey_id = conn_handler.execute_fetchone(sql, (ag_login_id, participant_name))[0] with conn_handler.get_postgres_cursor() as curr: sql = "DELETE FROM survey_answers WHERE " "survey_id = %s" curr.execute(sql, [survey_id]) sql = "DELETE FROM survey_answers_other WHERE " "survey_id = %s" curr.execute(sql, [survey_id]) # Reset survey attached to barcode(s) sql = "UPDATE ag_kit_barcodes SET survey_id = NULL WHERE " "survey_id = %s" curr.execute(sql, [survey_id]) sql = "DELETE FROM promoted_survey_ids WHERE survey_id = %s" curr.execute(sql, [survey_id]) # Delete last due to foreign keys sql = "DELETE FROM ag_login_surveys WHERE " "survey_id = %s" curr.execute(sql, [survey_id]) sql = "DELETE FROM ag_consent WHERE ag_login_id = " "%s AND participant_name = %s" curr.execute(sql, [ag_login_id, participant_name])
def getAnimalParticipants(self, ag_login_id): sql = """SELECT participant_name from ag.ag_login_surveys JOIN ag.survey_answers USING (survey_id) JOIN ag.group_questions gq USING (survey_question_id) JOIN ag.surveys ags USING (survey_group) WHERE ag_login_id = %s AND ags.survey_id = %s""" conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler() return [row[0] for row in conn_handler.execute_fetchall(sql, [ag_login_id, 2])]
def patch_number(): # Make sure the system is using the latest patch before starting up. conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler() system = conn_handler.execute_fetchone("SELECT current_patch FROM ag.settings")[0] patches_dir = join(dirname(abspath(__file__)), '../db/patches') latest = sorted(listdir(patches_dir)).pop() if latest != system: raise EnvironmentError("Not running latest patch! System: %s Latest: %s" % (system, latest))
def barcodes_correct(): # For patch 0011 & 0012 # Needed because barcodes are added as last barcode in system + 1 # and system testing was using these larger barcodes. Now use 0-1000 range conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler() sql = "SELECT barcode FROM barcodes.barcode WHERE barcode::integer >= 800000000" bcs = conn_handler.execute_fetchall(sql) if bcs: raise EnvironmentError("Invalid barcodes found: %s" % ", ".join([x[0] for x in bcs]))
def get_countries(self): """ Returns ------- list of str All country names in database""" conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler() return [x[0] for x in conn_handler.execute_fetchall( 'SELECT country FROM ag.iso_country_lookup ORDER BY country')]
def search_participants(self, term): sql = """ select cast(ag_login_id as varchar(100)) as ag_login_id from ag_consent where lower(participant_name) like %s or lower(participant_email) like %s""" conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler() liketerm = '%%' + term + '%%' return [x[0] for x in conn_handler.execute_fetchall( sql, [liketerm, liketerm])]
def getHumanParticipants(self, ag_login_id): conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler() # get people from new survey setup sql = """SELECT participant_name from ag.ag_login_surveys JOIN ag.survey_answers USING (survey_id) JOIN ag.group_questions gq USING (survey_question_id) JOIN ag.surveys ags USING (survey_group) WHERE ag_login_id = %s AND ags.survey_id = %s""" results = conn_handler.execute_fetchall(sql, [ag_login_id, 1]) return [row[0] for row in results]
def is_old_survey(self, survey_id): conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler() # check survey exists survey_answers = conn_handler.execute_fetchone( "SELECT exists(SELECT * FROM survey_answers WHERE survey_id = %s)", [survey_id])[0] survey_answers_other = conn_handler.execute_fetchone( "SELECT exists(SELECT * FROM survey_answers_other WHERE " "survey_id = %s)", [survey_id])[0] return all((survey_answers is False, survey_answers_other is False))
def __init__(self, con=None): self._metadataDatabaseConnection = None if con is None: self.connection = psycopg2.connect( user=AMGUT_CONFIG.user, password=AMGUT_CONFIG.password, database=AMGUT_CONFIG.database,, port=AMGUT_CONFIG.port) else: self.connection = con cur = self.connection.cursor() cur.execute('set search_path to public, ag') self._sql = SQLConnectionHandler(con)
def getParticipantSamples(self, ag_login_id, participant_name): sql = """SELECT barcode, site_sampled, sample_date, sample_time, notes, status FROM ag_kit_barcodes akb INNER JOIN barcode USING (barcode) INNER JOIN ag_kit ak USING (ag_kit_id) WHERE (site_sampled IS NOT NULL AND site_sampled::text <> '') AND ag_login_id = %s AND participant_name = %s""" conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler() rows = conn_handler.execute_fetchall(sql, [ag_login_id, participant_name]) barcodes = [dict(row) for row in rows] return barcodes
def getHumanParticipants(self, ag_login_id): conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler() # get people from new survey setup return_res = [] new_survey_sql = ("SELECT participant_name FROM ag_login_surveys " "WHERE ag_login_id = %s") results = conn_handler.execute_fetchall(new_survey_sql, [ag_login_id]) return_res.extend(row[0] for row in results) # get people from old surveys old_survey_sql = ("SELECT participant_name FROM ag_human_survey where " "ag_login_id = %s") results = conn_handler.execute_fetchall(new_survey_sql, [ag_login_id]) return_res.extend(row[0] for row in results) return return_res
def registerHandoutKit(self, ag_login_id, supplied_kit_id): """ Returns ------- bool True: success False: insert failed due to IntegrityError Notes ----- Whatever is passed as kit_password will be added AS IS. This means you must hash the password before passing, if desired. """ printresults = self.checkPrintResults(supplied_kit_id) if printresults is None: printresults = 'n' sql = """ DO $do$ DECLARE k_id uuid; bc varchar; BEGIN INSERT INTO ag_kit (ag_login_id, supplied_kit_id, kit_password, swabs_per_kit, kit_verification_code, print_results) SELECT '{0}', kit_id, password, swabs_per_kit, verification_code, '{1}' FROM ag_handout_kits WHERE kit_id = %s LIMIT 1 RETURNING ag_kit_id INTO k_id; FOR bc IN SELECT barcode FROM ag_handout_barcodes WHERE kit_id = %s LOOP INSERT INTO ag_kit_barcodes (ag_kit_id, barcode, sample_barcode_file) VALUES (k_id, bc, bc || '.jpg'); END LOOP; DELETE FROM ag_handout_kits WHERE kit_id = %s; END $do$; """.format(ag_login_id, printresults) conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler() try: conn_handler.execute(sql, [supplied_kit_id] * 3) except psycopg2.IntegrityError: logging.exception('Error on skid %s:' % ag_login_id) return False return True
def __init__(self, con=None): self.connection = None if con is None: self._open_connection() else: self.connection = con cur = self.get_cursor() cur.execute('set search_path TO ag, barcodes, public') self._sql = SQLConnectionHandler(con)
def __init__(self, con=None): self._metadataDatabaseConnection = None if con is None: self.connection = psycopg2.connect( user=AMGUT_CONFIG.user, password=AMGUT_CONFIG.password, database=AMGUT_CONFIG.database,, port=AMGUT_CONFIG.port) else: self.connection = con self._sql = SQLConnectionHandler(con)
def make_settings_table(): conn = SQLConnectionHandler() settings = AMGUT_CONFIG.get_settings() columns = [' '.join([setting[0], 'varchar']) for setting in settings] column_names = [setting[0] for setting in settings] num_values = len(settings) sql = "INSERT INTO settings ({}) VALUES ({})".format( ', '.join(column_names), ', '.join(['%s'] * num_values)) args = [str(setting[1]) for setting in settings] with conn.get_postgres_cursor() as cur: create_sql = ("CREATE TABLE ag.settings ({}, current_patch varchar " "NOT NULL DEFAULT 'unpatched')") create_sql = create_sql.format(', '.join(columns)) cur.execute(create_sql) cur.execute(sql, args)
def logParticipantSample( self, ag_login_id, barcode, sample_site, environment_sampled, sample_date, sample_time, participant_name, notes ): conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler() if sample_site is not None: # Get survey id sql = """SELECT survey_id FROM ag_login_surveys WHERE ag_login_id = %s AND participant_name = %s""" survey_id = conn_handler.execute_fetchone(sql, (ag_login_id, participant_name)) if survey_id: # remove the list encapulation survey_id = survey_id[0] else: raise RuntimeError( "No survey ID for ag_login_id %s and " "participant name %s" % (ag_login_id, participant_name) ) else: # otherwise, it is an environmental sample survey_id = None # Add barcode info sql = """update ag_kit_barcodes set site_sampled = %s, environment_sampled = %s, sample_date = %s, sample_time = %s, participant_name = %s, notes = %s, survey_id = %s where barcode = %s""" conn_handler.execute( sql, [sample_site, environment_sampled, sample_date, sample_time, participant_name, notes, survey_id, barcode], ) self.connection.commit()
def patch_db(patches_dir=PATCHES_DIR, verbose=False): """Patches the database schema based on the settings table Pulls the current patch from the settings table and applies all subsequent patches found in the patches directory. """ conn = SQLConnectionHandler() current_patch = conn.execute_fetchone( "SELECT current_patch FROM settings")[0] current_patch_fp = join(patches_dir, current_patch) sql_glob = join(patches_dir, '*.sql') patch_files = natsorted(glob(sql_glob)) if current_patch == 'unpatched': next_patch_index = 0 elif current_patch_fp not in patch_files: raise RuntimeError("Cannot find patch file %s" % current_patch) else: next_patch_index = patch_files.index(current_patch_fp) + 1 patch_update_sql = "UPDATE settings SET current_patch = %s" for patch_fp in patch_files[next_patch_index:]: patch_filename = split(patch_fp)[-1] with conn.get_postgres_cursor() as cur: cur.execute('SET SEARCH_PATH TO ag, barcodes, public') with open(patch_fp, 'U') as patch_file: if verbose: echo('\tApplying patch %s...' % patch_filename) cur.execute( cur.execute(patch_update_sql, [patch_filename]) conn._connection.commit()
class AGDataAccess(object): """Data Access implementation for all the American Gut web portal """ # arbitrary, unique ID and value human_sites = ['Stool', 'Mouth', 'Right hand', 'Left hand', 'Forehead', 'Nares', 'Hair', 'Tears', 'Nasal mucus', 'Ear wax', 'Vaginal mucus'] animal_sites = ['Stool', 'Mouth', 'Nares', 'Ears', 'Skin', 'Fur'] general_sites = ['Animal Habitat', 'Biofilm', 'Dust', 'Food', 'Fermented Food', 'Indoor Surface', 'Outdoor Surface', 'Plant habitat', 'Soil', 'Sole of shoe', 'Water'] def __init__(self, con=None): self._metadataDatabaseConnection = None if con is None: self.connection = psycopg2.connect( user=AMGUT_CONFIG.user, password=AMGUT_CONFIG.password, database=AMGUT_CONFIG.database,, port=AMGUT_CONFIG.port) else: self.connection = con self._sql = SQLConnectionHandler(con) def __del__(self): self.connection.close() ##################################### # Helper Functions ##################################### def testDatabase(self): """Attempt to connect to the database Attempt a database connection. Will throw an exception if it fails. Returns "True" if successful. """ if self.connection: return True def dynamicMetadataSelect(self, query_string): # Make sure no tomfoolery is afoot query_string_parts = set(query_string.lower().split()) verboten = set(['insert', 'update', 'delete']) intersection = query_string_parts.intersection(verboten) if len(intersection) > 0: raise Exception('Only select statements are allowed. Your query:' ' %s' % query_string) return self.connection.cursor().execute(query_string) def _get_col_names_from_cursor(self, cur): if cur.description: return [x[0] for x in cur.description] else: return [] ##################################### # Users ##################################### def authenticateWebAppUser(self, username, password): """ Attempts to validate authenticate the supplied username/password Attempt to authenticate the user against the list of users in web_app_user table. If successful, a dict with user innformation is returned. If not, the function returns False. """ data = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor( 'ag_authenticate_user', [username, password]) row = data.fetchone() col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(data) data.close() if row: results = dict(zip(col_names, row)) results['ag_login_id'] = str(results['ag_login_id']) return results else: return False def addAGLogin(self, email, name, address, city, state, zip, country): sql = "select ag_login_id from ag_login WHERE email = %s" cur = self.connection.cursor() cur.execute(sql, [email]) ag_login_id = cur.fetchone() if not ag_login_id: # create the login cur.callproc('ag_insert_login', [email.strip().lower(), name, address, city, state, zip, country]) self.connection.commit() cur.execute(sql, [email]) ag_login_id = cur.fetchone() return ag_login_id[0] def updateAGLogin(self, ag_login_id, email, name, address, city, state, zip, country): self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_update_login', [ag_login_id, email.strip().lower(), name, address, city, state, zip, country]) self.connection.commit() def getAGSurveyDetails(self, ag_login_id, participant_name): results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor('ag_get_survey_details', [ag_login_id, participant_name]) rows = results.fetchall() col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(results) results.close() rows = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in rows] data = {row['question']: row['answer'] for row in rows if row['answer']} return data def getAGLogins(self): results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor('ag_get_logins', []) rows = results.fetchall() col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(results) results.close() return_res = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in rows] return return_res def getAGKitsByLogin(self): results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor('ag_get_kits_by_login', []) rows = results.fetchall() col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(results) results.close() return_res = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in rows] return return_res def getAGBarcodes(self): results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor('ag_get_barcodes', []) return_res = [row[0] for row in results] results.close() return return_res def getAGBarcodesByLogin(self, ag_login_id): # returned tuple consists of: # site_sampled, sample_date, sample_time, participant_name, #environment_sampled, notes results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor( 'ag_get_barcodes_by_login', [ag_login_id]) rows = results.fetchall() col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(results) results.close() barcode_info = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in rows] return barcode_info def getAGBarcodeDetails(self, barcode): results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor( 'ag_get_barcode_details', [barcode]) barcode_details = results.fetchone() col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(results) results.close() row_dict = {} if barcode_details: row_dict = dict(zip(col_names, barcode_details)) return row_dict def getAGKitDetails(self, supplied_kit_id): results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor('ag_get_kit_details', [supplied_kit_id]) row = results.fetchone() col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(results) results.close() kit_details = {} if row: kit_details = dict(zip(col_names, row)) return kit_details def getAGHandoutKitDetails(self, supplied_kit_id): sql = "SELECT * FROM ag_handout_kits WHERE kit_id = %s" cur = self.connection.cursor() cur.execute(sql, [supplied_kit_id]) row = cur.fetchone() col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(cur) cur.close() kit_details = dict(zip(col_names, row)) return kit_details def getAGCode(self, passwd_length, type='alpha'): if type == 'alpha': x = ''.join([choice(KIT_ALPHA) for i in range(passwd_length-1)]) return x if type == 'numeric': x = ''.join([choice(KIT_PASSWD) for i in range(passwd_length-1)]) return choice(KIT_PASSWD_NOZEROS) + x def getNewAGKitId(self): def get_used_kit_ids(cursor): """Grab in use kit IDs, return set of them """ cursor.execute("select supplied_kit_id from ag_kit") kits = set([i[0] for i in cursor.fetchall()]) return kits def make_kit_id(kit_id_length=8): kit_id = ''.join([choice(KIT_ALPHA) for i in range(kit_id_length)]) return kit_id cur = self.connection.cursor() obs_kit_ids = get_used_kit_ids(cur) kit_id = make_kit_id(8) while kit_id in obs_kit_ids: kit_id = make_kit_id(8) return kit_id def getNextAGBarcode(self): results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor('ag_get_next_barcode', []) next_barcode = results.fetchone()[0] text_barcode = '{0}'.format(str(next_barcode)) # Pad out the barcode until it's 9 digits long while len(text_barcode) < 9: text_barcode = '0{0}'.format(text_barcode) results.close() return next_barcode, text_barcode def reassignAGBarcode(self, ag_kit_id, barcode): self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_reassign_barcode', [ag_kit_id, barcode]) self.connection.commit() def addAGKit(self, ag_login_id, kit_id, kit_password, swabs_per_kit, kit_verification_code, printresults='n'): """ return values 1: success -1: insert failed due to IntegrityError """ try: self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_insert_kit', [ag_login_id, kit_id, kit_password, swabs_per_kit, kit_verification_code, printresults]) self.connection.commit() except psycopg2.IntegrityError: self.connection.commit() return -1 return 1 def updateAGKit(self, ag_kit_id, supplied_kit_id, kit_password, swabs_per_kit, kit_verification_code): self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_update_kit', [ag_kit_id, supplied_kit_id, kit_password, swabs_per_kit, kit_verification_code]) self.connection.commit() def addAGBarcode(self, ag_kit_id, barcode): """ return values 1: success -1: insert failed due to IntegrityError """ try: self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_insert_barcode', [ag_kit_id, barcode]) self.connection.commit() except psycopg2.IntegrityError: self.connection.commit() return -1 return 1 def updateAGBarcode(self, barcode, ag_kit_id, site_sampled, environment_sampled, sample_date, sample_time, participant_name, notes, refunded, withdrawn): self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_update_barcode', [barcode, ag_kit_id, site_sampled, environment_sampled, sample_date, sample_time, participant_name, notes, refunded, withdrawn]) self.connection.commit() def addAGHumanParticipant(self, ag_login_id, participant_name): self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_add_participant', [ag_login_id, participant_name]) self.connection.commit() def addAGAnimalParticipant(self, ag_login_id, participant_name): self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_add_animal_participant', [ag_login_id, participant_name]) self.connection.commit() def addAGSingle(self, ag_login_id, participant_name, field_name, field_value, table_name): table = "update %s set %s" % (table_name, field_name) sql = table + ("= %s where ag_login_id = %s and " "participant_name = %s") self.connection.cursor().execute(sql, [field_value, ag_login_id, participant_name]) self.connection.commit() def deleteAGParticipant(self, ag_login_id, participant_name): self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_delete_participant', [ag_login_id, participant_name]) self.connection.commit() def insertAGMultiple(self, ag_login_id, participant_name, field_name, field_value): sql = ("insert into ag_survey_multiples (ag_login_id, " "participant_name,item_name, item_value) values ('{0}','{1}'," " '{2}', '{3}')").format(ag_login_id, participant_name, field_name, field_value) self.connection.cursor().execute(sql) self.connection.commit() def addAGGeneralValue(self, ag_login_id, participant_name, field_name, field_value): self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_insert_survey_answer', [ag_login_id, participant_name, field_name, field_value]) self.connection.commit() def deleteAGGeneralValues(self, ag_login_id, participant_name): self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_delete_survey_answer', [ag_login_id, participant_name]) self.connection.commit() def logParticipantSample(self, barcode, sample_site, environment_sampled, sample_date, sample_time, participant_name, notes): self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_log_participant_sample', [barcode, sample_site, environment_sampled, sample_date, sample_time, participant_name, notes]) self.connection.commit() def deleteSample(self, barcode, ag_login_id): """ Strictly speaking the ag_login_id isn't needed but it makes it really hard to hack the function when you would need to know someone else's login id (a GUID) to delete something maliciously """ self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_delete_sample', [barcode, ag_login_id]) self.connection.commit() def getHumanParticipants(self, ag_login_id): results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor( 'ag_get_human_participants', [ag_login_id]) return_res = [row[0] for row in results] results.close() return return_res def AGGetBarcodeMetadata(self, barcode): results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor( 'ag_get_barcode_metadata', [barcode]) rows = results.fetchall() col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(results) results.close() return_res = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in rows] return return_res def AGGetBarcodeMetadataAnimal(self, barcode): results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor( 'ag_get_barcode_md_animal', [barcode]) col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(results) return_res = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in results] results.close() return return_res def getAnimalParticipants(self, ag_login_id): results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor( 'ag_get_animal_participants', [ag_login_id]) return_res = [row[0] for row in results] results.close() return return_res def getParticipantExceptions(self, ag_login_id): results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor( 'ag_get_participant_exceptions', [ag_login_id]) return_res = [row[0] for row in results] results.close() return return_res def getParticipantSamples(self, ag_login_id, participant_name): results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor( 'ag_get_participant_samples', [ag_login_id, participant_name]) rows = results.fetchall() col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(results) results.close() barcodes = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in rows] return barcodes def getEnvironmentalSamples(self, ag_login_id): barcodes = [] results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor( 'ag_get_environmental_samples', [ag_login_id]) rows = results.fetchall() col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(results) results.close() barcodes = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in rows] return barcodes def getAvailableBarcodes(self, ag_login_id): results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor('ag_available_barcodes', [ag_login_id]) return_res = [row[0] for row in results] results.close() return return_res def verifyKit(self, supplied_kit_id): """Set the KIT_VERIFIED for the supplied_kit_id to 'y'""" self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_verify_kit_status', [supplied_kit_id]) self.connection.commit() def addGeocodingInfo(self, limit=None, retry=False): """Adds latitude, longitude, and elevation to ag_login_table Uses the city, state, zip, and country from the database to retrieve lat, long, and elevation from the google maps API. If any of that information cannot be retrieved, then cannot_geocode is set to 'y' in the ag_login table, and it will not be tried again on subsequent calls to this function. Pass retry=True to retry all (or maximum of limit) previously failed geocodings. """ # clear previous geocoding attempts if retry is True if retry: sql = ( "select cast(ag_login_id as varchar2(100)) from ag_login " "where cannot_geocode = 'y'" ) logins = self.dynamicMetadataSelect(sql) for row in logins: ag_login_id = row[0] self.updateGeoInfo(ag_login_id, '', '', '', '') # get logins that have not been geocoded yet sql = ( 'select city, state, zip, country, ' 'cast(ag_login_id as varchar2(100)) ' 'from ag_login ' 'where elevation is null ' 'and cannot_geocode is null' ) logins = self.dynamicMetadataSelect(sql) row_counter = 0 for row in logins: row_counter += 1 if limit is not None and row_counter > limit: break ag_login_id = row[4] # Attempt to geocode address = '{0} {1} {2} {3}'.format(row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3]) encoded_address = urllib.urlencode({'address': address}) url = '/maps/api/geocode/json?{0}&sensor=false'.format( encoded_address) r = self.getGeocodeJSON(url) if r in ('unknown_error', 'not_OK', 'no_results'): # Could not geocode, mark it so we don't try next time self.updateGeoInfo(ag_login_id, '', '', '', 'y') continue elif r == 'over_limit': # If the reason for failure is merely that we are over the # Google API limit, then we should try again next time # ... but we should stop hitting their servers, so raise an # exception raise GoogleAPILimitExceeded("Exceeded Google API limit") # Unpack it and write to DB lat, lon = r encoded_lat_lon = urllib.urlencode( {'locations': ','.join(map(str, [lat, lon]))}) url2 = '/maps/api/elevation/json?{0}&sensor=false'.format( encoded_lat_lon) r2 = self.getElevationJSON(url2) if r2 in ('unknown_error', 'not_OK', 'no_results'): # Could not geocode, mark it so we don't try next time self.updateGeoInfo(ag_login_id, '', '', '', 'y') continue elif r2 == 'over_limit': # If the reason for failure is merely that we are over the # Google API limit, then we should try again next time # ... but we should stop hitting their servers, so raise an # exception raise GoogleAPILimitExceeded("Exceeded Google API limit") elevation = r2 self.updateGeoInfo(ag_login_id, lat, lon, elevation, '') def getGeocodeStats(self): stat_queries = [ ("Total Rows", "select count(*) from ag_login"), ("Cannot Geocode", "select count(*) from ag_login where cannot_geocode = 'y'"), ("Null Latitude Field", "select count(*) from ag_login where latitude is null"), ("Null Elevation Field", "select count(*) from ag_login where elevation is null") ] results = [] for name, sql in stat_queries: cur = self.connection.cursor() cur.execute(sql) total = cur.fetchone()[0] results.append((name, total)) return results def getMapMarkers(self): cur_completed = self.connection.cursor() cur_ver = self.connection.cursor() cur_ll = self.connection.cursor() # fetch all latitide/longitude by kit id cur_ll.execute("""SELECT ak.supplied_kit_id, al.latitude, al.longitude FROM ag_login al INNER JOIN ag_kit ak ON ak.ag_login_id=al.ag_login_id WHERE al.latitude IS NOT NULL AND al.longitude IS NOT NULL""") ll = {res[0]: (res[1], res[2]) for res in cur_ll.fetchall()} # determine all completed kits cur_completed.execute("""SELECT ak.supplied_kit_id FROM ag_kit ak WHERE ( SELECT count(*) FROM ag_kit_barcodes akb WHERE akb.ag_kit_id = ak.ag_kit_id ) = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ag_kit_barcodes akb WHERE akb.ag_kit_id = ak.ag_kit_id AND akb.site_sampled IS NOT NULL )""") completed = (res[0] for res in cur_completed.fetchall()) # determine what kit are not verified cur_ver.execute("""SELECT supplied_kit_id, kit_verified FROM ag_kit""") notverified = (res[0] for res in cur_ver.fetchall() if res[1] == 'n') # set green for completed kits res = {ll[kid]: '00FF00' for kid in completed if kid in ll} # set blue for unverified kits res.update({ll[kid]: '00B2FF' for kid in notverified if kid in ll}) # set yellow for all others res.update({v: 'FFFF00' for k, v in ll.items() if v not in res}) return [[lat, lng, c] for ((lat, lng), c) in res.items()] def getGeocodeJSON(self, url): conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('') success = False num_tries = 0 while num_tries < 2 and not success: conn.request('GET', url) result = conn.getresponse() # Make sure we get an 'OK' status if result.status != 200: return 'not_OK' data = json.loads( # if we're over the query limit, wait 2 seconds and try again, # it may just be that we're submitting requests too fast if data.get('status', None) == 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT': num_tries += 1 sleep(2) elif 'results' in data: success = True else: return 'unknown_error' conn.close() # if we got here without getting an unknown_error or succeeding, then # we are over the request limit for the 24 hour period if not success: return 'over_limit' # sanity check the data returned by Google and return the lat/lng if len(data['results']) == 0: return 'no_results' geometry = data['results'][0].get('geometry', {}) location = geometry.get('location', {}) lat = location.get('lat', {}) lon = location.get('lng', {}) if not lat or not lon: return 'unknown_error' return (lat, lon) def getElevationJSON(self, url): """Use Google's Maps API to retrieve an elevation url should be formatted as described here: /#ElevationRequests The number of API requests is limited to 2500 per 24 hour period. If this function is called and the limit is surpassed, the return value will be "over_limit". Other errors will cause the return value to be "unknown_error". On success, the return value is the elevation of the location requested in the url. """ conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('') success = False num_tries = 0 while num_tries < 2 and not success: conn.request('GET', url) result = conn.getresponse() # Make sure we get an 'OK' status if result.status != 200: return 'not_OK' data = json.loads( # if we're over the query limit, wait 2 seconds and try again, # it may just be that we're submitting requests too fast if data.get('status', None) == 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT': num_tries += 1 sleep(2) elif 'results' in data: success = True else: return 'unknown_error' conn.close() # if we got here without getting an unknown_error or succeeding, then # we are over the request limit for the 24 hour period if not success: return 'over_limit' # sanity check the data returned by Google and return the lat/lng if len(data['results']) == 0: return 'no_results' elevation = data['results'][0].get('elevation', {}) if not elevation: return 'unknown_error' return elevation def updateGeoInfo(self, ag_login_id, lat, lon, elevation, cannot_geocode): self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_update_geo_info', [ag_login_id, lat, lon, elevation, cannot_geocode]) self.connection.commit() def addParticipantException(self, ag_login_id, participant_name): self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_insert_participant_exception', [ag_login_id, participant_name]) self.connection.commit() def handoutCheck(self, username, password): is_handout = 'n' cursor = self.connection.cursor() cursor.callproc('ag_is_handout', [username, password]) is_handout = cursor.fetchone()[0] return is_handout.strip() def checkBarcode(self, barcode): # return a tuple consists of: # site_sampled, sample_date, sample_time, participant_name, # environment_sampled, notes, etc (please refer to # ag_check_barcode_status.sql). results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor( 'ag_check_barcode_status', [barcode]) row = results.fetchone() col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(results) results.close() barcode_details = {} if row: barcode_details = dict(zip(col_names, row)) return barcode_details def updateAGSurvey(self, ag_login_id, participant_name, field, value): # Make sure no single quotes get passed as it will break the sql string value = str(value).replace("'", "''") participant_name = str(participant_name).replace("'", "''") table = "update ag_human_survey set %s" % field sql = table + "= %s where ag_login_id = %s and participant_name = %s" self.connection.cursor().execute(sql, [value, ag_login_id, participant_name]) self.connection.commit() def getAGStats(self): # returned tuple consists of: # site_sampled, sample_date, sample_time, participant_name, #environment_sampled, notes results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor('ag_stats', []) ag_stats = results.fetchall() results.close() return ag_stats def updateAKB(self, barcode, moldy, overloaded, other, other_text, date_of_last_email): """ Update ag_kit_barcodes table. """ self.connection.cursor().callproc('update_akb', [barcode, moldy, overloaded, other, other_text, date_of_last_email]) self.connection.commit() def getAGKitIDsByEmail(self, email): """Returns a list of kitids based on email email is email address of login returns a list of kit_id's associated with the email or an empty list """ results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor( 'ag_get_kit_id_by_email', [email.lower()]) kit_ids = [row[0] for row in results] results.close() return kit_ids def ag_set_pass_change_code(self, email, kitid, pass_code): """updates ag_kit table with the supplied pass_code email is email address of participant kitid is supplied_kit_kd in the ag_kit table pass_code is the password change verfication value """ self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_set_pass_change_code', [email, kitid, pass_code]) self.connection.commit() def ag_update_kit_password(self, kit_id, password): """updates ag_kit table with password kit_id is supplied_kit_id in the ag_kit table password is the new password """ self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_update_kit_password', [kit_id, password]) self.connection.commit() def ag_verify_kit_password_change_code(self, email, kitid, passcode): """returns true if it still in the password change window email is the email address of the participant kitid is the supplied_kit_id in the ag_kit table passcode is the password change verification value """ cursor = self.connection.cursor() cursor.callproc('ag_verify_password_change_code', [email, kitid, passcode]) return cursor.fetchone()[0] def getBarcodesByKit(self, kitID): """Returns a list of barcodes in a kit kitID is the supplied_kit_id from the ag_kit table """ results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor( 'ag_get_barcodes_by_kit', [kitID]) barcodes = [row[0] for row in results] results.close() return barcodes def checkPrintResults(self, kit_id): results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor('ag_get_print_results', [kit_id]) print_results = results.fetchone() results.close() if print_results is None: return None else: return print_results[0].strip() def get_user_for_kit(self, supplied_kit_id): sql = ("select AK.ag_login_id from ag_kit AK " "join ag_login AL on AK.ag_login_id = AL.ag_login_id " "where AK.supplied_kit_id = %s") cursor = self.connection.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [supplied_kit_id]) results = cursor.fetchone() if results: return results[0] else: raise RuntimeError("No user ID for kit %s" % supplied_kit_id) def get_menu_items(self, supplied_kit_id): """Returns information required to populate the menu of the website""" ag_login_id = self.get_user_for_kit(supplied_kit_id) info = self.getAGKitDetails(supplied_kit_id) kit_verified = False if info['kit_verified'] == 'y': kit_verified = True human_samples = {hs: self.getParticipantSamples(ag_login_id, hs) for hs in self.getHumanParticipants(ag_login_id)} animal_samples = {ans: self.getParticipantSamples(ag_login_id, ans) for ans in self.getAnimalParticipants(ag_login_id)} environmental_samples = self.getEnvironmentalSamples(ag_login_id) return (human_samples, animal_samples, environmental_samples, kit_verified) def get_verification_code(self, supplied_kit_id): """returns the verification code for the kit""" sql = ("select kit_verification_code from ag_kit where " "supplied_kit_id = %s") cursor = self.connection.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [supplied_kit_id]) results = cursor.fetchone()[0] return results def get_user_info(self, supplied_kit_id): sql = """SELECT cast(agl.ag_login_id as varchar(100)) as ag_login_id,,, agl.address,, agl.state,, from ag_login agl inner join ag_kit agk on agl.ag_login_id = agk.ag_login_id where agk.supplied_kit_id = %s""" cursor = self.connection.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [supplied_kit_id]) row = cursor.fetchone() col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(cursor) user_data = {} if row: user_data = dict(zip(col_names, row)) user_data['ag_login_id'] = str(user_data['ag_login_id']) return user_data def get_barcode_results(self, supplied_kit_id): sql = """select akb.barcode, akb.participant_name from ag_kit_barcodes akb inner join ag_kit agk on akb.ag_kit_id = agk.ag_kit_id where agk.supplied_kit_id = %s and akb.results_ready = 'Y'""" cursor = self.connection.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [supplied_kit_id]) results = cursor.fetchall() col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(cursor) return [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in results] def get_barcodes_from_handout_kit(self, supplied_kit_id): sql = "select barcode from ag_handout_kits where kit_id = %s" cursor = self.connection.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [supplied_kit_id]) results = cursor.fetchall() return results def search_participant_info(self, term): sql = """select cast(ag_login_id as varchar(100)) as ag_login_id from ag_login al where lower(email) like %s or lower(name) like %s or lower(address) like %s""" con = self.connection cursor = con.cursor() liketerm = '%%' + term + '%%' cursor.execute(sql, [liketerm, liketerm, liketerm]) results = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() return [x[0] for x in results] def search_kits(self, term): sql = """ select cast(ag_login_id as varchar(100)) as ag_login_id from ag_kit where lower(supplied_kit_id) like %s or lower(kit_password) like %s or lower(kit_verification_code) = %s""" con = self.connection cursor = con.cursor() liketerm = '%%' + term + '%%' cursor.execute(sql, [liketerm, liketerm, term]) results = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() return [x[0] for x in results] def search_barcodes(self, term): sql = """select cast(ak.ag_login_id as varchar(100)) as ag_login_id from ag_kit ak inner join ag_kit_barcodes akb on ak.ag_kit_id = akb.ag_kit_id where barcode like %s or lower(participant_name) like %s or lower(notes) like %s""" con = self.connection cursor = con.cursor() liketerm = '%%' + term + '%%' cursor.execute(sql, [liketerm, liketerm, liketerm]) results = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() return [x[0] for x in results] def get_login_info(self, ag_login_id): sql = """select ag_login_id, email, name, address, city, state, zip, country from ag_login where ag_login_id = %s""" con = self.connection cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [ag_login_id]) col_names = [x[0] for x in cursor.description] results = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in cursor.fetchall()] cursor.close() return results def get_kit_info_by_login(self, ag_login_id): sql = """select cast(ag_kit_id as varchar(100)) as ag_kit_id, cast(ag_login_id as varchar(100)) as ag_login_id, supplied_kit_id, kit_password, swabs_per_kit, kit_verification_code, kit_verified from ag_kit where ag_login_id = %s""" con = self.connection cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [ag_login_id]) col_names = [x[0] for x in cursor.description] results = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in cursor.fetchall()] cursor.close() return results def get_barcode_info_by_kit_id(self, ag_kit_id): sql = """select cast(ag_kit_barcode_id as varchar(100)) as ag_kit_barcode_id, cast(ag_kit_id as varchar(100)) as ag_kit_id, barcode, sample_date, sample_time, site_sampled, participant_name, environment_sampled, notes, results_ready, withdrawn, refunded from ag_kit_barcodes where ag_kit_id = %s""" con = self.connection cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [ag_kit_id]) col_names = [x[0] for x in cursor.description] results = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in cursor.fetchall()] cursor.close() return results def search_handout_kits(self, term): sql = """select kit_id, password, barcode, verification_code from ag_handout_kits where kit_id like %s or barcode like %s""" con = self.connection cursor = con.cursor() liketerm = '%%' + term + '%%' cursor.execute(sql, [liketerm, liketerm]) col_names = [x[0] for x in cursor.description] results = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in cursor.fetchall()] cursor.close() return results def get_login_by_email(self, email): sql = """select name, address, city, state, zip, country, ag_login_id from ag_login where email = %s""" cursor = self.connection.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [email]) col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(cursor) row = cursor.fetchone() login = {} if row: login = dict(zip(col_names, row)) login['email'] = email return login ################################################# ### GENERAL DATA ACCESS ####################### ################################################ # not sure where these should end up def get_barcode_details(self, barcode): """ Returns the genral barcode details for a barcode """ sql = """select create_date_time, status, scan_date, sample_postmark_date, biomass_remaining, sequencing_status, obsolete from barcode where barcode = %s""" con = self.connection cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [barcode]) col_names = [x[0] for x in cursor.description] results = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in cursor.fetchall()] cursor.close() if results: return results[0] else: return {} def get_plate_for_barcode(self, barcode): """ Gets the sequencing plates a barcode is on """ sql = """select p.plate, p.sequence_date from plate p inner join plate_barcode pb on pb.plate_id = p.plate_id \ where pb.barcode = %s""" con = self.connection cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [barcode]) col_names = [x[0] for x in cursor.description] results = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in cursor.fetchall()] cursor.close() return results def getBarcodeProjType(self, barcode): """ Get the project type of the barcode. Return a tuple of project and project type. """ sql = """select p.project from project p inner join project_barcode pb on (pb.project_id = p.project_id) where pb.barcode = %s""" con = self.connection cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [barcode]) results = cursor.fetchone() proj = results[0] #this will get changed to get the project type from the db if proj in ('American Gut Project', 'ICU Microbiome', 'Handout Kits', 'Office Succession Study', 'American Gut Project: Functional Feces', 'Down Syndrome Microbiome', 'Beyond Bacteria', 'All in the Family', 'American Gut Handout kit', 'Personal Genome Project', 'Sleep Study', 'Anxiety/Depression cohort', 'Alzheimers Study'): proj_type = 'American Gut' else: proj_type = proj return (proj, proj_type) def setBarcodeProjType(self, project, barcode): """sets the project type of the barcodel project is the project name from the project table barcode is the barcode """ sql = """update project_barcode set project_id = (select project_id from project where project = %s) where barcode = %s""" con = self.connection result = con.cursor() con = self.connection cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [project, barcode]) con.commit() cursor.close() def getProjectNames(self): """Returns a list of project names """ sql = """select project from project""" con = self.connection result = con.cursor() con = self.connection cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute(sql) results = cursor.fetchall() return [x[0] for x in results] def updateBarcodeStatus(self, status, postmark, scan_date, barcode, biomass_remaining, sequencing_status, obsolete): """ Updates a barcode's status """ sql = """update barcode set status = %s, sample_postmark_date = %s, scan_date = %s, biomass_remaining = %s, sequencing_status = %s, obsolete = %s where barcode = %s""" con = self.connection con = self.connection cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [status, postmark, scan_date, biomass_remaining, sequencing_status, obsolete, barcode]) con.commit() cursor.close()
class AGDataAccess(object): """Data Access implementation for all the American Gut web portal """ # arbitrary, unique ID and value human_sites = ['Stool', 'Mouth', 'Right hand', 'Left hand', 'Forehead', 'Nares', 'Hair', 'Tears', 'Nasal mucus', 'Ear wax', 'Vaginal mucus'] animal_sites = ['Stool', 'Mouth', 'Nares', 'Ears', 'Skin', 'Fur'] general_sites = ['Animal Habitat', 'Biofilm', 'Dust', 'Food', 'Fermented Food', 'Indoor Surface', 'Outdoor Surface', 'Plant habitat', 'Soil', 'Sole of shoe', 'Water'] def __init__(self, con=None): self._metadataDatabaseConnection = None if con is None: self.connection = psycopg2.connect( user=AMGUT_CONFIG.user, password=AMGUT_CONFIG.password, database=AMGUT_CONFIG.database,, port=AMGUT_CONFIG.port) else: self.connection = con cur = self.connection.cursor() cur.execute('set search_path to public, ag') self._sql = SQLConnectionHandler(con) def __del__(self): self.connection.close() ##################################### # Helper Functions ##################################### def testDatabase(self): """Attempt to connect to the database Attempt a database connection. Will throw an exception if it fails. Returns "True" if successful. """ if self.connection: return True def dynamicMetadataSelect(self, query_string): # Make sure no tomfoolery is afoot query_string_parts = set(query_string.lower().split()) verboten = set(['insert', 'update', 'delete']) intersection = query_string_parts.intersection(verboten) if len(intersection) > 0: raise Exception('Only select statements are allowed. Your query:' ' %s' % query_string) return self.connection.cursor().execute(query_string) def _get_col_names_from_cursor(self, cur): if cur.description: return [x[0] for x in cur.description] else: return [] ##################################### # Users ##################################### def authenticateWebAppUser(self, username, password): """ Attempts to validate authenticate the supplied username/password Attempt to authenticate the user against the list of users in web_app_user table. If successful, a dict with user innformation is returned. If not, the function returns False. """ data = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor( 'ag_authenticate_user', [username, password]) row = data.fetchone() col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(data) data.close() if row: results = dict(zip(col_names, row)) results['ag_login_id'] = str(results['ag_login_id']) return results else: return False def addAGLogin(self, email, name, address, city, state, zip, country): sql = "select ag_login_id from ag_login WHERE email = %s" cur = self.connection.cursor() cur.execute(sql, [email]) ag_login_id = cur.fetchone() if not ag_login_id: # create the login cur.callproc('ag_insert_login', [email.strip().lower(), name, address, city, state, zip, country]) self.connection.commit() cur.execute(sql, [email]) ag_login_id = cur.fetchone() return ag_login_id[0] def updateAGLogin(self, ag_login_id, email, name, address, city, state, zip, country): self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_update_login', [ag_login_id, email.strip().lower(), name, address, city, state, zip, country]) self.connection.commit() def getAGSurveyDetails(self, ag_login_id, participant_name): results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor('ag_get_survey_details', [ag_login_id, participant_name]) rows = results.fetchall() col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(results) results.close() rows = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in rows] data = {row['question']: row['answer'] for row in rows if row['answer']} return data def getAGLogins(self): results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor('ag_get_logins', []) rows = results.fetchall() col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(results) results.close() return_res = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in rows] return return_res def getAGKitsByLogin(self): results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor('ag_get_kits_by_login', []) rows = results.fetchall() col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(results) results.close() return_res = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in rows] return return_res def getAGBarcodes(self): results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor('ag_get_barcodes', []) return_res = [row[0] for row in results] results.close() return return_res def getAGBarcodesByLogin(self, ag_login_id): # returned tuple consists of: # site_sampled, sample_date, sample_time, participant_name, #environment_sampled, notes results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor( 'ag_get_barcodes_by_login', [ag_login_id]) rows = results.fetchall() col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(results) results.close() barcode_info = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in rows] return barcode_info def getAGBarcodeDetails(self, barcode): results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor( 'ag_get_barcode_details', [barcode]) barcode_details = results.fetchone() col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(results) results.close() row_dict = {} if barcode_details: row_dict = dict(zip(col_names, barcode_details)) return row_dict def getAGKitDetails(self, supplied_kit_id): results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor('ag_get_kit_details', [supplied_kit_id]) row = results.fetchone() col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(results) results.close() kit_details = {} if row: kit_details = dict(zip(col_names, row)) return kit_details def getAGHandoutKitDetails(self, supplied_kit_id): sql = "SELECT * FROM ag_handout_kits WHERE kit_id = %s" cur = self.connection.cursor() cur.execute(sql, [supplied_kit_id]) row = cur.fetchone() col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(cur) cur.close() kit_details = dict(zip(col_names, row)) return kit_details def getAGCode(self, passwd_length, type='alpha'): if type == 'alpha': x = ''.join([choice(KIT_ALPHA) for i in range(passwd_length-1)]) return x if type == 'numeric': x = ''.join([choice(KIT_PASSWD) for i in range(passwd_length-1)]) return choice(KIT_PASSWD_NOZEROS) + x def getNewAGKitId(self): def get_used_kit_ids(cursor): """Grab in use kit IDs, return set of them """ cursor.execute("select supplied_kit_id from ag_kit") kits = set([i[0] for i in cursor.fetchall()]) return kits def make_kit_id(kit_id_length=8): kit_id = ''.join([choice(KIT_ALPHA) for i in range(kit_id_length)]) return kit_id cur = self.connection.cursor() obs_kit_ids = get_used_kit_ids(cur) kit_id = make_kit_id(8) while kit_id in obs_kit_ids: kit_id = make_kit_id(8) return kit_id def getNextAGBarcode(self): results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor('ag_get_next_barcode', []) next_barcode = results.fetchone()[0] text_barcode = '{0}'.format(str(next_barcode)) # Pad out the barcode until it's 9 digits long while len(text_barcode) < 9: text_barcode = '0{0}'.format(text_barcode) results.close() return next_barcode, text_barcode def reassignAGBarcode(self, ag_kit_id, barcode): self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_reassign_barcode', [ag_kit_id, barcode]) self.connection.commit() def addAGKit(self, ag_login_id, kit_id, kit_password, swabs_per_kit, kit_verification_code, printresults='n'): """ return values 1: success -1: insert failed due to IntegrityError """ try: self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_insert_kit', [ag_login_id, kit_id, kit_password, swabs_per_kit, kit_verification_code, printresults]) self.connection.commit() except psycopg2.IntegrityError: self.connection.commit() return -1 return 1 def updateAGKit(self, ag_kit_id, supplied_kit_id, kit_password, swabs_per_kit, kit_verification_code): self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_update_kit', [ag_kit_id, supplied_kit_id, kit_password, swabs_per_kit, kit_verification_code]) self.connection.commit() def addAGBarcode(self, ag_kit_id, barcode): """ return values 1: success -1: insert failed due to IntegrityError """ try: self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_insert_barcode', [ag_kit_id, barcode]) self.connection.commit() except psycopg2.IntegrityError: self.connection.commit() return -1 return 1 def updateAGBarcode(self, barcode, ag_kit_id, site_sampled, environment_sampled, sample_date, sample_time, participant_name, notes, refunded, withdrawn): self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_update_barcode', [barcode, ag_kit_id, site_sampled, environment_sampled, sample_date, sample_time, participant_name, notes, refunded, withdrawn]) self.connection.commit() def addAGHumanParticipant(self, ag_login_id, participant_name): self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_add_participant', [ag_login_id, participant_name]) self.connection.commit() def addAGAnimalParticipant(self, ag_login_id, participant_name): self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_add_animal_participant', [ag_login_id, participant_name]) self.connection.commit() def addAGSingle(self, ag_login_id, participant_name, field_name, field_value, table_name): table = "update %s set %s" % (table_name, field_name) sql = table + ("= %s where ag_login_id = %s and " "participant_name = %s") self.connection.cursor().execute(sql, [field_value, ag_login_id, participant_name]) self.connection.commit() def deleteAGParticipant(self, ag_login_id, participant_name): self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_delete_participant', [ag_login_id, participant_name]) self.connection.commit() def insertAGMultiple(self, ag_login_id, participant_name, field_name, field_value): sql = ("insert into ag_survey_multiples (ag_login_id, " "participant_name,item_name, item_value) values ('{0}','{1}'," " '{2}', '{3}')").format(ag_login_id, participant_name, field_name, field_value) self.connection.cursor().execute(sql) self.connection.commit() def addAGGeneralValue(self, ag_login_id, participant_name, field_name, field_value): self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_insert_survey_answer', [ag_login_id, participant_name, field_name, field_value]) self.connection.commit() def deleteAGGeneralValues(self, ag_login_id, participant_name): self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_delete_survey_answer', [ag_login_id, participant_name]) self.connection.commit() def logParticipantSample(self, barcode, sample_site, environment_sampled, sample_date, sample_time, participant_name, notes): self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_log_participant_sample', [barcode, sample_site, environment_sampled, sample_date, sample_time, participant_name, notes]) self.connection.commit() def deleteSample(self, barcode, ag_login_id): """ Strictly speaking the ag_login_id isn't needed but it makes it really hard to hack the function when you would need to know someone else's login id (a GUID) to delete something maliciously """ self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_delete_sample', [barcode, ag_login_id]) self.connection.commit() def getHumanParticipants(self, ag_login_id): conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler() # get people from new survey setup return_res = [] new_survey_sql = ("SELECT participant_name FROM ag_login_surveys " "WHERE ag_login_id = %s") results = conn_handler.execute_fetchall(new_survey_sql, [ag_login_id]) return_res.extend(row[0] for row in results) # get people from old surveys old_survey_sql = ("SELECT participant_name FROM ag_human_survey where " "ag_login_id = %s") results = conn_handler.execute_fetchall(new_survey_sql, [ag_login_id]) return_res.extend(row[0] for row in results) return return_res def AGGetBarcodeMetadata(self, barcode): results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor( 'ag_get_barcode_metadata', [barcode]) rows = results.fetchall() col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(results) results.close() return_res = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in rows] return return_res def AGGetBarcodeMetadataAnimal(self, barcode): results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor( 'ag_get_barcode_md_animal', [barcode]) col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(results) return_res = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in results] results.close() return return_res def getAnimalParticipants(self, ag_login_id): results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor( 'ag_get_animal_participants', [ag_login_id]) return_res = [row[0] for row in results] results.close() return return_res def getParticipantExceptions(self, ag_login_id): results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor( 'ag_get_participant_exceptions', [ag_login_id]) return_res = [row[0] for row in results] results.close() return return_res def getParticipantSamples(self, ag_login_id, participant_name): results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor( 'ag_get_participant_samples', [ag_login_id, participant_name]) rows = results.fetchall() col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(results) results.close() barcodes = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in rows] return barcodes def getEnvironmentalSamples(self, ag_login_id): barcodes = [] results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor( 'ag_get_environmental_samples', [ag_login_id]) rows = results.fetchall() col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(results) results.close() barcodes = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in rows] return barcodes def getAvailableBarcodes(self, ag_login_id): results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor('ag_available_barcodes', [ag_login_id]) return_res = [row[0] for row in results] results.close() return return_res def verifyKit(self, supplied_kit_id): """Set the KIT_VERIFIED for the supplied_kit_id to 'y'""" self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_verify_kit_status', [supplied_kit_id]) self.connection.commit() def addGeocodingInfo(self, limit=None, retry=False): """Adds latitude, longitude, and elevation to ag_login_table Uses the city, state, zip, and country from the database to retrieve lat, long, and elevation from the google maps API. If any of that information cannot be retrieved, then cannot_geocode is set to 'y' in the ag_login table, and it will not be tried again on subsequent calls to this function. Pass retry=True to retry all (or maximum of limit) previously failed geocodings. """ # clear previous geocoding attempts if retry is True if retry: sql = ( "select cast(ag_login_id as varchar2(100)) from ag_login " "where cannot_geocode = 'y'" ) logins = self.dynamicMetadataSelect(sql) for row in logins: ag_login_id = row[0] self.updateGeoInfo(ag_login_id, '', '', '', '') # get logins that have not been geocoded yet sql = ( 'select city, state, zip, country, ' 'cast(ag_login_id as varchar2(100)) ' 'from ag_login ' 'where elevation is null ' 'and cannot_geocode is null' ) logins = self.dynamicMetadataSelect(sql) row_counter = 0 for row in logins: row_counter += 1 if limit is not None and row_counter > limit: break ag_login_id = row[4] # Attempt to geocode address = '{0} {1} {2} {3}'.format(row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3]) encoded_address = urllib.urlencode({'address': address}) url = '/maps/api/geocode/json?{0}&sensor=false'.format( encoded_address) r = self.getGeocodeJSON(url) if r in ('unknown_error', 'not_OK', 'no_results'): # Could not geocode, mark it so we don't try next time self.updateGeoInfo(ag_login_id, '', '', '', 'y') continue elif r == 'over_limit': # If the reason for failure is merely that we are over the # Google API limit, then we should try again next time # ... but we should stop hitting their servers, so raise an # exception raise GoogleAPILimitExceeded("Exceeded Google API limit") # Unpack it and write to DB lat, lon = r encoded_lat_lon = urllib.urlencode( {'locations': ','.join(map(str, [lat, lon]))}) url2 = '/maps/api/elevation/json?{0}&sensor=false'.format( encoded_lat_lon) r2 = self.getElevationJSON(url2) if r2 in ('unknown_error', 'not_OK', 'no_results'): # Could not geocode, mark it so we don't try next time self.updateGeoInfo(ag_login_id, '', '', '', 'y') continue elif r2 == 'over_limit': # If the reason for failure is merely that we are over the # Google API limit, then we should try again next time # ... but we should stop hitting their servers, so raise an # exception raise GoogleAPILimitExceeded("Exceeded Google API limit") elevation = r2 self.updateGeoInfo(ag_login_id, lat, lon, elevation, '') def getGeocodeStats(self): stat_queries = [ ("Total Rows", "select count(*) from ag_login"), ("Cannot Geocode", "select count(*) from ag_login where cannot_geocode = 'y'"), ("Null Latitude Field", "select count(*) from ag_login where latitude is null"), ("Null Elevation Field", "select count(*) from ag_login where elevation is null") ] results = [] for name, sql in stat_queries: cur = self.connection.cursor() cur.execute(sql) total = cur.fetchone()[0] results.append((name, total)) return results def getMapMarkers(self): cur_completed = self.connection.cursor() cur_ver = self.connection.cursor() cur_ll = self.connection.cursor() # fetch all latitide/longitude by kit id cur_ll.execute("""SELECT ak.supplied_kit_id, al.latitude, al.longitude FROM ag_login al INNER JOIN ag_kit ak ON ak.ag_login_id=al.ag_login_id WHERE al.latitude IS NOT NULL AND al.longitude IS NOT NULL""") ll = {res[0]: (res[1], res[2]) for res in cur_ll.fetchall()} # determine all completed kits cur_completed.execute("""SELECT ak.supplied_kit_id FROM ag_kit ak WHERE ( SELECT count(*) FROM ag_kit_barcodes akb WHERE akb.ag_kit_id = ak.ag_kit_id ) = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ag_kit_barcodes akb WHERE akb.ag_kit_id = ak.ag_kit_id AND akb.site_sampled IS NOT NULL )""") completed = (res[0] for res in cur_completed.fetchall()) # determine what kit are not verified cur_ver.execute("""SELECT supplied_kit_id, kit_verified FROM ag_kit""") notverified = (res[0] for res in cur_ver.fetchall() if res[1] == 'n') # set green for completed kits res = {ll[kid]: '00FF00' for kid in completed if kid in ll} # set blue for unverified kits res.update({ll[kid]: '00B2FF' for kid in notverified if kid in ll}) # set yellow for all others res.update({v: 'FFFF00' for k, v in ll.items() if v not in res}) return [[lat, lng, c] for ((lat, lng), c) in res.items()] def getGeocodeJSON(self, url): conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('') success = False num_tries = 0 while num_tries < 2 and not success: conn.request('GET', url) result = conn.getresponse() # Make sure we get an 'OK' status if result.status != 200: return 'not_OK' data = json.loads( # if we're over the query limit, wait 2 seconds and try again, # it may just be that we're submitting requests too fast if data.get('status', None) == 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT': num_tries += 1 sleep(2) elif 'results' in data: success = True else: return 'unknown_error' conn.close() # if we got here without getting an unknown_error or succeeding, then # we are over the request limit for the 24 hour period if not success: return 'over_limit' # sanity check the data returned by Google and return the lat/lng if len(data['results']) == 0: return 'no_results' geometry = data['results'][0].get('geometry', {}) location = geometry.get('location', {}) lat = location.get('lat', {}) lon = location.get('lng', {}) if not lat or not lon: return 'unknown_error' return (lat, lon) def getElevationJSON(self, url): """Use Google's Maps API to retrieve an elevation url should be formatted as described here: /#ElevationRequests The number of API requests is limited to 2500 per 24 hour period. If this function is called and the limit is surpassed, the return value will be "over_limit". Other errors will cause the return value to be "unknown_error". On success, the return value is the elevation of the location requested in the url. """ conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('') success = False num_tries = 0 while num_tries < 2 and not success: conn.request('GET', url) result = conn.getresponse() # Make sure we get an 'OK' status if result.status != 200: return 'not_OK' data = json.loads( # if we're over the query limit, wait 2 seconds and try again, # it may just be that we're submitting requests too fast if data.get('status', None) == 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT': num_tries += 1 sleep(2) elif 'results' in data: success = True else: return 'unknown_error' conn.close() # if we got here without getting an unknown_error or succeeding, then # we are over the request limit for the 24 hour period if not success: return 'over_limit' # sanity check the data returned by Google and return the lat/lng if len(data['results']) == 0: return 'no_results' elevation = data['results'][0].get('elevation', {}) if not elevation: return 'unknown_error' return elevation def updateGeoInfo(self, ag_login_id, lat, lon, elevation, cannot_geocode): self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_update_geo_info', [ag_login_id, lat, lon, elevation, cannot_geocode]) self.connection.commit() def addParticipantException(self, ag_login_id, participant_name): self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_insert_participant_exception', [ag_login_id, participant_name]) self.connection.commit() def handoutCheck(self, username, password): is_handout = 'n' cursor = self.connection.cursor() cursor.callproc('ag_is_handout', [username, password]) is_handout = cursor.fetchone()[0] return is_handout.strip() def checkBarcode(self, barcode): # return a tuple consists of: # site_sampled, sample_date, sample_time, participant_name, # environment_sampled, notes, etc (please refer to # ag_check_barcode_status.sql). results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor( 'ag_check_barcode_status', [barcode]) row = results.fetchone() col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(results) results.close() barcode_details = {} if row: barcode_details = dict(zip(col_names, row)) return barcode_details def updateAGSurvey(self, ag_login_id, participant_name, field, value): # Make sure no single quotes get passed as it will break the sql string value = str(value).replace("'", "''") participant_name = str(participant_name).replace("'", "''") table = "update ag_human_survey set %s" % field sql = table + "= %s where ag_login_id = %s and participant_name = %s" self.connection.cursor().execute(sql, [value, ag_login_id, participant_name]) self.connection.commit() def getAGStats(self): # returned tuple consists of: # site_sampled, sample_date, sample_time, participant_name, #environment_sampled, notes results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor('ag_stats', []) ag_stats = results.fetchall() results.close() return ag_stats def updateAKB(self, barcode, moldy, overloaded, other, other_text, date_of_last_email): """ Update ag_kit_barcodes table. """ self.connection.cursor().callproc('update_akb', [barcode, moldy, overloaded, other, other_text, date_of_last_email]) self.connection.commit() def getAGKitIDsByEmail(self, email): """Returns a list of kitids based on email email is email address of login returns a list of kit_id's associated with the email or an empty list """ results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor( 'ag_get_kit_id_by_email', [email.lower()]) kit_ids = [row[0] for row in results] results.close() return kit_ids def ag_set_pass_change_code(self, email, kitid, pass_code): """updates ag_kit table with the supplied pass_code email is email address of participant kitid is supplied_kit_kd in the ag_kit table pass_code is the password change verfication value """ self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_set_pass_change_code', [email, kitid, pass_code]) self.connection.commit() def ag_update_kit_password(self, kit_id, password): """updates ag_kit table with password kit_id is supplied_kit_id in the ag_kit table password is the new password """ self.connection.cursor().callproc('ag_update_kit_password', [kit_id, password]) self.connection.commit() def ag_verify_kit_password_change_code(self, email, kitid, passcode): """returns true if it still in the password change window email is the email address of the participant kitid is the supplied_kit_id in the ag_kit table passcode is the password change verification value """ cursor = self.connection.cursor() cursor.callproc('ag_verify_password_change_code', [email, kitid, passcode]) return cursor.fetchone()[0] def getBarcodesByKit(self, kitID): """Returns a list of barcodes in a kit kitID is the supplied_kit_id from the ag_kit table """ results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor( 'ag_get_barcodes_by_kit', [kitID]) barcodes = [row[0] for row in results] results.close() return barcodes def checkPrintResults(self, kit_id): results = self._sql.execute_proc_return_cursor('ag_get_print_results', [kit_id]) print_results = results.fetchone() results.close() if print_results is None: return None else: return print_results[0].strip() def get_user_for_kit(self, supplied_kit_id): sql = ("select AK.ag_login_id from ag_kit AK " "join ag_login AL on AK.ag_login_id = AL.ag_login_id " "where AK.supplied_kit_id = %s") cursor = self.connection.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [supplied_kit_id]) results = cursor.fetchone() if results: return results[0] else: raise RuntimeError("No user ID for kit %s" % supplied_kit_id) def get_menu_items(self, supplied_kit_id): """Returns information required to populate the menu of the website""" ag_login_id = self.get_user_for_kit(supplied_kit_id) info = self.getAGKitDetails(supplied_kit_id) kit_verified = False if info['kit_verified'] == 'y': kit_verified = True human_samples = {hs: self.getParticipantSamples(ag_login_id, hs) for hs in self.getHumanParticipants(ag_login_id)} animal_samples = {ans: self.getParticipantSamples(ag_login_id, ans) for ans in self.getAnimalParticipants(ag_login_id)} environmental_samples = self.getEnvironmentalSamples(ag_login_id) return (human_samples, animal_samples, environmental_samples, kit_verified) def check_if_consent_exists(self, ag_login_id, participant_name): """Return True if a consent already exists""" sql = """select exists( select 1 from ag_consent where ag_login_id=%s and participant_name=%s)""" cursor = self.connection.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, (ag_login_id, participant_name)) return cursor.fetchone()[0] def get_verification_code(self, supplied_kit_id): """returns the verification code for the kit""" sql = ("select kit_verification_code from ag_kit where " "supplied_kit_id = %s") cursor = self.connection.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [supplied_kit_id]) results = cursor.fetchone()[0] return results def get_user_info(self, supplied_kit_id): sql = """SELECT cast(agl.ag_login_id as varchar(100)) as ag_login_id,,, agl.address,, agl.state,, from ag_login agl inner join ag_kit agk on agl.ag_login_id = agk.ag_login_id where agk.supplied_kit_id = %s""" cursor = self.connection.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [supplied_kit_id]) row = cursor.fetchone() col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(cursor) user_data = {} if row: user_data = dict(zip(col_names, row)) user_data['ag_login_id'] = str(user_data['ag_login_id']) return user_data def get_person_info(self, survey_id): # get question responses info = {'birth_month': 'Unspecified', 'birth_year': 'Unspecified', 'gender': 'Unspecified'} sql = ("SELECT q.american, sa.response FROM ag.survey_answers_other " " sa JOIN ag.ag_login_surveys ls ON sa.survey_id = ls.survey_id " "JOIN ag.survey_question q ON q.survey_question_id = sa.survey_question_id " "WHERE sa.survey_id = %s AND q.american IN ('Birth month:','Birth year:','Gender:')") cursor = self.connection.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [survey_id]) rows = cursor.fetchall() for res in rows: value = json.loads(res[1])[0] if res[0] == 'Birth month:': info['birth_month'] = value elif res[0] == 'Birth year:': info['birth_year'] = value elif res[0] == 'Gender:': info['gender'] = value # get name from consent form sql = ("SELECT c.participant_name FROM ag.ag_consent c JOIN " "ag.ag_login_surveys ls ON c.ag_login_id = ls.ag_login_id WHERE " "ls.survey_id = %s") cursor.execute(sql, [survey_id]) info["name"] = cursor.fetchone()[0] return info def get_barcode_results(self, supplied_kit_id): sql = """select akb.barcode, akb.participant_name from ag_kit_barcodes akb inner join ag_kit agk on akb.ag_kit_id = agk.ag_kit_id where agk.supplied_kit_id = %s and akb.results_ready = 'Y'""" cursor = self.connection.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [supplied_kit_id]) results = cursor.fetchall() col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(cursor) return [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in results] def get_barcodes_from_handout_kit(self, supplied_kit_id): sql = "select barcode from ag_handout_kits where kit_id = %s" cursor = self.connection.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [supplied_kit_id]) results = cursor.fetchall() return results def search_participant_info(self, term): sql = """select cast(ag_login_id as varchar(100)) as ag_login_id from ag_login al where lower(email) like %s or lower(name) like %s or lower(address) like %s""" con = self.connection cursor = con.cursor() liketerm = '%%' + term + '%%' cursor.execute(sql, [liketerm, liketerm, liketerm]) results = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() return [x[0] for x in results] def search_kits(self, term): sql = """ select cast(ag_login_id as varchar(100)) as ag_login_id from ag_kit where lower(supplied_kit_id) like %s or lower(kit_password) like %s or lower(kit_verification_code) = %s""" con = self.connection cursor = con.cursor() liketerm = '%%' + term + '%%' cursor.execute(sql, [liketerm, liketerm, term]) results = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() return [x[0] for x in results] def search_participants(self, term): sql = """ select cast(ag_login_id as varchar(100)) as ag_login_id from ag_consent where lower(participant_name) like %s or lower(participant_email) like %s""" conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler() liketerm = '%%' + term + '%%' return [x[0] for x in conn_handler.execute_fetchall( sql, [liketerm, liketerm])] def search_barcodes(self, term): sql = """select cast(ak.ag_login_id as varchar(100)) as ag_login_id from ag_kit ak inner join ag_kit_barcodes akb on ak.ag_kit_id = akb.ag_kit_id where barcode like %s or lower(participant_name) like %s or lower(notes) like %s""" con = self.connection cursor = con.cursor() liketerm = '%%' + term + '%%' cursor.execute(sql, [liketerm, liketerm, liketerm]) results = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() return [x[0] for x in results] def get_login_info(self, ag_login_id): sql = """select ag_login_id, email, name, address, city, state, zip, country from ag_login where ag_login_id = %s""" con = self.connection cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [ag_login_id]) col_names = [x[0] for x in cursor.description] results = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in cursor.fetchall()] cursor.close() return results def get_kit_info_by_login(self, ag_login_id): sql = """select cast(ag_kit_id as varchar(100)) as ag_kit_id, cast(ag_login_id as varchar(100)) as ag_login_id, supplied_kit_id, kit_password, swabs_per_kit, kit_verification_code, kit_verified from ag_kit where ag_login_id = %s""" con = self.connection cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [ag_login_id]) col_names = [x[0] for x in cursor.description] results = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in cursor.fetchall()] cursor.close() return results def get_barcode_info_by_kit_id(self, ag_kit_id): sql = """select cast(ag_kit_barcode_id as varchar(100)) as ag_kit_barcode_id, cast(ag_kit_id as varchar(100)) as ag_kit_id, barcode, sample_date, sample_time, site_sampled, participant_name, environment_sampled, notes, results_ready, withdrawn, refunded from ag_kit_barcodes where ag_kit_id = %s""" con = self.connection cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [ag_kit_id]) col_names = [x[0] for x in cursor.description] results = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in cursor.fetchall()] cursor.close() return results def search_handout_kits(self, term): sql = """select kit_id, password, barcode, verification_code from ag_handout_kits where kit_id like %s or barcode like %s""" con = self.connection cursor = con.cursor() liketerm = '%%' + term + '%%' cursor.execute(sql, [liketerm, liketerm]) col_names = [x[0] for x in cursor.description] results = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in cursor.fetchall()] cursor.close() return results def get_login_by_email(self, email): sql = """select name, address, city, state, zip, country, ag_login_id from ag_login where email = %s""" cursor = self.connection.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [email]) col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(cursor) row = cursor.fetchone() login = {} if row: login = dict(zip(col_names, row)) login['email'] = email return login ################################################# ### GENERAL DATA ACCESS ####################### ################################################ # not sure where these should end up def get_barcode_details(self, barcode): """ Returns the genral barcode details for a barcode """ sql = """select create_date_time, status, scan_date, sample_postmark_date, biomass_remaining, sequencing_status, obsolete from barcode where barcode = %s""" con = self.connection cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [barcode]) col_names = [x[0] for x in cursor.description] results = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in cursor.fetchall()] cursor.close() if results: return results[0] else: return {} def get_plate_for_barcode(self, barcode): """ Gets the sequencing plates a barcode is on """ sql = """select p.plate, p.sequence_date from plate p inner join plate_barcode pb on pb.plate_id = p.plate_id \ where pb.barcode = %s""" con = self.connection cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [barcode]) col_names = [x[0] for x in cursor.description] results = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in cursor.fetchall()] cursor.close() return results def getBarcodeProjType(self, barcode): """ Get the project type of the barcode. Return a tuple of project and project type. """ sql = """select p.project from project p inner join project_barcode pb on (pb.project_id = p.project_id) where pb.barcode = %s""" con = self.connection cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [barcode]) results = cursor.fetchone() proj = results[0] #this will get changed to get the project type from the db if proj in ('American Gut Project', 'ICU Microbiome', 'Handout Kits', 'Office Succession Study', 'American Gut Project: Functional Feces', 'Down Syndrome Microbiome', 'Beyond Bacteria', 'All in the Family', 'American Gut Handout kit', 'Personal Genome Project', 'Sleep Study', 'Anxiety/Depression cohort', 'Alzheimers Study'): proj_type = 'American Gut' else: proj_type = proj return (proj, proj_type) def setBarcodeProjType(self, project, barcode): """sets the project type of the barcodel project is the project name from the project table barcode is the barcode """ sql = """update project_barcode set project_id = (select project_id from project where project = %s) where barcode = %s""" con = self.connection result = con.cursor() con = self.connection cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [project, barcode]) con.commit() cursor.close() def getProjectNames(self): """Returns a list of project names """ sql = """select project from project""" con = self.connection result = con.cursor() con = self.connection cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute(sql) results = cursor.fetchall() return [x[0] for x in results] def updateBarcodeStatus(self, status, postmark, scan_date, barcode, biomass_remaining, sequencing_status, obsolete): """ Updates a barcode's status """ sql = """update barcode set status = %s, sample_postmark_date = %s, scan_date = %s, biomass_remaining = %s, sequencing_status = %s, obsolete = %s where barcode = %s""" con = self.connection con = self.connection cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [status, postmark, scan_date, biomass_remaining, sequencing_status, obsolete, barcode]) con.commit() cursor.close()
class AGDataAccess(object): """Data Access implementation for all the American Gut web portal """ # arbitrary, unique ID and value human_sites = ['Stool', 'Mouth', 'Right hand', 'Left hand', 'Forehead', 'Nares', 'Hair', 'Tears', 'Nasal mucus', 'Ear wax', 'Vaginal mucus'] animal_sites = ['Stool', 'Mouth', 'Nares', 'Ears', 'Skin', 'Fur'] general_sites = ['Animal Habitat', 'Biofilm', 'Dust', 'Food', 'Fermented Food', 'Indoor Surface', 'Outdoor Surface', 'Plant habitat', 'Soil', 'Sole of shoe', 'Water'] def __init__(self, con=None): self.connection = None if con is None: self._open_connection() else: self.connection = con cur = self.get_cursor() cur.execute('set search_path TO ag, barcodes, public') self._sql = SQLConnectionHandler(con) def __del__(self): self.connection.close() def get_cursor(self): if self.connection.closed: self._open_connection() return self.connection.cursor() def _open_connection(self): self.connection = psycopg2.connect( user=AMGUT_CONFIG.user, password=AMGUT_CONFIG.password, database=AMGUT_CONFIG.database,, port=AMGUT_CONFIG.port) ##################################### # Helper Functions ##################################### def _get_col_names_from_cursor(self, cur): if cur.description: return [x[0] for x in cur.description] else: return [] ##################################### # Users ##################################### def authenticateWebAppUser(self, username, password): """ Attempts to validate authenticate the supplied username/password Attempt to authenticate the user against the list of users in web_app_user table. If successful, a dict with user innformation is returned. If not, the function returns False. """ sql = """SELECT cast(ag_login_id as varchar(100)) as ag_login_id, email, name, address, city, state, zip, country,kit_password FROM ag_login INNER JOIN ag_kit USING (ag_login_id) WHERE supplied_kit_id = %s""" row = self._sql.execute_fetchone(sql, [username]) if row: results = dict(row) if not bcrypt.verify(password, results['kit_password']): return False results['ag_login_id'] = str(results['ag_login_id']) return results else: return False def addAGLogin(self, email, name, address, city, state, zip_, country): clean_email = email.strip().lower() sql = "select ag_login_id from ag_login WHERE LOWER(email) = %s" cur = self.get_cursor() cur.execute(sql, [clean_email]) ag_login_id = cur.fetchone() if not ag_login_id: # create the login sql = ("INSERT INTO ag_login (email, name, address, city, state, " "zip, country) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) " "RETURNING ag_login_id") cur.execute(sql, [clean_email, name, address, city, state, zip_, country]) ag_login_id = cur.fetchone() self.connection.commit() return ag_login_id[0] def getAGBarcodeDetails(self, barcode): sql = """SELECT email, cast(ag_kit_barcode_id as varchar(100)), cast(ag_kit_id as varchar(100)), barcode, site_sampled, environment_sampled, sample_date, sample_time, participant_name, notes, refunded, withdrawn, moldy, other, other_text, date_of_last_email ,overloaded, name, status FROM ag_kit_barcodes INNER JOIN ag_kit USING (ag_kit_id) INNER JOIN ag_login USING (ag_login_id) INNER JOIN barcode USING (barcode) WHERE barcode = %s""" row = self._sql.execute_fetchone(sql, [barcode]) row_dict = {} if row: row_dict = dict(row) return row_dict def getAGKitDetails(self, supplied_kit_id): sql = """SELECT cast(ag_kit_id as varchar(100)), supplied_kit_id, kit_password, swabs_per_kit, kit_verified, kit_verification_code, verification_email_sent FROM ag_kit WHERE supplied_kit_id = %s""" row = self._sql.execute_fetchone(sql, [supplied_kit_id]) kit_details = {} if row: kit_details = dict(row) return kit_details def registerHandoutKit(self, ag_login_id, supplied_kit_id): """ Returns ------- bool True: success False: insert failed due to IntegrityError Notes ----- Whatever is passed as kit_password will be added AS IS. This means you must hash the password before passing, if desired. """ printresults = self.checkPrintResults(supplied_kit_id) if printresults is None: printresults = 'n' sql = """ DO $do$ DECLARE k_id uuid; bc varchar; BEGIN INSERT INTO ag_kit (ag_login_id, supplied_kit_id, kit_password, swabs_per_kit, kit_verification_code, print_results) SELECT '{0}', kit_id, password, swabs_per_kit, verification_code, '{1}' FROM ag_handout_kits WHERE kit_id = %s LIMIT 1 RETURNING ag_kit_id INTO k_id; FOR bc IN SELECT barcode FROM ag_handout_barcodes WHERE kit_id = %s LOOP INSERT INTO ag_kit_barcodes (ag_kit_id, barcode, sample_barcode_file) VALUES (k_id, bc, bc || '.jpg'); END LOOP; DELETE FROM ag_handout_kits WHERE kit_id = %s; END $do$; """.format(ag_login_id, printresults) conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler() try: conn_handler.execute(sql, [supplied_kit_id] * 3) except psycopg2.IntegrityError: logging.exception('Error on skid %s:' % ag_login_id) return False return True def deleteAGParticipantSurvey(self, ag_login_id, participant_name): # Remove user using old stype DB Schema self.get_cursor().callproc('ag_delete_participant', [ag_login_id, participant_name]) self.connection.commit() # Remove user from new schema conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler() sql = ("SELECT survey_id FROM ag_login_surveys WHERE ag_login_id = " "%s AND participant_name = %s") survey_id = conn_handler.execute_fetchone( sql, (ag_login_id, participant_name))[0] with conn_handler.get_postgres_cursor() as curr: sql = ("DELETE FROM survey_answers WHERE " "survey_id = %s") curr.execute(sql, [survey_id]) sql = ("DELETE FROM survey_answers_other WHERE " "survey_id = %s") curr.execute(sql, [survey_id]) # Reset survey attached to barcode(s) sql = ("UPDATE ag_kit_barcodes SET survey_id = NULL WHERE " "survey_id = %s") curr.execute(sql, [survey_id]) sql = "DELETE FROM promoted_survey_ids WHERE survey_id = %s" curr.execute(sql, [survey_id]) # Delete last due to foreign keys sql = ("DELETE FROM ag_login_surveys WHERE " "survey_id = %s") curr.execute(sql, [survey_id]) sql = ("DELETE FROM ag_consent WHERE ag_login_id = " "%s AND participant_name = %s") curr.execute(sql, [ag_login_id, participant_name]) def getConsent(self, survey_id): conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler() with conn_handler.get_postgres_cursor() as cur: cur.execute("""SELECT agc.participant_name, agc.participant_email, agc.parent_1_name, agc.parent_2_name, agc.is_juvenile, agc.deceased_parent, agc.ag_login_id, agc.date_signed, agc.assent_obtainer, agc.age_range, agl.survey_id FROM ag_consent agc JOIN ag_login_surveys agl USING (ag_login_id, participant_name) WHERE agl.survey_id=%s""", [survey_id]) colnames = [x[0] for x in cur.description] result = cur.fetchone() if result: result = {k: v for k, v in zip(colnames, result)} if 'date_signed' in result: result['date_signed'] = str(result['date_signed']) return result def logParticipantSample(self, ag_login_id, barcode, sample_site, environment_sampled, sample_date, sample_time, participant_name, notes): conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler() if sample_site is not None: # Get survey id sql = ("SELECT survey_id FROM ag_login_surveys WHERE ag_login_id = " "%s AND participant_name = %s") survey_id = conn_handler.execute_fetchone( sql, (ag_login_id, participant_name)) if survey_id: # remove the list encapulation survey_id = survey_id[0] else: raise RuntimeError("No survey ID for ag_login_id %s and " "participant name %s" % (ag_login_id, participant_name)) else: # otherwise, it is an environmental sample survey_id = None # Add barcode info sql = """update ag_kit_barcodes set site_sampled = %s, environment_sampled = %s, sample_date = %s, sample_time = %s, participant_name = %s, notes = %s, survey_id = %s where barcode = %s""" conn_handler.execute(sql, [ sample_site, environment_sampled, sample_date, sample_time, participant_name, notes, survey_id, barcode]) self.connection.commit() def deleteSample(self, barcode, ag_login_id): """ Strictly speaking the ag_login_id isn't needed but it makes it really hard to hack the function when you would need to know someone else's login id (a GUID) to delete something maliciously """ self.get_cursor().callproc('ag_delete_sample', [barcode, ag_login_id]) self.connection.commit() def getHumanParticipants(self, ag_login_id): conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler() # get people from new survey setup sql = """SELECT participant_name from ag.ag_login_surveys JOIN ag.survey_answers USING (survey_id) JOIN ag.group_questions gq USING (survey_question_id) JOIN ag.surveys ags USING (survey_group) WHERE ag_login_id = %s AND ags.survey_id = %s""" results = conn_handler.execute_fetchall(sql, [ag_login_id, 1]) return [row[0] for row in results] def is_old_survey(self, survey_id): conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler() # check survey exists survey_answers = conn_handler.execute_fetchone( "SELECT exists(SELECT * FROM survey_answers WHERE survey_id = %s)", [survey_id])[0] survey_answers_other = conn_handler.execute_fetchone( "SELECT exists(SELECT * FROM survey_answers_other WHERE " "survey_id = %s)", [survey_id])[0] return all((survey_answers is False, survey_answers_other is False)) def updateVioscreenStatus(self, survey_id, status): conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler() sql = ("UPDATE ag_login_surveys SET vioscreen_status = %s WHERE " "survey_id = %s") conn_handler.execute(sql, (status, survey_id)) def getAnimalParticipants(self, ag_login_id): sql = """SELECT participant_name from ag.ag_login_surveys JOIN ag.survey_answers USING (survey_id) JOIN ag.group_questions gq USING (survey_question_id) JOIN ag.surveys ags USING (survey_group) WHERE ag_login_id = %s AND ags.survey_id = %s""" conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler() return [row[0] for row in conn_handler.execute_fetchall( sql, [ag_login_id, 2])] def getParticipantSamples(self, ag_login_id, participant_name): sql = """SELECT barcode, site_sampled, sample_date, sample_time, notes, status FROM ag_kit_barcodes akb INNER JOIN barcode USING (barcode) INNER JOIN ag_kit ak USING (ag_kit_id) WHERE (site_sampled IS NOT NULL AND site_sampled::text <> '') AND ag_login_id = %s AND participant_name = %s""" conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler() rows = conn_handler.execute_fetchall( sql, [ag_login_id, participant_name]) barcodes = [dict(row) for row in rows] return barcodes def getEnvironmentalSamples(self, ag_login_id): sql = """SELECT barcode, site_sampled, sample_date, sample_time, notes, status FROM ag_kit_barcodes INNER JOIN barcode USING (barcode) INNER JOIN ag_kit USING(ag_kit_id) WHERE (environment_sampled IS NOT NULL AND environment_sampled::text <> '') AND ag_login_id = %s""" rows = self._sql.execute_fetchall(sql, [ag_login_id]) barcodes = [dict(row) for row in rows] return barcodes def getAvailableBarcodes(self, ag_login_id): sql = """SELECT barcode FROM ag_kit_barcodes INNER JOIN ag_kit USING (ag_kit_id) WHERE coalesce(sample_date::text, '') = '' AND kit_verified = 'y' AND ag_login_id = %s""" results = self._sql.execute_fetchall(sql, [ag_login_id]) return [row[0] for row in results] def verifyKit(self, supplied_kit_id): """Set the KIT_VERIFIED for the supplied_kit_id to 'y'""" sql = """UPDATE AG_KIT SET kit_verified='y' WHERE supplied_kit_id=%s""" self._sql.execute(sql, [supplied_kit_id]) def getMapMarkers(self): cur_completed = self.get_cursor() cur_ver = self.get_cursor() cur_ll = self.get_cursor() # fetch all latitide/longitude by kit id cur_ll.execute("""SELECT ak.supplied_kit_id, al.latitude, al.longitude FROM ag_login al INNER JOIN ag_kit ak ON ak.ag_login_id=al.ag_login_id WHERE al.latitude IS NOT NULL AND al.longitude IS NOT NULL""") ll = {res[0]: (res[1], res[2]) for res in cur_ll.fetchall()} # determine all completed kits cur_completed.execute("""SELECT ak.supplied_kit_id FROM ag_kit ak WHERE ( SELECT count(*) FROM ag_kit_barcodes akb WHERE akb.ag_kit_id = ak.ag_kit_id ) = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ag_kit_barcodes akb WHERE akb.ag_kit_id = ak.ag_kit_id AND akb.site_sampled IS NOT NULL )""") completed = (res[0] for res in cur_completed.fetchall()) # determine what kit are not verified cur_ver.execute("""SELECT supplied_kit_id, kit_verified FROM ag_kit""") notverified = (res[0] for res in cur_ver.fetchall() if res[1] == 'n') # set green for completed kits res = {ll[kid]: '00FF00' for kid in completed if kid in ll} # set blue for unverified kits res.update({ll[kid]: '00B2FF' for kid in notverified if kid in ll}) # set yellow for all others res.update({v: 'FFFF00' for k, v in ll.items() if v not in res}) return [[lat, lng, c] for ((lat, lng), c) in res.items()] def handoutCheck(self, username, password): cursor = self.get_cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT password FROM ag.ag_handout_kits WHERE kit_id=%s""", [username]) to_check = cursor.fetchone() if not to_check: return False else: return bcrypt.verify(password, to_check[0]) def check_access(self, supplied_kit_id, barcode): """Check if the user has access to the barcode Parameters ---------- supplied_kit_id : str The user's supplied kit ID barcode : str The barcode to check access for Returns ------- boolean True if the user can access the barcode, False otherwise """ ag_login_id = self.get_user_for_kit(supplied_kit_id) cursor = self.get_cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT barcode FROM ag.ag_kit JOIN ag.ag_kit_barcodes USING(ag_kit_id) WHERE ag_login_id = %s AND barcode = %s)""", [ag_login_id, barcode]) return cursor.fetchone()[0] def getAGKitIDsByEmail(self, email): """Returns a list of kitids based on email email is email address of login returns a list of kit_id's associated with the email or an empty list """ sql = """SELECT supplied_kit_id FROM ag_kit INNER JOIN ag_login USING (ag_login_id) WHERE email = %s""" return [row[0] for row in self._sql.execute_fetchall( sql, [email.lower()])] def ag_set_pass_change_code(self, email, kitid, pass_code): """updates ag_kit table with the supplied pass_code email is email address of participant kitid is supplied_kit_id in the ag_kit table pass_code is the password change verfication value """ sql = """UPDATE ag_kit SET pass_reset_code = %s, pass_reset_time = clock_timestamp() + interval '2' hour WHERE supplied_kit_id = %s AND ag_login_id in (SELECT ag_login_id FROM ag_login WHERE email = %s)""" self._sql.execute(sql, [pass_code, kitid, email]) def ag_update_kit_password(self, kit_id, password): """updates ag_kit table with password kit_id is supplied_kit_id in the ag_kit table password is the new password """ password = bcrypt.encrypt(password) sql = """UPDATE AG_KIT SET kit_password = %s, pass_reset_code = NULL WHERE supplied_kit_id = %s""" self.connection.commit(sql, [password, kit_id]) def ag_verify_kit_password_change_code(self, email, kitid, passcode): """returns true if it still in the password change window email is the email address of the participant kitid is the supplied_kit_id in the ag_kit table passcode is the password change verification value """ sql = """SELECT EXISTS(SELECT pass_reset_time FROM ag.ag_kit INNER JOIN ag.ag_login USING (ag_login_id) WHERE pass_reset_code = %s and email = %s AND supplied_kit_id = %s AND NOW() < pass_reset_time)""" return self._sql.execute_fetchone(sql, [passcode, email, kitid])[0] def getBarcodesByKit(self, kitid): """Returns a list of barcodes in a kit kitid is the supplied_kit_id from the ag_kit table """ sql = """SELECT barcode FROM ag_kit_barcodes INNER JOIN ag_kit USING (ag_kit_id) WHERE supplied_kit_id = %s""" results = self._sql.execute_fetchall(sql, [kitid]) return [row[0] for row in results] def checkPrintResults(self, kit_id): sql = "SELECT print_results FROM ag_handout_kits WHERE kit_id = %s" results = self._sql.execute_fetchone(sql, [kit_id]) if results is None: return None else: return results[0].strip() def get_user_for_kit(self, supplied_kit_id): sql = ("select AK.ag_login_id from ag_kit AK " "join ag_login AL on AK.ag_login_id = AL.ag_login_id " "where AK.supplied_kit_id = %s") cursor = self.get_cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [supplied_kit_id]) results = cursor.fetchone() if results: return results[0] else: raise RuntimeError("No user ID for kit %s" % supplied_kit_id) def get_menu_items(self, supplied_kit_id): """Returns information required to populate the menu of the website""" ag_login_id = self.get_user_for_kit(supplied_kit_id) info = self.getAGKitDetails(supplied_kit_id) kit_verified = False if info['kit_verified'] == 'y': kit_verified = True human_samples = {hs: self.getParticipantSamples(ag_login_id, hs) for hs in self.getHumanParticipants(ag_login_id)} animal_samples = {ans: self.getParticipantSamples(ag_login_id, ans) for ans in self.getAnimalParticipants(ag_login_id)} environmental_samples = self.getEnvironmentalSamples(ag_login_id) return (human_samples, animal_samples, environmental_samples, kit_verified) def check_if_consent_exists(self, ag_login_id, participant_name): """Return True if a consent already exists""" sql = """select exists( select 1 from ag_consent where ag_login_id=%s and participant_name=%s)""" cursor = self.get_cursor() cursor.execute(sql, (ag_login_id, participant_name)) return cursor.fetchone()[0] def get_user_info(self, supplied_kit_id): sql = """SELECT cast(agl.ag_login_id as varchar(100)) as ag_login_id,,, agl.address,, agl.state,, from ag_login agl inner join ag_kit agk on agl.ag_login_id = agk.ag_login_id where agk.supplied_kit_id = %s""" cursor = self.get_cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [supplied_kit_id]) row = cursor.fetchone() col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(cursor) user_data = {} if row: user_data = dict(zip(col_names, row)) user_data['ag_login_id'] = str(user_data['ag_login_id']) return user_data def get_person_info(self, survey_id): # get question responses info = {'birth_month': 'Unspecified', 'birth_year': 'Unspecified', 'gender': 'Unspecified'} sql = ("SELECT q.american, sa.response FROM ag.survey_answers_other " " sa JOIN ag.ag_login_surveys ls ON sa.survey_id = ls.survey_id " "JOIN ag.survey_question q ON q.survey_question_id = sa.survey_question_id " "WHERE sa.survey_id = %s AND q.american IN ('Birth month:','Birth year:','Gender:')") cursor = self.get_cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [survey_id]) rows = cursor.fetchall() for res in rows: value = json.loads(res[1])[0] if res[0] == 'Birth month:': info['birth_month'] = value elif res[0] == 'Birth year:': info['birth_year'] = value elif res[0] == 'Gender:': info['gender'] = value # get name from consent form sql = ("SELECT c.participant_name FROM ag.ag_consent c JOIN " "ag.ag_login_surveys ls ON c.ag_login_id = ls.ag_login_id WHERE " "ls.survey_id = %s") cursor.execute(sql, [survey_id]) info["name"] = cursor.fetchone()[0] return info def get_barcode_results(self, supplied_kit_id): """Get the results associated with the login ID of the kit""" ag_login_id = self.get_user_for_kit(supplied_kit_id) cursor = self.get_cursor() sql = """SELECT akb.barcode, akb.participant_name FROM ag_kit_barcodes akb INNER JOIN ag_kit agk USING(ag_kit_id) WHERE agk.ag_login_id = %s AND akb.results_ready = 'Y'""" cursor.execute(sql, [ag_login_id]) results = cursor.fetchall() col_names = self._get_col_names_from_cursor(cursor) return [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in results] def get_login_info(self, ag_login_id): sql = """select ag_login_id, email, name, address, city, state, zip, country from ag_login where ag_login_id = %s""" cursor = self.get_cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [ag_login_id]) col_names = [x[0] for x in cursor.description] results = [dict(zip(col_names, row)) for row in cursor.fetchall()] cursor.close() return results ################################################# ### GENERAL DATA ACCESS ####################### ################################################ # not sure where these should end up def get_survey_id(self, ag_login_id, participant_name): """Return the survey ID associated with a participant or None""" sql = """select survey_id from ag_login_surveys where ag_login_id=%s and participant_name=%s""" cursor = self.get_cursor() cursor.execute(sql, [ag_login_id, participant_name]) id_ = cursor.fetchone() return id_[0] if id_ else None def get_countries(self): """ Returns ------- list of str All country names in database""" conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler() return [x[0] for x in conn_handler.execute_fetchall( 'SELECT country FROM ag.iso_country_lookup ORDER BY country')]
def updateVioscreenStatus(self, survey_id, status): conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler() sql = ("UPDATE ag_login_surveys SET vioscreen_status = %s WHERE " "survey_id = %s") conn_handler.execute(sql, (status, survey_id))
def populate_test_db(): conn = SQLConnectionHandler() with open(POPULATE_FP) as f: conn.execute(
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import importlib from amgut.lib.config_manager import AMGUT_CONFIG from amgut.lib.locale_data import media_locale from amgut.lib.data_access.ag_data_access import AGDataAccess from redis import Redis from amgut.lib.data_access.sql_connection import SQLConnectionHandler r_server = Redis(host=AMGUT_CONFIG.redis_host, port=AMGUT_CONFIG.redis_port, db=AMGUT_CONFIG.redis_db_id) try: db_conn = SQLConnectionHandler() AG_DATA_ACCESS = AGDataAccess() except: # this SHOULD only trigger when the environment is being created... print "Can't get db_conn!" db_conn = None AG_DATA_ACCESS = None current_locale_module = '.'.join( ['amgut.lib.locale_data', AMGUT_CONFIG.locale]) try: current_locale = importlib.import_module(current_locale_module) except ImportError: raise ImportError("Cannot import locale! %s" % current_locale_module)